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A08779 Christs confession and complaint concering his kingdom and seruants; conuincing Iewes of obstinacie, Romish Catholickes of conspiracie, seducers of sedition, Arminians of apostacie, and diuers others of coldnes, schisme, treachery & hypocrisie. By J.P. I. P., fl. 1629. 1629 (1629) STC 19069; ESTC S102324 96,442 116

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CHRISTS CONFESSION AND COMPLAINT Concerning HIS KINGDOM AND SERVANTS Conuincing Iewes of obstinacie Romish Catholickes of Conspiracie Seducers of Sedition Arminians of Apostacie and diuers others of Coldnes Schisme Treachery Hypocrisie By J. P. 1. TIM 6.13 Hee witnessed a good Confession before Pontius Pilate Bernard De ordine vitae Vbinam quaeso vera prudentia nisi in Christi doctrina Soli ergo qui eius doctrina imbuti sunt prudentes dicendi sunt Printed M.DC.XXIX TO THE HONOVR OF ALMIGHTIE GOD. ETERNALL and incomprehensible Lord God who hast giuen to thine only begotten Sonne Iesus Christ dominion and a Kingdome that all people Nations and languages should serue and obey him and who hauing first sent this Kingdome to the Iewes who reiected it and since to diuers other Nations that haue fallen a way frō it and follo wed Antichrist hast of they great goodnesse vouchsafed among other places to haue thy Kingdome now these many yeeres in this Iland yet haue not we O Lord in humilitie and thankefulnesse in all matters of faith and saluation subiected our selues to the same but the Corner stone hath beene in sundrie points of diuers Builders refused who haue brought in new and contrarie doctrines against the word of they Grace and Kingdome and many O Lord haue followed their pernicious wayes We haue sinned and done wickedly and haue rebelled by departing from thy Precepts and thereby haue deserued that thy Kingdome should also be taken frō vs and giuen to a Nation bringing forth the fruits thereof But O Lord God if the foundations be destroyed yet what hath the Righteous done What hath they holy Sōne Iesus done that he should lose his Kingdome so many people here and in other Nations or if he lose none that thou hast giuen him yet that he should not haue them to serue him with more freedome He is worthy to be serued of all without feare of Enemies vvho redeemed vs to thee by his blood out of euery kindred and tongue and people and Nation It hath beene said The Kingdomes of this world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall raigne for euer Wee know O Lord that thou wilt make good they Word and if we beleeue not yet thou abidest faithfull Neuerthelesse the Kings of the earth haue set themselues and the Rulers take counsell together against thee and thy Christ In many Kingdomes and Prouinces where the Gospell hath beene lately preached they seeme to haue preuailed and reduced people to Antichristian slauery but thou O Lord hast promised to speake vnto them in thy wrath and by thy Word to ouercome them Vp Lord therefore and let not man haue the vpper hand Awake awake put on strength O Arme of the Lord awake as in the ancient dayes when thou didst deuide the Sea and brakest the heads of the Egyptian Dragons in the waters take vnto thee againe O Lord they great power and raigne ouer all Nations Iewes and Gentiles though they and we haue deserued no such King but rather the most contrary yet in the multitude of they mercies burie the multitude of all our transgressions suffer not them nor vs to walke in darkenesse but for thine owne Names sake send out thy light and thy Truth and let them leade vs and bring vs to the sauing knowledge and obedience of thee and thy Christ Giue a blessing O Lord to all good meanes conducing to the same namely to these few proofes obseruations gathered by thy assistance from the Confession and Complaint of thy deare Sonne In them O God defend what is thine owne And let not those O Lord God of hosts that put their trust in thee de ashamed of the Truth because of me for who am I dust and ashes one of the lowest ranke of thy Seruants that when many great and learned dare not or doe not I should aduenture to shew the wrongs done to the Kingdome of my Sauiour that am not able of my selfe to thinke a good thought Thou knowest O Lord that most men haue the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ with respect of persons looking more who writeth then what is written though they confesse that it oft pleaseth thee out of the mouthes of Babes and sucklings to ordaine strength because of thine enemies for their greater shame and confusion that so thou mightest still the enemie and auenger when they shall see that if they could get all the wise and learned and mightie men in the world to be on their side yet thou canst choose and enable the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and the things that a●e not to bring to nought the things that are Thou O Lord God art to such weakeones the best Patron the surest Sh●eld and Buckler Shew therefore thy marueilous louing kindnesse O thou that sauest them that trust in thee from those that resist thy right hand Thou that canst manifest thy might in weakenesse Bow the heauens O Lord and come downe and make thy Name knowne to thine aduersaries that the Nations may tremble at thy presence Cast downe the strong holds and high conceits of proud Heretickes exalted against the knowledge of thee the only true God and thy Sonne Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent Bring into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of thy Christ for thine O Lord is the Kingdome that then thou shouldest rule all thine the power and the glorie of giuing and effecting all good things to thee O Father together with thy Sonne our Sauiour and thy holy Spirit three Persons one true and euerliuing God be giuen as due is all obedience honour praise and glorie now and for euer Amen TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE CHARLES by the grace of God King of great Britaine France and Ireland Defendor of the Faith c. THere was a Law Dread Soueraigne among the Romans Gueuara in his Epistles That vpon paine of death none should presume to approach the Tent where the Emperour did eate sleepe except such as did serue him by day and guard him by night The Emperour Aurelius being in the warres in Asia against Cenobia in the night a certaine Greeke Souldier entred the Emperours Tent who being taken to be executed for the same the Emperour from his bed cried out with a loude voyce If his man did come to sue for any thing for himselfe let him die but if for another let him liue The matter being examined it was found that the poore man came to sue for his three companions that were taken sleeping in the watch who therevpon were then all saued whereby that good Prince got to himselfe an immortall name of clemencie Novv seeing I also a common Souldier come not to sue for my selfe but my Sauiour nor in my ovvne Name and vvords but in his Confession and Complaint and aboute those who if not in your Maiesties seruice yet in Christs Camp haue been taken asleep being of the watch no
is head of the vniuersall Church c. The fruite of this earthly wisdom was this God suffered not the Pope to stirre vp Princes to rescue him but the Emperour to be wholly left and Constantinople yea the Empire to be lost within 14 yeares after that councell The french King Henrie 4. a professed Protestant prosecuted by the leaguers that he might posesse life and Kingdom in peace went to masse and let in the Ies●ts the issue was God lest him and suffered him to die by a Iesuited Vilaine soe dangerous is temporising and newtralie in matters of religion And thus Barneueile others letting in Arminiaisme in the low countries the States suffering it a while seditions arose whereby they had like to haue lost those prouinces and so had if by wisdom and valour that traitour his complices had not beene sodainly subiected a Synod assemb●ed and some of the Arminians banished since when they haue had some better successe which might be a warning to England now infested with that pernicious Sect. Thus then it is not the preaching of Gods Truth but the maintenance or sufferance of errours that hurteth and endangereth temporall Kingdoms If Princes will not suffer the Lord to come into theire Kingdome and fight against such hereticks with the Spirit of his mouth that is if they suffer not his Ministers and Seruants with the Weapens of theire warfare 2. Cor. 10. to cast downe theese stronge holds and high things exalted against the knowledge of God but forbid or hinder then then they may feare the iudgments written because this is to breake his bands asunder and cast his cords from them Heb. 10. and indeede to tread vnder foote the Sonne of God who is the Word and doe despite vnto the Spirit of grace And how then can God vphold theire Kingdom that doe not indeauour to vphold his or which doe not suffer those that would but rather hinder them Psa 2. Be wise now therefore saith he ô ye Kings c. serue the Lord with feare and trembling Kisse the Sonne lest he be angrie and they had neede so to doe Hos 13.1 for when Ephraim spake trembling he exalted himselfe in Israel but when he offended in Baal he died God turned his blessings into punishments his victories into losses his glorie into shame Now then as to the second inference which the Iewes make here before Pilate Preaching of Gods Worde doth not mak● hearers stubborne and seditious and Heriticks and prophane persons haue made at all times and in all Kingdoms where the Gospell hath beene freely preached viz. that the daily preaching of the Wo●d reuealed in the New Testament and the maintenance of the Truth there manifested maketh the hea●ers stout and stubborne if not contentious hereticall and sed●tious against theire Kings and Gouernours I answer that as it was in the Iewes so is it in all others a meere slander a wilfull cauill and calumnie a Mache●illian trick of those who loue not the Light of Gods Word and whose deedes and practises discouered thereby Ioh. 3. will not stand with it When the Kingdom of God so comes into any Kingdom of this World that the preaching of the Wo●d is courtenanced and in all points receiued it makes the same so happy both to Prince and people that the one will not oppresse nor the other rebell though they be oppressed Here let them not tell vs of the Waldenses and others in France or Bohemia who rather then they would be compelled to idollatrie or butchered and murthered tooke vp defensiue armes for theire liues like the Iewes vnder An ioch●● Epiphanes of whoms is saide Dan. 11.32 The people that doe know theire God shall be stronge and doe exploicts For noe Nation or commonwealth so peaceable obedient to Princes as that wherein the Word is duly preached and raigneth God giueth this blessing to the preaching of his Word that in the Kingdoms where it is receiued and contenanced the same is a bridle holding the heart a rod awing the conscience making men suffer much rather then be rebellious witnes this Kingdom of England how free hath it beene from theese euills for theese 70. yeares wherein the Gospell hath beene preached and maintained Whereas before in the time of Poperie Where errours are maintained there rebellions haue followed how many dangerous rebellions what resisting of the higher powers what killing of Officers and Magistrates The people ioyne in rebellion with the Sonnes of Henry II. against theire owne Father diuers also tooke part with the Traitour Becket a Bishop stouter in the Popes quarrell then euer any since the falling of poperie hath beene in Christs The subiects of King Iohn rebell and many stand out against him after he was reconciled to the Pope The Ba●on● and people for a few taxes and court fauories rebell against Henrie 3. in a longe and bloodie warre Also vnder Edward● the barons and people rose against his fauorit Ga●eston cut of his head and held longe warres with the King for fauouring the Spencers at last Mortimer and the Queene are aided to depose him For a subsidie granted in Parliament to Richard 2. Iohn * Or B●●l wall a Preist easely caused that greate and dangerous rebellion of wat Tiler and his companions whome mulitudes of ignorant people followed after diuers armies are leauied by subiects against the King and his fauorits at last the people revolt and he is deposed and murdered Owen Glender and others rebell against Henrie 4. Iacke Cade and others raised diuers stout rebellions against Henrie 6. The Yorkshire men and diuers others for small causes rebell against Edward 4. After his Brother Richard practiseth murdereth and vsurpeth but not without helpe Lord Louell and others raise rebellion in the North against Henrie 7. Lambert causeth another rebellion A taxe imposed by Parliament causeth another rebellion in the worth After another small Parliamentarie taxe causeth the Cornish men rebell and come with power as far as Kent After others ioine with Perkin Warbeck Vnder Henrie 8. besides euill may day the lincoln shire men rebell and after them the northern men more then once And yet you may finde it to haue beene formerly and in this later age also much worse in other countries where poperie hath raigned or doth still raigne Soe also was it lately amonge the Turkes who for small greiuances haue deposed theire Emperours Killed Osmond and his cheife officers soe vnbridled and vnstable are all forts of people that are not guided by the Word of God And that also appeared by the most famous common wealths that euer were in the world as the auncient Lacedemonians Romans Carthaginians and others who wanting this bridle all the wisdom power and lawes of all theire greatest Princes Senators and Philosophers sufficed not to keepe the people in obedience but vpon euery light occasion they haue rebelled reuiled and killed theire Gouernours and filled theire cheife cities with harliburlies mutinies
