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A19239 Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers disposed in fourme of the alphabet of the Queene Her most excellent Maiesties name : whereunto are added comfortable consolations (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted mindes. Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1571 (1571) STC 5652; ESTC S4590 71,691 468

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inspyre vs with the feruēt flames of thy loue to consume the festerynge phantisses of our minde conioyne amd knytte the sences poures of our inwarde partes in thee make vs holde in hate al earthly substaunce and transitorie things by thy grace strōglye to tread down and conquere al motions occasions of sinne deliuer vs most benigne father from all rancore malyce hatred bloudsheding lying backbiting swearing and all suche horryble euils what so euer they be yea from lighteninge and tempeste from murther and battaile greuous plagues and other diseases good Lorde deliuer vs. Finally deliuer vs from all anguish troubles and mishappes eminēt either bodily or ghostly and with thy mighty hand defende our Ritches from abuse our brickle body from corruptiō our Soule from dampnation euen as beste shall accorde with thy holy will and true glorie of thy Maiestie Deliuer vs Lord from the chaynes of sinne the ropes of Hell and all perill of destruction so that beinge certified in conscience our Prayers worthely of thee accepted and wee deliuered from all assaults of the diuell his wicked craftes and inticementes to damnation and by thy holy spirite assisted may perseuer in this goodnesse wherof thy mercie and kindenesse is true Aucthor to the end of our dayes in holynesse and rightuousnesse to the honour of thy Kingdome powre and glory both now and euer Amen E ENgraue thy Lawes in the deapth of my hart O Lord that beinge instructed in thy cōmaūdements I may serue thee in feare and reioyce in thee with trembling and take holde vpon thy discipline in all thinges Least at any time thou become angrye and I perishe from the right way Amen L LOrde geue me me help from my trouble for vaine is the helpe of Man in thee I haue strength and thou bringest vnto nothing those which trouble me let my soule be subiect vnto thee for from thee proceedeth my patience for thou art my God and Sauiour my helper I wil not depart from thee In thee is my health and my Glory thou arte the God of my healpe and my hope is in thee Amen I I Haue broken thy Folde and wandered long as a lost sheep let me return againe O Lord bicause I haue not forgotten thy commaundementes the misdeedes ignorances of my tēder yeeres remember not Lorde according to thy mercy haue minde on mee For thy goodnesse O Lorde keepe my soule and deliuer mee let mee not be ashamed bicause I haue trusted in thee Turne my heauinesse into ioye cut of my sacke of sorrowes and girde mee with gladnesse that my Glory may singe vnto thee and I shall not be greeued Z ZOrobabell Kinge of Iuda in the deapthe of thy displeasure tasted of thy mercie and receiued by the mouthe of Ageus thy Prophete sweete comforte knowledge of thy fauoure and grace yea after thy determination to destroy the whole Kingdome of the Heathen thy righte hand did preserue him and thy incomparable mercie did choose him for a seale to thy selfe Lord this happy Kinge in thy goodnesse was but an earthly Creature and then coulde he haue no rightuousnesse in him selfe to mooue such thy compassion if it proceeded from the multitude of thy mercies that surmounte the iniquity of the whole world and that thou diddest only vouchsafe to beholde in him the Image of thy selfe Bowe downe thine eies Lorde and beholde the selfe same in mee Certifie my conscience with remission of my sinnes that my sorrowfull Soule be at rest within mee send downe thy holy spirite to remaine with me that I may become with that good Kinge thy chosen seale and seruaunt And so gouerne thy people that I may with them and they with me neuer deserue further then to taste of thy Rod of fauorable correction but that all my labours and studies may euer bend to the performance of thy holy will and discharge of my dutie Amen A ARise illuminate my minde moste benigne Sauioure that I sleape not at any time in deathe leaste mine enimies say they haue preeuailed againste mee They whiche trouble mee will be glad if I be cast downe but I haue fixed my hope in thy mercy Enter not into iudgement with thy Seruaunt for no liuing Creature shal be iustified in thy sighte I will euer looke vpon the Lorde for he shal be on my righte hande that I be not mooued for this my harte is glad and my tongue reioyceth yea moreouer my fl●ash shall rest in hope Amen B BE thou vnto mee O Lorde in the day time a defendour and in the nighte season a place of refuge that thou maiste saue mee for thou art my strengthe and vnto thee I flie Lord God deliuer me from the hand of sinners and from the Lawebreaker and the wicked dooer for thou Lord art my patience thou art my hope euen frō my youth in