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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00307 An Epistle, or apologie of a true, and charitable brother of the Reformed Church in fauoure of Protestantes, papistes, & those of the Reformatio[n] for a more moderat course of proceeding in matters of religion by searchinge the Scriptures, & examining theire spirits for the sense, and true meaninge of them by a peaceable conference, & such easy meanes as weare practised in the apostolicall, and primitiue church for plantinge the faith, and rooting out of errour tending to vnitie of religion, loyaltie to the Kings Maiestie, increase of honoure to him & his posteritie, & good of the Commonwealth. 1605 (1605) STC 10431.5; ESTC S2111 18,209 49

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AN EPISTLE OR APOLOGIE OF A TRVE AND CHARITABLE brother of the Reformed Church in fauours of Protestantes Papistes those of the Reformatiō for a more moderat course of proceeding in matters of Religion by searchinge the scriptures examining theire Spirits for the sense and true meaninge of them by a peaceable conference such easy meanes as weare practised in the Apostolicall and Primitiue Church for plantinge the faith and rooting out of errour tending to vnitie of Religion loyaltie to the kings Maiestie increase of honoure to him his posteritie good of the Commonwealth VVOrshipfull and my louing brother in the lord I haue receiued your louing aduertisements by writinge and I honoure you the more as well for that I see theareby your sinceare affection continued towards me 〈◊〉 also for your singular zeale euer to maintaine the gospell In which respects 〈◊〉 take in good parte your seuere reprehension and distast of the aduise I lately 〈◊〉 for a milder course in matters of Religion then hath bene for many yeares in this Realme folowed Wheareas you protest to remaine still my frend notwithstanding our difference in opinion touching this pointe therein appeareth your well grounded affection loue towards me and I could wish that all our brethren would keepe the same course of charitie towards all men howsoeuer they differ from vs in sense or opinion So should we beare the marke of true Religion and by this badge be knowen to be Christs disciples if we loue our Enimies Christ commaunded vs to loue our neighboure and declared as you knowe that the Samaritan was neighboure to the Iewe and thearefore not to be excluded from his loue howebeit otherwise he could not communicat with him in diuine affaires Your zeale is commendable in that you say with Paule Vtinam abscindantur qui v●● conturbant for with him you may so pray that they which withstand hinder the course of the gospell weare cutt of and rooted out But in that you wish them to be cutt of by the sword and I contrary wise by the force of gods word in this our opinions are different Wherefore my drift is in this Apoligie and defence first to set doune plainely my opinion and then to lay open the reasons that moued me theareto And so to come to the matter I wish with you and pray as Christe himself did that all the Kings Maiesties subiects may be made one in Christe to acknowledge all one god to embrace all one faith to liue vnder the rules of one lawe and so to agree if it may be in will and affection that we may be all Cor vnum anima vna One hart and one soule and this we both agree to be best not only in reguard of the soules health and eternal saluation but also for the ciuill policie and temporall gouernement of his Maiesties Dominions For whosoeuer would wish or seeke to nourish diuision in any sorte as he cannot be of god so is he not to be accompted a good gouernour or right politician In our last assembly at London it was our praier as you may well remember that the Kings Maiestie exalted to so greate a Monarchie and gouernment of so many kingdomes diversly sorted and affected in religion might haue that gracious vertue of the Adamant stone to drawe vnto him and winne to vnity in faith the people of diuers nations so committed to his charge For who of vs al doth not desire from his hart that the Protestants and Papists of England which are many in number the Papistes of Ireland where there are fewe or none other and the Nobility of Scotland of the which no small number inclyne that way would come with vs to the pure light of the gospell to our reformed Churches You remember the Profession of faith which to this intent and purpose we procured to be set foorth in print at his Maiesties first ingresse into this Realme but it preuailed not and had it not bene the respect was borne his Maiestie it had bene controuled as it was misliked both by the protestant papist