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A75847 Gospel publique worship: or, The translation, metaphrase, analysis, and exposition of Rom. 12. from v.1. to 8. Describing, and prescribing, the compleat pattern of gospel-worship. Also, an exposition of the 18th. chapter of Matthew. To which is added A discovery of Adam's three-fold estate in paradise, viz. moral, legal, and evangelical. / By Thomas Brewer. Brewer, Thomas, fl. 1656. 1656 (1656) Wing A4429; Thomason E1654_1; ESTC R208992 154,122 337

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Luk. 3. Of eating the Passover and peace-offerings c. and also of Judgment Psal 122. There are thrones for Judgment c. Yet is there this difference that the transitoryness of the Tabernacle shewed the fading estate of the Law in respect of the Gospel and of the worship of the Gospel in respect of Heaven and the immovableness of the Temple shewed the respespective permanency of the Gospel and the perpetuity absolute of Heaven as the proper Kingdome of God and of Heaven in the respectiveness whereunto the Gospel is frequently called by Christ the Kingdome of Heaven the Worship whereof is the next and sixt type of Heaven 6. The Church or Spiritual Sabbath-Assembling Corporation the Officers overseeing it are the Teachers and Informers of the Understanding by teaching i. e. by translating metaphrase analysis doctrine Exhorters conformers or confirmers of the heart by exhortation dehortation comfort and terrour and administration of the Sacraments as ratifying the former and thereby establishing the heart Ruler or Reformer of the Conversation by admission excommunication ordination deprivation and ordering all Church-actions 7. The third Heaven after death where in Christ we shall see God face to face and know him as we are known as in an eternal mirrour and immediate sight of God Be perfected with all grace and peace by the real inspiration of the Holy Ghost in the heart and affections Raign in all manifest Holiness and Happiness as coheirs with Christ by perfect glory and content in God In these seven Divine Worships is the external instituted collateralness of the Evangelical Worship comprehended the moral or natural remaineth which in the general is expressed Rom. 12.4 5. For as we have many members in one body and all members have not one office So in Christ i. e. by Christs institution is it in the Church the particulars whereof are expressed in the next 3. verses Now in that the natural similies thereof are both personal v. 4 5. and publike v. 6 7 8. we are sent to all perfect bodies natural to search out the perfection of this spiritual complement of theirs three whereof are personal and three publike the three former are vegetative sensitive and rational hypostases For the first it is as the first of the former 3. vers Spiritual Brethren the most dark and imperfect yet all 1. Herbs and Trees have one stalk or body dispersed into leaves as life or kind-manifesting parts by their greenness in sight Blossomes as internal and inchoative kind-preserving parts by their tenderness in feeling promising and beginning fruitfulness Fruits useful to man and preserving its own kind by their feeding and physical and fructifying vertues and uses 2. Creeping things Fishes Birds and Beasts have their one body and each body its divers organs as the brain for knowing the Heart for purposing and willing the Motive Members for acting and moving These are receptive and determining in themselves but not agitating others to know will and work as they do onely man by his discursive reason and actuating wit and will collects from them knowledge and vertue and distilleth them into their instruments of action but especially in himself as the third natural pattern or brother of the Church 3. Man consisteth of one body having an head and therein the five external Senses and their common Sense Reason and Memory to learn and teach An heart and its affections of love hope joy and gratefulness and their opposites to will and cause others to will Their active organs as the tongue hands feet teeth c. externally to express what they internally know and will The publike patterns are likewise three according to the three Offices of Christ informing preserving and ruling the first are the Societies of Students in the Law and other Learning in the most eminent whereof I will instance as in the Inns of Court and Chancery 4. They have one voluntary body associated for the study of the Law and by the power thereof choose their Readers and other Exercisers of matter of knowledge to inform their members in the Law House-Officers as Steward Butler Cook Porter c. to preserve their being for that end Rulers to rule them in that Society and Work 5. The preserving are Societies of Trade for the preservation of men in all Common-wealths and other Societies such as are Regiments and Bands of Souldiers and the companies of London c. who take courses and should set Teachers to inform and see to others informing their novices in their trades for the true knowledge of their proper trade Cooks Butler Porter c. for their living in that Society Colonels Captains Serjeants Wardens and their Associats for Government for their