man will I hope be so rash as to conceite that your Maiestie a Christian King should not ouercome a Pagan Prince in that much honoured vertue much lesse so far to forget the duty of a subiect as to infer from this example that we vnder the Gospell of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ haue liued to a time vvhen it should be accounted a crime in any Christian to confesse and defend the faith of Christ crucified Idē in orat ad C●rol 5. inter Epist Youre Maiestie by youre Roiall title is Defender of the faith and consequently of all those youre Maiesties subiects that professe and maintaine the same Then saith Gueuara is the Prince naturall of the Kingdom when he doth obserue and defend the Gospell of Christ I confesse right high and mightie Monarch youre Maiesties affaires are many important that amonge many things offered to youre Princely cōsideration some may be of greater consequence in the conceite of the preferrers then in true substance and may perhaps be therefore answered with parturiunt montes nascetur rediculus mus or with that Non vacat exiguis rebus adesse Ioui But this Confession amonge other things manifesteth that the successe and safety of temporall Kingdoms depende on the due receiuing and maintenance of Christs and extirpation of all the open secret enemies thereof Knowing then that in this Island Christ hath had a Kingdom theese seauenty yeares or vpwards that there is noe true Christian nor good subiect but would be loth to see it eaten out by Iesuiticall or Pelagian practises what honourable or loial Seruant is there in youre● Maiesties Court that if a man Ieh 9.1.30 as weake as he that was blinde from his birth should by Gods assistance pleade Christs cause to the Rulers with good proofes would not take that of our Sauiour into consideration chap. 12.48 He that reiecteth me and receiueth not my words bath one that iudgeth him the Word that I haue spoken the same shall iudge him in the last day The first part vvhich conuinceth the Iewes may seeme at first sight to make nothing for or against any here nor much to cōcerne Christs cause in this Island but as it like a greate wheele moueth all the lesser and like a Roote yealdeth sap and life to all the branches the worke it selfe is but litle and that subiect fills not a fifth part of it vouchsafe therefore greate Kinge youre Roiall and Princely patience and youre Maiestie shall soone see how reuiued heresies doe eate at the roote both of Church and State and that vvith noe ordinarie danger Yet doe I not strike at the Arminians but through the sides of the Pelagians nor soe much at theire tenets as at theire practises nor at them but as they are against the Kingdom of God the honour of youre Maiestie the peace safety and strength of youre Kingdoms Neither is that donne by me but by Christs owne Confession and Complaint and such consequences as necessarily follow frō the same the examples out of holy writ and other Histories here gathered beeing only Instances of the neuerfailing truth of that which Christ in his Confession denied or affirmed Now therefore the greate God of heauen and earth in whose hands are the hearts of Kings giue youre Maiestie to see embrace and establish the things that belonge to the peace of youre Kingdoms Luk 19 42. and now perplexed subiects which is the thinge herein desired and daily begd of God in continuall prayers by youre Maiesties most humble subiect and Vassall To the Christian Reader CHRISTIAN and Truth-louing Reader I offer here to thy most retired and serious considerations the Confession and Complaint of Christ Iesus our Sauiour with such vndeniable consequences as necessarily follow from the same that so thou maiest obserue from his mouth who is the best Pilote what course to steere in this troublesom and tempestious age to bringe that pretious Iewell Vessell of thine thy yet floting Soule vnto the Hauen of true happines that it may not be surprised by Seducers suffer shipwrack against the Rocks or late sunke Vessels of errour nor runne a ground in the shallowes of ignorance Ephes 4.14 That wee henceforth be noe more children tossed to and fro and carried aboute with euery winde of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftinesse whereby they lie in waite to deceiue But following the Truth in loue may grow vp into him in all things which is the head euen Christ A worke that might haue beene vndertaken by one more experienced in such sacred mysteries and better qualified for them then I am Yet if a man that is but an ordinarie Passenger in a ship shall espie it to be neere a Rocke a Ship sunke or some other Sea marke set vp to discouer a danger who will blame him if while others that should watch are sleeping or otherwise buisied he giue notice thereof to them that are with him embarked in the same Ship or in any other within hearing that the dangers may be auoided Such as beare good will to Sion pray for truly seeke the peace of our Ierusalem will soone perceiue that my indeauours herein are only exercised in seeking the Kingdom of God the honour and safety of our Soueraigne Lord the Kinge the peace and happines of his Maiesties Kingdoms and of Gods Church in them together with the conuiction and amendment of such as haue donne euill offices to any of theese 2. Tim. 2.25 If God peraduenture will giue them repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth and that they may recouer themselues out of the snare of the Deuill who are taken captiue by him at his will But on the other side if any that haue exchanged theire best iudgments for such honours and other gifts of the World as blinde the eyes of the wise or for the hopes of them If any who are Iesuited or poisened with Romish or Pelagian errours finding themselues touched with theese lines shall make a worse construction of them to cleare themselues or theire adherents then can with good Conscience be giuen and framing a minde to me out of theire owne shall therevpon begin to inueigh against this litle tratise or the composer thereof the Booke it selfe will I hope say enough to stop such mens mouthes and if that doe not I know a longe Epistle can not doe it I will therefore leaue all further Apollogies and appealing from them to God to whome all hearts lie open implore his almightie protection In the meane time hopeing such things of thee as accompany saluation and beseeching thee to excuse and correct with thy pen such faults as not without wronge donne to me haue escaped the Printer in the printing I rest Thine in Christ Iesus I. P. CHRISTS CONFESSION AND COMPLAINT Ioh. 18.36.37 Iesus answered My Kingdom is not of this world If my Kingdom were of this wor●d then would my Servants fight that I should not
and rule spiritually this Temple beeing indeed a figure of the Chu●ch where in he should rule which came to passe not when Antichr●st came to sit in the Temple of God as God whereof in the s●quel but when Iesus Christ who is the Word came and decla●ed himselfe in the Temple and thereby signified his owne gouernment in his Church which is there where the Wo●d ruleth this was accomplished suddenly after the preaching of his forrunner Iohn Baptist Luk. 3.4 who came ye see as it is written in the booke of Esayas the Prophet saying The voice of him that crieth in the wildernesse prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desart a high way for our God Euery valley shall be exalted Isa 40.3 4 5. and euery Mountai●e and hill made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plaine the Scriptures should be so clearely expounded And the glory viz the Word of the Lord shall be reuealed and all flesh shall see it together And a litle after vers 9. Say vnto the cities of Iudah behold youre God Behold the Lord God will come with stronge hand And his Arme viz. the Word which is his Sonne shall rule for him For that wee might be sure that this Kingdom belonged to Iesus Christ Iohn preached I baptize with water Ioh. 1. but there standeth one amonge you mightier then I whose shooes lachet I am not worthy to vnloose this was Christ who could not haue vnde●stood by Scriptures what manner of King the Messiah should be no● haue preached and wrought myracles so according to the Prophesies of him if he had beene a deceiuer and had not b●ene the Christ the Sonne of God but he was approued to be the Ch●ist For when Iesus was baptized of Iohn in Io●dan M●k 1.10 ● and came out of the water Iohn saw the Heauens opened and the Spirit like a doue descending vpon him And the●e came a voice from Heauen saying Ioh. 1.33.34 Thouart my welbeloued Sonne i● whome I am well pleased Which comming to pa●●e as God foretold Iohn he saith I saw and bare record th●t this is the S●nne of God and consequently that his is the promised Kingdom of the M●ssiah Which was soone manifested for after Iohn was put in prison by Herod Mark 1.14 Luk. 4.43 Iesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God That is the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God A●d so he saith I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also Therefore he calleth his doctrine the Word of the Kingdom saying Mat. 13.19 When any one heareth the Word of the Kingdom and vnderstandeth it not So he saith Euery Scribe which is instructed vnto the Kingdom of God is like vnto a man that is an howseholder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new old New that is the tre●sures of the Gospel and Old that is the testimonies of the Prophets which foretold and prefigured this grace that comes to vs Luk. 16 16. Luk 17.20 Since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and euery man presseth vnto it And when he was demanded of the Pharises when the Kingdom of God should come he answered them saide The Kingdom of God commeth not with obseruation Neither shall they say loe here or loe there for behold the Kingdom of God is within you That is they shall not say it is in this nation or in that in this citie or in that haueing the seate thereof here or there for the Word is within you Rom. 10.8 in your mouth and in your heart illuminating ruling some of your Soules therefore the Kingdom of God is within you And indeed God who by voices from Heauen by miracles app●oued him had promised foretold that so it should be for Behold the dayes come Ier. 31.31 saith the Lord that I will make a new Co●enant with the ho●se of Israel not according to the former when I brought them out of ●gypt which my co●enant they brake but this shall be the couenant that I will make with the howse of Israel I will put my law in theire inward parts ●ndw●i●e it in theire hearts And they shall all know me for I will forgiue theire iniquitie c. and in another place I will giue them a new heart with many the like promises Loe he would write the law in theire hearts the word should rule there and enlighten them with the * Isa 54.13 c. 53.3 c. promised knowledge of God and his remission and saluation in the death and doctrine of Christ Isa 53. and soe his Kingdom should be in theire hearts and soules within them Tit. 2.11.12 Ioh. 8.32 Character of a Christ pag. 329. c. as Christ saith that is when the grace of God bringing saluation was preached and the same taught mē to denie vngodlinesse worldly lusts The Truth knowne maketh men free from seruing sinne euen as Ioseph was taught by the fauour of his maister to denie the vngodlie lust of his mistris and escape away for soe men escape the p●llutions of the world through the knowledge of Christ as did Zacheus Luk. to 28. soe he saith there The Sonne of Man is come to s●eke and saue that wh●●h is lost And as they heard theese things he added and spake a parable because they thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appeare A certaine noble man went into a far countrie to receiue for himselfe a Kingdom And he called vnto him his tenne seruants and deliuered vnto the tenne pounds and saide vnto thē Occupie till I come c. This noble man was Christ who before his ascention deliuerd the Word of truth vnto his seruants and since giueth of the same Word to others by his Spirit and so will till his second cōming theese ten seruants are his ministers and other his seruants the pounds or talen●s were seuerall portions of the Word of grace of the mysteries of God d●uers * Rom. 12.3 1. Cor. 12.11 measures of the knowledge and faith of Christ wherein they ought to increase and to shew the fruite thereof in a holy life also to vse theire skill to bringe others to the knowledge and obedience of Christ which is to giue him his owne with vantage for they are Stewards of the mysteries of God 1. Cor 4 1. and it is required in Stewards that a man be found faithfull Deliuering nothing for doctrine but that which was * Chap. 11.23 receiued of the Lord by his Apostles and Prophets neither hiding his talent of doctrine nor teaching for doctrines commaundements and opinions of men things not commaunded in the Word For as when amonge the Romans there was difference aboute meates the Apostle saide The Kingdom of God is not meate and dr●●ke that is Rom. 14 17. the Word of God doth not commaund and teach theese
the knowledge obedience of Christ so that Paul saith From Ierusalem round vnto Illyricum Rom. 15.19 I haue fully preached the Gospell of Christ. He turned people from darknes to light from the power of Satan vnto God The Pope and Papists turne men from light to darknes and so from God to Satan Peter did not so And with what weapons did they subiect men The weapons of this Kingdom Heb. 4.12 saue with the sword of the spirit the Word of God which is the power of God to saluation For the Word of God is quicke powerfull sharper then any two edged sword peircing c. Therefore saint Paul saith The weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mightie through God to the pulling downe of stronge holds casting downe imaginations and euery high thinge that exalteth it selfe against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ viz. to the obedience of the Word for this sword or spirit of his mouth is the Rod of his strength his owne diuine power and virtue vnto whome is saide Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies As in Kingdoms of this world if any subiect hold but one castle or towne against the right and power of his lawfull Kinge he is iudged a traitour an enemy and his pertakers Conspiratours so is it if a man maintaine but one errour one stronge hold against the knowledge of God much more if he hold diuers as Pelagius did or many with a high hand as the Pope doth * Moulin Buckler of the Faith aboute free will merrits iustification purgatorie supremacie the Church of Rome Preists marriage praying to Saints worshipping Images c. Who yet will be obeied and defended in theese and other his errours and soe he is by all Papists which proueth him the grand Antichrist and them rebellious conspiratours maintaining stronge holds of errour and sinne against the Word and Kingdom of God Saint Paul saith of some that were with him Theese only are my fellow workers vnto the Kingdom of God Col. 4.11 that is in those regions where with him they preached the Gospell and stablished men in the obedience knowledge truth thereof and as Apollos who mightely cōuinced the Aduersaries by the Scriptures Act. 18.28 And where as some doe not obey but resist the holy Ghost as S. Steuen saide and are gainsayers Hereticks enemies Act. 7.51 and neglectours of this free grace of God offered in the preaching and manifestation of the Word whereby men are made true Subiects of this Kingdō this cōmeth to passe as Christ saide to some proude and obstinate Iewes ye beleeue not because ye are not of my Sheepe My Sheepe heare my voice I know thē and they follow me Ioh. 10.26 vers 14. Therfore he who is the Word and therein the light of the World said vnto thē I am known of mine * see charac of a Christian pag. 303. not of others to whom it is not giuē It is giuē to you to know the Mysteries of the Kingdō of heauē but to them it is not giuen Mat. 13.11 Chap. 11.25 The Father hid them from the wise and learned and reu●aled them to babes because it seemed good in his sight * Rom. 11.7 Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for But the election haue obtained it and the rest were blinded Yet a litle while is the light with you walke while ye haue the light lest darknesse come vpon you for he that walketh in darknesse knoweth not whither he goeth Ioh. 12.35 Which beeing also the case of diuers proud Papists and Pelagians who doe not heare receiue and reade the Word much lesse with loue● of the Truth noe maruaile if they know not whether they goe that is that they talke so much against the promised perseuerance of the Saints Luk. 19.47 and certainty of saluation For such as doe not delight in the Word but rather maintaine diuers strōge holds of errour against the same can not haue a sense thereof nor consequently that they are true Subiects of this Kingdom but rather of the contrarie