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A14579 A testimonie of the true Church of God confirmed as well by the doctrine as liues of sundry holy men, both patriarkes, and prophetes, and also by the Apostles and their true successours. Wherein is manifestly shewed how that God hath in all ages raysed vp some, yea euen in most horrible darkenesse, which haue beene faithfull stewards, and true dispencers of his will, with a catalogue of their names. Translated out of French by William Phiston.; Discours sur le dénombrement des docteurs de l'Église de Dieu. English Devoyon, Simon.; Phiston, William. 1585 (1585) STC 24891; ESTC S119337 98,293 180

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neare neighbors Moreouer the saide prophet vsed very good exhortations and instructions amongest the people in setting before their eyes the threatenings of the Lorde and the execution of his iustice which drewe neare bicause of the obstinacie and stubbornesse in their iniquitie he ministred also cōsolation in shewing their deliuerance and comfort that the Lorde would send them after their afflictions and this did he for to strengthen the faith and confidence of the faithfull the which he sent principally vnto Christe as vnto the fountaine of all deliuerance and to the felicitie of his kingdome and comming of whom he also made mention in many places of his booke He gouerned the Church more then 40. yeares and liued after the desolation of Ierusalem He then séeing this desolation and abiding many troubles and persecutions he had foretolde thereof and afterward sawe it with great anguish of heart when he was olde He was led away into Egypt wheras he rebuked boldly the people and their principal gouernours He was afterward stoned by Tahaphnes and died The prophets that were in his time were Sophonie Abacuc Abdias 24 Daniel being but young was in the time when Ieremie was olde and was instructed vnder him He was caried away to Babylon with the king Ioacim in the third yeare of his reigne and in the yeare since the creation of the world 33 44. The Lorde who had defended him from danger willing to haue him serue for the profit of his Church adorned him with many graces and excellent gifts and amongst other giftes with the spirit of prophecie as appeareth by that that is contained in his booke whereas he declareth the reuelations which he had receiued of GOD touching the estate of the world vnder the foure Monarchies vntill the end thereof He foreshewed also the time of Christes cōming the excellencie of his kingdome the power giuen vnto Antichrist for to annoy the faithfull children of GOD and the time howe long this power shall continue lastly the iudgement that shal be executed by Christ a King triumphant for the exaltation and glory of his faithfull seruants and for the ruine and destruction of the wicked Now after that this Daniel had wrought great things in Babylon as well concerning the order of the Church as the ciuill policie and gouernement and hauing giuen a great light to the true doctrine of God amongest his people He gouerned about 90. yeares 25 Ezechiel beganne to prophecie in the time of king Ioacim surnamed Iechonias shewing him the danger that he was in in declaring to him that which the Lorde had determined to doe concerning the destruction and ruine of Ierusalem bicause of the sinnes of the people that had prouoked the wrath and iudgement of GOD against the same citie the which Nabuchodonozor the king of Babylon did at that time besiege and forced the people afterwards to yelde them selues captiues He foretolde also and declared what was to come as well to the Iewes as to other nations thereaboutes 26 Osée the sonne of Beeri beganne to prophecie in the times of Ozias Ioas Achas kings of Iuda and in the time of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas king of Israel and as a true prophete he shewed vnto his people which was the kingdome of the ten tribes their sinnes and iniquities and he reproued them euery one of their execrable idolatrie wherby they heaped vp against them selues the wrath and vengeance of God shewing vnto them that the rod of his iustice was stretched out against them and exhorting them to repentance and a true conuersiō He foretolde them of their captiuitie into Assyria Afterward he added a consolation for the faithfull assuring them of their deliuerance by the meane of the deliuerer promised by the Lord vnto his Church 27 Of Ioel the Hebrues be vncertaine in what time he was a prophet Some iudge that he was in the time of Manasses But we néede not be so curious in séeking out that matter for if it had bene so necessarie it should not haue bene omitted by the holy Ghost which inspired this prophet to exhort the people vnto a conuersion and true repentance and incited them to haue recourse to the grace and mercy of God in contemplation of the only bountie and frée liberalitie grounded vpon the Messias and true annoynted of the Lorde of whose kingdome he made demonstratiō with the excellent riches thereof which bee the giftes and graces of the spirite of god the which he hath foreshewed that they must be bestowed and distributed vnto faithful seruants whom God shal haue appointed for the dispensation of the ministery of the saide kingdome as S. Peter expoundeth Actes 2. 