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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71356 Mercurius publicus: comprising the sum of forraign intelligence ...[no.36 (30 Aug-6 Sept 1660)]; Mercurius publicus (London, England : 1659) Muddiman, Henry, fl.1659-1666, editor.; Dury, Giles editor.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_34 10,758 17

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Numb. 36 Mercurius Publicus COMPRISING The Sum of Forraign Intelligence WITH The Affairs now in Agitation in England Scotland and Ireland For Information of the People Published by Order From Thursday August 30. to Thursday Septemb. 6. 1660. Amsterdam August 21. THe Post of Osnabrug reports that about six days since some of the Garrison of Munster after they had been very merry the night before made a Sally out of that City when they were yet half drunk taking in a small Fort which the Bishop had caused to be raised for the blocking up of the Place and putting some men in it to maintain it But as they returned back to the City the Bishops Horse ●ell in upon the rear of them and killed about thirty men among whom one of the Burgomasters was found The Bishop had caused some of the Citizens that were killed to be hanged up A Letter from Major Robert Holmes Commander of the Heneretta sent unto Baron Battavella in Spain My Lord BEing appointed by comm●nd from His Royal Highness the Duke of York to wait on Your Excellency with one of His Majesties Ships the King of Great Britain I think it fit to let Your Excellency know That I am safely arrived upon the Coast and intend to Anchor at Gatharia Road where I hope to hear from you and in order thereunto have sent my Ketch to bring Your Excellencies commands I did intend to put in to Passage but finding the entring of the Harbour so narrow I dare not venture with a Ship of this concernment without Your special Order and if Your Excellency think not this place convenient be pleased to appoint any other and I shall immediately set sail towards it if wind and weather will permit The enclosed Letters were given me by Count Constang and Monsieur de Ovietta I shall humbly beg Your Excellencies pardon for not waiting on you with them my self My Lord Your Excellencies most affectionate and humble Servant Robert Holmes From on Board the Heneretta off of Cape Martin Chegoe Aug. 8. 1660. Edinbrough Aug. 25. 1660. On wednesday the 22. of August the Earl of Glencairn Lord Chancellor of Scotland came into this City honourably attended by about 1000. Horse The Major General Colonell Daniel and Colonell Disne the English Commissioners with several Field-Officers and two Troops of the Major Generals Regiment of Horse went to Mussleborough to meet his Lordship and attended him thence to the House designed for his Lordship in this City At his coming in to Edinborough the Earle of Winton rode on his right hand and Major General Morgan on his left He was guarded from the Water-gate to the Nether-Bow by the Major Generals Regiment of Foot The Lord Chancellor being come the Committee of three Estates according to the late Proclamation sate on Thursday Aug. 23. and information being given of some Remonstrating Ministers that were at Robert Symson the Collectors house Orders were sent to Captain Newman in Edinborough Castle to command thence 20. Musquetiers to Symson's house who found the Ministers subscribing a Paper tending to the disturbance of this Kingdom The Ministers were carryed Prisoners to Edinborough Castle Their names are Mr. James Guthrie Minister of Sterling Mr. Robert Trayle Ministers of Edinborough Mr. John Strivling Ministers of Edinborough Mr. Alexander Moncreif Minister of Scooney Mr. John Semple Minister of Carffern Mr. Thomas R●msey Minister of Foulden Mr. Gilbert Hall Minister of Kirkliston Mr. John Scot Minister at Ornham Mr. George Nairne Minister at Brunt Island Mr. John Murray Minister of Maffin Parish James Kirk Laird of Soudaywell Whereupon the Lord Chancellor with the Committee of the Three Estates the very next day set forth this following Proclamation GOD Save the KING A Proclamation by the Committee of Estates convened by His Majesties special Authority against unlawfull Meetings and seditious Papers At Edinburgh August 24. 