thee I am confirmed euen from my Mothers wombe thou art my protectour in thee shall be my songe for euer and euer Amen E EVer my tongue shall be tellinge of thy ritche mercy and woonderous works O Lorde for thou hast caused mee to passe through fire and water and hast leadde mee into a freashe place thou haste geuen my soule life and hast not suffered my feete to fall According to the multitude of my sorrowes thy comfortes haue made my Soule merye My Soule is like a Sparrow taken out of the foulers snare Thou hast deliuered my life frō death and my hands from bloud that I may please thee O Lorde in the light of the liuing Amen T THou art iust O Lorde and all thy Commaundementes be true and al thy waies mercy truth and iudgement And now Lorde be mindefull of mee take not reuengemente of my sinnes remember not mine offences neither the offences of my Fathers because wee haue not obeyed thy precepts Geue mee an hart of vnderstandinge and set thy feare alway before mine eyes that I may be obediente in woorde deede and thought to all that is thy will. Lorde geue vnto mee the power of thy Holy Spirite to rule and gouerne thy people commited to my charge in al godly feare and knowledge of thy woorde and that I may be vnto them an ensample in al godlinesse an● vertue to the prayse of thy Holy name Amen H HEale me Lord and I shall be healed saue mee and I shal be saued My life cleaueth vnto the Earthe Quicken mee accordinge to thy worde accordinge to thy mercie releeue mee and I wil keepe the testimonies of thy lippes helpe mee Lord so shall I be safe and I will from henceforthe study thy rightuousnesse thy mercies are many O Lorde according to thy woorde restore my health Amen R REgarde my Prayers O thou God of my life leaue me not in the thoughts of euill Deliuer mee from the wicked man let not the foote of pride com vpon mee and to vaine glorie geue mee not take from mee all sinfull lustes lette no desire of vncleannesse take hold vpon mee geue mee
thy sighte oh Lorde whosoeuer thinke they are cleane and haue not sinned they deceiue themselues Therefore I confesse oh Lorde I haue not committed one sin but rather infinite sins and acknowledge if thou shouldest obserue mine iniquities I were not hable to abide it Enter not therfore into iudgemente with thy Seruaunte oh Heauenly Father for no fleashe is rightuous in thy sighte let the penssue harte from whence my praiers commes pearse thy Celestiall Throne Bow down thy mercie Lord and wash mee with the bloud of my Sauioure Christe cloathe mee with his humilitie and reuiue mee with his Resurrection Remember Lorde thou haste spoken by the mouthe of thy seruaunt Esaye That if my sinnes be as redde as Scarlette they shal be made as white as snowe And furthermore thou delightest not in the deathe of any sinner but that he rather liue and be conuerted Lord thy woordes neuer failed and thy compassions haue no end by vertu of the one and substance of the other purify me from all mine iniquitie I neede not to tel thee Lord if time woulde not faile mee the large examples of thy manifold mercies besides thi compassions shewed on thy Seruaunte Mary Magdeleyn Peter and Paule with whom Lorde let me be so cleansed purified and receiued as O may with them be Coheyres of thy euerlasting ioyes Amen AS the barraine and vnthanckefull soyle whiche after good vse diligence of the Tiller geueth forth Darnell for good seede so euer dooth the fainte harted and vngratefull freend in the Harueste of thy necessitie But if thou wouldest choose him by vertue of the Grape and suffer him to be olde as thou dost thy wine then shouldest thou drink him with pleasure AT midnight my tonge and lippes shall singe praise of thy holy name and my Spirite shall glorifie thee sittinge aboue the highest Cherubins Awake Lorde awake denie mee not for thy names sake ●●●gh otherwise vnwoorthy of ●●y porcion in thy ritche guiftes to the worlde Lorde thou hast so loued the world that thou madest thy dere beloued sonne to clime the steps of death who bare the Image of thy substaunce and brightnes of thy glory to purge our mortalitie and sinne I beseeche thee therfore as thou haste so vouchsaued also saide by the mouthe of thy Seruauntes that thou haste geuen him to that most dreadfull death of the Crosse to put away al sin and to satisfie thy iustice Lorde and mercifull Father let me now for al be so deliue●●● and cleerely purged by this pitifull passion of thy deere sonne my Sauiour that I may say and singe with the blessed Cherubins and Seraphins Apostles Sainctes and Virgins Holy Holy Holy Lorde God on highe all Honour Power Dominion and Glory be dewe to thee for euer and euer Amen ¶ The Versicle FOr thy deare Sonnes sake O Lorde heare and receiue my Prayers The Answere ANd in thy truthe and mercy pardon mine offences and graunt mee thy grace ¶ The Collecte O Lorde Iesus Christ sonne of the pure Virgin Marie thou thou art not only the sweet spouse of my soule healthe but with God the Father a moste meke Mediatour full of Mercie Truthe wash away my sinnes with the most precious