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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09895 The loue of VVales to their soueraigne prince expressed in a true relation of the solemnity held at Ludlow in the countie of Salop, vpon the fourth of Nouember last past. Anno Domini. 1616. Being the day of the creation of the high and mighty Charles, Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chester, in his Maiesties palace of White-Hall. Powel, Daniel. 1616 (1616) STC 20159; ESTC S115024 8,294 28

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Southwales duas in partes Cambria Suntque Signa Leone rapax cum gradiente Leo. Cestria gestit ouans ouans Cornubia quinto Ostentans titulos amplificansque suos Eboraco tandem Lancastria iungitur illis Candida purpureae sic rosa iuncta rosae Singula pulchra satis licet ingens pondus Honoris Sola tenent Ducibus nobilitata suis Vnde paterna fluit maternaque Gentis origo Regibus innumeris quae numeretur auis At splendoris habent immensum corpore in vno Crux Rosa Spica Globi Lilia Plectra Leo. Vis vnita valet virtus coniuncta nitescit Clarior Haec nostri Principis arma docent Significantque suis Quaeque haec dignissima sacris Arcanis Vatum ni minuenda fides Diuinos mores coelestia pectora Mentes Plusquam mortales Regibus esse pijs Hos fidei curaeque tuae mandamus Honores O princeps nostri luxque decusque Fori Dixit THO FISHER QVid Phaebaea canit vel iactat nomina Delos Creta quid omnipotens nomen Iouiale recenset Principis haec nostri superabit nomina nomen Clara per immensum fundens miracula mundum Illum pro cunctis sua Cambria praedicet vnum Vnum prae cunctis vaga fama recenseat illum Spargat Argolicas tua nomina clara per vrbes Vrbes Italiae noscant tua nomina tanta Tanta per Assyrios volitent tua nomina muros Muros Barbariae collustrent nomina sacra Sacra vel extremae captant tua nomina Gentes Gentes condiscant tradant Posteritati Posteritas tanto gaudebit nomine laeta Carole gentis honos nostrae Lux altera Mundi Dixit SIMON COTTON Haec dies nobis niueo lapillo Haec dies festo numeranda ramo Carolus Princeps pius hac nitenti Luce creatur Principi nostro meritos honores Maximos illi meritosque amores Demus quartae memores Nouembris Simus in aeuum Bellicus artes amet Trophaea Candidus doctis faueat Camoenis Victor educto gladio rebellem Terreat hostem Inclytus factis super astra notis Exprimat patrem pietate matrem Et Senex vitae numeret beatae Tempora longa Dixit EDOARDVS SAVNDERS All which were principally inuented and made by the painfull industrie of that iudicious and laborious maister of Artes Humfrey Herbert chiefe Schoole-maister of his Maiesties free-Schoole there vpon one dayes warning As also these that follow were then pronounced being made by that worthy Alderman of Ludlow maister Richard Fisher That which the fullnesse of our Ioy brings forth Although not equall to the causes worth That which our humble duetie moues vs to All that our meane Abilitie can do Vnto our deare Prince Charles we consecrate His faire beginning to congratulate Charles a a Camdens Remaines Valiant a●d b b Verstegans etymolog All-Noble signifies And loe these Emblemes well the same implies The c c Cardan inuicta superare significat Ostrich feathers Fortitude expresse The Kingly d d Principem virum magnanimum Lions intimate no lesse The e e Symbolū christianae prosessionis Crosse Religion and these fragrant f f Lilium rosae pulchritudinem gratiam bonam famam iusta facta pollicentur flowers The g g Harmonia sapientiam diuinam Slash the h h Vnitatem securitatem Globes i i Garbae spicae deorum sunt coronae prosperitatem benignitatem significant denotant Cardan Crowne of heauenly powers Are Hieroglyphicks of Nobilitie High Birth true Wisedome Iustice Pietie These we present vnto his sacred Name Whose worth containes the Character of Fame THOMAS GREGORIE THrice blessed be the heauenly Prouidence That gau's a Prince of such magnificence Who is the most illustrious flowring Bud Of many famous Kingdomes royall Blud And our great Britaines hopefull ornament Hee shall protect this happy * * The Honourable Counsell of the Marches Gouernment And proudest opposition learne to know The Dutie to our Soueraigne King we owe. Now Ludlow maist thou hope if Gods will bee Thy Princes sacred person heere to see And streame out all thy Ioyes to veiw his Face And some officious seruice do his Grace O prosper may he and his glory more Then any Charles the World had e're before His future yeares exceeding ten times ten All those that loue Prince Charles will say Amen WALTER ASTON THe which Speeches being ended by the said Schollers who thereby for their gracious boldnesse in the deliuerie thereof got great applause by the said Iustice and all the Auditorie and after another volley of shot discharged they marched and passed by sundry other great Bonfires whereof one was by the Castle Gate and another was within the vtter Court or Greene of the said Castle and there marching discharging of shot singing playing on instruments and heartily reioycing proceeded into the Court-house of the said Principalitie where the said Iustice very grauely in the presence and audience of all the whole Company there assembled deliuered these words following or the like in effect viz. THis happy and glorious Day the bright Sunne-shining glory of Great Britaine being the first day of the Weeke and the first day of our Terme and the next day to the Lords owne Day his holy Sabaoth and the next day before our wonderfull day of our great deliuerance from the Gunpowder-Treason the Kings day The High and Mighty Prince Charles our first Prince of that Name Prince of Great Britaine and Ireland Duke of Cornewall Yorke and Albany Marques of Ormont Earle of Rosse Baron of Armanoch of the most Noble Order of the