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A73478 Haggeus the prophet Where-vnto is added a most plentifull commentary, gathered out of the publique lectures of D. Iohn Iames Gryneus, professor of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Basill, and now first published, faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by Christopher Fetherstone student in diuinitie.; Bible. O.T. Haggai. English. Fetherston, Christopher.; Grynaeus, Johann Jacob, 1540-1617. 1586 (1586) STC 2790; ESTC S125271 158,555 366

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which is proper to the holy spirit bicause it is an ordinary meanes Rom. 10. 12. and because by meanes thereof the holy spirite is effectuall according as it is sayde Faith 2. Cor. 3. 5. commeth by hearing And agayne Who is Paul and who is Apollos but ministers by whome you haue beleeued and as God hath giuen to euerie man In this latter sentence the principall cause which is GOD and the instrumentall cause that is the ministers are ioyned together And here wée are taught what wee ought to attribute to either of them I haue spoken somewhat of these wordes The voyce of God which in this place are takē simplie It remayneth that I adde a worde or two touching this worde Heare For it is sayde that the Iewes hearde the voyce of the Lorde generally with one consent 1. Question Howe many wayes may men bee sayde to heare the worde of God Ans For memorie and also for iudgements sake wee will declare the same wayes according to certayne places of inuention If you looke first into the signification of the worde Some men are saide to heare the word of God properly namely these which heare Mat. 13. 22. the same and vnderstande it and bring foorth fruit Othersome doe heare the worde improperly Mat. 13. 19. 20. 21. either with a wauering minde or at least but for a certaine season or finally beeing too-too much addicted vnto worldly cares and businesse Secondly if you respecte the instrumentes The worde of God is hearde with the eares if you meane the externall worde inwardly with a faithfull heart if the internall word Quest Doeth the internall worde differ from the the externall in forme Ans No for the holy ghost and the ministers consenting together doe preach all one worde they differ onely in the ordinarie administration of the same For that I may vse a plaine similitude as the words and the meaning thereof doe differ so doeth the externall worde and the internall The ministers they speake the worde the holy ghost doeth beate into the heart the meaning thereof Ob. But this is a straunge kinde of phrase which you vse To heare with the heart Ans It ought to seeme vnto you no more straunge then if I shold say that a faithful man doeth with the heart see smell taste and eate ●om 10. 10. Christe With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes And faith is vnto the beléeuer as eyes eares tongue lippes mouth and hands For by faith alone doe wee lay holde vppon Christ and his spirituall benefites and also therby applie the same vnto our selues 3 Thirdly the act and the manner howe it is done First the faithful being in the congregation of the saintes which prophesie doe both heare with their eares and also with their harts Secondly hypocrites do heare with their eares ●sal 42. but not with a pure heart Thirdly the saintes as Danid being in exile doe heare with their heartes not with their eares 4 Fourthly the tyme of illumination and conuersion Some men do heare long time with their eares before they doe heare with their hearts being in this point like vnto séede which lyeth long time vnder the grounde before it sprout out Some heare first with their heart Act. 10. then with their eares as Cornelius the Centurion 23. Lect. Ianuar. 25. 2. Question Who be those which heare the worde of God aright and in deede Ans Those onely which haue the priuilege of Gods adoption of the speciall gift of effec●uall calling and sanctification graunted vnto them according as it is saide first concerning adoption These which are of God doe heare Gods worde Ioh. 8. 17. Secondly concerning the speciall gift It is giuen vnto you to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen but vnto them it is not giuen Mat. 13. 11. Thirdly concerning effectuall vocation Hee hath called you by our Gospell to obtayne the glorie of our Lorde Iesus Christ 2. Thes 2. 14. Fourthly concerning sanctification He that heareth these wordes and doeth them Mat. 7. 24. Be yee doers of the worde and not hearers onely deceyuing your selues Iam. 1. 22. 3 Quest Howe doth God make vs heare his worde Ans So sone as hee openeth our eares that the sweete harmonie of his worde may enter into the same Myne eares hast thou opened Psalm 40. 6. For like as those which dwell nigh vnto the fall of Nilus and Rhenus doe become deafe by reason of the horrible noise of the water so these men which liue in this worlde are so stricken become so deafe with the vaine pompe thereof that God must néedes pearce through and open their eares That done he openeth their hartes as it is sayde of Lydia The Lorde opened her Act. 16. 14. hart that she might hearken vnto the things which were spoken of Paul Lastly he openeth the scriptures by interpreting the same Luk. 24. 32. 4 Quest What thinges doeth the obedience of faith comprehende Ans First the light of the trueth For faith is an acknowledging of the trueth Therefore ● Tim. 2. 