28 Amos being a shepheard and a simple man was wonderfully instructed by the Lorde and moued by his spirit in the time of Ozias king of Iuda and of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas king of Israel He declared and shewed vnto the Church of GOD the mysteries touching the displaying of sinnes and exhortation to repent and amend and a sure hope of saluation by the meane of the Messias whose comming and kingdome he spake of before He prophecied first against the vnfaithfull nations which dwelt neare to the people of Israel afterward against the kingdome of Israel to wit of the tenne tribes and then consequently against the kingdome of Iuda and the Temple of the Lorde foretelling of the afflictions that would happen vnto them bicause of their iniquities 29 Of Addias the prophet some do iudge that it was he who in the time of the persecution caused by Achab Iezabel did hide in a caue an hundred prophets 1. Kings 18.3 Others thinke that he was an Idumean and that he gaue wholy him self vnto the Lord in receiuing his lawe In this matter we néede not be greatly scrupulous but rather in the doctrine and prophecie that he had receiued of the holy Ghost the which in as much as he in his booke threateneth the Idumeans doth teach vs of the vengeance and iudgements of God against the aduersaries of his Church and of the deliuerance and conseruation therof of the which he prophecied and of the kingdome of Christ 30 In Ionas may be séene the doctrine set forth in the Church concerning the death and resurrection of Christe and the publishing of the Gospel the which must be wrought among the Gentiles after the saide resurrection euen as Ionas shewed and declared after that he came out of the whales belly publishing the word of the Lord in Niniuie the chiefe citie of the Monarchie of the Assyrians And like as Ionas profiting not amongest his owne people was sent vnto strangers and Infidels the people of Israel continuing blinde so the Lord hath transported his Gospell from his owne peculiar people who contemned it and hath giuen it to the Gentiles leauing that people in blindnesse and obstinacie bicause of their contempt It appeareth by that which is written in the first of the Kings 14.15 what Ionas was and in what time he
his eyes to wit the iust iudgementes that God had wrought-vpon the whole face of the earth washing men from their hortible and abhomible sinnes the which they had vnreasonably committed He also was able to shew foorth the great goodnesse and mercy of God in that he would not that all mankinde should be drowned and destroyed All the time that Sem liued was 600. yeares Gen. 11. 10 Arphaxad was borne the second yeare after the floud in the yeare of his father Sem 100 Gen. 11. He liued 438. yeares Sale was borne in the yeare of his father Arphaxad 35. He liued 433. yeares Gen. 11. Heber was borne in the yere of his father Sale 30. Gen. 11. He liued 464. yeares Phaleg was borne in the yere of his father Heber 34. He liued 239. yeares Reu was borne in the yeare of his father Phaleg 30. He liued 302. yeares Sarug was borne in the yeare of his father Reu 30. He liued 230. yeares Nachor was borne in the yeare of his father Sarug 30. He liued 148. yeares Thare was borne in the yeare of his father Nachor 29. And when he was seuentie yeares olde he begat Abraham He liued 205. yeares Gen. 11.32 Nowe these be here recited by Moses as being the chiefest of those that were in their time whereas we may vnderstand that although the world was filled with all impietie yet notwithstanding God still hath wonderfully conserued some the haue kept the instruction of the true heauenly doctrine to the end that the Church and the promise made thereto should not be wholy extinguished which doctrine was also immediately renued vnto Abraham their successour This is the first order of the Doctours of the Church of God that is to say of the Fathers whose gouernement endured about the space of 2023. yeres The second order of the gouernours of the Church of God is of the Patriarches 11 Abraham was borne in the yeare of his father Thare 70. Gen. 11. He went from his countrie and from his kinsfolke in the yeare after the floud 367. and in the yeare of the world 2023. He with his posteritie bare rule and gouerned the Church In his time was the promise of the séede of the woman renued which is the redéemer and deliuerer of mankinde and it was declared by manifest promises that this deliuerer or redéemer ought to be looked for of his posteritie Furthermore Abraham being of the age of 99. yeares Gen. 17. receiued Circumcision the signe of the aliance betwixt God and him which signe representeth to the Church two things to wit that al what so euer is of man is vicious and must be cut away and that saluation must procéede from the roote of Abraham He liued 175. yeares Gen. 25. Isaac was borne in the yeare of Abraham his father 100. Gen. 21. of whose séede is borne our Lord Iesus Christ Isaar liued 180. yeares 12 Iacob was borne when his father was 60. yeares of age Gen. 25. This man was a Prophete of the Church of GOO and he tooke that heauenly doctrine from his predecessors and of his father Isaac at whose handes also he obtained the blessing of God he was surnamed Israel Gen. 32. And for this cause they that descended of him were called the people of Israel Iacob being 130. yeares olde went downe into Egypt Gen. 47. whereas he might teach the true doctrine of God He liued 147. yeares After this the twelue Patriarches with their children and successors gouerned the church of God in Egypt by the space of 215. yeares Leui was borne but a few yeares before Ioseph He liued 137. yeares After his death the children of Israel were in Egypt 121. yeares And after the death of Leui vntill the natiuitie of Moses was 41. yeares In which time Cahat the sonne of Leui and Amram the sonne of Cahat and father of Moses did gouerne the Church 13 Vnder the guyding of Moses the sonne of Amram of the house of Leui the people was brought out of Egypt Exod. 12. Then was the Lawe giuen published diuinely great miracles wrought yea such as the like had not bene séene nor heard of before amongst the people The lawes also of cere monies were giuen them by God by the hand of Moses so were all sortes of oblations sacrifices and burnt offerings Whereby is to note that the Ceremonies appointed by God to the Fathers were as a preaching and secret kinde of doctrine for to instruct them into what condemnation they were fallen by reason of their sinne and howe that there was no hope of deliuerance and blessing except they had alwayes in their heartes a certaine regarde vnto the mercy of GOD declared in the promise of the séede of the woman promised aforetime to the first parentes and shortly after renued to the Fathers their