bloud of thy holy passion make me ritch in thy mercy and my Faithe so strong in thee that assisted with thy grace and holy Spirite to all duty and workes in this life towardes thee I may enioy afterwards the glory of thy blessed Kingdom with thy holy saincts and Virgins in euerlasting honoure and triumphe Amen ¶ The Prayer O Lord Iesus Christ whiche hast redeemed all mankinde from sinne Death Hell thou which hast saide I am the way truthe and life A way in Doctrine Commaundementes and examples Truth in promises Life in rewarde I pray thee by thine ineffamable loue wherwith thou hast vouchsafed wholie to bestowe thy selfe for our securitie that thou wilt not suffer mee euer to stray from thee bicause thou art the way nor at any time to distruste thy promises which art Truthe and perfourmest what so euer thou promisest neither let me rest in any other thing because thou arte eternal life without the whiche there is nothinge that ought to be desired neither in heauen nor in Earthe By thee we learne the sure and expediente passage vnto true healthe that wee wander no longer in the Labor in the of this world Thou haste exactly taught what to beleeue and what to doo what to hope for and in whome wee ought to rest By thee wee learne how wee were of that first Adam vnfortunately borne By thee wee are assured ther is no hope of helth but through Faith in thee that thou arte the onely brightnesse which geuest lighte to all men trauailing the darke Deserts of this worlde where is nothinge but a profound dimnes wherby we can neither see our calamity nor from whence wee oughte to seeke remedy of our euil Thou diddest vouchsafe to descende into the Earthe disdainedst not to take our nature vppon thee that by thy doctrine thou mightest shake of the dimnesse of our ignoraunce by thy commaundements mightest directe our feet● in the way of Truthe Peace By the exāples of thy life thou hast shewed vs the way to immortalitie and by thy steppes hast restoared to vs a plaine easie and profitable way out of an vneuen and roughe way So thou arte made vnto vs a waye which knoweth no erroure in the whiche leaste wee should be wearie thou haste vouchsafed to vpholde vs in thy benignitie with greate and sure promises for who can be weary accoumpting him selfe ready through thy steppes to enter thy Heauenly Heritage Therfore whilest we be in this iorney thou wouldest be a sure hope vnto vs to be in steede of a staffe vnto vs wherewith we are susteined Neither was thy goodnesse content with this but knowing the weakenes of our fleash in the meane while with the comfort of thy Spirite doost so refreashe our strengthe whereby wee runne cheerefully And as thou being made vnto vs a way doost driue away al errour So being made Truthe doost take away all distrust Finally beinge made life vnto vs dooste reuiue the dead in sin to liue by thy Spirite releeuing all thinges vntill in the resurrection al mortalitie vtterly abolished we may alwaies liue with thee and in thee when Christe shall be to vs all in all For eternall life is to knowe the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste to be one true God whō now through Faith wee beholde only in a Glasse and Ridell and then seeing more feloly the glory of the Lorde wee shal be transformed into the same Image Therfore I beseeche thee most mercifull Sauioure that thou wouldest nourishe Faithe in thy Seruaunte that I may neuer wauer in thy heauenly doctrine Encrease obedience that I neuer turne from thy Preceptes Fortifie constancie that entring into thy steppes it be not pulled backe nor through the terroure or intisements of Sathan ouerthrowne but maie
with thy truth and merites of Christes deathe and passion to lay my Prayers before thee requyringe mercy and forgeuenesse of all my sinnes and also the assistance of thy Grace to do thy will all the daies of my life and to obtaine all these my petitions through Iesus Christ thy deere Sonne and my only sauiour to whom with thee and the Holy Ghoste be all Honour power Dominion and Glory for euer and euer Amen A Meditation vpon the Lordes Prayer ¶ Our Father which art in Heauen TRuely thou O almighty father haste iuste cause to execute thy seuere iudgemente vpon vs sinners whiche so often and greeuously moue thy wrath and indignation againste vs but sithence by thy mercy thou dooste not onely pardon but also commaundeste and teacheste by thy Sonne Iesus Christe that wee should holde thee for a Father wee pray thee throughe him that thou wilt geue vs a full and sure truste in thy Fatherly clemency and that we may likewise feele some taste of that security whiche thy Children haue and with ioye call thee Father acknowledge thee loue thee and in all our troubles call vpon thee defende and guide vs that wee may perpetually abide thy children let vs not goe out of thy protection Though we be the children of wickednes yet let vs not holde thee in steede of a seuere Iudge whē thou wilt that wee shall not onely call thee Father but our Father and that wee pray not in our owne name alone but in the name