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A02928 The vvay of lyfe A Christian, and catholique institution comprehending principal poincts of Christian religion, which are necessary to bee knowne of all men, to the atteyning of saluation. First delyuered, in the Danish language for the instruction of those people, by Doctor Nicolas Hemmingius, preacher of the Gospell, and professor of diuinitie, for the Kynge of Denmarcke, in his Uniuersitie of Hafnia: and about three yeares past, (for the commoditie of others) translated into Latine, by Andrew Seurinus Velleius: and now first, and newly Englished, for the commodity of English readers: by N. Denham, this yeare of our redemption. 1578.; Via vitae. English Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Denham, Nicholas. 1578 (1578) STC 13067; ESTC S103963 117,088 234

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artificially then they doo conceyue Which offence not geuen but vniustly taken they should easily let fall if they woulde consider the causes aforesayde which violently drew those learned men and by an ineuitable necessity enforced them so to doo From which tediousnesse if they will needes so accompte it they are in this small treatise delyuered where so sundry great occasions were not geuen to the Author For as hée aunswereth here but to few obiections so writinge his booke for the common sort hée frameth his answeres and solutions bothe shorte and easie Which woorke after sundry other learned and fruictfull laboures written of Diuinitie by him which are extant and set abroade in the Latin tongue the sayde Author wrote and deliuered abroad at the first in the Danish language for the instruction and consolation of the people of that nation and specially for such of them as could not gather y e knowledge of godlynesse foorth of other languages wherein it was written which béeing so written and set abroad it was by diuerse learned men of the same Region concluded vpon for the woorthynesse thereof to bée turned into the Latin spéeche to the ende that other faithfull heades and teachers of the Church of Christ séeing thesame and perceiuing it to bée both sound and comfortable might the sooner conuerte or cause the same to bée conuerted into their owne seuerall languages and commend the same to those porcions of the Church and flock of Christ which are to their seuerall charges committed Which Treatise béeing now at the last conuerted into our common language by mée for the causes aboue rehearsed I here dedicate and present Right worshipfull vnto you both beséeching you to accept the same as an argument and testimony of that well willing affection which by sundry your gentlenesses exhibited and shewed you haue deseruedly raysed vp in mee And albeit I can not iustly auouche it to bée any recompence for any parte of the same neither yet doo proffer it to that ende yet rather then I would incurre the compasse of that sentence of the Philosopher Perit quod facis ingrato That is loste which is doone to an vnthankefull person I had leiffer by proferinge that litle that I may make auoydaunce therof I beseeche almighty God preserue you bothe and confirme and increase in you vnto the end those good giftes of his grace which hée hath already béegun in you and so illuminate you with the light of his holy spirit that yée may both sée the right way and seeing it you may haue a desire to walke in the same and that walkeing daily forwarde in the same and so continuing vnto the end you may passe in at that gate which leadeth from the sourginge and daungerous Sea of this transitorie lyfe into the Hauen of perpetuall rest and quietnesse there quietly peaceably ioyfully to beholde the glorious face of IESVS CHRISTE to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost bée prayse and dominion for euer Amen Your Woorships humble at commaundement N. Denham From London this XXV of October the yeare of our Redemption 1578. FINIS To the Christian Reader WHeras in this booke good Christian Reader certaine faults are committed in the Printinge thereof though they bee not many which haue come to passe for want of directing the Printer in some such places of the written copie which were eyther blotted or obscurely penned in reading might be some trouble or hinderance vnto thee my counsayle is that beefore thou setle thy selfe to the diligent reading thereof thou shouldest looke vpon these faultes here followinge and as thou findest them here set downe and noted by the Pages lynes so thou shouldest turn vnto them and with thy pen amend them which beeing doone thou shalt reade it I hope to thy instruction and comforte I ceasse here to speake further of the dignitie of the woorke wishinge thee first to reade it and then after to reporte the dignitie therof to others and in my simple Iudgemente thou shalt finde in thy conscience cause sufficient to commend it and thanke God for it So fare well Faultes escaped in Hemmingius his Epistle Page Lyne Faulte Correction 8. 25. appeerations apparitions 9. 3. Aegypticall Aegyptiacall Eodem 30. varitie varietie 12. 23. Prophet Prophetes Eodem 26. vnifosme vniforme Eodem 31. althefull healthefull Faultes escaped in the Booke Page Lyne Faulte Correction 17. 