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A78120 A small treatise of baptisme, or, dipping. VVherein is cleerely shewed that the Lord Christ ordained dipping for those only that professe repentance and faith. 1. Proved by scriptures. 2. By arguments. 3. A paralell [sic] betwixt circumcision and dipping. 4. An answere to some objections by P.B. Psal.119.l30. By Edvvard Barber. Barber, Edward, d. 1674? 1642 (1642) Wing B694; Thomason E143_17; ESTC R212733 26,999 39

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is cleere in the Apostles words Heb. 6. 1. 2. where the right order of the principles is laid downe saying leaving the Principles of the doctrine of Christ let us goe on to perfection not laying againe the foundation of Repentance from dead works and of Faith towards God of the Doctrine of Dippings and of laying on of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternall Judgments c. vers 4. 5 6. Thus you see it proved by Scripture Now it followes to be proved by arguments grounded on Scripture that the Lord Jesus Christ who is Lord of all administrations being the Priest Prophet and King of his Church in that great Commission of his Matth. 28. 19. hath not appointed one Dipping for Iewes another for Gentiles one for men another for women one for old another for young one for the primitive times another for present and future one upon manifestation of repentance and faith professed another upon doing it by God-fathers and God-mothers much lesse having right thereunto by the faith of their parents for Habak 2. 4. The iust shall Ioh. 3. 36. Rom. 1. 17. 1 Ioh. 5. 10. Heb. 10. 33. live by his faith therefore not the faith of others For as there is one Body one Spirit and beleevers called in one hope of calling one Lord one Faith so also one dipping which was to be administred onely on those that were made Disciples by teaching and not on those who had it professed by others which Christ commanded not Matth. 28. 19. Therefore Infants by expresse prohibition are excluded as is cleare in the 1 Sam. 15. 19. 22 23. following discourse wherefore from that which hath beene spoken we argue thus 1. They onely are to be dipped that are made Disciples by teaching Matth. 28. 19. Infants cannot be made Disciples by teaching thefore Infants are not to be dipt 2. Againe Every precept affirmative containeth under it a negative To make Disciples and dip them is the affirmative contained under it dip not those that are not made Disciple by teaching 3. Againe if the command of Christ our Saviour for making disciples by teaching before they are dipt be Evangelicall and perpetuall as all the Precepts of the Gospel are then it ought to bee performed and observed in the Church of Christ for ever The Major Position is true Isai 9. 7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall bee no end upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdome to order and establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever The zeale of the Lord of Hosts will performe this And Mat. 28. 18. 19. 20. All power is given to me in heaven and in earth Goe ye therefore and teach all Nations dipping them in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you And lo I am with you alway even to the end of the world Therfore persons upon the manifestation of Repentance and faith onely are to be dipped 4. None but those that doe expresse that inward Baptisme Matth. 3. 11. Acts 10. 47. 48. are to be dipped Infants cannot expresse that inward Baptisme therefore infants ought not to be dipped 5. Whatsoever was written afore time was written for our learning Rom. 15. 4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Infants dipping was never written aforetime Therefore infants dipping is not for our learning 6. We are commanded to stand in the way and aske for the old pathes which is the good way and walke therein and wee shall finde rest unto our soules Jer. 6. 16. The old and good way under the Gospell is the Institutions of Jesus Christ This is that Moses that said unto the Deut. 18. 15. Asts 3. 2● 23. 7. 37. Children of Israel A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto mee him shall yee heare And it shall come to passe that every soule which will not heare that Prophet shall bee destroyed from among the people But the dipping beleevers is that good old way of Christ and infants is not Ergo. Againe the Lord complained Judg. 5. 6. his people walked in by-paths that are of their owne invention and not of his appo●ntment From whence we reason thus They which walke in a way or set up an invention which God hath not commanded walke in a by-path But the dipping of infants God hath not commanded Therefore the dipping of infants is a by-path Againe if there be conditions required of all those that are dipped and none are to be dipped before the performance of these conditions then are not infants to be dipped The first is true Acts 2. 