of all thy Children Geue vs therefore an vniforme and brotherly loue that in deede wee may perceiue our selues to bee Brothers and Sisters and thee our generall Father Let vs pray for all the rest no otherwise then Fathers were wont to pray for their children neyther suffer any of vs to seeke his own and forget his brother but taking away what enuie hatred or discord so euer raigneth emonge vs that as becommeth Gods children wee may mutually loue one another and truely call thee not Father but our Father Of our carnall and earthely Father we receiue this brickle body and he is such a one as is subiect to death neither are wee sure how longe he shall remaine a father Furthermore if aduersity happen he can not chaunge that but thou arte a Heauenly Father truely farre better and more Nobler So much more righte is it then that we contempne for thee our Father Countrey Kindred Ritches Fleashe Bloude yea and what so euer is in this worlde vnder the scope of Heauen This also graunt to vs that we may be thy heauenly Children whom thou doest teache that we shall regarde nothinge but the soule healthe and that heauenly Heritage leaste in this carnall and earthly Countrey deceiued stirred vp or letted by ritches wee become heyres of sensuality but truly let vs say our heauenlie Father and that truely wee may be thy heauenly Children Halowed be thy name ALmighty God heauenly father thy holy name is miserably prophaned many wayes in this worlde scorned taunted and blasphemed when it is applied to those thinges in whiche is no glorye of thy Deitie yea many abuse it imployinge it to sinne and truly that vnwoorthy life in a Christian man deserueth to be called a prophanation of thy holy name graunt therefore to vs good Lorde through thy mercy that wee may beware of all those things by which the honoure and glory of thy name is diminished and purifie vs that the Artes of Magike may be abolished let people cease to enchaunt Diuels or other Creatures by thy name see that all distrust and supersticion perish Heresie and wicked Doctrine also whiche notwithstandinge they preferre thy name yet they deceiue many lette them perishe and be broughte to nothynge graunte that thy people be not deceyued through any outwarde shewe of truthe rightuousnesse or holynesse Suffer not any man to forsweare hym selfe lye or deceyue others by thy name Take from vs O Lorde all false aydes which take vpon thē a shewe of thy name remooue from vs that spyrite of Pryde and vaine glory and the study of prayse and glory Graunt that in all our troubles and euiles we may cal vpon thy holy name yea in the feare of our consciēce and euen when deathe assaileth let vs not be forgetful of thy holie name See that in al our successe both in wordes and deedes wee may praise and worship thee onely and not seeke out of these ours but the glory of thy name which alone possessest al things take from vs O Lorde that most foule vice of ingratitude Plant in vs such good woorkes and life that others may be allured to vs not to our but to thy praise and glory Lorde let not others be offended through the vices or euill workes which yet remaine in vs least thy name for our sinnes should be ill spoken of or not henceforth praised Suffer vs not to aske any thing of thee either momentary or eternall which agreeth not to the glory of thy holy name praise if wee do aske any suche thinge of thee in that heare vs not graunt vs so to liue as becommeth Gods Children that wee seeme not vnworthy of thy holy name Thy kingdome come IN this miserable and wretched life all kindes of sensuall apetide and wickednesse beare rule in vs and the euill spirite head and fountaine of all sinne hath gouernmente But in thy kingdome O Lorde grace and vertue guide the sway and Iesus Christe thy deere sonne true patrone of all grace and vertue holdeth Empyre Thou therefore deere Father fauoure vs with thy grace Geue vnto vs a true constant faith in Christe fortifie vs with a firme hope in thy mercie wherwith our weake and feble conscience may be raised vp from the feling of sinnes lade vs with an earnest loue both towardes thee and al other thy good Creatures Take frō vs distrust desperation and hatred remooue from vs the delightes of the fleash and plant in their steede an earnest studye of chastitie with perfect faith in thee which may worthely winne the reward of vndefiled battaile Make vs free O Lorde from discordes ambition warre and discention and let thy kingdome come and let vs leade a peaceable mutuall and quiet life Graunt that neither zeale anger or other vices with the whiche dissemblinge hatred are nourished raigne in vs but a milde simplicity brotherly loue al kinde of duties contentment and humility suffer vs not to be affected with immoderate sorrowe and heauinesse but let vs feele the pleasantnesse of thy grace and mercie and that in fine all my sinnes may be taken away wee abounding through grace and vertu in good works may be thy kingdome I say our minde our soule with al our strength whiche thou hast powred on vs may obey thy commaundementes and beare thy gouernment and neither folowe themselues the world the fleash nor the Diuell See Lord that this thy kingdome happely begonne in vs may so growe and be increased that wee be not