13. admonish admonished 19. 23. Ceremonicall Ceremoniall 22. 30. natiue natiuitie 25. 9. first fifte 28. 12. as all 35. 27. punished vnpunished 44. 23. cleane cleaue ¶ To the magnificent and worthy Gentleman excellent in wisdome vertue godlinesse Biornone Kaaes Lord of Starupgaarde most prudent Senatour of the kingdome of Denmarke president for the King in the Tower of Malinogien And to his welbeloued wife the noble chaste godlie Lady Christine Nicolai Fil. Nicolas Hemmingius wisheth grace and peace from God the father through our Lord IESVS CHRIST OF all the things which are in the worlde there is nothing either more better or more precious either yet more profitable than to know God his will aright and to worship and reuerence the same For as this whole world is momentanie and shall passe away so in like manner the treasures thereof with how soeuer beautiful and magnificent titles they be named Yet to be all fleeting falling away dayly experience may shew and teache vs vnlesse we would suffer our selues to be blinded or as it were to be bewitched of the same But to knowe God Aright and hauing gotten the knowledge of him to worship him aright according to his will reuealed in his word that continueth for euer and leadeth man from the vnstedfastnes of this vnconstant world the right way to eternall life and saluation Therefore in Iohn Christ saith This is eternall life to knowe thee to be the onely true God and Iesus Christ whome thou haste sent And in another place What doth it profit a man to gaine the whole worlde and loose his owne soule Therefore Dauid iudgeth aright in Psal 84. where he saithe One day in thy courts is better than a thousand I had rather bee 〈◊〉 doore keeper in the house of my God than to dwel in the tents of vngodlynesse For the Lord God is a light and defence the Lord wil giue grace and glorie and no good thing will he withholde from them which walke in innocencie In these wordes Dauid putteth a difference betwene those which are without the church and those whiche beeing within the Church of CHRISTE haue the true vnderstanding of the BEEING and VVILL of God This difference he placeth in fiue thinges moste specially to bee remembred by the contraries of which both doe appeare the more euident namely bothe how great the honour and high blessed estate of the children of GOD is and contrarywise how great the miserie and calamitie is euen of the moste mightie of this world which be not citizens of the Church of God The first
good thing and commoditie of the children of God or of the Church is That God himselfe is in her as a moste lightsome Sun For euen as from this visible Sunne there commeth vnto the worlde Light Heate and Shining beames wherby al things are quickened and cherished so frō God which is the Sun inuisible there cometh vnto the Church Light that is to say cleere knowledge of GOD there commeth Heate that is affections burning with Faith Hope and Loue and shining beames which are the manifolde consolations whereby the faithfull soule is releeued cherished and comforted This Sunne as it riseth to such as feare God so it setteth to the negligent the wicked lyuer and the carelesse It is therfore with great diligence to be taken heede of that the godlie through a certaine sluggishnes of their owne in hearing or reading the word of God wherin this Sunne brightly shineth doe not suffer this Sunne to be either darkened or hidden from them For as this visible Sunne if it shall seeme to a sicke body in his dreame to be hid or darkened there is daunger as Hippocrates affirmeth of moste certaine death to the sicke body to be at hand so if our Sunne Christe be darkened vnto vs his doctrine beeing either abolished or obscured not onely darcknes hangeth ouer vs but also the death of the soule and moste assured eternall condemnation Furthermore we may heereby perceiue the misery of them as many as are destitute of this Sunne the worde of GOD. For they beeing blinde doe bothe grope in the darknesse of ignorance and beeing ignoraunt of God are stricken with dreadfull amasednesse of minde when sinne sheweth foorth it selfe in their consciences And albeit that Conscience seemeth in many to be as it were with an hot yron feared as though it were voyd of all feeling of sinne yet notwithstanding it will at sometime be wakened vp at the least in the extreame agonie of death and will driue the miserable soule into desperation than the whiche thing nothing may happen vnto manne either more heauy or more bytter as hauing leather that hee had neuer beene created and brought vnto light The second good thing or commoditie of them which knowe the Essence and will of GOD and yeelde themselues obedient to the same is that God is a defence or sheeld vnto them wherwith they are compassed defended and sheelded against the kingdome of darcknesse Of this sheeld speaketh Dauid in Psal 5. when he saith All they which hope in thee shall reioyce they shall euer be giuing thanks and thou shalt dwell in them all they which loue thy name shall reioyce in thee For thou Lord shalt blesse the righteous and with thy fauourable