38. Then Peter said unto them Repent and be dipped every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and yee shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit And verse the 44. And all that beleeved were together and had all things common And Acts 8. 37. Philip said to the Eunuch If thou beleevest with all thine heart thou mayest And Luke 3. 7. 8. Iohn faith to the multitude that came forth to bee dipped of him O generation of Vipers Who hath fore-warned you to flye from the wrath to come bring forth therefore fruit meet for repentance and begin not to say within your selves We have Abraham to our Father For I say that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham Thus that repentance and faith is required before dipping is cleare not onely by Scripture but also acknowledged in the Catechisme of the Primer set forth by authority where it is As Godfathers and Godmothers manifested though by others contrary to these Scriptures Hab. 2. 4. Rom. 1. 17. Heb. 10. 38. The second cannot be denied seeing infants have not the use of these faculties for the performance of repentance and faith therefore infants are not to be dipped This is proved thus They onely are to be dipped in whom repentance and faith is manifested by hearing the Word preached But in persons of yeares onely is repentance and faith wrought by hearing the Word preached the reason is persons of yeers have eares to heare and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Rom. 10. 17. and Acts 11. 14. who shall tell thee words wherby thou and all thy house shall be saved And James 2. 17. faith without workes is dead yea no faith at all Therefore persons of yeares are onely to be dipped Againe thus If the new Testament be as plaine and perspicuous as the old and Christ the Mediator of the new Testament as faithfull as Moses the Mediator of the old Testament Then the persons to bee dipped and the conditions of dipping and the time when are as clea●e and faithfully described in the institutions
But at this time which is to bee noted the Lord raised up divers Gentlemen Laymen as they call them to stand most boldly to the truth in respect of Church and Common-Wealth And as John saith Revella 12. 11. loved not their lives unto the death And Paul-like Acts 21. 13. was not only ready to bee bound but to suffer for the Name of Christ Againe others who pretend to come neerest in that way in separating yet hold the baptisme they there received though on no ground for i● they were truely baptised into that Church I conceive with submission to better judgements they ought to continue and to separate for corruptions as is clearly proved by B. Hall in his Apology against the Brownists shewing that either they must goe forward to baptisme or come backe againe to the Bishops and Church 7. Considering the great wrong done in putting out some Scripture as in the 14. Acts 23. where Election is left out by which meanes people are kept from knowing muchlesse injoying their priviledge put chased by the blood of Christ the causers thereof for so doing lying under the reproofe which the Lord speakes of in the 13. Chapter of Ezekiel Secondly some words left untranslated as in the 28. of Mat. 19. where the word may as well be Dipping as in Luke the 16. 29. And this is acknowledged by the Clergy in the booke of Common Prayer where the Minister is commanded to dip the child 8. There being now a yeare of Jubi●e such an Assembly as that most Honourable high Court of Parliament whose eares God hath opened to heare what ever by any shall be spoken for Gods glory and the good of this State Gamaliel-like Acts 5. 34. 35. weighing and considering things least otherwise they should be found fighters against God therefore with Ester 4. 16. desire to venture if I perish I perish conceiving if some should not now speake the stones of the street might cry wee having lately taken the Oath of Protestat●on against Popery and Popish innovation injoyned upon all the Kingdome ingenerall And sprinkling of children being an invention of men brought in neere three hundered yeares after Christ therefore in obedience to God and love to our native Country we desire to publish what truth the Lord betrusts us withall hoping that God will effect his pleasure by this weake meanes or make it a motive to stir up some of more ability who will as in Nehemia's time search the Regester and those that found not their Genealogy were as polluted put from the Priesthood and as Christ commands search the Scriptures John 5. 