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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69104 A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man set furthe by the kynges maiestye of Englande &c.; Institution of a Christen man. Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.; Church of England. 1543 (1543) STC 5168.7; ESTC S110763 117,759 234

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Trinitie and that he dyd begette him of his owne substance by eternall generation that is to say by generation that neuer had begynning And where this article conteineth that god the father is Almighty it is as moch to say as that he may do all thynges that he wil. in heauen and in earthe and nothyng is to hym impossible and that his godly power and myghte excelleth infinitely and incomparably all other powers in heauen earth and hell so that all other powers whiche be in heauen earthe or hell be nothynge as of theym selues but haue all their might force and strength of hym and be all subiecte vnto his power and can not resyst or lette the same And althoughe god be omnipotent and of infinite power yet he is not author or worker of any synne for whan soeuer any synne is done by any creature the same is wrought by the malice of the deuyll or free wyll of man only by the sufferance and permission of god not and by the working power of god in styryng vp furtheryng or assisting the malice of the euyll thought or deede This article conteineth further that god the father Almighty dyd at the begynnynge create fourme and make of nought heauen and earthe and all thynges visible and invisible and that he dyd gyue vnto them all theyr power and myghte and so he doth from tyme to tyme continually preserue gouerne susteyne and mainteine the hole worlde and all creatures therin by his onely goodnesse and high prouidence in so moche that without his continuall workynge nothinge shulde be able any while to continue And for the more euydent and playne vnderstandyng of the firste parte of this article whyche is I beleue in god it is to be noted that we muste not onely beleue stedfastly that god is and that he is true in all his wordes and promyses and that he is omnipotente and creatour of heauen and earthe and so forthe but we muste also with this our beleue loue god and cleaue onely vnto hym and that with al our harte and power and so continue and dwelle styll in hym by loue It sygnifieth also that we must obey vnto his wyll as well in al our inwarde thoughtes and affections as also in al our outwarde actes and dedes and that we must abhorre all vyce and not wishe or desyre of god any euyll or vngodly thing It sygnyfyeth also that we must constantly betake and commytte our selues and all ours holy vnto god and fyxe all our hole hope trust and confidence in hym and quyete our selues in hym beleuynge perfectly and assuredly that he wyll in dede shewe no lesse goodnesse loue mercy grace and fauour vnto vs than he promyseth by his word to do with vs vsing our selues as afore is sayde This maner of beleue we ought to haue in no creatour of god be it neuer so excellente but in god only therfore in this crede the said maner of speaking kyng I beleue in is vsed onely in the thre articles whiche concerne the thre persons in trinitie that is the Father the sonne and the holy goste The seconde article ¶ And in Iesu Christ his onely sonne our lorde FOr the vnderstandinge of this second article it is to be knowen that IESVS CHRIST is the only begotten sonne of almighty god the father and that he was begotten of his godly nature substance eternally and that he is very god the same substance with god the father and the holy gost vnto whom he is equall in all thinges of the godhead And although we christen men may be called the children of god by adoption and grace yet onely our sauiour Iesus Christe is god the fathers sonne by nature We must knowe also and beleue that IESVS CHRIST was eternally preordeined and appointed by the decree of the hole Trinitie to be our lorde and to redeme and brynge vs from vnder the dominion of the deuyl sinne vnto his kyngdome lordshyp and gouernance and therfore is worthely called IESVS that is to say sauior and CHRIST that is to saye anointed king priest and LORDE that is to saye redemer and gouernour for he hath done and fulfilled for all mankinde the very office bothe of a priest and of a kynge and lorde Of a priest for asmoch as he hath made sacrifice and oblation on the crosse in that he there willingly suffered his naturall body to be slayne and his bloudde to be shed for remission of synne and so was bothe the prieste and the sacrifice it selfe And of a kinge and lorde in that he hath like a moste mighty conquerour ouercome and vtterly oppressed his ennemyes and hath spoyled theym of the possession of mankinde whyche they wanne before by fraude and deceyte by lyinge and blasphemynge and hath brought vp now into his possession and dominion to reigne ouer vs in mercy lyke a most louing lord and gouernour And therfore in this article we call hym Our lorde And although this worde Dominus diuers tymes is translated in to our englysshe tongue the lorde and the place and circumstance of scripture oftentimes requireth the same yet amonge vs christen men in our common speche when we speake of Christe and call hym Lord it is mooste