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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11720 A briefe chronicle, of all the kinges of Scotland declaring in what yeare of the worlde, and of Christ, they began to reigne, how long they reigned, of what qualities they were, and how they died. 1625 (1625) STC 22007; ESTC S116893 14,216 46

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bare to him a daughter commonly called the Mayden of Norway in whome King William his whole posteritie failed and the Crowne of Scotland returned to the posteritie of Dauid Earle of Huntingdoun King Malcolme the fourth and King William his brother After his sonnes death for they died before himselfe without Succession in hope of Posteritie hee married Ioleta Daughter to the Earle of Dreux in Fraunce by whome hee had no Succession Hee builded the crosse Kirke of Peibles He died of a fall off his Horse vpon the Sandes betwixt Easter and Wester King-borne in the thirtie and seaven yeare of his reigne And was buried at Dumfermeling After the death of Alexander the third which was in the yeare of the Worlde 5255 and in the yeare of Christ 1285 there were Sixe Regentes appointed to rule Scotland For the South-side of Forthe were appointed Robert the Arche-Bishop of Glasgowe Iohn Cummin and Iohn the great Steward of Scotland For the North-side of Forthe Mak-duffe Earle of Fife Iohn Cummin Earle of Buchan and William Fraser Arch-Bishop of Sainct-Andrewes who ruled the Land about the space of seauen yeares untill the Controuersie was decided betwixt Iohn Ballioll and Robert Bruyse Grandfather to Robert Bruyse the King of Scotland come of the two eldest daughters of David Earle of Huntingdoun for Henrie Hastings who married the youngest daughter put not in his sute with the rest and therefore there is little spoken of him XCV Iohn Ballioll was preferred to Robert Bruyse to bee King of Scotland by Edward the first sur-named Lang-shankes King of ENGLAND who was chosen to bee Iudge of the controversie vpon a Condition That hee should acknowledge him as Superiour which condition like an vnworthie man hee received He beganne his reigne in the yeare of the world 5263 and in the yeare of Christ 1293. Hee was a vaine-glorious man little respecting the Weale of his Countrey Hee had not reigned fullie foure Yeares when hee was expelled by the saide Edward and leaving Scotland departed into the partes of Fraunce where hee died long thereafter in exile And so Scotland was without a King and Governement the space of nine yeares during which space the saide Edward the first Lang-shankes cruellie oppressed the Land destroyed the whole auncient Monuments of the Kingdome and shed much innocent blood XCVI Robert Bruyse began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 5276 and in the yeare of Christ 1306. A valiant good and wise King In the beginning of his reigne hee was subject to great miserie and affliction beeing oppressed by England but at length hauing ouer-come and vanquished Edward the seconde of Carnarvan at the Fielde of Bannocke-burne by the helpe of GOD hee deliuered his owne Countrey of Scotland from the slauerie of England yea and set it at full libertie expelling euen by force of Armes the English Nation quite out of the Land Hee married first Isabell daughter vnto the Earle of Marre who bare vnto him a comelie daughter called Marjorie wife vnto Walter the Great Steward of Scotland of whose happie Race is ruling this day not onelie in Scotland but also over whole Britane Ireland c. as yee shall heare GOD willing anone in the owne place Nowe after the death of King Robert the Bruyce his first wife Isabell the Earle of Marre his Daughter as sayde is hee married another of the same name Isabell who vvas the onelie Daughter and Heretrixe unto Haymerus de Burc Earle of Hultonia or Hulster in Ireland and shee bare unto him one goodlie Sonne and two Daughters to wit David the seconde Margaret the Countesse of Sootherland and her youngest Daughter Maude vvho died in her childhood This good King after he had reigned twentie and foure yeares