thy sake exercising iustice mercie and Truthe to all thy Creatures and neuer suffering me to doo that may mooue thy wrath but more and more assisted with thy grace may encrease thy loue and likinge and finally obtaine thy ioyes euerlasting Amen H HEare these my Prayers sweet Lord Iesu and for thy exceedinge Loue whiche broughte thee from the Sacred seate of thy Fathers breast into the wo●be of the blessed virgin to bannish Death and Sinne to redeeme mans nature whereby in thy astere Passion as thou haste restoared mee and with so blessed a Shielde defended mine eternall deathe by the self same Loue call mee that haue wandred home againe to thy Folde renewe me with thy Spirite cōfirme mee with stronge faithe nourish in me such thi abundant loue garnish mee with thy plentifull grace lade mee with infallible hope of thy mercie finally restore all partes in mee which are decaied and quicken in mee what so is dead should liue that my spirite set at libertie from Terrestriall thinges thou maist euer dwell in mee And my Soule and body assisted with thy ritche guifte of all these may fully purely safely and strongly settle them in thee To whom be praise both nowe and euer Amen R REnder mee thy grace O Lorde that from this day I neuer becomme enimies with thee againe but that I only rest in thee Guide me with the clere light of thy woorde thorowe the dark desertes of this wretched world where no misery nor trouble lacketh wher euery place is ful of snares of mortal enimies yea wheron trouble and temptations ouerpassed and other ensueth and the first enduringe a newe battaile suddainely assayleth wherby I neuer haue peace and wante wherwith to war. wherfore with contrite hart I crie Lorde Lorde assist me with the power of thy holy Spirite and as thou hast cōmaunded I come vnto thee prayinge the guifte of all these my requests and specially Lord I require the swoord of my Sau●●ur Christ true and firm faith that established in thy Truthe holding that for my defence may be safely armed against all mine enimies strong to cut downe the thornes which shal spring in my way of passage vnto thee in whom sweete sauiour aboue all honour glory triumphe sway rule power dignity make me settle al my ioyes yea aboue all healthe ritches bewtie fame and felicitie to desire thee loue thee and magnifie thee which geuest all and therfore of al to be beloued sought art most worthy Amen E EAse O Lorde the paines I suffer the troubles of my soule let the fountaines of thy grace ouerflow my barraine bodie and the floudes of thy mercie batten my feeble spirite let thy louing kindnesse couer mine infirmities and thy suffered drops of dewe vpon the Crosse drownde mine iniquitie Thy worde is Truthe and thou hast saide Thy delight is not in the death of a Sinner but wouldest he shoulde conuerte and liue Teache me therfore to number my dayes in the loue of thy Lawes that I alwayes thirste after thy Kingdome and neuer forgeat thee but in this that I haue here begonne may perseuer increase setting at naught all worldly pompe respect of persones and mans helpe and only cleaue to thy omnipotente power mercie strengthe and goodnesse wherin Lorde make mee so ritch as I neuer haue power to swerue from thee nor wante thy grace to resiste all temptations neither yet thy strengthe to treade downe mine enimies and so my harte shall ioyfully liue and geue thanckes to thee my God of all truth mercy and victory Amen G GOD merciful Father of my redeemer Christ which hast promised to heare the peticions of them that aske in thi Sonnes name geue downe thy feare into my harte conioyne thy holy spirite to the felowship of my soule poure vpō me the blessed dewes of thy grace enritche mee with thy high vnderstandinge and send wisdome in her glory from thy Sacred seate to dwel in me that shee may guide mee vphold mee and labour with mee to the end that in al my trauelles enterprises proceedinges and studies I may preuaile to thy glorie Do this deare Father for the triumphe of thy name Bow downe thine eares mercifullie heare and receiue the summe of all my requests and graunt that all thinges which I aske according to my necessity I may effectually obtaine to thy glorye and profite of my soule through Iesus Christe my Lorde Amē I I Geue and committe into thy hands deere Lorde my Spirite yea rather I may say thy Spirite seeing thou hast geuen it mee lincte it to my body for a season and seing it is thy image and Figure made after thine owne likenesse seeinge thy deere Sonne did clime the dyrefull steppes of death for redemption therof O most fauorable Father and meeke God of al mercy and compassion I eftsoones cōmende this my Spirite into thy hande I am thine what so euer I am receiue thine I beseeche thee preserue mee and comforte mee for no man can help me besides thee Onely thou arte the sureste resister of all mischiefe thou arte O God the