for therefore Christ who is the Word saith Those mine enemies which would not that I should raigne ouer them bringe hither c. and in another place This is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loued darknesse rather then light because theire deedes were euill For euery one that doth euill hateth the light neither commeth to the light lest his deedes should be reproued or discouered This shall all such know to theire cost when the Lord Iesus shall be reuealed from Heauen with his mightie Angels 2. Thess 1.7 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ and so that are not true Subiects of this Kingdom Ioh. 3. But saith Christ he that doth truth commeth to the light that his deedes may be made manifest that they are wrought in God And so that he is a loueing and an obedient subiect of this Kingdom as diuers are in diuers Cities and Kingdoms of this World and as all should be Thus then wee see that Christ had and hath the Kingdom and what it was and is Now wee are to see what it is not Christs Kingdom not of this World which our Lord telleth vs saying My Kingdom is not of this world This hath partly appeared already because as wee proued this his Kingdom is the Spirituall raigne of the Word and therefore not of this World and consequently not any thinge preiudicial or deragotory to Cesars as his accusers pretended The malitious and subtill Iewes that they might be sure to lay such things whether true or false to the charge of Christ as might certainly procure his death thought noe accusation so like to preuaile with ' Pilate Caesars Deputie as to say that he moued sedition and laboured to bringe the people from Caesers to his owne obedience and soe to get the Kingdom from Caesar to himselfe This they thought Pilate durst not but question striue to preuent though it were with the death of Christ and that whether he were found guiltie thereof or noe therefore they say wee found this follow peruerting the nation saying that himselfe is Christ a Kinge and after He that maketh himselfe a King speaketh against Caesar Luk. 23.2 Whereas that was not to moue sedition against Caesar for on the contrarie he saide Giue vnto Caesar the things that are Cesars Ioh. 19. and to God the things that are Gods Wherein though indeede he seeke Gods Kingdom also viz. that men would be ruled by Gods Word in all things and consequently his owne Kingdom because he is the Word of God by which all men should be ruled yet when he seekes this he neither hindereth nor endangereth Caesars Kingdom but rather helpeth and stablisheth it For if Gods Word
Germanie who in mans sight were but weake in respect of theire aduersaries and yet maintaining the preaching of the Gospel and the expulsion of Poperie were maruelously defended and prospered King Edward the Sixth expelled Poperie out of his Kingdom maintained furthered the preaching of the Gospel and though he were but a child how yet did God blesse and defend him from his mightiest enemies Queene Marie leauing the Kingdom Popish Queene Elizabeth againe excluded Poperie See the thankfull Remembrance commanded the preaching of the Gospel punishment of Popish Preists for theire seditious intrusion and yet though she were but a Woman and found the Kingdom in weake estate and had at her entrance greate aduersaries as the Pope Spanie France yea Scotland also besides discontented Popelings and Rebels in her owne Kingdoms of England and Ireland yet she cleauing to Gods cause and maintaining it with all her heart was not only miracalously defended from al forraigne enemies and homebred Conspirators but also acheiued many glorious Victories and grew a terrour to her mightiest aduersaries so truly doth God seeke theire Kingdom that sincerely seeke his as Dauid did And here let noe man obiect the late losses that protestant Princes Kingdoms prouinces haue sustained An obiection of late losses with the Reason of them For if the Word of God had in theese later times beene countenaneed preached and furthered with that sinceritie and zeale of aduancing Christs Kingdom and receiued with that affection ioy reuerence and obedience and that the Princes of the reformed Churches had all stucke to Gods cause and to one another as zealously now as in those former times theese damages could not haue befallen them It is saide of Hezechia that in euery worke 2. Chro. 31.21 that he began in the seruice of the howse of God and in the law and in the commandements to seeke his God he did it with all his heart and prospered If then Princes in doeing the things they did haue not donne them with all theire heart but coldy slowly sparingly not timely nor without greate importunitie and that to stop mens mouthes If in policie or for wordly ends they haue conniued at poperie suffered supplies and materials of warre to goe to theire aduersaries in religion thought they might soe far permit helpe to both sides 2 Chro. 26.2.7 or with Asa haue sought and made lauges with the aduersaries of religion and relied on them noe maiuaile if theire defensiue wars at home and theire vndertakings abroade haue not succeeded well which otherwise must needes haue prospered For if Princes that are men be somtime true and firme to those theire confederates of the same religion that mutually seeke the good of each others Kingdom how much more must God needes be alwaies sure to those that sincerely seeke his Kingdom seeing he is Iustice it selfe and Truth it selfe yea almightie therefore of power to doe more for such as cleaue to his cause then Kings can for those that adhere to them Vor● 9. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Eareh toshew himselfe stronge in the behalfe of them whose heart is perfit towards him Thus then the due preaching of the Word doth not make the enemies thereof inuade the Nation that hath the same in esteeme or if it doe God turnes the shame losse vpon the Inuadors thereof to the greater honour of such as stick to his cause sincerely and with true zeale as in England in the yeare 1588. Indeede true it is Maintenance or sufferance of Heresies causeth seditions and inuasions that whē Rulers hinder God in his ordinances by suffering the preaching and maintenance of errours as that is plainly repugnant to Christs Kingdom to the raigne of the Word reuealed so hath it much infested and disturbed the peace of all such Kingdoms as haue permitted it I might instance in the Iewes Ioh. 11.48 who beeing in polecie hinderers of the Word and suffering and maintaining the opposers of Christs doctrine came the sooner to destruction Howsoeuer this did the Arrian Heresie in the times of the Emperours Constantius Constans and Valens A short time sufficeth not to recount the troubles seditions wars losses and bloodshed that followed therevpon mentioned by Vincentius Lerinensis * Nee enim tantū affinitates cognationes amicitiae domus verum etiam vrbes populi prouinciae nationes vniuersum postremò Romanum Imperiū funditus concussum emotum est Vin. cont Haer. cap. 6.1 King 4.24 c. Chap. Chap. 12.15 as an example of Gods iudgments following the Suffererers and Supporters of errour And that not only intestine amonge themselues but indeed the Emperours and Rulers permitting such errours and the ambitious rising of the Popish Primacie together with the intrusion of his authority and heathenish superstition who now began to make the Word of God of none effect with his pretended power traditions God in iustice suffered and sent the Gothes Vandals and other heathen Nations to inuade and spoile the Empire and Churches of Christendom according to that which he did to the howse of Salomon who while he walked in the wayes of Dauid his father had peace prospered and grew rich and mightie but when his Wiues turned away his heart after other Gods the Lord was angrie with him and stirred vp Aduersaries vnto Salomō Hadad the Edomite Rezon who did him his Kingdō much harme also Ieroboam the Sonne of Nebat and finally rent tenne Tribes from Rehoboam his Sonne who hearkened not vnto the people for the cause was from the Lord who vsed this his austere answere as a meanes to punish his and his fathers idollatrie Euen as also in the time of the Iudges Iud. 3.7.8 when the children of Israell did euill in the sight of the Lord forgate the Lord theire God and serued Baalim and other Idols it is saide Vers 12. Chap. 4.2 Therefore the Lord sold them into the hands of theire enemies The Lord strengthened Eglon the King of Moab against Israel The Lord sold them into the hand of Iabin Chap. 6.1 The Lord deliuered them into the hand of Midian Againe Chap. 10.7 Againe He sold them into the hands of the Philistines c. Errours are in effect idols Heb. 13.8 And let noe man say here that the maintenance or sufferance of Heresie is a lesse sinne in Princes then the maintenance or sufferance of Idols For Christ is the eternall and vnchangeable Word of God Iesus Christ yesterday and to day the same also for euer Whosoeuer therefore setteth vp any new or contrarie word against the Word of his grace he setteth vp an idoll to be of men beleeued and reuerenced The errours of Hereticks are strange Gods as a Qui sunt D●j alteni nisierrores extranei quos ignorabas id est noui inauditi Vine Lerien aduer haeres cap. 15 Photinus creditā sibi plebem Dei persuadere
pray which was called the Temple and which seemeth so to be in the vision must not be measured but Saint Iohn is commaunded to leaue or cast it out that is not to reckon it the Church of Christ as not continuing in the Word and so not in Christ but fighting against those that doe Which things are so apparant in the Church of Rome that therefore her head the Pope and her true members are in Gods account as Gentiles or heathen many of * See the Originall of Idollatries printed an 1624. whose idollatries and superstitious rites and ceremonies they haue taken vp and vsed with verrie litle alteration therefore that part of the Temple signifying this Church is reckoned heathenish not to be otherwise measured and they that are of it as heathen Gentiles for it is giuen to the Gentiles And not in the other part but in this Antichrist sits and so is saide to sit in the Temple of God in that part to which God hath right as well as to the rest though it be pofessed vsurped by one that sits as it were for Christ but commaunding things contrarie to the Word and so shewing himselfe that he is God that is most maister in those things and one whose lawes binde in matters of faith and must be obeied though this Church hold some of Christs doctrine as other hereticall churches haue donne yet by other doctrines and traditions contrarie to the Word she makes the Word of God of none effect and indeede warreth against the true Church and the members thereof and they against her Seauen Angells come out of the true Church and powre out theire vials vpon her and other enemies and her members blaspheme his Name that is his Word therefore God will not haue her reckoned to be his he will only haue the inward roomes measured for his Temple with them that worshipped therein Reu. 14.9 the holy place place the Altar with the most holy place which was the Arke of the Testament which John saw there when it was opened there was noe other Word therein none in Christs true Church but Gods Testament noe other Word receiued in matters of faith and saluation the Papists in receiuing Antichrists are not of this Church but * Character of a Christian pag. 214. and 288. are saide to haue * see pag. 292. the marke of the Beast to worship him and to fight for him against Christ especially since the Councell of Trent for which hell fire is assured to them Now it is not possible that they that are so marked soe fight shal be soe tormented should be a true Church of Christ or of it Her oft pronounced fall her scarlet die in the blood of the saints her fighting against them and against Christ that sits on the white horse and whose Name is called the Word of God her cup Reu 19. and names of blasphemie with diuers other things doe all proue the contrarie but to leaue her wee heare what Christ saith before Pilate If my Kingdom were of this world then would my seruants fight that I should not be deliuered to the Iewes Yet surely as for fighting with swords to keepe him Why Christs seruants did not then fight for him Mat. 26.53 at that time from beeing surprised taken and deliuered to the Iewes he saith to him that smote the high Preists seruant Thinkest thou not that I can not non pray to my Father and he shall presently giue me more then twelue legions of Angels But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled which shew That thus it must be and after his resurrection he saide Thus it is written and thus it behooued Christ to suffer euen thus that of his seruants not one should then fight for him to rescue him thus it behooued then not that they were bound to forsake him but that though they should haue followed and defended him by all lawfull meanes yet thus it behooued him to suffer thus forsaken of all that the Scriptures might be fulfilled But doth it behooue him now he is risen and entred into his glorie That there is not the same reason now that thus he should suffer forsakē in his cause in his members that men should not now fight for him Surely noe For he sheweth that his seruants should stick to him and follow him better after his resurrection then they must confesse him and contest for him before Kings Princes and euen Emperours Kings and Princes should fight for him and his cause when they should embrace the Christian faith greate rewards are propounded to him th●t ouerommeth Reu. 2. which though it be principally meant with the sword of the Spirit yet in Princes that may draw theire swords to desend the faith it may also be taken that way When Iohn saw them that had gotten the victorie ouer the Beast Reu. 15.2 and ouer his Image and ouer the number of his Name questionles there were amonge theese some Princes Captaines Souldiers States men and Magistrates that did it or helped to doe it by theire swords lawes as well as others that did it by preaching disputing and writing for wee know the Beast and whore are both to be ouercome by fire and sword Reu. 14. cap. 18. cap. 19. and not only by the sword of the spirit Christ is the Prince of the Kings of the earth Reu. 1.5 therefore they ought all to defend the faith of Christs to defend the Word and his cause both by theire lawes and swords and also to suffer any of theire subiects to maintaine it against all Heriticks and seducers by the sword of the spirit and noe man to forbid them For the first He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords therefore they ought to follow him be led by him to fight against Antichrist and his supporters and against his other enemies yea not to fight for him and his Kingdom now may proue a curse to them as of old to Meroz and the Inhabitants thereof that came not to the helpe of the Lord against the mightie For though it be true that the Reuelatiō saith of the Kings which are the hornes of the Beast Theese haue one minde Reu. 17.13 and shall giue theire power and strength vnto the Beast Yet this doth but shew the sinne theese Kings would fall into committings Fornication with the whore by enforcing the Beasts and her lawes on theire owne subiects or suffering Antichrist and his ministers to seduce them which is accounted a wicked warre against Christ though he at the last ouercome them therefore it is added vers 14. Theese shall make warre with the lambe and the lambe shall ouercome them viz. with the spirit of his mouth the power of the Word preached and written For he is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him viz. that fight against theese Kings with the sword of the spirit to conuince them by
