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A65050 A vindication of their Majesties Wisdom in the nomination of some reverend persons to the vacant arch-bishopricks and bishopricks occasioned by the scandalous reflections of unreasonable men / by a minister of London. Minister of London. 1691 (1691) Wing V534; ESTC R29265 13,123 30

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they shewed I had rather any one shou'd tell than my self for though I do believe many of them meant very well yet by the sequel we find others made a noise in the House and found fault on purpose to be bought off by the Court and put into Posts of Honour and Profit together and then we find how quickly their Opinion of State Affairs altered for that which was before the greatest Grievance was now necessary for the Preservation of the Government Now at the same time while the Puritans thus enlarged their Interest throughout the Kingdom the Bishops on the other side carryed things with a very high Hand having the Countenance of King and Laws and used some Men very roughly yea and those many of them too who were the Peoples Darlings and made the greater Darlings too by reason of their harsh usage of them so that there was nothing in the Nation but endeavours by Fines and Punishments Corporal as well as Pecuniary to suppress the Party on the one side and Cabals and Clubs of many of the Nobility Gentry and discontented Clergy to pluck the Plumes of the Hierarchy and to weaken the Bishops Power together with the Exorbitancies as they thought them of their Ecclesiastical Courts on the other side And the truth of it is the Book of Sports together with some other I fancy though I am tender of judging unnecessary Innovations which Bishop Laud thô otherwayes a very good Man countenanced and the Zeal for which he rewarded with the best Preferments of the Nation these gave a very great Advantage to the Puritan-Party to get into the Hearts and Affections of many well and religiously inclined People throughout the Nation and to give them their due they were not wanting to make use of it accordingly and therefore when King Charles the first through his pressing Necessities called a Parliament the People being allarm'd at the new Supra-conformity all those things brought into the Church which they were made to believe were introductions to Popery nay Popery it self they generally pitched upon such Men to represent them as would look into these things and provide such remedies for them as were thought at that time necessary which Parliament at its first sitting down certainly had abundance of great Patriots of their Countrey passionate Lovers of their King and true Admirers of the Church in its essential Constitution such as my Lord Falkland c. and designed none of those things which afterwards through the craft and subtilty of too many of their Fellow-Members were brought to pass And here now another Opportunity was put into the Church-mens hands to save the Church and to have prevented that Bloody War the miserable Effects of which we feel to this very day and certainly had there been any good Temper and hearkning to the Commands of a true Christian Spirit at this time our breaches had been healed and our Church had been like a compacted City at Unity with it self and all those Notorious Schisms and Divisions together with all those filthy Opinions and Doctrines of Devils which like a violent Innundation broke in upon the Church had certainly been prevented But alas we then did not or would not know the things that belonged to our Peace And here I must change the Tables and charge another sort of Men with one of the greatest Mistakes if not one of the greatest Crimes imaginable and plainly show that when Men tho' pretending the greatest Conscience fancy themselves furnished with power to back them even they are as ready to sacrifice the publick good and Peace of Church and State to their own private Passions to their own Lust and Revenge as those they formerly complained of as their greatest Oppressors For we find that when Archbishop Williams Bishop Morton of Durham and other very learned pious and moderate Divines were appointed to meet at Jerusalem-Chamber in the Deans House at Westminster with Mr. Calamy Dr. Seaman and others who pretended dissatisfaction at some parts of the Churches Constitution those Bishops and learned Men made such Offers drew up such Terms of Accommodation and made such Condescentions that all wise Men expected nothing but an happy Union There was nothing that I can meet withall that the other Party objected against and made matter of scruple or uneasiness to the Party called Puritans but they were ready to part withall tho' they had before defended them so well Bishop Morton particularly as any one knows that hath read his defence of the three innocent Ceremonies for by the by you must know that Party was not run so far as now as to write Books against Diocesan Episcopacy and stated Liturgies Now if any Man ask me where things stuck at this seeming happy juncture and what hindered such a blessed Accord as without all doubt would have made the Kingdom instead of a Field of Blood a Garden of Eden a Paradise of God Why truly I must deal plainly for I put out these Papers with a resolution to spare nor flatter any Party of Men the Fault now lay at the Puritans door and they who had Complained of Severity and Persecution and called the Bishops both in their Pulpits and private Conversation by worse Names all things truly considered than they did deserve only for exacting Conformity to the Laws of the Church and which they had subscribed with their own Hands to observe why now when they saw their Party uppermost and too great a Number God knows of the House of Commons to side with them they left these great and good Men in the lurch turned their backs upon their Persons as well as upon all those moderate and healing Proposals they had made and when Sir Arthur Hazzlerigg had the Confidence as well as the dishonesty to bring in a Bill for taking away Deans and Chapters Lands that is in plain English robbing them of what they had as good a riht to legally as he had to his Estate they I mean Mr. Calamy and the rest thought themselves so secure of the Power of the Nation that nothing would serve their turn but Root and Branch a spirit too much amongst their Successors in Principles at this very day and both Episcopacy and Liturgy all must be sacrificed and given up to the Designs and Pretences of a prevailing Party who God knows thereby involved three Kingdoms in Blood and Ruine and have thereby entailed a spirit of Antipathy amongst Neighbouring Families in all parts of the Nation ever since for had this hopeful Meeting at Jerusalem-Chamber obtained its desired effect which I am sure if I know any thing in History the Conformable Clergy were very forward to promote the War the dismal War had been prevented and all the wofull Effects of it too For the designing Lords and Gentlemen who had a mind to engross the Power and Riches of the Nation into their Hands to rule both King and People could never have raised Men to have fought their Battels if they