4. comprehension and knowledge are attributed both to the same Yet is there great difference betwéene this knowledge and all other For as Aristotle saith vna scientia melior est alia vel quia certior vel quia de meliori One knowledge is better then an other either because it is more certayne or because it is of a better thing The knowledge of faith is first of all other most certaine secondly it is occupied about the verie best obiect which is the promise of grace Again as the same Aristotle saith Scientes vniuersale saepe ignorant ipsum singulare They which knowe the generall are often times ignorant of the particular But the beleeuing man knoweth certaynely that not onely those which beléeue shall be saued but also that hee himselfe is heire of eternall life 2 Secondly full assurance Rom. 14. Let euery man be fully assured in his minde And in the second chapter of the epistle to the Collossians there is mention made of the full assurance of vnderstanding Heb. 10. And let vs draw neere in assurance of faith This assurance is declared more plainely by the example of the father of the belieuers Rom. 4. 3 Thirdly a desire to obey God O my God this will I that I maie doe that which is acceptable in thy sight and thy lawe is in the middest of my bowels Psal 40. 8. 3. Of the phrase To feare before the face of the Lord and of the sonnely feare Although it is said that the people did feare before the face of the Lord and it is also a likely thing that the people had more grieuously offended then their rulers yet dare not I restrayne this feare vnto the people onlie according to the opinion of Hierome For if the politike and ecclesiasticall Rulers had bene blamelesse peraduenture they should not haue had anie néede of anie admonition common reprehension This doe not I speake
that they beléeue the remission of sinnes In like sort I prooue the minor GOD doeth iustifie none but those whose mercifull God hee is But hee doeth iustifie the circumcision of faith and the vncircumcision by fayth Rom. 3. 30. Therefore hee is the God aswell of the circumcised as of the vncircumcised in the flesh Let vs throughly ponder these and such like sayinges that beeing mindfull that we are sprong from the wild Olyue trée wée may with one minde and one mouth giue thankes to our Lord Iesus Christ who hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenesse and hath translated vs into the kingdome of light To him be glory for euermore Amen 40. Lect. 25. Aprill 1580. 6 An argument drawen from the glorie of the second Temple I will fill this house with glorie saith the Lorde of hostes IT is questionles that that temple is to be builded with great industrie and ioyfulnes which the Lord hath promised to replenish with glory But the Lorde doeth promise to replenish the seconde Temple with glory Ergo. c. Aphorisime concerning glorie 1 There is one glorie of the flesh and an other of the spirite 2 The glorie of the fleshe beeing kindled with the confidence that is reposed in workes as strawe with fire is an hinderance to fayth Iohn 5. 44. Howe can yee beleeue when yee receiue glorie one from another and do not seeke the glorie which commeth from God alone 3 The glorie of the spirite staying vppon Christ alone is ioyned with faith 2. Cor. 3. 18. But we beholding as in a myrrour with open face the glorie of the Lord are transformed into the same image from glorie to glorie 4 There is one kinde of glorie of the fleshe which consisteth in riches dignitie and good successe and it is common aswell to the faithfull as to the vnbeléeuers Gen. 45. Psal 112. 2. Reg. 12. 5 Yet ought the glorie of the spirite to bee preferred farre before it which accompanyeth plentie of the Lordes blessing in spirituall thinges 6 And forasmuch as both of them are to bée esteemed according to their end vse wée ought to preferre the glorie of the spirite which serueth chiefely both to our owne edification and the glorie of God farre before the glorie of the fleshe The blessing of God is commended first for the efficient cause or the author thereof which is God who is called the God of glory Psal 29. 3. Secondly for the formall cause which comprehendeth the decent and good order vsed in the dispensation of the worde of God and his worshippe and the approbation thereof which is declared by the imputatiō of perfection wrought by faith whenas otherwise God might require manie thinges at our handes Lastly for the plentifulnes thereof which is signified by this worde fill And nowe howe and of what gifts this fulnesse is ment these sayings doe sufficiently testifie And of his fulnesse haue wee all receyued euen grace for grace Ioh. 1. 16. And agayne Hee is ascended farre aboue all heauens that hee might fulfill all thinges namely with the giftes of the spirite and that hee might giue to the Church faithfull seruaunts Eph. 4. 10. 2. Of the funiture of the seconde Temple Although wee must needes confesse that there was great store of riches gathered together in the treasurie and that as the histories do testifie there were other riches taken fro other yet no doubt this was the principall glorie thereof that the sonne of God beeing reuealed in the fleshe taught the gospell of the kingdome therein Wee will inferre certayne notable sayings of the holie Scripture and out of them will wee gather what bee the chiefe ornamentes of Temples 1. Reg. 8. 12. 