orderly walking therein 6. The Ruling Societies are Nations Cities Towns Corporate and other free Common wealths who have by their covenant power to choose Instructers to inform all of that body in the Laws thereof Provokers to excite them to observe them Rulers to compell them by outward penalties to keep them 7. The seventh is the Church which hath whatsoever these six have whether lineal or collateral and is their fellow-creature corporation or brother of the same Creator King and Father though it have divers peculiars more then they as that it is also of divine institution nature and use of more exactness of order lineal and collateral and of a Sabbath-assembling property and though th●y are set by God Rom. 12.4 5. as general patterns and as the Wise-mens Star to direct where the Word doth not institutedly prescribe Yet the five lineal parts thereof and their five collaterals are so exactly and plentifully instituted by the divine precepts and practises in the Word that this is as the Sun-light to them in their substantials as they are the Candle-light to their darker accidentals yet is it our special duty to attend the to use thereof in this our weakness until the Sun-bright institutedness of the Evangelical Worship in the whole and each part and respect do appear in our hearts and then shall we thereby rectifie and reduce them to their original purity and use whereas now they are perverted and hurtful By all which glorious comelyness of our Evangelical Worship in it self by its divine progeny and posterity by its first-born fraternity with all excelling bodies spiritual natural politike required Ephes 4. and by its every way compleatness Col. 2. and distinctness charged Rom. 12.3 6. the perfect dignity thereof doth evidently yea eminently appear and withall the necessariness yea the necessitedness both of our duty to God to Christians and our selves therein and benefit thereby is thrust upon it all the vileness rebelliousness and perniciousness of Antichrist the exact opposite thereto is to be supposed Antichrist destroyeth not onely the whole Church and its power but also all the members thereof both integral and instrumental both by his setting himself against the Church and his sitting for or as the Church and thereby extinguishing the Churchship and
preservation in health and life ibid. the Pittier or Shewer of Mercy to the persons of the Church in need thereof called also Deacons Rom. 16.1 Phil. 1.1 1 Tim. 3.8 as also the fourth sort are These are also called Widows because they must be widows that be admitted to this office and also of 60. years old lest they should by nature be urged to marry and by their husbands be hindered in their office 1 Tim. 5.3 9. to 16. For two Institutions of God must not oppose nor cross each other as being in act nor the course of Nature and its Institutions be inverted nor everted so that all sorts of good are treasured up for us by God in his Church-worship therefore spare no labour to know nor cost to buy the same Mat. 13.11 44 45. Ninthly v. 5. it is expressed that the particular matter of this Divine Worship i. e. Christians are encorporated and enchained together therein for each others benefit and made as members of each other so that both the particulars of the ministerial and mystical Church are for the good of each Christian as estated in Gods instituted Worship Tenthly while the 5. particulars of Divine Worship for our fivefold or omnifold good are freshly mentioned I will add a tenth proof and motive to this point conjoining the perfect good and the good perfection of Divine Worship in one small Table wherein also many other motives thereto and matters worthy our observation will accur God as a One * in essence b Existed man as an integrum of c Soul d Mental Understanding willing d Practical by that Understanding and Will to preserve his soul or rational part by rational provision of information conformation and confirmation by his Creators means both natural as a Feeder and spiritual as a Physitian ● Body Mediatly providing maintainance for immediatly preserving health of his body by God's means as Creator for the present and Redeemer perpetually and as sanctifying the former b Ordered e Man for his own glory as of through and for himself e For Man f Means of his information conformation confirmation provision and preservation f Powers g Agent Operative for and effective of his informing conforming confirming providing and preserving g Recipient of knowledge sincerity good conversation provision and preservation * Authority or absolute Monarch Natural h Concreating his Law in Man toward God and Man h 1. Instituting his Worship natural for his natural service Internal toward himself External toward others In this respect Paradise was his instituted Church-Worship as parts of the second Commandement without typical relation to Heaven Adam being the Teacher and Ruler thereof as the Minister of the Teach●ng conforming and nourishing Sacraments and other Ordinances and as Orderer and Dresser of Paradise and Eve being the Provider and Preserver by her being an help to him Gen. 2.20 and the taught conformed and ruled All this a well-ordered integral mean between God as unum and