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A51765 A manifesto, or, An account of the state of the present differences between the most serene and potent King of Denmark and Norway Christian the V., and the most serene Duke of Sleswick and Holstein-Gottorp Christian Albert together with some letters of the King of Great Britain, the King of Denmark, and the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, concerning a mediation in these differences, which the king of Great Britain most generously offer'd, and the king of Denmark refused and slighted : as also some other letters of the Dukes of Brunswick-Lunenbourgh, the emperor, &c., whereby the calumnies of a certain Danish minister are plainly detected. Christian Albrecht, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, 1641-1695. 1677 (1677) Wing M428A; ESTC R12344 65,710 126

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and all its Ammunition was delivered up This written Inventory with all the things set down therein were delivered and really received by me under-writen Lieutenant-General of the most Serene King of Denmark and Norway after the performance of the Surrender of the Fort of Tonningen and I do engage my Faith that all shall be fully restored according to the promise of his most Serene Royal Majesty and as it ought to be and to that end have subscribed this with my own hand Charles Arenstorff Out of the Instrument of Peace at Roschild 12. May 1658. As to the pretended satisfaction for the damages received by the last War the most Serene Duke of Gottorp the most excellent Mediators judging it fit condescends out of friendship and affection to remit all his pretensions thereunto for all the Vassalage remitted to him that the Amty between his most Serene Royal Majesty and the Duke and also the Kingdom of Denmark the Dukedoms and the Subjects of both Princes may remain firm and entire and that the good correspondence which ought to be between Allies Brothers and Neighbours may be preserved Out of the League between Sweden and Gottorp made May 24. 1661. And as there is no other cause for the making of this Alliance than to keep the Peace between the Princes of the North inviolate and render the security of the House of Gottorp established thereby more entire and the most Serene Duke of Gottorp not obliging himself in any thing to the King and Kingdom of Sweden but what relates to this Peace and Security and the preservation of the Friendship and Amity between them so no other Leagues whether already made or which shall be hereafter made shall prejudice either of the Parties nor be a hindrance to this Treaty or take place against it Besides the most Serene Duke that he may remove all suspition of his proceedings desires that the extension or interpretation of this League may no ways reach his Imperial Majesty or the Empire or any other Kings Electors and Princes if they do not injure the Duke contrary to the Peace of the North and he also reserves to himself the liberty to keep and improve by the best ways he shall think fit that good correspondence with the King of Denmark which may and ought to be between Neighbours and may be most advantageous to his Family Provinces and Subjects without derogating from the Peace of the North. Out of the Peace of Roschild made the 26 Feb. 1658. Art 22. His most Serene Majesty of Denmark shall be obliged to satisfie Prince Frederick Duke of Sleswick and Holstein-Gottorp according to Equity which satisfaction shall be treated of by his Royal Majesties and his Highnesses Commissioners yet so as that this Treaty be finished before the second of May. Out of the Instrument of Peace between the most Serene King of Denmark and the Duke at Copenhaguen 12 of May 1658. Art 6. And so in the Name of God the Grievances and Demands exhibited are either absolutely or provisionally taken off to the satisfaction of the interessed and the King and Prince do promise bona side and in words without equivocation that they will keep this Treaty and not recede from it under any pretence whatsoever whatever it may be and observe these Articles as faithfully as those of the Peace at Roschild employing all their cares to transmit and propagate this Friendship now renewed perfect and entire to their Posterity We Frederick III. King of Denmark and Norway c. declare by these Presents that we have after mature deliberation upon all that has been proposed by the Lords Mediators either by word of Mouth or in Writing concerning the Treaty and Conclusion of a Peace consented and by vertue of these Presents do consent to the same as far as they agree with the Acts passed by the three States for the establishing a Peace between Us and the King of Sweden Copenhaguen August 23. V. S. 1659. Another Declaration of his most Serene Royal Majesty upon the business of the Peace to be made with the King and Kingdom of Sweden presented to the Lords Mediators Plenipotentiaries at Copenhaguen We Frederick III. by the Grace of God King of Denmark and Norway Duke of Sleswick and Holstein c. To all and every one whom it doth or may any way concern Be it known that as we have among other things as well by our Declaration of the 14 24 August shewed our great propensity to a Peace to the Lords Mediators of the three States as by another of the 25 4 August Sept. delivered by Our Order into the Hands of the same Mediators by which we declare that after a due consideration of the Propositions of their Excellencies made as well by word of Mouth as in Writing the 18 28 of the same Month for a happy Issue of this present Peace We do consent to