kindenesse shalt thou compasse vs as with a sheelde Item Psal 18. And thou haste giuen me the defence or sheelde of thy saluation and thy right hand doth vpholde me In this manner it is the good pleasure of God that he wil not only with the crowne of his fauourable kindenesse compasse his about but also will haue them to bee happie with perpetuall blessednesse Paule when he writeth to the Ephesians thus Take vnto you the sheeld of Faith wherewith ye may quench all the fiery dartes of the wicked Signifying that we are thē compassed about with the sheeld of faith when we fight a good fight holdeing a stedfast beleefe of the doctrine with a sure confidence of mercy a good conscience This sheelde forasmuch as the enemies of God doe want what I pray ye can be more miserable then they For in asmuch as they be naked and vnarmed they are not able to resist the diuel the prince of darkenes but he obteineth ful dominion in them throweth them headlong out of one wickednes into an other vntill he haue brought them to vtter destruction The third good thing or commoditie which the godly haue by the healthfull knowledge and feare of the true God is called of Dauid Grace This Grace is the fauour of God forgiuing sinne to the beleeuers for the death of his sonne and garnishing them with a most pure garment which is The obedience or righteousnesse of Christe VVhereby they are in such wise reputed righteous in the sight of God as if they them selues had fulfilled the lawe But they which are out of the congregation are voide of this grace of saluation and doe remaine vnder sinne the wrath of God and eternall damnation for their iniquitie The fourth commoditie which they that know and feare God doe inioy is called of Dauid Glory This Glory is The adoption of the adopted sonnes of GOD The inhabiting of the holy ghoste and the hereditary Possession of eternall blessednesse by Iesus Christe But contrarywise they whiche doe not knowe God are the bondslaues and dwelling places of the diuell are mooued by his spirit and to eternall ignominie are they reserued The fifth good thing or commoditie which God by the Psalmist promiseth vnto the godly is cōteined in these wordes He will withholde no good thing from them which walke in innocencie O how great is this promise It is all one as if he should say They which walke in innocencie that is to say they which by faith doe yeelde obedience vnto God shall be abundantly indewed with all good thinges so that they may perpetually inioy them and shall neuer stand in feare of any euill to come vnto them And albeit that all the Children of God shal in this world suffer persecution yet notwithstanding they are certaine of the good things promised which heere they obtaine by hope and in the life to come shall without all impediment for euer possesse But contrarywise they which haue neither learned to knowe God by his worde neither yet to feare him according to his will vnto them ignominies sorowes and calamities shall neuer be wanting but vnto the Diuell whome they haue serued they shall be thrall and subiect for euer Heereby now euery one may easely vnderstand that to be moste true which I propounded in the beginning namely That of all things which are in the world there is nothing either more better or more precious neither yet more profitable than rightly to know the ESSENCE and WIL of God and that this knowledge is drawne forth of the word of God in the which word he hath opened bothe him self and his wil. But least any man should suffer himselfe to be seduced by the deuill his members it is to bee knowne that the worde of GOD is not any other where to be sought than in the writinges of Moses the Prophetes the Euangelistes and Apostles whiche are beautified with the testimonie of the omnipotent God which is the eternall veritie and can not lye as Paule speaketh But some may obiect or at the least thinke with himselfe in his heart as many doe although they expresse it not by their mouth after this manner If wee were certaine that that worde were in very deede the worde of
to me to establish the same moste woorthy Gentleman vnder your name that thing is doone that I might declare my self to be mindeful of very many benefits which haue beene by you to mewards perfourmed these 21. yeeres now together from that time wherin that magnificent and gentle Gentleman your brother Nicolas Kaaes was first committed to my fidelitie and discipline I beseeche God that for his only begotten sonne our Lorde IESVS CHRISTE he will conserue the puritie of his worde in this Kingdome of Denmarke to the glory of his name and the saluation of many and that with his holy spirit he would gouerne the indeuours of those which either in the ecclesiasticall or politicall estate which shall go about to set forewarde his Gospell that the kingdome of the Deuill beeing destroyed the Temple of Christe may in our hearts be builded Amen That ye also by the fauour and goodnesse of GOD may long time be preserued safe and in good health I wish of God from my whole heart through Iesus Christe our Lord. From Haffnia the feast day of Martin in the yeere of our Lord. 1570. A CHRISTIAN AND Catholike