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A34420 Monarchy, no creature of Gods making, &c. wherein is proved by Scripture and reason, that monarchicall government is against the minde of God, and that the execution of the late king was one of the fattest sacrifices that ever Queen Iustice had ... / by Iohn Cooke ... Cook, John, d. 1660. 1651 (1651) Wing C6019; ESTC R20620 90,353 192

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his father charged the people with the oath wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand and dipt it in a hony-combe and put his hand to his mouth and his eyes were enlightned then answered one of the people and said thy father strictly charged the people with an oath saying cursed be the man that eateth any food this day and the people were faint then said Ionathan my father hath troubled the land see I pray you how mine eyes hath been enlightned because I tasted a little of this hony ver 30. how much more if happily the people had eaten freely to day of the spoyle of their enemies which they found for had there not been now a much greater slaughter amongst the Philistins 'T is a cruell saw we had kild more if we had eaten Ionathan was a gracious man and had a sweet spirit for goverment and Ionathan said to the young man that bare his armour come and let us goe over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised it may be that the Lord will worke for us for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few As gallant Caleb said Ios 14. 12. If so be the Lord will be with me then I shall be able to drive out the Anakims but nothing would satisfie Saul but the life of Ionathan and the execution of a cruell law and that against nature for hungry men not to eat food which in the Hebrew is bread now bread being not hony and that being a penall law it ought to have been taken strictly and so Ionathan not guilty for a penall statute is not to be extended by equity for the oath was much better broken then kept but the people had more wit then to suffer Ionathan to be put to death ver 45. nor was Ionathan legally guiltie because hee was not present when the law was made ver 3. and 17. nor had any notice of it and such lawes that are not consonant to the lawes of nature are not obligatorie without full and perfect notice and proclamation thereof made to the people and in that the Lord did not answer Saul ver 37. It was because he was angry with him for his rash oaths he being given to swearing ver 44. and it appeares chap. 28. ver 6. 16. that Gods not answering is a signe of anger though Saul suspected Gods silence was for some hidden sinne therefore would cast a lot ver 7. sayes God to Samuel I am chief King thou art my Minister I rule by thee therefore they have rejected me in casting off a just goverment free from Tiranny and oppression which my soule abhorrs for God is King over all the earth hee keepes the supreme power to himselfe it is his prerogative onely to give no accompt of his Actions to any creature and yet in love he is pleased to condescend to poore creatures and makes out the reason of his administrations and the Image of God consists in Holines Iustice Mercy and Goodnes which is a goverment of a divine originall it comes from heaven and hath a tendancie thither and those that are my governors have such graces and gifts of my holy Spirit signified by powring on of oyle upon the heads of the rulers as being necessary graces for priests Prophets and Kings but the Israelites would not let the Lord to keep the power in his owne hand to appoint what governor and goverment he pleased Therefore observe in the next place what course does Ieroboam take to establish his Kingdome hee thinks to strengthen himselfe by the Idolatry of the two Calves the people will revolt from me sayes Ieroboam unles I make them two Calves of gold and say behold thy Gods O Israel which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt Monarchs care not what they doe though they destroy even the soules of millions of people to maintaine their pompe and glory make the people believe sayes he that these Calves which were made but yesterday brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt ver 27. If they sacrifice they will turne to Rehoboam Kings feare that pietie to God will draw away peoples hearts from thē Monarchs delight wickedly to keep the people in grosse ignorance and how foolish was this Ieroboam 1 Kings 14. to send his wife disguised to the Prophet Ahijah to know whether his son should recover as if the Prophet could tell the greater and not find out the wifes disguisement Ideots Minors Murderers any are good enough and will serve to be Kings marke therefore what becomes of King Ieroboam 1 Kings 14. ver 10. 11. Therefore behold I will bring evill upon the house of Ieroboam and will cut off from Ieroboam him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel and will take away the remnant of the house of Ieroboam as a man takes away dung till it be all gone him that dyeth of Ieroboam in the City shall the doggs eat and him that dyeth in the fields shall the foules of the aire eat for the Lord hath spoken it but if onely guiltie Kings might be punisht it were no great matter but the poore people must be destroyed for their Kings wickednes ver 15. 16. for the Lord shall smite Israel as a reed is shaken in the water and he shall root up Israel out of this good land which hee gave to their fathers and shall scatter them beyond the river because they have made their groves provoking the Lord to anger ver 16. and hee shall give Israel up because of the sins of Ieroboam who did sin and who made Israel to sin blessed Lord it was Ieroboam that made the groves high places and not the people but when the people choose a King what he does is reputed their Act they doe it by him as the whole body sees heares by the organs of the eares and eyes what a sad consideration is it that Gods people should be destroyed for the sinne of the Kings of Israel let them smart sayes the Lord a King they will have then there was warre betweene Rehoboam and Ieroboam all their dayes 1 Kings 14. 30 which the spirit of God reiterates Chap. 15. 6. as if Kings delighted in nothing but wars about prerogatives precedencie or such triviall matters the poore people must shed their precious blood loose their lives not onely temporall but hazard their inestimable soules for as the tree falls so it lies their Wives and Children utterly destroyed and all to attaine and satisfie the ambitious designes and wicked lusts of proud imperious men that set all on flame to warme themselves as if God had made Bees to make hony onely for the Drones poore men onely to be as the wooll in the breach to receive Cannon and Musquet bullets and yet when the world is in love and bowells of pittie jogged wakened out of this pleaseing dreame they are angry with their