And since that to further aduance our cause and to proceede in the same purpose we haue in peaceable manner donne what in vs lieth Let vs holde on the same moderat course and striue to preuaile not by the temporall sword of his Maiesties power but endeuoure to ouercome by the eternall sword of gods holly word Which though it be sweete and not violent yet is it a two edged svvord that cutteth on euery side and pierceth more dieply to winne the hart of man and alter his vnderstanding for planting the gospell then any humane force whatsoeuer I agree further with you that as it is a pointe of good husbandrie to weede the Corne-fielde before the weedes haue ouergrowen the corne so likewise may his Maiestie emploie his temporal sword that no Cockle be sowen or rise in the field of the lords Church vnder his protection and that such as begin to spring vp may be times be cutt of In matutino interficiebam omnes peccatores terrae So did that holly king Dauid pleased god highly theare with Thus much your arguments doe proue sufficiently For in this sense the kinge beareth the sworde to destroy all sinne sinners in matutino that is to say betimes while sinne sinfull erroures are newly budding may be cutt of without hurte and damage to the state of the good and faithfull And it is our part to be watchfull to discouer them betimes least if we sleepe too long they spring soe high and spreade so far that whosoeuer shoulde then attempt to pull them vp should destroy much corne withall doe more harme then good This then is the pointe whearein we iarre You thinke it needefull that the k. Maiestie proceede to authorize and establish our religion by the sworde to represse all other sects by seueritie of lawes such as weare practized in the daies of the late Queene against vs and against the Papists And I contrariwise am of opinion that such lawes and seueritie are in our case vnprofitable and will hurt rather then helpe the aduancement of our cause and I take this my aduise to be better grounded then yours in the written worde to approach neerer to the wisedome and course of gods diuine prouidence to be more conformable to Christian humanitie to beseeme better our prince for the assurance of his estate and the aduancement of his noble yssue and finally to agree best with true ciuill policie for the sweete peace rest and repose of this our Republique and increase thereof as shall appeare by the experience we haue seene with our owne eyes in these our daies as well in his Maiesties Dominions as in all Nations round about vs. That we haue slept too long all writers agree that for many hundred yeares for who of vs doth not see that the weedes haue ouergrowen the good corne taken so deepe roote
Arguile in the fielde gaue him the ouerthrovve Howbeit they fled before the face of the king when the came in person leauing theire houses contrey at his Maiesties deuotion England is much more diuided into sectes especially into three the Protestants only allowed by authoritie in the Realme the Papists who pretend antiquitie thirdly our selues who nolesse desire to reforme the Protestant abuses then they haue donne the Papistes The state of his Maie sties Dominiōs standing thus then as you see what wise man can wish him to stuire much against any For what man may iustly repine if he but only abstaine from violence We may very well content our selues that our king is of our faith will not suffer vs our doctrine to be either disgraced or defaced a temperat course with the Papistes may winne them to be as ready as others to withstand all foreine inuasions or home insurrectiōs if either of both vnder what pretext soeuer should happen And in like case as was our Portugall voiage or vpon any reuolt of the Indians or tumult in Fraunce ten thousand Papistes woulde doe more seruice in winning to them the inhabitāts of those partes being as they are affected in religion then thrice tolde so many of vs. Thus may you see what mildnes will doe howe lately Repentance may followe the greene vnripe heades of Roboams young vnaduised violent counsellours I will adde yet an example in the Monarchie of the Turke who gouerning himselfe only by the light of naturall reason as we may doe when it is without preiudice to the gospell set doune as a Maxime in policie to clime the better to that greatnes whereto he aspired not to force the conscience of his subiects nor euer to chainge vvith violence the Religion in such kingdomes as he might happily subdue Wherevpon some haue more easily yeelded vnto his conquest others oppressed by theire owne Princes perturbed with ciuill warres haue called the Turke vnto them made him lord of the wholle land which they woulde neuer haue