13. The Lorde said that hee woulde dwell in the thicke clouds Certaynely I haue built thee an house to dwell in an house that thou mightest dwell for euer The presence of God hearing prayers an● taking in good part the worshippe done to him in faith is the first and chiefest ornament of a Temple And whereas it is sayde that the Lorde doeth not dwell in temples made with handes that may not bee vnderstood simplie Act. 7. 48. but in some respect first in respecte of his essence according to the which hee is not onely in the Temples but also euery where secondly in respect of the comparison For it delighteth him not so much to dwell in a materiall Temple as in a faithfull heart Isay 56. 7. My house shall be called an house of prayer to all people Vnder prayer made in faith the Prophet doeth comprehend by Synecdoche the administration of the worde and Sacramentes and also both the externall and internall worship of God And is certayne that hanginges organs and musicall harmonie do nothing like so much adorne Churches as the preaching of the worde of God which serueth to the vse and edification of the saints Ioh. 2. 16. Carrie these things hence make not my Fathers house an house of Marchandice Therefore the house of the Father séeing it is an house of godlines must not serue to the prophane gayne of those men which thinke that gayne is godlinesse and for this cause they doe all thinges that they may serue to their filthie lucre 1. Tim. 6. 5. 9. but to the edification of the mysticall bodie of Christ which is the Church 3 Of the glorie of the Church of the newe Testament Isay 40. 5. The glorie of the Lorde shall be reuealed and all flesh shall see it together because the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it Isay 60. 2. For behold darkenes shall couer the earth and a myst the people but vpon thee shall the Lorde arise and vpon thee shall his glorie bee seene The meaning of these oracles may bee gathered out of these sayinges Iohn 1. 14. And that word was made fleshe and it did abide amongest vs and we sawe the glorie thereof the glorie I say as of the onely begotten comming out from the father full of grace and trueth 2. Cor. 3. 9. For if the ministerie of condemnation was glorious much more doeth the ministration of righteousnes abounde in glorie 4. Of the glorie of the Faithfull 1 It is most certayne that the faithfull are the Temples and houses of God Eph. 2. 22. Wherein you also are builded together that you maye bee a dwelling place for GOD through the spirit 2 For this cause is it saide that Christ doeth dwell in their hartes by faith Eph. 3. 17. 3 And it is certaine y● they which are destitute of holy spirit of faith haue no part nor fellowship with Christ 2. Cor. 6. 15. What concorde hath Christ with Beliall or what part hath the beleeuer with the infidele 4 Truelie the onely glory of the faithfull is Christ 1. Cor. 1. ver 31. But you are of him in Christ Iesus who of God is made to vs wisdome and righteousnes and sanctification and redemption that as it is written he that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lord. I
roumes of builders but knowe not how to lay one stone vpon an-other I speake of vnlearned ministers if it bee lawfull for mee to call them ministers whom I may more rightlie tearme Idoll sheepheards or if you wil Siphers in Augrim And manie there be also which know howe to build but they will not the worlde hath so ouer-taken them and their lasines is such which both are no small lets to the woorke And to bee briefe there is generallie amongst all a greater care to seeke their owne then the things which are Gods to preferre their owne cōmoditie before the Lords glory finally to seeke their owne ease rather thē the kingdome of God therefore is it that the Lords Temple is not builded and therefore is it that the Lordes plagues are in some measure vpon vs inflicted For let vs call to minde these latter yeeres and see if the Lord hath not scourged vs as he did some-times the Iewes And to gather their punishments into this abridgment that the Lord did not blesse the works of their hands how-soeuer they toyled and tooke great paines haue not we tasted of the like iudgmēt Let that generall dearth which laye and as yet doth lie vpon the whole Land witnesse for I will not stand to amplifie euery particular point for I hasten toward an ende If the punishments of the old people when wee onely heard thereof could not mooue vs to build the Temple of the Lord yet let them now enforce vs seeing wee taste thereof in some measure But now to come to your honour That especiall duetie which to your Lordship for many good causes Iowe hath caused mee to publishe these my labours vnder your honourable title and that not onely that it may bee a bush to shrowde them from euill tongues but that as they bee to your good Lordship presented so you may there-by bee mooued enforced incouraged to further the Lords building and to seeke the remoouing of these lets and hinderances which may stay the same And because right honorable it is no small help to the cōmon building for euerie one of what condition so-euer he bee priuately to erect in his owne family a Church vnto the Lorde as did that good Cornelius let mee with such reuerence and dutifulnes as I ought craue at your hands that you would proceede to consecrate your honors family to the Lorde in such sorte that it may with-in your priuate walls resemble the Lords Church And