with Moses that is so farr as the Lord is with thee in the way of holines and righteousnes so farr we are thy subjects and no farther and whosoever rebells against thy Command so farr as it is the Commandment of the Lord shall surely dye then Iosua 3. 9. sayes to the people come hither and heare the Word of the Lord your God and 4. 14. the people feared Iosua but it was because the Lord had magnified him in the sight of all Israel the Lawes that the people were governed by were the Lawes of God which Moses had written in the presence of the people of Israel Iosua 8. from the 31. to the 35. and in all difficult causes no doubt but Iosua consulted with the Elders of Israel Iosua 10. Hee hangs up five Kings makes quicke worke with them they did not plead that their persons were sacred that they were the Lords anointed and not to be toucht but said Iosua verse 25. thus shall the Lord your God doe to all your enemies against whom ye fight as if he should say if there be at any time so long as God hath a people in the world a King in England Scotland or any other part of the world fighting against them the Captains of the men of Warre must put their feet upon the necks of such Kings who ever they be and they must be smitten slaine and hanged up untill the evening and never did trees in England yeeld and bring forth such sweet fruit as those wherof the Scaffolds were made at VVhitehall Ianuary 30. 1648. Some slips or stocks whereof to be planted for the same good use of hanging and beheading all Tirants and oppressors will be more worth to the three Nations then all the Timber in the Forest of Deane in the same Chap. 7. Kings more are Conquered and smitten and Iosua 12. 24. all the Kings 31. and observe the precious counsell that good Iosua gives to the people before his death such Rulers and no others are of the Lords appointment Come wee to the Booke of Iudges Iosua being dead the people did evill in the sight of the Lord 2. 11. and they were sold into the hands of their Enemies that spoiled them yet ver 16. the Lord raised up Iudges which delivered them out of the hands of those that spoiled them and Chap. 3. 9. the Lord raised up a deliverer to the people of Israel who delivered them even Othniel and the spirit of the Lord came upon him and he judged Israel and went out to warre ver 15. left-handed Ehud slew Eglon Chap. 6. 14. The Lord raised up Gideon to deliver Israel from the Mideanites and Chap. 8. they would have made him King then the men of Israel said unto Gideon rule thou over us 22. 23. both thou and thy son and thy sons son also for thou hast delivered us from the hand of Midian and Gideon said unto them I will not rule over you neither shall my son rule over you the Lord shall rule over you Gideon rejects the motion with disdaine hereditary Kingdomes have no footstep in Scripture but the Lord is said to rule when fit men rule by the Lawes of God Chap. 8. 33 34 35. The people soone forgot God and Gideon then Chap. 9. the bramble will be King that which is a curse of God upon the earth Gen. 3. 18. will play Reax Gideon would not be King but Abimeleck makes no bones to kill seventy of his brethren to make himselfe King 9. 5. is such one likely to be a governor of Gods appointment Can it be the minde of God that the Trees of the Forrest should have a bramble to raigne over them Iotham the Survivour ver 7. stands up and sayes hearken unto mee yee men of Sechem that God may harken unto you and may I humbly beg leave of my miserably deluded and discontented Countrey-men to put them in minde of Iothams Parable and in true love to tell them that as Iotham by that parable foretold their ruine and ver 57. the curse of Iotham the son of Ierubbaal was fulfilled upon them accordingly so undoubtedly whoever shall by plots and conspiracies endeavour to introduce any of Abimelecks race or conditions to be King of England Ireland or Scotland or act any thing against the late statute for the abolishing of Kingly power shall perish by the sword of Iustice and those Cities that resist so just Acts Ordinances shall be beaten down and sowed with salt ver 45. The Lord grant that the salt there mentioned and Lots wifes conversion into a pillar of salt Genes 19. 26. which the Lord Iesus would have us remember Luke 17. 32. may be as savory condiments to season mens spirits with a detestation of all Tiranny and oppression and with a love to Iustice and Rationall goverment that the Parliament may give us every day more and more of the fatnes of the Olive the peace bringing Olive quicke cheape and sure Iustice which can onely make peace and harmony in a Common wealth it being the onely strong oake that can keep up the ship of State from sinking and let all that would not be found fighting against God make a Covenant of salt to be true and faithfull to the Common-wealth as it is now established renouncing ever to have any thing more to doe with Abimelecke for see what became of him ver 53. So God will undoubtedly render the wickednes of those that imbrued their hands in the blood of that learned Doctor Dorislaus and Ingenious Mr. Ascam upon their owne heads for such bloody Actions are seldome onely punisht in hell Chap. 11. Iephthah the Gileadite that mighty man of valour who was thrust out of his native place by his brethren was soon called backe to their assistance to be their Captaine and Ruler note there a plaine agreement and stipulation betweene a Prince and people and certainly so it was in the beginning of Parliaments no doubt but it was agreed upon under hand and seale but Kings have been too subtill creatures to suffer it to be printed that if the King should be of one Iudgement and the Representatives of another it must passe according to the Publique reason of the whole and that Parliaments were not to be dissolved till the busines was done which they met about other wise what fickle things were Kings and what vaine things were Parliaments as building of Castles in the Aire Now Iepthah having judged Israel six yeares died 12. 7. after whom Ibzan and Edom were Iudges they being dead the Children of Israel did evill againe in the sight of the Lord and the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistins 40. yeares 13. 1. then the Spirit of the Lord began to move in Sampson and his valiant exploits are the substance of the 14 15 and 16. Chap. then comes the great objection which the Royalists make Chap. 17. 6. in those dayes there was no King in Israel but every man