1660. THe Committee of Estates in obedience to His Majesties Proclamation being met and taking to their se●ou● consideration the goodness of God who in his great mercy hath restored the Kings Majesty to the Exercise of ●is Royal Government And withall considering His ●●jesties great care of and affection to this His Majesties Anc●ent Kingdom of Scotland in Calling and Authorizing the said Committee of Estates to Meet And they finding it their duty to prevent all unlawful Meetings which may tend to the prejudice of His Majesties Service or may again involve His Majesties good Subjects into new Troubles Have thought it fit in His Majesties Name and Authority to prohibite And by these Presents do prohibite and discharge all unlawful and unwarrantable Meetings or Conventicles in any place within this His Majesties Kingdom of Scotland without His Majesties special Authority And likewise all seditious Petitions and Remonstrances under what pretence soever which may tend to the disturbance of the Peace of this Kingdom or alienating and debauching the affections of His Majesties Subjects from their due obedience to His Majesties lawful Authority and that under all highest pains And for this effect appoints all Sheriffs of Shires and Magistrates of Burghs to be careful within their respective Bounds that no such pernicious and dangerous meetings be permitted but that they be timeously prevented hindered made known and discovered to the Committee of Estates And ordain these presents to be forthwith Printed and Published at the Mercat cross of Edinburgh and the Head Burghs of the respective Shires within this Kingdom that none pretend ignorance hereof Signed in the Name and by Warrant of the Committee of Estates GLENCARNE Chancellour I. P. D. Com. After which was set forth another Proclamation commanding that no Disorders of Insolencies be committed by any person whatever within this Kingdom upon any of the English Nation under all highest pain after which they adjourn'd till Tuesday following White-Hall His Majesty was graciously pleased to confer the Honour of Knight-hood upon Herbert Perrot Esquire a worthy Member of the House of Commons serving in Parliament for the Burrough of Weobly in the County of Herreford On Thursday last that accomplished Personage George Earl of Bristol entertain'd His Majesty at his own house with a Supper with whom was Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of York and Gloucester attended by the Marquess of Ormond and other Persons of Honour On Friday the Lords had a Conference with the Commons wherein Their Lordships acquainted the Commons with His Majesties Message for an Adjournment from the eighth of September to the sixth of November next Hamburgh Aug. 25. The Danish Embassadours who lately arrived here out of Holland are this day gone by land for Denmark The Imperial Field-Marshal Montecuculi is daily expected here Two days ago arrived here from Sweden the Pa●sgrave of Su●zhach and the Prince of Anha● they intend to stay here some few days to wait on the Queen of Sweden and then to return into Germany The confederate Forces are now at last broke up in Holsten being appointed to quarter this night
at Rensburgh and to morrow at New Minister and those 600 horse which were said to continue in Holsten are likewise to withdraw on the 21 instant and to follow after the rest The Imperial horse which were quartered in Meklenburg are already drawn together in order to their speedy march out of that country and the Foot is to follow them within a fortnight The Ratifications of peace with the Emperor Sweden Poland and Brandenburg are mutually exchanged and delivered at Danzick on the sixth and eighth courant and Elbing is to be delivered up to the King of Poland on the 14. of this moneth What other place will be given for it to the Elector of Brandenburg is not yet certainly known Field-Marshal Schack is made a Senator of the Kingdom of Denmark and Major-General Eggerick is appointed Governour of Copenhagen The Parliament in Sweden is to Assemble on the 21 of Septemb. and the Ceremonies of the late Kings Funeral are to be performed in the moneth October following which when done several Embassies are to be dispatched thence for England France Holland and other places Vienna 25. Aug. Letters which the last Post from Gratz intimate that his Imperial Majesty was to proceed on his journey for Carin●hia and ●rain at the beginning of the next moneth accompanied only with few of his Court and resolved to go so far as Triest on the Adriatick Sea coast where the V●netians are a preparing of several Nav●l divertisemen●s and curiosities to entertain his Majesty which it so then his Majesties return would not he so sudden as otherwise was expected The Venetians pursue their Lev●e● in these parts with much eagerness and get a number of good Souldiers of the Bava●ian dis-banded Forces into their service The Estates of Nether-Austria are to Assemble here the next week We are advertised from Hungaria that the Count of Serin upon Order from his Imperial Majesty hath withdrawn his Forces from the Fort of Canischa Venice August 6. Two of our Gallies with many armed B●●kes are lately arrived at Ancona the Turkish Pyrates upon information hereof retreated out of the Gulf with their Booty But others are since gone to the Isle of Elba where they