them all as far as they are agreeable with the resolutions past by the three States the 11 21 of May the 14 24 of July and 25 4 July August about the Peace to be made between Us and the King and Kingdom of Sweden so we do hereby testifie and confirm that VVe adhere still to the same Declaration and to give a greater proof of our said Inclination for Peace and to take away all sort of suspition of the contrary VVe declare by these Presents that VVe desire nothing more than that the Commissioners of both Parties without any delay of time may meet at the place before appointed for the Treaty of Peace and by the Mediation of the Ambassadors of the three States make a happy conclusion of the same without any further delay And VVe relying entirely upon the Integrity and Equity of the said Lords do also hereby declare That if it shall be thought fit to add or change any thing in the Treaty at Roschild we remit and leave it all to their discretion and care In greater trust and certainty whereof we have to these Presents set Our Royal Hand and Seal at Our Court at Copenhaguen the 19. of March 1660. Frederick III. Out of the Instrument of Peace at Roschild renewed in the Year 1660. Art 27 28. VVhereas it was agreed by the 22th Article of the Treaty at Roschild that his Royal Majesty of Denmark should be obliged to give an equitable satisfaction to the most High Prince the Duke of Sleswick and Holstein-Gottorp and his said Majesties and his said Highnesses Commissioners after several Conferences held at Copenhaguen the 12 22 of May 1658 having at last come to a final Agreement and Conclusion it is hereby stipulated that all those Treaties and Transactions shall be exactly observed and fulfilled faithfully on both sides Moreover if there has happened any thing in this or the precedent VVars which may any way create animosities and jealousies between his most Serene Royal Majesty and Kingdom of Denmark and his most Serene Highness the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp or any thing between
against another Prince that is Soveraign as well as he and his Equal the injur'd Prince or any for him may perform the Office of Pretor use all means to procure a full and ample Reparation of his damages If the Duke of Gottorp is not strong enough to do it himself all Christian Princes and Commonwealths must make this cause theirs and employ all their Power to restore him For Wars may be undertook not only for Friends and Allies but for men as such if they are barbarously injured Grot. lib. 3. de I. B. P. c. 25. n. 1. seq And who is more injur'd than he who by a Cousin of the same Family his near Ally and Brother against his Faith so many times sworn is so ill used as to be deprived of all his Authority and Dignity Therefore since other Princes are not a little concerned when the condition of any Prince is brought so low contrary to all Justice and when perhaps his entire ruin is endeavoured especially if these base Counsels proceed from Ministers who in their actions and speeches have no regard to the great Asserter of Faith and consequently less to Faith it self the foundation of Justice and the tie of all human Societies all Princes and States ought first of all to take care that Faith be kept inviolable and Treaties and Contracts between them be not violated lest this tie of Friendship and Society being broke the world should fall into confusion by their c●nnivence before the time decreed by Divine Providence And those Princes and States are chiefly obliged to take care of this Restitution who have guaranted the Treaties between the King of Denmark and the House of Gottorp and have signed the Instruments of Peace between Sweden and Germany and that of Roschild and Oliva engaging for the performance of them in such terms and expressions that if they were meant as they are set down which is not at all to be doubted no man but will believe they intend to perform their Promises And to induce them thereunto without any delay let the great danger of this example and the greatness of the Injuries be considered and that it is also the earnest request of the Duke of Gottorp who is every day more and more oppressed with new Injuries And since amongst these Princes that are Securities the good will of the most Serene and Potent King of Great Britain towards the House of Gottorp appears above the rest his Majesty having not only engaged himself with other Princes and States for the preservation of the Peace at Roschild and the Treaty of Copenhaguen made between the King of Denmark and the House of Gottorp soon after that at Roschild but having also passed his word and Guaranty for the Soveraignty yielded by the King and Kingdom of Denmark to the House of Gottorp and most especially his Majesty being now the Mediator of all publick Differences Give us leave most Potent King to let all the World know this great affection of your Majestie 's towards the House of Gottorp and to put you in mind of your special Engagement to our Duke for the Soveraignty of Sleswick which you can as easily make good as you were pleased to engage for it that you may be known for as great a Defender of the Civil as of the Christian Faith and in judging the Differences between the King of Denmark and the House of Gottorp or disposing all things to a Peace make use of that Equity and Moderation which may prove a Remedy to the Injur'd a Defence to the Oppressed and a Reward of Eternal Glory to your Majesty and the Noble People of England THE ARTICLES Of the TREATY at Rendsbourgh KNow all Men to whom these Presents shall come That whereas for the common