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A08275 A good companion for a Christian directing him in the way to God, being meditiations and prayers for euery day in the weeke; and graces before and after meate. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1632 (1632) STC 18609; ESTC S119834 97,176 420

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as are thine as feare thy name walking before thee and labouring to be vpright Lord send comfort vnto them and lift vp the light of thy gracious countenance vpon them And Lord receiue them and me and all that belong vnto me this night and euer vnto thy gracious protection through the mediation of Iesus Christ In whose name and words I finish these my imperfect prayers and meditations saying as he himselfe hath taught mee in the Gospell c. Our Father which art c. Saturday A Morning Prayer O Lord most great and gracious louing Father in Iesus Christ sanctifie I humbly beseech thee this day vnto me and my selfe now and euer vnto thy seruice And here O Lord I giue thee thanks for that thou hast kept me this night past vnto this present houre and moment and hast brought mee vnto the last day of the weeke grant that I may spend the same soberly righteously and holily Bring me to the knowledge of thy righteous will in all things that knowing it I may endeauour to doe the same to thy glory the peace of mine owne conscience and the safety of my soule Purge my soule from sinfull lusts and affections and cleanse my conscience from all pollutions and defilements thereof that I may euer with boldnesse of Spirit and affiance in thy mercy behold thy face and grace in Iesus Christ. Roote out of my minde all couetous malitious and lustfull thoughts keepe me from sinne and from vncleanenesse bee thou my guide in all my wayes my stay and succour in all my necessities Put an end and period vnto the motions of the flesh enlarge mine heart for all holy duties and habituall graces of thy Spirit that I may nourish them as my life In these my prayers I am not mindfull of my selfe alone but of thy whole Church howsoeuer distressed or wheresoeuer dispersed ouer the face of the earth I pray vnto thee likewise for thy seruant and our dread soueraigne Charles our king and gouernour O Lord as thou hast graced him with a crowne so crowne him with thy grace and as thou hast giuen him a glorious kingdome here so giue him heareafter part of thy kingdome of glory Be mercifull vnto our most gracious Queene Mary the young Prince Charles the Lady Mary the Lady Elizabeth her royall issue Blesse preserue and prosper all those that trauaile in an honest way whether by sea or land and likewise all women in trauaile with child and sicke persons troubled both in body or minde or howsoeuer diseased O Lord speake peace vnto their consciences and as thou hast laide them down with the one hand so raise them vp with the other if not to this life to life eternall and that not for any merits of mine Lord I disclaime them all but for the precious merits of thy Son our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Amen Saturday An Euening Prayer O Lord God Almighty mercifull Father maker and preseruer of all things looke downe I beseech thee with the eye of pitty and compassion vpon me miserable and sinfull wretch prostrating my selfe soule and body vpon my benknees before thy diuine maiesty humbly beseeching thee to looke vpon me in much mercy pardon my sins enrich me with thy graces sanctifie mee with thy grace and bring mee to thy glory and there refresh my soule with such things as eye hath not seene eare hath not heard neither hath entred into the heart of man to conceiue Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no flesh liuing be iustified Examine not my wayes this weeke past by the strict rule of thy Law neither reward me in the rigour of thy iustice but for Iesus Christ his sake haue mercy vpon me miserable sinner that haue deserued the seuerest of thy punishments As the heauens are higher then the earth so extend thy mercy beyond my deserts Satisfie my soule with thy mercy and that right soone so shall I reioyce and bee glad in thee and learne to praise thee euermore And now O Lord as this weeke is at an end so let my sins haue end and neuer bee reiterated or done any more Lord call me not to an exact account for them for Lord I confesse I am worthy of death and eternall damnation yet seeing there is mercy with thee that thou mightest bee feared and loued for euermore spare mee I humbly beseech and haue mercy vpon me according to the multitude of thy mercies And being graciously reconciled vnto thee be thou pleased to be my mercifull protector and preseruer from all perils and dangers this night blesse me with quiet rest that being refreshed in my body I may bee cheered vp in my minde and made the more fit to serue thee in the