39. and so returne to his institutions 9. The great cause we have to admire the goodnesse and love of God to this Nation in King Edward the sixts daies for the great light that then broke forth and they imploying that talent they received for Gods glory yet now the light springing forth forth in such abundance according to the VVord of the Lord Isai 11. 9. we having received more talents or a greater measure of knowledge it cannot be but the Lord requires an answerable obedience according to that a man hath and not according to that he hath not 2 Cor. 8. 12. for he that had one talent was not blamed because he did not imploy two but because he imployed not that hee had so likewise had hee that received five beene guilty of the same reproofe had he imployed but one Matth. 25. 15. to the 30. looking at the Camelion-like dispotion of the Ministers of late times in King Henry the Eights dayes Papists in King Edward the Six dayes Protestants in Queen Maries daies Papists in Queen Elizabeths Protestants when the Bishops were in power and authoritie submit flie their Countries or hide their heads now that by the Providence of God they are in disgrace in part down oppose them with all their might whereas the true Ministers of Christ were ever the same not variable or changing Eph. 4. 11. 12. 13. 14. which times and estate Government looking only to God for direction from that great Prophet the Lord Jesus Christ Deut. 18. 15. Acts 3. 21. 22. 23. Heb. 1. 1 2 3. Revel 5. 5. Lastly It 's not unknowne that the faithfull servants of God who have indeavored most faithfulnesse have often gone under reproaches and slanders as Eliah was counted the troubler of Israel 1 King 18. 17. and Acts 17. 6. Paul and Silas was said to turne the world upside downe And Acts 24. 5. Paul was counted a pestilent fellow a mover of Sedition amongst the Jewes and a Ring-leader of the Nazarites insomuch that they were commanded not to preach in the Name of Christ Acts 4. 18. but verse the 19 20 they answered Whether it be right in the sight of God to speake to you more then unto God judge yee For we cannot but speake the things which wee have seene and heard from whence wee may observe the ministers of Christ could never have their mouthes stopt by men no not the majestrate much lesse the Prelates In like manner lately those that professe and practise the dipping of Jesus Christ instituted in the Gospel are called and reproached with the name of Anabaptists although our practice be no other then what was instituted by Christ himself withall desiring if there be any that from the VVord of God can shew that we walke in a false way or error in denying the dipping of infants that they would doe it for wee professe our selves such as desire the glory of God and eternall life after death being confident that our desire or endeavors cannot bring us thither but only Christ Heb. 10. 14. Coll. 1. 14. in whom wee have Redemption through his blood and verse 19. 23. withall walking ●n that only way which leadeth thereunto by him prescribed in his VVord Joh. 14. 6. 10. 1. Acts 5. 32. Heb. 5. 9. And being made perfect he became the Author of of eternall salvation to all that obey him and Thesal 2. 1. 7. 8. when the Lord Jesus Christ shal be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flam●ng fire rendring vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospell of our Lord Jesus Christ desiring therefore that these Scriptures may be well weighed considered of all those that feare God to the end we may be reformed if we erre in our judgements by mis-understanding the Scr●ptures and so be brought to acknowledge the Truth which wee shall willingly imbrace if not though wee walke in the way called heresie as Paul did Acts 24. 14. yet so worship wee the God of our Fathers and at the great day Every man must give account for himself Rom. 14. 10. and Matth. 15. 15. Christ saith Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up meane time all is to grow together though not in the Church yet in the world which is the field expounded by Christ himself Matth. 13. 38. Againe knowing