to feare the Lord his God to keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes to doe them ver 20. that his heart be not lifted up above his brethren and that he turne not aside from the Commandement to the right hand or to the left to the end that he may prolong his dayes in his Kingdome he and his Children in the midst of Israel And they read those words I will set a King over me which is spoken by the people Thou shalt set a King over thee as if God had commanded a Kingly Goverment in Canaan which was only permissive as the sin of Adam let them have a King at their owne perill saith the Lord The Lord foresaw that the Israelites would rebell and cast off a happy Goverment by the heads of the people and Iudges and God permits it and Moses speakes of the election and dutie of a King the election is from the people they will have a King whether the Lord will or no where by the way wee may take notice how bold many have beene and poore deluded Royalists still are to wrest the Scripture for the advancement of Monarchy when men dare say that in the Hebrew it is that Moses commands them to elect a King which the holy Scripture reproves in them as the greatest insanity madnes in the world that when they may have honest Religious men to go in out before them that will not oppresse them nor exalt themselves above their brethren that they will notwithstanding inslave themselves to the Arbitrary and lawlesse Iusts of one man and his posteritie whether they be Idiots Children knaves Theeves Murderers Fornicators Gluttons Drunkards Idolators or Women which though never so wise Religious and mercifull as by reason of the tendernes of their spirits and want of temptation I believe there are more godly women then men in the world yet it is against the law of God and Nature to make Millions of men subject to the commands of a woman but blessed be God that the knowledge of the Hebrew language is not necessary to bring an English man to heaven Iosua had the honour to conduct them into Canaan and they tooke it into possession but there was a remnant of the Canaanites left unsubdued to prove them as the law is Deut. the 20. from the 16. 10 the 18. which I the rather mention for the Illustration of the equitable proceedings in Ireland the Lambe Iudges and makes war in Righteousnes Revel 19. 11. Every Souldier hath been as a Iudge to execute the Iudgment written Psal 149. 9. farre be it from Gods servants to slay the righteous with the wicked Genes 18. 23. No such beatificall sight as to see a Murderer that hath imbrued his hands in the effusion of Innocent blood to suffer the most painefull and shamefull death that can be imagined but the Children of those Murderers ought not to be put to death for their originall sin as we read in the case of Amaziah 2 Kings 14. 5. 6. And it came to passe as soone as the Kingdome was confirmed in his hand that hee slew his servants which had slaine the King his Father But the Children of the Murderers he slew not according unto that which is written in the booke of the law of Moses wherein the Lord commanded saying the Fathers shall not be put to death for the Children nor the Children be put to death for the Fathers but every man shall be put to death for his owne sinne Deut. 24. 16. And many that by reason of their wicked principles and adherence to the Pope are not fit to be trusted in Garisons yet receive rents for their houses or estates there Ezek. 18. 20. The soule that sinneth it shall dye the sonne shall not beare the iniquity of the Father neither shall the Father beare the iniquitie of the Son the righteousnes of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickednes of the wicked shall be upon him Now by the equitie of that law Deut. 20. 16. where Gods people shall reside they being chief in Command may and ought for their owne securities expell delinquents and malignants out of London or any Garrison in England or Ireland for a time or for ever as may conduce to the Weale publique and their owne safeties whose lives are so precious in the Lords esteeme But here I meet a Goliah in the way that threatens much but the spirit of God is not in it and therefore it is but as a statue that God had given the land of Canaan by promise to Israel and therefore they might justly maintaine a warr to destroy the Canaanites Hittites Amorites Perizites Hivites and Iebusites and there being no command to destroy the Gibeonites Deut. 20. 17. therefore the league with them was lawfull Ios 9. wherein the warr may be judged lawfull on both sides for Iosua to fight having a command from God and the Canaanites to defend their possession not knowing of any such command but is there the same reason to destroy ancient Monarchyes when they oppose Iesus Christ and wil not suffer his people to enjoy their liberties which he hath purchased for them by his precious blood Answer Yes doubtlesse there are as evident promises for the Churches of Christ in this age of the world to be redeemed out of Antichristian bondage by the Moseses Iosuas Sampsons Gideons Iepthahs and Samuels which the Lord shall raise up to be instruments in his hand to save his people as there were in Moses and Iosuas ages that the Church of Israel should be delivered from the Egyptian slavery and reason to me cleerely makes it out that if a promise of an earthly Canaan were a ground of the Churches Warre much more their spirituall liberties that if I may defend my house by force from theeves and robbers certainly I may defend my selfe in the exercise of my spirituall liberties which are ten thousand times deerer to me if I may fight for a peece of glasse may I not engage for a precious pearle that is invalluable The Kings of Canaan might have pleaded antiquity succession and the peoples consent which no King can plead against Gods people in the matter of their spirituall priviledges God will have the Monarchs of the world know that whatever Civill right they may pretend to their Kingdomes where they have by force or flattery gained the peoples consent as the honest man parts with his purse to save his life yet they must not upon paine of forfeiting their Royalties persecute his friends and servants Kings that stile themselves Defenders of the Faith if they prove offendors of the faithfull God will take away their Kingdomes in a way of Iustice and righteousnes when any of the 10. Kings having formerly given their power and strength to the beast Revel 17. 12. shall afterwards cut off his head as Henry the eight used the Pope in taking away his supremacy and making himselfe head of the Church by Act of