duties of my calling and sanctifie thy Sabbath and keepe it as a glorious day vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer before Sermon VOuchsafe O most mercifull God to open the closet of my dark vnderstanding that thy word may enter thereinto and be so receiued of me as that Ignorance the mother of disobedience being excluded heauenly knowledge may enter in and that growing daily in knowledge I may bee more and more renued in the spirit of my minde and doe all such good works as thou commandest and commendest vnto me in thy word Giue me grace that the seed of thy word being sowen in my heart it may take deepe roote downeward and bring forth fruit vpward to the credit of the Gospell the comfort of my poore soule and aboue all to the glory of thy most holy name So let thy Spirit rule and guide the lips of thy seruant and minister as that he vtter nothing but the word of Truth with such boldnesse that neither feare nor affection stop not the passage of the same Make mee to attend and waite vpon thine ordinance desiring to be satisfied with the crums that fall from this thy table And because the haruest is great the faithfull labourers but a few I pray thee who art Lord of the haruest to send forth such as may be industrious And conscionable in the discharge of their ministeriall duties Let thy Vrim and Thummim bee vpon them as vpon thine holy ones that sincerity of doctrine and integrity of conuersation may adorne their persons and beautifie their function and calling Banish from this sacred work al such as are not sent from thee let them haue no exhibition from thy church running without commission from thee Lord guide the heart and tongue of him whom I shall heare this day that he may speake home vnto my conscience and leaue no corruption vnbowelled but that his words may separate all sinfull affections from me and stir me vp to bee a follower of it in all holy vertues and gracious acts Blesse all the hearers of thy word make them doers of the same not deceiuing of their owne soules Grant that thy messengers diuiding the word aright and thy people keeping it carefully and
in flaxe soone inkindled and soone extinct soone hot and as soone cold And no other foundation haue those affections that are set vpon carnall and vanishing things A man may as is often obserued affect and hate as it were in one breath things variable and interchangeable for as all naturall things are inconstant so is mans heart Saul seemed so highly to affect Dauid as he was content to giue him his daughter in marriage yet how soone was his loue turned to deadly hatred It was not grounded vpon that loue that proceeds from the Spirit of God But Ionathans loue and affection to Dauid was grounded vpon a more diuine and setled opinion hee saw that God was with Dauid And vpon this ground whosoeuer foundeth his affection towards any man namely as hee findes him to be a man beloued of God his affection is approued of God O that wee could rectifie our loue in this point and learne to affect the best things and not to set our affections on things of the world which when wee haue them they steed vs nothing beyond necessity how superfluous soeuer they bee And when wee seeme to haue them in best assurance either they leaue us before the time or wee must leaue them in time Let us make choice therefore as Mary did of the better part namely to affect things permanent which are aboue and they most excellent Then need wee not to feare bee wee poore or rich high or low noble or base wee shall be able to set our houses both domestick of our soules in such compleate order as shall witnesse our godly care in our liues when wee are dead A preparatiue to Prayer LEt the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be now and alwayes acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer Let my prayer come before thee as Incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be as an Euening sacrifice like a morning obligation a sweet smelling sauour in thy nostrils Heare my prayers and answer me graciously for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Sunday Morning O Lord God Almighty euer-liuing and euer-louing Father in thy well-beloued sonne Iesus Christ who art father of all and rich vnto all that call vpon thy name in truth and sincerity to thee I call and cry together with thy forme and holy spirit three distinct persons in the vnity of essence who hauing made all things of nothing sustainest them in thy good prouidence by the word of thy power that thy name by all men and by all meanes might bee glorified Lord I acknowledge this day to be thine as consecrated and set a part for thy worship and service and to be obserued not only as a holy day but a glorious day vnto thee wherein I ought to pay my vowes vnto thee present my person and my prayers before thee heare thy word and meditate