of dipping as the persons condition and time of circumcision But for infants dipping there is no expresse description of of the persons condition time whereas true dipping which is that one dipping Ephes 4. 5. which is the dipping of repentance for remission of sinnes Mark 1. 4. it is most evidently and faithfully set downe for persons condition and time viz. Persons confessing their sinnes Mat. 3. 6. whereas persons unrepentant are put by Luke 7. 29. 30. And all the people that heard him justified God being d●pped with the dipp●ng of Iohn but the Pharisees and Lawyers reiected the counsell of God against themselves being not dipt of him Persons beleeving Acts 8. 12. 13. 36. 38. Persons penitent Acts 2. 38. Persons that received him and are made Disciples by teaching Matth. 28. 19. Iohn 4. 41. 42. Persons borne againe not of corruptible seed nor by the will of man but of God Iohn 1. 12. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 23. begotten by the word of truth Iames 1. 18. Thus for true dipping there is a certaine time appointed as was for Circumcision Acts 8. 37. yea commanded Acts 10. 48. And he commanded them to be dipt in the Name of the Lord. And 22. 16. And now why tarriest thou so long arise and be dipped and wash away thy sins calling on the Name of the Lord therefore such persons onely are to be dipped who are thus particular described wherein the new Testament is as cleare as the Old and Christ the Mediator of the new Testament as faithfull as Moses the Mediator of the Old So it appeares what subjects are to be dipped whereas if otherwise then is not the New as cleare as the Old nor Christ as faithfull as Moses which to say is bla●phemy 3. Againe if the Lord doth make his Covenant of the new Testament with those onely which know him by faith which at the hearing of faith preached doe apprehend and apply the promises contained in the Covenant and not to any by vertue of fleshly generation though the naturall children of Abraham Then not any by vertue of fleshly generation are under the Covenant though the naturall children of Abraham The first is proved Heb 8. 10. 11. For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel After tho●e dayes saith the Lord I will put my Lawes into their minde and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people and they shall not teach every man his neighbour And every man his brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest Isai 59. 21. Iohn 1. 11. 12. Eph. 1. 13. Rom. 3. 16. 21. 22. Gal. 3. 26. 2. The second is proved Rom. 2. 28. Matth 3. 9. Joh. 8. 39. Rom. 9. 8. For he is not a Iew that is one outwardly neither is that circumcision that is outward c. Therefore none by vertue of fleshly gener●tion though the naturall children of Abraham are under the covenant 4. Again if the covenant which the Lord made with Abraham and his seed under the Gospel concerning life and salvation through Christ is meant his spirituall seed and not his naturall then Abrahams spirituall seed under the Gospel are under the covenant of life and salvation and not his naturall 1. The first is true Rom. 4. 11. 12. 13. 16. Gal. 3. 7. 9. 22. 23. 29. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are of the children of Abraham 2. And the second is proved Matth 3. 9. Rom. 9. 7. 8. Gal. 3. 22. And think not to say within your selves we have Abraham to our father for I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham Therefore the covenant which God made with Abraham and his seed under the Gospel concerning life and salvation was with his spirituall seed not his naturall From hence we reason thus They onely are to bee dipped and received into the Church of God to whom the covenant doth appertaine But the covenant doth appertaine to the spirituall children of Abraham not the naturall Therefore the spirituall children of Abraham are to bee dipped and his naturall are not till they become spirituall From whence we reason thus againe If the naturall children of Abraham are not to bee received into the covenant of the new Testament by vertue of the covenant made unto Abraham the father of the faithfull and no beleeving Gentile hath the like promise title or priviledge to his naturall children as Abraham had to his then no beleeving Gentile by vertue of the covenant made to Abraham hath that priviledge of the admittance of his naturall children into the covenant of the new Testament by dipping But the first is true Luke 3. 8. Rom. 9. 6. 8. And 4. 13. 16. Now seeing the promise is of the faith that is upon the condition of faith Iohn 1. 12. Acts 8. 37. Rom. 10. 9. 10. Luke 7. 29. 30. Which faith is a living and working faith not dead 2. Iames 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. Without which Condition none are to be admitted into the Covenant of the Gospel though the naturall children of Abraham Matth. 3. 7. 8 9 10. Asts 2. 37. 38. 41. And no beleeving Gentile though never so holy have not that honor or dignitie as Abraham had to be the father of the Faithfull yea of all that beleeve Gen. 12. Gal. 3. 3. 8. Whether Jewes or Gentiles But hath this honor or dignitie onely to be Christs to be the Children of Abraham by faith Gal. 3. 7. 26. So that this Covenant standeth between GOD and man man●fested by holy Writ is That as there is but one Lord one Faith and one Dipping Ephes 4. 