Man as integrum by which as by Jacob's Ladder there was an alternal communion between God and Man which is the common scope and correlation of all integral Worships ever since but in other respects far d●fferent and without Works legal restauration or grace Spiritual 2. Legal instituted That 1. Natural Worship with this condition If you do this you shall live eternally in Heaven Not this you shall dye an Hellish death 2. The Legal Worship of Adam and of Mos●s with the same typical condition If thou do this thou shalt enjoy the Land of Canaan and its Kingship Priesthood and Prophetship and its provision and preservation Not this thou shalt be deprived of them all 3. Evangelical i Imposed on Christians Evangelical worship for his service i Proposed to Christians Evangelical worship for their benefit with his promise and power operating and effecting the same upon and in them and accepting it and them therein and thereby k Typically as the Redeemer of Man from his Fall into Hell and the guilt power and curse of sinne unto Heaven and his imputing infusing and imparting Christ unto us l Historically in Noah's Ark as the Church Noah as the Ministerial Teacher Exhorter and Ruler and his Wife as helper in matter of provision and health The seven persons subject to him as the informable conformable rulable to be provided for and preserved and the Waters as our Baptisme shewing and conveying reconciliation 1 Pet. 3.20 21. and so the Food as given by Noah answered to the Lords Supper and receiving into and casting out of the Ark answered our admission and excommunication Abraham's family as the Church Abraham as the Teacher Exhorter and Ruler thereof Sarah as his helper in provision and health His Children and Bond-servants as the matter and body of the Church Circumcision as our Baptisme and the Sacrifices the Spiritual Food of his Family as the Lords Supper Personal Teaching Perswasion and Ruling as ours instituted now which is to be supposed in the former ideas hereof in Adam and Noah and the admission into or birth in the same as ours now and so likewise of his casting any out of his family as answering to Excommunication duly ordered now Gal. 4.24 to 30. This and that Ark have not onely primary relation to the Mystical Church but also to the Ministerial secundarily through their general likeness yet is there not identitie and so no perfect likeness between them l Instituted as m Transient or typically leading to Heaven that is the National Corporation of Israel in the Wilderness Moses the Ruler with his seventy Deputies Aaron and the Priests as Reconcilers Myriam and other Prophets as Teachers the Levites as Deacons Moses and his Deputies functions were to order the Nation and Army and matters of Justice and Protection Aaron and the Priests to order the Tabernacle and its Ordinances Myriam c. to order the Colledge Company and course of the Prophets the Levites to help in all matters of service to any of them especially of provision and preservation All this as in the way to the Promised Land and its permanent worship Deut. 1.8 to 18. and throughout that book this kind of Worship typed this under the Gospel as it is the transient Kingdom of Heaven parabled by the two Sowers the Mustard-seed Leaven Treasure Pearls the Draw-Net Matth. 13.52 and oft else-where mentioned in personal respects and without relation to this Church-Worship the Anttitype of them m Established the Nation of Israel with its Regal Thrones in Jerusalem the Temple and its Ministries and Ministrations the Colledge of Prophets and their Offices and Works and the Lodgings of the Levites about the Temple and their Cities throughout Canaan with all their teaching uniting or reconciling ruling providing and preserving Ordinances as compleated by Solomon as the Type of Christ as King in his constituted Church under the Gospel the neerest Signe Seal Livery of Seisin and Earnest of the real compleat Glory of Heaven k Antitypically answering to the former Types and really
it being the cause of all mans sinfulness and misery here and hereafter In a fourth respect as it is a means order estate project course schoolmaster to bring us to Christ and to heaven by him and man being in that state it and man may be termed significantly medial ordal artal stative projective entactive relative capital or mental which four respects of the same thing yield this quaternity federal legal enmial medial and so of other terms of the like use Now as this second part of this microcosmal quaternity hath a Janal aspect upon the create recreate case of man it leadeth us to the recreate case the create being to our purpose competently handled 3. This is Gods Gospel-power unto salvation i. e. Gods Gospel power saving or Christs Evangelizing effective of sonship or the Holy Ghosts brooding working heavenship heavenlyness or sonlikeness heavens patterning effected heavendome or sondome all grounded on Rom. 1.16 The opposite to which is Gods heaven-revealed wrath full curse v. 18. i. e. hell Christs Word revealed in efficacy not-sonning i. e. hellship the Holy Ghosts convincing the Conscience unto despair or hellishness Heavens unpatterned uneffected opposite i. e. helldome against the unregenerate