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A19988 Christian prayers and meditations in English French, Italian, Spanish, Greeke, and Latine. Day, Richard, b. 1552, attributed name.; Day, John, 1522-1584, attributed name. 1569 (1569) STC 6428; ESTC S105219 107,331 687

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to reuerence magnifie thy godly maiestie First for that thou hast created vs to thine owne Image and similitude but chiefly because thou hast deliuered vs frō that euerlasting death and damnation into the which Sathan drew mankind by the meanes of sinne from the bondage wherof neyther man nor Angell was able to make vs free but thou O Lorde riche in mercy and infinite in goodnes hast prouided our redemption to stand in thine onely and welbeloued sonne whom of very loue thou didst geue to be made man like vnto vs in all thinges sinne excepted that in hys body he might receaue the punishment of our transgression by hys death to make satisfaction to thy iustice and by hys resurrection to destroy him that was author of death and so to bring againe life to the worlde from which the whole ofspring of Adam was most iustly exiled O Lord we acknowledge that no creature was able to comprehend the length and breadth the deepenes and height of that thy most excellent loue which moued thee to shewe mercy where none was deserued to promise and geue lyfe where death had gotten victory to receaue vs into thy grace when we could doe nothing but rebell against thy maiestie O Lord the blind dulnes of our corrupt nature will not suffer vs sufficiently to weigh these thy most ample benefites yet neuertheles at the commaundement of Jesus Christ our Lorde we present our selues to thys hys table which he hath left to be vsed in remembraunce of hys death vntill hys comming agayne to declare and witnes before the world that by hym alone we haue receaued libertie and life that by hym alone thou doest acknowledge vs to bee thy children and heyres that by hym alone we haue entrance to the throne of thy grace that by him alone we are possessed in our spirituall kingdome to eate and drinke at his table with whom we haue our conuersation presently in heauen and by whom our bodyes shall be raised vp agayne from the duste and shall bee placed with hym in that endles ioy which thou O father of mercy hast prepared for thine elect before the foundation of the world was layde And these most inestimable benefites we acknowledge and confesse to haue receaued of thy free mercy and grace by thine onely beloued sonne Jesus Christ For the which therfore we thy congregation moued by thy holy spirite render to thee all thankes praise and glory for euer and euer ¶ A thankesgeuing after the receauiug of the holy Communion TOst mercifull father we render vnto thee all prayse thankes honour glory for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies to graunt vs miserable sinners so excellent a gift and treasure as to receaue vs into the fellowship company of thy deare sonne Jesus Christ our Lord whom thou hast deliuered to death for vs hast geuen hym vnto vs as a necessary foode and nourishment vnto euerlasting lyfe And now we besech thee also O heauenly father to graunt vs thys request that thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind as to forget so worthy benefites but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hartes that we may grow encrease dayly more and more in true fayth which continually is exercised in all maner of good workes and so much the rather O Lord confirme vs in these perillous dayes and rages of Sathan that we may constantly stand and continue in the confession of the same to the aduauncemēt of thy glory which art God ouer al things blessed for euer So be it ¶ A Prayer for wisedome to gouerne the Realme ALmightie God King of all Kinges Lorde of heauē earth by whose ordinaunce Princes haue gouernance of mortal mē wheras the wisest King Salomon plainly confesseth him self vnable to gouerne his kingdome without thy helpe assistance how much lesse shall I thy handmaide being by kinde a weake womā haue sufficient abilitie to rule these thy kingdomes of England and Ireland an innumerable warlike nation or how shall I possibly be able to beare the infinite weight of so great a burden vnlesse thou O most mercifull father as thou hast of thine own liberalitie without my deseruing and agaynst the expectation of many geuen me a kingdome and made me to reigne doe also in my reigning endue and helpe me with thy heauenly grace without which none euen the wisest among the childrē of men can once thinke a right thought Thou therefore O endlesse foūtaine of all wisedome send downe from thy holy heauen and frō the soueraigne throne of thy maiestie thy wisedome to be euer with me and alway to assist me to watch and labour with me in gouerning the common weale and that it may so teach and instruct me thy hādmaide that I may discerne betwene good euill and betwene right wronge that I may euer haue willingnes boldnes power to geue deserued punishment to the giltie louingly to defend the innocent liberally to cherish the painefull and profitable members of the common weale finally without regard of persons wtout accompt of worldly respectes take in hand execute and performe that which I shall know to please thee alone that when thou the rightfull iudge that shalt require many great thynges at their handes to whom many and great thinges are committed shalt call vs all to a straite reckening I be not condemned as giltie of euill gouernaunce but if I thy handmaide by naturall frailtie weaknes and want of cōsideration shall in any thing haue swarued from the right way it may please thee of thy great mercy most soueraigne king and most louing father for Jesus Christ thy sonnes sake to pardon me and graunt that after this earthly kingdome expired I may with thee enioy the heauenly and euerlasting kingdome through the same Jesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde and Mediator to whom with thee and with the holy ghost the only king of all worldes immortall inuisible onely wise God be all honour and glory for euer ⸫ Domine ne in furore PSALME VI. ¶ When Dauid by his sinnes had prouoked Gods wrath and now felte not onely his hand against him but also conceyued the horrors of death euerlasting he desireth forgeuenes bewailing that if God tooke him away in his indignation he should lacke occasion to prayse him as he was wont to do whiles he was among mē Then sodenly feeling Gods mercy he sharply rebuketh his enemies which reioyced in his affliction O Lorde rebuke me not in thine indignatiō neither chasten me in thy displeasure My soule is also sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me Turne thee O Lord and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remēbreth thee and who will geue thee thankes in the pit I am wery of my groning euery night wash I my bedde and water my couch with teares My beautie is gone for very trouble and worne away because of all mine
gates of death and yet reducing backe againe I besech thee that as thou hast with thy sharpe visitation and greuous sicknes already corrected me thy disobedient seruaunt so thou wilt also after thys thy fatherly correction mercifully relieue and restore me if it may so stand with thy gratious goodnes euen as thy beloued sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ vppon earnest sute and prayer as in hys holy Gospell is mentioned relieued and restored vnto health the rulers sonne being in extreme sicknes and at the very poynt of death which my most humble sute I likewise entirely make vnto thee most mercifull father in the name of the same thy dearlybeloued sonne our Sauiour Jesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost world without end Amen ¶ In time of sicknes O Most mightie most mercifull Sauior Jesu Christ the onely sonne of the liuing God who being here vpon the earth amongest mortall men by the healing of all diseases and pardoning of the sinnes of such as put theyr trust in thee diddest declare vnto the world that thou art that onely heauenly and perfect Physition as well of our soules as of our bodyes and when such as trusted in theyr owne righteousnes did lay it to thy charge as a fault that thou diddest keepe company with sinners thou diddest expressely testifie that not such as were in health but such as were sicke had nede of the Physitian Beholde O heauenly Physitian here in me a matter most worthy of thy diuine cure most meete to shew both thy power and mercy vppon Behold a person sore oppressed both with the sickenes of my soule and body Beholde me thy handmaiden vpon whom from my tender yeares vnto thys day thou hast heaped so great so many and almost infinite benefites of thy gratious goodnes whom being borne of a king and Queene thou hast not onely endued with giftes of grace meete for a kingdome but also hast deliuered me from many great daungers out of the handes of my enemies from the snares of death which they had set for my life hast exalted me vnto the dignitie