they require he in matters of faith and saluation keepe to the Scripture and so be of the Truth Those men therefore that slight or neglect the due preaching of Gods Word and the conuincing of Hereticks by it and insteade thereof so propose and extoll the booke of common praier and the Articles and constitutions of the Church of England that they seeme to haue litle or noe Religion besides A new sort of Scismaticks they are a new sort of Scismaticks some of which will yet be counted Pastors and Pillars far more against the booke of common praier and the Articles then any other for as much as others are against the ceremonies theese against the substance of Religion which they require others are against that forme of praier theese against the things principally praied for and enioined Psal 2. so against the Truth sealed in Christs blood which they also tread vnder foote count vnholy yea breake his bands and cast his cords from them by the geering scoffes they vse against preaching and conuincing Hereticks by Scriptures either in preaching or writing by hindring them and the slight esteeme they haue of them Yet like Hypocrits as if they would haue all as the cōpilers of the commō praier booke intended and as it should be 3. Sund. after East on Saint Iohns day in one Prayer they say God which shewest to all men that be in errour the light of thy Truth c. in another Wee beseech thee to cast thy bright beames of light vpon thy Church that it beeing lightened by the doctrine of thy holy Apostle Euangelist Iohn may attaine to thy euerlasting gifts on the day of Saint Paul That wee may follow fulfill thy holy doctrine which he hath taught of Saint Mathias Graunt that thy Church beeing alwaies preserued from false Apostles may be ordered and guided by faithfull true Pastors of Simon and Iude Graunt vs to be ioined in vnitie of spirit by theire doctrine of S. Andrew Graunt vnto vs all that wee beeing called by thy Holy Word may forthwith c. Also in an exhortation before the Communion they say If any of you be a blasphemer a hindrer and slanderer of his word c. come not to this holy table to the sureties of Children baptized to call vpon them to heare Sermons c. the Bishop at theire confirmation prayeth Let thy Holy Spirit be euer with them so leade them in the knowledge of thy Holie Word that in the ende c. Theese Prayers and sayings will rise in iudgment against many who extoll them vse them prefer them and yet minde nothing lesse them the things prayed for and desired in them but are rather against them and so against Christs Kingdom against his raigne who is the Word and who saith Luk. 19.27 Those mine enemies that would not that I should raigne ouer them bringe hither c. They therefore that scoffe geere at diligent preachers and hearers call them Puritans and despise them let them know Christs Disciples are commaunded to teach all Nations Mat. 28. to obserue all things whatsoeuer he commaunded them Ephes 4.14 that wee are not to be tossed to fro and carried aboute with euery winde of doctrine by the sleight of me but following the Truth in loue to grow vp into him in all things who is the Head that the Scriptures make wise vnto saluation c. that He that turneth away his eare from hearing the Law Pro. 28.9 euen his praier shall be abhomination If he will not heare nor be willing that others should heare God in all matters of faith saluation God will not heare him that Christ saith against such reuiling and selfe conceited Pharises Euerie one that is of the Truth heareth my voice and by consequence that such as they who make noe more account of it can not well be saide to be of the Truth Theese two last clauses of Christs bearing witnesse to the Truth and this conclusion of hearing his voice which he maketh therevpon are a large feild which for breuitie I haue runne ouer only pointing at some of the good seede and some of the tares Mar. 4.26 Mat. 13.24 which enemies haue sowed while men stept that so those that haue authority may see what is amisse at home and seeke reformation Which God knowes I haue not attempted out of any forwardnes to be medling in matters of this kinde but only vpon sight and sense of the wronge donne to my Sauiour and his Kingdom to my Soueraigne Lord the Kinge and to the Church and Countrie wherein I was bred by the Doctrines and palliated practises of close walking Popelings Arminians and theire Supporters many of them beeing disguised vnder the name of conformable Protestants and Welwillers of the Church and State Which droue me in silent sorrow to meditate on theese passages of holy Scripture Then finding that of our Lord to be true Ioh. 15.5 1. Cor. 12 3. without me ye can doe nothing Noe man can say that Iesus is the Lord much lesse proue it but by the Holie Ghost and so that I could neuer haue drawne so much hony out of theese flowers vules God hath beene with me I thought I must carrie it to the hiue though I knew that in this case I was like to finde that true Obsequium amicos veritas odium parit yet I might not aduenture the euerlasting punishment of an vnproffitable seruant Mat. 25.24.30 by burying this one talent in a napkin seeing it appeared to be Christs whose Confession and Complaint is here exhibited with proofes and consequences so following from the same that there needes noe further witnesse noe inquirie of the vnworthy and instrumentall Exhibiter for the conuincing proofes are Christs the conuinced and Delinquents well knowne by other Complaints that haue beene oft made against them if not to the Kinge yet at least to the High Court of Parliament wherein greate things haue beene offered to be proued and if a free speaking and hearing be not there permitted then if any should vnder colour of seruing his Kinge and Countrie be as false to both and withall to Religion at least for some secret loue to Rome as euer that greate fauorite Duke Edrick was Edrick Duke of Mercia See Speedes Chron. who sold both to the Danes yet men that could discouer them fearing that they should not be thorowly heard but rather imprisoned and crushed would perhaps hold theire peace till it were to late to helpe Which hath made men say the Kinges eares are so guarded by whisperers by preuenting and praeuaricating expositors of complaints that truth may despaire of an effectuall hearing God Almightie giue vnto the Kings Maiestie a heart to heare see and reforme what is most amisse wheresoeuer and in whomesoeuer the fault be To conclude to be of Truth is to continue in the Word and in all matters of faith and saluation to cleaue to it professing and maintaining it in the whole and in euery part of it which is to haue Gods marke in the forehead as on the contrarie to receiue and maintaine the Popish lawes and doctrine is to haue the marke of the Beast for thus a Christian is not only distinguished from a Iew but also from a marked slaue of Antichrist as ye may see proued in that litle booke called The Character of a Christian pag. 206.282.296 Saint Paul saith well Brethren marke them which cause diuisions and offences Rom. 16.17.18 contrary to the doctrine which ye haue learned and auoide them For they that are such serue not the Lord Iesus Christ but theire owne belly by good words and faire speeches deceiue the hearts of the simple 2. Tim. 2.17.18 For theire word will eate as doth a gangrene who concerning the Truth haue erred And therefore when Arminians or other Hereticks and prophane persons commaund and teach one thinge and Christ another the Pope one thinge Christ another the Church of Rome calleth for all mens obedience to her and Christ to all to come out of Babell Reu. 18. Iesuits and Popish Preistes call to Princes and States to serue her and Christ to serue her as she hath serued them to fill her double Some follow Seducers but ye heare what the Sauiour of the World saith Euerie one that is of the Truth heareth my voice FINIS Faults escaped in the printing Pag. 1. for Euangelist reade Euangelists p.2.l.2 for mislender reade misvnderstood l. 23 for cheifs cheife p.3.17 for fo reade of p.6.l.29 for reckened read reckoned p.15.l.18 for tho read the p.19.l.13 for deser at read desart a p.21.l.27 for abonte re aboute p.23.l.35 for rebellions re rebellious p.32.l.19 for thas re for thousand reade a thousand thousand p. 34.l.13.for meant re meane l. 35.for tough read though p.36 in marg re vniuersum p. mar re persuadere p. 41.l.34.for reuelt reuolt p.47.l.2 for greah rea greate p. 52.l.11 for Christs re Christ l. p.53.l.9 for ofter re offer l. 3 for fiue limen re fine linnen p.55.l.17 for here rea heare p.61.l.4 for grauted graunted l. Armin p. 86.l.1 for honeur re honour p.88.l.5.rea Christianity Besides some letters that did not print so well off in the first sixe sheetes as in the Proofes
by the fire are made to be in some sort greeted Gods how is not that God whereby they are made hot If lights illuminated be Gods is not that light which doth illuminate them God thou commest to the light and art illuminated and art reckened among the Sonnes of God c. If therefore the word of God make you Gods how is not the word of God GOD And indeed such must needes be the meaning of our Lord that the same word of the Father was incarnate and sent into the world because his Disciple Euangclist S. Ioh. 1. Iohn affirmeth him to be the word yea the word by which all things were made Reu. 19.13 and saith plainly His Name is called the word of God Reu. 19.13 and that indeed because when he himselfe was asked by some Iewes Ioh. 8.25 what art thou he answered From the beginning that viz. that word of God which I speake vnto you therein as also in diuers other places affirming and proueing himselfe to be from eternitie the very wisdom and word of God which he speake and declared vnto them and the same to be the Sonne of God and the promised Messiah which point though it be proued more at large by Scriptures and Fathers in another * Character of a Christian pag 25. to pag. 88. treatise yet may it not be wholly omitted here because ye see it is the only thinge for which he is accused before Pilate deliuered to death and euer since rejected by the Iewes and it is a shame for Christians to be ignorant in that principle which distinguisheth th●m from Iewes and wherein Iewes are to be conuin●●d The things then that wee haue to proue at least breifely before wee come to the other part of his confession are 1. That the pr●mised Messiah was to be the word of God and that way the King and Gonvernour of his people viz spiritually 2. That Iesus Christ was this word incarnate the true Messiah Whence theese things will follow which are in his confession that he is King of the Iewes and indeed of the Gentiles also that he had and hath a Kingdom that his Kingdom is not of this world c. as he confesseth before Pilate For the first It is said in the second Psalme Christ was to be the Sonne the Word Psal 2. I will declare of the Decree Law or Word the Lord saide vnto me thou art my Sonne Wherein it is spoken of the Decree or Word thou art my Sonne And so indeed el in the Hebrew is taken for of Gen. 20.2 Abraham saide of Sarah his wife she is my Sister And twise in another Chapter Iob 42.7.8 also 2. King 19.32 Others reade it more plainely thus I will preach the Law Decree or Word whereof the Lord hath saide vnto me thou art my Sonne That is of which Law Decree or Word the Lord hath saide vnto me thou art my Sonne And thus it is read in the translation appointed to be read in the Churches of England And indeed the very name Sonne is so ●endred by some vers 12. for that which is saide there Kisse the Sonne the Septuagint reades receiue instruction and the Chalde receiue doctrine as if they both saide receiue and embrace the word of God which is the Sonne of God Also Psal 7. where it is saide Iehovah shall iudge the people the Chalde readeth Psal 7.9 the word of the Lord shall iudge the people And indeed the Prophets Isaiah Isa 2.3.4 Mich. 4.2.3 and Micah doe plainly affirme as much saying The Law shall goe foorth of Zion and the word of the Lord out of Ierusalem And he shall iudge amonge the nations He that is he the word who indeede is the Arme of the Lord he shal iudge According to which our Sauiour saith Ioh. 5.22 first The Father iudgeth noe man but he●h committed all iugment to the Sonne the Father only iudgeth by Christ Rom. 2 16. and then sheweth who the Son●e is Ioh. 12.48 saying He that reicteth me and receiueth not my words hath one that iudgeth him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word which I haue spoken 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He shall iudge him in the last d●y Amonge which words there is an emphasis and a verrie g●eate proofe in the pronoune relatiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which pointing out a verrie person and namely the person spoken of before proueth the word which he spake to be a person yea to be that person spoken of before August in Ioh. Tract 54. the one that should iudge Saint Augustine on theese words comparing the places together shewes they must needes be vnderstood thus and therefore concludes he hath s●oken h●mselfe he hath shewen himselfe c. * Idem Tract 41. And he is the word of the Father which he spake to men Wherein therefore Christ shewes that ●errie word which he spak to be the Sonne and that verrie wo●d where of the Prophets prophesied The law shall goe forth of Zion and the word of the Lord out of Ierusalem And he viz. the same word shall iudge amonge the nations Act. 10 42. whereof Peter s●●th It is he which was ordained of God to be the iudge of q●ick dead and whereof the Father himselfe saith I haue set my Kinge vpon my hol●hil of Zion Psal 2.6 euen the word to whome in the next words he saith ●hou art my Sonne Isa ●1 4.5 of whome also he saith A law shall proceede from me and I will make my iudgment to rest for a light of the people My righteousnes is neere my saluation is gone forth and mine Armes shall iudge the people the Iles shall waite vpon me and on mine Arme shall they trust That is on my word on the Sonne as Psal 2. Blessed are all they that trust in him Therefore the Prophet speak● and praies to this person euen vnto the word of the Lord when he saith in the same Chapter V●rs 9. Awake awake put on str●ng O Arme of the Lord awake as in the ancient dayes in the generations of old Art not thou he that hath cut Rahab and wounded the Dragon Art not thou he which hath dried the Sea c. to shew vs that as God made all things soe did all his great wonders by this person the Word which brought lice and locusts on the Egyptians Psal ●05 31.34 Which also was he that went before them into Canaan Exod. 23.20.21 chap. 33.2 as Captaine of the Lords host Ioshuę 5.14 This Arme is the glorie of the Lord which taking flesh should be reuealed Isa 40.5 and after p●t to death according to the flesh as the Prophet saith Who h●●h beleeued our report Isa 53.1.2 3. and to whome hath the Arme of the Lord beene reuealed that is beeing incarnate for saith Isaiah He shall grow vp befo rt him as a tender plant c. that is he the Arme shall Cyprian● adve●● Iudaeos li● 2. cap 1.