donne if it had bene his custome to force any against his conscience in matters of Religion Luther himselfe being pressed by the warres of Charles 5. dealt earnestly with the Germans to call in the Turke hoping that vnder his gouernement he might more freely preach the gospell for the greater glory of theire nation theire Prince his aduancemēt the French doe best like the same course of toleration in Religion haue found by practise that they liue in peace with the exercise of both religions all most in all theire tounes not without greate hope that in reuolution of tymes theire king may haue thereby a more easy accesse vnto the empire or to other states as occasion falles The States of the vnited Prouinces haue offered him such an entry into theire contrey as he should neuer haue obtained if there had bene the least suspicion of forcing theire consciences in vaine should he ayme at the kingdomes of Nauarre Naples or the Dutchy of Millaine were he an enemy to theire Religion Why then might not our king take the like course for occasions or pretensions abroade his safety at home it being the readiest way to keepe al his forces vnited all his subiects in most dutiful affectiō towardes him his rovall yssue For whosoeuer considereth the multitude of his people theire valor howe easily they are leauied howe speedily imbarked for any contrey shal finde that our king may with greater reason aspire to the election of the Empire in case he did affect it then any other or some of his noble issue be chosen kings of Poland or be ready to imbrace any occasion offered for the encrease of this Monarchie The French king was glad to see our late Queene embarked in the warres of the lowe Contreies at vvhat time perchaunce by reason of his trobles she might haue recouered the Dutchy of Normandy perhaps the better parte of Fraunce as she was once resolud to haue donne by the aduise of Duke Cassimer she had gonne forwarde had it not bene laied cleerely before her eyes howe odious she had made herselfe vnto that nation by persecuting her subiectes at home with taxations torture to this purpose they published in print the seuere lawes which she had made against the Masse the Papists They that called in the Spaniard would haue yeelded more vvillingly to theire ancient Dukes of Normandy had thy not bene vvithdrawen vvith feare of loosing the exercise of theire Religion And if Fraunce should fall againe as it may into the like daunger vpon some nevve occasion vvere it not to be vvished that such partes theire of as vvoulde seeke to be vnder the gouernement of a strainger might fall rather into our hands then any other By this you may perceiue that the Marquis Rosne his conceipt vvas not to our disaduantage For they of the Religion in Fraunce in time of ciuill vvarres may giue vs an entry the other the rather for our alliance vvith many of theire Princes vvill giue vs a plancke to passe ouer for theire reliefe I dwell not in these examples as desirous of warre for I wish his Maiesty for his more assurance at home to strengthen himselfe abroade in ciuill amity with all with Fraunce with Spaine yea with the Pope himselfe for it is no wisedome to make light of any mans frendship I wish his Maiestie likewise to entertaine as he doth all his subiects vvith sweete behauiour to cutt of all occasions from foreine Princes to support his subiects or disunite his kingdomes which they neuer wisht to see so vnited in one His Maiesty therefore hath greate reason to cherish all indifferenly to put none out of his English Arke no more then Noah did out of his where as you knowe there were beastes of all kindes Ireland was a greate temptation to the Spantard the French take little pleasure at this mariadge with Scotland whence they were allwayes wont to haue reliefe when our armies were in Fraunce All things are best preserued by such meanes as they are begotten God hath made him our king without bloodshed and with such peace he may raigne more assuredly then by any force or violence The Turke as I haue said gott many kingdomes by tolerating theire Religions but when there arose a newe secte in his owne lawe passion presumption made him forget the Principle by which he grewe to be so greate so he lost by one reuolte the halfe of his Empire which nowe the Persian enioyeth whilest by Warre force he striued to gaine them The meanes to apease dissentions are not rough speeches nor hard vsages vvhich if in all quarells it be true as Salomon saieth then is it much more in matters of vnderstanding as are faith and Religion vvherein vvhensoeuer vvillfullnes is ioyned perswasion may perhaps preuaile alone but force vvithout reason neuer All violent proceedings engendre