ungospel unconscionable desperateness or enmity 4. The difference between which Kingdome of heaven competent and that compleat and third heaven is this the real existency and relative state hereof prayeth as in earth so in heaven but the reant efficacy and the reate effect and fruit of all pray as in heaven so in earth Here is our son and sonship king and kingship wife and wifeship heaven and heavenship all in being and state as absolute and perfect as there in Gods and true account and also our sonlikeness and sondome kingliness and kingdome wiseliness and wisedome heavenliness and heavendome or lordlikeness and lordome in vulgar phrase a Mannour Manerial Dominion or Demesne or possessed Inheritance are as true in nature and livery of seisin i. e. in divine love and its vertues and heavenly hope and its fruits here as there But the two former do not so appear to Christians and the two latter are not so perfect in and unto them here as there all shewn in one verse 1 Joh. 3.2 we are now the sons of God but it doth not yet appear what we shall be We are as true sons of God the Father now as then as true annointed Princes Prophets Priests and parts of Christ as true coïents bedders corunners communicants with the Holy Ghost and as truly adopted unto authorized in endowed with and seized of heaven by 1. personal faith 2. publike Church-worship or instituted order 3. divine graces operative in and by both 4. and by autarchy self-content full-joy free-pain by and in them all three now as then in kind though so far off in degree of assurance wisdome power and plenty as the East from the West or Earth from Heaven for nothing native stative dative rative is there which is not here nor here which shall not be there yet the two first in noture and the two last in nature are so different in degree of evidency and eminency cleerness and clareness and of purity power perfection and pomp as the two bodies 1 Cor. 15.40 42 44 49 53 54. For by bodies are there meant persons by a Metonymie of the continent for the content for the natural soul must there be also meant else it is not there declared what shall then become thereof and by spiritual bodies are meant the glorified natural bodies of the Saints or spiritual ones else it is not shewn that they shall have any but footing is left for the Hymenean and Philetian Familists who hold that of the degree that I said of the kind confounding that oft-expressed distinction in the word and world and so destroy Faith and Hope on earth Heb. 11.1 2 Tim. 2.18 Rom. 8.24 The four reals or naturals of that spiritual body or person vulgarly confounded need here to be distincted i. e. the 4. ingredients of Adam's created body his body was clay red-earth or wet-dust i. e. of 1. earth and 2. water his soul was breath i. e. 1. air and 2. fire for it is air drawn into the lungs heated by and so mixed with the spirit fire or heat of the heart and breathed out of the body Thus is mans ensouling by God expressed Gen. 2.7 and that he thereby became a living soul So that natural air was the immediate vessel of the more then natural spirit of man and communicant with the divine spirit of God and so different from fire mixt with air the common matter of the sensitive souls and from the Angels because mixed with air and that it differeth from the essence of the deity needeth no proof yet is it a living Image of God imbreathed by himself into mans soul whereby he is a living soul and so different from all other creatures of a more than te●rene nature yet our vivifying spirit in hand much differeth from them all they being all real as of God the Father and this relative to God the Son or rather real as of God the Son whose divine nature is infused into it according to his Divine-man or Man-God state imputed unto him both which co-operate divine vertues and glory for as heaven is of a reality different from earth so is the heavenly man from the earthy and so therefore his works and wealth but this spiritualness for those terms are promiscuous came by divine promise and covenant of heaven of a spiritual and supernatural nature signed sacramented sealed conveyed by types of Gods own instituting and sanctifying to that end and therefore they did effect that end of making men that were transformed by Faith in them to be spiritual in our sense of 1 Cor. 15.44 to say hereon that the air was the immediate vessel and basis of Gods imbreathed Image spiritual nature and immortal being in man were a parergon paradox more to say that the heavenly spiritualnes or spiritual heavenlines of the new man is more properly imputative institutive or relative than real though its proper gifts moral and moral and blessings personal possessal be real and therefore I refer the cleering to a larger and fitter place because I conceive them more precious and useful than may here be fully shewn where I will add a third that mercy and repentance ought to have been expected endeavoured and prayed for by Adam before Christ was promised And a fourth that the means thereof must be by the union of persons offended and offending A fifth is that unitable person of the Trinity must be the relative ordive authoritive institutive c. person A sixth that glorious and free mercy compassion and pitty must be the communicative faculties of this new procreation and birth but I cease these for the present But to return to likeness and unlikeness of these two last which is onely in the degree and that onely in the two latter quarters