successors that by the saide séede all the nations of the earth shall be blessed as it is written in the 12. chap. of Genesis And thus the mercy of God was more and more manifested vnto them by meane of the Messias whose office was figured and represented in the saide ceremonies with the whole mysterie of our redemption Moses then with his brother Aaron who was older then he gouerned the Church And God in many sortes and by diuers meanes declared howe greatly he liked the ministerie charge to them committed For as it is written in the 16. chapter of Numbers After that Corah Dathan Abiron and 250. men of the children of Israel had murmured against Moses refusing to be gouerned by him they were all swallowed vp quicke Likewise the people beginning to murmur against Moses and Aaron as though they had bene cause of the punishment sent vpon them GOO reuenged the outragious grudging of them by fire sent from heauen wherewith a great number were deuoured to wit aboue fouretéene thousand This is an example worthie to be remembred of the wrath of GOD against rebels and seditious persons which enuyed and grudged at not so much Gods seruants as against God him selfe Aaron liued 123. yeares and Moses 120. yeares he being inspired by the spirite of God composed fiue Bookes the which be called vntil this day The fiue Bookes of Moses 14 Iosue was borne in the yeare of Moses his age 42. He liued 110. yeares and after the death of Moses he was ordained guide of the people through whose conduct they entred into the land of Canaan the inhabitants whereof he vanquished and put to foyle and lastly he deuided the lande amongest the tribes of Israel He gouerned the people by the space hath heard neither could the vnderstanding of man at any time comprehend to wit the full possession and enioying of glory in the triumphant kingdome of our Lord Iesus the euerlasting Priest and King of whome may be séene in his Psalmes many good and excellent propheties Vnder this King and Prophet as well the ecclesiasticall gouernement as the ciuill was most worthily guided and ordered Loe those that were with him committed
and deputed for the gouernance Ecclesiasticall were these to wit the Prophetes Nathan and Gad and the high Priest Sadoc and Abimelech with them a great companie of holy and wise personages of whome is witnessed in the bookes of the Psalmes as Asaph the sonne of Chore Haman Ethan and others 19 Salomon the sonne of Dauid succéeded his father by whome he had left him a great deale of costly stuffe wherewith he beganne to build in the fourth yeare of his reigne a Temple for the Lorde the which in seuen yeares after was finished He wrote the bookes of the Prouerbes of Ecclesiastes and the booke called Cantica canticorum he kept the gouernement by the space of 40. yeares lastly the kingdome was deuided and brought to confusion bicause of his adulteries and such other wickednes Then albeit that the true doctrine of God and his right seruice were darkened and polluted and that abhominable idolatries were brought in by Salomon being nowe olde and corrupted through the entisements of women which abhominations were afterward maintained also and augmented by the wicked and vnfaithfull Kinges of Israel as Ieroboam Nadab Baasa Ella Simri Amri and Achab and furthermore by the wicked Kinges of Iuda as Roboam and Abias yet notwithstanding the Lord did not suffer his Church to be vnprouided for for he raysed vp still some good men as in the kingdome of Roboam was the Prophet Semeia who instructed both him and the Princes of Iuda of the will of the Lord. The Prophet Ado was also in that time 1. Kings 12.2 Chron. 12. Ieroboam offering sacrifice vnto the golden Calues 1. Kings 13. Was reproued by the prophet Iadi of whome is made mention 2. Chron. 9. chap. vers 29. In the same time was also the prophet Ahias who speaking vnto the wife of Ieroboam told her that the king her husband did prouoke the Lord vnto anger with his idolatries he shewed also of the vengeance that would light vpon him for his sinnes 1. Kings 14. Azarias the prophet exhorted Asa the King of Iuda to put idolatrie away out of his realme which thing the King did in déede 2. Chron. 15. Hanani séeing this reproued the saide Asa for bicause he did put his trust in the king of Syria and not in God 2. Chron. 16. Iehu the prophet by the word of the Lord threatened Baasa the king of Israel bicause he walked in the way of Ieroboam causing the people to sinne 1. Kings 16. To conclude other good prophets were raised vp by GOD for to conserue and mainteine his true seruice for to rebuke also the Kings and people for their idolatries and abhominable misdoings as were Elie the Thesbite and Iosue the sonne of Nun of whom mention is made in the fift booke of Kings chap. 16. at the end of the chapter 20 Elie the Thesbite was in the time of Achab the King of Israel and was diuinely raised vp for to purge againe the doctrine and to kindle againe the light thereof This man sustained terrible combats and battels against king Achab a man full of hypocrisie and vnfaithfulnesse and against the cruell Quéene Iezabel and against the priestes of Baal He wrought great myracles he through his prayers shut vp and opened againe the heauens he also raysed againe men from death and lastly after that he had gouerned the Church more then 40. yeares and had sustained many and great dangers was diuinely caried vp into heauen with a whirlewinde This nowe was done in the middle age of the world for Elias was raised vp when the world had continued 3000. yeares after the creation By this God would haue vs to vnderstande that he hath reserued an other life for his faithfull seruants wherevnto they must be translated 21 Eliseus was substituted in the roome of Elias who sustained great and maruellous dangers wrought myracles discouered the ambushments of the king of Syria 2. Kings 6. Hauing gouerned the Church almost 70. yeares He dyed in the time of Ioas king of Israel The prophetes of his time were Micheas which was before him whose prophecie we haue amongst