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A09609 An humble petition offered to the right reuerend, honourable, and vvorshipfull estates of this present Parliament assembled ar [sic] Westminster Pallace wherein the wandring ghost of the late pyramis demolished lately in ParĂ­s, discourseth his hard fortunes, trauailes, and strange accidents to the new Brittaine monarchie, to whom he wisheth all peace, wealth, and prosperitie. Written by Philopatris, pittying his downfall, and perswading his new erecting, and building vp againe in Westminster. Philopatris, fl. 1606. 1606 (1606) STC 19884; ESTC S115283 18,010 50

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AN HVMBLE Petition offered to the right reuerend honourable and vvorshipfull estates of this present Parliament assembled at Westminster Pallace Wherein the wandring Ghost of the late Pyramis demolished lately in Paris discourseth his hard fortunes trauailes and strange accidents to the new Brittaine Monarchie to whom he wisheth all peace wealth and prosperitie Written by Philopatris pittying his downfall and perswading his new erecting and building vp againe in Westminster At London Printed for Matthew Lownes 1606. To ancient and famous Troynovant WIth sunburnd Afrike Europe bore debate And France with fertile Egipt did cōtend With Memphis old Lutetia stroue of late For Monuments but now that strife hath end The Pyramies of Paris doo decay But Memphis stones remaine stand for aye Shall Afrike thus tryumph in Europes shame Can Brittaine braue endure so great disgrace No Troynovant flie thou on wings of fame From Memphis both and Paris take thou place Build monuments in spight of Popish fire Which Afrike both and Asia may admire To the high Court of Parliament AFter that my suddaine downfall vnexpected overthrow most ancient and famous great Brittaine was plotted secretly in Rome prepared cunningly in France and executed ignominiously not long since by publique aucthoritie in the chiefe Cittie of the French Kingdome This favour yet I had for my continuall and faithfull service done to so great a King and State that some of my dearest friends and favourers whose long pleadings in Lawe strong reasons in equitie and earnest sute in Court nothing prevailing for the saving of my faultlesse and innocent life should bee permitted at last after my death to gather together the fatall reliques and ruines of my sumptuous builded corps to be secretly laid vp in some sure place there to be shrouded vnto a better and more favourable age following from the cruell persecution of my bloudie Esauiticall enemies seeking and pursuing like vnto Herod through all Iuda from corner to corner for the anatomie of my brused bones to be offred vp as a sweete smelling sacrifice to that Antichristian bloudie Dragon who daily thirsteth for the poore lyues of such harmlesse creatures as I am manifesting to the world his foule shame and monstrous parts But may it not seeme ouer-strange and meruailous to the eyes and eares of the world that dumbe and insensible creatures should speake and crie out of cruell iniustice vsed against them Mervailous indeed it is because against nature but not therfore vntrue nor yet vnlikely considering what the Prophets haue truly fore-told howe in the latter dayes there should many miraculous thinges fall out and wonderfull visions appeare both in heaven earth And surely thou new Monarchie the eclipse of the Sunne seene here of late with the new starre but more likelie a prodigious Cōmet in thy Hemisphere the extraordinarie rednes of the firmament like to bloud the continuall raines and land flouds the monstrous births of children and beastes on the earth and of fishes in the Sea but more notable that a new and vnknowne Astrologer in his Prognostication set out in our Cittie of Paris should fore-shew such strange and incredible matters to come to passe three moneths before this wonderfull accident was knowne among you to wit that this yeare 1605 heere should bee a turbulent Parliament a black Christmas and a bloudie Lent Did not all these things agreeing as it were and conspiring together speake and fore-warne you beloved great Brittaine even as they had beene reasonable creatures of the great disastre likely to fall out comming to my eares Mervaile not then if I that had my erection established by the sound advisement and firme decree of the gravest wisest and most learned Parliament of the world perfected by the sacred influence and infusion of all the Muses through every member of my bodie life given to mee by my Soveraigne King to witnesse the safetie of his life should not as wel speake at least my Ghost as did the counterfet spirit of Samuel and rather to bee better thought of then it because both my warrant and cause is approovedly good But while I stoode long time in a muse pondering betwixt hope and dispaire what should become of my wandring soule and at length thinking with my selfe to finde out some Pythagorean Philosophers