it may be objected with the Jesuits and other Hierarchians that Christ there forbiddeth onely tyranny pompous and vain-glorious Titles and Master-fulness over Inferiours and not the superiority over other Ministers I answer First that I hope they will not more destroy the generals of Truth and light of natural Ingenuity than the Jesuits themselves of Rhemes who in their Annotations on Luk. 22 24 say The Apostles perceiving Christs departure from them and his Kingdome to be neer as infirm men and not yet endued with the Spirit of God begin to have emulation and cogitations of Superiority one over another which our Master represseth in them by Exhortation to Humility and by his own Example that being their Lord yet so lately served them They as Expositors of the Scriptures minding their scope and apparent truth suffered themselves with the Pythonisse Act. 16.16 17. To speak the truth though it utterly destroy their and their Holy Fathers Kingdome and they as Antichristians and men of scared Consciences presently after contradict the Truth and themselves adding Not forb●dding majority or superiority in them but Pride Tyranny and Contempt of their Infer●ours How can these Jesuits brook their name without a metathesis of s and u and b set in the first place of s then indeed they with the Jebusites are treaders of Mount-Sion the most holy place of Jerusalem under foot Rev. 11.2 i. e. professing possession of Mount Moriah yet being true Intruders thereinto and blind and lame contradicters of themselves and the true David and King thereof and contradicted and destroyed with their blind and lame gods THE scope of Rome 12.1 to 8. is exactly yet summarily to describe teach and effectually to charge the matter and manner of Gods instituted Worship as is expressed v. 1. in the general and v. 6. in the particulars Those two Verses are also expresly connected by causal and illative Conjunctions which are the absolutest Connecters of the Connection of v. 4. with 5th and 7th with 6th and 8th with 7th there can be no doubt Now the soul and sinews being of the same body the flesh and bones cannot but be granted to be of the same also neither is the encorporatedness of these 8. Verses onely literall but especially reall each without other being maimed and all joyntly yielding an excellent description and charge of Gods Worship the Root in v. 7. and 2. giving life to the body in v. 3 4 5. and to the branches v. 6 7 8. the body giving sustenance and sustentation with the Root to the Branches and the Branches shewing the Heavenly Fruit of both Let the words be observantly read and a sense worthy the Scripture be conceived and the matter being the same with the second Commandement and yet being very imperfectly delivered but in this place and here also in the common sense and I cannot but think that the Understanding and Ingenuous will find an admirable conciseness of such a large matter a clearness in this dark and s ecial point of the Word yea a pleasantness in what is most harsh to Nature as being not onely above it but mainly intended to thwart it and to proclaim and constrain God's absolute Will to be submitted unto as to the Lord and Ruler of all the Fall also of Adam and the most abominable sinnes ever since were there-against and all desolations thereout and the yet prevailing Antichristian sinne assisting in oppositeness thereto and usurpation thereover The drift therefore of the Holy Ghost being herein to preach and press preciseness in the matter and distinctness in the manner of God's speciall Worship The latter of this place and the rest of this subject must have their spirit from hence which also will not onely easily but excellently sort therewith and better than with any other and though the manner or order of any thing cannot be shewn but upon supposition of the matter known or in the shewing to be withall made known yet when the Apostle cometh v. 6. to assume and conclude his intent in the premisses v. 1. to 5. he seemeth to have supposed and intended onely the distinctness of the Church states by their peculiar Functions and the order of exercising them in the Church Assembly onely in the handling Paul after the excellent Scripture-manner interlaceth the peculiar vertues of three of the Offices which were hardest to be known leaving the other two easier to be by the like course understood as on the other side he expresseth his main drift of charging the distinctness of the Offices and their Functions onely in the two first leaving the like to be supposed in the other three so that it is expresly proved that the Offices are distinct v. 6. which after are expressed to be five In the Inference therefore of v. 6. is the drift of the Holy Ghost expressed which is the Soul and Life of the whole Context upon it therefore we are to stand as we use to do on the parting of the Branches from the Body of the Tree for the best finding and gathering the Fruit of the Tree whereby the Nature of the Tree and Intent of the Planter is best to be discerned that therefore saith We having then gifts or since then we have gifts according to the grace measure of Faith v. 3. that is given measured v. 3. different divers or distinct whether it be Prophesie the estate or ability of a Church-Prophet or both according to the proportion measure v. 3. gift v. 6. of Faith grace v. 6. 