Security and Safety several Treaties of Union and Conjunction have been heretofore made between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Dukedoms of Sleswick and Holstein which have been renewed augmented and changed according to the Exigence of times and that the most Serene and Potent Prince and Lord Christian the V. King of Denmark and Norway Goths and Vandals Duke of Sleswick and Holstein Stormar and Dithmars Earl of Oldenbourgh and Delmenhorst and the most Reverend and Serene Prince and Lord the Lord Christian Albert Heir of Norway Coadjutor of the Bishoprick of Lubeck Duke of Sleswick and Holstein Stormar and Dithmars Earl of Oldenbourgh and Delmenhorst judging it very necessary in these dangerous and troublesome times that such Treaties of Union be renewed after the Example of their Ancestors and be accommodated to the present condition and State of their Kingdoms and Dominions And his said Majesty having appointed on his part Here the Names of the Kings Commissioners were inserted and the said Duke on his part Here the Names of the Dukes Commissioners were inserted and the said Commissioners having accordingly met together have agreed upon the following Articles I. As his Royal Majesty and his most Serene Highness do Govern joyntly the Dukedom of Sleswick and Holstein and the Countries incorporated therein so they shall both endeavour according to the Contents of the former Treaties of Union unanimously to direct all their Counsels for the safety and augmentation of the said Dukedoms and to preserve them from all damage danger and detriment II. Therefore as often as necessity shall require it or any danger seems to threaten these Dukedoms they shall both do all they can by united Counsels and Forces to prevent it and if the thing comes to a War let no Truce be made nor Peace contracted before the danger be removed from both their Heads and satisfaction be made to both by the Enemy and the publick security provided for III. And as therefore his Royal Majesty by this takes entirely upon him the Guaranty and Defence both of the most Serene Duke and the part he has in the Dukedoms so his said most Serene Highness promises again that as often as his Royal Majesty shall be necessitated to draw Forces from his Kingdomes for the defence of these Dukedoms and the Countries incorporated therein or shall be in War against any Forrein Prince whosoever he be none excepted though his Majesty thinks it already his due by the Union he shall not only give him free passage through his Land and all his Towns but liberty to List and Muster Souldiers assigning them quarters and places to Encamp and helping the King with all his Power IIII. Because also during these troublesome times his Royal Majesty could not forbear by an unavoidable necessity to ask leave for his further security to put Garrisons of his own into the Forts of Gottorp and Tonningen and the Fortress of Stapelholme which his most Serene Highness has granted upon this certain hope that these troubles being over and the Peace made all things should be entirely given back and restored as they were And his most Serene Highness having made certain Leagues in which there are some things which give
shall endeavour by a Friendly Mediation or by opposing all necessary means against force that these Countries Dominions and Territories with all the Rights Royalties Soveraign and absolute Dominion or Soveraignty thereof may remain whole and safe to him And for the greater security of all and singular the Premises VVe have subscribed this Instrument of Guaranty with Our own hand and have caused Our Great Seal of England to be affixed thereunto Given at Our Palace of Westminster the 23. day of February in the year one Thousand six Hundred Sixty five and in the Eighteen year of Our Reign Charles R. SOME LETTERS OF THE KING OF Great Britain THE King of Denmark AND THE DUKE OF Holstein Gottorp The King of Great Britains Letter to His Majesty the King of Denmark concerning a Mediation in the differences between His Majesty and the Duke of Holstein Gottorp CHarles the Second By the Grace of God King of Great Britain c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Christian the Fifth by the same Grace of Denmark Norway Goths and Vandals King Duke of Sleswick c. Greeting VVe were extreamly troubled to hear of the Differences lately arisen between your Majesty and Our good Cousin the Duke of Holstein for the nearness and tie of Blood and common Interests between you and therefore out of the Affection VVe bear to both your Families and the good and advantage of the same VVe did almost a Year ago offer our Mediation and good Offices between you and VVe had long since charged Our Minister residing at your Court to do it more solemnly if your Majesties Envoy residing with Us had not induced and desired Us as in favour of himself that all VVe should resolve to do therein might be done through his hands which We the rather consented to then because he charged himself seriously to represent to your Majesty the offers VVe made of Our Offices and Mediation But your Majesty having not hitherto sent Us any direct Answer thereunto and your said Envoy having only by the by insinuated to Us that your Majesty rather desisired that since this Affair seemed to be purely Domestick and concerned only the private Interests of two Princes of the same Blood it might be left to be determined among your selves VVe hoped not to have found your Majesty in this mind which VVe perceive by your Envoys discourse you are of However VVe cannot but out of the desire VVe have to reconcile two Princes that are of a Blood so nearly Related to Us and for other considerations which induce Us to concern Our Selves with a more special care in this matter than perhaps VVe should otherwise repeat again in the most solemn manner the first Offer of Our Mediation and good Offices not doubting but that your Majesty after having seriously reflected upon the thing will think fit to admit of Our good Offices and Mediation which you may be confident VVe shall always apply on all occasions which may concern your Majesty in such manner as you have reason to expect from the mutual Friendship between Us of which VVe shall always give your Majesty those Proofs and Arguments which you can desire c. July 2. 