vs vntill this present time after him was Zacharie the sonne of Ioiada the priest in the time of king Ioas. 22 Isaias or Esay succéeded immediatly after who beganne to prophecie in the dayes of Ozias Ioathan Achas and Ezechias teaching purely the trueth of God with admonitions reproofes threatnings consolations applying the doctrine as a soueraine medicine according as he sawe the people haue néede He set foorth faithfully many good prophecies and reuelations which he had receiued of God concerning the promise of Christ his office and kingdome the fauour of the Lord toward his Church the calling of the Gentiles and the felowship of them with the Iewes like as is sufficiently set foorth and declared in his booke the which is a collection extracted of the Sermons that he made vnto the people euen as be the bookes of the other prophets for the custome was amongest the prophets after that they had expounded and declared vnto the people the doctrine and will of God to compile a briefe summarie of their preachings and to set them vp on the gates which were afterward laide vp and reserued for a perpetuall memorie like as may be gathered out of the second chapter of Abacuc and out of the eight of his booke Thus the Lorde through his prouidence hath conserued in his Church by the meanes of his ministers of the Temple the doctrine that at appointed times was put in the mouthes of his prophetes to the intent that as he hath alwaies bene and is alwayes one and the very same God alwaies one and the same spirit constant and vnchangeable so one and the very same doctrine being pure and stedfast should continue in his Church for euer The prophetes which were in his time are Ionas Amos Micheas Osée Nowe Esay after that he had done great things he gouerned the Church about 80. yeres In his time the kingdom of Israell was destroyed bicause of the vngodlinesse they were caried away captiue by Salmanazar king of Assyria It is found by writings that the king Manasses caused Esay to be cut asunder in the middest 23 Ieremie endued with the spirite of God for to prophecie beginning by the commandement of the Lord in the 13. yeare of Iosias continued ten yeres vnder his reigne afterward he abode thrée monthes vnder Ioachaz 11. yeres vnder Eliacim surnamed Ioacim other thrée monethes vnder Ioacim and lastly vnder Zedekias 11. yeares euen vntill the carying away vnto Babylon and the deliuerance of him 70. yeares after He also foreshewed the destruction and ouerthrowe of many kingdomes and nations and howe they should be brought vnder the power and obedience of the Babylonians and finally he foretolde of the decay and bringing to confusion of proud Babylon with all the tyrannie there vsed and that this should by brought to passe by the handes of the Medes and of the Persians their
sonne he hath suffered and bene willing that this true religion should be by his most iust iudgement obscured and hidden from men so as they might not discerne it according to any outwarde appearaunce neither that it could bee redressed by the good doctours yea the trueth was so darkened that to the view and outward iudgement of the worldly there coulde be seene no tracke or steppe of God in the Church and that according to worlde mens fantasie it seemed that God had forsaken his Church and giuen it vtterly to the spoyle seeing that all was turned to ydolatrie and superstition which God in his word sheweth that he misliketh most villy abhorreth yet euen thē he had reserued some in his Church that had neuer bowed the knee before the idoll Ball before this Antichrist for to consent vnto or beleeue his doctrine being directly against the pure worde of God as came to passe in the time of Elias when the confusion and vngodlinesse of the people was such that there was no semblance of the Church seene in-in so much that this holy Prophete thought that all had beene vtterly giuen ouer vnto the worshipping of images and to idolatrie but he was deceiued for God hath reserued seauen thousandes which neuer had bowed the knee vnto Baal And in like manner if after the time of the primitiue Church the like also proued that for the wickednesse and vnthankfulnesse of the people GOD suffered the like confusion and idolatrie to raigne yet we muste vnderstande that forasmuch as God is one and the selfe same God aswell nowe as he was in the time of the Apostles that hee hath reserued vnto himselfe through all ages seauen thousande yea an infinite number which neuer bowed their knees before this stately ydoll before this man of sinne this sonne of perdition who sitteth in the temple of God The faithfull I say haue not sought for saluation in his doctrine but rather forsaking and renouncing that haue beene assured in their heart by the spirite of God to obtaine redemption by the alone meane and merites of Iesus Christ our onely sauiour They therefore be of a wrong opinion whiche iudge and esteeme the Church of God according to their fantasie not to haue continued alwayes If the doctours who were verie godly and righteous haue not wel discerned the ministerie and true religion of his Church and moreouer if that this excellent Prophet who was filled with the spirit of God so aboundantly was so much deceiued when hee woulde according to humaine iudgement recken the people of GOD what may wee thinke shal happen vnto vs whose iudgement for the moste parte is altogether vnperfecte They are also deceiued and doe foolishly and presumptuously which iudge the number of the electe acording to the capacitie of their senses for God hath a meane to him nothing difficult but to vs vnknowne by the which he may conserue his elect marueilously then when all seemeth turned vpside downe and spoyled Well may the elect then be persecuted but neuer confounded nor the Church extinct insomuch as it hath God for the founder and defendour and the elect haue God the creatour of heauen and earth for their gardein and protector like as he hath neuer fayled to helpe his at all seasons with the assistance of his holy spirite making euen seene and