Institution comprehending principall pointes of Christian Religion which are necessarie to be knowen of man to the attayning of saluation THe Princely and diuine Prophete Dauid in the 119. Psalme sheweth that al mankind is so blinded with the darcknesse of ignorance that he cannot perceiue the right way of saluation vnlesse he bee of God himself by his healthfull worde brought into this right path in these words Thy word is a Lanterne vnto my feete as though he would say euen as without thy word O LORD I must of necessitie goe astray so by the benefite of thy word whiche I esteeme to be as a Lanterne to me to my saluation I tread the right way and as long as I followe this light going before me that is to say Thy worde I cannot goe astray or be deceiued Which thing happeneth alike to al other people in the world For which cause also they are not amisse compared vnto straying Sheepe which wandring farre from the Shephearde sheepfolde must if they will be brought back againe heare the voice of their Shepheard and as a burning light followe the same Forasmuch therfore as I haue determined in this present writing to dispute of the VVay of Saluation it seemeth good vnto mee first of all to followe this counsell of Dauid and to shewe foorth this healthsome Lanterne whiche leadeth all people into eternall ioy and saluation as many as perseuering vnto the last hower of death shall followe the same going before them And because this same Laterne whiche we call The worde of God is diuided into two partes namely into the Law and the Gospel I will in the beginning set downe a text out of the 22. Chapter of S. Matthew which as it were in a Tableture shall set before our eyes these two kindes of doctrines which are moste specially needefull to be knowen vnto saluation Moreouer I will in such wise declare these two principall fountaines with the other articles comprehended vnder these particularly but yet somewhat plentifully plainely that nothing at all may be let passe which is behouefull for them to knowe beleeue or doe which desire to be made partakers of eternall saluation The wordes of the Euangelist are these Matth. 22. THE Pharises hearing that he had put the Saduces to silence they came together one of them a certaine Doctour of the Lawe asked him a question tempting him and saying Maister which is the greatest commaundement in the lawe IESVS saith vnto him THOV shalte looue the LORDE thy GOD with all thy hearte and with all thy minde and with all thy soule This is the firste and the greatest commaundement and the second is like like vnto this THOV shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self In these two commaundements hang all the LAW the PROPHETS VVhilst the Pharises were gathered together Iesus asked them saying what think ye of CHRISTE whose Sonne is he They say vnto him The sonne of DAVID He saith vnto them How then doth Dauid in spirit call him LORD saying The Lord said vnto my Lorde Sit thou on my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole If Dauid therefore cal him LORD how is he then his SONNE And no man was able to aunswere him any thinge neither durst any man from that day foorth aske him any moe questions In this text of the Gospell recited are contained two questions most cheefe and weightie of all others which may be brought forth of the scripture touching the attayning of saluation The first question is propounded by the Pharisies the other by our Lorde Iesus Christe The Pharisies through notable malice of hart and vnmeasurable hatred wherwith they pursued Christe doe mooue a question concerning the lawe and demaund of Iesus which is the greatest commaundement in the Lawe for in asmuch as Christ condempned the Pharisies which esteemed them selues to liue according to the lawe and would bring in Baptisme whereof there was no mention made in the Lawe they thought that he would speake somthing rashly against the Lawe of Moses that they by this meanes might haue occasion to accuse him and take him out of the way CHRIST on the other side hauing cōpassion on the great blindenes of the Pharises asketh thē what they thought of Christ whose sonne he is and that thing he doth with this intent that an occasion might bee giuen him wherby he might instruct and teach them forth of the Scripture what they should esteeme of Christ that is to say of him whom God promised to Adam Abraham and the rest of the holy fathers to be the Sauiour of the worlde Furthermore that these questiōs of the Law and of Christe may the more cōmodiously serue vs to the furtheraunce instruction of saluation I wil chuse frō hence three doctrines which the grace of GOD assisting I will declare in order FIRST of the causes by whiche the Pharisies beeing mooued go about to take Christe out of the way and what crafts they vse to bring this wicked purpose to effect SECONDLY of the true vnderstanding and vse of the Lawe THE THIRD of CHRISTE namely what we ought to esteeme of him And howe wee obtaine saluation through him The first Doctrine THE IEVVES and cheefly the Pharises went about this thing with great indeuor That they might tangle Christ in his wordes being caught they might quarell with him and at the length deliuer him to death Behold therfore how great the diuersitie of minde is of the one towards the other in Christe in the Pharises IESVS sought this only thing y t they beeing deliuered from sin he might saue them but the Pharises craftely catch his words wherby they might accuse and oppresse him This waywardnes of mindes is at this daye alas for sorowe found in many which persecute those which wish well vnto