how-soeuer worldly respects may keepe you backe from this yet let that feare of the Lord which I know to be plāted in you and my very good Lady your wyfe ouer-come all these lets and hinderancances It is true liberty my Lord not to serue sinne it is true honor to honour and serue the Lord aright This therefore doe and no doubt the Lord will aduance you for hee hath promised to aduance those to honor which honor him Shake of therefore all those things which may hinder you in this course of godlines remooue all hinderances which may keepe you back call away your eyes from be-holding the vanities of this worlde whose shape must passe away make streight steps vnto the feare of the Lord consecrate your selfe to serue him halt not betwene the feare of the Lord and worldly vanity purge your house from all prophane persons such as was Esau so shall the Lords blessing bee vpon you so shall hee to honor aduance you and so shall you through faith in Christ raigne with Christ for euer and euer The Lord blesse your good honor and encrease in you the manifold blessings of his sacred spirit From my chamber in Southwarke this present xxj of Iuly 1586. Your honours much bounden and in the Lord at commaundement Christopher Fetherstone To the Reader THough good reader the aboundance and satiety of printed translated bookes hath in these daies bred in the mindes of many a certaine loathesomnes so that curious men with squinting eye and countenance disdainfull looke vpon other mens laboures thinking them to bee odlie how-soeuer not idlely occupied which imploy them-selues that way yet am I not ignorant that those paines which are bestowed about this doe profit manie if they bee well bestowed in thinges appertaining vnto godlines the explaning of the Scriptures for-asmuch as there bee manie which reade the woorde of God and all doe not vnderstand it neither can vnlesse they haue some to expound it vnto them Which because it can-not be done viua voce because there is too much want of that meanes they must haue it ex scripto My paines which I haue taken in this translation haue bene taken for thy sake Christian reader whose desire it is to reade other mens labors and there-by to profit that thou maist be instructed throughly to know the will of God who blesse thee in reading these learned Lectures which if with attentiuenes thou reade no doubt the profit thou shalt there-by reape shall be verie great Accept therefore my paines make thy profit there-of and pray for mee that the Lord will blesse my labours which I shall vnder-take for the profit of his Church Thine in the Lord Christopher Fetherstone ¶ TO THE EXCELLENT and right honorable Lord the lord Huldrich Fugger lord of Richberge and Weissenhorne the patron of the learned health MOST SWEETE is that saying of the sonne of GOD Christe Mat. 5. 4 Iesus our lord Blessed are they which mourne because they shall receiue cōfort For seeing that the calamitie of Ioseph that is of the miserable church of Christe being now oppressed with old-age and bewayling the most sorowfull fates of her warfare doth marueylouslie mooue the mindes of the godlie wee oughte all of vs most earnestlie to bethinke our selues what thinges may augment that huge sorrow and what may cure the same wee must also bring to light those remedies for these sorrowes to the profit of the godlie the which the spirite of Christe hath opened vnto euerie one of vs. It shal be therefore a pointe of equitie and humanity in the godlie to take in good parte those thinges which I shal speake both concerning the sorrowe of the church and of all the godly and also concerning the medicines and remedies whereby the same may be cured seeing that I set all thinges before the eyes of the godly to be examined according to the worde of God and would haue all thinges tried and examined but those good thinges onelie receiued which are correspondent and agreable vnto the straight rule of the holie scripture In this we are greatly deceiued that being too too much addicted vnto this world we do inuent greedelie desire to haue a diuorcement made betweene the gospell of Christe crucified and trouble and persecution and also in that wee thinke that wee are able with a weake faith to ouercome this worlde and those thinges which are therein We confesse that we must onelie glorie in the liuing and almightie God but
in the meane while wee looke to haue the fauour consent and patronage of princes and noble men If wee wante these then thinke wee that the kingdome of Christe is quite vndone Wee doe throughly weigh consider in our mindes what thinges the world doth denie vnto vs and what it doth promise but in the meane season we doe not marke vntill such time as wee bee often-times admonished by the spirite of God and his instrumentes what the Lorde our God doth howe that by our miseries he bringeth good things to passe wonderfullie howe that by the meanes of our enimies he doth good vnto vs to howe good and wholesome an intent he taketh from vs earthlie things that hee may put heauenlie and eternall thinges in place thereof Seeing that I doe seeme to my selfe not fully to vnderstand what other men do think of the fountayne and originall of these errors and imaginations I will boldlie by the good leaue of others professe that which I haue alwayes conferring our affaires with the rule prescribed by God thought to be most like to be the fountaine thereof The principall