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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A56351 The speech or declaration of John Pym, Esq. &c. Pym, John, 1584-1643. 1641 (1641) Wing P4294; ESTC R479151 10,303 16

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varnish I hope they shall then appeare in their owne native deformity and therefore I desire to consider them by these Rules It cannot be for the honour of a King that his sacred authority should be used in the practise of in justice oppression that his Name should be applyed to patronize such horrid crimes as have beene represented in Evidence against the Earle of Strafford and yet how frequently how presumptuously his Commands his Letters have beene vouched throughout the course of this Defence your Lordships have heard When the Iudges doe justice it is the Kings Iustice and this is for his honour because he is the Fountaine of Iustice but when they doe injustice the offence is their owne But those Officers and Ministers of the King who are most officious in the exercise of this Arbitrary power they doe it commonly for their advantage and when they are questioned for it then they fly to the Kings interest to his direction And truly my Lords this is a very unequall distribution for the King that the dishonour of evill courses should be cast upon him and they to have the advantage The prejudice which it brings to him in regard of his profit is no lesse apparant It deprives him of the most beneficiall and most certaine Revenue of his Crowne that is the voluntary aids and supplies of his people his other Revenues consisting of goodly Demeanes and great Manors have by Grants beene alienated from the Crowne and are now exceedingly diminished and impaired But this Revenue it cannot be sold it cannot be burdened with any Pensions or Annuities but comes intirely to the Crowne It is now almost fifteene yeeres since his Majesty had any assistance from his people and these illegall wayes of supplying the King were never prest with more violence and art then they have beene in this time and yet I may upon very good grounds affirme that in the last fifteene yeeres of Queene Elizabeth she received more by the Bounty and Affection of her Subjects then hath come to His Majest●es Coffers by all the inordinate and rigorous courses which have been taken And as those Supplies were more beneficiall in the Receipt of them so were they like in the use and imployment of them Another way of prejudice to his Majesties profit is this Such Arbitrary courses exhaust the people and disable them when there shall be occasion to give such plentifull supplyes as otherwise they would doe I shall need no other proofe of this then the Irish Government under my L. of Strafford where the wealth of the kingdome is so consumed by those horrible exactions and burdens that it is thought the Subsidies lately granted will amount to little more then halfe the proportion of the last Subsidies The two former wayes are hurtfull to the Kings profit in that respect which they call Luceum-Cessans by diminishing his receipts But there is a third fuller of mischiefe and it is in that respect which they call Damnum emergens by increasing his disbursements Such irregular and exhorbitant attempts upon the Liberties of the people are apt to produce such miserable distractions and distempers as will put the King and kingdomes to such vast expences and losses in a short time as will not be recovered in many yeeres Wee need not goe farre to seeke a proofe of this these two last yeares will be a sufficient evidence within which time I assure my selfe it may be proved that more Treasure hath beene wasted more losse sustained by his Majesty and his Subjects then was spent by Queene Elizabeth in all the War of Tyrone and in those many brave Attempts against the King of Spaine and the royall assistance which she gave to France and the Low-Countries during all her Reigne As for Greatnesse this Arbitrary power is apt to hinder and impaire it not onely at home but abroad A kingdome is a society of men conjoyned under one Government for the common good The World is a society of kindomes and States The Kings greatnesse consists not onely in his Dominion over his Subjects at home but in the influence which hee hath upon States abroad That he should bee great even among Kings and by his wisedome and authority so to incline and dispose the affaires of o●her States and Nations and those great events which fall out in the World as shall be for the good of Mankind and for the peculiar advantage of his owne people This is the most glorious and magnificent greatnesse to be able to relieve distressed Princes to support his owne friends and Allies to prevent the ambitious designes of other Kings and how much this Kingdome hath beene impaired in this kinde by the late mischievous counsels your Lordships best know who at a neere distance and with a more cleare sight doe apprehend these publique and great affaires then I can doe Yet this much I dare boldly say that if his Majestie had not with great wisedome and goodnesse forsaken that way wherein the Earle of Strafford had put him we should within a short time have beene brought into that miserable condition as to have beene vselesse to our friends contemptible to our enemies and uncapable of undertaking any great Designe either at home or abroad A fourth Consideration is That this Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Power which the Earle of Strafford did exercise in his owne person and to which he did advise his Majesty is inconsistent with the Peace the