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A73757 The poesie of floured prayers Containing sundrie meditations and prayers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers: disposed in forme of the alphabet, of the most vertuous Lady, the Lady Elizabeths name. Set forth by Sir Iohn Convvay.; Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1611 (1611) STC 5653; ESTC S124809 68,917 431

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either haue not obeyed our will or whose life hath beene little allowable to vs neither let vs hate their good successe Giue vs this day our dayly bread THe Bread is our Lord Iesus Christ which feedeth and refresheth the soule Thou therefore heauenly father graunt vs this through thy mercie that the life words and déedes of Christ with his Passion may be euerie where truelie preached acknowledged followed kept Graunt that both his doings and sayings may be example to vs to the which wee may compare our life liue more rightly Confirme vs that in calamity and trouble his Crosse and passion may strengthen and cōfort vs. Assist vs that by his death our death may be ouercome in true faith that wee may constantlie follow him being our Captaine to eternal life Bring to passe that they which haue taken vpon them the ministerie of thy word may happilie teach and with the great profite of the hearers worke that those which heare thy word aknowledge Christ and diligentlie goe forward Let it come to passe that the strange and wicked sects who teach not Christ be throwne out of his Church Let the true vnderstanding of thy word so shine in Bishops and Pastors likewise vpon al Magistrates whether they haue care of the body or soule that being illuminated with thy grace they may rightlie teach vs and be example vnto vs as well in doctrine as in pure life Let not the weake in faith be offended through the Sinnes of the Magistrates Purge vs O Lord from all heresies and wicked faith that we may be single and daylie fed with one bread and may abide agreeable in Christes words teach vs by thy grace that we may well studie vpon Christes Passion and rightly holde that and let his imprinted steppes sticke and bée found in vs. Grant that the Ministers of the Church may treat and vse the holy Sacrament worthily and to the great profite of thy Church And furthermore that we and all Christians may in his kind worthily to his soules health receiue the Sacrament Giue vs peace and concord take from vs wars contention ambition priuie hatred bloudy harts vsurping hands and all other kind of strifes that those thinges which wée haue to the sustentation of our body we may enioy with thanks giuing Giue vnto thy seruant Iames our most gratious King and Gouernour thy equall giftes to his estate and dignity with vpright Iudgement in all things and to all Magistrates true faith and single iudgement with loiall minds to kéepe the publique peace that his ioyes and rule may long stand and multiplie Take from all Subiects Sedition and Disobedience Teach vs by thy holy Spirit to order our housholde affaires that we may instruct our Children and families to worship praise and glorifie thee Grant O good Father that our Children and Familie fall not into any sinne and wickednesse neither bee ouerthrowne in any daunger or calamitie whether it be either of body or Soule Comfort deliuer thou most louing Father the Captiue the hungry thirsty naked oppressed miserable the comfortlesse widow the orphant sicke and the sorrowfull and defend the fieldes and cattell from tempest venemous worms and wild beastes Forgiue vs our rrespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs GOD will that we patiently beare all thinges and requite not euill with euill nor reuenge iniurie done against vs but that we should returne a benefite for an iniurie after the example of our Father which suffereth his Sunne to shine as well on the euill as on the good and powreth down his rain both vpon the thankeful and vnthankfull O good Father stirre vp our conscience both now and in the end of our life which is grieuously feared with the sight of our sinnes and dread of thy iudgement make our hearts quiet and sure that with ioy wee may expect thy iudgement when thou shalt iudge for in thy sight shal not any man be found righteous teach vs to learne not to our our own good works and merites but to thy vnmeasured mercy and thereunto let vs wholy commit vs likewise suffer vs not to fal into desperation for our sinnes committed but grant that wee may perceiue and féele thy mercie to be far more ample greater and stronger then our wicked led life Bee present with all those which are eyther in danger of death or afflicted with desperation Forgiue vs and euen our sinnes comfort vs and bring vs againe into thy fauour As thou hast commaunded so render thou also good for ill vnto vs beate