5. which is the Dipping of Repentance for the Remission of sinnes Mark 1. 4. so there is but one way or entrance into the Covenant under the Gospel so as the Father to wit an Infidell after Convertion is admitted and received a Member into the Church of Christ upon the manifestation of his faith and repentance by Dipping even so his naturall children those begotten after the Parents Convertion and admittance into the Church must come in the same way as the Parent did or else he cannot see the Kingdome of God Iohn 3. 3. Mark 1. 4. Except he die in Infancie or a larger mercy be showne of God then is revealed to us in his VVord Therefore we conclude thus with Deu. 29. 29. secret things belong to the Lord our God But revealed to us and to our children for ever And say with Paul Rom. 11. 33. Oh the depth of Riches both of the wisdome and Knowledge of God how vnsearchable are his Judgments and his wayes past finding out But for his reuealed will Christ saith Iohn 15. 15. That he declared all things which he heard of his Father but he neuer declared Dipping of Infants but forbid it as is proved from the negative part of the Commission Therefore he never
of the Church to the Apostle be●ng absent from them at Philippi 1. VVhether it was lawfull for them to marry verse 1. 3. 2. About the lawfull use of libertie in their marriage estate vers 3. 4. 5. 3. If they being married the one being a Heathen whether they might continue to dwell together or no And not as in Esrahs time put away their wives Esiah 10. 3 4 5 6. VVhere they were to put away their strange wives that were not of the seed of Israel and herein is the case of the children being holy where the Apostle answer●s 1. Negatively they may not part though one be an unbeleever and that for these reasons First he or shee that beleeveth not is sanctified as a cleane vessell by the blessing of God for the lawfull use one of another in that honorable Estate of Marriage Heb. 13. 4. else were were your children uncleane that is Bastards but now are they holy that is borne in lawfull marriage Deut. 23. 2. That holy Ordinance of God instituted by him in Paradise for our first parents in the estate of innocency before the fall and grac'd by our Lord Christ himselfe to shew that he was by a woman in that estate Matth. 22. 23. Acts 4. 27. as also by his holy presence and first miracles that he wrought John 2. 1. to the 7. but before thou passe 1 Cor. 7. 14. consider that if the words be truely translated the unbeleeving parent and the childe hath all one holinesse or sanctification and so rendred in the Latine and would be so in the English were it not to blinde the Reader Thirdly Christ is pleased to set out the mysticall sweet and heavenly union and communion betwixt him and his Church by this holy Communion for this cause should a man leave his father and mother and shall be joyned to his wife and they two shall be one flesh this is a great misery but I speake concerning Christ and his Church Ephes 5. 31 32. Fourthly true holinesse floweth from faith in Christ and not by generation of holy parents but by regeneration wrought by the Spirit of God John 1. 12. 13. and 3. 3. 5. Fifthly God doth not make promise to any faithfull man and woman and their seed now under the Gospell Psal 89. 27. 28 but to the Lord Jesus Christ and his feed that everlasting father of the faithfull Esay 9 6 7. and 59. 21. Gal. 3. 29. 6. If you say the promise was made to Abraham ●nd his seed Gen. 17. 9 10. viz. to his naturall seed then it was to give them the Land of Canaan but if to the spirituall seed as it was to Christ Gal. 3. 16. then the Land of Canaan was the type and eternall by Christ and faith in the new Covenant is the truth but you must prove this promise made to a woman also if it helpe any thing by this conclusion so that if but one be a beleever of the parents and that be the woman it must hold that the children be holy by the promise made to her and by her faith Oject 5. Children are of the Kingdome of God and therefore have right to all the Ordinances of God and so to Dipping Marke 10. 14. Mat. 19. 14. Answer Whereas it is objectected children bee of the Kingdome of God and have right to all the Ordinances and so to Dipping This consequence necessarily followes that they have right also to the Lords Supper aswell as Dipping seeing right to all The Argument is grounded because they are of the Kingdome of God and that Christ saith it which being true as they would beare us in hand that Christ would have them to receive Dipping We desire that to be shewn where or when Christ dipt any or commanded it to be done by any other at else that they would appoint Godfathers and Godmothers as they call them to eate the Supper as well as to professe repentance and faith and desire Dipping for them to the Law and to the testimony if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them and Jerem. 