knowne to the worlde his greate loue and care towarde them throughout all ages as hath beene euidently seene Let vs not doubt therefore of the trueth of him who hath promised to abide with vs vntill the ende of the worlde of which his promise we see and feele daily effectes albeit that we are vnworthie thereof Thus much haue I thought good to speake concerning the continuance of the true Church whose founder is Christ Nowe will I shew briefely the order of the discourse following which is this That all the gouernement of the Church which hath beene from the beginning of the worlde vntill this present is comprised in fiue orders the first this present is comprised in fiue orders the first of which contayneth the first fathers to wit from Adam who was instructed by the son of God c. The second of the Patriarches and beginneth at Abraham The third of the Prophets and beginneth at Samuel The fourth the high priestes and gouernours and beginneth at Iosue otherwise called Iesus and at the conductour Zorobabell The fift and last beginneth at Iohn Baptist and our Lorde Iesus Christ and at his Apostles and their disciples Bishops Pastours that succeeded after them and euen vnto the Bishops whom God hath raised vp also in these last times for the mainteinance of his Church and for to correct the errours and abhominable traditions of men which doe infect the true and pure doctrin of God the which he hath conferued and will conserue for euer for the true instruction of his Church For the which also O Lorde I beseech thee that thou wilt nowe dayly more and more sende good and faithfull doctours true setters foorth of thy worde thorough out all the real mes and prouinces to the ruine and destruction of the kingdome of this man of sinne Antichrist and to the establishing of the kingdome of thy sonne Iesus Christ our onely sauiour and Lord Amen A TESTIMONIE OF the true Church of God Confirmed as wel by the doctrine as liues of sundrie holie men both Patriarches and Prophets and also by the Apostles and their true successours THE ARGVMENT Here is first declared howe that man was created in all perfection of beautie righteousnesse and puritie and that he hath despised the commaundement of God and his trueth through the persuasion of sathan to whome he with all his posteritie became seruant and slaue and was spoyled both of his vnderstanding and al beatitude and therefore he had neede to be instructed to the end he might discerne and be fully assured of the meane of his deliuerance and perfect restauration the which the eternall sonne of God hath manifested vnto him and hath vpholden perpetually his Church GOD after that he had created Heauen and Earth and all things comprehended in them created last of all man according to his owne semblance and likenesse that is to say wholy good pure full of perfection without sinne in all equitie of heart of iustice and vnderstanding and placed him with Eua his wife in earthly Paradise for to liue there in a blessed estate Then the occasiō which might make them abide in this estate was that they should in humblenesse submit them selues daily before the maiestie of God magnifying him with giuing of thankes and that in them selues they should not séeke their owne proper glory but considering that all thinges procéeded from aboue they should therefore haue their affections fixed on high for to glorifie God alone vnto whom al praise and glory is due But immediatly after when they had cast the commaundement of God behinde their backes and despised it in eating through the persuasion of the
prophecied to wit in the time of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas king of Israel in whose time were Osée Amos Ioel in Israel and Isaie in Iuda So as he hath set foorth before other prophecies the which be not manifested and that which we haue in his booke amongst the prophecies is only kept still for the profite edifying of the Church 31 The propket Micheas beganne to prophecie in the time of Ioathan Achaz and Ezechias kings of Iuda The which prophete was an instrument of the spirit of God like as were also the other prophets for to reproue the people of their sinnes and to exhort them vnto repentance and for the consolation of the faithful that were astonied at the iudgment of God Micheas the prophet applyed his prophecie vnto the two kingdomes of his people foretelling the destructiō both of the one also of the other bicause of their iniquities and especially for their idolatrie He reproued the crueltie of the people the tyrannie of princes and of the great men and the abuses of false prophets He published before hand a very good and manifest prophecie touching the comming of Christe his kingdome and the happinesse of his Church This Micheas is not he of whome mention is made 2. Kings 22. which was in the time of Achab king of Israel and Iosaphat king of Iuda 32 Of the prophet Nahum there is no certaintie in what time he was some suppose that he was in the time of Manasses king of Iuda The doctrine that he published in his time by the inspiration of the holy Ghost containeth that the Lord did pardon the people of Niniuie when they by repentance cōuerted at the preaching of Ionas but they returned againe afterward to their vomit prouoking the wrath of God against them bicause of their sinnes Wherefore the Lord hath destroyed both that citie and all the whole Empire of the Assyrians whereof Niniuie was the chiefest citie and this was done by the handes of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon Of which destruction and ruine was made the prophecie of Nahum instructing the Church thereby for as much as he shewed that the prouidence of the Lorde is extended ouer all realmes and seigniories and that he is a iust iudge bringing all men to the ballance of iustice 33 Abacuc being amazed at that which the most holy and faithfull seruants of God haue bene sometimes that is to say bicause they sawe the wicked and vngodly flourish in this world in all ioy and prosperitie And on the contrarie part the innocent to be abused