mete and conuenient that we call hym Our lorde to signifie and admonishe vs that we be his peculiar people redemed by hym and deliuered from the dominion and the captiuitie of the deuyll and be made his owne propre and obedient seruauntes after which sorte the heathen people bycause of their infidelitie be neither his seruauntes ne partakers of his benefites and therfore can not say and call him as Christen men do Our lord The thirde article whiche was conceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Mary FOr declaratyon of this artycle ye shall vnderstande that whan the tyme was come in the whiche is was before ordeyned and appoynted by the decree of the hole Trinitie that mankynde shoulde be saued and redemed than the sonne of god the seconde person in Trinitie and verye god descended from heauen in to the world to take vpon him the very habite fourme and nature of man and in the same nature to suffer his glorious passion for the redemption and saluation of all mankinde And for farther declaration hereof it is to be consydered that before the commynge of Christe mankynde was so blynded and drowned in synne that the true knowlege of god was euery where in the world forgotten and his lawes broken not only by the gentiles in all other nations but also by the iewes the chosen people of god to whome god had by his seruaunt Moises giuen his lawes wher by they myght knowe howe to auoyde synne and pleased hym and where those lawes gyuen by god were often by them transgressed yet almighty god dyd from tyme to tyme sende to theym his prophetes inspired with his holy spirite bothe to admonyshe them of their synnes and to teache them how they shuld truely vnderstande and
praier superfluous neyther there wanteth any petition suite or request for suche thinges as be necessarie for oure iourney and passage in this worlde or for oure furtherance to that ●eming of the lyfe and glorye euerlastinge Secondly that euery good christen man may be assured to atteine the requestes made in this praier if he shall enforce hym selfe and apply his hole harte and wyll to the wyll and grace of hym vnto whom this prayer is made and also if he shal vtter and offer the said petitions inwardly with his hart and with suche faith confidence and truste in god as he requireth For surely no prayer is thankfull vnto god Ps cxviii Exod. xiiii but that whiche is made with the hart And therfore the prophet Dauid crieth to our lorde with all his hart And Moyses is noted to crye out aloude whan he spake no word with his mouth but he spake aloude with his hart And our lord by his prophete noteth Psal xxix that some pray with theyr lyppes and in their hartes minde nothinge lesse than that which they praye for And therfore who so euer intendeth by saying his Pater noster to atteyne his desyre he must haue with faith a good and ernest deuotion and his hart as nigh as he can voyde of vayne thoughtes and applyed to god so that the entente and desyre of his harte maye be ioyned alwaies with the prayer of his mouth And for this purpose it is mete moch requisite that the vnlearned people shulde vse to make theyr prayers in their mother tounge which they best vnderstand wherby they may be the more moued and stirred vnto deuotion and the more ernestly minde the thinge that they pray for Our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name OF these wordes Our father placed in the beginning of this petition all true christen mē ought to conceiue a great comfort and ioy in that they be taught and commaunded in this prayer to take almighty god for their father and so to call him as for example If oure soueraine lorde the kynge wolde saye to any of vs take me for your father and so call me what ioye in harte what comforte what confidence wolde we cōceyue of so fauourable graciouse wordes Than moch more incōparably haue we cause to reioyse that the king prynce of al princes shewith vnto vs this grace goodnes to make vs his children And surely as the naturall sonne may assuredly trust that his father wyll do for him all thinges that may be for his settyng forth and aduancemēt euen so we may vndoubtedly assure our selues that hauyng almighty god to our father vsinge our selfe as obedient children we shall lacke nothynge whiche may be profitable for vs toward the euerlastinge inheritaunce prepared for vs. And here is to be noted a lesson that as this word Father declareth the great beneuolence mercy and loue of god towardes vs as well in the creation as also in the redemption of man so it admonisheth vs againe of our duetie towardes him and howe we be bounde to shewe againe vnto hym our hole harte loue and our obedience and redynes to fulfyll all his preceptes and commaundementes with all gladnes and humilitie And therfore who so euer presumeth to come to god with this prayer and to call hym father and yet hath not full entente and purpose to vse hym selfe in all thinges lyke a kinde and an obedient sonne he cōmeth to hym as Iudas came to Christe with a kisse 〈◊〉 xx.i. pretending to be his frende and his seruant in callyng hym mayster and yet he was in dede a traytour to hym and a deadly ennemy And for this consideration euery christen man that intendeth to make this prayer ought inwardly and thoroughly to inserche and examine him selfe and yf he finde in him selfe any notable crime for the whiche