2. Of the Interest in Christs body v. 4 5. or Worship and Will of God v. 1 2. He seemeth to have left the speech very imperfect yet therein he most excellently perfecteth the drift of the Holy Ghost affirmed that is to prove a distinct observance in the offices and not to provoke unto vehemency in the execution which will undoubtedly follow this distinct discerning the speciall intent of Gods zealous and jealous distinguishing them Secondly it suiteth with the ten times greater care that is taken throughout the Scriptures that Gods Worship should be observed according to his Precepts Statutes or Institutions or Laws and Zeal that is used in the reproof of the contrary than that a zealous Worship should be given him Thirdly he therein well observeth the order of the Commandements in more regarding the second then the third And fourthly the order of Nature which first and more regardeth the truth of the matter then the measure And fiftly his own scope intimated in the five former verses and oft expressed to take care for Gods Worship of his Word v. 1. of his Will v. 2. of his apportioning v. 3. of his disposing v. 4 5. of his divers giving v. 6. and of his exact distinguishing v. 6 7 8. more than for the measure thereof Sixthly he well preferreth the maine of the matter before the exactness of words yea than competency but in this case of endangering the proper scope of the place which would have been
being the Kingdom of Heaven compleat ● e. the Evangelical Ministerial Church its five-fold Offices Ordinances Works and Uses derived from and answering to Christ as Prophet Priest King Provider Preserver as Instituter of his five Church-Offices i. e. the Teacher Exhorter Ruler Distributer Pitier with their five Functions of Teaching Exhortation Ruling Distribution Pittying enrighting us by these three sorts of Christs five-fold respects to Teaching Exhorting Ruling Distributing Pittying for and unto the knowledge sincerity honesty provision preservation of our understanding heart and its affections Christian conversation estates and possessions persons health and life as from through and for God as an essential Mind Will actus good Being or Essence a Respecting our five-fold needs of him sent n Christ as to Sons to be received by Faith so to his Servants to be worshipped by Works as acknowledging Christ therein and n The Holy Ghost to adequate Christ as our Mediatour with all gifts Son-like to receive the benefits and Servant-like to do the Works of instituted Church-worship By this Table is Synopticè to be seen the external relation of our present Divine Worship to all Gods former Worships and the internal order of the materials thereof within themselves and also their respects to God Christ the Spirit and Man all exactly parallelling each other in all particularities and also compleating all things Divine into an integral unity perfectly resembling the perfect uniformity of the glorified Heaven and proposing to Us the present enjoyment thereof in an exact Epitome by a proper Livery of Seisin and imparting earnest so that nothing is more worthy of knowledge in respect of the perfection and gloriousness thereof nor more desirable in respect of its pretiousness to us and for their acceptableness it cannot but be discerned through their evident being of through and for God yea in the highest degree on earth Alas that this kind of Knowledge is so unknown and the pearl and treasure thereof as hid in the earth though like yea being Wisdoms house pillars and food proposed to yea proclaimed for us with many and manifold motives by her maidens Prov. 9.1 to 12. and though so unlike the contrary false worship and folly of Antichrist that foolish Whore and whorish folly so vilified and deterred in the rest of that Chapter as illustrating true worship by its contrary the particulars of this worship are so many and magnifyed that I dare not move by one of them Eleventhly This word-worship is the subject of the greatest part of the Scripture in its describing the particulars thereof prescribing the observance thereof prohibiting the contrary historying the practises of both sorts and the answerable blessings and judgments and making use thereof for future encouragements and terrours of the proceeders and adding farther comforts and threatnings accordingly but the particularizing hereof requiring a kind of Exposition of half the Scripture I must refer the marking this point in your daily readings thereof wherein you shall find these things exceeding useful and worthy your knowledge Twelfthly the great and many blessings of the Word are annexed to this true divine worship and the plenty of fierce Curses are denounced against the false and because this and the other are too large to prosecute to the full see both verified in the Decalogue-Epitome thereof in