by them and to endure all kinde of miserie as though God suffering it to be so had taken pleasure in iniquitie Nowe Habacuc being in this dismay receiued a reuelation by the secret iudgement of God through a vision in which was represented to him the exaltation and magnificence of the Monarchie of the Babylonians to come and the captiuitie of his people vnder their yoke but so that in the end the elect should be oppressed and all the vngodly destroyed On the contrarie part those which had bene iust and righteous should be deliuered comforted Which thing is intreated of in the prophecie of his booke of the destruction of Babylon and of their Monarchie in the deliuerance of the people out of captiuitie when they should returne againe into the lande of their rest It is vncertaine in what time this prophet was like as it is of Nahum 34 Sophonie before séeing the arme of the Lord stretched out his wrath ready bent against Iuda bicause of their sinnes declared vnto them their iudgement and condemnation the destruction of the citie and of the kingdome and of the transmigratiō of the people into Babylon Wherefore he exhorted them vnto repentance and amendment of life and comforted the faithfull by a certaine hope of their deliuerance declaring and setting foorth vnto them the great mercy and louing kindenesse which the Lord vsed toward his Church by frée remission of sinnes in Iesus Christ who he saide was sitting in the middest thereof for to be the protectour and defendour against ruine and destruction and against the persecutours and aduersaries thereof of which he prophecied especially against the Philistines the Moabites Ammonites Ethiopians and Assyrians He prophecied in the time of Iosias when Ieremie prophecied publiquely and in the synagogues and assemblies 35 In the second yeare of king Darius the prophet Agge moued by the spirite of the Lord rose vp and willed the people for to take in hand againe and go forward with the worke of the Temple rebuking them for their negligence and bicause that they had no more regard to the worke and seruice of God whereby they prouoked his anger and therefore were compelled to suffer great euills and mishappes of which mention is made in his first chapter He prophecied also of the comming of Christe vnder the person of Zorobabel and of the calling of the Gentiles 36 Zacharie was in the same time that Agge was as it is written in the first of Esdras and he vsed the very same argument in his booke that he did in exhorting and persuading the people being at that time returned from captiuitie for to reedifie and builde vp againe that that the enimies had destroyed but Agge incited them more to the building againe of the Temple and Zacharie of the citie whose prophecie may be séene more largely in his booke By which he teacheth vs vnder the name of earthly Ierusalem which was a figure of the Church of the Lord and his people what diligence the Pastours Ministers Masters and Architectes of this building ought to vse and bestowe to the edifying of this citie which is a permanent citie holy and peaceable scituated and founded vpon a sure rocke which no force can preuaile against He foreshewed also the restoring againe of this citie which should happen by the handes of the Apostles the aboundance of riches and the great spirituall and euerlasting treasures thereof the comming of Christ and the mysteries of his kingdome vnder the name of Zorobabel and of Iosue the high priest for that time Also of the comming of Antichrist the aduersarie of the Church and of the last iudgement which shall be executed by Christe against the enimies and persecutours of his Church to the ioy and perpetuall consolation of the faithfull 37 Of the prophets among the Iewes Malachie was the last of all before the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ And as Aggée had persuaded the people to the building againe of the Temple and Zacharias to the building of the citie so did Malachie applye his doctrine to the restauration of the priestes office he reproued the faultes and iniquities of the high priestes and to set foorth an instruction for to leade the people vnto the pure true high priest only pleasing to the lord who alone is fit to make intercession for his people to wit Iesus Christe whose comming he foreshewed in his Church with aboundance of treasures
virgin and others infinites were martyred in this horrible persecution Passing all other cities Alexandria was then as a scaffolde in which the faithfull were brought to the viewe of the worlde Looke Euseb liber 6. Chap. 40. Sundry kindes of tormentes then vsed against the martyres are recited by Eusebius as sharpe pricks of rose bushes thrust against their faces eyes then bruised with stones burned their entrailles torne they cast downe from high places their flesh rent with cardes of yron rackings they cast vnto brute beastes condemned to be whipped To conclude the most horrible and cruell tormentes that coulde be imagined was executed vppon them S. Cyprian being then in exile wrote letters of great consolation to those that suffered such afflictions and like as Tertullian in his time defended by writing the Christians against Scapula euen so did Cyprian againste Demetrius the Pagane gouernour showing that the calamities of the world be falsly imputed to the Christians Dionisius Alex. writeth that after the publishing of the edict made by Decius for confirming of this horrible persecution manie of the most excellent shewed themselues cowardes and of their owne accorde made abiuration and did offer sacrifice vnto idols Cyprian made a sermon of them that fought hardily that is of those that perseuered in the confession of Iesus Christe He then set downe examples of the punishment of those that had made abiuration and affirmed that many of them were tormented with euill spirites He saide that there was one who became dumbe immediately after he had abiured Also of a mayden that was possessed with a deuill soone after and cut a sunder her tongue with her téeth Also there be