thy Name Ioh. 12.28 Then came here a voice from heauen saying I ha●e glorifie bit and will glorifie it again He had glorified the word which is also the Fathers Name because it is his word when so greate myracles were denne by it and so many conue●ted thereby and so it was glorified againe after his death by the mi●istrie of his Apostles and others to the healing of many and the conuersion of millions of people Lastly at his transfiguration on the mount Mat. 17.5 behold● a voice out of the cloude which saide This is my beloued Sonne in whome I ●m well pleased heare ye him As if he saide for he is the promised wo●d To his Apostles which heard him were witnesses of his resurrection he gaue commissiō to preach to all nations and so his myracles Heb. 2.3.4 life doctrine and resurrection were confirmed to ●s by them that heard him who also sealed the Truth of all with theire bloods God also bearing them witnes both with signes and wonders and with diuers myracles and gifts of the holy Ghost As the hea●ing of a man lame from his mothers wombe and many others manifested to his and thei●e aduersaries All which proued that Iesus was as he taught the word and that word the Sonne the Messiah which was to come and that he did not blaspheme when he c●●fest as much to the high Priest Mat. 26.69 For this yet doe they p●esently spit in his f●ce buffet h●m smite reuile him and leade him a ●ay to Pilate to be for this only thinge put to death this beeing all they could proue or he finde and that not that he made himselfe a temporall Kinge but spiritual for when he v●ged him with theese words Art thou the King of the Iewes what hast thou donne Iesus answered my Kingdom is not of this world if my Kingdom were of this world c. and when Pilate gathering by theese words that he confest himselfe to be a King therefore saide vnto him Art thou a Kinge then Iesus answered thou s●iest that I am a Kinge As if he saide and I must not denie it for to this ende was I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnesse vnto the truth euery one that is of the truth heareth my voice This then beeing his plaine answer concerning his Kingdom and the true subjects thereof wee may consider in this confession theese things 1. A Kingdō acknowledged in theese words my Kingdom which are thrice repeated in the former of theese verses 2. That this Kingdom is not of this world as he saith my Kingd●● is not of this world ● A proofe or reason thereof in theese words for if my Kingdom were of this world then would my subiects fight that I should not be deli●ered to the Iewes 4 A conclusion following from the premises in theese words but now is my Kingdom not from hence In the first there is the Kingdom of the Messiah and that claimed by out Sauiour who here calleth it his as he saith my Kingdom First then wee will endeauour to finde out of the old Testament what the Kingdom of the Messiah was to be whether spirituall or temporall and where the seate thereof should be And secondly whether this Kingdom properly belonge to Iesus the Sonne of Marie who claimes it while he confesseth himselfe to be the Christ and saith my Kingdom Where first ye know it is already manifested The Kingdom of the Messiah that the M●ssiah was to be the Word and that therefore his Kingdom and gouernment must needes be spirituall ruling mens soules for God his Fathe● as was proued from tho second Psalme where indeed the Father also calleth him his Kinge that is one ruling for him saying I haue set my Kinge vpon my holy hill of Sion psa 2. Isa 40.10 where also while he saith my holy hill of Sion he sheweth it to be his Kingdom So of the Father it is saide His Arme that is his word shall rale for him It is his Kingdom for the Kingdom is the Lords and he is the Gouerno or of his people Therefore it is added vers 11. He shall feede h●s flocke like a Shepheard he shall gather the Lambes with his Arme to shew that Christ succeedes Dauid as a Shepheard of the people feeding thē with the spirituall foode of the word Fzech 34.23 chap. 37.21.24 and so ruleth in his throne spiritually He shoul be theire Shepheard ●zek 34.23 and Chap. 2● 22.24 So Dauid saith The Lord saide vnto my Lord sit thou on my right hand that is rule thou for me vntil I make h●●● enemies thy footestoole psa 110.1 Thereby intimating that all enem●es of the word shall be either subiected to the word or confounded thereby Therefore it is added vers 2. The Lord shall se●de the R●d of thy strength viz. the Word out of Zion● to this word therefore he there speaketh saying Rule thou in the middest of thine e●em●es Isa 2. Mic. 4. a●cording to that of the Prophets Isaiah and Micah Th● L●●● shall g●efoor●h of Sion an● the word of the Lord out of Hier●s●em A●d he shall iudge ●monge the Nations He the word shall as the Father saith Mi●e Arme tha● is my Word shal iudge the people From which places wee may see that this Kingdom was to begin to be preached in Sion and Ierusalem vnto it was the Kingdom and dominion first to com● Mica 4.8 and thence to goe Foorth into all the World ha●e●ng noe other certaine seate then there wheresoeuer the Word should enlighten and rule the Soules of men Isa 42.6 therefore the Lord saith to him I will giue thee for a couenant of the people for a light of the Gentiles to vp●n the blinde eyes c. Isa 55.3.4 And in another place I will make an euerlasting couenant with you euen the su●e Mercies of Dauid Behold I haue giuen hi● viz. the Word or couenant For a witnesse to the people a leader and a commaunder to the people Viz. a spirituall leader therefore he saith to him in the following words vers 5. Beho●d thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not and nations that knew not thee shall runne vnto thee because of the Lord thy God and for the holy one of Israel for he hath glorified thee this then is the glo●ie that he gi●es the Messiah who is the Word that he should call nations to the knowledge and obedience of the Wo●d therefore in this sense God saith to the Word in the second Psalme Psa 2.8.9 Ask of me and I will giue thee the heathen For th●ne inheritance and the v●term●st parts of the earth for thy posession the most remote nations shall come to the knowledge and obedience of thee or else as it is added Thou shalt b●eake them with a Rod of yron that is with thy owne power as he saith elsewhere with the Rod of thy
strength Psa 110. thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potters ve●●●ll that is if they goe aboute to h●nder thy Kingdom will not suffer the Word to rule in theire dominions but either hinder the preaching thereof and soe the raigne of the Word or doe not further it but s●t vp or suffer another Word new and contrarie doctrines a thinge endangering the bruising and ruin of any Kingdom or nation as it was of the cheife Preists and Iewes and may be of others as it followeth vers 10.11 Be wise now therefore ô ye Kings be wise in this point be instructed ye Iudges of the earth be conten●ed to be instructed in the Word Serue the Lord wi●h feare viz in obeying and farthering his Word and ve●●yce with trembl●ng Be glad his Kingdom may come into youres embrace it for it will honour and strengten youres and noe way endanger it vnles when ye neglect it vers 12. therefore he addeth K●sse the Sonne lest he be angri and ye perish from the way c. Where to Kisse the Sonne is nothing else them to receiue and embrace the Word of God as ye saw proued aboue All this is confirmed vnto vs in the vision which Daniel saw that is to say that the Messiah was to be such and such his Kingdom for when Daniel had beheld the fower beasts See willer on Dan. 7. which were fower Kingdoms the last of them beeing indeede that of the Selucians and P●olomies signified also by the two legs Dan the Dominion whereof should * vers 12. vers 13.14 be taken away aboute the time that Christs Kingdom should come ●he addeth I saw in the night visions and behold one like the Sonne of man came with the clouds of heauen and came to the Ancient of day●s and they brought him before him And there was giuen him Dominion and glorie and a Kingdom that all people and na●ion and languages should serue him h●● dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall not passe aw●y and his Kingdom that which shall not be d●stroied Loe this Kingdom of the M●ssiah must endure for euer but then it must need●s bespirituall and last after his death for it is after shewed him that the Messiah should soone be cut off euen a litle before the destruction of the citie and sanctuary chap 9.26 and the Prophet Isaiah saith plainely Isa 53. that he should die for our sinnes Isa 53.8.9 that he was cut off out of the land of the liue●ng for the transgression of my people was he stricken And he made his graue with the wicked c. But though he should suffer and die according to the flesh yet he should rule still as he is the Word and more after his death then before as it followeth He shall see his seede vers 11. men begotten againe by the Word He shall see the trauaile of his Soule vers 12. the fruite of his death and sufferings for when he had saide He shall beare thei●e iniquities the Lord addeth therefore will I diuide him a pertion with the greate and he shall diuide the Spoile with the stronge because he powred out his Soule vnto death he should haue the heathen to his inheritance the vtmost part of the earth to his posessiō His Apostles and ministers should conquer Kingdoms and bringe whole nations to be subiect to the Word D●n 7.18 vers 27. Which thinge is soe expounded there vnto Daniel But the Saints of the most high shal take the Kingdom and posesse it for euer and againe And the Kingdom and dominion and the greatnes of the Kingdom vnder the whole heauen shall be giuen to the people of the Saints of the most high whose Kingdom is an buerlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serue and obey him Loe the greatenes of the Kingdom vnder the whole hea●en is giuen to the Saints for Christ theire Maister is out of this World yet they shall subiect people to him whose Kingd●m is euerlasti●g therefore it is added all dominion shall serue and obey him the Kingdom is giuen to them yet the subiects thereof serue hi● which could not be after his death vnles he were the Word and his Kingdom truly sp●rituall Gods Kingdom Which is answerable to that Prophesie or promise ●●z k. ●4 Ezech. 34.23.24 I will se● vp one Shepheard ouer them and he shall feede them euen my seruant Dauid he shall feede them Dauid the type of Christ was now dead therefore this was meant of the Messiah who was to be Dauids Sonne soe it is added And he shall be theire Shephe●rd And I the Lord will be theire God and my Seruant Dauid a Prince amonge them One * Chap. c. King shall be Kinge to them all they sha●l haue one Shepheard who should clense them and make them walke in his iudgments and obserue h●s S●atutes soe his Tabernacle should be with them a●d he would betheire God There is but one cheife Shepheard the rest are his ministe●s and they ●ub●ect people to h●m they are all gouerned and fed by the Word as well after his as●ention as before Thus the Angel saide to Marie He shall be greate and shal be called the Sonne of the highest Luk. 1.32 and the Lord God shall giue vnto h●m the throne of his Father Dauid And he shall raigne ouer the howse of Iacob for ●uer For that is he the Word should raigne for euer as the one and only Spirituall Kinge and Shepheard And indeed at last when the Iewish nation that had refused him and was therefore scattered should be called and brought back into theire owne Land Mic. 4.6 then as it is added The Lord shall raigne ouer them in mount Zion from hence forth euen for euer Where he that is called the Word that should rule and iudge amonge the nations vers 2.3 is now affirmed to be the Lord to shew that he is God and Lord and indeed that his Kingdom is the Kingdom of God his Father and that it is so meant in those places of Ezechiel aboue mentioned and in others that speake of the Messiah and his Kingdom Now wee haue already shewed that Iesus was the promised Messiah Iesus Christ preached the same Kingdom and consequently that he had and hath this Kingdom but to proue that accordingly he preached the same ye may finde that when he the Word was come in the flesh and now ready to be baptised and so to enter vpon his ministration and gouernment by reuealing himselfe and thereby the Father his p●ecursor Iohn Baptist came preaching in the Wildernes of Iudea Mat. 3.1 Mark 1.2 Mal. 3.1 And saying Repent ye for the Kingdom of God is at hand As it is writen in the Prophets Behold I sende my Messenger and he shall prepare the way before me And the Lord whome ye seeke viz the Messiah shall suddenly come to his Temple viz * Ioh. 18.20 there to teach