if anie were yet aliue for consulting what bodie should be fittest for my receptacle certaine my loving friends in this time inspired as the sequell shall testifie with some divine instinct convayed me safely to great Brittaines Ocean Sea where Neptune receaving me courteouslie at their hands commaunded Aeolus with his fairest and readiest windes safelie and speedilie to transport me from that dangerous shore I was on to the famous Microcosme of ancient Brittaine the great Conquerour somtime of my ingrate Countrie as to the chiefe harbour of all poore distressed Pilgrimes But while Aeolus was preparing all things necessarie for my safe conduct Neptune willed me brieflie to report the causes of my suddaine flight and departure from my native Countrie which though at first I was in doubt what to doe as fearing that hee might either bewray me to mine enemies when I had told him all or might stop my passage if I told him not at last I resolved vpon all hazards that might follow to satisfie his demaund as farre foorth as the shortnes of the time and perill of the place would permit Then thus I spake vnto him The causes that haue compeld mee O great Neptune thou great God of the Ocean to seeke thy favour in this my miserie are trulie and vpon my alleagiance vnto thee the extreame and more then inhumane persecutions of my bloudie enemies the Iesuites both before and since my lamentable and vndeserved death overthrow procured for no other cause then for truly witnessing to the world but more particularly to true Catholique Hugonets and to all forraine Strangers who might dailie beholde mee in the prime of my tryumphant estate in the most famous Cittie and place of the vniuersall world how this mightie King martial Monarch Henry the fourth that now raigneth was treacherously wounded but yet miraculously preserved of his life frō the Esauitical plot executed by Chattell one of the novices trayned vp in their tragicall Schoole erected latelie for teaching of bloudie precepts for the killing of all such Kings and Princes as being either Romanists or true Christians shall be stumbling blocks to hinder the politick courses of their new established Machiavillian Government Me miserûm vox faucibus haeret I cannot vtter the one halfe I would say such hast I haue to be gone for the feare danger I am in by the furious pursute of my professed enemies who tyrannouslie triumphing in mine overthrow mangled all the members of my bodie as was pittifull to see and yet not so satisfied will not suffer my broken bones no nor my verie Ghost to remaine in rest or safetie within anie part of this ample Kingdom These men or to
had failed conceaued presently a more horrible plot then all the Stygian furies called together in a common Counsell could haue devised not onely against the sacred person life of Apollo but also his divine Cynthia and all their Godlike progenie all the Heroes Prelates Nobles Statesmen and chiefe Gentrie vnder his Domination all whom and manie moe by force of his invention he made sure account to haue destroyed vpon that ominous day of Mars with one blow of his fatall engine Which complot hee gaue in charge for the more suretie to certaine of his trustie Enginers the Esauiticall band whose charge profession and practise is nothing else but the vndermining and blowing vp of Princes great States and Kingdomes to see the same with all secret conveyance and diligence put in execution Never before was heard of the like inhumane stratagem though manie cunning cruell conspiracies proceeding from this terrible Dragon had often been attempted against our Apolloes Predecessour his most honoured and hallowed virgin sister the great mightie Diana whom hee most maliced and hated deadlie aboue anie other Potentate on the earth for that she as a most vertuous and couragious Princesse and Faiths valorous Championesse had not onelie given to him a wide dangerous wound that still still shall ever to his dying day put him to most grievous paine but also destroyed a great number of mischievous monsters that were conceaved and crept forth out of his foule mouth All his practises notwithstanding and though he did the verie worst he could could nothing prevaile against her most blessed life raigne state governement but that for 44 yeares together and vpward while she ruled the famous Kingdome of Albion maior to the high pleasure of Almighty Joue a more flourishing and blessed estate was there seene then was ever heard of in those times when divine Astraea lived and ruled among earthly men And in this meane time while as the Almightie God perceaving this earthly Kingdome of her most happie and gratious Maiestie to bee compassed and clogged with so many daily conspiracies and dangers and that her sacred person having by the due course of nature runne out ended the glasse of her thrice happie and most renowmed government than it pleased him in his great and loving favour and mercie most happily and peaceably without anie danger or