of a Queene and placed me in the high estate of honour amongest mortall persons and that not through any my deseruyng but onely of thy free goodnes and mere liberalitie But now O Lord either lest too much worldly prosperitie should cary my minde astray and cause me to forget my selfe and my boūden dutie towardes thee or els for that I being by thee made a Queene ouer thy people haue neuer as I ought to doe from my hart acknowledged and confessed my self to be the subiecte and handmaiden of thy Maiestie neither behaued my selfe towardes thee accordingly as became thy bond maiden neither being thankfull towardes thee as my most gratious Sauiour nor obedient vnto thee as my most dreadfull Lord or els for other causes vnto thy diuine wisedome best knowen now I say eyther wholesomly to admonish or most iustly to punishe thy disobedient seruant and so gratiously to correcte and amend me thou hast stricken me with a greuous sicknes of my body and very daūgerous vnto my life and also troubled abashed my minde with terrours and anguishes of my soule and withall thou hast by my daunger sore flighted and amased thy people of England whose safetie quietnes next after thee seemeth to stay vppon me aboue all other worldly creatures and vpon my life and continuance amongest them Wherfore as well I as thy people cōmitted ▪ vnto me bowing the knees of our hartes before thy maiestie do hūbly besech thee most gratious Sauiour in thy iudgement to remember thy mercy and according to thy accustomed goodnes to deliuer me thy handmaiden from thys present perill of daungerous sicknes And first O heauenly Physitian I besech thee heale my soule pardoning my vnkindnes towardes thee forgeuing my forgetfulnes of thee and of my selfe vtterly blotting out and putting cleane away all other my sinnes committed agaynst thy Maiestie Heale my minde reforming and instructing me with thy heauenly grace that I may take thys sicknes which thou hast most iustly punished me withall contentedly and paciently as a bitter but wholesome medicine of all the diseases of my minde offered vnto me by thee as it were by the handes of the best Physician And withall heale my body also making it sound and pure frō all infirmities remnantes of sicknes that I may be throughly cured by the hauing of a whole minde in a whole body and that I hauing obteyned perfect health of both by thy only benefite not onely my self but also all thy people of England with me may both be taught by the perill past hereafter to geue due reuerence and obedience vnto thy maiestie and for the deliuerie from so great a daunger and benefite of perfect health may magnifie thy goodnes and mercy with perpetuall prayses and continuall thankesgeuing who with thy heauenly father and the holy Ghost are one immortall and most glorious God to whom belongeth all Empyre power and maiestie worlde without end Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayd after sicknes or any other kinde of crosse or affliction ALmightie most mercifull father I thy poore creature worke of thyne handes acknowledge and confesse vnto thee my manifolde sinnes and offences which I frō my youth vp vnto thys day haue cōmitted agaynst thee in thought word and deede am taught and moued by thy worde and grace to be hartely sory for the same beseching thee for Jesus Christ thy deare sonnes sake to haue mercy vpon me and to forgeue me all these myne offences according to thy great mercy and promise which hast sayd At what time so euer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne frō the bottome of hys hart I will put all hys wickednes out of my remembraunce Ezech. xviij O Lord I confesse that I was borne in sinne and conceaued in wickednes and am by nature a childe of wrath for in my fleshe dwelleth no good thyng and of my selfe I am not able to thinke a good thought much lesse to do that thou in thy lawe requirest of me which hast sayd Cursed is he that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the lawe to doe them Again thy law is spirituall but I am carnall sold vnder sinne Therfore O Lorde I come vnto thee for grace which hast sayd Aske ye shall haue seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you to preuent and draw my will vnto all goodnes for none can come vnto thee except he bee drawen and except we bee borne from aboue we can not see the kingdome of God Therfore O Lorde renue in me a right spirite that I may receaue strength and ablenes to do thy righteous will Assist me with thy grace that I may be strengthened with power in the inward man and be armed with thy holy armour which is the brestplate of righteousnes the shield of fayth the hope of
without end Amen Certayne sentences taken out of the scripture ❧ Of the kingdome of God and how all kinges ought to seeke his glory Psalme 10. b. 16. GOd is king for euer and euer but the heathen shal perish out of the land Psalme 11. b. 5. 6. 7. God will trie the righteous but his soule abhorreth the vngodly and him that delighteth in wickednes Upon the vngodly he will rayne snares fire and brimstone and tempestes stormes shal be their portion and drinke For God most righteous loueth righteousnes his countenance wil beholde the iust Micheas 4. b. 7. The Lord himselfe shal be their king vppon the mount Sion from this tyme for euermore Esay 33. d. 22. The Lord is our iudge the Lorde is our lawe geuer the Lord is our king and he himselfe shal be our Sauiour Psalme 47. a. 1. Clappe your handes all ye people make a noyse vnto the Lord with a ioyful voyce For God is high and terrible he is the great king vpon all the earth He will subdue the people vnder vs and the nations vnder our feete He hath chosen for vs our inheritaunce the glory of Jacob whom he loued The Lord ascendeth in a triumph and God with the sounde of a trumpet Sing Psalmes to the Lorde sing Psalmes sing psalmes to our king sing Psalmes For the Lord is king of all the earth sing Psalmes all you that haue skill God reigneth ouer the heathen God sitteth vpon his holy throne The Princes of the people are assembled together for to be the people of the God of Abraham for the fieldes of the earth be Gods who is highly exalted Psalme 146. 6. 10. God thy Lorde shall raigne O Sion to the worldes end throughout all generations Prayse ye the Lord. Psalme 68. a. 4. 5. b. 8. 12. c. 17. 18. 19. 20. 32. Sing vnto the Lord sing Psalmes vnto his name magnifie hym that rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse in hys name euerlasting and reioyce before his face He is a father of the fatherles and the iudge of widowes he is the Lord in hys holy habitation The earth shooke and the heauens dropped at the presence of the Lord euen Sinay it selfe shooke at the presēce of the Lord Lord of Israell Kinges with their armies did flie they did flee and the ornament of an house deuided the spoyle The charettes of the Lord are twenty thousand euen thousandes of Aungels and the Lord is among them in holy Sinay Thou wenst vp on hie thou hast led captiuitie captiue thou hast receaued giftes for men yea euen for those that be disobedient that God the Lord might dwell among them Blessed be the Lord who day by day powreth hys benefites vpō vs and is God of our saluation The Lord is our Lord for to saue vs and all maner of wayes for death pertayneth to God the Lord. Sing vnto the Lorde O ye kingdomes of the earth O sing Psalmes vnto the Lord who rideth vpon the most highest eternall heauens loe he sendeth out a mighty voyce in hys voyce Acknowledge the Lorde to be mighty hys maiesty is ouer Israell and might in the cloudes O Lord thou art terrible out of thy holy places the God of Israell geueth might and strēgth vnto hys people Blessed be the Lord. Psalme 44 a. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Thou art my king O God commaund that Jacob be saued Through thee we will ouerthrow our enemyes and in thy name we wyll treade them vnder that rise against vs. For I will not trust in my bow and it is not my sworde that can saue me But it is thou that sauest vs from our enemyes and thou puttest thē to confusion that hate vs. We make our boast of God all the day long and we will confesse thy name for euer Psalme 45. a. 6. b. 7. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Thy throne O Lord endureth for euer and euer the scepter of righteousnes is the scepter of thy kingdome Thou hast loued iustice and hated vngodlines wherfore the Lord euen thy Lord hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes more then thy fellowes Harken O daughter and consider incline thyne eare forget also thine owne people and thy fathers house so shall the kyng haue pleasure in thy beutie for he is thy Lorde and worship thou hym The kings daughter is all glorious within her clothing is of wrought golde She shal be brought vnto the king in raymēt of nedle work the virgins that follow her and her cōpany shal be brought vnto thee With ioy and gladnes shal they be brought and shall enter into the kinges palace In steede of thy fathers thou shalt haue childrē whom thou mayst make princes in all landes I will remember thy name from one generatiō vnto an other therefore shall the people praise thee world without ende Psalme 48. b. 9. O Lorde according to thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worldes ende thy right hand is full of iustice Psalme 99. God raigneth the people be in a rage he sitteth betwene the Cherubins the earth quaketh God is great in Sion and high aboue all people They shall prayse thy name great and dreadfull for it is holy and a kings power that loueth iudgement Thou hast ordayned all things according to equitie thou hast caused iudgement and iustice to be in Jacob. Magnifie God our Lord and kneele downe before hys foote stoole for it is holy Moses and Aaron among his Priestes and Samuell among such as call vppō hys name these called vppō god and he heard them He spake vnto them out of the cloudy piller for they kept his testimonies and the law that he gaue them O God our Lord thou heardest them O Lord thou didest forbeare thē and thou tookest auengement for their owne inuentions Magnifie God our Lord and kneele downe before hys holy hill for God our Lord is holy Psalme 100. a. Be ye ioyful in God all that be in the earth serue God with gladnes and come before hys face with a ioyfull noyse Be ye sure that God is the Lord it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are hys people and the sheepe of hys pasture Goe your way into his gates with thanksgeuing and into hys courtes wyth prayse be thankefull vnto him and blesse his name For God is gracious his mercy is euerlasting and his truth from generation to generation Psalme 101. a. I will syng of mercy and iudgement I will sing vnto thee O God Psalmes I will endeuor my selfe to be fully instructed in the way of perfectues when thou wylt come vnto me I will goe vp and downe in the midst of my house in the perfectnes of my hart I will neuer set before myne eyes any deuilish thyng I will detest to do the worke of transgressours it shall take no holde of me A froward hart shall depart from me I will not once know any euill I will destroy hym who priuily slaundreth hys neyghbour I wyll not
suffer hym who hath a proude looke a great stomacke My eyes shal be vppon such in the land as haue a true meaning that they may sit with me he that leadeth a perfect life shall minister vnto me There shall no deceitfull person haue any seate in my house He that telleth lyes shal not tary long in my sight I wyll euery morning destroye all the vngodly in the land that I may roote out from the Citie of God all workers of wickednes Psalme 145. I wil magnify thee O God my king and I will blesse thy name for euer and euer I wil blesse thee euery day and I wyll prayse thy name for euer and euer Great is God and most worthy to be praysed and hys greatnes can not be searched out One generation shall prayse thy workes vnto an other and they shall declare thy mighty power I wil set forth in wordes the glorious maiesty of thy excellentnes and thy wondrous workes I wil also declare thy greatnes so that men shall speake of the force of thy terrible actes They shall vtter out of theyr mouth a memoriall of thyne aboundant kindnes and they shall sing of thy righteousnes God is gratious and merciful loth to be angry and great in louing kindnes God is good vnto euery man and his mercy is aboue al his workes All thy workes shall confesse it vnto thee O God and thy saintes shall blesse thee They shall shew the glory of thy kingdome and talke of thy power That they may make knowne to the children of men hys manifolde power and the glorious maiesty of hys kingdome Thy kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages God vpholdeth all such as fall and lifteth vp all those that be bowyng downeward The eyes of all wayte vpon thee and thou geuest thē theyr meate in due seasō Thou openest thy hand and satisfiest the desire of euery thyng God is righteous in all his wayes and holy in all hys workes God is nigh vnto al them that call vppon hym vnto all such as call vpon hym in truth He wyll fulfill the desire of them that feare hym he wyll also heare theyr cry and he wyll saue them God preserueth all those that loue him but he wil bring to nothing such as be vngodly My mouth shall speake the prayse of God and all fleshe shall blesse hys holy name for euer and euer Luke 1. d. Christ shall raigne in the house of Jacob for euer and of his kingdome there shal be none ende §§ ❧ Promises admonitions and counsels to good kinges with examples of their good successe Deut. 7. d. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. THen thou shalte make hym kyng ouer thee whom the lord thy God shall chose Euen one from among thy brethren shalte thou make kyng ouer thee and thou mayst not set a straunger ouer thee which is not of thy brethren But he shall not multiply horses to himselfe nor bryng the people agayne to Egipt to increase the number of horses forasmuch as the Lorde hath sayde vnto you ye shall henceforth go no more agayne that way Also he ought not to multiply wyues to hymselfe least hys hart turne away neyther shal he gather hymselfe siluer and golde to much And when he is set vpō the seat ofhys kingdome he shall write hym out a copye of thys lawe in a booke before the Priestes the Leuites And it shall be wyth him and he ought to read therein al the dayes of his life that he may learne to feare the Lorde hys God and to keepe all the words of this lawe and these ordinaunces for to do them And that his hart arise not aboue his brethrē and that he turne not from the cōmaundement to the right hand or to the left but that he may prolong hys dayes in hys kingdome he and hys children in the midst of Israell The wordes of Iosua to the people Iosua 24. c. 14. d. 20. THe Lorde hath geuen vnto you a land flowing with milke hony Now therefore feare the Lorde and serue hym in perfectnes and truth and put away the Gods which your fathers serued on the otherside of the floud and in Egipt and serue ye the Lorde If ye forsake the Lord serue strange Goddes he wyll turne and do you euill and consume you after that he hath done you good And the people sayd vnto Josua Nay but we wyll serue the Lord. And Josua sayde vnto the people ye are witnesses against your selues that ye haue chosen you the Lord to serue hym And they sayd we are witnesses Then put away said he the straunge Gods which are among you and bow your hartes vnto the Lorde God of Israell The people sayd vnto Josua The Lord our God will we serue and his voyce will we obey And Israell serued the Lorde all the dayes of Josua and all the dayes of the elders that ouerliued Josua and which had knowen all the workes of the Lord that he had done for Israell ¶ Admonitions out of the word of God ¶ The wordes of the Lord to his seruaunt Iosua captayne of hys people Israell and by hym to all the godly Princes Kinges and Queenes c. Iosua 1. a. 5. b. 6. 7. 8. 9. THere shal not a man be able to withstand thee in all the dayes of thy life For as I was with Moses so will I be with thee and will not sayle thee nor forsake thee Be strong therefore and bolde for vnto thys people shalt thou deuide the land for inheritaunce which I swore vnto their fathers to geue thē Onely be thou strong and of a stout courage that thou mayest obserue and do according to all the law which Moses my seruaunt commaūded thee Turne from the same neyther to right hand nor to the left that thou mayest doe wisely in all that thou takest in hand Let not the booke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth but occupy thy mynde therein day and night that thou mayest obserue and doe according to all that is written therein For thē shalt thou make thy way prosperous and thē thou shalt do wisely Haue not I commaunded thee that thou shouldest be strong and hardy and not feare nor be faint harted For I the Lord thy God am with thee whether soeuer thou goest Exodus 15. a. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. b. 11. 15. c. 18. d. 21. I will sing vnto the Lorde for he hath triumphed gloriously the horse and hym that rode vppon hym hath he ouerthrowen in the sea The Lord is my strength and prayse and he is become my saluation he is my God and I will glorify him my fathers God and I will exalt hym The Lord is a man of warre the Lord is his name Pharaos charetes and his host hath he cast into the sea his chosen captaynes also are drowned in the redde sea The deepe waters haue couered thē they sunke to the bottom as a stone Thy right hād