downe Sathan that horrible false detractor and accuser of our life both now and at the howre of death in all other anguishes of our conscience Sathan doth accuse vs our conscience likewise doth accuse vs. But thou Lord dost not iudge after their sentence heare not the voyce E ENgraue thy lawes in the depth of my hart O lord that being instructed in thy commandementes I may serue thée in feare and reioyce in thée with trembling take hold vpon thy discipline in all things Least at any time thou become angry and I perish from the right way Amen L LOrd giue me helpe from my trouble for vaine is the helpe of man in thée I haue strength and thou bringest vnto nothing those which trouble me let my soule bée subiect vnto thée for from thée procéedeth my patience for thou art my God and Sauiour my helper and I wil not depart from thée In thée is my health my Glory thou art the God of my helpe and my hope is in thée Amen I I Haue broken thy fold and wandred long as a lost shéepe let me returne againe O Lord because I haue not forgotten thy commaundements the misdéedes and ignorances of my tender yéeres remember not Lord according to thy mercy haue mind on me For thy goodnesse O Lord kéepe my soule and deliuer me let me not bee ashamed because I haue trusted in thée Turne my heauinesse into ioy cut off my sacke of sorrows and gird me with gladnesse that my Glorie may sing vnto thée and I shall not be grieued Z ZOrobabel King of Iuda in the depth of thy displeasure tasted of thy mercy receiued by the mouth of Aegeus thy Prophet swéete comfort knowledge of thy fauour and grace yea after thy determination to destroy the whole kingdome of the Heathen thy right hand did preserue him and thy incomparable mercy did choose him for a seale to thy selfe Lord this happy King in thy goodnesse was but an earthly Creature and then could hée haue no righteousnesse in him selfe to moue such thy compassion If it procéede from the multitude of thy mercies that surmount the iniquity of the whole world that thou diddest onely vouchsafe to behold in him the Image of thy selfe Bow down thine eyes Lord and behold the selfe same in mée Certifie my conscience with remission of my sinnes that my sorrowfull Soule bee at rest within mée send downe thy holy
sinnes Answere Neyther reward vs after our iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull Father that despisest not the sighing of a contrit hart nor the desire of such as be sorrowful mercifully assist our prayers that wee make before thée in all our troubles and aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs and gratiously heare vs that those euills which the craft and subtlety of the Deuill or man worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnes they may bee dispersed that we thy seruantes being hurt by no persecutions may euermore giue thankes vnto thée in thy holy Church through Iesus Christ our Lord. O Lord arise helpe vs and deliver vs for thy Names sake O God we haue heard with our eares and our Fathers haue declarud vnto vs the noble workes that thou diddest in their dayes and in the olde time before them O Lord arise helpe vs and deliver vs for thine honour Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c. From our enemies defend vs O Christ Gratiously looke vpon our afflictions Pittifully behold the sorrows of our hearts Mercifully forgiue the sins of thy people Fauourably with mercy hear our Prayers O Sonne of David haue mercy vpon vs. Both now euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ Gratiously heare vs O Christ gratiously heare vs O Lord Christ The Versicle O Lord let thy mercy bee shewed vpon vs. Answere As we doe put our trust in thée Let vs Pray VVE humbly beséeth thee O father mercifully to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glory of thy names sake turne from vs al those euils that we most righteously haue deserued graunt that in all our troubles wee may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy and euermore serue thee in holinesse and purenes of liuing to thy honour and glory through our onely mediatour and aduocate Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ A Prayer for the Kinges Maiestie O Lord our heauenly Father high and mightie King of Kings Lord of Lords the onely Ruler of Princes which doest from thy throne behold all the dwellers vpon earth most heartily wee beseech thee with thy fauour to behoid our most gratious Soueraigne Lord King Iames and so replenish him with the grace of thy holy Spirite that hee may olway encline to thy will and walke in thy way indue him plentifully with heauenly gifts grant him in health wealth long to liue strengthen him that hee may vanquish and ouercome all his enemies and finally after this life he may attaine euerlasting ioy felicity through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for