neuer sinned or offended GOD and that we should feele a true greefe sorrowe of heart for our sinnes committed Hee which is gone so farre forwarde hee at the length rightly acknowledgeth how ioyfull that message of the Gospell is which offereth to the beleeuers Remission of sinnes the fauour of GOD Righteousnesse and life euerlasting But what is FAITH These two manners of speaking namely To beeleeue in Christ And To beleeue in the name of Christe will plainly declare vnto vs the substance of Fayth The former sentence namely To beleeue in Christe sheweth Christe onely to be the obiect of Fayth or sure confidence so that Saluation is not to be hoped for but in him alone The latter namely To beleeue in the name of Christe sheweth the qualitie of Fayth that is to say that our confidence in Christe should be such as his name is in the Gospell and as his doinges are which testifie of him When as Christe therefore is in the Gospell named the Sauiour of all whiche beleeue in him very GOD very MAN one true and eternall person and the Lambe of GOD taking away the sinnes of the worlde And many examples doe testifye that the dooinges of Christe doe aunswere vnto this honourable name as the example of the Theefe vpon the Crosse the example of Mary Magdalen of Paule Peeter and innumerable others it appeareth that true Fayth in CHRISTE is A liuely and constant confidence of the heart whereby it is surely decreede that CHRISTE is the Sauiour of all those whiche beleeue in him as hee whiche is able to bring to passe all thinges whiche hee will as GOD whiche wylleth the beste vnto vs as MAN by the societie of nature ioyned vnto vs whiche muste as the Mediatour betwene GOD and vs appointed of the Father whiche hath giuen himselfe a pryce of redemption for vs that euery one whiche beleeueth might bee cleansed from Sinne by his bloode might bee iustifyed by his obedyence regenerated to euerlastinge lyfe by his spirite through the vnmeasurable mercie of GOD the Father which so loued the worlde that hee woulde giue his onely begotten Sonne that ALL VVHICHE BELEEVE IN HIM should not perish but haue life euerlasting This fuller description of a constant faythe may bee drawne more narowe and that out of the words of Iohn Baptist Hee which beleeueth in the Sonne hath eternall life in this manner Faith is a knowledge of Christe and a sure cōfidence of obtayning eternall life through him Such was the faith of the Theefe vpon the crosse which from a sure trust sayde Remember me Lorde when thou commest into thy kingdome To whom it was answered of the Lord This day shalt thou be with me in Paradice Such was the faith of the sinfull woman in the 7. of Luke which heard of the Lord Thy faith hath saued thee In like manner of the Publicane Luke the 18. praying on this wise God bee mercifull vnto me a sinner And of Dauid Psal 25. Be mercifull vnto my sinne O Lord for thy name sake All these doe agree to the rule in Psal 2. Blessed are all they which put their trust in him Now after that we haue described FAITH we wil recite fiue properties of y e same by which as by infallible notes euery one may knowe whether he hath the True Faith or no. The first propertie of faith is That it is felte in the heart The second is That it offereth it selfe to bee seene in the outwarde deedes The third is That it suffereth it selfe to be tryed vnder the Crosse The fourth That it ouercōmeth the world The fift That it perseuereth vnto the ende which is as Peter witnesseth The saluation of Soules The first propertie of Faith is this That it liueth in the heart of man so that there may bee felte an vnspeakeable consolation against the malediction of the lawe the power of death and the tyranny of the Deuill that there may bee felte a ioy vnable to be tolde of the forgiuenesse of sinnes and a spirituall securitie of the fauour and freendship of God that the dwelling of the holy Ghoste and his presence in the heart of the man may be perceiued that the force of the holy Ghoste stirring vp fayth to call vpon God may be perceiued that a burning desire to obey the will of God and to resist the Deuil may bee perceiued that a spirituall ioy of the beginning of the life eternall may bee felte that thankfulnesse towarde God may be perceiued Breefely wheresoeuer a Christian faith is in man there it must needes be that she must shew foorth her selfe by true godlynesse by a holy porpose of lyuing well and by reioycing in the holy ghost Secondly I affirme this to be the property of Faith That in outwarde woorkes shee offereth her selfe to be seene For the outwarde woorkes doe beare witnesse of the affections of the heart Therefore Christe sayth By their frutes ye shall know them It is therfore impossible that