humilitie and payedst the price of our raunsome by thy most bitter death and passion for the which I most hartely geue thankes to thee so of the same thy loue towardes vs in thy good time thou wilt come againe in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glory with flaming fire with thousandes of saintes with angels of thy power with a mighty cry shoute of an Archangell and blast of a trumpe sodenly as a lightning which shineth from the East c. when men thinke least euen as a thiefe in the night when mē be a slepe thou wilt so come I say thus sodainly in the twincklyng of an eie all men that euer haue bene be and shall be with women and children appearyng before thy tribunall iudgemēt seat to render an accompt of all thinges which they haue thought spoken and done against thy law openly and before all Aungels saintes and Deuils and so to receiue the iust reward of thy vengeaunce if that they haue not repented obeyed the gospell and so depart from thee to the Deuill his angels and all the wicked which euer haue bene be or shall be into hell fire which is vnquencheable and of paynes intolerable easeles endeles hopeles euen from the feare of thy glorious mighty power But if they haue repented and beleued thy gospel if they be found watching with their lampes oyle in their handes if they be found ready appareled with the wedding garmēt of innocency if they haue not hardened their hartes hourded vp the treasure of thy vengeaunce in the day of wrath to be reuealed but haue vsed the tyme of grace the acceptable tyme the time of saluatiō that is the time of this lyfe in the which thou stretchest out thy hande and spreadest thine armes calling and crying vnto vs to come vnto thee which art meeke in hart and lowly for thou wilt ease all that labour and are heauy loden if they haue visited the sicke and prisoners comforted the comfortlesse fedde the hungry clothed the naked lodged the harbourles if they haue not loden their hartes with glotony and surfeting and carefulnes of this life if they haue not digged and hid their talent in the ground doing no good therwith but haue bene faithfull to occupy thy gifts to thy glory and here washed their garmentes in thy bloud by harty repentance then shal thy aungels gather them together not as the wicked which shall be collected as fagots cast into the fire but as the good wheate that is gathered into thy barne then shall they be caught vp to meete thee in the clouds then shall their corruptible body put on incorruption then shall they be indued with immortality and glory then shall they be with thee and goe whether thou goest then shal they heare Come blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning c. then shall they be set on seates of maiestie iudging the whole worlde then shall they raigne with thee for euer then shall God be all in all with them and to them thē shal they enter and enherite the heauenly Jerusalem and the glorious restfull land of Canaan where is alwayes day and neuer night where is no maner of weping teares infirmitie hunger colde sickenes enuy malice nor sinne but alwayes ioy wtout sorow mirth without measure pleasure wtout paine heauenly harmony most pleasant melody saying and singing holy holy Lorde God of hostes c. Finally the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither hath it entred into the harte of man that they shall then enherite and most surely enioy althogh here they be tormented prisoned burned sollicited of Sathan tempted of the flesh and entangled with the worlde wherethrough they are enforced to cry Thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesu c. How amiable are thy tabernacles Lyke as the harte desireth the water brookes c. Now let thy seruaunt departe in peace I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ We mourne in our selues wayting for the deliueraunce of our bodies c. Oh gracious Lord when shall I find such mercy with thee that I may repent beleue hope and looke for these thinges with the full fruition of those heauenly ioyes which thou hast prepared for all thē that feare thee and so rest with thee for euermore ❧ A meditation concerning the lyfe euerlastyng the place where it is and the incomparable ioyes therof THat there is an enerlasting life none wil deny but such as wil deny God For if he be true iust which he must needes be or els he is not God then can there not be but an eternall life That he hath both spoken it and promised it in Math. 25. 1. Cor. 16. Hebr. 4. 11. 13. 1. Petr. 1. it plainly appeareth and els where in very many places So that to deny an euerlasting lyfe is to deny God to deny Christ and all that euer he did also to deny all pietie religion to condemne of foolishnes all good men martyrs confessors Euangelistes Prophetes Patriarckes Finally the deniall of eternal life is no thing els but a deniall of the immortalitie of the soule and so a plaine making of man no thing better then beastes If it be so let vs then eate and drinke for to morow we shall die Lord preserue vs frō this Saduceal and Epicureall impietie and graunt vs for thy mercies sake deare God that we may be assuredly perswaded that there is in deede an eternall life and blisse wyth thee for them that put their trust in thee amongst whome accompt me for thy mercies sake Agayne this eternall lyfe and the place appoynted for them that be thy seruauntes all men do graunt to be wyth thee Albeit they do not think that because thou art euery where therfore eternall life is euery where For they by thy worde do know that in as much as no man can see thee and liue this eternall lyfe and thy blessed presence is most pleasant and had in fruition after in an other world wher unto by corporall death they do depart and are translated to a place aboue them where thou dwellest in a light whervnto no man can approche Abrahams bosome they read was aboue as the place for the wicked was a lowe and beneath Helias was caught vp into heauen and thy sonne our deare sauiour prayed that where he is those also might be which thou hadst geuē him and might se his glory Now he deare father we learne by thy spirite was ascended and taken vp in his very body into heauen whether Steuen loked vp and sawe thy Christ standing on thy right hand to whom he prayed Oh Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Graunt I beseche thee gracious god and father that I may haue a cleane hart more more to see thee and so in spirite to see and loke often vpō this place whether bring me at the length in body also I humbly pray thee Now what a thyng this
shadow a smoke a vapour a worde a storme a tempest in the which Gods people feele great molestations greefes troubles now of Sathan him selfe now of the world now of their owne flesh and that so wonderfully diuersly daungerously contrarily that they are enforced to cry Oh Lorde when shall we come and appeare before thee when shall this misery end when shall we be deliuered out of this vale of miserye out of thys wildernes out of thys continuall affliction and most perilousseas But where thou art Lorde and deare father of mercy there is not only no prison no dolours no sorow no sighinges no teares no sicknes no hūger no heate no colde no paine no temtations no displeasure no malice no pride no vncleannes no cōtention no tormentes no horrour no sin no filth no stinch no dearth no death no weeping no teares no misery nor mischiefe there is I say not onely no such thing or any e-euill noysome or displeasaunt thing but all libertie all light all pleasauntnes all ioy reioysing mirth pleasure pastime health wealth riches glory power treasure honour triumph comfort solace loue vnitie peace concord wisdome vertue melody meekenes felicitie beatitude and all that euer can bee wished or desired in most securitie eternitie and perpetuitie that may be thought not onely of man but of Angels and Archangels yea aboue all thoughtes The eye hath not seene the like the eare hath not heard it nor no hart is able to conceaue in any poynt any part of the blisfull beatitude which is with thee most deare God and Father most deare Lorde and Sauiour most gratious good God and comforter Where thou art O blessed God the Archaungels Aungels Thrones powers dominations Cherubins Ceraphins Patriarkes Prophets Apostles Martyrs Virgins Confessors and righteous spirites cease not to sing night and day Holy Holy Holy Lorde God of hostes honor maiestie glory power empire and dominion be vnto thee oh God the creator oh Lord Jesu the redemer oh holy spirite the comforter In recordation of thys Oh how thy childrē reioyce how contemne they the pleasures of thys worlde how litle esteme they any corporall greefe or shame how desire they to bee with thee How amiable are thy tabernacles Oh Lorde God of hostes say they my soule hath a desire to enter into the courtes of the Lorde my hart and my soule reioyceth in the lyuyng God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they that may alwayes be praysing thee For one day in thy courtes is better then a thousand els where I had rather be a doore keper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tentes of vngodlines for the Lord God is a light defence And againe lyke as the Hart desireth the water brookes so longeth my soule after thee Oh God my soule is a thyrst for God yea euen for the liuing God When shall I come to appeare before the presence of God My soule thirsteth for thee my flesh also longeth after thee in a barren and dry land where no water is They thy childrē I meane O Lord desire the day of that their redemption stil they cry let thy kingdō come they cry Come Lord Jesu they lift vp their heades lookyng for thy appearing