the Queene and Prince and other the King and Queenes Children ALmighty God which hast promised to be a father of all thine Elect and of their séede we humbly beséech thée to blesse our gratious Quéene Anne Prince Henrie and all the King and Quéenes Royall Progenie endue them with thy holy Spirite enrich them with thy heauenly Grace prosper them with all happines and bring them to thine euerlasting kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ALmighty euerlasting God which onely workest great maruailes send downe vpon our Bishoppes and Curates and all Congregations cōmitted to their charge the healthfull Spirite of thy Grace and that they may truely please thée powre vpon them the continual dew of thy blessing graunt this O Lord for the honour of our Aduocate and Mediator Iesus Christ Amen A Prayer of Chrysostome ALmighty God which hast giuen vs Grace at this time with one accorde to make our common Supplications vnto thée and doest promise that when two or thrée bée gathered together in thy Name thou wilt graunt their requests fulfill now O Lord the desires and petitions of thy seruants as may be most expedient for them graunting vs in this worlde knowledge of thy truth and in the worlde to come life euerlasting Amen THe Grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the Loue of GOD and the Fellowshippe of the Holy Ghost be with vs al euermore Amen For Raine if the time require O God Heauenly Father which by thy Son Iesus Christ hast promised to all them that séeke thy Kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof all thinges necessarie to their bodily sustenance sēd vs we beseech thée in this our necessity such moderate raine and showres that wee may receiue the fruites of the earth to our comfort and to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen For faire weather O Lord god which for the sin of man didst once drown all the world except eight persons and afterward of thy great mercy diddest promise neuer to destroy it so againe we humbly beseech thee that although wee for our iniquities haue worthily deserued this plague of raine and waters yet vpon our true repentance thou wilt send vs such seasonable wether wherby wee may receiue the fruits of the earth in due season and learn both by thy punishment to amend our liues and for thy clemencie to giue thee prayse and glory through Iesus Christ our Lord Amē In the time of Dearth and Famine O God heauenly Father whose gift it is that the raine doth fall the earth is fruitfull beasts increase and fishes doe multiplie behold wee beseech thée the afflictions of thy people and grant that this scarsitie and dearth which wée doe now most iustly suffer for our iniquitie may through thy goodnesse bee mereifully turned into cheapenesse and plenty for the loue of Iesus Christ our Lord to whome with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour c. Amen In the time of warre O Almighty God King of all Kinges and Gouernour of all things whose power no Creature is able to resist to whom it belongeth iustly to punish Sinners and to bee mercifull to them that truely repent saue and deliuer vs wée humbly beséech thée from the hands of our enemies abate theyr pride asswage their malice and confound their deuises that wée being armed with thy defence may bee preserued euermore from all perils to glorifie thee which art the onelie giuer of all victorie through the merites of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen In the time of any common plague or sickenesse O Almighty God which in thy wrath in the time of King David diddest slay with the plague of pestilence threescore and tenne thousand and yet remembring thy mercy diddest saue the rest haue pitty vppon vs miserable Sinners that now are visited with greate sickenesse and mortality that like as thou diddest then cōmaund thine Angell to cease from punishing so it may now please thee to withdraw from vs this plague and grieuous sicknesse through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen O God whose nature property is euer to haue mercy and to forgiue receiue our humble Petitions and though we be tyed and bound with the chaine of our sinnes yet let the pittifulnesse of thy great mercy loose vs through Iesus Christs sake our Mediatour and Aduocate Amen A Thankesgiuing for Raine O God our heauenly Father who