vpon the same to thy glory and mine owne good To this end remoue farre from me all wandring thoughts and worldly affections and worke in me a desire of studying thy Law and of walking in the truth that thy word may not bee vnto mee the sauour of death vnto death but of life vnto life I present not these my supplications trusting to my owne righteousnesse but in thy manifold mercies grant me therefore I beseech thee gratious audience and mercifull accepta●ce euen for my redeemers and sanctifiers sake And as duty obligeth mee principally and aboue all other things and primarily in the first place and before all other things I extoll thine infinite goodnesse together with thine eternall wisdome and truth that thou hast protected mee all this night past and made me to rest and sleepe so quietly vnder the shadow of thy wings And I beseech thee from the bottome of mine heart to protect me this day with thy mighty hand from all dangers both of body and soule giue thine holy Angels charge ouer mee to guide me in all my waies to keepe mee from euils both bodily and ghostly that keeping my faith and a good conscience I may haue thy witnesse and testimony within my selfe that thou hast not ordained me to wrath but to obtain eternall life and saluation To this end remoue farre from me the offences of this present euill world mortify and kill in me the concupiscense of the flesh crucifie all carnall lusts and affections that vice being supplanted vertue and grace may bee established liue and grow in mee Let not since haue dominion ouer mee reigne and beare rule in my mortall body to ouer-sway my soule and incline it unto euills but let thy loue possesse my soule that grace may incite and stirre vp the same vnto all holy duties which may be soe pleasing vnto thy maiesty as may procure thy fauourable kindnesse blessing and protection Giue mee a contrite heart to bewayle my former life and let mee finde comfort in thy mercy for the remission of my sinnes Sanctifie me O blessed and holy trinity this holy day with thine especiall grace that I may honour thee as a Creator loue thee as a redeemer and expect thee as a Sauiour that I may haue a modest carriage in my behauiour true deuotion in my prayers and reuerent attention in thy presence to heare thy word Vnlocke the cares of my body that I may heare those things which thou shalt teach me that hearing I may vnderstand them vnderstanding I may remember them remembring I may practice them to adorne that profession which I haue made in thy name and confirme mee in the faith of thy sonne Iesus Christ whereto I was baptized Raise mee O Father by the power of my sauiours resurrection from sinne and iniquity and giue me spirituall rest peace of conscience ioy in the holy ghost and fellowship in the communion of Saints that when I shall leaue this world I may keepe an euerlasting Sabbath with thee in the kingdome of heauen Behold O Lord I knock at the dore of thy mercy withall the power of my soule and strength of my minde for all these graces and fauours beseeching thee to continue vnto mee the right vse of the same that thy spirit may witnesse vnto my spirit that I am thy sonne and shall bee heire of thy kingdome of glory and that I may be partaker of the inheritance with thy Saints in light where are pleasures that last for euermore Grant this O Father for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Sunday Noone O Lord my God great in maiesty and infinite in mercy wonderfull in thy goodnesse vnto thy Church and children who hast commanded mee to make prayers and supplications for those that shall enter into the ministery and stand before thee to waite at thine Altar the har●est being great and the painefull and conscionable labourers but few I beseech thee that thou wouldest bee pleased to send able ministers into thy Church and set such ouer particular congregati●ns as like Iohn the Baptist may
vnpleasant and so at length refuseth necessary nourishment to sustaine and maintaine the body as is seen in sicke folkes when their Appetite decayes the Taste is out of order best meates and drinkes seeme vnto them of vnsauoury relish And this distemperature commonly proceeds by ouermuch oppressing the body by pleasing the Taste and ouer-charging the Appetite with surfeiting and drunkennesse whence doe spring all the infirmities and diseases of the body numberlesse as a punishment inflicted vpon such as abuse the good creatures of GOD to please their inordinate Tastes and Appetites Gods good creatures are abused by surfeiting and drunkennesse MANY are the varieties of Gods good creatures of both kindes both of meates and drinkes which he hath prouided for our vse not to bee abused but to bee receiued with thankesgiuing as wee are commanded that whether wee eate or drinke if wee receiue but a morsell of bread to sustaine vs or a cup of