hee ended his toylsome dayes at Cardrosse and was honourablie buried at Dumfermeling with great solemnitie XCVIII David the second Bruyce succeeded unto his father in the yeare of the Worlde fiue thousand three hundreth and in the yeare of our Redemption one thousand three hundreth and thirtie Hee was a good prince and subject unto verie much affliction in his youth for first after the death of Thomas Ranulph his Regent hee was forced to flee into France euen for safeguarde of his lyfe And after certaine years returning homewardes to Scotland was taken prisoner at the Battell of Durhame by the English-men and holden almost twelue yeares captiue in England But at length as GOD vvould hee was restored to his free libertie and hee married first Ieane Daughter unto Edward the second King of faire England and after her death hee married Margaret Logie Daughter unto Sir Iohn Logie Knight And yet hee died without anie succession in the fourtieth yeare of his reigne at Edinburgh and vvas buried at Holie-Roode-house XCIX Edward Ballioll sonne to Iohn Ballioll vsurped the Crowne of Scotland beeing assisted by Edward the third King of ENGLAND in the Yeare of the Worlde 5302 and in the Yeare of Christ 1332. But hee was expelled at length by Dauid the seconde his Regents and Dauid the seconde established King C. Robert the second surnamed Blear-eye the first of the Stewardes sonne to Walter Steward and Marjorie Bruyse King Robert Bruyse his Daughter succeeded to his Mothers Brother In the yeare of the Worlde 5341 and in the yeare of Christ 1371. A good and a Peaceable Prince He married first Eufeme Daughter to Hugh Earle of Rosse who bare vnto him Dauid Earle of Stratherne Walter Earle of Athol and Alexander Earle of Buchan Lord Banneynoch And after her deceasse euen for the affection which hee bare unto his children which hee had begotten before hee was first married hee married Elizabeth Mure Daughter unto Sir Adam Mure a worthie Knight who afore-times had borne unto him Iohn who there-after was called Robert the thirde Earle of Carricke Robert Earle of Fyffe and Menteith and Eufeme wife to Iames Earle of Dowglas But at length this good Prince behoved to goe the way of all flesh and when hee had reigned happilie about nineteene yeares he departed this lyfe in peace at Dun-Donalde and was solemnlie buried at Scone CI. Robert the thirde sur-named Iohn Farne-yeare succeeded unto his father in the yeare of the Worlde fiue thousande three hundreth and three-score and in the yeare of our blessed Saviour Christ Iesus one thousand three hundreth foure-score and ten Hee was a quiet and peaceable Prince and tooke to wyfe Annabell Drummond daughter unto the Laird of Stob-hall who bare unto him David the Prince Duke of Rothesay that died in prison of verie extreame famine at Falkland and Iames the first taken captiue in his voyage to Fraunce and deteined a captiue against all equitie almost the space of eighteene Yeares in England Hee died of displeasure at Rothesay when hee heard of the death of his one sonne and captiuitie of the other Hee was buried at Paisley in the sixteenth yeare of his reigne Then Robert Earle of Fyffe and Menteith beganne to gouerne the Kingdome of Scotland in
A Briefe Chronicle of all the Kings of Scotland since it was first inhabited vntill this present Yeare 1623. I. FERGVS The First KING of SCOTLAND the Sonne of FERQVHARD a Prince of IRELAND began to reigne in the yeare of the Worlde 3641 before the comming of our Saviour Iesus Christ 330 yeares in the first yeare of the 112 Olympiade and in the 421 yeare of the building of Rome about the beginning of the thirde Monarchie of the Grecians when Alexander the Great overthrew Darius Codomannus the last Monarch of Persia Hee was a valiant Prince and died Ship-broken vpon the Sea-coaste of Ireland in the 25 yeare of his reigne II. Feritharis Brother to Fergus began to reigne in the yeare of the world 3666 in the yeare before the comming of Christ 305. Hee was a good Iustitiar in whose time there was a Lawe made That if the sonnes of the King departed were so young that they could