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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25682 The declaration of the Hungarian war lately set out by the most illustrious Michael Apafi, Prince of Transilvania, against the Emperour's S. Majesty : according to the Transylvanian copy, anno 1682.; Declaratio belli Hungarici. English & Latin Transylvania (Principality). Sovereign (1661-1690 : Apafi Mihály I); Apafi Mihály I, Prince of Transylvania, 1632-1690. 1682 (1682) Wing A3526; ESTC R16479 15,644 33

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causis judicet Christianus orbis an gens Hungarica liberrimae constitutionis quae ex fundamento Jurium Privilegiorum suorum non tantum partem summi Imperii habebat sed in delatione Coronae naturalem Libertatem exemptamque Regio Imperio ut videlicet certo eventu Regi resisteret sibi reservaverat inique egerit quod se se protectioni fulgidae Portae restitutionem Libertatis securitatemque Religionis vitae honorum manutentionem omnium Jurium Caesarea fide promittentis submiserit Ego vero qui communi cum hac Gente origine Hunnorum ex sangvine descendi a Deo omnium Regnorum fundatore ad solium principale Hungariae Dominationis ideo me erectum agnosco ut veluti in specula positus Libertatem religiosam quam civilem defendere injuriasque praeter ullam causae justae probationem populo liberrimo illatas in quantum possem propellere conarer Hi respectus causoe me impulerunt ut arma justa necessaria capesserem ad vindicandum Libertatem reducendos Exules atque oppressos Idcirco nullus sapiens rectus mirabitur neque Zelum institutum meum carpet quando causae justissimae Gentis inclytae nobilis quod summum est sanguinis mei defensionem suscepi Meus unicus scopus est ut divina adspirante elementia florentissimum quondam Regnum in desideratam tranquillitatem liberrima natio adavi●●● Libertatis immortalitatem vindicetur Aequum est rationi conveniens violatam contra fidem Libertatem concesso per manifesta privilegia jure defendere justum est pro amicis cognatis vim injustam passis Bellum defensivum suscipere hominum quippe inter se conjunctio latissime patens est quae vel sola ad opem ferendam sufficit neque praecluditur jus humanae societatis quando Reges oppressores eas in liberos subditos exercent injurias quae nulli aequo recte sentienti probentur Quod superest hortor admoneo imo rogo obtestor omnes status Hungariae ut mecum justa pia arma sociantes annitantur per fortia facta concordem unionem reducere ad pristinum splendorem protritae Libertatis gloriam Redeat in praecordia praedecessorum virtus qui sanguine qui vita Libertates tutati sunt Alacri in re tantae consequentiae constanti opus est proposito caetera divino Numini committenda qui praeteritos pro vindicanda Libertare conatus actionesque felicissimis eventibus cumulavit Non hic de privato res est non de Religione Catholica disceptatio quae Communibus cum Evangelica nititur privilegiorum fundamentis Pro Patria pro vita pro fortunis pro honore pro gloria totius Gentis agitur Illi injustum Dominatum sangvinem fortunam petunt Vos Libertatem quaerite quam nemo bonus nemo honestus nemo Nobilis nisi cum vita simul amittit Quod ad me attinet humanae infirmitatis memini vim fortunae reputo omnia quaecunque agam subjecta esse mille casibus non inficior Caeterum quemadmodum in conscientia mea securus sum eaque intentione ex securo pacato statu ad defensionem vestram Deo Duce Auxiliatore armatus proficiscor quod nihil aliud in tendam nisi emolumentum publicae salutis ita evertum finemque prosperum indubitato spero Quod si autem aliqui invenirentur qui in publicum Patriae exitium partes contrarias sequantur illorum contumaciam si merita subsequatur poena non mihi sed suae propriae culpae temerario errori imputabunt spero tamen confido omnes ordines consilia cogitationes facta intentionesque suas ad salutem Patriae ejusdem amplitudinem emolumentumque directuros Sanguine majorum nostrorum parta est libertas hactenus sanguine desensa sanguine quoque ab oppressione interitu vindicanda Sat proemiorum sat honoris erit si vel defensam Patriam liber adfpiciat spiritus vel ea collapsa vindex libertatis dextra insons animus inter cadavera suorum ad meliorem patriam migret Jehova Deus Exercituum Deus Justus fortis benedicat ex alto sanctis licitis conatibus ipse sit moderator omnium actionum consiliorum disponat deducat ad sinceram concordiam diversos dissidentes animos corroboret sortes animet pusillanimes faciatque ut omnia suscipiantur terminenturque ad sempiternam sui nominis Gloriam eversarum Libertatum restitutionem afflictae gentis quietem tranquillitatemque omnium singulorum publicam privatam felicitatem Amen THE DECLARATION OF