disturbance to her well long governed Kingdomes to translate her hence to the highest Emperiall heaven there to live and raigne in the greatest glorie with his Angels to all eternitie Constituting in her place this our Apollo whom hee hath predestinated to vanquish and finally destroy this monstrous red Dragon whereby he shall purchase so much the greater glorie and immortall renowme to himselfe then did the olde Apollo by killing the huge serpent Python by how much this Dragon is a thousand folde more great virulent violent terrible strong and horrible then that was This is the great cause indeede why Mars fretteth Pluto fumeth the Dragon rageth and all iointlie conioyne and conspire with all their forces against the life and state of Apollo for whose most happie preservation from all their intended mischiefes the melodious Muses sang Jo Pean with manie heavenlie notes sweeter farre then the concentfull harmonie of the sphericall Orbes full of ioy and tryumph But reserving the residue of the rarest and secretest matter of their divine songs vntill I shall see the end of my travailes I will briefelie shewe what further befell mee Thus being heereby somewhat more confirmed of the trueth of so woonderfull newes and advauncing my steps forward to see the end and successe of these strange incounters I cast my sleepie eyes here there the day being all spent and blacke and raynie clouds covering the bright starres in the firmament when loe in an instant there appeared to me as it were Vulcan in fierie sparkes shining flames of great burning fires environing me on all parts where I went I misdoubting at first that Vulcan and Pluto had conspired the burning of the whole Island I was entred into resolved with my selfe if it were possible to returne and escape so great and imminent a danger But being soone advertised that the matter was nothing so as I supposed but that these fires were kindled onlie for ioy according to the commendable custome of this Island when any good newes happeneth to the State or Countrie Behold I was no sooner rid of this feare and perplexitie but that I might see three severall Currors of sundrie nations as appeared by their cognizances on their brest going for France Spaine and Jtalie and seemed to bee verie passionate and sad by their countenance and cariage whither it were for the ill successe of the plot then discovered or for that they feared the passages were all stopt so as they could not giue the first advertisement to their Maisters I leaue them to your good and friendly consideration great Brittaine who can better iudge in their matters and tell by the Weathercocke what quarter the wind holdeth thē I poore Pilgrime Yet thus farre I can say of them that their courtesie and favour was such to me a poore stranger that they could not afford me one Aue but making sighes and crosses vpon their faces and breasts looked and beckened so on me as to a Hugonet But I sore fearing that they had beene Sergeants at armes sent after me for my apprehension where soever they might finde me was glad to make a low curtsie and passe by them with as much speed as my wearie feet could carie mee and having posted a mile further without once looking backe It was my good hap to meete with two English Postes bearing the red rampant Lyon on their brests who were so full of indignation as that after my double salutations they could not for anger speake vnto me and shewing a sad sorrowfull countenance whither it were that the stranger Postes had got the start of them or fearing that thorough favour they might get passage before them to carrie the first newes to their Maisters and other forraine Princes or for what other cause I know not nor was it fit for me being a stranger and a bannished Pilgrime to be nimis curiosus in aliena republica Yet staying and viewing one another more nearlie I began to remēber my selfe that I had seene these two English Postes oftentimes not onely passe by me in their going to the Pallace of Paris but that they had bin also accustomed theretofore in pointing out their fingers to me as to a rare myracle to shew to their Coūtrie men newly come over my whole Genealogie birth memorable storie And on the other side one of thē being well travaild in all Countries by his imployment in the service of the late renowned Queene your Ladie given withall to the observations of antiquities abroad drew out his bookes of those matters which hee ever caried about him into forraine parts and turning the