I Have been according to my Opportunities not a negligent Observer of the Genius and Humour of the several Sects and Professions in Religion and upon the whole matter I do in my Conscience believe the Church of England to be the best constituted Church this day in the Christian World and that as to the main the Doctrine and Government and Worship of it are excellently framed to make men soberly Religious securing men on the one hand from the wild Freaks of Enthusiasm and on the other hand from the gross Follies of Superstition Dr. Tillotson in a Sermon before King CHARLES the Second A VINDICATION OF THEIR MAJESTIES Wisdom In the late NOMINATION of some Reverend Persons To the Vacant Arch-Bishopricks AND BISHOPRICKS Occasioned by the Scandalous Reflections OF UNREASONABLE MEN. By a Minister of London LONDON Printed and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers-Hall 1691. AN ADVERTISEMENT TO THE READER READER THere are three sorts of Persons whose Spirits I know so well that I am very well satisfied before-hand I shall not want their unseemly as well as unkind Reflections for several things said in these few sheets The first is the man so resolute for the late King James that he cares not if the whole Kingdom was nothing but a Common Slaughter-house and the Inhabitants thereof were involved in an utter ruine together with our Religion and Liberties provided King James was at the Helm again The other is the very High flown Church-man who rather than part with something that is but like the pairings of his Nails will venture the whole Constitution of the Church The last is the loose Whigg who notwithstanding all his former Professions of satisfaction if he might enjoy the Liberty of his Conscience without molestation yet still is very uneasie as if nothing would content him but the Power of a Committee-man or Sequestrator and is daily extolling the Justice of the late Civil War and where he dares justifying the Murder of that Incomparable Prince King CHARLES the First Now Reader to be plain with thee as I expect bad words from these persons so I will promise thee to be Easie under them because I think it much more for a mans Credit to be spoke Ill than Well of by men of such Kidneys for such spirited men have been the Bane of all sorts of Society Religious as well as Civil in most Ages of the World And therefore if thou findest any thing that cuts with too keen an Edge and looks too sharp in the following Treatise I must begg thee to believe it is intended only against such Bigots as these and not against any good man whatever For I am not afraid to tell the World that wherever I meet with a good and modest man let him be of any Opinion or Perswasion never so different from my own yet I love him as a Friend and according to my power will treat him as a Brother Farewell A VINDICATION OF THEIR Majesties Wisdom In the NOMINATION of some BISHOPS TO THE Vacant Sees THere is nothing in all the Ages of Christianity hath done more Mischief to the Church of God than violent Prejudices and Passionate Resolutions to adhere to those Prejudices tho' never so hastily and groundlessly taken up either against Things or Persons for through the influence of these Men have been deaf to all Argument and Reason to all wise and cool Thoughts and Discourses and you can as well almost remove a Mountain as stir these Men from their fixed and determined Opinions and Perswasions so hastily taken up It is no doubt but this is the main Reason of so many Mens otherwise Men of Consideration in the World both for Learning and other Qualities standing out and declaring against the late Revolution and whispering nay the more is the pity publickly abusing the Government as it is in the Hands of their present Majesties whom God grant long to live and to succeed in all their Just and Pious Undertakings and impeaching all those Conscientious Persons that having taken the easie Oaths imposed by Authority upon them as Men that have forsaken the Principles of the Church of England and turned their backs upon their former Obligations to the late King James and withall in gratification of these Principles of Prejudice are now full of nothing but Rage and Fury which they vent by all manner of unseemly Words and Speeches upon their Majesties late Nomination of those worthy Men to fill up the Sees of the Bishopricks vacant by their Predecessors denying to take the Oaths enjoyned them by the Supreme Power of the Kingdom Alas you cannot come into the Company of some sort of Men but your Ears are filled and dinned with nothing but the Church the Church Oh the Church is utterly destroyed put into the hands of false Loons who will betray her Rites break down her Fences set up Presbytery or else countenance Anarchy and Confusion and give up the Order of Bishops together with the grave and solemn and therefore necessary way of publick Worshipping of God by a stated Liturgy and that is not all but they must be cryed down too as Men of no Honour nor Conscience in taking the Places of Men so good and deserving And what particular brands of Infamy and Reproach are fixed upon the Reverend Learned and Pious Dean of St. Pauls whom their Majesties have Nominated to the See of Canterbury things which as he is altogether unworthy of so thanks be to God he is a Man of that Christian Courage and of that great Prudence that he knows how to do his Duty to God and to their Majesties Persons and Government without being ruffled or discomposed by such unmannerly and base Reflections which have no Original but from the corrupt and disingenuous malicious and revengeful minds of those who have been all along Enemies to him because he hath been a steady Friend to Truth and Christian Moderation and hath lived bewailing but no wayes countenancing or encouraging those Passions of all Sides and Parties which have been the Bane of Religion it self as well as of the Safety and Honour of the Church of England And therefore because the Clamour is so great and runs so high and the effects of it may be of so very destructive Consequence to their Majesties Government both in Church and State I will endeavour to do Right to those Reverend Persons who have so greatly Merited by their learned Pens and Pious Lives as well as to their Majesties Wisdom at this time in pitching upon Men to succeed those who have voluntarily quitted their Stations in the Church and I do not doubt but to make it plain that the Church of England is so far from being in danger of ruine by these worthy Men that she will gather strength more and more and look with a more acceptable Countenance amongst the general part of the Nation yea even Dissenters themselves who are but tolerably wise and thoughtfull It is very