THE Hungarian War Lately set out by the most Illustrious MICHAEL APAFI Prince of Transilvania Against the Emperour's S. Majesty According to the Transylvanian Copy Anno 1682. To all Kings Princes and Common-wealths of the Christian World to the Estates and Orders of the whole S. Roman Empire Lastly to the miserable People of Pannonia that groan under the burthen of their Oppressions For everlasting Memory Michael Apafi by the grace of God Prince of Transylvania Lord of several Parts of the Kingdom of Hungaria and Count of the Siculians I do declare and testifie in sincere Truth and unfeigned Faith LONDON Printed for Francis Smith Sen. at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhill 1682. The Declaration of the Hungarian War c. AFter that by the indignation of Heaven and the pernicious negligence of the Nobles at discord among themselves the royal purple and Dignity was dissolved from the Princes of the Hungarian Blood upon the Austrian Princes whence all our Evils and Miseries have taken rise and flowed forth they have with combined and a continued Series of Councils endeavoured to impair and tread under that Liberty which from some Ages had remained untouch'd so to get and establish for themselves an absolute and hereditary Domination in Hungary And although upon the foundation of a free Election which among the Hungarians even from the very beginning of the Kingdoms is the chief and fundamental Law they were bound by the Sacredness of an Oath that they should not attempt any thing in prejudice of the Laws and Priviledges of the Kingdom yet sought they various Pretexts to violate Liberties that thereby the Minds of the Inhabitants might be exasperated to this end they counted it an agreeable and mighty Secret of Domination to spread and foment Matters of Discord that they might drive the greater Wits apt to abuse Liberty by dissention into Confusion the more easily at length to be overcome and suppress'd Neither in these bounds only stayed this preposterous Lust of Domination but by huge Calamities and intolerable Rigors having broken the Bars of Faith and Oath they rushed violently upon all States promiscuously and this was the End and Scope of all their Intentions that by smooth and cunning Arts but if these succeeded not by open force the offended God secretly permitting to overthrow the Safeguards of the Laws and Priviledges of
the Kingdom or that it was done because the fatal period of a flourishing Kingdom was now at hand that they who refused to obey the Lawful Prince of native blood might against their will endure a stranger for their Lord. To these Evils was added the Contempt of the Nobility and Chief Men of the Kingdom who maugre the power of Laws were by little and little excluded or removed from Dignities and Publick Offices and subjected to the Command and Insolent Domination of Foreigners thus Injuries daily increasing and Power growing strong the state of Hungary was fallen so deeply that scarce the image and footsteps of ancient Liberty could be any longer known whatsoever seemed illustrious and high was neglected and born down ruine and destruction was prepared for every formidable Courage or Virtue Petitions profited not nor Lamentations in vain were Appeals made to the King's Faith and Publick Rights will stood for reason yea whatever they listed and thought fit was done according to the measure of over-grown Power Complaints were sometime admitted but for a shew and revenge by vain and fruitless words sent back more often were they eluded by upbraiding and mockery The ambition of Governours and Officers of the King with their insatiable Covetousness and deadly exercise of Cruelty were grown to such a heighth that the having of Riches rendered Men suspected and obnoxious to the King and Publick State hence by most wicked pretences Riches were extorted Goods sequestred and taken away that either the Leaches to whom it was all one whether Hungary stood or fell might satiate their greedy Maws or the Exchequer the ruine of the miserable and infamous receptacle of horrible plunders be cram'd The true and genuine appellation of things were long since banish'd for to bestow other Mens Estates for a Reward to Traitors was called Clemency to distribute the Fortunes of others in exile and illegally banish'd among the Bastards of their Country Liberality to pardon the Innocent was coloured with a title of Mercy Laws Rights Judgments In short all both Divine and Civil Affairs were in the hands of the Germans but in the Kingdom Poverty and Oppression with a shameful and abominable face of things With these and other almost innumerable Injuries when the vigorous minds and such as were impatient of slavery