1677. The King of Denmark's Answer to his Majesty the King of Great Britain CHristian the Fifth By the Grace of God King of Denmark c. To the most Serene and Potent Prince Charles the II. by the same Grace King of Great Britain c. Greeting By your Majesties Letters of the 10th of July last past VVe have understood more at large what Reasons induced you to offer Us your Mediation and good Offices for composing the Differences arising between Us and Our Cousin and Kinsman Christian Albert Duke of Holstein This Offer of your Majesties has been the more pleasing to Us because VVe do not doubt at all but it proceeds from a sincere and Brotherly affection towards Us and We put so great a trust in your Friendship that if there were place for any Mediation in these Differences VVe would as readily accept of your Interposition for the composing of them as VVe have accepted of the same in the present Negotiation for an Universal Peace which We have constantly endeavour'd should remain solely in your Majesty But the Disputes and Controversies complained of by the Duke of Gottorp to your Majesty being grounded upon no other foundation than his endeavours to lay aside all the Alliances and Treaties which have subsisted for many Ages betwixt Our Royal Predecessors and his and especially that which he Voluntarily made with Us at Rendsbourgh and approved several times after and so to free himself from all those ties by which he is bound to Us as a Vassal of Our Kingdom of Denmark and Our Dukedoms of Sleswick and Holstein are united together hoping after the Example of his Father who in the last unhappy VVar supported by the Arms of the King of Sweden his Son-in-Law and by the favour and unjust Authority of the English Usurper Cromwell without any respect of his obligations to Our Kingdom under colour of some frivolous and groundless pretensions extorted most unjust and almost intolerable conditions from Our Lord and Father of blessed and glorious Memory to accomplish and perfect his pernicious designs and unjust attempts in these troublesome times as well by the help of his Neighbours Armes as your Majesties Authority The Truth hereof appears also by this that though VVe have divers times proposed to his Dilection to restore him unto the former condition of his Ancestors if he would keep to the aforesaid Treaties and fulfil their Tenor he does not cease nevertheless to complain of Force and to sollicite the help and succours of other Princes and States to finish those unjust Enterprises he has proposed to himself From whence your Majesty according to your singular Prudence will easily judge whether VVe can without the greatest prejudice to Our Rights recede from the ancient Treaties and those which have been made between Us and the Duke of Gottorp upon which the safety of Our Kingdoms and Dominions in great measure depends or suffer them to be disputed and thereby expose Our Selves to new and everlasting Differences and Quarrels especially since it is expresly covenanted by the said Treaties that if any disputes shall hereafter arise they shall not be composed by the Mediation of other Princes but by other friendly and amicable means For these and other Reasons which we have ordered Our Envoy Extraordinary Resident at your Majesties Court to represent more amply to your Majesty We do not doubt in the least but your Majesty will not only think it wholly unjust that We should consent to such prejudicial Treaties and so contrary to the aforesaid Conventions and Domestick agreements but also that by vertue of the Alliances VVe have with your Majesty by which each of Us is obliged to promote the good of the other and to keep all dangers from him your Majesty will compel the
aforesaid Duke to a better and more exact observance and execution of the Ancient Treaties and all others to the performance whereof he has bound himself and seriously dissuade him from his usual pernicious designs against Us. The many proofs VVe have of your Justice and your experienced commendable Constancy and Faithfulness in keeping your Treaties makes Us promise Our Selves this from your Majesties friendship being also resolved never to suffer any thing to be wanting in Us that may prove for the advantage of your Majesty and your Subjects and perswade you of Our sincere affection towards you By which your Majesty c. Given at Our Court at Landscroon the 4th of August 1677. The Duke of Holsteins Letter to his Majesty the King of Great Britain in Answer to the King of Denmarks Most Serene and Potent Prince c. HAving had a view of the Letters written to your most Serene Majesty by the King of Denmark the 4th of August of this present Year We find by them that his Majesty of Denmark does indeed commend your Majesties offers of Mediation for composing Our Controversies but in reality shews an aversion thereunto and declines it as unnecessary endeavouring to demonstrate