kindnesse be such I heare present thée with a heauie heart a broken bodye a martyred mind and a sighing Soule These all appeale to thée O Lord for thy mercie and cry out with the Prodigall Son saying I haue sinned against Heauen and before thée wash me therefore with thy rich mercy not that any good in mee doth deserue it but because thou art God of all mercie and it declareth thy mightinesse to forgiue Thou diddest shew compassion vpon the woman of Canaan for her great Faith and from the beginning thou hast not reiected the effectuall praiers of a single heart Lord I giue glory to thy name with the highest thy mercy stretcheth aboue the Firmaments the sure hope and trust I haue in thy vnspeakeable truth and compassion is equall with the strong Faith of the Cananite woman I confesse my sinnes are manifold But Lord I know thy mercie and sauing health are infinite Lord sith thou art of power to forgiue aboue that I can offend for thy names sake release my sorrow cut the sacke of my sins and make mee strong in thée So shall I liue and all my thoughts acknowledge thy praise Amen H HAppy is the man that hath not fallen with the Woorde of his mouth and is not pricked with the conscience of sin that hath no heauinesse in his mind and is not falne from his Hope HOw mighty thou art oh God of Hoastes in thy precelling powre by Creating this world of nothing we are taught to know Thou doest gouern the same and puttest downe with thy hand the prowde and traiterous Tyrants thereof Thou destroyest their deuises kéepest the raging Sea within her bounds These and such like declare thy power ouer all The plentie of thy bountifull hand giueth not onely increase of things but also the encrease of euery kinde of thing shewe forth thy louing kindnesse Thou doest multiply yearly and daily these kindes how many séeds good Lord doest thou encrease of one séed Lord what manifolde springs commeth thereof These cannot but kéepe vs mindfull of thy excéeding Riches and Mercy Lord if to thy enemies as to the greatest number of the worlde which loue thée not thy condition be to deale thus bountifully what shall I déeme resteth with thée for thy frindes Truly such blisfull ioyes and rest as maketh me only desire of thée to bée dissolued from this earthlye and vncleane bodye when thy pleasur is I am the freshe Image of thy selfe and the worke of thine owne hands take mée therefore vnto thée burnish me a new frée my soule from the poysoned prison of sinne that it may giue equal thanks vnto so swéete a Lorde and guide Whilest I abide in this wretched body of Sinne I cannot sée thée oh Lord yea it is a heauy habitation and depresseth down sore my Spirit from the familiarity which it els should haue with thée my louing Father Lord this world and life is a Dungeon of Darknesse a Mountain of miserable Martirdomes a lewde Laborinth of lothsome Lustes a cankred course of chokinge Calamities being voyde of all vertues to gaine eternall Life Make mée therfore strong to walke vpright in this wretched wildernesse and arme mée with the guift of thy grace against the power of Sathan my Ghostly enemy Here is nothing where I am Lord but daily assaults of Temptations troubles torments carefull calamities contention for thy word horrible hatred and worldly ambition against which Lord perfect me in knowledge and strong fayth and with thy righte hand beat downe mine enemies that thou mayst be knowen to bée my God and Shield ¶ The Versicle FOR thy deare Sonnes sake O Lord heare and receaue my Prayers ¶ The Answere AND in thy truth and mercie pardon mine offences and graunt mee thy grace ¶ The Collect. O Lord Iesus Christ Sonne of the pure Virgin Marie thou art not onely the swéet spouse of my soules health but with God the Father a most meeke Mediator full of mercie and truth wash awaye my sins with the most precious blood of thy holie passion make mee rich in thy mercie and my faith so strong in thée that assisted with thy grace and holie Spirit to all dutie and workes in this life towards thée I may enioye afterwards the glorie of thy blessed kingdome with thy holy Saints in euerlasting honour and tryumph Amen L LOuing Father plant thy grace so surely in me oh Lord that from this day I neuer become enemie with thée againe but that I may onelie rest in thée Guide me with the cleare light of thy woord through the darke deserts of this wretched world Heere no miserie nor trouble lacketh Héere euerie place is full of snares of mortall enemies yea héere one trouble and temptation being ouerpassed an other ensueth and after the first enduring a new battaile suddainlie assaileth whereby I neuer haue peace and want wherewith to warre O Lord kéepe me helpe me saue mee regard me oh Lord Lord assist me with the power of thy holie Spirit and as thou hast commaunded I come vnto thée praying for the guift of all these my requests and speciallie Lord I require the Sword of my sauiour Christ true and firme Faith that established in thy Truth holding that for my defence I may be safelie armed against all mine enemies and strong to cut down the thornes which shall spring in my waye of passage vnto thée in whom sweet Sauiour aboue all honour glorie triumph swaye rule power and dignitie make me settle all my ioyes yea aboue all health riches beautie fame and felicitie to desire thée loue thée and magnifie thée which giuest all and