whersoeuer true faith florisheth in the heart by the holy Ghoste dwelling in the heart of man that there should not therewithall bee present good woorks testifying of the hart These workes of faith are in generall to eschue euil and to doe good so that faith be the foundation the beginning the leader and gouernesse of all vertues and good actions For first of all Fayth is the piller or foundation wherupon is stayed and vpon the whiche is builded all obedience vertue and euery good woorke Furthermore it is the beginning from which as from a liuing fountain the riuers of all honest workes and doings doe flowe out Moreouer It is the leader whiche holdeth man in the right way least hee shoulde decline either to the right hand that is to say to good intentions of men as they call them which wil worship God according to their owne wisedome and traditions or vnto the left that is to say to the workes of the Deuill whereunto this worlde with the members of the Deuil hath wholy giuen and bound it selfe Yea Eayth beeing the Captaine of all vertue and Christian works neuer resteth it self in any deede obiected or set before it before y t it heare this worde So the mouth of the Lorde speaketh Therfore Dauid through fayth prayeth in the 25. Psal Shew me thy wayes O Lord and teach me thy pathes And Psal 119. he sayth Blessed are the vndefiled in the way that is they whiche through faith shew obedience vnto GOD so that they goe forward in the right way declining neither to the right hand nor to the left Last of all faith is also the Gouernesse directing the whole life of man and all his works to this marke namely to the glory of God the edificatiō of the church and y e vtilitie of his neighbour All these works of Faith already remembred may bee called backe to these foure pointes following The first is a declaration of godlynesse in the outward workes of this life namely in the
we say I beleeue in the holie Church The Communion of Sainctes Of this Sanctification Christians may boast against the kingdome and members of the Deuill so that they may worthyly say that they haue fellowship with GOD the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste and are seperated from the Prince of darcknesse that is to say from the Deuill and his members VVee declare vnto you saith Iohn that yee also haue felowship with vs and our fellowship is with the father and with the sonne IESV CHRISTE With this Sanctification Dauid comforteth him selfe Psal 86. where he prayeth in this maner Keepe thou my Soule for I am holie O my GOD saue thy seruant which hopeth in thee Heere first of all Dauid affirmeth himselfe to be Holie Furthermore how this Santification commeth he sheweth namely when by a sure faith we rest in GOD and trust in him alone For he which doth this hee is spiritually ingraffed into our Lord Iesu Christe of whome he obteineth perfecte and personall Sanctifycation of the whole man For as I haue said the Sanctifycation of Christe is imputed to the beleuer as Christe himselfe teacheth in Iohn 17. I Sanctifie my selfe saith he for them that they also might bee holie This HOLYNESSE therefore consisteth in the forgiuenes of sinnes in the imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ in renouncing the Deuil breefely in faith it self whiche taketh fast holde of Christe with his RIGHTEOVSNES and HOLINESSE With this holynesse of man is also ioyned the holynesse of the thing it selfe which for the measure of faith hath also her increasements and in some is founde greater in some lesser euen as faith it selfe is greater and lesser For when man conceiueth faith by the holy Ghoste by whose woorkmanship he is also borne anew there foorthwith is felt the efficacie of the holie Ghoste whiche dayly innouateth the minde the affections the hearte and to bee shorte by little and little the whole life of the man He deliuereth the minde by the woorde from the darcknesse of ignorance from errours and corrupt cogitations and afterwarde shineth into and lighteneth the same with the true knowledge of GOD with the doctrine of saluation and good cogitations whereby it commeth to passe that the affections beeing purged doe by little and little free themselues frō the vncleane desires of the flesh and by y e effectuall working of the holy ghost are inflamed to good motions according as the mind it self shalbe illuminated The heart of man in like case waxeth meeke and beginneth to molifie and putting away that naturall stubbernesse sprong from originall sin it beginneth to yeeld and obey vnto God according to the knowledge infused into the hart by the holy ghost To this obedience of the hart also aswel the inwarde as the outwarde workes of the man are answerable Breefely this Sanctification consisteth in true repentance and in a right holy purpose so that the man doth to this ende direct all the indeuours of his heart and minde that hee might obay God not to commit any thing vpon knowledge and wilfulnes which is forbidden of GOD more esteeming the will of GOD then all other matters of the whole worlde Furthermore this Sanctification is sharply assaulted with moste greeuous temtations as being that thing which of moste