Oh Lorde which will make their vile body lyke to thine owne glorious immortall body for when thou shalt appeare they shall be like vnto thee Thy Aungels will gather them together they shall meete thee in the cloudes and bee alwayes with thee They shall heare thys ioyfull voyce Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning Then shall they be like to thy Aungells Then shall they be like vnto the Sunne in thy kyngdome Then shall they haue crownes of glory and be endued with white garmentes of innocēcie and righteousnes and Palmes of victory in their handes Oh happy is he that may but see that immortall and incorruptible inheritance which they shall enioy for euermore Amen ¶ A Meditation of the presence of God THere is nothyng that maketh more to true godlines of life then the perswasion of thy presēce deare father and that nothyng is hyd from thee but all to thee is open and naked euē the very thoughtes which one day thou wilt reueale and open either to our praise or punishment in thys life as thou diddest Dauids faultes which he dyd secretly 2. Reg. 12. or in the lyfe to come Math. 25. for nothyng is so hid that shall not be reuealed Therfore doth the Prophet say Woe to thē that keepe secrete their thoughtes to hide theyr counsell from the Lorde and do their workes in darknes saying who seeth vs Graunt to me therefore deare God mercy for all my sinnes especially my hid and close sinnes Enter not into iudgement with me I humbly besech thee Geue me to beleue truely in thy Christ that I neuer come into iudgement for thē that with Dauid I might so reueale them and confesse them vnto thee that thou wouldest couer thē And graunt further that hence forth I alwayes thinke myself cōtinually cōuer saunt before thee so that if I do well I passe not of the publishing of it as hypocrites doe If I do or thinke any euill I may forthwith know that the same shall not alwayes be hid from men Graunt me that I may alwayes haue in minde that day wherin hyd workes of darknes shall be illumined and also that sentence of thy sonne that nothing is so secret which shall not bee reuealed So in trouble and wrong I shall finde comfort and otherwise be kept through thy grace frō euil which do thou worke I humbly besech thee for Christes sake Amen ❧ A Meditation of death and the commodities it bringeth WHat other thing do we dayly in thys present life then heape sinne vppon sinne and hourde vp trespasse vpon trespasse so that thys day is worse alwayes then yesterday by encreasing as dayes so sinnes and therefore thy indignation good Lorde agaynst vs but when we shall be let goe out of the prison of thys body and so taken into thy blessed company then shall we be in most safety of immortalitie and saluation thē shall come vnto vs no sicknes no nede no paine no kind of euill to soule or body but what soeuer good we cā wish that shall we haue and what soeuer we loth shall be farre from vs. O deare father that we had fayth to beholde these thinges accordingly Oh that our hartes were perswaded therof and our affections enflamed with the desire of them Then should we liue in longing for that which now we most loth O helpe vs and graūt that we being ignorant of thinges to come and of the tyme of our death which to thee is certain may so liue and finishe our iourney here that we may be ready and then depart when our departing may make most to thy glory our comfort through Christ What is thys lyfe but a smoke a vapour
also inwardly so reforme and renew her that she may be accōpted worthy of thee her spouse through Iesus Christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalme WE acknowledge O Almighty God wyth how daungerous spotte of sinnes we haue defiled our soules which beyng most greuous and sorrowfull vnto vs and we not able with our owne power nor by any kinde of good workes to washe away the same spottes this onely refuge is left vs to flie vnto thee the fountaine of mercy that it may please thee to haue pitie vpon vs to washe away our iniquities to blot out our sinnes and cleanse the corruptions wherunto we are from our birth and conception subiect For when thou shalt haue freely liberally pardoned the offences and misdoinges wher with we are loden then shalt thou appeare most true faithful constant in thy promises Vouchsaue to sprinckle vs with the bloude of of thine onely sonne by which alone our body and soule may be restored to perfect and healthfull gladnes We craue to haue a new hart created in our bodies and to haue a principall spirite geuen vs wherby not as by constraint but earnestly hartily and willingly we may offer to thee the sacrifice of an afflicted and abased courage which thou art wont neuer to despise Finally that so beyng made cleane and purified by thy fauour and mercy we may alway offer to thee sacrifices of prayse through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ❧ Domine exaudi PSALME CII I It seemeth that this prayer was appoynted to the faithfull to pray in the captiuitie of Babilon A consolation for the buildyng of the churche whereof followeth the prayse of God to be published vnto all posterities The conuersion of the Gentiles and the stabilitie of the church HEare my prayer O Lord and let my cry come in vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in the tyme of trouble encline thyne eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke my bones are brent vp as with a firebrand My hart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eat my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scant cleaue to my flesh I am become lyke a Pellicane in the wildernes lyke an Owle that is in the desert I haue watched and am euen as a sparrow that sitteth alone vpon the house top Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together against me For I haue eaten ashes as it were breade and mingled my teares with weping And that because of thyne indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone lyke a shadow and I am withered like grasse But thou O Lorde shalt endure for euer and thy remembraunce throughout all generations Thou shalt arise and haue mercy vppon Sion for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her yea the tyme is come And why thy seruauntes thinke vppon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust The heathen shall feare thy name O Lorde and all the kinges of the earth thy maiestie When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glory shall appeare When he turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and despiseth not theyr desire This shall be written for those that come after and the people whiche shall be borne shall prayse the Lord. For he hath looked downe from his sanctuary out of the heauen did the Lord beholde the earth That he might heare the mourninges of suche as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death That they may declare the name of the lord in Sion and his worship at Jerusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngdomes also to serue the Lord. He broughte downe my strength to my iourney and shortned my dayes But I said O my God take me not away in the middest of myne age as for thy yeares they endure throughout all generations Thou Lord in the beginning hast layde the foundations of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy handes They shall perish but thou shalt endure they shal all wax olde as doth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shall be chaunged but thou art the same and thy yeares shall not faile The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seede shall stand fast in thy sight A prayer taken out of the CII Psalme OF our selues O almighty God we are vnwoorthy that our prayers shoulde haue accesse vnto thee forasmuch as we haue daily broken thy law and commaundemēts and haue liued not accordyng to thy gospell and our vocation But thou of thy mercifulnes hide not away thy face from our prayers supplications For we are greuously vexed and assaulted with great perils Wherfore bow down thine eare vnto vs and spedily graunt fauour to vs that call vppon thee First we craue to be releued of our sinnes and offences that our feble hart may be strengthened in thy way and that thou do moisten the consumed strength of our soule with thy holy spirite that we may liue to thee and being restored renewed we may make thy name and thy gospell to be well reported Then we pray thee to turne thy force and power against those that slaunder and blaspheme the name of thy sonne and his holy doctrine Haue mercy now we beseche thee on Zion that is thy churche for now it seemes to be tyme that thou shew her thy fauour Looke downe we pray thee from thy hie habitation and behold our calamities Heare the groning of those that be bound beaten and in maruelous wise tormēted for thy names sake Saue thy sheepe out of so great daungers which are not onely put to death but also cursedly threatened with extreme damnation by Antichrist that yet at length thy childrē may liue with rest and quietnes in thy presence through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ An other out of the same Psalme OAlmighty father the company of the faithfull craueth thy helpe which is cruelly oppressed wyth the tiranny of sinne so as the oily moisture of godlines is almost dried vp in them their mouth is stopped that it cannot syng thy prayses and there is in a maner in the whole body no one member that doth his duetie to relieue an other Wherfore thou that art alwayes one rise vp to succour vs for now we thinke it tyme for thee to helpe thy afflicted church This if we shall obtaine we doubt not that the feare of thy name true godlines shall be largely spread abroad For if thou shalt rescue the people from so greuous miseries thou shalt make men know that thy truth endureth alway cōstant and vnremoued which euer remaneth one toward thine elect how so euer heauen and earth be tossed with chaunges and shaken til they perishe By this thy truth not of