cause to thinke that the Lord was highly displeased with those that would have made peace with the late King read but 1 Sam 12. from the 16. to the 22. and it is all one to say that God is the Author of Monarchy as that he is the Author of sin for the blessed spirit which cannot lye calls it a great wickednes the people call it their evill and Samuel sayes they have done all this wickednes yet feare not for the Lord will not forsake his people for his great names sake because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people and he promises to pray for them ver 23. as if Monarchy was such a great sin that if it had not beene that the Lord will not truly destroy his owne people Psal 89. 33. Exod. 32. 12. for what would the Egyptians then have said hee would never have pardoned it for a Iust rationall Goverment is one of the things that is of the greatest concernement in the world but is it not said 1 Sam. 15. 9 10 11. that God set up Saul to be King true but no otherwayes then he set up Pharoah to oppresse his own people but Saul and the people spared Agag and the fatlings which was Sauls disobedience and observe for what Saul lost the Kingdome the people will have a King though he erre but in mercy saying it is more noble to save him whom wee may destroy then to kill him whom wee may save alive and the best of the Sheep and the Oxen spared for sacrifice unto the Lord and confessed his sinne v. 24. Saul said unto Samuel I have sinned for I have transgressed the Commandement of the Lord and thy words because I feared the people and obeyed their voice 25. Now therefore I pray thee pardon my sin turne againe with me that I may worship the Lord 26. And Samuel said unto Saul I will not returne with thee for thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord and the Lord hath rejected thee from being King over Israel 27. and as Samuel turned about to goe away hee laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle and it rent 28. and Samuel said unto him the Lord hath rent the Kingdome of Israel from thee this day and hath given it to a neighbour of thine that is better then thou 29. and also the strength of Israel will not lye nor repent for he is not a man that should repent 30. then he said I have sinned yet honour mee now I pray thee before the Elders of my people and before Israel and turne againe with mee that I may worship the Lord thy God 31. so Samuel turned againe after Saul and Saul worshipped the Lord what would not the mercifull God of Israel pardon the King of Israel an error in mercy being but too pittifull to spare a great man that happily might have repented that confest his sin prayed for pardon that he might worship the Lord that prayed againe for pardon of that particular sinne and did worship the Lord accordingly that was annointed 1 Sam. 10. 1. in token of the giftes and graces of Gods spirit and kist by Samuel for congratulation and homage 1 Kings 19. 18. Psal 2. 12. it speaks aloud to me that the Lord was very angry at Monarchicall Goverment and that Kings when they have possest themselves of such a God-like state and Immense powers Incompetible almost with humanitie not only by force and usurpation but by the peoples consent or election as Saul was the people shouted and said God save the King 1 Sam. 10. 24. and Chap. 11. 15. 't is said that the people made Saul King and Saul and all the men of Israel rejoyced greatly yet one offence and that a small matter in comparison though no sin be little that is committed against the great God makes a Monarch to forfeit all his Royalties for when people either for feare or through the vanity or pride of heart will tye themselves by Oathes or Covenant to be in subjection to any man the Scripture tells them that God is angry with them for giving away that libertie which he would have them keep and if they breake their trust never so little they may plucke them downe and choose godly and Iudicious men to rule over them in the feare of the Lord certainly Saul was a Saint in comparison of the pretenders to Monarchy in our dayes He sins in mercy not in cruelty confessed his sin never used any means to be King but hid himselfe as unwilling and unworthy to be King ventured his life most freely for the people was not guilty of Innocent Blood as we read of unles it were in the case of the Priests 1 Sam 22. 19. tooke the newes of his rejection from Samuel patiently acknowledged divine Iustice in all and would not have a man suffer that denyed his title to the Crown as in the place before alledged How unlike was Saul to Charles the last but by Solons law no evill is to be spoken of the dead least quarrells should be immortall He hath appealed to a higher Tribunall where no error will be found in the sentence pronounced against him but all that had a hand and acted in that execution from a consciencious principle to be rid of Tiranny and oppression in discharge of their duties to God and man Not for any sinister end to make themselves great but faithfully to serve their generation will have much cause of rejoycing therein at that great day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed and many Iudgments given in severall Courts shall be reversed but that undoubtedly will be confirmed Object But it is strongly objected for Monarchy that God accepted David it is said of him 1 King 15. 4. 5. Nevertheles for Davids sake did the Lord his God give him a lamp in Ierusalem to set up his Son after him and to establish Ierusalem because David did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the dayes of his life save onely in the matter of Vriah the Hittite Ans Gods choosing David was no approbation of the Kingly office in him more then in Saul God never said that Davids office was after his own heart unles sin and great wickednes be after Gods heart God gave Saul gifts he had a spirit of Regiment the Israelites were resolved to have a King as the Heathens had whether God would or not let them have one sayes God at their own perills when the King was good and governed them as the good Iudges did and would give an account to the people a reason of all his actions Then God had his will and the people had their wils to have the name of a King but the Nature of good magistrates and certainly I have thought many times upon the late troubles that if I durst have asked any thing in the world contrary to the minde of God