things which are held abonte them But righteousnesse and peace c. Soe may it be saide for other traditions and preceps of men the Kingdom of God is not the single life of Romish Preists theire obserued fasts and feasts inuocation of Saints the Popes succession in Peters chai●e as head of the Church priuate masses drawing Soules out of purgatorie and the like which as themselues confesse are not commaunded in the Word but righteousnes peace and all such things as are taught in the Gospell Ministers must be faithfull Stewards and dispensers thereof by preaching and others that haue the gift by perswading exhorting writing and the like As euery man hath receiued the gift 1. Pet. 4.10 euen so should he minister the same vnto another as good steward of the manifold grace of God He that had one talent dit not so others did The Citizens in the parable that hated him and saide wee will not haue this man to raigne ouer vs were such as opposed the Wo●d or any part or portion thereof deliuered in t●●ents h●ting the light manifested by them which is to despise and re●ect him the Word that commeth to rule theire hearts to enlighten them and raigne there of whome therefore he saith Those mine e●emies that would not that I should raigne ouer them bringe hither c. All which proofes of Gods Kingdom duely considered doe manifest that the Pope and church of Rome doe grosely deceiue and are deceiued The Pope can not be Christs Vicar nor the Church of Rome his Kingdom who oppose the Word of grace reuealed in teaching for doctrines those precepts traditions of men aboue mentioued and diuers other strange doctrines of free will ignorance force of theire traditions merrits worshipping of Images with many the like not commaunded but forbidden and confuted in the Word and yet bea●e the World in hand that the Pope is Christs vica●generall head of the church that the church of Rome is the true church of Chr●st and so that Rome is the seate of Christs Kingdom that Gods Kingdom is there when yet God by the Apostles saith 2. Ioh 9. 1. Tim. 6.3 He that abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God If any man teach otherwise and consent not to the wholesome words euen to the words of our Lord Iesus Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godlinesse he is proud knowing nothing the man of sinne and his ministers proud aboue all other hereticks and ye see Gods Kingdom is there only where though men so n●ime sinne of infirmitie yet as is requi●ed the Word of God is consented to receiued in all things not reiected in any thinge it teaches From all which wee may reason thus Christ is the Word reuealed in Scriptures and that Word alo●e must rule in all matters of faith and saluation Whosoeuer therefore shall not consent to that Word in all matters of faith and saluation but shall of his owne pretended authoritie set vp for doctrines any that are not taught in the Word or that are new or contrarie therevnto he is rebellious and an vsurping Autichrist and he that doth it in most points and so as none other doth he is the grand Antichrist But the Pope doth n●t consent to that Word in all matters of faith and saluation but of his owne pretended authority sets vp for Doctrines many others that are not taught in the Word and that are new and contrarie therevnto therefore he is rebellious and an vsurping Antichrist yea the grand Antichrist because he doth it in more points then euer any did and so as none euer did as in those perticulars aboue mentioned diuers others which wee shall haue occasion to p●oue in the sequell here it needes not because also many haue sufficiently donne it Now from this proposition and conclusion followes another They that doe not consent to the Word in all matters of faith and saluation but receiue for Doctrines those new and contrarie precepts of the Pope which he of his owne pretended authori●ie sets vp they are conspiring rebels and giue him the Kingdom he power and the glory of commaunding and beeing obeyed in such things But the Papists doe not consent to the Word in all matters of faith and saluation but receiue for Doctrines those new and contrarie precepts of the Pope which he of his owne pretended authori●●e sets vp therefore they are conspiring Rebels and giue him the Kingdom the Power and the glo●●e of commaund●ng and beeing obeyed in such things Both theese are so manifestly true that all that are of any reasonable vnderstanding must needes perceiue and confesse as much vnlesse because they haue not receiued the Loue of the Truth nor continued in the Word they can not know the Truth but are by God giuen ouer to belee●e lies or because they teaching or rece●●ing for doctrines precepts of men the wisdom of theire w●se men i● hid and they in Gods iust iudgment are giuen ouer ●o such blindnes that they can not see things see euident that is to say Rom. 10.11 Psa 66.7 that they are rebellious and conspiring vsurpers a disobedient and gainesaying people * Psal 33.6 Heb. 1.3 Rom 1.16 1. Cor. 1.18 Heb. 1.3 2. Pe● 3.7 see Character of a Christian pag. 47. For God ruleth by his power for euer that is by the Word which is his power whereby he hath made gouernned and vpheld all things and Christ is that Word the power of God and the wisdom of God 1. Cor. 1.24 therefore when he had saide he ruleth by his power for euer his eyes behold the nations who obey it and who not he addeth let not the rebellions exalt themselues viz. against it or aboue it in any point as psa 107.11 they rebelled against the words of God that is against the power by which he ruleth against Christ But in the Pope of Romes Kingdom the Word is not consented to ●n all things as is requ●●ed 〈◊〉 Tim. 6.3 But reiected and opposed he * Idē pag. 249. 293. and they are rebellious and exalt themselues against the word in many greate ma●ters of saith and saluation which it teacheth and so aboue all that is called God so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God as God shewing himselfe that he is God viz. most maister in theese things one whose Word is the supreame law must be beleeued and obeied which the Turke doth not he giues not foorth his words for lawes binding the conscience in matters of faith and saluation as the Pope doth and soe taketh the Kingdom the power and glorie from God and his Word to himselfe and his errours therefore Gods Kingdom is not in the Romish church the Pope is an vsurper and Papists that defend or follow his lawes and doctrines against the Word are rebellious conspirators giueing to the Pope Christs gouernment the Kingdom the power and the glorie choosing rather to be ruled by him
then by the Word and soe reiecting Christ and his Kingdom they breake his bands asunder and cast his cords frō them In further proofe whereof Psa 2.3 obserue He who is the Word saith to his Disciples Luk. 10.8.9 Into whatsoeuer citie ye enter and they receiue you say vnto them the Kingdom of God is come neere vnto you that is because in theire preaching the Word is come to rule and enlighten them in all things needefull to saluation the Arme that should rule for God is come the Word of which is saide He shall iudge amonge the nations and to whome is saide Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies vers 16. for he saide then to his Apostles He that heareth you heareth me viz. me the Word and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me viz. whos 's Word I am vers 11. and who should rule for him therefore he saith there And if they receiue you not say vnto them the verrie dust of youre citie wee w●pe of against you notwithstanding be ye sure of this that the Kingdom of God is come nigh vnto you viz. in the Word there preached though they will not receiue him to rule them but * Psal 107.11 Dan. 9 5. Rom. 10.21 Mat. 21.43 Chap. 23.37 rebell against the Word and conspire to expell him and his Kingdom out of theire citie First then wee see that this beeing the fault of Ierusalem of the cheife Preists and other Iewes who gainsaied his doctrine put him to death and persecuted his seruants Therefore saith he say I vnto you The Kingdom of God shall be takē from you and giuen to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof Often would I haue gathered thy children together as c. and ye would not Behold youre howse is left vnto you desolate for I say vnto you you shall not henceforth see me viz. me the Word till ye say blessed is he that commeth in the Name of the Lord. viz. with the Word and Truth reuealed And secondly hereby also wee may see the greate wickednes of the Pope and Church of Rome Vers 13. who also shut vp the Kingdom of God against men like the Scribes and Pharises Luk. 11.52 neither entring in themselues nor suffering others that would for they also take away the key of knowledge they will not suffer the Word manifested in Scriptures in diuers points of faith and saluation to be preached amonge thē nor read in a knowne tounge but fight against the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles persecute the professors thereof giue theire traditions * Concil Tri. Sess 4. Mark 7.13 equall authoritie and reuerence with the Word obey them more and indeede make the Word of God of none effect with theire traditions and in all theese things conspire and rebell against the Word and expell him and his Kingdom out of all theire Cities Vilages and Howses Which in some degree is also donne by such carnall and feigned Gospellers as call themselues Protestants and yet are enemies to preaching hearing and writing or what worse is set vp new and contrarie doctrines against the Word of Grace such as those of Pelagius Arminius and others for false doctrines are by Christ called tares Mat. 13.25 and he that soweth them is iudged an enemie of Christ and his Kingdom and if that be true which our Sauiour saith of Neuters and lukewarme Ministers Who doe not seeke the Kingdom of God and the righteousnes thereof but their owne gaine ease or honour He that is not with me is against me Mar. 12.30 and he that gathereth not with me scattereth How much more will they be found against the Word who either oppose and scorne preaching or set vp new and contrary doctrines hindring his absolute raigne and the peace of his Kingdom this doe all Hereticks and Seducers who bringe in another word to rule in matters of faith and saluation Theire word eates at the Word and Kingdom of God 2. Tim. 2.17 and so at the roote like a canker or gangrene and therfore they are seditious Preachers in Gods Kingdom moueing people to fall from Gods word obedience to theires and what in them is ● Thef 2.16 Forbidding men to speake to people some things of the Gospell that they might be saued to fill vp theire sinnes alway for the wrath is come vpon them to the vttermost This Kingdom Christ had in some Christ had and hath this Kingdom as in the Apostles many other Disciples beleeuers who by the Word were regenerated gouerned in all matters of faith and saluation and to such he the Word Mat. 19 2● saith Ye which haue followed me in the regeneration when the Sonne of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye shall also sit c. and inherit euerlasting life Chap. 24.14 This Gospell of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witnesse to all Nations Walke worthy of God 1. Thes 2.12 who hath called you to his Kingdom and glorie Who hath deliuered vs frō the power of darknes Col. 2.13 hath translated vs into the Kingdom of his deere Sōne This Kingdom he cōmended to his Apostles Ministers saying Seeke ye the Kingdō of God the righteousnes thereof All power is giuen to me in Heauen in Earth Goe ye therfore teach all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you and loe I viz. the Word am with you allwayes euen vnto the end of the World As if he saide because all power is giuen to me therefore ye may goe into all Kingdoms of the world and teach the Gospel noe man noe King ought to forbid you because if they doe not subiect to him it is saide Psal 2. He shall bruise them with a rod of yron and againe Be wise now therefore ô ye Kings Kisse the Sonne lest he be angrie c. And when after his resurrection they asked of him Act. 1.6.7 saying Lord wilt thou at this time restore againe the Kingdom to Israel He saide vnto them it is not for you to know the times and the seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power But ye shall receiue power after that the Holy Ghost is come vpō you and ye shall be witnesses vnto me both in Ierusalem and in all Iudea and in Samaria and vnto the vttermost part of the Earth Act. 26.17 I now send thee to the Gentiles to open theire eies to turne them Dan. 7.27 c. Wherein that of Daniel was fulfilled The greatnes of the Kingdō vnder the whole heauē shall be giuē to the people of the Saints of the most high whose Kingdom is an euerlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serue obey him For theese brought whole Natiōs to
and consequently to take away both our place and nation Our place that is where our God is somwhat worshipped in sacrifices c. This is somwhat and better this then none at all if wee goe any further to suffer a deale of preaching of a new law and Kingdom that is further from the heathen religion and soe wee may anger them more and loose all seeing in policie to please them wee should rather come neerer them at least in things indifferent Therefore also when Paul preached at Thessalonica Act. 17.5 The Iewes which beleeued not moued with enuie gathered a Company and set all the citie on an vprore and drew out Iason and certaine brethren vnto the rulers of the citie crying Theese that haue turned the World vpside downe are come hither also and theese all doe contrary to the decrees of Cesar saying that there is another King one Iesus Whence wee may see that though they knew that Iesus had longe before left this life yet they wilfully infer that his followers contest to haue him to be another Kinge besides or against Caesar Iewes say that preaching disturbeth Caesars Kingdom and that this Kingdom in the preaching of the Word turned the World vpside downe and soe disturbed dishonoured and endangered Caesars Kingdom And this the high Preist and Elders say of saint Paul We haue found this man a pestilent fellow Act. 24.5 And mo●eth sedition and a mouer of sedition amonge all the Iewes throughout the World and a ringleader c. That is by preaching Iesus Christ and obedience due to him as if they saide this doctrine maketh them stuborne and seditious against C●sar and his ministers This or the like hath beene and euer was the wilfull assertion of all enemies of the truth whether Infidels or Papists and other hereticks and prophane scoffers of preaching and hearing but against this out Sauiour saith my Kingdom is not of this World and consequently hurteth not the tranquilitie of temporall Kingdoms but rather makes them floorish and excell in Iustice and honour as the experience of all ages hath openly shewen in the sight of all traducers of the Word preached And first that the same doth not make nations of a contrarie religion the more ready to inuade them Preaching of the Gospel doth not cause inua●ions or if it doe the more the true preaching of Gods Word is maintained by a Prince in any Kingdom the more doth God defend that Kinge and Kingdom from inuasion and ruin and to the honour thereof turne the destruction vpon his and theire inuaders and enemies Dauid was a greate louer and maintainer of the teaching of Gods Word also of prayer reading holy conference for theese haue theire due and how exceedingly did his Kingdom florish and he prosper and preuaile against the enemies thereof 2. Chro. 1●2 And Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord He tooke away the Altars of the strange Gods and the high places and brake downe the Images And cōmanded Iudah to seeke the Lord to doe the law the commandemēt And the Kingdō was quiet before him Marke here quiet free frō sedition And whē Zerah the Ethiopian came out against him with a thousand thousand and three hundred charets Asa cried vnto the Lord and he smote the Ethiopians before Asa and Iudah So that the Prophet saide to them Chap. 15.2 Chap. 16.2.7 The Lord is with you while you be with him But if ye forsake him he will forsake you as this Asa found when after leauing to trust in God he sought to the Kinge of Syria and relied on him Chap. The Lord was with Iehoshaphat because he walked in the first waies of his Father Dauid sought not to Balaam but to the Lord and Walked in his comandements and tooke away the high places and sent diuers preists and others who tooke the booke of the law of the Lord with them Vers 5.10 and went aboute throughout