Wealth the Prosperity of a Nation It is destructive to Iustice the Mother of Peace to Industry the spring of Wealth to Valour which is the active vertue whereby the prosperity of a Nation can onely be procured confirmed and inlarged It is not onely apt to take away Peace and so intangle the Nation with Warres but doth corrupt Peace and puts such a malignity into it as produceth the Effects of warre We need seeke no other proofe of this but the Earle of Straffords Government where the Irish both Nobility and others had as little security of their Persons or Estates in this peaceable time as if the Kingdome had beene under the rage and fury of warre And as for Industry and Valour who will take paines for that which when hee hath gotten is not his owne Or who fight for that wherein he hath no other interest but such as is subject to the will of another The Ancient encouragement to men that were to defend their Countries was this That they were to hazard their Person pro Aris Focis for their Religion and for their Houses But by this Arbitrary way which was practised in Ireland and counselled here no man had any certainty either of Religion or of his House or any thing else to be his owne But besides this such Arbitrary courses have an ill operation upon the courage of a Nation by embasing the hearts of the people A servile condition doth for the most part beget in men a slavish temper and disposition Those that live so much
under the Whip and the Pillory and such servile Engines as were frequently used by the Earle of Strafford they may have the dregs of valor sullennesse and stubbornnesse which may make them prone to Mutinies and discontents but those Noble and gallant affections which put men on brave Designes and Attempts for the preservation or inlargement of a Kingdome they are hardly capable of Shall it be Treason to embase the Kings Coyne though but a piece of twelve-pence or six-pence and must it not needs be the effect of a greater Treason to embase the spirits of his Subjects and to set a stamp and Character of servitude upon them whereby they shall be disabled to doe any thing for the service of the King or Common-wealth The fifth Consideration is this That the exercise of this Arb●trary Government in times of sudden danger by the invasion of an enemy will disable his Majesty to preserve himselfe and his Subjects from that danger This is the only pretence by which the Earle of Strafford and such other mischievous Counsellours would induce his Majesty to make use of it and if it be unfit for such an occasion I know nothing that can be alledged in maintenance of it When warre threatens a Kingdome by the comming of a forraine Enemy it is no time then to discontent the people to make them weary of the present Government and more inclineable to a Change The supplies which are to come in this way will be unready uncertain there can be no assurance of them no dependence upon them either for time or proportion And if some money be gotten in such a way the Distractions Divisions Distempers which this course is apt to produce will be more prejudiciall to the publique safety than the supply can advantagious to it and of this we have had sufficient experience the last Summer The sixt That this crime of subverting the Lawes and introducing an Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Government is contrary to to the Pact and Covenant betwixt the King and his people That which was spoken of before was the legall union of Allegeance and Protection this is a personall union by mutuall agreement and stipulation confirmed by oath on both sides The King and his people are obliged to one another in the neerest relations He is a Father and a childe is called in Law Pars Patris He is the Husband of the Common-wealth they have the same interests they are inseparable in their condition be it good or evill He is the Head they are the Body there is such an incorporation as cannot be dissolved without the destruction of both When Iustice Thorpe in Edward the thirds time was by the Parliament condemned to death for Bribery the reason of that judgement is given because he had broken the Kings Oath not that he had broken his owne oath but that hee had broken the Kings oath that solemne and great obligation which is the security of the whole Kingdome If for a Iudge to take a small summe in a private cause was adjudged Capitall how much greater was this offence whereby the Earle of Strafford hath broken the Kings Oath in the whole course of his government in Ireland to the prejudice of so many of his Majesties Subjects in their Lives Liberties and Estates and to the danger of all the rest The Doctrine of the Papists Fides non est servanda cum Haereticis is an abominable Doctrine yet that other Tenet more peculiar to the Iesuits is more pernicious whereby Subjects are discharged from their oath of Allegeance to their Prince whensoever the Pope pleaseth This may be added to make the third no lesse mischievous and destructive to humane society then either of the rest That the King is not bound by that oath which he hath taken to observe the Lawes of the Kingdome but may when he sees cause lay Taxes and Burthens upon them without their consent contrary to the Lawes and Liberties of the Kingdome This hath beene preached and published by divers And this is that which hath beene practised in Ireland by the Earle of Strafford in his government there and endevoured to be brought into England by his Counsell here The seventh is this It is an offence that is contrary to the end of Government The end of Government was to prevent oppressions to