shall reap the same ver 8. 9. those to whom the newes of the murder of the Innocent is as sweet as a plentifull harvest is agreable to the husbandman shall not be able to avoid the stroke of Iustice but be like high trees that are planted upon the mountaines shall be made a sport and pastime for the windes and tempests But the poore Gibeonits case before wee leave it affords us an excellent document how Gods Israelites ought to carry themselves towards Ismaelits and Canaanits that would have destroyed them viz. to be very sparing in promises and protection towards them but haveing once conditionated with them and received them into favour to be very liberall in performances towards them and not to violate faith given in a title though the conditions were obtained by craft and deception And now I humbly intreat you to observe what little esteeme David had of Sauls Royall seed to hang up seven of them for what offence does not appeare but very probable that they had given Saul bad councell to destroy the poore Gibeonites and yet David had sworne to Saul not to cut off his seed after him 1 Sam. 24. 20. 21. And now behold I know well that thou shalt surely be King and that the Kingdome of Israel shall be established in thine hand Sweare now therefore unto me by the Lord that thou wilt not cut off my seed after mee and that thou wilt not destroy my name out of my fathers house and David swore unto Saul With these two arguments I doe in the name of the Lord Challenge all the Royalists in England Ireland and Scotland to answer them if they can or rest satisfied with Scripture and reason 1. That no oath of Allegiance or Supremacy can be any ground to any people not to doe Iustice upon a King for murder David a man after Gods owne heart that never offended but in the matter of Vriah therefore did not erre in delivering up Sauls seven sons to execution would not make his oath to Paul a ground not to doe Iustice for the Spirit of God in David argued thus I am by the Law of Nature as I am a creature a poore worme bound to the holy and just Law of my Creator which is unchangeable and undispensable God can no more dispense with my loving and obeying of him then hee can cease to be God by reason of his Infinite goodnes which Law is that blood requires blood Genes 9. 6. It is a fundamentall Law without which there can be no conservation of human society and I finde in the Law of God that my eye must not pittie him that sheds blood Deut. 19. 11 12 13. But if any man hate his neighbour and lye in wait for him and rise up against him and smite him mortally that he dye and fleeth into one of these Cities then the Elders of the City shall send and fetch him thence and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood that he may dye ver 5. thine eye shall not pittie him but thou shalt put away the guilt of Innocent blood from Israel that it may goe well with thee paralell whereunto is 2 Kings 14. 4. And also for the Innocent blood that he shed for hee filled Ierusalem with Innocent blood which the Lord would not pardon And therefore when I take an oath of Allegeance or Supremacy it must be saving that faith which I owe unto my Creator as in Iustice Littletons case when any man did Fealty to his Lord it was with a saving that faith and dutie which he owed unto the King and those other Lords which he held land of by Priority of Tenure which if it were not expressed it is implyed in Law 2. Thus I argue that if it were just to put Sauls sons to death for their fathers sin wherein hee was principall and they but accessaries at the most doubtlesse it had been just to have recompenced it upon the head of their father it could be no sin to put Saul to death for killing the Gibeonites where it was lawfull to execute his sons which might have made many pleas that what they did was Sauls command they had the Kings Commission of Array and warrants from Saul to raise forces to secure the Countrey and under pretence of keeping the peace to plunder and destroy whom they pleased but observe what a glorious sight it was in the eyes of heaven 1 Sam. 21. 14. when those seven sons were executed God was intreated for the Land It may be the common Law would have acquitted those seven gentlemen because regularly where the principall is dead the accessory cannot be tryed but the Law of God makes all principall in murder whether present or absent as the Law of man makes all principall in the highest offences of Treason and the lowest offences of trespasse nor did David question what shall I shed the blood of the seed Royall for the Gibeonites who were strangers and bondmen hewers of wood and drawers of water upon which Eternall Law of Righteousnes Major Ottoway and Cornet Grant were shot to death for murdering an Irish-man at the siege of VVaterford who having leave to goe into VVaterford to receive some money and to returne was at his coming backe murdered by their Orders or Command for which by the Councell of Warre they were justly condemned and the execution was a most famous peece of justice for had not zeale and love to Iustice preponderated and out-voted all private affections much might have been said for the vallor Gallantry and hopefulnes of the Major and Cornet I could not in faithfulnes but mention it as being a case so parallell to that 1 Sam. 21. That Sauls sons should be executed for murder of the Gibeonites and out of my dutifull respect to beare witnesse to the exemplary and exact discipline of the Army where vice is punisht vertue rewarded whereof I was sometimes Advocate and count it more honorable to be a member of an Army fighting for Christ then to be head of an Antichristian Empire But before we leave David let me but observe how the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel for Davids one sin of numbring the people what had the poore sheep done that 70000. men from Dan to Beersheba should dye by the Pestilence in three dayes Did not God thinke you therein reckon with them for their Kingly goverment you will have a King saith the Lord to them whether I will or no you shall now smart for your wickednes for your great wickednes for unmanning your selves making your selves lesse then men to make one man equall with God to doe what he pleases I will not endure it in my owne people Eli sinned yet the people not punisht for he governed the people according to the minde of God but you will have a King sayes the Lord as the Heathens have be it so but if he sin I le punish you not only with the famine but by a