he ought to be ashamed to call god his father Let him accuse him selfe therof to god and recognise his vnworthynes sayeng as the prodigall sonne sayde Father I haue offended the Luc. xv I am not worthy to be called thy sonne And with due repentaunce and firme purpose intente to amende his naughty lyfe let him lyfte vppe his harte to god and callinge for his grace of reconciltation humbly say Our father c. Moreouer by these wordes Our father is signified that we ought to beleue that almighty god is the common father of al true christen people and fatherly regardeth all throughe and by the meane of our sauiour Iesu Christe vnto whom all faitheful and obedient christen men be brethern by grace and adoption and called to inherite with him the kingdome of heauen And they be also brethern eche one to other hauing al one father which is god almighty And therfore we ought not onely to be of one spirite towardes our said father and to employ and endeuour our selues to the vttermost to please him and to kepe his lawes and commandementes but we ought also eche to consent with other in perfite loue charitie eche to helpe further other towardes the saide inheritaunce of heauen And fynally in al our praiers to god eche to cōprise other and to praye for other lyke as in this prayer we be taught to say Our father gyue vs our breade forgiue vs our synnes suffer vs not to fal into temptation and delyuer vs from euyll By these wordes whiche art in heauen we be taught that we ought to haue an inwarde desyre and a great care study to come to the place where our heauenly father is and moche couet his sighte and presence For lyke as a louynge chylde is euen desirous to be where his father is euen so oughte we euer desyre to be with our heauenly father and to endeuour our selues that our conuersation be al withdrawen from the worlde the fleshe and the deuyll and be sette in heauen and heauenly thinges Phili. iii. as saint Paule teacheth and we shulde continualy wayle and lament bycause we be not with oure heauenly father sayenge with the prophete Ps cxix wofull am I that my dwellynge apon the earthe is so moche prolonged In these wordes Halowed be thy name it is to be noted that by the name of god is vnderstande god him selfe the power of god the myght the maiestie the glory the wysedome the prouidence the mercy and goodnes of god and al suche other good thynges as in scripture be attributed vnto god And this name is halowed whan it is praised glorified sette forthe honoured and magnified of vs both in worde and deede And where in this petition we praye that his name myghte be halowed it is not to be taken or thought that this name of god whiche in it selfe is euermore moste holy most gloriouse most marueylous and full of maiestie can be eyther aduanced or diminished by vs or any thyng that we can do but we desyre here that this most holy name may accordinge as it is
in it selfe most holy be so taken vsed honoured halowed of vs of all others as well heathen as christened like as on the contrary part this name is sayd to be polluted and defyled whan we do either in worde or deede contumeliously and contemptuously or otherwise disshonour the same We desire therfore in this petition that al false faythe by the whiche men eyther mistruste god or put theyr confidence in any other thynge more than in hym maye be destroyed And that all witchecraftes and false charmes and coniuratiōs by the whiche Sathan and other creatures be inchanted may ceasse and gyue place to goddes holye name and so likewise that all heresies and false doctrines maye vanishe awaye so that goddis holy worde maye be truely interpreted and purely taught and set forth vnto all the worlde and that all infidels may receyue the same and be conuerted to the right catholyke faith wherby all disceite hypocrysie and coūterfaiting of truthe of rightuousnes or of holines myght clerely be extincte Furthermore we beseche and praye god here that his name may be halowed so that no mā shuld sweare in vayne by it or otherwyse abuse the same to lye or to disceyue his neyghbour And generally the none shulde fall into pride or ambition in to desire of worldly glory and fame into enuy malice couetousnes adultery glutteny slouth backebytynge Coll. i. slaundering of his neighbours ne into any other euyll or wicked thoughtes and dedes wherby the name of god may be dishonoured and blasphemed In this prayer also we require god to graunt vs that in all perilles and daungers we runne vnto hym as vnto our onely refuge and cal vpon his holy name and that in our good wordes and workes we may please and magnifie him be by him preserued from the most damnable sinne of vnkindnes towardes him And also that we whiche do alredy professe the right faith maye stil continue therin and may do and expresse the same as well in our outwarde conuersation as in confessynge it with our mouthe so that by our good lyfe and our good workes all other maye be moued to good and that by our euyll workes and sinnes no man maye take occasion to slaunder the name or dimynysshe the laude and prayse of god Phili. iii. but that all our workes doynges myght returne to the honour and prayse of goddes name Thy kyngdome come THis seconde petition is very necessary for no doubte our auncient ennemie the deuyll goeth aboute contynually by all craftye meanes to deceyue vs and