cold water to refresh vs we ought to receiue it and vse it to the honour and glory of God that giues it But how can hee eate to GODS glory or his owne good that eates to surfeit And how can he drinke to the praise of God that drinkes himselfe or others drunke Hee eates and drinkes to his owne shame beyond the measure of beasts which cannot be compelled to eate or drinke more than is sufficient vnlesse it be the Dogge the Wolfe and such vncleane creatures as eate to vomit and presently returne to their feeding and the swine that will drink drunke and wallow in the vncleane puddle To which Beasts Gluttons and Drunkards are fitly resembled Not to oppresse thy heart with ouer-eating and drinking TAke heed therefore lest at any time thy heart which is the principall part and life of thy body be ouercome with surfeiting and drunkennesse and so death seize vpon thee through thine excesse and thou dye suddenly as many haue done before thou canst either set thy domesticke estate thy soule or thy body againe in order and so be reputed author of thine owne death and descend suddenly to the pit of eternall perdition a fearefull farewell frō thy friends and family Eat not the bread of oppression BEware also thou eate not the bread of oppression nor drinke the wine of extortion rather let thy poore oppressed brother and sister be partakers with thee of thy bread and other the good creatures that God hath plentifully lent thee for to eate and drink alone of thine abundance when Lazarus lyeth lyeth crying at thy gates for meate is dangerous as appeareth by the example of the rich Glutton in the Gospell being in hell cryed for but could not get the drop of a finger of water to refresh him It is not ouer-feeding preserues life but brings diseases and shortens life THinke not that it is the fulnesse of delicate meates and most delitious wines and strongest drinks that continues thy life or maketh thee lusty and strong for the fattest and fullest fed bodies neyther liue longest nor proue strongest but are more subiect to sicknesses and infirmities and to many kindes of Maladies than are they that feed sparingly and temperately euen of meanest food and weakest drinkes receiued with thankefulnesse As Daniel who refused the daintiest fare that came from the Kings Table and chose rather in faith and the feare of God to feed on pulse or pease and became of better liking more fat and faire than his fellowes that fared and fed on the Kings dainties dilitiously euery day Thankefulnesse to God the sauce that seasons our meates and drinkes THe sweetest sauce that sauours and seasons all sorts of our meates and drinkes is thankfulnesse to GOD for giuing them faithfull prayer for a blessing vpon them And then let them bee neuer so meane bee it pulse pease roots or hearbs instead of daintiest foule or fish and a dish of cold water instead of wine shall sustaine poore men women and children and make them as fat faire and strong as such as fare farre more daintily as appeareth by many that haue very meane fare and yet liue by the blessing of God but if God send his creatures in a more ample manner they may not be abused nor the meanest contemned Meane fare through prayer sustaines the poore aswell as dainty faire the rich THey that eate and drink more for delight than they doe for their necessity of hunger and thirst may liue and looke as leane and meagre as the poorest and the poorest that eate and drinke with prayer and thankes shall bee sufficiently satisfied The rich many times turne the good gifts of God into wantonnesse through excesse and the poore doe often turne their penury and want of corporall food into the fulnesse of spirituall satiety and are sufficiently releiued their bodies well ordered and their health preserued Daintiest and meanest fare turne to like excrement THere is great difference indeed of the furniture of Tables all but for nutriment and did such as feed of the fairest and finest cates consider whether their delicate food turne not to like lothsome excremēt as doth meanest fare they might rather seeme to bee ashamed to thinke vpon the matter whereon they so much delight to feed that so soone turneth to that which lotheth them to looke vpon when it comes from them againe Then in regard of their dainties to despise meaner fare and such as feed on it Euery creature hath its proper food and appetite TASTE is common to man and beasts as are hearing seeing and the rest but are diuerse in appetite euery creature hath it's proper food and can by it's taste distinguish the proper from the improper nourishment and seldome exceeds in the vse so the temperate man the man knowing and fearing God findeth in himselfe a taste of another and of a more high nature a spirituall appetite and hungreth and thristeth as much for heauenly and permanent as doth the corporall appetite for vanishing