all the Cities and thy Iudges of whom thou saidst give me a King and Princes I gave thee a king in mine anger and tooke him away in my wrath no king but Iesus And Esay the 1. holds it out fully what Goverment they shall have when they have repented Not Monarchy but by good Iudges and Councellors ver 12. how is the faithfull City become an harlot it was full of judgement righteousnes lodged in it but now murderers so long as they had their good Samuels Iustice was like a mighty streame but when they would have a king like the Heathens then men were made offenders for a word if any man stand in the way of the kings domination the kings Iudges for money would condemne him as in the case of Naboth for his vineyard ver 23 thy Princes are Rebellious and companions of theeves therefore ver 25. when the Iewes shall be converted sayes the Lord I will take away the tin of Monarchy and I will restore thy Iudges as at the first and thy Councellors as at the beginning afterwards thou shalt be called the City of righteousnes the faithfull Citie there are hopes now that England Ireland and Scotland may be faithfull Cities the drosse and Tin of Monarchy being happily purged away the Lord tells them againe of their sin in choosing kingly Goverment in the dayes of Hezekiah Hos 8. 3. Israel hath cast off the thing that is good the enemy shall pursue him ver 4. they have set up Kings but not by me they have made Princes and I knew it not did any Royalist ever thinke that God makes the sin of Monarchy equall to Idolatry as there he does but let any Royalist if he can shew me one word of approveing or commending kingly office or Regall Goverment in Scripture And when God redeemed them from the Babylonish captivity and gave them Ezra who was a ready Scribe in the Law of Moses Ezra 7. 6. he speaks not one word of the commendations of Kingly goverment nor yet Nehemiah who was the Kings cup-bearer 1 Nehe. 11. a most active and zealous instrument for Gods service speaks not a word of Kingly power to be of God but chap. 6. 6. 7. Sauballat and Tobiah enemies to reformation sent a letter to Nehemiah that it was reputed that he intended to make himselfe King and appointed Prophets to preach him up King at Ierusalem but Nehemiah sent word that there was no such thing but it was feigned by craft and pollicie to hinder the worke of God and ver 13. sayes Nehemiah they would have made me afraid and to have sinned that they might have matter for an evill report that they might reproach me and was not this the very language of the Malignants that the Parliament intended to make themselves Kings and many other false accusations raised against them to discourage weaken their hands from the worke but blessed be God that hath maintained a spirit of Christian fortitude in our good Nehemiahs ver 11. shall such men as wee doe good works by the halfes God forbid the Lord thinke upon his servants both in Parliament and Army for good according to all that they have done and suffered And so Haggai 2. 22. prophesies of overthrowing the throne of kingdomes and the strength of the kingdomes of the heathens and the chariots and those that ride in them but not a tittle in any of the Prophets whereby the lawfulnes of Monarchy may be gathered or maintained if the goverment were lawfull why should the Lord destroy it and if it must be destroyed from amongst the heathen people that are ignorant of God and rationall rather in habit then in act certainely God is exceeding angry with his owne people for suffering Monarchs to Lord it over them when they have a power in their hands to subdue them Object But was not Iesus Christ borne in the dayes of Augustus Caesar who had so great a power that all the world was taxed in his dayes Luk 2. 1. and did not Ioseph and Mary of their own accord goe up from Galilee into Iudea to be taxed and is not subjection commanded to the Roman Emperors that were some of thē monsters of men and that even for conscience sake Rom. 13. 5. nay did not Iesus Iesus Christ himselfe worke a miracle to pay tribute for himselfe and Peter for Caesars service Ans First concerning that of Rom. 13. I marvaile that any man that hath but a dram of ingenuitie will object it for it is as cleere as cristall that the Magistrates there which are not to be resisted are such as command just things and forbid the contrary that are not a terror to good works but to the evill for the Law is not made for the righteous man 1 Tim. 1. 9. Hee that punishes a man for doeing good is no more to be obeyed by any command from God then Satan is If God should suffer any people to be spiritually possest or obsest by the Divell the Scripture sayes that in such cases onely spirituall reasons are to be used this kinde of burning drowning and persecution goeth not out but by prayer and fasting Matth. 17. 15. 21. but when rulers are possest with a spirit of crueltie hunting and thirsting after the blood liberties and estates of honest people they are not to crouch under such burthens with an asinine patience but to quit themselves like men and purchase their freedome at any rate for no remedy can be so bad as such a disease If it should be intended of Religion then Nero might have compelld Christians to worship the Sun and the Apostles had find in Acts 5. and if it should be construed of a submission in Civill matters that is to arme sin by a Commission against the law but the question is whether Monarchicall Government have any footing or Divine approbation in Scripture for God is not obliged to hinder sin and oppression but he approves it not there is a plaine and direct prohibition against it my people shall not have a King sayes the Lord but we will have a King say they t is your great sin and wickednes to aske a King sayes the Lord but let us have one at our owne perills say they as the poore Iewes said in another cause his blood be upon us and our children let us have a King though wee smart never so much and pay never so deere for it the people are made sensible of their sin in asking a King and crave pardon for their rejecting God and a rationall Goverment against which expresse inhibition and charter in that 1. Sam 8. Some interences are made of the lawfulnes of Monarchy in generall which yet if it were lawfull as it can never be evinced being against reason amongst the Heathens yet it is no argument that it is lawfull amongst Gods people because of that Divine injunction that they shall not imitate the goverment nor manners of unbelievers but that which Paul by