of late yeares examples memorable of the punishmentes happened vnto those that made abiuration aswell Italians Flemings Germanes Frenchmen as of other nations For some of them after that they had denyed the truth lost imediately the taste both of meate and drinke without being able to receiue any comforte at the handes of their parentes and friends and were intangled with madnes tormented day and night because of their horrible sinne the which was always without ceasing present before their eyes And some others were tormented in their consciences so as they cast themselues downe into the bottomes of ryuers and pondes and others cried and howled as though all the Deuils had béene assembled possessed their bodies and soules others euen of the most learned and wise fell into dispaire so that one of them openly said these words as Luther maketh mention on the Epistle to the Galathians I haue denied Christ and therefore is he nowe before God the father who accuseth me For he was before time so grounded in this perswasion and Sathan by his illusions and temptations had so imprinted in him this dispaire that he receiued no consolation nor admonition which could be giuen him hauing still in his mouth the foresaide words in such sorte that in this myserable dispaire he wofully killed himsefe Lastly the examples of many the iudgementes of God are verie notable and worthy to be marked the which were written by people worthy of credit and were imprinted at Lions of some that are past and some that are to come To conclude it is a horrible thing to fall into the handes of the liuing GOD who notwithstanding woulde not enter into iudgement with all those the denied his holy trueth but hath suffered them looking for their amendement stedfastnesse and constancie the which we ought dayly to craue for that we may finishe our course to the mainteinance of the kingdome of our onely Sauiour and Redemer Iesus Christ 81 Xistus an Athenian in the time of Gallien the Emperour about the yeare after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus 264. was ordeined bishoppe of Rome by the election of the cleargie comming back againe out of Spaine where he had preached Bergomensis and Sabellicus doe witnesse that Xistus laboured greatly for to take away the heresies of the Sabellians At the last he was accused by thē before Gallien and was by his commaundement beheaded sixe Deacons with him Saint Ambrose in the firste booke of his offices Chap. 41. saith that as he was going one day to prayer Laurence the Deacon spake to him in this sorte father doe you go without your sonne and Xistus aunswered him sonne I leaue thee not there draweth neare vnto thée yet greater combates for the faith thou shalt follow me within thrée dayes in the meane space if thou hast any treasures distribute them to the poore This Laurence was the first of the seauen Deacons of Rome who had the dealing with the goods deputed for almes The gouernour of Rome being then hungry of monie was perswaded that the Church had golde and moueables of syluer and he woulde néeds compell Laurence to shewe him where those treasures were Laurence hauing thrée dayes terme appoynted for to doe this distributed in the meane time all that he had to the poore gathering together in a troupe al the impotent lame that were succoured with almes he at the day appointed prayed the gouernour that he woulde goe vp to that place and showing him all the poore he saide loe here the moueables of siluer behold the talents set in order take them and with them thou shalt repaire the citie of Rome and shalt enrich the reuerenue of the Emperour holde it The gouernour séeing that he was mocked commaunded that there shoulde be made ready a hote burning grydyron wherevppon they laide Laurence who with great courage calling vpon the Lorde gaue vp his soule most happely Prudentius a Christian Poete in his booke de coronis described this martyre 82 Archelaus Bishop of Mesopotamia confuted the errours of the Manichees in the Syrian language and his confutation was afterwarde translalated into the Gréeke tongue For Manes or Manichée was of Persia Archelaus was in the time of the Emperour Probus about the yeare 284. after the natiuitie of Iesus Christ Anatholius liued also in that time 83 In the time of Dioclesian the Emperour and in the 300. yeare after the natiuitie of our Lord Iesus Authimus bishop of Nicomedie after that hée had made confession of his faith was beheaded with a great multitude of Martyrs Serena the wife of Dioclesian constantly endured martyrdome so cruel was this persecution that they spared none looke Hermanus Gig. In Europe aboue all other at Rome was a great multitude of martyrs The Prouost Rictiouarus in France made great hauocke especially at Collogne at Treues and towarde Mosella Beda writeth that the persecution extended euen vnto Englande then when as saint Albain a man greatly renoumed receiued the crowne of a martyre After that time they beganne to inuent diuerse kindes of tormentes but so much the more horrible as they were so much the more exquisite séemed the constancie of the martyrs Eusebius saith that he was a beholder of the persecution that was at Thebaida and saith that the swordes of the executioners of