not rule then in that case the nearest in blood should reigne beeing in age sufficient for Governement and then after his death the Kings Children should succeede Which Lawe continued vntill Kenneth the thirds dayes almost 1025 years Hee was slaine by the meanes of Ferlegus Fergus his brothers sonne in the fifteenth yeare of his reigne III. Mainus King Fergus sonne succeeded to his fathers brother in the yeare of the worlde 3680 and in the yeare before the comming of Christ 291. Hee was a wyse and good King and died peaceablie in the twentie ninth yeare of his reigne IIII. Dornadilla succeeded to his father Mainus in the yeare of the worlde 3709 in the yeare before the comming of Christ 262. Hee was a good King who made the first Lawes concerning Hunting and died peaceablie in the twentie and eight yeare of his reigne V. Nothatus succeeded to his brother Dornadilla in the yeare of the worlde 3738 and in the yeare before the comming of Iesus Christ 233. Hee was a greedie and a cruell Tyrant and was slaine by Dovalus one of his Nobles in the twentieth yeare of his reigne VI. Reutherus the sonne of Dornadilla began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 3758 in the yeare before the comming of Christ 213. Hee was a good King and died peaceablie in the twentie and sixt yeare of his reigne VII Reutha succeeded to his brother Reutherus in the yeare of the world 3784 in the yeare before the comming of Christ 187. Hee was a good King who after he had ruled fourteene years left the governement of the Kingdome even of his owne accord and lived a private lyfe VIII Thereus the sonne of Reutherus began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 3798 in the yeare before the comming of Christ 173. He was an vnwyse and cruell Tyrant who was expelled and banished the Realme by his owne Nobles in the twelft yeare of his reigne and Conanus a wyse and graue Senator was made Governour of the Lande And Thereus died in exyle in the Citie of Yorke IX Iosina succeeded his brother Thereus in the yeare of the world 3810. In the yeare before Christ 161. Hee was a quiet and good Prince A good medicinar and Herbister He died in peace in the twentie foure yeare of his reigne X. Finnanus Iosina his sonne beganne to reigne in the yeare of the world 3834. In the yeare before Christ 137. A good King He was much giuen to the superstitious religion of the Druydes He died in peace in the 30 yeare of his reigne XI Durstus Finnanus sonne succeeded to his Father in the yeare of the world 3864. In the yeare before Christ 107. A cruell and a Traiterous Tyrant slaine by his Nobles in Battell in the 9 Yeare of his reigne XII Evenus 1. succeded to his brother Durstus in the yeare of the world three thousand eight hundred seventie three In the yeare before the cumming of Christ 98 yeares A wise just and vertuous prince He died peaceably in the 19 yeare of his reigne XIII Gillus Evenus bastard sonne succeeded to his father in the yeare of the world 3892. In the yeare before Christ 79. A craftie tyrant slame in battell by Cadallus in the 2 yeare of his reigne XIIII Euenus 2. Dovallus sonne King Finnanus brother began to reigne in the yeare of the world 3894. In the yeare before the comming of Christ 77. A good and ciuill King Hee died in peace in the seuenteene yeare of his reigne XV. Ederus Dochamus sonne Durstus sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the Worlde 3911. In the yeare before the comming of Christ 60. A wise Valiant and good Prince He died in the 48. yeare of his reigne XVI Evenus 3. succeeded to his Father Ederus in the yeare of the world three thousand nine hundred 59. In the yeare before the comming of Christ 12. A luxurious and Covetous wicked King Hee was taken by his Nobles and Imprisoned and died in prison in the seaventh yeare of his reigne XVII Metellanus Ederus brothers sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the world 3966. Foure yeares before Christs Incarnation A verie modest and good King He died in the 39 yeare of his reigne XVIII Caractacus Cadallarius and Eropeia Metellanus sisters sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the world 4005. In the yeare of Christ 35. Hee was a wise and valiant King and reigned 20 yeares XIX Corbredus 1. succeeded to his brother Caractacus In the yeare of the worlde 4025. In the yeare of Christ 55. A wise King and a good Institiar He died in peace in the 18. yeare of his reigne XX. Dardannus Nephew to Metellanus began to reigne In the veare of the world 4042. In the yeare of Christ 72. A cruell tyrant He was taken in battell and beheaded by his owne Subjectes in the fourth yeare of his reigne XXI Corbredus 2. sur-named Galius Corbrodus sonne began to reigne in they care of the world 4046. In the yeare of Christ 76. A valiant and worthy King for hee had many warres with the Romaines and was oft victorious over them He died in peace in the 35. yeare of his reigne XXII Lugthacus succeeded to his father Corbredus 2. In the yeare of the world 4080. In the yeare of Christ 110. A lecherous bloodie tyrant Hee was slaine by his Nobles in the 3. yeare of his reigne XXIII Mogallus Corbredus 2. sisters son Hee beganne to reigne in the yeare of the world 4083. In the yeare of Christ 113. A good King and victorious in the beginning of his reigne But in the ende of his life became inclyned to tyranny leachery and covetousnesse and was slayne by his Nobles in the 36 yeare of his reigne XXIIII Conarus succeeded to his father Mogallus In the yeare of the world 4119. In the yeare of Christ 149. A leacherous tyrant He was imprisoned by his Nobles and died in prison in the 14. yeare of his reigne and Argadus a Noble man was made Governour XXV Ethodius 1. Mogallus sisters sonne began to reigne in the
yeare of the worlde 4133. In the yeare of Christ 163. He was a good prince He was slaine by an Harper in the 33. yeare of his reigne XXVI Satraell succeeded to his brother Ethodius 1. In the yeare of the world 4165. In the yeare of Christ 195. A cruell tyrant He was slaine by his owne Courteours in the 4. yeare of his reigne XXVII Donald 1. the first Christian King of Scotland succeeded to his brother Satraell in the yeare of the world 4169. In the yeare of Christ 199. A good and religious King He was the first of the Kings of Scotland that coyned money of golde and silver Hee died in the eighteenth yeare of his reigne XXVIII Ethodius 2. Ethodius 1. sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 4186. In the yeare of Christ 216. An vnwise and base mynded King gouerned by his Nobles Hee was slayne by his owne Guarde in the 16. yeare of his Reigne XXIX Athirco succeeded to his father Ethodius 2. in the yeare of the world 4201. In the yeare of Christ 231. A valiant prince in the beginning but hee degenerated and became vitious and beeing hardly persued by his Nobles for his wicked life slewe himselfe in the 12 yeare of his Reigne XXX Nathalocus brother sonne as some write to Athirco began to reign in the year of the world 4212. In the yeare of Christ 242. A cruell tyrant slaine by his Nobles and cast away into a privie in the 11. yeare of his Reigne XXXI Findocus Athirco his sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the world 4223. In the yeare of Christ 253. A good King and valiant Slaine by feigned Hunters at the instigation of Donald Lord of the Iles his brother in the 11. yeare of his reigne XXXII Donald 2. succeeded to his brother Findocus in the yeare of the worlde 4234. In the yeare of Christ 264. A good prince Hee was wounded in battell and being overcome died of displeasure in the first yeare of his Reigne XXXIII Donald 3. Lord of Iles brother to Findocus began to reigne in the yeare of worlde 4235. In the yeare of Christ 265. A cruell tyrant slaine by Crathilinthus his successour in the 12. yeare of his Reigne XXXIIII Crathilinthus Findocus sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 4247. In the yeare of Christ 277. A valiant and a godly King he purged the land from the Idolatrous superstition of the Druydes and planted the sincere Christian religion Hee died in peace in the 24. yeare of his reigne XXXV Fincormachus father brother sonne to Crathilinthus began his