all the potentates of the earth Esay 66. 16. but it must be a righteous warr Revel 19. 11. And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and hee that sat upon him was called faithfull and true and in righteousnes he doth Iudge and make warr for unlesse Iustice be advanced in the front of all military designes God will not protect the reare It is an error in any to hold that the power of Anti-Christ must not be destroyed by the materiall sword and maintained by such only as turne all Scriptures into Allegories I doe not count it any superstition for the Gentry of Poland to stand up and draws their swords at the rehersal of the Creed signifying that they wil fight for their Religion against all opposers And they that are called are faithfull chosen and true Ier. 51. 20. Thou art my battell Axe and weapon of war for with thee will I breake in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy Kingdomes men of Gods designation and appointment Hee is the Lord of Hosts that hath taught the hands of his servants to warre and their fingers to fight Psal 144. 1. For not only that knowledge which is divine is from God but skill in armes and expertnes in warrs which though it may in a great measure be acquired by naturall valour and understanding voluntary industry and long experiences yet considering how many veteran Commanders of noble extraction and education famous in feates of Chivalrie have been foiled broken in peeces and beaten at their owne weapons by a few gentlemen in comparison and inuenile mecanicks and honest tradesmen whose hearts the Lord hath drawn forth and engaged to fight his battailes we must needs acknowledge that their valor prowesse and dexterity hath either been infused by God or improved by him to a miraculous proficiencie The Scripture is very cleere that Gods people were governed by Parliaments for though we read 1 Kings 8. 2. That all the men of Israel assembled to King Solomon yet v. the 3. the Elders of Israel only came the people were but vertually present by repre sentation as every man woman and child is supposed to be present in Parliament otherwise an Act could not in reason oblige them 1 Num. 4. one of every Tribe one chief of the house of his Fathers to appeare and stand up for the rest and more expressely in the 2 Chron. 1. 2. and 5. 2. They are called Captains of thousands and of hundreds that stand up for Counties and Cities Iudges that weigh mens causes Governors of Forts and Garrisons and chief men for wisedome principall officers for age and prudence and by Kings and Princes in severall texts of Scriptures are onely meant eminent nursing fathers to Gods people but accountable to their brethren for any Male-administration but Kings make themselves so sacred that they may not be toucht they say the Lawes are their own Creatures to which they can no more be subject then the Romans could be subject to their owne slaves the Civillians at Paris not long since resolved that the King could not be plaintiffe in any Action for he was not tyed to any Law all is the Emperors as to property though not as to possession say some of them and they have no other obligation but the conservation of their owne dominions and greatnes they must dissemble for their proper interests one made many promises and after being made a King said he was not the person that promised and so all was void In the Warrs betweene Henry the third and the Barons most of the Cittizens of London tooke part with the right side against the King for never had any King just cause to fight against the people who was taken prisoner an obstinate man that would not yeeld though he was brought to a morsell of bread the people in that midnight of Popery tooke oathes and protestations from him for the maintenance of their lives and estates and set him at liberty and in speciall he tooke a solemne oath not to question the Londoners for any former matter wishing damnation and the lowest chamber in hell for himselfe and his posterity if he did not punctually keepe and observe them and tooke the Sacrament upon it which hee believed to be the very Body and Blood of Christ and the people counted him a Heretique that made the least doubt of his non-performance what not believe the King upon such solemne Oathes and imprecations this was ratified by Act of Parliament but what followed he had no sooner got the Milicia into his owne hands but the active men that contended for their liberties were Imprisoned the Liberties of the City invaded Strangers appointed to be Governors of the City those that had been honest put to death their goods confiscate and never poore creatures more miserably afflicted and tormented and what promises did Queen Mary make to the Suffolke men at Franingham Castle that they should enjoy their Religion establisht by Edw. 6. but when shee had got power in her hand shee began to persecute and burne them for Heretiques the poore Suffolks men besought her to make good her promise what said shee keepe promise with Heretiques I shall make you know that the members must not be so bold with their head as to endeavour to rule it Innumerable instances might be made of forraigne Princes in this kinde but it is but to show the Sun with a candle Monarchs have no other principles but selfe preservation though they should intend to performe when they promise which I doubt very few of them doe it is but as the I esuits teach to keep untill they have power to break and forgive an injury as the Italian sayes till he can revenge it they have such strong temptations to draw their hearts from what they have engaged their selves unto if it crosse them in point of domination which is so sweet a morsell unto them that no prudent people will ever trust them for matter of their liberties Richlieus principle and Councell to his Master was keep your Subjects low Sir that having time little enough to get bread they may never thinke of any liberties I doe not know whether his tongue and his head were of the same opinions for he was famous for deep dissimulations but if he spoke as he thought I might without offence say that it was as unwise a speech as ever came from a Scholler Let me intreat your honorable patience but to read a little of Machiavell which Kings study more then Scripture his words are these in his Prince A King sayes he must be a Fox that he may be aware of snares and a Lion that he may scare the Wolves A wise Prince ought not to keepe his faith given when the observance thereof turnes to disadvantage and the occasions that made him promise are past if men were all good this rule would not be allowable but being the people are full of mischiefe and would not make it good