therfore of all to bee beloued and sought art most worthy Amen A ARise O Lord I beséech thée and ease the paines I suffer and the troubles of my soule let the fountaines of thy grace ouerflow my barren bodie and the floudes of thy mercie strengthen my féeble Spirit let thy louing kindnesse couer mine infirmities and thy suffered drops of deaw vpon the Crosse drown mine iniquitie Thy woord is Truth and thou hast said thy delight is not in the death of a Sinner but wouldest he should conuert and liue Teach me therfore to number my daies in the loue of thy Lawes that I may alwaies thirst after thy kingdome and neuer forget thée but in this that I haue here begun may perseuer and increase setting at naught all worldlie pompe respect of persons and mans helpe and onelie cleaue to thy Omnipotent power mercie strength and goodnes wherein Lord make mee so rich that I neuer may haue power to swerue from thée nor want thy grace to resist all temptations neither yet thy strength to tread downe mine enemies and so my heart shall ioyfullie liue and giue thanks to thée my God of all truth mercie and victorie Amen D DEare God thou mercifull father of my redéemer Christ which hast promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy sons name giue downe thy feare into my hart conioyne thy
take vpon thē a shewe of thy name remooue from vs that Spirit of Pride and vayn glory and the study of prayse and glory Graunt that in all our troubles and euilles we may call vppon thy holy name yea in the feare of our conscience and euen when death assayleth let vs not be forgetfull of thy holy name Sée that in all our successe both in woordes and déedes we may praise worship thee onely and not séeke out of these ours but the glory of thy name which alone possessest all things take frō vs O Lord that most foule vice of ingratitude Plant in vs such good workes and life that others may be allured to vs not to our but vnto thy praise and glorie Lord let not other be offended through the vices or euill workes which yet remayne in vs least thy name for our sinnes should be ill spoken of or not henceforth praised Suffer vs not to aske any thing of thee either momentary or eternall which agreeth not to the glorie of thy holy name and praise if wee do aske any such thing of thée in that heare vs not graunt vs so to liue as becommeth Gods Children that we seme not vnworthy of thy holie name Thy Kindgome come IN this miserable and wretched life all kindes of sensual apetite wickednesse beare rule in vs and the euill spirit head and fountaine fo all siin hath gouernment But in thy kingdome O Lord grace and vertue guide the sway Iesus Christ thy deare sonne true patrone of all grace and vertue holdeth empire Thou therefore deare Father fauor vs with thy grace Giue vnto vs a true and constant faith in Christ fortifie vs with a firme sure hope in thy mercy where with our weake and feble conscience may be raysed vp from the feling of sins loade vs with an earnest loue both towardes thée all other thy good Creatures Take from vs distrust desperation and hatred remoue from vs the delightes of the flesh and plant in their stéede an earnest study of chastity with perfect fayth in thée which may worthely winne the rewarde of vndefiled battaile Make vs frée O Lord from discordes ambition warre and discention and let thy kingdome come let vs leade a peaceable mutuall and quiet life Graunt that neither zeale anger or other vyces with the which dissembling hatred are nourished rayne in vs but a milde simplycitie brotherly loue all kind of duties contentment and humilitie suffer vs not to bée afflicted with immoderate sorrow and heauinesse but let vs feele the pleasantnesse of thy grace and mercy and that in fine al our sinnes may be taken away and wée abounding through grace and vertue in our good workes may bee thy kingdome I say our mind our soule with all our strength which thou hast powred on vs may obay thy commaundements and beare thy gouerment neither follow themseules the world the fleshe nor the Deuill Sée Lord that this thy kingdom happely begunne in vs may so grow be increased that wée bée not vnaduisedly oppressed of sin neither causeles do cease from good woorkes for so it may come to passe that we shall labour in vaine Giue therefore vnto vs a firme faith wanting no strength which not onely may instruct vs to a better kind of life but also in that same may happely go forward and euer amongst vs encrease as the Prophet saith Psalm 13. Illuminate mine eies that I slepe not lest whilest the Christian life is but begunne wée negligently goe forward and finally come againe into Sathans power Graunt that wee may constantly endure and thy kingdome to come may performe and consummate the rule begunne in vs. Take vs from this life which is full of sinne and daungers make vs to desire that other life