and perishing food Spirituall taste and appetite BY this spirituall Taste he sauoureth the sweetnesse of the Lord how comfortable his mercies are and how operatiue his graces working in him an heauenly appetite Longing as Salomon did for Wisedom and Knowledge to governe his kingdome for spirituall and heauenly vnderstanding to gouerne his house the house of his soule and aboue all his soule it selfe which being out of order none of the rest can be in good order But when hee hath by this inward and spirituall taste discerned the bitternesse of Sinne and the sweetnesse of Sanctitie and brought his Affection● his Minde and Will to effect minde and desire heavenly things then his Appetite begins to hunger and thirst for the Kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof distasting all such Carnall Corporall and Worldly things as sauour not his renewed taste Then is faithfull prayer his onely exercise and the Word of Truth his onely delight What food pleaseth the spirituall taste His food is holy Meditation his practice H●militie Meekenesse Temperance and
bee burning lights burning as being zealous in feruency and lights also as being conspicuous and eminent for charity sanctity and all holy graces of thy spirit Thy Vrim and Thummim being on them as vpon thy holy ones let them be sound for doctrine and holy for life and conuersation preaching let them practice and by practice let them preach and teach the things which concerne thy kingdome Open and let open vnto them the dore of vtterance that they may teach thy word freely and boldly Take away all differences contentions from amongst them make them examples to those that beleeue in soundnesse of doctrine and integrity of conuersation And because the rule of my life depends vpon thy word in their mouthes blesse them with all graces fit for their calling that I may giue thanks vnto thee for them finding thy blessing vpon mee through their labours and may praise thy name for euermore Amen A Prayer for Sunday Night O Euerlasting and euerlouing Father mercifull Lord God creator guider and preseruer of all men and all things who creating man after th●ne Image in wisdome knowledge and vnderstanding enriching him with all gracious abilities helpes and f●rtherances for the working out of his owne saluation with feare and trembling giue me a reuerence of thy maiesty and a feare of thy most holy name which is so dreadfull and terrible that being by thy grace forewarned I may fly from thy wrath to come and at this present come before thee in all confidence of thy goodnesse to implore thy grace and the manifestation of thy fauour Looke downe from heauen thine holy habitation and behold with the eye of thy loue and tender compassion mee poore soule that distrusting mine owne righteousnesse goe out of my selfe calling vpon thee in the words of the Publican and saying O God bee mercifull to me a sinner Write not bitter things against mee neither suffer me to possesse the sins of my youth Forgiue and forget all my transgressions and cast mine iniquities as farre from thy presence as is the east from the west And pardon good Lord I humbly beseech thee the faults and frailties which haue escaped this day in the sanctifying of thy Sabbath whether they bee sinnes of omission or commission wash them all away in the blood of thy Sonne sanctifie me by the Word thy word of truth that this day hath sounded in my eares grant that like good seed sowne in good ground it may take root downeward and bring forth fruite vpwards to the glory of thy great name the praise of thy grace and credit of the Gospell O let thy word be euer in my minde to meditate of it in my mouth to speake of it and in my life and conuersation to practice it By it worke in my heart Faith Hope Charity and al other supernaturall graces which accompany saluation open mine eyes that I may see thy Law and incline mine heart that I may loue the truth and louing the same may yeeld obe●ience vnto it doing thy will on earth or at least endeauouring to doe it as the Angels in heauen willingly without murmuring speedily without delaying constantly without ceas●ng and vniuersally without omitting what thou commandest and commendest in thy word So shall I not be distracted with foolish feares nor dispaire of thy mercy but euer hope and trust in thee and finde grace to helpe mee at a time of neede Grant this O Father for thy Christ my Iesus thy Sonne my Sauiours sake who euer liueth and raigneth with thee one true immortall euerlasting God to whom with thy blessed Spirit and thee O holy and heauenly Father be ascribed of me and all thine all honour and glory world without end Amen Monday A morning Prayer O God my God and Father of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ whom no man knoweth but by thine especiall gift grant that to the rest of thine exceeding benefits