bringe vs vnder his power and dominion And surely so longe as pryde and dysobedyence reigneth in vs so longe as yre enuye wrothe or couetousnes reigneth in vs so longe as glotteny lechery or any kynde of synne reygneth in vs so longe we be vnder the dominion and kingedome of the deuyll For the deuyll vndoubtedly is kyng ouer all the chyldren of pryde that is to saye ouer all them that be synners rebelles and disobedient vnto god And for as moche as it is not in our power to deliuer our selues from vnder this tyranny of the deuyll but onely by goddes helpe for our perdition and vndoing is of our selues but our helpe and saluation is of god Osc xiiii as saith the prophete Osee therfore it is very necessary for al tru christen people to make this petition incessantly vnto our heauenly father and to beseche hym accordynge to this doctrine of Christe that by his grace and helpe we may escape the dominion and power of the deuyll and that we may be made subiect vnto his heauenly kingdome therfore in this petition we desire god to gyue vs afore all thinges true and constant faith in him and in his sonne Iesu Christ and in the holy gost with pure loue and charity towardes him and al men to kepe vs also from infidelitie desperation and malice whiche mighte be the cause of our destruction to delyuer vs from dissentions couetousnes lechery and euyll desyres and lustes of sinne and so the vertue of his kingdom to come and to reigne with in vs that all our hart minde and wittes with al our strength inwarde and outwarde maye be ordered and directed to serue god to obserue his commandementes and his will not to serue our selfe the fleshe the worlde or the deuyll We desire also that this kingdome ones in vs begunne may be dayly encreased and go forwarde more and more so that all subtyll and secrete hate or slouth whiche we haue to goodnes be not suffered to rule so in vs that it shall cause vs to loke backe again and to fall into sinne but that we may haue a stable purpose and strength not onely to beginne the life of innocency but also to procede ernestly further in it and to perfourme it accordinge to the saieng of saint Paule where he praieth Coll. i. that we may walke worthely pleasynge god in all thinges being fruitfull in all good workes and growing and encreasing in the knowlege of god Also in an other place he sayth worke and do the truth in Charitie and encrease and go forward in Christe Ephe. iiii i Therfore in this prayer desiring the kingedome of god to come we require also that we being alredy receiued and entred in to the kyngedome of grace and mercy of god may so continue and perseuere therin that after this lyfe we may come to the kyngdome of glory whiche endureth for euer And this is that great and feruēt desire wherwith good men being mortified from worldly affections haue lyen and be alwaies kyndled enflamed as appereth by saint Paule Phili. i. whā he said I wold be losed frō this body and be with Christ And in an other place he saith Rom. viii we that haue receyued the first fruites of the spirite wayle and mourne in our selues wisshinge lokinge to be deliuered from the mortalitie and miseries of this body into the glory of the children of god The thirde petition Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen FOr the better vnderstāding of this thyrde petition we muste know that by disobedience synne of our firste father Adam we be as of our nature onely without the grace of god vnable to fulfyll the will preceptes of god and so enclined to loue our selues and our own willes that we can not hartely loue neither god nor man as we ought to do And therfore we beinge ones christen men it is requisite for vs to pray that lyke as the holy aungelles and saintes in heauen in whom god reigneth perfectly and hooly do neuer ceasse ne shall ceasse to glorifie hym to prayse him and to fulfill his wil and pleasure in all thinges and that most readyly gladly without any maner of grudging or resisting therūto knowing certainly and clerely that his wyll is alway the best euen so that we the children of god in earth may dayly and continually prayse god by our
holely ioyned with the one and clerely separated from the other Than he is not mete to be a mean or mediatour betwene two whiche be at debate and enmitie Wherfore our sauiour Christ being naturally god toke vpon hym the nature of man that he might therby be conuersaunt among men and by his death redeme them yet he stil reteined and kepte his godhead and was both god and man together For if he had ben man onely and not god than his death coulde not haue ben a worthy and sufficient satisfaction for sinne to the iustice of god And if he had ben onely god and not man than he by his bodily conuersation could not haue called vs againe to god nor suffered and died bodily for vs. And this propertie of a mediatour saint Paule consideryng writeth to Timothe That there is but one mediatour betwene god man which is Christ Iesus ● Tim ii meaning therby that bycause he onely had bothe the natures in hym therfore he onely and none other but he was able to be a sufficient mediatour and meane of our reconciliation to god and of our iustification And for a further declaration how and by what meanes we be made partakers of this benefite of iustification It is to be noted that this word Iustification as it is taken in