mightie enemies the deuill the flesh and the world is oppugned wherby it commeth to passe that oftentimes in this spirituall battail of the spirit and the flesh the Christian feeleth the weakenes of his owne power so that somtimes he semeth to fal vnder yea rather to be cast downe to the grounde and vtterly as it were thrown downe prostrate but in the meane time by the ayde presence and power of the holy ghost he is lifted vp againe After this maner Dauid beeing ouercome of y e flesh was subdued defiled himselfe with adulterie and murther but when hee heard the admonitions of the Prophet Nathan by the working of the holy Ghoste hee was lifted vp The same thing doth in like case happen to many other the holy ones of GOD so that Paule saide not in vaine Let him which standeth take heede least hee fall Therefore hee exhorteth the Galathians Chapter 5. saying VValke in the spirit and fulfill not the lustes of the flesh for the flesh lusteth contrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the fleshe And so the life of a true faithfull Christian is nothing else then a perpetuall warfare as Prosper showeth in his Epigrammes when he sayth Vnto the good both battails sharpe and daungers great are alwayes rife The godly minde eke euer hath with whome to fight and holde the strife The whiche thing dayly experience witnesseth and also Christ himself when he commaundeth vs dayly to pray Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. Salomon sayth The iuste man sinneth seuen times in a day and ryseth againe For this difference is betwene the children of God the children of the deuil The children of the Deuill through stubbernnesse doe sinne and continue in their sinnes but the children of GOD doe sinne through infirmitie and are sometime seduced by the worlde by their owne flesh and by the Deuill but they rise againe and apprehende the right hande of GOD the father that is to say they imbrace with a stedfast faith Iesus Christe The fifte benefite of Christe THe fifte benefite of Christe wherevnto al these former are directed is FINALL DELIVERANCE and REDEMPTION so that afterwarde no manner of euill either of the worlde the flesh the deuill or any other thing either in Heauen in earth or in hel is to be feared This finall Redemption is called in the Scripture SALVATION wherevnto GOD in the beginning created man and afterwarde by the death and passion of his Sonne redeemed him This Saluation hath foure conditions The firste is That wee are vtterly deliuered from all miserie aduersitie and euils The second is That heereafter wee may not feare of any euill to come vnto vs. The third is That wee obtaine so great good things that we are not able to wish greater The fourth is That wee inioye these good things FOR EVER without all impediment and mutation This Saluation with her Conditions we obtaine in Christe alone These fiue benefites of Iesu Christe already rekened these two names IESVS and CHRIST do contain The first name sheweth him to be GOD and MAN and the Sauiour of the worlde The other sheweth by what meanes he is the Sauiour For CHRIST that is to say annointed sheweth that Christ is A PRIEST A KING and A PROPHET A Prieste which by his sacrifice wipeth out our sinnes by his prayer maketh intercession to our heauenly father for vs and by his innocencie sanctifyeth vs. A Prophet whiche teacheth vs the way of saluation And lastly a King which taketh vs out of the kingdome of the Deuill and leadeth vs into saluation and ioy of life euerlastinge Of the sixt point or
Chapter THE sixte thinge which I proponed to bee knowen of our Lorde Iesu Christe is of the applycation of his benefits namely How wee beeing made partakers of them are brought vnto euerlastinge blessednesse Our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe being moued through his deuine goodnesse towarde vs and with a feruent care of our saluation maketh vs partakers of his benefits By the Gospell by Faith and By the holy Sacraments with whiche the holy Ghoste is effectually present and giuen Of these three instruments ordeyned by GOD I will speake in order The first is THE GOSPEL which he hath commaunded to be promulged through y e whole circle of the worlde by the ministery wherof he is effectuall through the holy Ghost and out of all mankinde gathereth vnto himselfe a church which he gouerneth and conserueth by the doctrine of the Gospel the Sacraments Discipline and Ceremonies so that whersoeuer these foure the foūdation beeing vncorrupt are found sound perfect there must of necessitie be the Christian congregation although in that outward company certaine dead members be adioyned whiche doe boast of the title of the Church in vaine In this his Church Christe offereth by the ministery of the gospel his Grace to all men according to this his commaundement Go yee into all the world preach the gospel to al creatures Item Luke 24. Repentance and remission of sinnes must be preached in my name to all nations Therfore when thou hearest by this voice of the gospel forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting through Christe to be offred vnto thee thinke thus in thy minde with thy selfe Heere