have plundred the Town of Piumbino and carryed away many slaves together with the Nuns of the Cloister in that place The Turks having received a supply of 4●0 horse in Canea they have so far made their approaches to the City of Candia that they begin to annoy it with slinging of fire into it But ours to relieve the place have drawn their Forces together about Cerigo Here arrived lately a Turkish Gally which was mastered by 170 Slaves who all had their liberty and a piece of money given them ADVERTISEMENT THE Due way of Composing the Differences on Foot Preserving the Church According to the Opinion of Herbert Thorndike Sold by John Martin James Allestry and Thomas Dicas at the Bell in St. Paul's Church-yard Hague September 20. S. N. The Lords States of the Province of Zealand to the number of twenty six having been fetched up with several Coaches to their audience with the Lords States of Holland Monsieur Adri●n Vet Pensioner of the States of Zealand made a very eloquent and large Speech wherein he remonst●ated to them those motives and reasons which induc'd his Principals to settle and establish the Government of these Provinces upon their ancient Foundation under a Lieutenant or Captain Admiral General for which trust they had nominated his Highness the Prince of Orange according to their resolution taken on the seventh of this moneth desiring the States of Holland would be pleased to concur with them therein In order whereunto a conference is to be held b●tween the Deputies of those two States to endeavour a joynt condescension to and ratification of the premises What the result of it will be a short time must discover There is no certainty yet of the Ambassadors going hence for England and it is thought that they can hardly have their dispatch these six weeks An Extract of the Resolution taken by the Lords States of the Province of Zealand on Saturday the seventh of August S. N. concerning his Highness the Prince of Orange We the Lords States of Zealand having most seriously and deliberatively ●n divers Sessions considered of the ●enor of the fourth Article touching their Conventions and the respective eminent charges heretofore successively held by their Highnesses the P●●●ces of Orange of immortal memory and neerly reflecting on what by these conjunctures of times and affairs ought principally to be observed as tending to the greatest honour welfare and service as well of this S●ate in General as of this Province in particular we doe once more declare it to be our judgement and opinion as we have done several times heretofore that to the beforementioned end and purpose the Cheif management of the publick Concerne must be invested and entrusted with certain Eminent men and persons of Quality and Extraction in pursuance of those several Remonstrances and Resolutions vigorously set forth in the beginning of the troubles and afterwards as well by the States General as the respective Provinces And although the misfortune of many intricate occurrences happening in these late years after the decease of his Highness Prince William the second in these as well as in the Neighboring Countries was a great hindrance and could not well allow that such a Resolution as was necessary and much wished for touching the appointment and Election of such a cheif and certain person for the Government should have its desired effect yet finding that by Gods Gracious and unserchable Providence those unhappy distractions and troubles are ceased and taking notice of a more favorable Constitution of affairs and opportunities as to the whole Christian world in general and these Provinces in particular which to the redress and resettlement of the State ought to be neglected and consequently reassuming our before-mentioned wholsome Intention of Electing one person or other qualified who most worthily and with the most confidence could be intrusted with the chief Government of this State in General and of this Province in particular We the said Lords States of Zealand can find no person of more Credit worth or respect then his Highn●ss the present Prince of Orange he being not onely the off-spring of those Princes who with the hazard of their Estates and blood have layd the foundation of this Commonwealth and by their excellent and couragious conduct purchased so honorable and glorious a Liberty which to the Admiration of all the whole world we at present enjoy But being likewise by blood affinity and Alliances annexed to the greatest and mightiest Princes of Christendom by whom this State in its troubles and necessities hath been principally supported and whose friendship and Confederacies for the time to come will be of most concern to us considering also his Princely Qualities and Vertues wherewith God Almighty hath been pleased to indow his Highness