the second Commandement for that is so large as all the rest except the fourth Commandement which instituteth Gods set time for the celebration thereof and so it rather secondeth than affronteth our point and pronounceth moe and higher blessings and denounceth heavier judgments in this matter than all the body of the Decalogue beside But I more need to excuse my prolixness herein and to break off from the many proofs of and motives to this point then to proceed herein both since the matter is so pregnant and the remaining points so many and special above my ability to accomplish your patience to read except you be more then vulgarly transformed for this purpose which v. 2. requireth and also the suppressedness of the matter by the wrong exposition of this place and its parallels and the wronging opposition of their subject than which none is greater And therefore having made some use of the point and proofs I will pass to other for if I should instance the particulars of this Worship I should be drowned in the multitude of their special motives to this point of the worth and need of their knowledge Since then Evangelical Worship is so many and main wayes worthy and necessary to be known why is the knowledge thereof so slighted as worthless and useless and that not onely by the world and its world-worshippers for I as much slight the slightings and the fightings of Christs adversaries but by the Lovers of the Word and also of Gods worship in the general and of the particulars thereof which they hold so to be i. e. of preaching the Word administring the Sacraments and Prayer But the main and radical parts thereof i. e. the Church as encorporated and congregated the diversities of its Ministries and their Functions their derivation from the Church their ministration i. e. service in and unto that Church their set number and nature and their distinct collateral order and more the more particular appropriating of Divine Ruling order and acts to the proper Ruler of such a Church and in its Congregation but most of all the most particular act of that Ruler in admission and ordination and the knowledge whether those acts or the decree of the Congregation give the being to a member or Minister of a Church All these and divers other points of great use and worth they hold to be Walls Hedges Orders and Circumstances of Religion and Gods Worship but not of the substance thereof and therefore put off the knowledge thereof in pretence of their love and esteem of the substance thereof Alas that Professours of Religion should thus he Ushers of Antichrists Hall to make room for his entrance Porters of his tryumphant chair of estate to bring him in and supporters of his Hierarchy with their own shoulders upon such groundless pretences for Antichristianisme consisteth in the confusion of those main points of Religion and thereby those things which they call the substance of Religion But first ad hominem hath God set them for walls of defence of his true worship and worshippers and will they through ignorant negligence relinquish the walls to their and their Kings mortal enemy since the winning the Walls is the winning the City and all therein and the subjecting themselves to the enemy either to his service direct or indirect or destruction yea in God's Matters to both if to the first Secondly hath God bounded his Services with Hedges Dikes or other Fences and Circumferences to distinguish Christs servants and services from Antichrists and shall we slight Antichrists encroaching on Christs Tabernacle Tent or Church and Inheritance or Clergy and entitling himself with those names of
to do something Obj. He had power to do well and liberty to offend Answ That could not be for doubtless God gave him not a positive command to do one thing and liberty to do another i. e. to do or not to do the same thing that 's a contradiction and therefore he had no liberty to offend neither had free will being bound to obedience Obj. Not a permissive liberty i. e. an allowance to ill but an inclination and aptitude to ill yet was commanded the contrary and had power to obey that command Answ No Man had no aptitude no inclination to ill for then he had not been made after the perfect Image of God that could not will work or incline to ill but he and man if made after his Image was positively good holy and perfect therefore man was made perfect in respect of his power of obedience for an imposed Law which is the business in hand but for the Proposition by him accepted he had no power of obedience God is Ens Sciens Potens Habens Man depraved in will to good is Non Ens Non Sciens Non Potens Non Habens For indeed we have no power to do that that is not but as we our selves are not i. e. by our depravation we have no entity in good being depraved and in our selves ill and therefore by our own power can do no good And on the contrary Adam being perfectly good could not do ill because he could not do nothing for all his actions tended to perfections The Order of Gods Supremacy whereby he governeth all his Creatures and rational Subjects is two-fold Instinctive and Institutive FOr the Institutive that we may not derogate from God nor arrogate to Man more then is meet it