readieste help in all trouble thou arte my hope and strength In thee do I put my trust lette mee not be confounded let mee neuer be rebuked thou art my strong rock and my Castell thou art my sauioure my portion is in thy hands Lighten thy face vpon thy Seruaunt and saue mee O Lorde in thy Mercie Amen N NO brickel nor corrupt gold or Siluer hath redeemed my soule O Heauenly Father but the precious bloud issuinge from Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spotte make mee therefore O Lorde for his sake to put on his humility patience vertu and vnspotted life rendring such accompt of this my Pilgrimage as beste may agree to his merite and thy mercie Let mee not be founde vnthankfull in so sweete a Lorde and sauiour what is most rightuous acceptable and pleasante in thy sight let mee alwayes O God preferre in faith works and what so euer is to approoue mee vnworthy of his tender and surmountinge loue that may alter his louing kindenesse or exchaunge his wonted compassion towards mee Lorde let me euer faile in strength to do it but assisted by thee I may euerlastingly be founde to liue in him Amen A ALmighty God which fliest with the winges of the Ayre ridest vpō the Cherubins hast Empyre aboue the starry Firmaments Thou thou that sittest in Sacred seate most hie beholdeynge the wretchednesse of man in this lowe Earthe attending through thine own loue his deserts when with any occasion thou may offer thy mercie Bowe downe thy pitifull eies and fauour in me the Image of thy selfe as thou diddest vouchsafe in Zache when thou calledst him out of the Figge thee enritche my eares with the same voyce of Remission and Gladnesse as thou diddest his incline thine eares heare these cries oh louing redeemer for though I am but Dust Earth and Asshes yet I am bolde strengthened
EStablish my harte oh Heauenly Father in league and loue with thy lawes printe thy Precepts in the bowels of my breast sequestre my minde from all thoughtes studies and laboures that may drawe mee from thee My Soule consumeth in care to be with thee and my bodilie eyes tremble to beholde thee onely because thou hatest sinne and abhorrest iniquitie Alas there is nothing in mee but vnrightuousnesse the examples be dreadfull which declare how greeuously thou hast punnished sinne Thou diddest drowne the worlde for sinne Thou diddest sende fire vpon Sodome and Gomorrha Thou diddest cast forth Adam and his Ofspringe out of Paradice for sinne Thou diddest greeuously punnish thy seruaunte Dauid notwithstandinge his hartie repentaunce yea thou persecutedst Salomon in himself and his Posterity with many other to our example and all for shamefull sinne Lorde sith these examples are true and mine iniquity equall with theirs what should becom of my Soule if I had not a mediatour Christe whose bloudy Passion then appeased thy wrath when nothing els could By his Death I am once redeemed oh God therefore let mee now not be consumed bearing thy Image but graunt the paines of his pitiefull Passion may put out all mine offences With my voyce I will spread thy mercie ouer all Nations my Life shall glorifie thy name and all that thou geuest mee I will acknowledge to be thine with euerlasting praise Amen THe greater thou art the more humble thy selfe in all thinges and thou shalt finde fauour in the sight of God for greate povver belongeth onely vnto God and he is honoured of the lowly TVrne away thy face frō mine vnrighteousnesse Lorde no Creature is cleare in thy sighte If thou shouldest call thine Angelles to the Barre they might not abide the Sentence of thy iust Iudgement I come vnto thee for succour Lorde vnder the wynges of thy mercy receiue me Thou delightest not in any Sacrifice or burnt Offerynges but thy accustomed condition hath been euer to accepte a sorrowful spirite a broken harte Lorde if thy louinge kindenesse be suche I heare presente thee with a heauy hart a broken body a martyred minde and a sighing soule These all appeale to the● O Lorde for thy mercye and crie out with the Prodigall Sonne saying I haue sinned againste Heauen and before thee washe me therfore with thy ritche mercie not that any good in me doth deserue it but because thou arte God of all mercy and it declareth thy mightinesse to forgeue Thou diddest shew compassion vpon the woman of Canaan for her great Faithe and from the beginning thou hast not reiected the effectuall prayers of a single hart Lorde I geue glory to thy name with the highest thy mercy stretcheth aboue the Firmamentes the sure hope and truste I haue in thy vnspeakeable truthe and compassion is equall with the stronge Faithe of the Cananite woman I confesse my sinnes manifolde But Lorde I know thy mercy and sauinge healthe are infinite Lorde sith thou arte of power to forgeue aboue that I can offende for thy names sake release my sorrowe cutte the sacke of my sinnes make mee strong in thee So shall I liue and all my thoughtes acknowledge thy praise Amen HAppy is the man that hath not fallen with the Worde of his mouthe and is not pricked with the consciēce of sinne