towards me this which is the greatest that can be bestowed vpon mankinde may be added also namely that as thou hast raised vp my body from sound and sweet sleepe the image of a corporall death so also thou wouldest deliuer my minde and affections from the sleep of sinne and from the darkenesse of this world and after death restore the same body to life as well as thou hast called it from naturall sleepe And seeing thou hast brought mee to the beginning of this day which is the first day of the weeke bee thou as this night past and euer heretofore present with me and president in me Lèt thy holy Spirit be my counsellour and instructor my God and my guide to lead mee into all truth Helpe me by the assistance of the same Spirit to watch ouer my thoughts words and works that I may neither think speak nor do any thing which is not warranted by thy word but that setting thee and thy law before my eyes I may come to the knowledge of thy will in all reuerence and humility of soule submit my selfe thereunto that ordering my life and conuersation thereby and walking according to this rule peace may be upon me as vpon the Israel of God Let mee neither oppresse nor defraud my brother in bargaining buying and selling false weights and ballances or the like dishonest meanes but guide me so by thy grace that my conscience may euer cheere mee vp through a delightfull apprehension of thy blessefull fauour To this end order thou my paths and establish my goings in the way of peace grace and saluation Cause thou mee to walke before thee and be vpright make me to provide things honest before thee and men behaue my selfe as in thy sight and doe vnto others as I would bee dealt withall my selfe Let no sin inordinate lust or vnruly passion haue dominion ouer me but helpe thou mee to leade captiuity captiue to kill and crucifie my lusts and sinfull affections and wage warre with my corruptions vntill through Christ which strengtheneth mee I shall proue more then conqueror Grant this vnto mee for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Monday night O Lord my God and gracious Father in Iesus Christ I doe here in all humility prostrate and cast downe my selfe before the foot-stoole of thy throne of grace to offer vnto thee this mine euening sacrifice of prayer praise and thanksgiuing who diddest offer vp thy Sonne vpon the crosse to be a propitiation and meritorious sacrifice for the sinnes of the world Lord heare me and helpe me and be mercifull unto mee my sinnes are great but thy mercies are greater my trespasses finite but thy compassions infinite neuer faile though I faile of my duty towards thee yet thou art good and gracious vnto such as seeke thy face and fauour humbling themselues and powring out their soules before thee Wherefore I humbly beseech thee that as the heavens are higher then the earth so thou wouldest extend thy mercy beyond my deserts Indue me with faith sanctify me with all other
in this one thing that I may count it all ioy when I fall into diuers temptations Let not my heart bee hardned by them as were the Israelites prouoking thee in the wildernesse but sanctifie all thy visitations vnto me that I may be bettered and reformed by them that my faith being tryed patience may bee wrought in mee and that patience hauing her perfect worke I may be perfect and intire lacking nothing Lord I know that in all thy temptations thou euer hast one end and Satan another thou triest me to the end that I being found faithfull thou mightest giue vnto mee the Crowne of Life Satan searcheth to seduce and sifteth to dispoyle and bereaue me of that which is vertuous and good in me Wherefore O Holy Ghost thou preseruer of men keepe mee by thy grace and strengthen mee by thy mighty power and out-stretched arme O blessed Iesu bee not farre from me but present with me and president in mee as thy sufferings abound in me so let thy consolation much more abound In the middest of all mine agonies and terrors of minde let thy comforts reioyce my soule that I being made glad by thee I may bee confirmed vnto the end and alwayes in all dangers of life or death in all tribulations and temptations abide by thee that thou mayest appoynt vnto mee a kingdome as thy Father hath appointed unto thee Grant this not for any worth of mine but thine owne merit and goodnesse sake Amen O Lord let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme bee now and alwaies my defence thy mercy and louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne my saluation thy true and holy word my instruction thy grace and holy Spirit my comfort and consolation Amen The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe my heart and minde in the Loue of God and of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and the blessing of God almighty the Father Sonne and holy Ghost be with me and remaine with