At Constantinople was assembled a councell by the aforenamed Emperour in the fourteneth yeare of his Empyre whereas were 300. and thirtie bishops there was commaundement giuen that all the images of sainctes shoulde be taken away and burned Also the Emperour made his subiects to sweare that they shoulde no more worshippe any image of God nor of sainctes but condemned to the death al those that shoulde call vppon the virgin Marie for helpe and those that should haue in their houses any reliques of sainctes He commaunded the Monkes to marry and the Nonnes to follow the estate of marriage Sig. Afterwards he sent to the Pope the conclusions of this councell commaunding him to cast the images out of Churches Sabin king of Bulgarie caused all the images in his kingdome to be beaten downe after the example of Constantine wherupon he gat fauour with the Emperour Naucl. 112 In the yeare 782. or thereaboutes after the natiuitie of our Lorde Iesus Christ wās Alcuin otherwise called Albin the disciple of worthie Beda a monke and afterwardes Abbot of S. Martins in Tours maister to Charlemaigne he composed thrée bookes of the trinitie and many other bookes At that time raigned Constātine the sixte of that name the 76. Emperour of Constantinople the son of Leo the fourth who against the will of his mother Hierene caused the images of the temples to be beaten downe about the which not long before she had assēbled a councel at Nice at the request of Pope Adrian and of Therasius Archebishop of Constantinople as Sig. In this councel there were 325. bishops Naucl. And there it was decréed not onely that they should haue images but also that they shoulde of right be worshipped and that all the gainsayers shoulde be excomunicated But this decrée was shortly abolished by Constantine as is afore saide Chron. Euseb Moreouer within a while after that is to say in the yeare 792. was holden a Synode in Spaine in a citie called Elyberis or Granato whereas did assemble ninetene bishops thirtie and sixe priestes or ministers Felix Bishoppe of Aquitaine was there president There it was concluded especially amongst other poynts that that there should not be in Churches any images or payntings 113 During the raigne of Charlemaigne king of Fraunce who was Emperour though that hee had not gotten the imperiall crowne in the yeare of our Lord Iesus Christ 801. was Ansegisus the Abbot who made foure bookes of the decrées of Charlemaigne of Lewis his sonne Amongst all other things and aboue al things hee would that the Bishopps shoulde preache vnto the people the true doctrine gathered out of the holy scriptures and no otherwise alleaging therefore the saying of Gregorie That a minister who is without the sunne of preaching kindleth against himselfe the wrath of the hidden iudge He also ordeined that no person shoulde make profession of Monachisme without lycence of the king for to shunne many deceypts He would that there should be but a fewe feasts ordeyned he repressed the superfluitie of ministers ordeyning that they shoulde be nourished with the reuenewes of the Church with the poore Furthermore in the time of Charlemaigne and in the meane time whilest he passed his Winter at Francfort vpon the Meine a Councell was holden of a great multitude of Bishops in which the decrée of the councell of Nice concerning worshipping of images holden by Hierene as is aforesaide was pronounced false and condemned of all men c. Charlemaigne caused to be published a booke in his name against images the which agréed with the articles of the saide Councell Furthermore hée made aunswere to two bookes which were founde to haue bene written by Adrian the Pope to Therasius the Patriarch and to the Emperour of Constantinople By this writing Charlemaigne taxed and secreatly condemned Adrian without naming of idolatrie There was also one councell holden at Cauaillon vnder Charlemaigne in which amongst other superstitions that were there condemned the going of Pilgrimage for religions sake was sharpely repressed in the 45. Canon alleaging the saying of S. Hierome No man ought to be praysed for that hée hath séene Ierusalem but for that hee hath lyued well c. It is saide of Charlemaigne that he reproued the Archbishoppe of Mayence named Boniface because hée had a crosse all couered with golde beset with pretious stones for occasion so offering hee checked him and saide that it was rather the furniture of an Emperour then of a pastour 114 Haymo Byshop of Albastat scholler of Alcuinus did write vpon all the bookes aswell of the olde as of the newe Testament as is euident yet at this present He dyed in the raigne of the Emperour Lewis the sonne of Charlemaigne in the yere of Christ 834. In his time was also Rabanus who was first a Monke of the order of S. Benit and Abbot of Fulden afterward he was archbishop of Mayence who was also a disciple of Alcuinus he also made commentaries vpon all the bookes of the Byble He dyed in the yeare of our Lorde 855. Strabus was his scholler of whom it is founde written that he was the first that collected the ordinary glose of the writings of the fathers and doctours the which glose was afterwarde augmented by many others who added sentences therto 115 Bertrand a Priest a learned man well instructed in the true Godlynesse flourished in the time of the Emperour Lotharie in the yeare 840. He wrote many good workes of which it is saide that they did not come all to our hands He wrote a very commendable worke to King Charles the brother of Lotharie that is one booke of predestination and one other of the bodie bloud of our Lorde Iesus Christ The cause why he composed that booke wherein he writeth very learnedly of the supper of the Lorde was by the aduise and commaundement of King Charles le chauue that he might bring the people into one and the true opinion who were then deuided touching the said misterie So that one sort saide that Christ was therein taken and eaten in misterie and was figured vnder the Elements of breade and wine some saide on the contrarie that all that which was séene in the saide misterie was chaunged and conuerted and as many doe say vnto this day transubstantiated into the body and bloud of Christ Some said that it was figuratiuely or euidētly this was the proper bodie of Christ which he tooke of the wombe of the virgin Mary with the which he is ascended into heauen others saide that it was the spirituall bodie that is the misterie representation figure vnderstanding and spirituall apprehension of the proper bodie and bloude of Christ deliuered to the death for our sinnes and risen againe for our iustification All which opinions are founde remayning till this present for some holde still transubstantiation others impanatiō others a metaphore but somewhat reall Others there were who acknowledged nothing els but méere breade and wyne all which doubtes be