perswading themselues in this meane time that seeing it had pleased God to haue blest you by all other Nations and Kingdomes of the earth with so wise learned and religious a King so graue godlie expert foreseeing a Parliamēt wherein I wish Abrahams faith Salomons wisedome Davids zeale Jonathans faithfulnes Iosuahs courage and Judiths spirit and resolution may appeare in everie one of you at this present having also so faithfull and obeysant Magistrates and Subiects to execute whatsoever your sacred King and three Estates shal decree in this present Parliament expecting in this meane time at your hands such godlie necessarie and strict lawes with their due execution without delay acception of persons as Christes Church and true religion may be without all feare of danger and on the other part the Papists your enemies may be in such sure guard with a care to disarme them and inable them of all such meanes whatsoever as in anie way heereafter may giue but the least suspition of anie thing that may indanger his Maiesties persō succession Kingdoms either by thēselues heere at home or otherwise abroad by their favourers and associates And so consider with thy selfe beloved great Brittaine the singuler goodnes of thy God towards thee and thine annointed King in delivering you both who were appointed as Sheepe to the slaughter from that most barbarous savage imminent massacre and vnnaturall conspiracie no age ever yeelding example of like cruelty that thy deliverie safetie came not of thy merit but of Gods great mercie not thy foresight but his providence not thy loue to God but his to thine annointed King and his chosen people Forget not therefore to praise thank and glorifie the Lord of Hostes continuallie for his mervailous and most mercifull work of thy preservation and safetie for his mercie endureth for ever Which that thou and thy faithfull people and their seed after them may not onelie the better remember and be taught to doe but learne also to abhorre the odious hainousnes of so foule a fact Let it be as it is most worthie to be written and engraven in my Piller of lasting Marble ad perpetuam rei memoriam And so praying the most High to blesse our good proceedings and well intended indevours with happie prosperous successe to his glorie the good of his Church our owne comforts and the conversion if it may be or else the confusion of his and our enemies I conclude with this my last request that such obdurate stiffe-necked Papists as will not be yoaked or reclaimed from their grosse abhominable idolatries and wicked superstitions but still like Swine swill and swell themselues with the filthie dregs that the great whore of Romish Babilon giveth vnto them refusing to be cured by the healthie and wholsome potion of Gods most holie truth may not bee suffred to dwell together with mee in this land for neither is it lawfull for such to liue amidst Gods chosen Heritage to defile the Land with their filthines nor if they should can my life bee without continuall hazard and danger by their secret and villainous attempts Call vpon thy King therefore to execute iustice iudgment in cutting off these workers of iniquitie whose religion is rebellion whose faith is faction whose pietie is wicked pollicie and practise of murdring both soules bodies of Kings and all estates of people and to roote and rid them cleane out of the confines and limits of thy whole Monarchie which being clearely purged of them may ever heereafter growe vp prosper and flourish in quiet safetie sound health and invincible strength in everie member of the whole bodie of all true and truly devoted subiects with their righteous and religious Head and Soveraigne Deo soli gratia laus
leaues over he finds the whole discourse of my life which pondering to and fro in his mind he begins to looke on mee more nearly circumspectly the architecture of my stately building being yet fresh in his memorie he fell somwhat to blesse himselfe after to craue pardon of the oversight as hee said of his duty to me by whō he had receaved so many curtesies for his Country mē other strāgers while I stood aliue in credit with the great Princes Peeres of the Realm of France then both of thē with a laughing countenance striving which of them should first embrace welcom me were so astonished at my presence as they stood in doubt whither they should reioyce at my cōming over or lament for my exile and hard fortune I was fallen into But yet vpon better advise they reioyced rather that it had pleased the mightie Jehouah to bring me safe into this famous Island and that I had arrived in the best opportunitie that ever could haue beene wished affirming that Gods great and miraculous providence was so favourable vnto me that wheras my sworne cruell Esauiticall enemies hoped to haue triumphed in my late down-cast consequently haue buried me in everlasting oblivion they should now be frustrate of their vngodly hopes saying thus vnto me Be of good comfort renowned Pyramis thou shalt bee more welcome to this our newe Monarchie then were thy enemies to their home-caller and restorer and whereas thou wert permitted there to stande scarce the space of the fourth part of an age in thy glorious Trophee as a witnesse of two teeth strucken out of the mouth of the Lordes annointed and for preserving one King which their novice and parricide Chattell had intended to haue killed and for putting but one Kingdome in danger of forfaiture to the Pope their Creator which before