that hath no heauinesse in his minde and is not fallen from his Hope HOw mightie thou arte oh God of Hostes in thy precellynge power by Creatynge this Worlde of nothynge wee are taught to know Thou doest gouerne the same and puttest down with thy hand the prowde and traiterous Tiraunt therof Thou destroyest theyr deuises and keepest the raging Sea within her boundes These and suche like declare thy power ouer all The plenty of thy bountifull hand geueth not only of things but also of euery kind of things shewe forth thy louinge kindenesse Thou doest multiply yearely daily these kindes How many seedes good Lorde doest thou encrease of one seede Lorde what manifolde Springes cometh therof These cannot but keepe vs mindefull of thy exceeding Ritches and Mercy Lord if to thy enemies as to the greatest number of the world which loue thee not thy condition be to deale thus bountifully what shall I deeme resteth with thee for thy freendes Truly such blisfull ioyes and rest as maketh me only desire of thee to be desolued from this earthly and vncleane body when thy pleasure is I am the fresh Image of thy selfe the woorke of thine owne handes take mee therfore vnto thee burnish me a new free my Soule from the poisoned prison of sinne that it may geue equall thankes vnto so sweete a Lorde and guide Whilest I abide in this wretched body of Sinne I cannot see thee oh Lorde yea it is a heauy habitacion and depresseth downe sore my Spirite from the familiaritie whiche it els should haue with thee my louing Father Lorde this world and life is a doungeon of Darkenesse a Mountaine of miserable Martirdomes a lewde laborenth of of lothesome Lustes a cankred course of chokinge Calamities being voyde of all vertues to gaine eternall Life Make me therfore stronge to walke vpright in this wretched wildernesse and Arme mee with the guift of thy grace against the power of Sathan my Ghostly enimy Here is nothing where I am Lorde but daily assaultes of Temptations troubles torments carefull calamities contencion for thy woorde horrible hatred and worldly ambition against which Lorde perfect me in knowledge and strong faith and with thy righte hande beat downe mine enimies that thou maist be knowen to be my God Shielde REfuse not the Prayer of one that is in trouble turne not awaye thy face from the needy despise not the sely sewter nor grieue the harte of the helpelesse for if hee complaine in the bitternesse of his soule his prayer shal be hearde euen he that made him shall heare him REgarde in mee oh God the Image of thy selfe thoughe I looked backe from thy Lawes chastice me to amendment but suffer not the work of thy hands to perishe Thou hast created my harte and geuen me a will to order the same so Lorde I most meekely yelde the same againe into thy handes I pray thee by thy holy Spirite so direct my waies counsels and woorkes that they may be of chiefe regard with thee good God the geuer of all mercy suffer not my Soule to perishe through infirmity of my Flesh For thy Sonnes sake and thine owne glory set both nowe and euer his death and Passion betweene thy iuste iudgemente and the perill of my Soule I thirste after thee my God and sith thou feest my hartie desire is to serue thee and liue in thy rule and to dye in thy Faith and fauoure allowe of me and with thy mighty hand assist me Graunte that the Celestiall kingdome of thy grace and mercie euer occupie my harte and worthely purchase me the sweet participation of thy glorious Throne and Maiestie Deliuer
me Lord through thy grace for in al my proper works diuises can be founde no sin● shielde of defence for mee Cast not away my sorowfull soule Remember the pitifull Passion of thy deare Sonne and suffer it not to perish Guide my feete in the shining light of thy Verity carry mee aloft from the snares of the vngodly and from the traitorous trappes of the malitious saue mee Suffer not thou oh Prince of al power who rulest the heauens and earthe that any canckred or malitious stomacke rebell or increase against me Pardon my cursed crimes release my dyrefull debtes geue mee againe thy grace wrappe vp my woefull woundes that fester in my feeble fleash graffe mee a new with the garnishinge of thy grace so shall thy glorie growe and my gained gladnesse heale my grouing griefes If I deserue the fulnesse of thy furie to fall vpon mee yet as a louing Sauiour rule ouer the roughnesse of thy rage and let thy most meke mercy measure my paine as thou haste donne vnto numbers Graunt most gratious God of all victory that I maie euer haue thy power right hand to be my resident Rocke of refuge Geue gratious eare to my requests be thou my stay in euery storme and peril for all mannes staies are vnsteady Beate downe therfore mine enimies with thine owne hande and Swoorde which arte mine only aide and Protectour geue mee thy grace and I shall neuer cease to geue thee glorye bothe with my tounge and harte shall I ioyfully singe Dominus illuminatio mea salus mea quem timebo Dominus Protector Vitae meae à quo trepidabo Amen ENcline thy harte to mercie delight