limit and restraine the excessive power and violence of great men to open the passages of Iustice with indifferency towards all This Arbitrary power is apt to induce and incourage all kinde of insolencies Another end of Government is to preserve men in their Estates to secure them in their Lives and Liberties but if this Designe had taken effect and could have beene setled in England as it was practised in Ireland no man would have had more certainty in his owne then power would have allowed him but these two have been spoken of before there are two behind more important which have not yet beene touched It is the end of Governement that vertue should be cherisht vice supprest but where this Arbitrary and unlimited power is set up a way is open not onely for the security but for the advancement and incouragement of evill Such men as are aptest for the execution and maintenance of this Power are onely capable of preferment and others who will not be instruments of any unjust commands who make a conscience to doe nothing against the Lawes of the Kingdome and liberties of the Subject are not onely not passable for imployment but subject to much jealousie and danger It is the end of Government that all accidents and events all Counsells and Designes should be improved to the publique good But this Arbitrarie Power is apt to dispose all to the maintenance of it selfe The wisdome of the Counsell Table the Authority of the Courts of Iustice the industry of all the Officers of the Crowne have beene most carefully exercised in this the Learning of our Divines the Iurisdiction of our Bishops have beene moulded and disposed to the same effect which though it were begun before the E. of Straffords Imployment yet it hath beene exceedingly furthered and advanced by him Vnder this colour and pretence of maintaining the Kings Power and Prerogative many dangerous practises against the peace and safetie of this kingdome have beene undertaken and promoted The increase of Popery and the favours and incouragement of Papists have beene and still are a great grievance and danger to the Kingdome The innovations in matters of Religion the usurpations of the Clergie the manifold burdens and taxations upon the people have beene a great cause of our present distempers and disorders and yet those who have beene chiefe Furtherers and Actors of such Mischiefes have had their Credit and Authority from this That they were forward to maintaine this Power The E. of Strafford had the first rise of his greatnesse from this and in his Apologie and Defence as your Lordships have heard this hath had a maine part The Royall
Power and Majestie of Kings is most glorious in the prosperitie and happinesse of the people the perfection of all things consists in the end for which they were ordained God onely is his owne end all other things have a further end beyond themselves in attaining whereof their owne happinesse consists If the meanes and the end be set in opposition to one another it must needs cause an impotency and defect of both The eight Consideration is The vanitie and absurdity of those excuses and justifications which he made for himselfe whereof divers particulars have been mentioned in the course of his Defence 1. That he is a Counsellor and might not be questioned for any thing which he advised according to his conscience The ground is true there is a liberty belongs to Counsellors and nothing corrupts Counsels more then Fear Hee that will have the priviledge of a Counsellor must keepe within the iust bounds of a Counsellor those matters are the proper subiects of Counsell which in their times and occasions may be good or beneficiall to the King or Common-wealth But such treasons as these the subversion of the Lawes violation of Liberties they can never be good or iustifiable by any circumstance or occasion and therefore his being a Counsellor makes his fault much more hainous as being committed against a greater Trust and in a way of much mischiefe and danger lest his Maiesties conscience and iudgement upon which the whole course and frame of his Government doe much depend should be poysoned and infected with such wicked principles and designes And this hee hath endeavoured to doe which by all Lawes and in all times hath in this Kingdome beene reckoned a Crime of an High Nature 2. Hee labours to interest your Lordships in his cause by alledging It may be dangerous to your selves and your Posterity who by your birth are fittest to be neare his Maiesty in places of trust and Authority if you should be subiect to be questioned for matters delivered in Counsell To this was answered that it was hoped their Lordships would rather Labour to secure themselves and their posteritie in the exercise of their vertues then of their vices that so they might together with their owne honour and greatnesse preserve the honour and greatnesse both of the King and kingdome 3. Another excuse was this that whatsoever he hath spoken was out of a good intention Sometimes good and evill truth and falshood lie so neare together that they are hardly to be distinguished Matters hurtfull and dangerous may be accompanied with such circumstances as may make it appeare usefull and convenient and in all such cases good intention will justifie evill Counsell But where the matters propounded are evill in their owne nature such as the matters are wherewith the Earle of Strafford is charged to breake a publique faith to subvert Laws and Government they can never be justified by any intentions how speeches or good soever they be pretended 4. Hee alledgeth it was a time of great necessitie