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kingdom_n govern_v king_n time_n 3,280 5 3.6855 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01365 A very briefe and profitable treatise declaring hovve many counsells, and vvhat maner of counselers a prince that will gouerne well ought to haue The book speaketh. ...; Consejo i consejeros del principe. English. Abridgments Furio Ceriol, Fadrique, d. 1592.; Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561. 1570 (1570) STC 11488; ESTC S105670 28,475 130

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lyke questions as these are VVhat things bee needefull to the obtaining of the chiefe felicitie in thys lyfe vvhat is Prudence vvhat is Iustice vvhat is Fortytude and vvhat partes they haue vvhyther it be better for a Prince to be couetous or prodigall and vvhich of those extreemes dravve nighest to the vertue of liberalitie vvherein clemency doth consist vvhither it be better to be ouer mercyfull or to seuere and hovve many vvayes a man maye offend against Fortitude Againe vvherein magnificencie doth consist and vvhat contraries it hath The Prince also maye knovve hys councelers skill in these matters by hys doinges studies and trade of lyfe The fixt qualitie is to be pollitike that is to say to be practised in gouernement both in time of peace and vvarre for the office of the Prince is not onely to gouerne vvell his people but also to defende them from all violence And therefore the counseler had neede to be skilfull as vvell in martiall affayres as in cyuill gouernement And first as touching cyuill gouernmēt he must knovv that euerye common vvealth consisteth of tvvo parts vvhich I maye call here for difference sake the body and the soule By the body I meane the habitations or dvvelling places vvherin the aire first is to be considered as vvhyther it bee hote colde or temperate then the scyte thereof as vvhyther it be neare to some Sea running streame or standing vvater also vvhyther such scyte be high or lovv dry or moyst in fruitfull soyle or barren grounde nighe to or farre fro the enimie Also to vvhat vvindes it is most subiect for according to these considerations the streetes in Cities or tovvnes ought to bee made vvyde or strayte open to one vvinde and shut to another according as they be good or hurtfull the market places aptly placed and the houses built in such order and hauing such shape as is most necessary and conuenient to serue al purposes VVherby it seemeth by my Authors vvordes that the counseler had neede to be skilfull in Architecture vvhich in deede is a noble Scyence and necessary to all men but speciallye to counselers and Magistrates By the sovvle of the common vvealth is ment the gouernmét of the same vvherin first is to bee considered of vvhat maner of forme it is as vvhither it be gouerned by one onely King or Prince as the Kingdome of Spayne Portugale and Castyll or by noble men onely as Venice novve or as Sparta in olde tyme past or by the cōmon people as novv in oure dayes the Cyties of Svvyzerland called the Cantovvnes or by the king and his nobles as the Kyngdome of Denmarke and as Rome vvhen it had kings or by the king and his commons as for a certayne tyme the Empire of Persia vvas gouerned or by Nobles and commons togyther as Rome after they had put dovvne there kings and chosen Consulls and Trybunes the lyke gouernment vvas in Lacedemony and Athens in our tyme in Floraunce and Seane and dyuers other common vvealths in Italie or vvhither it be gouerned by a king his nobles and commons all three togither as the Empire of Almanie the kingdome of Pollonia of Arragon in Spayne and also of Englande and in euerye one of these gouernments the counseler ought to knovve hovve and by vvhat meanes the state may be preserued augmented or decayed vvhat perilles maye happe and hovv the same may be remedyed vvith lest trouble coste and expences VVhat lavves and Magistrats are most meete and necessary for euerye gouernment For it is vnpossible for the counseler that is ignoraunt in these thinges to remedy all such disorders as may chaunce Neyther can he counsell his Prince hovve to behaue himselfe vvyth this friende or that confederate vvith this or that foe nor knovv hovv much the one may further hym and the other hynder hym Thus muche of cyuill gouernment Novve as touching Marshall affayres or vvarlyke pollicye the counseler ought to knovve such circumstaunces as doe belong to a good Souldiour Captaine or generall as hovv Souldyours are to be leauied mustred and armed hovve they should Marche hovv to be encamped hovv to fight hovve to retire hovv a Campe should be fortified and hovv a tovvne should be besieged or defended and finally all such thinges as doe appertayne to the Arte of vvarre But novve to knovve vvhyther the counseler be thus pollitike or not the prince may trye hym by asking these or such like questions here follovving As vvhyther it be better to builde a Citie in a ferty ll or barren soyle vvhich vvinds are to be barred from an habitation or dvvelling place hovv manye vvayes a state or kingdome is vvoont to bee lost by vvhat meanes the good gouernement of anye common vvealth is decayed of vvhat causes seditions and rebellions doe spring hovv they may be oppressed vvherin the povver of a Prince doth consist vvhyther in riches or in good Souldiers hovv manye vvaies one Prince vvythout slaunder may make vvarre vppon another Prince that hath giuen no iust occasion therevnto vvhyther it be better to tarie the enimye at our ovvne home or to seeke him at his home hovv manye things a Prince hath to consider before he enter into vvarre and being entred hovve many before he fight anye battayle and hauing fought hovv many things he hath to consider after he hath vvonne or lost the victorie To vvhich and such like questions if he can rightly and readily ansvvere he is vvorthy to bee called a pollitike counseler The seauenth qualitie belonging to a counseler is to bee a traueler and to haue seene not onely all the terretories of hys Prince but also manye other Countries and specially those that bee eyther friendes or enimies to his prince so as he may vnderstande their gouernment both in time of peace vvarre and their reuenevves as vvell ordinary as extraordinary also hovv the Princes and the subiects of those countries do like one of another and hovv they agree or disagree amongest themselues of vvhat povver they be vvhat Forts Holdes they haue hovv they are maintayned and kept vvhat trade of lyfe and trasfique the common people vseth of vvhat nature disposition and manners they be and such like things necessarie to be knovvne VVythout consideration of vvhich things vvho so traueleth into straunge countries spendeth his tyme in vayne as the yong Napolitan that had beene at Rome and at hys returne coulde render no good accompt of his trauelle to the Prince that gaue him leaue to go abroade but onely hovv he had seene vvalles tovvers cvties tovvnes hvlles dales floudes trees and busshes of all vvhich things he had plenty at home and therefore vvas commaunded by the Prince from thencefoorth to tarye styll at home But the vvise traueiler obserueth such profitable thinges as are before tolde and many more very diligently by comparing the straunge countries first one vvith another then all those vvith his ovvne is able to iudge of the gouernment of hys