all the cities of Iudah and taught the people Therefore the Lord stablished the Kingdom in his band and all Iudah brought to Iehoshaphat presents he had riches and honour in abundance And the feare of the Lord fell vpon all the Kingdoms of the lands that were round about Iudah so that they made no war against Iehoshaphat but some of the Philistines and Arabians brought him presents and he waxed exceeding greate behold here ye traducers the fruite of due preaching and teaching Hezekiah also did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord Chap. 31.20 21. Chap. 32. Chap. 34. wrought greate reformation amonge the Preists and people to seeke God wherefore he prospered and God deliuered him and his from the greate Host of Senacherib Iosiah also purged Iudah and Ierusalem from the high places renued the couenant betweene God and the people and caused the booke of the Law to be read and obserued Wherefore it was saide to him thou shalt be gathered to thy graue in peace and that euill should not come vpon the citie in his dayes The Emperour Constantine notwithstanding that in a manner all his Predecessors were Pagans most of them persecutors Maxentius and Licinius sharers with him in the Empire heathen Tirants persecutors and his enemies and though besides an infinitie companie of heathen people almost the whole Senate of Rome were of the heathen faction and so continued after him yet did he embrace the Christian Religion fight for it seeke to propogate it called a generall Councell to repres the Arrian heresie afther the councell caused the bookes of the Arrians to be burned and greatly loued and furthered the preaching of the Gospell and all the truest Professors thereof and how exceedingly did God defend him from his mightiest enemies and bringe them into his subiection In so much that some haue thought that that which is spoken in the Reuelation of a man child Reu. 12. which the Church should bringe foorth that should rule all Nations with a rod of yron was fulfilled in him But to come neerer our owne times Popish errour and superstition had greatly corrupted the Christian Religion and doctrine in many parts thereof whē God raised vp in France Waldo a meane mā who yet studdying the Scriptures discouered many of theire errours and abuses and had many followers who were mightely miracalously preserued for a longe time and though in the ende they were vanquished by the Beast that for a time should warre with the Saints ouercome them Reu. 13.7 yet because the Scriptures shew that the Beasts Kingdom must also goe to wrack God at last raised vp against it Luther a Meane Monke a priuate Doctor who notwithstanding that he his Protectour the Duke of Saxonie were exceedingly opposed and persecuted by the Pope the Emperour and other mightie aduersaries yet were they deliuered and wonderfully prospered and preuailed The like might be shewed of diuers other Princes of
naturall power is the cause of Predestination and soe in effect of redemption of vocation iustification glorification all which theire grosse errours beeing also followed and mantained by the Arminians of our times as the * Pelagius rediuiuus Parallelismus With the second Parallel Parallel proueth doe take the Kingdom honour and power from the Word of God from grace which should raigne Rom. 5.21 and giue it to nature and the foreseene works thereof yea all the honour and power of election conuersion and saluation from God and his free grace and Power in Christ and giue it to nature and the works thereof Thus while they presume to make to God a minde word out of theire owne noe maruaile if they to theese errours adde others as presumptuous against the perseuerance of the Saints and certainty of saluation For how should they beleeue perseuerance that giue so much and euen perseuerance it selfe where it is to fraile nature Men that are called into the grace of Christ Gal. 1.6 Men that stand by grace Rom. 5.2 and that are * Rom. 6.14 Gal. 5.4 Reu. 9.1 Isai 14.13.14 not vnder the Law but vnder grace will easely beleeue that they that thus highly exalt nature are fallen from grace Euen as the Starre is saide to fall from heauen who would exalt his throne aboue the Starres and be like the most high that would be vniuersall Bishop vsurpe Christs place and take the Kingdom the power and the glorie from the Father and his Word and giue it to himselfe and his traditions and errours of free will merrits satisfactions c. And how then should they but fall away and doubt of the certainty of saluation who build vpon such rotten foundations of theire owne the Saints may be more certaine for theire perseuerance and assurance is built vpon a surer Word and not on such Pelagian and Popish dreames nouelties which indeed are doctrines of this World and Antichristian not the Word of that Kingdom which is not of this World Ioh. 8.44 but errours comming from the Father of lies doctrines of deuils and so meere Idols cleane contrarie ye see and opposit to the whole purpose and scoape of Gods truth and new couenant of grace reuealed in the Gospel as might be shewed more at large if many others had not alreadie donne it The Pelagians therefore and Demipelagians Papists Arminians and others of that stampe who thus bringe doctrines contrarie to the Word of grace Act. 13.8.10 as with Elimas the sorcerer they turne away Princes and Magistrates from the faith and are therein children of the deuill and enemies of all righteousnes peruerting the right waies of God soe doe they not lesse then set vp Idols other words to rule mens soules and to be reuerenced beleeued followed and consequently draw the iudgments of God on that Kingdom or nation whereinto they intrude thē and are therein noe better then seditious preachers in Christs Kingdom mouers of rebellion and apostacie against Christ if not traitors to those Princes also whome they perswade to receiue them to the extreme danger and hazard of theire Kingdoms as Bishop Carlton also proueth pag. 214. against the Appealer because God almightie that is euer iust must needes doe to them if they doe not repent and amend as he did to those Emperours and Kings that suffered theese and the like errours in Saint Augustines dayes when the Gothes and Vandals ouerran all and as before that he had donne to Salomon and others in like case 1. King 12.27.28 and namely to Ieroboam who when he and his councell in polecie to preserue his owne Kingdom brought in some new doctrine and worship set vp Idols stretched out his hand against the prophet Chap. 13.33.34 Chap. 16.2.3 made preists of the lowest of the people and ordained high places the text saith This thinge became sinne vnto the howse of Ieroboam euen to cut it off and to destroy it from of the face of the earth Soe was it with Baasha and others And seing the Apostle saith let noe mā deceiue you with vaine words for because of theese things commeth the wrath of God Ephes 5.6 so must it needes be in the Christian Church with them that maintaine or suffer errou●s for therfore Christs saith to the Church of Thyatira which suffered the woman Iezabel to teach and to seduce his sernants Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultry with her into greate tribulation except they repent of theire deedes And I will kill her children with death c. Thus therefore must it needes fall out with those Churches and states that suffer the Bomish superstition and lawes or other heresies to be taught in theire dominions much more if they maintaine them and soe cōmit fornication with that whore or any other hereticall teachers And this as I saide haue those Emperors Kings and Princes found that haue either receiued whether in polecie or otherwise the errours of Heriticks or the Antichristian doctrine of Rome as for suffering of heresies was instanced in some Emperours and might be in many others Now for poperie it would be to longe to recite the examples of Gods iudgments that fell vpon those Emperours Kings and Princes or on theire issue and Kingdoms in Germanie England France Spaine and other parts who subiected themselues o● theire people and Kingdoms to the Popes Supremacie and to his superstitions lawes rites and errours or temporised with him in some of them therefore omitting the most obserue only theese few The Easterne Emperours Iudgments that fell on temporisors in religion Iustinian and after him Phocas in polecie the better to recouer and keepe Italie did the Popes much honour and greatly furthered theire supremacie who soone after by Gods iust iudgment in requitall setting themselues against the Emperours theire successors in the cause of Images made the greatest part of Italie reuolt from the Emperours obedience After this the Emperour Constantine 7. and his mother Irene to get the Popes fouour and thereby to recouer some parts of the western Empire or keepe those they had from reuolting summon a second councell at Nice and there with stronge hand they get the worshipping of Images established which temporising God soe cursed that within twelue yeares after God suffered the more full reu●lt and the Pope to crowne Charles the greate Emperour of the W●st The Emperours of Greece had longe held warre with the Turkes at last leauing to trust in God and relying on humane polecie to get the Popes fauour and by his meanes the aide of Christian Princes the Emperour Iohn Paleologus brings the Easterne Bishops to reconcile in all differences the Greeke Church to the Lat● Concil Flo● anno 1439. and there in the councell of Florence he gets them besides other articles to agree that the soules of the faithfull that haue not yet satisfied for their sinnes goe to purgatorie that the Pope of Rome
rapins murders alterations The Popes of Rome themselues after they began to keepe the people in ignorance and to make the Word of God of none effect with theire traditions Anastatius in Vigilio haue no● beene free from theire outrages and insolercies as wee may see in the liues of V●g●lius Leo the third * Zonar to 3. pag 79. Iohn the fourtenth Gregory the fift many others and indeede seeing they would not let them know the things ●hat belonged to theire peace how could it be otherwise Whereas here in England vnder the Gospell Gods Word makes the heaters luffer and be peaceable notwithstanding all those greiuances whereof the commons haue of late yeares complained soe much in Parliaments and now this last summer in theire remonstrance of diuers leuies and other things against theire priueleidges the lawes liberties and religion established of the increase of poperie the freinds that Papist Arminians haue had in court and the carriage of many things at home and abroade by the late Duke and his faction to the greate los●e and dishonour of this Kingdom and aduantage of the aduersaries yet blessed be God and to the honour of his Word preached it may be spoken noe man euer saw a sword drawen to remedie theese things but the commons and diuers of the Lords haue still sought redresse by humble petition and not as in time of poperie or as the Iesuits hoped and practised who loue to fish in troubled streames The Duke and others of his partie that for the most part defeated preuented the howse with whisperings and were soe greate freinds to Arminiaisme and poperie knew that the Gospell awed Protestants and kept them from armes reuenge and that they could not haue escaped with soe many iniuries donne to any other religion whatsoeuer soe vnkinde in the meane while were theese detractours to that religion by which cheifely vnder God they haue held theire liues honours without the least violence offered by such as groaned vnder thē And whereas of late there hath beene some vnrulines in Sallours and Souldiers If men consider that the remonstrance declareth the increase of poperie and Arminiaisme the fauour that those of theese religions haue found of courtiers as wel of Bishops as others that Schollars finde the latter the way to preferment that orthodoxe preachers though conformable in rites formerly commaunded are not preferred but rather molested opposed lectures bookes against theese aduersaries prohibited or hindred thē they will cōfesse that this vnrulines of Saylours others comes rather from hence that the preaching of Gods Truth which restraineth all sorts of people is not so much countenanced now as formerlie but insteade thereof contrarie doctrines finde the fauour The true knowledge and worship of God beeing failed in the dayes of Salomon Rehoboam then the people began to waxe stoute to mutinie and reuolt The preaching manifestation and knowledge of Gods Word are the * Psal 2.3 cords and bands of Christ which hould restraine men so that theese things when they are countenanced preuent such mutinies and sau● Magistrates much labour in gouernment The knowledge of Christ who is our wisdom maketh † Soli qui ejus doctrina imbuti sunt prudentes dicendi sunt Bern. de ordi vit Psal 18. Psal 66.7 Psal 76.10.12 men wise They are easely ruled by a few whome God ruleth It is God that subdueth the people vnder me saith Dauid and it is hard to gouerne them by many and wise whom the Lord doth not gouerne restraine who ruleth by his power for euer euen the rebellious who restraineth wrath stilleth the raging of the Sea and the madnes of the people * Psal 127.1 Except the Lord build the howse they labour in vaine that are builders of it Except the Lord keepe the Citie the watchman waketh but in vaine For if they heare not Moses and the Prophets nor Christ and his Apostles neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead Heb. 4. For the Word of God is mightie in operation c. † 2. Co. 10.5 Rom. 1. Bringing into captinitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ and consequently to the higher powers to whom he hath commaunded euery Soule to be subiect as to the powers ordained of God And that in euery ordinance that doth not resist ●he Word or the manifestation thereof Act. 4.19 but if they doe then whether it be right to hearken vnto you more then vnto God iudge ye If any say that preaching and writing aboute Predestination Free will perseuerance and the like cause discord and trouble I answer there may be a time when men may be to buisie and curious in disputing and writing on such points that is when in them the Church is at rest in the Truth But if Pelagians haue peruerted the truth in those points and infected people with the poisen of theire doctrines then it is noe time to forbid preaching or writing against them 1. Because Pelagian Arminian Prelates may presse such decrees with all power to suppresse Orthodoxe labours in that kinde and sparing theire owne mens works at pleasure may preuaile thereby and this were not to worke a right peace and vnion 2. Because the Truth of God must be vindicated least as a worthy Bishop inferred Bishop Carlton Examinat of the appeale pag. 126. the infection should spread further the greah mysteries of our salvation should be shakē by giueing libertie to theese beginings a more generall apostacie should follow that as much in other points as in theese 3. Luk. 19.41 And principally because Christ with teares sayde to Ierusalem of the mysteries he taught that they were the things that belonged to her peace wishes that she had therefore knowne and receiued thē because he knew they would worke peace and that when they were hid from her eyes sedition and ruin must needes follow and soe they did as ye may see in the Acts Iosephus and others Act. 21.29.30 Besides as the faithfull Bishop proueth they are the Appealers doctrines B. Carlton in Exam. p. 214. if not confuted that endanger the State though he say they are not ap●ae natae to breede dangers like a desperate man that sets a howse on fire and sayes there is noe danger The ignorance of Gods Word and Truth therein contained soe deepely concer uing Gods glory is able not only to breede danger but to cause destructions of Curches and States The Prophet complaineth that the people of the Iewes were destroud and led into Captiuity for want of knowledge Then the want of knowledge of God and of the holy doctrines of Gods Word is a thinge aptanata to throuw States and Kingdoms into destruction And the true knowledge thereof is a thinge apta nata to keepe States and people from destruction To preuent such ruins and the cause of them apostacie from God he saith I desired the