and danger when such counsels were necessarie for preservation of the State Necessitie hath beene spoken of before as it relates to the Cause now it is considered as it relates to the Person if there were any necessitie it was of his owne making he by his evill counsell had brought the King into a necessitie and by no Rules of Iustice can be allowed to gaine this advantage by his owne fault as to make that a ground of his justification which is a great part of his offence 5. He hath often insinuated this That it was for his Majesties service in maintenance of that Soveraigne Power with which he is intrusted by God for the good of his people The Answer is this No doubt but that Soveraigne Power wherewith his Majestie is intrusted for the publique good hath many glorious effects the better to inable him thereunto But without doubt this is none of them That by his owne will he may lay any Taxe or Imposition upon his people without their consent in Parliament This hath now been five times adjudged by both Houses In the Case of the Loanes In condemning the Commission of Excise In the Resolution upon the Saving offered to be added to the Petition of Right In the sentence against Manwaring and now lately In condemning the Shipmoney And if the Soveraigne power of the King can produce no such effect as this the Allegation of it is an Aggravation and no Diminution of his offence because thereby he doth labour to interest the King against the just grievance and complaint of the People 6. This Counsell was propounded with divers limitations and Provisions for se●●●ing and repairing the libertie of the people This implies a contradiction to maintaine an Arbitrary and absolute Power and yet to restraine it with limitations and provisions for even those limitations and provisions will be subject to the same absolute Power and to be dispensed in such manner and at such time as it selfe shall determine let the grievances and oppressions be never so heavy the Subject is left without all remedie but at his Majesties owne pleasure 7 He alledgeth they were but words and no effect followed This needs no answer but that the miserable distempers into which he hath brought all the three Kingdomes will be evidence sufficient that his wicked Counsels have had such mischievous effects within these two or three last yeeres that many yeeres peace will hardly repaire those losses and other great mischiefes which the Common-wealth hath sustained These excuses have been collected out of the severall parts of his Defence perchance some others are omitted which I doubt not have beene answered by some of my Collegues and are of no importance either to perplex or to hinder your Lordships judgement touching the hainousnesse of this Crime The ninth Consideration is this That if this be Treason in the nature of it it doth exceed all other Treasons in this that in the Designe and endeavour of the Author it was to be a constant permanent Treason other Treasons transient as being confined within those particular Actions and Proportions wherein they did consist and those being past the Treason ceaseth The Powder-treason was full of horror and malignity yet it is past many yeeres since The murder of that Magnanimous and glorious King Henry the fourth of France was a great and horrid Treason And so were those manifold attempts against Qu. Elizabeth of blessed memory but they are long since past the Detestation of them onely remaines in Histories and in the minds of men and will ever remaine But this Treason if it had taken effect was to be a standing perpetuall Treason which would have beene in continuall act not determined within one time or age but transmitted to Posterity even from one generation to another The tenth consideration is this That as it is a Crime odious in the nature of it so it is odious in the judgement and estimation of the Law to alter the setled frame and constitution of Government is Treason in any estate The Lawes whereby all other parts of a Kingdome are preserved should be very vaine and defective if they had not a power to secure and preserve themselves The forfeitures inflicted for Treason by our Law are of Life Honor and Estate even all that can be forfeited and this Prisoner having committed so many Treasons although he should pay all these forfeitures will be still a Debtor to the Common-wealth Nothing can be more equall then that hee should perish by the Iustice of that Law which hee would have subverted Neither will this be a new way of blood There are markes enough to trace this Law to the very originall of this Kingdome And if it hath not beene put in execution as he allegeth this 240. yeers it was not for want of Law but that all that time hath not bred a man bold enough to commit such Crimes as these which is a circumstance much aggravating his offence and making him no whit lesse liable to punishment because he is the onely man that in so long a time hath ventured upon such a Treason as this It belongs to the charge of another to make it appeare to your Lordships that the Crimes and offences proved against the Earle of Strafford are High Treason by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme whose learning and other abilities are much better for that service But for the time and manner of performing this we are to resort to the Direction of the house of Commons having in this which is already done dispatched all those instructions which we have received and concerning further proceedings for clearing all Questions and Objections in Law your Lordships will heare from the House of Commons in convenient time FINIS