were above measure oppress'd at last their too long Patience being turned into Revenge they betook themselves to just and lawful Remedies and calling to mind that by their free Suffrages they had chosen a King not an absolute Lord they endeavoured to reduce that extravagant and indirect Form of Government to its due course For remedy therefore they betook themselves to War for with sudden Conferences and by reason of common Fears and loss of Liberty an unanimating Society moreover the goodness of the Cause incourage the noble Nation to take up just and necessary Arms thereby to endeavour the restoration of their buried Liberty to the splendour of its former Integrity according to the tenor of the Decree of King Andrew the Second surnamed of Jerusalem and that without any mark of unfaithfulness or rebellion The first that attack'd Luxuriant Power was the Magnanimous Hero Stephen Botskai a Man of excellent Wit and famous for Prudence and Warlike Vertue and esteemed greater than a private man whilst yet private this Man being exasperated by great Injuries opposed himself to the raging Violence with small Forces indeed but with a great and undaunted Courage and with a valiant and heroic Mind falling upon a part of the Emperour's Army did happily overthrow it and put them to flight and following on his first Victory he filled both the Kingdom and the World with his wonderful Successes having justly deserved by the unanimous consent of the Hungarians to be declared the Prince of Hungary and Transilvania being the restorer of Liberty which to his immortal glory he not only raised from the dust but also prescribed the manner of Governing to the then King vid. Rodolph the Second and his Successors that they might no longer transgress their Power limited and bounded by Law Now Peace and Publick Tranquility seemed to be well provided for most ample Articles being establish'd by the Treaty in which by the Faith and Publick Deed of the King provision was made that both Ecclesiastic and Civil Liberty should remain safe and secure but not long after the Inhabitants found by experience their hope deceived them and that the expectations of Mortals have but a slippery foundation for the most Illustrious Botskai being snatched away a little after the Peace and so by immature death leaving Grief to the Hungarians and a new occasion to the ambitious whilst almost at the same time Funeral Solemnities were performed both to the great vindication of Liberty and relapsing Liberty it self a matter to be remembred by all Posterity that the newly recovered Liberties should have as it were new Funeral for presently the opportunity was laid hold of to annul the new made Articles as if they had been extorted by force of Arms against the Faith and Conditions of Peace whereas indeed they were voluntary and free Which unbridled License and breach of Faith and Oath the true-hearted People of the Country grievously resenting that they might obviate renewed Mischiefs with a new and efficacious Remedy look'd back upon and betook themselves to that ancient Power and Protection of my Predecessors viz. of resisting oppressing Kings The Zeal of pious Intentions was helped forward by the outrage of exquisite Oppressions and the overthrow of Divine and Humane Laws whereby my Ancestours Gabriel Betlen and George Rakocie the first Princes of Glorious Memory being provoked here I comprise in one Abridgment double Injuries and as many Acts of War to avoid the Enumeration of Particulars that they might as they say strangle a neighbouring Evil in the very birth and repel incumbent and burthensome Power and reckoning the Afflictions of a Calamitous Nation their own imployed all care to remove or mitigate them but always with that intent to restrain an insolent and extravagant Domination within legal Bounds and Priviledges lest otherwise the final destruction of Religion and Liberty should overwhelm a most flourishing Kingdom with the damage and prejudice of whole Christianity Arms being again resumed for defence of a most just Cause which the Divine Power crowned with so great blessing that the Austrian Kings being affrighted with increase of Arms and unexpected Success of their own accord offer'd Peace concluded and confirmed it by Faith and publick Royal Decree but this Peace also ratified by the vast strength of a double Treaty did neither restore the hoped for Tranquillity nor lasting Liberty the Kings took occasion rather by such Truces in a state of imaginary and faithless Peace by wonted and smooth Artifices to infect and divide the Minds of the great Men and Nobles whom by Force or War they could not break in pieces It would be too long and a needless labour to