the same by colouring his Actions with the specious pretence of ancient and late Treaties and accusing Our Lord and Father and Us with a great many things These Letters being full of such complaints VVe cannot but defend Our Innocence and free Our Honour from such accusations by letting your most Serene Majesty understand Our Reasons why the differences between Us and the King of Denmark ought not to be excluded out of the Negotiations for an Universal Peace not indeed can be debated any-where else without great danger and prejudice to Us. VVe have been so observing of the ancient Treaties and Alliances that for several Ages the Dukes of Gottorp have lived under the Authority and at the Devotion of the Kings of Denmark But VVe are not by any Treaties to be oppressed by those who are obliged by Vertue of Our Alliances to defend Us nor are VVe to submit Our Selves to a voluntary Slavery but are rather by the said Treaties freed from so sad a Yoke Let the Kings of Denmark but consider how they could make VVars upon VVars and involve the Dukes of Gottorp's Territories so often in the Calamities attending VVar not only without consulting the Dukes but against their will and earnest dissuasions from the same without breach to the ancient Treat●es and Alliances from which VVe are sure it cannot be proved that Our Ancestors ever receded rashly or unjustly As to the Articles of Rendsbourgh VVe confess that VVe do not think Our Selves further oblig'd to them then either the goodness or equity of the cause or of the way of proceeding will oblige Us. We came as Friends and Guests to Rendsbourgh inticed with great hopes and ample Protestations that all things should be sincerely and fairly transacted and determined But We were against the Laws of Nations and Friendship Treated like Enemies detained Prisoners guarded with Souldiers and at last sent from one Prison to another every-where besieged and through fear and threatnings compelled unjustly to most unreasonable conditions which the very way of proceeding argues to be null Therefore VVe are so far from consenting to them freely and voluntarily that VVe have never so much as freely ratified them For those things that are done by force and through fear may be sometimes made valid by a subsequent free consent yet no consent is to be esteemed such except the person who is said to have consented freely be first set at full liberty when on the contrary fear once caused in any transaction is supposed to continue still and VVe were the more disturbed thereby because VVe were by the King deprived of all good Counsels Our Principal Ministers being violently carried away Prisoners to Copenhaguen and the rest frighted from Us by this unheard-of Example The Soveraignty of the Dukedom of Sleswick purchased with a very good Title and at a dear rate was yielded up to Our House by Frederick the Third King of Denmark by his own free and often repeated consent and has been quietly possessed by Us for above Sixteen years neither is it any matter that it was obtained partly by the fortunate Successes of the Arms of Sweden since it is undoubtedly true that VVars may be made not only for O●r own good but for the good of others and that the King of Sweden was then justly provoked to take up Arms against the Danes and that if the King of Denmark has suffered any force it being but just he cannot pretend to any Right of Restitution VVe cannot like wise conceal that by this and the foregoing Wars made by the Kings of Denmark VVe have contracted many great Debts and Our Subjects are so exhausted by Contributions that part of them have been forced to quit the Country and the rest are glad if they can get the coarsest sort of Bread to eat Now when VVe quitted by the last Treaty all Our pretensions of satisfaction from the King of Denmark in consideration of the Soveraignty which was yielded up to Us what have we got I pray that any one should envy Us for It is the King of Denmark only is the gainer who by that opportunity got the Soveraignty of that part of the Dukedom of Sleswick which is his and thereby soon after an occasion of getting the Monarchy of the whole Kingdom Therefore since that Our Lord and Father was by so many Solemn and publick Treaties absolutely freed from the tie of Vassalage and Homage it cannot certainly be imputed to him that he had without any regard of his Alliance to the Kingdom of Denmark extorted the Soveraignty of the said Dukedome unless the King will slight all the Treaties of Peace and Conventions that have been made upon that occasion and by his Example incite the Kings of Spain and Poland nay his own Subjects to repossess themselves of their lost Provinces and Ancient Rights and Authorities as soon as they shall have an occasion and power to do it We do with all gratitude acknowledge your Majesties favour that besides the general Guaranty of all the conditions of the Peace at Roschild you have been pleased to oblige your Self to a special one for the Preservation and Assertion of this Soveraignty It is without any ground the King of Denmark pretends that VVe obtained the Soveraignty by the favour of Cromwell only For besides that the good Offices and Mediations of other Kings and States intervened in this Affair and the conclusion thereof VVe do not well conceive how the King of Denmark can show which of the Usurpers Acts your Majesty is pleased to hold ●or good and which not For it will not consist with reason of State and the publick good that they should be all annulled Nay if the King of Denmark will be pleased to look into the circumstances of this matter he