mee and mine and with the whole church of God from this time forth and for euermore Amen God bee mercifull vnto me and blesse me The Lord lift vp the light of his gracious countenance vpon mee bee mercifull vnto mee and grant mee his euerlasting peace Amen A Prayer for the troubled in minde afflicted in conscience groaning vnder the insupportable burden of a wounded Spirit O Father of mercy and God of all consolation vouchsafe I beseech thee succour and reliefe vnto me that am troubled in mind and afflicted in conscience for feare of thy Iudgements and the terrible things which thou writest against mee by reason of my sinnes Lord breake not the bruised reede nor quench the smoaking flax wound not mine humble and contrite heart but reuiue the spirit of mee that goe mourning all the day long Though Satan presume that thou hast smitten and forsaken mee yet frustrate his hopes and expectations leaue mee not destitute of thy grace as a prey vnto him the enemy of my soule but mightily preserue and defend mee that I may neuer bee lost but that in life and death I may bee alwayes thine And albeit my conscience accuse mee my memory giues euidence against mee my reason condemne me though I bee deepely plunged in discomfort and haue lost the voice of ioy and gladnes and haue neither worth to appease thy wrath nor patience to endure thy tryall yet send me deare Father the comfort of thine holy Spirit againe into my heart that I may not be swallowed vp of ouermuch heauinesse but may reioyce in thee with ioy glorious and vnspeakeable Open and set open the gate of thy mercy to the greatnesse of my misery for my deiected countenance witnesseth my distressed and distracted minde my minde is sorrowfull mine heart heauy my Spirit is oppressed my words are stopt with sighes and my complaints watered with teares In execution of thy iudgements Lord remember mercy try not the Law with mee lest I come into iudgement and bee condemned weigh not my merits but pardon mine offences Sanctifie vnto me all these good meanes wherein I seeke reliefe as prayer conference meditation reading and hearing of thy word receiuing the Sacrament of the body and bloud of thy Sonne and my most blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ. Mittigate mine extremities abate my feares moderate mi●e afflictions and remoue farre from me the vexatious of the night dreames and fantasies let not the visions of mine head like Nebuchadnezzars make mee afraid when I awake stay me with flagons and comfort mee with apples thy most sweet and delightsome promises which are pleasing to the pallate of my soule Rectifie my iudgement and vnderstanding as in the daies of old and drinke no longer vnto me in the Cuppe of affliction but in the chalice of refreshing that I may pledge thee a sauing health pay my vowes vnto thee and call vpon thy name with thanksgiuing in the sight of all thy congregation If it bee thy good pleasure to try me and not take away this Cuppe from me confirme my faith continuing unto me that hope of glory which is to be reuealed To this end cause mee with the eye of faith to looke vp vnto thee who smitest me and waite for the appointed time of my recouery and deliuery out of all my troubles Lord suffer mee not to bee swallowed vp of fearef●ll despaire but vouchsafe mee a full perswasion of thy mercy that thou wilt neuer leaue me nor forsake me but wilt be in life my God in death my deliuerer after death mine eternall rewarder Lord hearken and incline thine eare vnto these my requests and grant mee not my deserts but my desires and that for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Our Father which art in heauen c. The grace of our Lord I●sus Christ the loue of God the Father and the most comfortable fellowship of God the Holy Ghost be with mee blesse preserue and keepe mee both in soule and body in goods and good name in life health wealth peace and godlinesse together with th● whole church and all that pertaine vnto me now and for euermore Amen A prayer to be said by the sicke O God my creator and preseruer thou madest me in thine owne image in knowledge holinesse and righteousnesse but deare Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and am no more worthy to bee called thy childe for I haue defaced this Image and superscription of thine in me and hereby mine vnderstanding is filled with ignorance my will with stubbornenesse mine affections with peruersnesse mine heart with sinnefullnesse and my whole life with disobedience and disorderlinesse euer since I drew in my breath I haue drunke in iniquity like water so that I can looke for nothing but death which raigneth ouer all to arraigne me at the barre of thy Iustice to receiue an irreuocable doome I haue no worth to appease thy wrath yet for thy Sons sake doe away all my sinne and be thou pleased to be reconciled vnto me And now