and let vs beginne and continew to hate this graunt that we doe not feare death but rather wish and desire it let vs cast out of our minde the loue of this life thot thou onely maist raigne in vs. Thy Will be done IF wee should conferre our wil with thine it is alwaies naught but thy will is euer best which deserueth that we should loue and desire that Therefore haue mercy vpon vs deare Father and let not any thing be done after our will Grant if any thing happen contrarie to that wee would we may patiently bear it temper so our brickle mettall being the worke of thy hands that if any either speak or hold his peace doe or omitt any thing contrary to our will that thereby wee bee not provoked to anger and impatience Let vs not blaspheme complaine crie out iudge condemne or malitiously accuse others therfore but grant that wee may quietly giue place to those which worke contrary to our will prayse them giuing thankes as to those which stirre vp thy will which is good against ours which is ill And further assist vs that we may patiently beare all trouble need pouerty sicknesse slander imprisonment and all other discommodities and acknowledge all these to happen vnto vs by thy will that our will may be mortified let vs patientlie beare iniuries and take from vs the desire of reuengement suffer vs not to encounter one euill with another nor resist force with strong armes but graunt thy will which hath throwne vs into those euils may satisfie vs and that with thanks-giuing we may beare aduersities If any ill come contrary to that wee would graunt we beseech thee that we iudge not that calamity to proceede either of Sathan our wicked enemy or of ill men but of thy diuine will which doth minister all thinges so that it may let our wil wherby thou mightest the better raigne and beare rule in vs. Graunt that wée may patiently and with ioyfull minde die least any being ouercome with impatience or desperation we séeme lesse obedient to thy will Grant that all members of our body eies tongue heart hands and feete follow not their owne delights but ouercome and constrained may doe all things after thy will Take from vs O Lord a hardened and an vntractable heart frée vs from frowardnesse obstinate and stubborne minds grant that we may obey thy will that we commit our selfe wholy to thy iudgement in all thinges whether they pertaine to the body or the soule whether they bee momentarie or eternall take from vs these horrible vices that we impeach not the fame of any slaunder any rashlie iudge accuse or condemn thē that vice of the tongue I beséech thee amend in vs and teach that if others commit anie euill we may retaine and hide it to thée only let vs shew it and leaue it to thy iudgement that wee may remitte what is committed against vs and let vs take pittie vpon them teach vs to know that none can hurt vs but hée shall more disprofite himselfe before thee that we may bée the rather stirred to mercy then to anger in any thing let vs not reioice if they bee throwne into calamitie which
sake thou hast hitherto spared me confirme now that swiftly in me whervnto from the beginning I am ordained And woe to me vnhappie sinner that haue left so louing and mercifull a Father who euer tendered me Yet haue I denyed thée in my heart wherein thou hadst determined the Tabernacle of thy delight and haue defiled it and made thereof a vessell of iniquitie and a denne of vncleane Spirits I confesse my selfe oh Lord the most wicked of all that the world sustaineth But neuertheles I trust in thy goodnesse For as my sinnes be aboue number so is there no number of thy mercies O most louing Father if it séeme good to thée thou canst make me cleane Heale my soule I confesse I haue sinned Remember Lord those comfortable words which thou spakest by the Prophet saying Thou hast done wickedly with many yet turne to me and I will receiue thee Truelie most mercifull Father I trust assuredlie in these swéet words and with my whole heart turne mee to thée as though thou hadst spokē these words to me alone and wouldest call none other for I am the vncleane and vnfaithfull soule the prodigall and wandring Sonne who hath alienated my selfe from that Father of Light from whome all goodnesse springeth loosing and neglecting all thy large giftes which of thy bountifull liberalitie thou hast graunted I haue straied from thée like a wandering shéepe I haue forsaken thée the fountaine of Liuing Water and digged to my selfe muddie pittes séeking outwarde comforts which hold no water haue followed Temporall and transitorie delights which vanish swiftlie as smoake I haue left also the bread of Life and eate the dregs of Swine following mine owne sensuall appetite and beastlie affections I haue forsaken thée the chéefe most perfect and continuall good and haue enclined to terrestriall and transitorie things Therefore