scripture signifieth the makynge of vs rightuous afore god where before we were vnryghtuous as whan by his grace we conuert vnto him be reconciled into his fauour and of the children of ire and damnatiō we be made the children of god and inheritours of euerlasting life that by his grace we may walke so in his wais that finally we may be reputed taken as iust rightuous in the day of iudgement so receyue the euerlasting possession of the kingedome of heauen And albeit god is the principal cause chiefe worker of this iustificatiō in vs without whose grace no mā can do no good thyng but folowing his free wil in the state of a sinner encreaseth his owne iniustice multiplieth his sinne Yet so it pleaseth the hyghe wysdome of god that man preuented by his grace which being offered man maye if he wyll refuse or receiue shall be also a worker by his free consent obedience to the same in the atteinyng of his owne iustification and by goddis grace and helpe shall walke in such workes as be requisite to his iustification so continuing come to the perfect end therof by such meanes waies as god hath ordeyned Wherin it is to be considered that although our sauiour CHRIST hath offered hym selfe vpon the crosse a sufficient redemption satisfaction for the synnes of al the world and hath made hym selfe an open way and entre vnto god the father for al man onely by his worthy merite and deseruynge and willyng all men to be saued calleth vpon al the worlde without respecte of persons to come and be partakers of the ryghtuousnesse peace and glory whiche is in hym yet for al this benignitie grace shewed vniuersally to the hole world none shal haue the effect of this benefit of our sauiour Christ enioy euerlastyng saluatiō by him but they that take suche wayes to atteyne the same as he hath taught and appointed by his holy word in suche ordre maner and fourme as here foloweth that is to say Fyrst as touchynge all them whiche be of age and haue the vse of natural reason afore they be christened the will of god is that all suche if they will be saued shall at the heryng of his blessed worde giue stedfast faith and assente thervnto as saint Paule saith 〈◊〉 xi He that commeth to god must beleue and by that faith groūded on the truth of the word of god beinge taughte bothe of the threatnynges of god agaynst sinners and also of the great goodnes and mercy of god offered to mankinde in our sauiour redemer Christ Iesu they muste conceyue an harty sorowe and repentance for theyr sinnes with a sure trust to haue forgyuenes of them by the merytes passion of our sauiour Christe And ioyninge thervnto a full purpose to amende theyr lyfe and to cōmitte sinne no more but to serue god al their life after they muste than receyue the sacrament of baptisme And this is the very playne ordinary way by the whiche god hath determined that man beynge of age and commynge to christendome shuld be iustified For as for infantes it is to be beleued that their iustification is wrought by the secrete operation of the holy gost in theyr baptisme they beynge offered in the fayth of the churche And this Iustification wherof we haue hitherto spoken may be called the first Iustification that is to say our first cōming into goddis house which is the churche of Christ at whiche comming we be receiued and admitted to be of the flocke and familie of our sauiour Christ and be professed sworne to be the seruantes of god and to be souldiours vnder Christe to fyghte against our ennemies the deuyll the worlde and the fleshe Of whiche enemies if it chaunce vs after our baptisme to be ouerthrowen and caste into mortall synne than is there no remedy but for the recouering of our former estate of Iustification whiche we haue loste to aryse by penance wherin proceding in sorowe and moch lamentation for our sinnes with fasting almesse praier and doing all suche thinges at the leaste in true purpose and will as god requireth of vs we muste haue a sure trust and cōfidence in the mercy of god that for his sonne our sauiour Christis sake he will yet forgiue vs our sinnes and receyue vs vnto his fauour again and so being thus restored to our iustification we must goo forward in our battayle aforesayde in mortifienge our concupiscence and in our dayly spiritual renouation in folowing the motions of the spirite of Christe in doing good workes and absteining from sinne and all occasions therof being armed with faith hope and charitie to the intent we maye atteyne our finall iustification and so be glorified in the day of iugement with the rewarde of euerlasting lyfe Wherfore it is necessary for the keping and holding of this Iustification ones conferred and giue in baptisme or recouered again by penāce through the mercy of our sauiour Christ and also for the encreasynge of the same iustification and fynall consummation therof to take good hede and to watche that we be not deceyued by the false suggestion and temptation of our gostly enemie the deuyll who as saint Peter saith i. Petri. v. goeth about like a roring lion seking whom be may deuour And it is no doubt but although we be ones iustified yet we maye fall there fro by our owne free wyll and consenting vnto sinne folowing the desyres therof For albeit the house of our consciēce be ones made cleane the foule spirite be expelled from vs in baptisme or penance yet if we waxe idle and