saluation for an helmet and the sworde of the spirit which is thy holy word that I may stand perfect in all that is thy will and bee found worthy through Christ to receaue the crowne of life which thou hast promised to all them that loue thee Graunt that I may euer desire will that which is most pleasing and acceptable to thy will Thy will be my will my will be alwayes to follow thy will Let there be euer in me one will and one desire with thee and let me neuer desire to will or not to will but as thou wilt Graunt me that aboue all things I may rest in thee and fully quiet and pacifie my hart in thee for thou Lord art the true peace of the hart and perfect rest of the soule Thou knowest Lord what is most profitable and expedient for me wherfore do with me in all thynges as it shall seeme best vnto thee for it may not be but well that thou doest which doest most iustly and blessedly dispose all things after thy most godly wisdome Graunt vnto me O Lorde that I may esteeme all things in this world as they be transitory and soone vanishing away my self also with them drawing towardes my end for nothing vnder the Sunne may long abide but all is vanitie and affliction of spirite O Lorde God which art sweetenes vnspeakable turne in to bitternes to me all transitory and earthly delightes which may draw me from the loue of eternall thinges Blessed are they that for the loue of thee set not by the pleasures of thys world but crucifie the fleshe the lustes therof so that in a cleane and pure conscience they may offer their prayers vnto thee and be accepted to haue company with thee and thy blessed Angels O euerlasting light send down the beames of thy brightnes and lighten the inward partes of my hart Open my hart that I may beholde thy lawes and teach me to walke in thy commaundementes Beholde my weaknes O Lorde and consider my frailnes best knowen vnto thee I couet to cleaue fast to heauenly thinges but worldly affections and tentatiōs plucke me backe they dayly rebell and suffer not my soule to liue in rest Which although they draw me not alway to consent yet neuertheles their assaultes be very greuous vnto me Oh what a life may this be called where no trouble nor misery lacketh where euery place is full of snares of mortall enemies For one trouble or temptation ouer passed an other cōmeth by and by and the fyrst conflict yet during a new battaile sodeinly ariseth Tedious it is to me to liue in such battell but I perceaue such conflictes are not vnprofitable for me whilest I know my selfe and mine infirmities the better and am therby compelled to seke helpe at thy hād It is good for me O Lord that thou hast thus exercised and humbled me that I may learne to dread thy secrete and terrible iudgementes which scourgest euery child that thou receauest which woūdest and healest which bringest downe to the gates of hell bringest backe againe I yelde thee thankes therefore that thou hast not spared my sinnes but hast punished me with scourges of loue and hast sent affliction anguishe within and without Of grace and fauour it is O Lord that thou sufferest thy seruauntes to be troubled and afflicted in this world because they should not be condemned with the world Thou wouldest that they should here be broken with affliction that they may after rise in a new light and be clarified and made glorious in thy kingdome Oh holy father thou hast ordained it so to be it is done as thou hast appoynted Wherefore O Lorde geue me the grace to rest in thee aboue all thinges and to quiet my hart in thee aboue all creatures aboue all glory and honour aboue all dignitie and power aboue all health and beautie aboue all riches and treasure aboue all ioye pleasure aboue all fame and praise aboue all mirth and consolation that mans hart may take or feele besides thee For thou Lord art most good most wise most righteous most holy most iust most blessed most high most mightie most cōfortable most beautifull most louing most glorious in whō all treasures of goodnes most perfectly rest And therfore what soeuer I haue besides thee it is nothing vnto me for my hart may not rest nor fully bee pacified but onely in thee Oh Lorde Jesu who shall geue me winges of perfecte loue that I may flie vp from these worldly miseries and rest with thee Of Christ the king of euerlasting glory my soule cryeth vnto thee with cōtinuall groninges and sayth how long taryeth my Lord God to come to me Oh whē shall the end come of all these miseries When shall I be cleane deliuered from the bondage of sinne When shall I Lorde haue my minde onely fixed on thee and be mery in thee with perfect ioy and gladnes Whē shall that blessed houre come that thou shalt visite me and make me glad with thy blessed presence when thou shalt be to me all in all When shall I come vnto thee and feele and enioy those sweete consolations which with thy blessed Sainctes are alwayes present When shall I haue peace without trouble peace without and peace within and on euery side stedfast and sure Oh Lorde Jesu when shall I stand and beholde thee and haue full sight and contemplation of thy glory When shall I be with thee in thy kingdome that thou hast ordayned for thine elect people before the beginning Oh blessed mansion of that heauenly Citie Oh most cleare day of eternitie whom the night may neuer darken Thys is the day alwayes cleare and mirry alwaies sure and neuer chaunging Thys day shineth clearly to thy Sainctes in heauen oh gracious God with euerlasting brightnes but to vs here on earth so great is the darknes of sinne in vs it shineth obscurely as it were a farre of we see but a glimmering therof Would to God thys day might shortly appeare shyne vnto vs and that these worldly vanities were at an end Thy heauenly Citizens know and feele how ioyfull thys day is but we the children of Eue straūgers and exiles here on earth doe lament and bewaile the bitter tediousnes of thys present lyfe short and euill full of sorrowe and anguishe Where man is oftentimes defiled with sinne encumbred with afflictiō vnquieted with troubles lapped in cares busied with vanities blinded with errours ouercharged with labours vexed with tentations ouercome with vayne delightes and pleasures of the world and miserably wrapped in many kindes of calamities Wherfore O Lord arise and helpe me comfort mine exile asswage my sorrowe destroy the power of mine enemies the kingdome of sinne Sathan the world and my wicked flesh which alwaies make battaile against me and bring these conflicting dayes to an end so shall I sing prayses vnto thee O God of my saluation magnifie thy holy name world
Lord is become glorious in power thy right hand Lorde hath al to dashed the enemies And in thy great glory thou hast ouerthrowen them that rose vp against thee thou sendest forth thy wrath which cōsumed them euen as stubble Who is like vnto thee O Lord amongst Goddes Who is like to thee so glorious in holines fearefull in prayses shewing wonders The Lorde shall raigne for euer euer Sing ye vnto the Lord for he hath triumphed gloriously the horse and his ryder hath he ouerthrown in the sea For sickenes Exodus 15. d. 26. IF thou wilt harken vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God and wylt do that which is right in his sight and wilt gene eare vnto his commaundementes and keepe all his ordinaunces then will I put none of these diseases vpō thee which I haue brought vpon the Egiptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee 2. Chronicles 2. a. 5. 6. b. 11. 