23. 30. to the 40. The Lord will bring an everlasting reproach upon the Prophets which cry the burthen of the Lord when the Lord hath not sent them but Prophesie false dreames and cause his people to erre by their lies and by their lightnesse yet he sent them not Object 6. But the maine Objection children were circumcised under the Law therefore under the Gospell they ought to be Dipped Answer Is it a sufficient reason because Abraham at the command of God under the Law circumcised his males Gen. 17. 11. and you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you Therefore we must dip infants under the Gospell which Christ commanded not as is before proved neither came into his heart to imagine Jerem. 7. 31. Secondly why might not Ieroboam better build an Altar at Betheel 1 Kings 12. 28. 32. 33. seeing God commanded Iacob Gen. 35. 1 to doe it but Jacob built the Altar according to the command of God verse 7. and was approved of God for it and Ieroboam offered upon the Altar which he had made in Betheel the fifteenth day of the eight moneth even in the moneth which he had devised of his owne heart and had this memoriall that he made Israel to sin Againe it is alledged that Abrahams children were circumcised because they were under the covenant so that the word because seemes to be the reason that the children were circumcised because they were under the covenant or because they were Abrahams seed which I deny my reason is First if they were circumcised because they were under the covenant then onely Isaac was to be circumcised because he onely was under the covenant as is cleare Gen. 17. 19. my covenant will I establish with him for an everlasting covenant Now Ishmael and the sons of Keturah were the sons of Abraham yet were they not under the covenant Secondly whereas some seemes to give the reason because they were Abrahams seed then the pupills or servants which were borne in the house or bought for money were not to be circumcised But the pupills and servants that were borne in the house or bought with money were circumcised as well as Abrahams children borne of his body Therefore they were not circumcised because they were Abrahams seed Thirdly if they were circumcised because they were under the covenant then all these children and servants were under the covenant and so should have had right to the inheritance of the Land of Canaan as well as Isaac and so should have kept Circumsion in their posterities for ever which thing was not done by any but Isaacks posterity But now to give a Reason why Circumcision was administred was because God commanded it his command giving a being to all his Ordinances from whence it is cleere that as Abraham the father of
A Small Treatise of BAPTISME OR DIPPING VVHEREIN Is Cleerely shewed that the Lord CHRIST Ordained Dipping for those only that professe Repentance and FAITH 1. Proved by Scriptures 2. By Arguments 3. A Paralell betwixt Circumcision and Dipping 4. An Answere to some Objections by P. B. Psal 119. 130. By EDVVARD BARBER Printed in the Yeere 1641. The Preface To all that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and his Appearing Ephe. 6. 24. 1 Gal. 8. 9. Matth. 24. 30. 1 Revel 7. 1 Cor. 9. 18. 2. 11. 4. BEloved Reader it may seeme strange that in these times when such abundance of Knowledge of the Gospell is professed in the World there should notwithstanding be generally such ignorance especially in and amongst those that professe themselves Ministers thereof of that glorious principle True Baptisme or Dipping Ephe. 4. 5. Instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ which a● that look for life and Salvation by him ought to be partakers of it being that onely which was received by the Apostles and Primitive Churches and for a long time unviolably kept and practised by the ministerie of the Gospel in the planting of the first Churches that the Lord should amongst some others raise up mee a poore Tradesman to devlge this glorious Truth to the worlds censuring but first inasmuch as the Lord notwithstanding my own unworthinesse hath in his Son accepted and counted worthy to suffer for his Name It being also by the Providence of God so much in question at this time we are therefore imboldened thereunto 2. The Lords usuall dealing it being to bring mighty things to passe by weake meanes as in Josh 6. 3. 4 5 20. 1. 1. where the walls of Jerecho fell downe by the blasts of Rams hornes 1 Sam. 16. 11. Amos 7. 14. And Judg. 7. The Lord gave that great deliverance to Gideon and 300. which he would not doe to him with 32000. verse 2. 