preaching or writing are called and chosen and faithfull Ioh. 3.8 Called of God whose Spirit bloweth where it listeth * 1. Cor. 12.11 psa 8. mat 21. Luk. 19.40 Reu. 1.6 Diuiding to euerie man seuerally as he will and who out of the mouths of Babes and sucklings ordaineth strength and who would make the Stones to speake if theese should hold theire peace And let noe man obiect theire basenes for he hath made them Kings and preists vnto God his Father and soe much the fitter for this worke They are also Chosen by him For ye see youre calling brethren 1. Cor. 26.27 28.29 saith Paul to the Corinthians how that not many wise men after the flesh not manie mightie not many noble are called But God hath Chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise the weake things of the world to confound the mightie c. That noe flesh should glorie in his presence They are also faithfull they doe not bauke the cause of God and for the richers or honours that theese Kings or theire fauorits or the Beast or seducers ofter them they doe not call euill good and good euill put darkenesse for light nor light for darknesse that is errour for truth and truth for errour Isa 5.20 nor doe they iustifie the wicked for a reward and take away the righteousnes of the righteous man from him but with the psalmist they speake the truth that is in theire heart * Reu. 14.5 In theire mouth was found noe guile And with Paul they set themselues against seducers as he against Elimas Act. 13. that sought to turne away the deputie from the faith and to peruert the right way of God And when some of theese Kings and States are conuerted From poperie to Christ that is when a tenth part of the citie seated on many waters fell from the Church of Rome to the Gospell Reu. 11.13.15 or soone after it is saide The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall raigne for euer and euer Because not the Beast but the Word doth now gouerne Soules in them They therefore that are protestant Princes and foe haue giuen theire names to Christ against Antichrist should draw theire swords and not suffer any of theese Kingdoms prouinces or cities to be wōne againe by the sword or seducers from Christ to poperie but rather indeauour to winne from the Beast and his vpholders and as soone as may be to execute vpon the whore the iudgment written seeing such honour haue all his saints Psa 149.9 Reu. 17. and it is saide they shall make her desolate and naked and burne her with fire and herein they are saide to follow Christ the warre therefore is not bloodie and vniust for it is saide there chap. 19.14 vers 11.13 In righteousnes doth he iudge and make warre and his name is called the Word of God and that the armies followed him vpon white horses clothed in fine li●en white and cleane and consequently the blood of theese his enemies doth not defile them for they follow the Word of God and fight for his Kingdom who is the Word against these that oppose the Word and make him and his Kingdom of none effect with theire traditions and errours Therefore though peace can neuer be sufficiently commended yet it can not be good to haue peace with her nor with those Kings that fight her battailes to support and propagate her Kingdom espetially when they are in those warres as in theese dayes striueing to bringe all to her obedience Reu. 19.6 When Rome which is the greate whore is burned a greate voice is heard Saying Alleluia for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth Whereas before not the Word but she gouerned the Soules of thousands in matters of faith and saluation And will they then be slack in giueing theire weapous moneies labours and counsailes to this worke the Papists and theire Princes are not so in theire warres against vs to bringe vs to the Popes obedience Wee are to remember what Christ saith He that is not with me is against me Epis Winton Tortura Torti in Epist And therefore as a greate Prelate saide in a like case This cause is of that kinde where when a man gathereth not with Christ he scattereth with Christs aduersarie where vnlesse one deliuer the faith neither shall he deliuer his soule Also when the common cause is brought into danger let no man be a spectatour but euery one an actour and when the cause of all men is handled there with all power and labour with all studie and indeauour to skirmish stoutly for it And herein in what low state soeuer a man be yet let him be a Christian. Aug. de peecat merit 18. And as Augustine saith Neither is there any midle place for any man that he can be with any other then the deuil who is not with Christ That also is true of Princes in this case of warre They that are with him are called and chosen and faithfull They are not like the children of Ephraim who beeing armed and carrying bowes turned back in the day of battaile Reu. 17.14 Psal 78.8.9 See Character of a Christian Pag. 217. they doe not on euery flight occasion desist and start aside like a broken bow Or which is all one they doe not trust the managing of theese wars and the counsailes thereto belonging to such as are newters lukewarme or temporising Arminians much lesse to any that are apparantly Popish and so will sooner betray forces and counsailes or bringe them to nothing then rightly vse them against the Beast or his supporters but they are like good Souldiers of Christ watchfull and carefull to doe this worke or see it donne with all zeale and diligence and like the Aduersaries they trust none to be commaunders or councellours herein but such as they finde by experience to be truly zealous in the cause of Religion whatsoeuer they doe this way in the worke of the Lord 2. Chron. 31.21 with Hezechiah they doe it with all theire heart and like those first conuerts in the Acts who did things with gladnes and singlenes of heart Act. 2 46 Thus faithfull are they that are with Christ in his warres against the Beast and his adherents But to leaue the further prosecution of this point to a Treatise of Romes Ruin Notwithstanding all theese things and diuers others that might be alleadged to this purpose the Papists without any greate resistance of auxiliarie forces haue acheiued many notable victories and greatly triumph in the Prouinces and Cities they haue reduced to the Romish obedience In diuers Kingdoms Prouinces and Cities where the Gospell of the Kingdom hath beene freely preached where the Word hath raigned they haue in a manner excluded him and his Kingdom and subiected the people to Popish superstition errour and seruitude so that though Christ be now in his
theire Champions and come to that which now they seeme to haue of theire owne How many greate dignities and officies haue they in theire Church endowed with proportionable meanes for theite greate estates What a greate number of Cardinals are there who from a meane place * See the Apologie for the oath of allegiance also Tortura Torti pag. 2. office and begining are come to be held in dignitie equall to Kings besides a number of Arch-Bishopwricks Bishopwricks verrie rich and potent in this world as Cullen Ments Treuiere and others with an number of other places of proffit and honour in Cathedrall Churches Colledges Monasteries and orders of religious howses The hope of rising to some of theese makes a greate number of Preists Iesuits friars and others contest practise and striue to intrude propogate and increase in all contries the Popes Kingdom and prower with all the labour and might they can inuent or procure often venturing theire liues I might say theire Soules to worke his ends and bringe people to his obedience because they see he and his cheife prelates haue wherewithall to reward theire greatest seruices Noe Friar soe meane but he may hope for his deligence and seruice to be Prior of his Couent the Prior to be prouincial the prouincial to become General of that order And soe Preists and Iesuits may in like manner hope to come by degrees to be Bishops and Cardinals and some to clime to the verrie papall throne What will not fraile men doe for such rewards Which made many that were noe true Pastors but * Ioh. 10.12 Sunt enim nonnulli qui dum plus terranneam substantiam quam oues diligunt meritò nomen Pastor is perdunt non enim Pastor sed mer cenarius vocatur qui nō pro amore intimo oues dominicas sed ad tem porales mercedes pascit mercenarius quippe est qui Pastor is locu tenet sed lucrum animarū non quaerit terrenis commidis inhiat honore praelationis gaudet Gregori hom 14. Aquin in Ioa. 10. hirelings contest daube excuse practise by hooke or crooke maintaine points in the councell of Trent who were after rewarded according to theire seruice and some before hand as the historie sheweth For they followed the way of Balaam who loued the wages of vnrighteousnes 2. Pet. 2.15 And thus both before and since in theire diucrs cases causes Which hath made many venture far Wee haue seene also that those follewers of the Trent practises the Arminians haue had theire rewards for straining theire wits and consciences And true it is that both the one the other may rise in iudgment with many who professe themselues theire aduersaries and Christs Seruants against Antichrist and all opposers and yet doe not striue soe much nor with such true zeale to winne Princes people by all honest and lawfull meanes from Poperie and Arminiaisme to the obedience of the Word nor indeede to strengthen keepe and confirme such as doe yet embrace the Truth and not oppose it in those points nor in others but rather by theire slacknes and coldnes suffer them to preuaile daily and proceede further and further in conquests and practises which the Aduersaries doe prosecute with feruent zeale to aduance and propogate theire religion for theire Kingdom is of this world Luk. 16.8 it is from hence And as our Lord saith The children of this world are wiser in theire generation then the children of light more vigilant more zealous more circumspect and constant in the prosecution of theire ends and in perseuerance therein because thereby they attaine and keepe a little momentarie bubble of wealth and honour then Christs Seruants are for the seeking of that Kingdom and the righteousnes thereof which makes truly rich and honourable here and rewards those with euerlasting life and happines hereafter who fight the good fight of faith for Christ and his Kingdom for so inseperable are the worke and the reward that Saint Paul saith to Timothie Fight the good fight of faith 1. Tim. 6.12 lay hold on eternall life To shew that to fight this good fight is to lay hold of eternall life to make our calling and election sure and therefore he saith I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course 2. Tim. 4.7 I haue kept the faith Hence forth there is laide vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me only but vnto them also that loue his appearing And so liue as those that loue it and looke for it But the children of this World that fight for other Kingdoms that giue them somwhat in present they will haue somwhat in hand they will haue wealth and honour heere And so they that will be honourable and haue commaund as they that will be rich 1. Tim. 6.9 fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drowne men in destruction and perdition this also doth the loue of a money the roote of all euill which some coueting haue erred from the faith Amonge other lusts they fall into this of fighting for Antichrist or Hereticks for the present honeur or proffit they hope to haue by it the loue of theese makes Iesuits and others venture to disturbe Kingdoms and States to further the Popes Kingdom that rewards them And this is a maine reason that moues some Kings Ren. 17.14 free Princes States to hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and burne her with fire That is to take all from her and fire her that she may not haue to giue rewards to them that disturbe theire Kingdoms and hinder the Kingdom of God and his blessings from theire Kingdoms which they should be sure to enioy in all peace and plentie if in matters of faith and saluotion they were only gouerned by him who the more to animate them to those warrs hath giuen them all the riches that are hers and indeede her champions also for therefore they are also called to the Supper of the greate God Reu. 19. to eate the flesh of Kings and the flesh or Captaines c. That is to take theire wealth riches and honours and posesse them which besides the heauenly reward is a feast of fat things that God will then make them But in the meane while Christ while he is to suffer giueth noe such things and therefore saith But now my Kingdom is not from hence Pilate therefore saide vnto him Art thou a King then Pilate therfore asked this question because Christ in saying and thrice repeating theese words my Kingdom had confessed that he had a Kingdom and consequently that himselfe was a Kinge and yet not out of any ostentation or desire that he had to speake thereof here before Pilate where he was sure it would cost him his life but beeing vrged by theire examinations to tell them Isa 53.9 he would