Christe offreth me Grace and Saluation in his woorde which he himselfe by the voyce of a man speaketh vnto me If I therfore shall obey vnto the same it turneth to may saluatiō but if I shal shew my selfe disobedient to this his voyce this hearing vnlesse I repēt turneth to my destruction and condempnation For euen as a murtherer guiltie of death contemning the fauour whiche he heareth to be offered vnto him of a most merciful king calleth vnto himself y e more greeuous punishment so in likecase if any hearing the gospel of grace imbraceth not y e same is to himselfe the author of heauier punishment and condemnation Diligence is therfore to be giuen of all Christians that with high reuerence and attention they may heare the healthfull Gospell of Christ and by faith imbracing the same declare themselues thankful towardes our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe I will in this place set downe a breefe definition of the Gospel The GOSPEL as I may speake in fewe words is a vniuersall preaching of Repentaunce and remission of sinnes in the name of Christe As he himselfe saith So it is written so it behoued Christ to suffer and rise againe from death the third day and repentance and remission of sinnes among all nations to be preached in his name This preaching Christe calleth The Gopell that is to say A ioyfull message by the which are offered vnto all men beleeuing in him aswel Iewes as Gentiles these good things namely deliuerance from the curse of the law and the wrath of GOD Remission of sinnes saluation and life euerlasting and that without all merite of man for his death passion that whosoeuer are made partakers of these benefites might with heart mouth and life set forth the honour of GOD. This definition of the GOSPEL contayneth foure members The first is The vniuersal commaundement of GOD to all men which who so will not heare contemneth God and maketh himselfe giltie againe of death euerlasting The second is That as the Gospel doth offer vnto men forgiuenesse of sinnes righteousnesse saluation and eternall life so they whosoeuer shall not receiue the same doe remaine in sinne vnrighteousnesse condemnation and eternall death The thirde is That these benefits are offered freely vnto all men without al respect of persons nations and humane conditions For Christe would haue all men saued as many as desyre to obtayne saluation leaste any shoulde despayre eyther for his owne vnworthynes or multitude of his sinnes The fourth sheweth To whome these good things doe come namely to those which in a true fayth turne them selues vnto GOD as now shalbe further said touching the same Let these things suffice concerning the firste instrument namely the GOSPELL by the ministerye whereof GOD offereth saluation to all men It is at large saide before How the lawe is to vs a Scholemaister vnto Christe whiche deliuereth vs from the curse of the lawe The seconde meane whereby Christe applyeth his benefits vnto vs is FAITH For euen as on Christes part the Gospell is in steade of a hand by which he reacheth foorth his benefits vnto vs so on our parte Faith is in place of a hand whiche receiueth Christe beeing offred with all his benefits But that it may bee vnderstoode what the true nature of Faith is I will first set downe so manifest a definition of the same that doubte may be lefte vnto no man what the true and Christian faith is Furthermore I will rehearce the naturall properties of Faith by whiche euery one may easely perceiue whether he hath the true and naturall fayth or no. When Iohn Baptist pronounceth him which beleeueth in the Sonne to haue eternall life he giueth warning that the same is not els where to be sought For hee which hath the sonne hath the way to euerlasting life The sonne is the VVay as he himself saith I am the way Moreouer He which hath the Sonne hath the gate of life according to that saying I am the doore Furthermore hee which hath the sonne hath the merit of eternall life For the sonne did not merit eternall life for himselfe to whom by right it was due but for his that is to say for those whiche beleeue in him Besides this he which hath the Sonne hath with the Sonne all things For he which spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all how should hee not also giue vs all things with him To conclude hee whiche hath the sonne is one with him therfore it can not bee but he is veryly and with the Sonne heyre of eternall life He which hath the sonne hath eternall life it selfe as hee himselfe sayth I am the lyfe Therefore whether thou seekest the way of life or the Doore or the merite or the Fountaine and Lord or euerlasting life it selfe thou haste euery one of these in the Sonne when thou beleeuest in him And contrarywise Hee which beleeueth not in the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of GOD abydeth vpon him Heereby we may esteeme what the excellencie and vtilitie of Fayth is whiche no man can obtayne but hee whiche beeing first admonished by the Lawe of his sinne doth feele the greatnesse of the anger of GOD and iuste condempnation Therefore the Scripture teacheth vs to be sory for our sinne so that we would that we had