7. And 1 Cor. 1. 27. 28. Chusing the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and weake things to confound the mighty Jer 49. 20. 50. 44. And base things and things despised hath God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to naught things that are Zach. 4. 10. there●ore looking only at the glory of God and love to the Truth for which being imprisoned 11. Moneths by meanes whereof I being taken off my Calling had the more opportunitie to search the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so not as they delivered by Paul but practised by the Priestes and Prelates so our times for Paul delivered no such things as by them is practised in many particulars as is cleerly showne in the following discourse 3. The reports of some who notwithstanding they never saw our faces and so by discourse trie the Spirits as John adviseth 1 Joh. 4. 1. yet behind our backs have reproached us and so as Saint Jude saith Speake evill of things they know not and as Jere. saith speak a vision of their heart and not from the mouth of the Lord Jer. 23. 16. 30 31. 32. I am against the Prophesies saith the Lord that steale my words every one from his neighbour I am against the Prophets saith the Lord that use their tongues and say he saith Behold I am against them that prophesie false dreames saith the Lord and doe tell them and cause my people to erre by their lies and by their lightnesse yet I sent them not nor commanded them therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the Lord. 4. Others affirming there was no plaine text of the Dipping of any VVoman by the which they discover much ignorance of or malice against the Truth striving to uphold the Traditions of men in stead of the glorions Institutions of Jesus Christ for the word saith Acts 8. 12. that when they beleeved Philip preaching the things concerning the things concerning the Kingdome of God and the Name of Jesus Christ they were dipt both men and Women and Acts 16. 14. 15. Lidia a seller of purple with her houshold being judged faithfull was Dipped And Gal. 3. 28. Male and female one in Christ 5. Considering the great burden this State and Kingdome lately lay under chiefly by those that pretended to be the heads of the Church as hath been manifestly proved by divers that were none of their Clergy to their eternal fame in that most honorable high Court of Parliament 6. Others that pretend to come neerer in witnessing against the Prelates yet durst not Moses-like stand to it Exod. 23. 32. who desired his owne ruine rather then the destruction of the people But these seeing the Wolfe comming hid themselves or fled beyond the Seas not standing up in the gap to make up the hedge for the house of Israel so as they might justly be compared to the Foxes of the Desarts Ezek. 13. 4 5. so that if the Lord should have sought for one to make up the hedge and stand in the gap for the Land that it should not be distroyed they were gone beyond the Seas or ●id themselves when If ever the Kingdome stood in need but herein they discovered themselves to be hirelings and not true Shepheards John 10. 12 13. or as much as in them is giving Christ the lye who saith his Desciples shall be brought before Kings and Governours for his sake whereas the fearefull and unbeleeving are set in the forefront of wicked ones Revel 21. 8. But the true Shepheard layeth downe his life for his Flocke and Nehimia the 6. 11. being in danger and perswaded by Sanballet to goe into the Temdl● saith should such a manas I flye and who is he that being as I am would goe into the Temple to save his life I will not goe in then he perceived that God had not sent him and Acts 4. 18 19. 20. The Apostles being command silence by Authority durst not obey but answereth whether it bee right in the fight of God to hearken to you more then unto God judge yee for wee cannot but speake the things wee have seene and heard And Matthew 16. 25 26. Christ saith whosoever will save his life shall lose it and hee that shall lose his life for my sake shall find it This we see fulfilled in these daies for some forsaking the cause of Christ have lost estates and lives whereas others who have stood boldly to it have saved both And if Meroz with the Inhabitants thereof was cursed with a bitter Curse Judges 5. 23. Because they came not forth to the helpe of the Lord And Paul thought not good to take Marke with him because he went not with them to the worke what may wee think of those that run from it And if by the Law a Souldeir that leaves his Colours is to dye the death What may bee thought of those that leaves their Countries leaving the cause of Christ thinking thereby to shun the crosse When if ever the Kingdome stood in need of helpe