I am become Naked Poore Miserable and vncleane and as a Calfe tied doe festure through mine owne infirmities But I praie thée oh Father remember not the contempt and Iniurie thou hast receiued of me pardon the passed faults of my tender yeares let not the old soares of wandring youth in setled yeares breake out to new bléeding woundes Accept the pittifull passion of thy deare Sonne in satisfaction of my former heaped euils graunt Lord to mee sorrofull sinner the assistance of thy holie Spirit to continue this I haue begunne to the health of my Soule and quietnes of mind and my tongue and heart shal speake the Triumph of thy louing kindnesse and mercie both now and euer Amen Eccles 4. Deliuer him that suffreth wrong from the hands of the oppressour and be not faint-hearted when thou sittest in Iudgement decide Law with Equity and Iustice with mercy bee fauourable to the Fatherlesse and bee in steade of a Husband vnto their Mother so shalt thou bee blessed in sight of the Highest and he shall loue thee more then doth thy Father and Mother Eccles 9.12 Day and night let the broad Gates of thy bounty be open to the Discreete and Vertuous Set honour alwaies vppon the head of the lowlye But to the prowde and ambicious keepe thy selfe secret and straunge giue not thy bread vnto him least hee become mightier then thy selfe nor trust not thine Enemy at any time for like as Iron cankereth so doth his wickednesse though he humble himselfe greatly yet locke vp thy mind and beware of him set him not by thee nor on thy right hand least he turne get into thy place take thy roome and possesse thy Seat Pro. 16. The cherefull countenance of the King is Life his louing fauour is as the Euening deaw L Loue God aboue all A Accept the wise D Doe no man wrong I In mercie delight E Expect a reward E Encrease Knowledge L Let vertue guide I In Prayer persever Z Zelously aske A Acknowledge Sinne. B Beware of presumption E Enuie no man T Tender the Helpelesse H Hope for Heauen Holy briefe and comfortable Meditations or Prayers discifering in Alphabet forme the gracious name of the Ladie Elizabeth L LOath not the Prayer of one that is in trouble turne not away thy face from the needie despise not the selie sewter nor grieue the heart of the helpelesse for if he complaine in the bitternesse of his soule his prayer shall be heard euen hee that made him shall heare him LIghten in mee oh God the Image of thy selfe though I looked backe from thy Lawes chastice me to amendment but suffer not the woorke of thy hands to perish Thou hast created my heart and giuen me a will to order the same so Lord I most méekelie yéeld the same again into thy hands I pray thée by thy holie spirite so direct my waies counsels and woorkes that they may be of chiefe regard with thée good God the giuer of all mercie suffer not my Soule to perish through the infirmitie of my flesh For thy Sonnes sake and thine own glorie set both now and euer his death and passion betwéene thy iust Iudgement and the perill of my soule I thirst after thée oh God and sith thou seest my heartie desire is to serue thee and liue in thy rule and to die in thy Faith and fauour allowe of mee and with thy mightie hand assist me Graunt that the Celestiall kingdome of thy grace and mercie euer occupie my heart and worthilie purchase me the sweet participation of thy glorious Throne and Maiestie Deliuer mee Lord through thy grace for in all my proper woorkes and deuises can be found no sure shield of defence for me Cast not away my sorrowfull soule Remember the pittifull Passion of thy deare Sonne and suffer it not to perish Guide my féete in the shining light of thy Veritie carrie me aloft from the snares of the vngodlie and from the traitorous trappes of the malicious saue me Suffer not thou oh Prince of all power who rulest the heauens and earth that any canckred or malicious stomacke rebell or increase against me Pardon my cursed crimes release my direfull debts giue me againe thy grace wrappe vp my woefull wounds that fester in my feeble flesh graffe mee a new with the garnishing of thy grace so shall thy glorie growe and my gained gladnesse heale my groning griefes If I deserue the fulnesse of thy furie to fall vpon me yet as a louing Sauiour rule ouer the roughnesse of thy rage and let thy most meeke mercie measure my paine as thou haste donne vnto numbers Grant most gracious God of all victorie that I may euer haue thy power and right hand to be my resident Rocke of refuge Giue gracious eare to my requests bee thou my staie in euerie storme and perill for all mans staies are vnsteadie Beate downe therefore mine enemies with thine own hand and Sword which art mine onelie aide and Protectour giue me thy grace and I shall neuer cease to giue thée glorie both with my tongue and heart shal I ioyfully sing Dominus illuminatio mea salus mea quem