thy thoughts in equitie and Iustice then shall thy light breake forth as the morning springe and thy healthe florishe thy rightuousnesse shall preserue thee and the glorie of the Lorde shall imbrace thee ENritch me oh God with thy grace illuminate my minde with thy vnderstanding be vnto mee a sure saluacion whom should I feare Truly neither wil I feare anie enimy bodily or ghostly thou being the strength of my life Though innumerable hostes do rise against mee my Spirite shal trust in thee and in my hart will I neuer be afraide Arme mee with thy strength of warre oh God and teache my handes to wage battaile And I shall lay flat the enemies of thy Truthe and ioyfully resiste all those that rise against me My life shall euer declare thy sauinge healthe my soule shall not cease to sing thy praise Thou hast deliuered me from the chaines of Hel and when I haue bene wrapped in the daungers of Death thou hast cleared my pathes of all stumblinge blocks and made thy ritch mercie my candle Lorde if I haue benne vnthankful a broken minde shal be thy Sacrifice my harte shall euer dwell in the place of thanks geuing Spirite still mourne for her vnkindenesse Saue mee Lorde I beseeche thee in the daie of my distresse for thou arte the horne of my healthe the shielde of my glory and bearest vp mine infirmitie Let them be consumed in their diuises that shall worke against me and faile of their force in the houre of their pretence Poure vpon them the Vyall of thy wrathe let them sinke by themselues and saue thy Seruauntes that trust in thy mercy I will honour thee for my sauiour and praise thee for a God aboue all Gods. Amen GOd is gratious and mercifull he forgeueth sinnes in time of trouble and is a defender of them that seeke him with hartie praier and wholie put their truste in his mercie and truthe GVyde my feete oh Lord in the waies of peace and keepe my hands cleane from innocent bloude Lorde geue mee grace to perfourm the tauailes of this Pilgrimage before thee with pure minde cleare conscience that when thou shalt shewe thy selfe towardes euery creature to their deedes I may be ritche in thy mercie and not dreadde thy presence Whilest I treade this wearie laborinthe leaue mee not Lorde to my selfe but graunte mee thy continuall grace for my staffe I am not of might Lorde in my selfe to do any thinge that is good my rightuousnesse and glory stand in thy hande Therfore oh Lorde I appeale to thy mercy and pray thy grace that I may in minde be made strong with thy holy Armoure whiche I desire maye be thy rightuousnesse for my Brest plate firme faithe for my Targette hope of mercy for my Helmet and true knowledge of thy woorde for my Banner so that I may stand here stronge perfite againste thine enemies and in a newe life participate thy ioyes I will blowe thy wonderous name throughe thy people and will praise thee emongest all the faithfull My praises shall haue beinge vnto the farthest part of thy cōgregation and my vowes will I perfourme in the sight of all that feare thee I wil endeuour that the ends of the worlde shall remember themselues and will do my best to turne them vnto thee Geue mee therfore ioyfulnesse of harte rest of conscience continuall comforte in thy worde and trueth and that I may with a thankfull minde aduaunce thy name for euer IN the feare of God who so liueth shall gather his Fruites in a pleasaunt Garden of blessing It geueth the true Honoure Glory Triumphe and ioyfull Crowne IN the multitude of all my sorowes that euer I haue had in my harte Thy comforts oh Lorde haue euer refreshed mee Such is thy louing kindnesse and aboue all thy mercie that if I should stray farther in my vnthankefulnesse mine owne thoughts would accuse me Therfore I do comme vnto thee to be taught thy Testimonies that I maye make thy lawes my delight Truely hopinge of thy grace for my assistaunce I doo meane to make thy commaundementes an Alley of my pleasures to walke in and the Truthe of thy woordes will I weare on as an Armour against mine enimies Guide my fleashly eies oh Lorde least they beholde vanities and my hart in thy rightuousnesse Plucke my feete into the pathes of thy preceptes when they woulde wander printe the remembraunce of thy goodnesse alwaies in the table of my hart and let my power faile to offend thee Heape my handes with sure hope of my Saluacion satisfie my faithe in the forgeuenesse of my sinnes that my fraile fleashe wauer not in thy mercie Temper my tongue oh Lord that it alwaies teache thy testimonies lock vp my lippes that out of my mouth do not proceede neither blasphemy of thy name Hazerde to my soule nor hinderaunce to any Creature Bowe downe thine eares oh Lorde and strengthen mee in these requestes For beholde I bowe the knees of a contrite hart and with assured minde do hope them for thy truthes sake whiche I will euerlastinglye praise NO glorye exceedeth the bewty of a chast life the memoriall is immortall it is Crowned in all triumphe with God and Honoured of al rightuous for it winneth the reward of vndefiled battaile NO fleash is rightuous in