more then ordinary trouble have recovered them it cannot but be a purgatory to an Ingenious spirit certainly that Iudge which helps a man to his right and thereby preserves a family from beggery deserves as much as he that cures a man of a desperate fever But I Sam. 8. Is the Statute Law concerning Kings where it cleerely appeares that the first generation of Monarchs and the rise of Kings was not from above not begotten by the Word and Command of God but from the peoples pride ardent importunity they were mad for a King to be like unto the Heathens I beseech you observe the story it is a Chapter that deserves to be written in Capitall letters of Gold and if it were convenient to appoint the reading of it but once a moneth in the publique meeting places I am confident it might be of great advantage in the satisfying men of perverse spirits for let the most violent assertors and contenders for Monarchy but seriously consider and be intreated to heare it as the Word of God 1 Thess 2. 13. and they must needs be convinced that they which endeavour to destroy a Parliament consisting of Godly Wise and Iudicious men that are willingly bound by the same Lawes which are made for others abhorring all thoughts of unaccomptablenes and to set up a King who fights for a boundlesse prerogative to doe what he pleases on earth giving an accompt thereof only to God as if hell were made only for them who must not be toucht nor be punished in this life for any of their abominations doe cast off and reject the God of Iustice and mercy for when good Samuels rule the people it is God that rules in them and by them and there is nothing so contrary to the gracious Nature of God as the violence oppression and Legall Thefts of the wicked Nimrods of the world and then marke the doome of their favorits Iohn 12. 48. he that rejecteth mee and receiveth not my words hath one that Iudgeth him the word that I have spoken the same shall Iudge him in the last day First it is very observable what it was that bred a dislike of the Iudges ver 3. they turned aside after lucre and tooke Bribes and perverted Iudgement which Samuel did not ver 5. when Common-wealths men turne private wealths men and more minde the Trimming of their owne Cabbins then the Ship of State then the people cry out make us a King to Iudge us like all the Nations as if they should say better have one Tirant then thirty Tirants in Athens better fill one purse then many now the Lord Commands Samuel to protest solemnly against Monarchy that they may not pretend ignorance but be left inexcusable and then if they will have a King hearken unto them sayes the Lord ver 7. which is no approbation of Monarchy as some vainely argue the Lord therein dealing with them as a tender wise Physician when the impatient Patient cryes out for wine which will encrease the disease the Physician to satisfie his importunitie gives him a little wine which he knowes rather encreases then asswages the disease but knowes that if he have it not his impatience may worke a greater mischiefe ver 19. Nay but we will have a King over us are words of men possessed with afrensie give us a King or wee shall run madd for him wee will have one whatsoever it cost us that we may be like all the Nations shall France and Spayne have Kings and we none will they take away our God from us from vers 11. to 17. Samuel describes a lively portraiture and lineament of a Kings prerogative which are principally three as you may please to observe first a prerogative over mens persons to imprison any one whom the King pleases Hee will take your sons upon pretence of disobedience or for reason of State either intowre him or send him beyond sea if he were a Commonwealths man which in Court language is as much as to say a dangerous man ver 11. 13. and 16. Secondly in point of Militia ver 12. Hee will ap point the Capitaines the Kings Councell called that an inherent priviledge as an inseperable accident and incident to the Crowne without which he is no King and then having the sword it is no head matter to command all the money in the Land Thirdly in point of Interest and propertie ver 14. 17. he will take a tenth of all the Corne Wine and Cattle if the Iudgement of Ship-money had not been reversed a tenth would not have sufficed I meane that senseles Iudgment which I cannot mention without indignation that men should be so silly to talke of building of ships when the Land was ready to be invaded or in eminent danger as if it were a time to looke after leather to make buckets when a house is on fire It seems to me that the holy Spirit in expressing those three grand prerogatives that the Kings of the Gentiles would pretend unto had an eye to the present age wherein wee live and therefore many booke learned Royalists not being able to answer this Scripture have declared their Iudgements to be whether their hearts and pens were of the same minde Ilargue not that the Lord did allow of such a Goverment and ver 11. hee will take your sonns which is to be meant by usurpation contrary to the Law of God Deut. 17. 20. See the learned Annotations upon that Chapter very excellent not what they ought to doe in right but that they would so doe in fact they read hee shall take your sons and ver 15. hee will take a Tenth that he shall and may take a Tenth as if they had a Commission from heaven so to doe and to fortifie that opinion they alleige Deut. 17. 14. When thou art come unto the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee and shalt possesse it and shalt dwell therein and shalt say I will set a King over mee like as all the Nations that are about me v. 15. Thou shalt in any wise set him King over thee whom the Lord thy God shall choose one from among thy brethren shalt thou set King over thee thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother ver 16. but he shall not multiply horses to himselfe not cause the people to returne to Egypt to the end that hee should multiply horses for as much as the Lord had said unto you yea shall henceforth returne no more that way ver 17. Neither shall he multiply wives to himselfe that his heart turne not away neither shall he greatly multiply to himselfe silver and gold ver 18. And it shall be when he sitteth upon his Throne of his Kingdome that he shall write him a copie of this Law in a booke out of that which is the Priests the Levites ver 19. and it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the dayes of his life that hee may learne