9. b. 8. Great is our God aboue all Goddes But who is able to builde hym an house when that heauen and heauen aboue all heauens is not hable to receiue hym what am I then that shoulde builde hym an house nay but euen to burne sacrifice before him shal this building be The Lorde setteth a wyse kyng ouer the people whome he loueth that they may longe endure and prosper Blessed be the Lord thy God which hast lust to thee to set thee king on his seat that thou mightest be king for the Lord thy God because thy God loueth Israell and hath delite to make them continue euer therefore made he thee king ouer them to do right and equitie Exodus 18. c. 18. d. 21. d. 23. Thou canst not alone sustaine the burthen of ruling a whole kingdome but heare my wordes and counsell and the Lord shal be with thee Moreouer thou shalt seeke out among all the people men of actiuitie and such as feare God true men hating coueteousnes place of these ouer the people rulers of thousandes rulers of hundrethes rulers offifties and rulers of tennes And let them iudge the people at all seasons and euery great matter that commeth let thē bring vnto thee but let them iudge all small causes themselues and so shall it be easier for thy selfe they shall beare a burthen with thee If thou shall do this thing and God charge thee withall thou shalt be able to endure and yet the people shal come to theyrplace in peace 1. Reg. 12. b. 13. 14. 15. c. 20. d. 24. 25. Samuel said vnto the people Beholde the king whome ye haue chosen and whom ye haue desired loe the Lorde hath set a king ouer you If ye will feare the Lord and serue hym and heare hys voyce and not disobey the word of the Lord both ye and the king that raig neth ouer you shall follow the Lord your God If ye wyll not harken vnto the voyce of the Lord but disobey the Lordes mouth then shall the hand of the Lord be vppon you and on your fathers Yet depart not from following of the Lord but serue the Lorde wyth all your hartes Therefore feare ye the Lord and serue him in the truth and with all your hartes and cōsider how great thinges he hath done for you But if ye do wickedly then shall ye perishe both ye and yourking The wordes of Samuell to be truely spoken by all good rulers 1. Reg. 12. a. 3. 4. 5. BEholde here I am beare recorde of me before the Lorde and before hys annoynted whose Oxe haue I taken or whose Asse haue I takē who haue I done wrong to whom haue I hurt or of whose hand haue I receaued any bribe to blind myne cyes therewith and I wil restore it you They sayde Thou hast done vs no wrong nor hurt vs neyther hast thou taken ought of any mans hand He sayd vnto thē agayne The Lord is witnes agaynst you and his annomted is witnes this day that ye haue founde naught in my handes And they aunswered he is witnes 1. Reg. 13. b. 13. 14. Samuell sayde to Saule Thou art become a foole thou hast not kept the commaundement of the Lorde thy God which he commaunded thee For at this tyme woulde the Lord haue stablished thy king dome vppon Israell for euer But now thy kingddme shall not continue The Lord hath sought him a man after hys owne hart and the Lord hath commaunded to be captayne ouer his people because thou hast not kept that which the Lord commaunded thee 2. Reg. 14. b. 9. 11. c. 17. d. 20. The king and hys throne should be giltlesse and ought to remember the Lorde hys God and not to suffer much bloudshed The king is as an Angell of God in hearing of the good and bad therefore the Lorde God is with hym The king is wise according to the wisedome of an Angell of God to vnderstand all thinges thac are in earth 2. Paral. 9. b. 7. 8. Happy are the mē and people vnto whom God geueth a wise king God maketh one a king that he shoulde do according to right and equitie Esay 32. a. 12. A good and godly king shal gouerne after the rule of righteousnes and the princes shall rule according to the balance of equitie And that man shall be vnto men as a defence for the winde and as a refuge for the tempest like as a riuer of water in a thirsty place and the shadow of a great rocke in a dry land Ieremy 22. a. 1. c. b. 9. Thus sayth the Lorde Goe downe into the house of the king of Juda speake there these wordes and say Heare the word of the Lord thou king of Juda that sittest in the kingly seat of Dauid thou and thy seruaunts and thy people that goeth in out at these gates Thus the Lord commandeth keepe equitie and righteousnes deliuer the oppressed frō the power of the violent do not greue nor oppresse the straunger the fatherles nor the widow and shed no innocent bloud in this place And if ye keepe these thinges faithfully then shall there come in at the dore of thys house kinges to sit vpon Dauides seat they shal be caried in charetes and ride vppon horses both they and their seruaunts and their people But if ye will be obedient vnto these commaundemētes I sweare by my owne selfe saith the Lord this house shal be wast For thus hath the Lord spokē vpon the kinges of Juda thou Giliad art vnto me the head of Libanus shall I not make thee so wast as the Cities that no men dwell in I wyl prepare a destroyer with his wepōs for thee to hew down thy especial Cedar trees to cast them in the fire And all the people that goe by thys Citie shall speake one to an other wherefore hath the Lord done thus vnto thys noble Citie Then shall it be aunswered because they haue broken the couenaunt of the Lorde theyr God and haue worshipped serued straunge Gods Psalme
awaked thē thou wentest agayne to pray but thou foundest no comfort at all therfore didst returne agayne for some comforte at thy dearest frendes handes But yet againe alas they are fast a sleepe Wherupon thou art enforced to go agayne to thy heauenly father for some sparckle of comfort in these thy wonderfull crosses agonies Now here thou wast so discouraged and so comfortles that euē streames of bloud came runnyng from thine eies and eares and other partes of thy body But who is able to expresse the infinitenes of thy crosses euen at thy beyng in the garden All which thou sufferedst for my sake as well to satisfy thy fathers wrath for my sinnes as also to sanctify all my sufferinges the more gladly to be susteyned of me After thy bloudy prayer thou camest and yet agayne foundest thy disciples a sleepe and before thou canst well awake them loe Judas cōmeth with a great bande of men to apprehend thee as a theefe and so doth leadyng thee away bound to that hie Bishops house Annas so from him to Cayphas Here now to augment this thy misery behold thy disciples flie from thee false witnesses be brought against thee thou art accused and condemned of blasphemy Peter euen in thy sight forsweareth thee thou art vniustly striken for answering lawfully thou art blindefield striken and buffeted all the whole nyght in the bishop Cayphas house of their cruell seruauntes In the mornyng betymes thou art condemned agayne of the priestes of blasphemy therfore they bring thee before the secular power to Pilate by whom thou art openly arrayned as other theeues and malefactors were and when he saw that thou wast accused of malice yet he did not dismisse thee but did sende thee to Herode where thou wast derided shamefully in commyng and goyng to hym and from hym all the way especially after Herode had appareled thee as a foole Afore Pilate agayne therfore thou wast brought and accused falsly no mā did take thy part or speak a good word for thee Pilate caused thee to be whipped and scourged and to be handled most pitifully to se if any pitie might apeare with the Prelates but no man at all pitied thee Barrabas was preferred before thee all the people head and taile was against thee cryed hang thee vp vniustly to death wast thou iudged thou wast crowned with thornes that pearced thy braines thou wast made a mocking stocke thou wast reuiled beaten and most miserably handled Thou wentst through Jerusalem to the place of execution euen to the mount Caluery a great crosse to hange thee on was layde vppon thy backe to beare and drawe as long as thou wast able Thy body was racked to be nayled to the tree thy hāds were bored thorow thy feete also nayles were put thorow them to fasten thee thereon thou wast hanged betwene heauen earth as one spewed out of heauē and vomited out of the earth vnworthy of any place the high priest laughed thee to scorne the elders blasphemed thee and sayd God hath no care for thee the common people laughed and cried out vpon thee thrist oppressed thee but vineger onely gall was geuen thee to drinke heauen shined not on thee the Sunne gaue thee no lyght the earth was afrayd to beare thee Sathan tempted thee and thine owne senses caused thee to cry out My God my GOD why hast thou forsaken me Oh wonderfull passions which thou suffredst In them thou teachest me in them thou comfortest me for by thē God is my father my sinnes are forgeuen By thē I should learne to feare God to loue God to hope in God to hate synne to be patient to call vppon God and neuer to leaue hym for any temptations but with thee to cry Father into thy handes I commende my spirite A meditation of Gods power beautie goodnes c. BEcause thou lord woul dest haue vs to loue thee not onely doost thou will entice allure prouoke vs but also doost commaund vs so to do promisyng thy self vnto such as loue thee and threatning vs with damnation if we doo otherwyse wherby we may see both our great corruption and noughtines and also thine excedyng great mercy towardes vs. First concerning our corruptiō and noughtines what a thing is it that power riches authoritie beautie goodnes liberalitie truth iustice which all thou art good lord cannot moue vs to loue thee Whatsoeuer thynges we see fayre good wyse mighty are but euen sparkles of