reigne in the yeare of the world 4271. In the yeare of Christ 301. A godly King and valiant Hee was a worthy promover of the Kingdome of Christ in Scotland Hee died in peace in the 47. yeare of his reigne XXXVI Romachus brothers sonne to Crathilinthus began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 4318. In the yeare of Christ 348. A cruell tyrant slayne by his Nobles and his head striken off in the third yeare of his reigne XXXVII Angusianus Crathilinthus brothers sonne succeeded to Romachus in the yeare of the worlde 4321. In the yeare of Christ 351. A good King slayne in battell by the Pictes in the 3. yeare of his reigne XXXVIII Fethelmachus another brothers sonne of Crathilinthus hee began to reigne in the yeare of the world 4324. In the yeare of Christ 354. Hee was a valiant King for he overcame the Pictes and slew their King Hee was betrayed to the Pictes by an Harper and slayne by them in his owne Chamber in the 3. Yeare of his reigne XXXIX Eugenius 1. Fincormachus son began to reigne in the yeare of the world 4327. In the yeare of Christ 357. A valiant just and good King Hee was slayne in battell by the Pictes and Romaines in the 3. yeare of his reigne And the whole Scottish Nation was vtterly expelled the I le by the Pictes and Romaines and remained in exile about the space of 44. yeares XL. Fergus 2. Erthus sonnes sonne to Ethodius Eugenius the first his brother returning into Scotland with the helpe of the Danes and Gotthes and his owne Countreymen who were gathered to him out of all the countreys where they were dispersed conquered his kingdome of Scotland againe out of the Romaines and Pictes hands Hee began his reigne In the the yeare of the world 4374. In the yeare of Christ 404. He was a wise valiant and good King He was slayne by the Romaines in the 16. yeare of his reigne XLI Eugenius 2. Fergus 2. son succeeded to his father In the yeare of the worlde 4390. In the yeare of Christ 420. He was a valiant and a good prince Hee subdued the Britones and died in the thirtie-two yeare of his reigne XLII Dongardus succeeded to his brother Eugenius 2. In the yeare of the worlde 4421. In the yeare of Christ 451. A godly wise and valiant prince He died in the 5. yeare of his reigne XLIII Constantine 1. succeeded to his brother Dongardus In the yeare of the world 4427. In the yeare of Christ 457. A wicked prince Hee was slayne by a Noble man in the Iles whose daughter he had desiled in the 22. yeare of his Reigne XLIIII Congallus 1. Dongardus sonne began to reigne in the yeare of the worlde 4449 In the yeare of Christ 479. Hee was a good and quyer Prince and died in great peace in the twentie and two yeare of his reigne XLV Goranus or Conranus succeeded to his Brother Congallus the first in the yeare of the worlde 4471 and in the yeare of Christ 501. A good and wyse Prince Hee died even in the thirtie and fourth yeare of his reigne XLVI Eugenius the thirde the sonne of Congallus succeeded to his Father in the yeare of the worlde 4505 and in the yeare of Christ 535. Hee was a wyse King and a good Iustitiar and died in the twentie and third yeare of his reigne XLVII Congallus the second or Convallus succeeded to his Brother Eugenius the third in the yeare of the worlde 4528 and in the yeare of Christ 558. A verie good Prince and died in peace in the eleventh yeare of his Reigne XLVIII Kinnatillus succeeded to his brother Congallus the second in the yeare of the worlde 4539 and in the yeare of Christ 569. Hee was a good Prince and died alace in the first yeare of his Reigne XLIX Aidanus the sonne of Conranus began his Reigne in the Yeare of the world 4540 and in the Yeare of Christ 570. A verie godlie and good Prince who reigned thirtie and fiue Yeares and deceassed in great peace L. Kennethus the first sur-named Keir the sonne of Congallus the seconde beganne to reigne in the Yeare of the worlde 4575 and in the Yeare of Christ 605. A verie peaceable Prince and departed this life in the first Yeare of his Reigne LI. Eugenius the fourth the sonne of Aidanus began his Reigne in the Yeare of the world 4576 and in the Yeare