is to be understood that in acknowledgment of Gods Order and Power of Supremacy or Monarchship mentioned Isaiah 45.22 23. there are four particular permanent Prerogatives Institutions and Ordinances peculiarly appropriated to God therein over Nature and Grace which manifest his immediate Divine Authority and absolute Power over and above his Rationals from the Creation in procreation preservation gubernation and adoration and therefore hath God instituted a four-fould divine observable order therein to wit of Meats Marriage Government and Worship as followeth The Table of Institutions Institutions are Prerogative Precepts of God above and after the Creation which are a Competent b Fultive or for mans sustenance in his c Kind that is Marriage Gen. 1.28 c Particulars d Immediatly by meats Gen. 1.29 d Mediatly by his commanding use of all other Creatures viz. his government of them Gen. 1.28 b Cultive of or for Gods worship e Moral f Solely i. e. Paradise and its Paradisals f Mixt with the Worships ensuing e Super-moral g Legal h Paradisal h Mosaical g Evangelical i Familick from Adam to Moses i National from thence to Christ a Compleat or Celestial viz. The Gospel and its Institutions as called the Kingdome of Heaven which are Corporational that is an encorporate Church with its Ministry and Members and their Functions and all their Sabbath-meeting exercisings and observations The second Method MAN microcosmus micraner micricon at and by his Creation or Earthizing was first in respect of God as the Father an existing respective and operative person as earthy ortive ordive ardorive odorive Sonne the Form Character Image and Impression of Gods Natural Order Law Light and Wisdome Spirit the life sight might and emphasis of the Holy Ghost as natural enliver and acter of all Trinity or triunity of all three the compleat natural 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Earth Water and Air encorporate and enspired with the second-heaven fire as its constituting and distinguishing form Secondly as Stative he had Right to enter into a legal Covenant of Works meriting heaven with God it s and his Creator and so King Monarch Supream c. in all superiorities Light to understand that right Covenant merit Heaven God King c. and the tye bond duty and Religion on both sides Sight to know the particular Covenant made at and by his entring into Paradise with all its respects as the minor to the major of the two former heads and that personally voluntarily freely and in confidence of his good thereby Bright print of that Covenant visibly expressed and described by the Sacraments of Paradise Adam as the official dresser orderer thereof Gen. 2.15 And the trees and fruit thereof especially those of Life and Knowledge signifying Heaven or Gods Palace City and Kingdome and God dwelling and raigning with Adam therein and life and all eternal and perfect heavenly and divine happiness therein unto man if he observed and fulfilled that Covenant or the contrary if he broke it and that not naturally but mentally medially institutively and statively sacramentally instrumentally sealingly possessingly enrightingly deliveringly and seisingly so signifying by Gods expression therein which so cleerly signifying and estating Covenant if he entred into he knew that it bound both parties to exact keeping thereof whereby and not before nor otherwise it became a Law consequently not originally and simply for though God had instituted all that to be his worship so far as the second Commandement extendeth only yet neither it nor Adam had any heavenly or divine estate upon them thereby And though Adam and Eve supposed it a glorious and free gift of heaven as it had been if he had been of a divine and heavenly nature yet in Gods purpose project intent end it was an inevitable exposer of all to Gods justice and just condemnation Rom. 8.3 Gal. 3.21 22. and to his glory therein And secondarily God ordered this to be the first matter of Gods greatest work of grace and mercy in mans redemption from hell and adoption unto heaven v. 23 24 25. for Adam did and could not but eat of the forbidden fruit and so became a breaker of Gods Covenant and Law and lost his wager even earthly perfection and happiness which he wagered against heavenly obtained it not but became guilty of its contrary even of hell and perfect and eternal curse malice and misery The preceding worse and corruining fall of the Angels upon the same rock and the proofs of both with their illustrations and controversies are not of this indical synopsis but of its succeeding vindical illustration But to pass on toward the third quarter of this quaternity 1. Man by this his entry into this instituted mental and supernatural Covenant became stative from personal and from earthly to heavenly and from personal to practional or federal 2 And as it was meritorious and upon condition of perfect heavenly works and obedience it fitteth the usual Scripture terms of the Law Law of Works Works of the Law legal c. as opposite to the Gospel Faith Evangelical faithful And thirdly as it was broken on mans part it is called enmity our specialty against us the curse condemnation c. by a Metonymie of the effect for the cause