in colour of a false presupposed right hee pretended he had given to the holy Leaguers and their coniured adherents by excommunicating that your sacred Monarch we doubt not but heere thou shalt shortly serue for a greater vse and more glorious end to bee erected as a witnesse and perpetuall Record of the wonderfull thrice happie deliverie of our great and sacred King the rarest most learned King that ever bare Scepter either in this Island or in any age present or past of his most gratious Queene that shall be by the loving favour of the Almightie the ioyfull and blessed mother of many Kings Queenes his tender deare sonne heire a Prince of the greatest hope of his age the rest of his royall Progenie all the reverend Bishops graue Counsailours and Iudges all the ancient Nobility Gentillity Burgesses chosen and deputed for Commissioners to a solemne Parliament and of many thousand moe that were attendant to that solemnity and of a number of forraine Embassadours if they had come thither as was supposed they should All these and many moe which were all in a moment to haue beene blowne vp by a false and cruell Foxe for so was his name sent forth out of some of the Popes dennes or rather Plutoes dungeons to kill rent and blow vp all the innocent simple sheepe of Christes Fold in this new established Monarchie at one blow This was one of the Popes Cannons that hath been making this yeare halfe by his finest most subtile-pated Artificers which he had hired for this horrible worke of his and this blow should haue beene given by such a small Cannon that was charged with no more then 34 great barrels of pouder and with 24 stone of gad Iron for her bullet All the thundring Cānons forged made in the bloudie Counsell of Trent were not so dangerous as this one was And yet true it is that a few of these Cannons of Trent blew vp in Paris in one night one morning tenne thousand people besides 20000 they blewe vp in other Townes a little after where one barrell of powder furnished all those Cannons But the greatest difference was this they there killed but thousands of poore Hugonets but heere they aymed their murdring shot against King Queene Prince Dukes Earles Barons Prelates Counsailours Iudges and Gentillitie of the Land there they preserved Houses Pallaces Chappels and Schooles but here they would haue blowne vp the most statelie buildings Churches Pallaces and Schooles that pertained to the Crown yea the treasure and Records of the Kingdome there they spoiled the living onely but heere they would haue burnt and blowne vp the sacred and dead bodies of the famous Kings Cōquerours Queenes Princes sleeping in their sumptuous Toombs as the rich and costly beds of their last honours they had heere vpon the earth There they imagined by killing of King Henry the third and wounding the fourth Henry to haue wrought the overthrow desolation of one ancient Kingdome but here of three severall most ancient and warlike Kingdomes of Christendome But having not leasure to stand on more particulers what shall I say to thee O thou thrice happy exiled Pyramis of these their never before invented cruelties Talia horret meminisse animus O this wicked treacherie and false periurie of theirs O cruell conspiracie and Graecian perfidie O Sathanicall enimitie more then Neronian crueltie O Scythian barbarity and Iudaisme infidelity O Gentilisme vanity more thē Heathenish impietie and finally O poysoned Papisticall idolatry of theirs proceeding frō their blind devilish devotion the ground of their abhominable hellish treasō The treacherous conspiracie of wicked Hāmon that he wrought against the Iewes to haue had them all killed in one day wheresoever they should be found in the vast Dominions of the great Monarch Assuerus is not cōparable to this Nor the crueltie of Mithridates who in one night a day killed thirtie thousand Romanes Nor the tyrannie of wicked Nero who killed his mother his master that burnt almost whole Rome the chiefe Citie of the world with a number of other cruelties that hee committed Nor the bloud-thirstie mind wicked desire to raigne of Caligula who wished the whole Senate and chiefe men of the Romane Empire to haue had but one necke that hee might haue strucken it off at one blowe Neither the secret and bloudie conspiracie of treacherous Catiline who had privilie plotted not onelie the death of the whole Senate and chiefe men of name in Rome but also had destinated the most of his owne kindred to that cruell slaughter Neither the damnable Sicilians evening sacrifices committed by them vpon the French men Nor the Mattens of Paris performed by the French themselues in massacring their owne Country men and dearest friends can in no degree be matched with this vnnaturall crueltie of theirs And which is most strange how it could be all this their whole pernitious detestable enterprise of our tyrannous Traytors and cruell bloud-sucking Papists that had been more then a yeare in hatching was so cunninglie secretly contrived