Garter Knight Second Sonne by Birth and now the Onely and First Begotten Sonne of the most potent and puissant IAMES by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King is this day at his Maiesties Palace of White-hall created Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester being the thirteenth Prince by Creation in succession of this his Noble Principalitie of Wales This most excellent Prince thus stated and stiled takes it for a high honour and great dignitie vnto himselfe to be created Prince of Wales and therfore all we of this Principalitie and Iurisdiction are the rather bound to yeeld all honour dutie and seruice to him who hath so much honoured vs and all Wales And therefore let none scorne nor contemne the power and authoritie thereof his Highnesse being graciously pleased to signifie his pleasure to me and my said Brethren of this Counsell That he would protect and defend the same both by his Highnesse himselfe and by his Princely meanes to the King his father And as he is now our first Prince of that name so I hope he shal be as religious victorious and renowned within these his Maiesties Kingdoms and the Dominions thereof in future times as those of his Name haue bene in other Kingdomes in former Ages before him to the great glory of great Britaine Therefore all our Prayers to God shal be that
our said Prince may be a continuall comfort and Honour to the King his father our dread Soueraigne during his raigne which God long continue and afterwards to be the staffe and strength of vs and all Christendome for the protection and defence of the Church of God his holy word and Gospel and that God will blesse Prince Charles our said Prince of Wales with all his blessings from Heauen fit for so high and mighty a Prince as he is as also with long life royall issue and happy dayes for the good and welfare of this our Church and Common-wealth And let this happy day of the Creation of our sayd Prince of Wales be heere recorded by vs for a memoriall to all succeeding times and so againe we say God saue and blesse Prince Charles our said Prince of Wales and his royall Posterity for euer These were the words of that reuerend Iudge there wanteth nothing saue that Grace and Zeale wherewith he pronounced them Whereunto all the people with a loud voyce prayed and cryed Amen Amen And thereupon all the Musick played Drums were strucke Flutes whistled Trumpets sounded people showted and another piercing and thundring Volley of shot was let flie the eccho and report whereof resounded admirably to the great solace and comfort of all present And then being full one of the clocke in the after noone the said Iustice and Counsell with the Knights Esquiers and best sort of Gentlemen returned into the Castle to dinner where was a great Feast prouided with excellent musicke the Bailiffes also with their Brethren and Burgesses went downe to the Towne to spend the rest of the day in all joyfull and iouiall manner hauing all of them before their departure thence in the presence and by the appointment of Raph Mansfield Esquier chiefe Steward to the Kings Houshold there drunke plentifully of wine to the happie health and prosperitie of our said gracious Prince of Wales Dinner being scarse ended in the Castle the aforesaide Bailiffes in like pompe beeing againe accompanied with the whole Quire of the Church and the Penon-bearers with their Banerols of Armes in their hands and their Musicke playing before them came vp in great solemnitie into the Castle where Maister Iustice ioyfully receiuing them brought them straight into the Chappell there to offer their Euening Sacrifice where much reioycing was without doores and excellent Musicke of Voyces in singing many Psalmes and new Anthemes within the saide Chappell VVhich being finished the aforesaid Schollers very humbly prostrating themselues with low obeisance deliuered vp their sayd seuerall Banerolls into the hands of the said Iustice who willed Richard Adams Gentleman being skilfull in Heraldrie there present to see them orderly placed in the said Chappel where they now remaine as remarkeable Trophies of that Solemnitie And after Prayers ended the Bailiffes with their company humbly taking their leaue of the Counsell Maister Iustice required them still to continue their Ringing as well for the full solemnizing of the said day of our Prince his sayd Creation as also to expresse their ioy and thanksgiuing vnto Almightie God for our said dread Soueraignes most admirable Deliuerance with the royall Queene illustrious Prince all the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons of this Realme assembled together in Parliament from the Papists treasonable and horrible conspiracie and vnmatchable intended Practise of the Gunne-powder treason in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred and fiue and to bee in a readinesse with the sayd Iustice and Counsell the next morning to praise God for the same VVhich accordingly was performed the next day and a very learned Sermon preached by Maister Thomas Kaye the Kings Chaplaine attending the Lord President and Counsell there vpon the twelue and thirteene Verses of the 116. Psalme What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefites towards me I will take the cup of Saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord. Which Sermon being ended euery man returned to their home the Musicke Ringing and Bonefires continuing to the great comfort of all his Maiesties said louing and faithfull Subiects all the said day This Solemnization the said Iustice was carefull to obserue for the Glorie of God the Honour of the King and Prince of Wales as well to testifie and expresse his Duetie and Seruice as also the loyaltie and heartie ioy of all his Maiesties louing Subiects then assembled FINIS