that power beautie goodnes wisdom which thou art For to the end thou mightst declare thy riches beuty power wisdom thou hast not only made but still doost conserue all creatures to be as Dauid sayth of the heauens declarers and setters forth of thy glory and as a booke to teach vs to know thee How fayre thou art the beautie of the Sunne Moone Stars light flowers riuers fieldes hils birdes beastes men and all creatures yea the goodly shape and forme of the whole world doth declare How mighty thou art we are taught by the creation of this world euen of nought by gouerning the same by punishing the wicked mighty Giants therof by ouerthrowing their deuises by repressing the rages of the sea wtin her bounds by stormes by tempestes by fires these and such lyke declare vnto vs thine inuisible almighty and terrible power whereby thou subduest all thinges vnto thee How riche thou art thys worlde thy great and infinite treasurehouse doth well declare What plenty is there not onely of thinges but also of euery kinde of things Yea how doost thou yearely and daily multiply these kyndes How many seedes doost thou make of one seede yea what great increse doost thou bring it vnto These cannot but put vs in remembraunce of the exceedyng riches that thou hast For if to thyne enemies which loue thee not as the most part in this world be if to thē thou geuest so plentifully thy riches here what shal we thinke that with thy selfe thou hast layde vp for thy frendes How good thou art all creatures generally and perticularly do teach What creature is there in the worlde which thou hast not made for our cōmoditie I will not say how that thou mightst haue made vs creatures without sense or reason if thou haddest would But amongst al things none doth teach vs so thy great loue towardes vs as doth the death of thy most dearely beloued sonne who suffred the paynes and terrours thereof yea and hell it selfe for our sakes If this thy loue had bene but a smal loue it would neuer haue lasted so long nor Christ shold neuer haue died ❧ A prayer to Christ crucified AS thou O Lord wast crucified for me so I beseeche thee crucify me with thee that I may ryse agayne with thee to euerlasting lyfe Thy flesh was crucified for me crucifie with thee O Christ the kingdom of the flesh which hath dominion in me that I may put of the olde Adam and by newnes of lyfe may be transformed
into thee that second Adam sinne infidelitie and the whole tiranny of Sathan beyng vanquished and ouercome Bring to passe O Lord that by thy crosse and painefull sufferyng thy yoke may be to me made light and thy burden easy that willingly and gladly following thee I may come whether thou art gone that is to thy father most blessed and immortall from whom nothing shall afterwardes be able to seperate vs. * God forbid that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world ❧ A prayer to Christ ascended and reigning in glory OH good Christ our first begotten brother and tender harted Joseph oh naturall sonne of that Father to whome we are made children of adoption through thee oh our head reigning on high in glory forget not vs thy poore members here on earth wherinto abasyng thy selfe thou camest downe and sufferedst for vs most cruell death Out of this thy throne of maiestie and glory thou put test vs in assured hope confidence that we also shall attain to that blessed place whether thou art gone before to take possession for vs. Oh our strong tower of defence and succor what can hurt vs now trusting in thee Most vnhappy are they which are ignorant of thee Most happy are they which alwayes beholde thee Blessed are they which haue knowen thee here in the dayes of their mortalitie but more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee raigning with thy father in ioyes incomparable Oh Lord the onely ioy and comfort of our soules shew vs thy louing countenance embrace vs with the armes of thy mercy receiue vs O good Joseph thy younger brethern with the kisse of comfort poure into our hartes thy holy spirit plucke vs vp from the earth earthly things open our eies and lift them vp vnto thee open thy mouth and call vs vnto thee open our eares that we may heare thee so that whatsoeuer we do speake or thinke it may be directed vnto thee alone our redemer mediatour and aduocate ¶ If ye be risen agayne with Christ seke the thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right haud of God set your affection on thinges that are aboue and not on things which are on the earth ❧ A prayer for the auoyding of Gods deserued wrath and vengeaunce for our sinne WHen we looke backe behold our sinfull lyfe past what a dungeon of errors vice and wickednes openeth it selfe vnto vs so that there is no man but he must needes be ashamed of himself when he calleth to mind what he hath bene and tremble when he considereth the wickednes and sinfull course of hys life to come For who shal vndertake that the rest of our lyfe shall be any better then that is past How can we then sufficiently magnifie prayse thy great mercy which hast differred thy punishment so long Beholding therfore this our daungerous and miserable state we come vnto thee O thou great and mighty iudge in trembling feare humbly beseching thee not to heape vppon vs thy deserued vengeance but let thy tender kindenes and loue thou bearest to Jesus Christ thy deare sonne our gracious Lord and redemer couer our iniquities for whose sake though we deserue all extremity thou doost pardon vs. ¶ If thou Lord shalt straitly marke our iniquities O Lord who shall be able to abide it ¶ A prayer to God for his helpe and protection against the obstinate enemies of the truth MOst righteous iudge God of all mercy and comfort which by thy secret iudgement and wisdom doost suffer the wicked to triumph and increase for a tyme for trial of the faith of thy welbeloued little flocke and the mortifying of their lustes but at length to the vtter confuliō of the enemies and ioyfull deliuerance of thy people looke down we besech thee on thy dispersed sheepe out of thy holy habitation in heauen and strengthen our weakenes against their furious rages abate their pryde asswage their malice confound their deuises wherwith they lift vp thēselues agaynst Christ Jesus thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour to deface his glory and set vp Antichrist We be not able of our selues to thynke a good thought much lesse to stand against their assaultes except thy vndeserued grace and mighty arme defend and deliuer vs. Performe thy promises made to Jacob and stop the mouthes of the cursed Edomites Call them to repentance whom thou hast appoin-to saluation bring home them that runne astray lighten the blynde and teache the ignoraunt forgeue all those that wilfully and obstinately rebel not against thy holy will let thy feareful threatnings pierce our stony hartes and make vs tremble at thy iudgemēts Make the examples of them whom thou hast ouerthrowne in their own deuises as Cain Cham Nemrod Esau Pharao Saule Achitophell Judas such other to be a warning for vs that we set not vp our selues agaynst thy holy will Graunt free passage to thy holy worde that it may worke effectually in vs the worke of lyfe and blessed hope of our saluation to the eternal praise of thy maiestie through our mediatour Christ Jesus to whome with thee and the holy ghost three persons and one God be prayse thanksgeuyng in all congregations world without end So be it ¶ A Prayer for the afflicted and persecuted vnder the tyranny of Antichrist O Mercifull father who neuer dost forsake such as put their trust in thee stretch forth thy mighty arme to the defence of our brethren by the rage of enemies persecuted and greuously tormented in sundry places for the true profes1ion of thy holy Gospell who in theyr extreme necessitie cry for comfort vnto thee Let not thy long suffering O Lorde be an occasion eyther to encrease the tyranny of thy enemies or to discourage thy children but with speede O Lorde consider their great miseries and afflictions Preuent the cruell deuise of Aman stay the rage of Holophernes breake of the counsell of Achitophell Let not the wicked say Where is now their God Let thy afflicted flocke feele present ayde and reliefe from thee O Lord looke downe vpon them with thy pitifull eye from thy holy habitation send terrour and trembling among their enemies make an end of their outragious tyrāny beate backe their boldnes in suppressing thy truth in destroying thy true seruantes in defacing thy glory in setting vp Antichrist Let them not thus proudly aduaunce them selues agaynst thee and thy Christ but let them vnderstand and feele that agaynst thee they fight Preserue and defend the vine which thy right hād hath planted and let all nations see the glory of thine annointed Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayd before the receauing of the Communion O Father of mercy and God of all consolation seing all creatures do knowledge and cōfesse thee to be their gouernour Lord it becōmeth vs the workmanship of thine owne handes at all times