cause of all those miseries and sorrowes wherewith wee are vexed by the iust iudgement of God most iust most good is the weakenes of our faith which maketh vs to be vnable to ouercome this world and the thinges therein contayned namelie the riches glory and most of all the vaine pompe thereof But notwithstanding as the weakenes of faith maketh vs to stande in neede of comfort so the stedfastnes thereof maketh vs to abounde with true and manifolde consolation We doe not sufficiently ponder that which notwithstandinge wee haue alwayes in our mouth namely that in God wee liue wee be and mooue that wee are the worke of God that God hath a care ouer vs that the liuing and almighty God is hee which hath not onelie a great respect to all mankinde but also to the church and all the faithfull Therefore wee are afraide to offend Monarches wee are so afraide of the affliction and death of godlie princes of the mutable natures of men as if all iudgement and power were in their handes and not in the handes of God And although wee heare that Christe doth Psalm 10. 2. raygne in the middest of his enemies yet because all his workes are brought to passe amiddest contrarie meanes wee doe hardlie suffer our selues to bee perswaded that the truth and those which beare recorde of the same shall haue the vpper hande when it is resisted although the enimies thereof doe rage against it and goe about to ouerthrowe the same that the kingdome of Christe shall come and shall florish that the enimies of Christe shal be so quite taken away that some of them by their sodayne destruction some of them by that destruction which commeth vppon them in tract of time shal testifie that God is the iudge of the whole earth Wee heare also that the holie spirite is the best comforter that the minde and purpose of the Lord is knowen vnto him that he only is the meetest witnes to testifie vnto vs the mercifull good will of God towarde vs. But in the meane while we haue great respect vnto men and their counsels and promises as if we coulde be more safe vnder their protection then vnder the protection of that spirite which gouerneth all thinges What man is hee which doth so often and so greatlie reioyce that hee is made a member of the church a fellowe Citizen with the saintes one of Gods housholde as he ought and as the thankefulnes of a Christian doth require I will not now speake of those which are rotten members of the church Howe many of vs are there which do make so great accompt of our calling regeneration and iustification as wee ought so that wee haue alwayes neede to haue some godlie exhortation giuen vs by the godlie teachers wherein wee may be exhorted hereunto Wee quake and tremble when wee heare any mention made of death when as in the meane whyle we glorie that wee doe belieue the resurrection of the fleshe and euerlasting life To be briefe we can not away with this to bee baptised with the baptisme of Christe his afflictions and to drinke of the cuppe of his suffringes but wee can bee verie well content with this to sit on high in glorie on Christes righte hande and on his left in his kingdome and in that time which the Lord hath appointed for warrefare and afflictions to triumph and to leade a most happie life Hereunto is added another and that the greatest error that in the choyse of good euill being greatly deceyued wee thinke that the witnesses of the truth are vnhappie seeing that they are hated of the worlde and that those which lay waste the church and are the aduersaries of the truth are happie because they lye softe and fare daint●lie in kinges courtes freely persecuting the churches and the faithfull ministers thereof and are in the meane season accompted amongst the vnskilfull as pillars of the church Truely seeing that it is meete that the godlie doe with great faithfulnes and diligence endeuour them-selues to mitigate the sorrowes of the mindes of men wherewith they are afflicted as they would extinguish a great fire I will vse the same order in declaring the meanes whereby I endeuor to mitigate the same sorrowe which I haue suffered these fewe yeares for the afflictions of the church both publike and priuate then the which also I am persuaded that the paine which I shal suffer at the departure of my soule out of the prison of this my body shal be nothing greater which I see obserued in the canon of our faith I meane the Apostles creede First I consider the benefit of my creation and when I doe reioyce that I doe belieue through the grace which to mee giuen is in God the father almightie creator of heauen and earth I doe feele my selfe reape most plētifull fruites of manifolde consolation For I vnderstand that God doth as yet worke and that through him we all doe liue mooue and bee that hee hath a care ouer vs that all the Iohn 5. 17 haires of my heade are numbred that man Act. 17. 28. doth prepare his heart but the aunswere of the tongue is of the lorde Therefore forasmuch as I am persuaded that prosperitie and aduersitie life and death the 1. Pet. 5. 7. Mat. 10. 30. Pro. 16. 1. benefit of friendes and iniuries of enimies are moderated ruled by God bearing with a quiet minde aduersitie and with a temperate and a thankefull mynde prosperitie I thinke I might say with Iob If wee haue receiued Iob. 2. 10. good thinges at the handes of the Lord why should wee not receiue euill things at his handes also For I am persuaded that as prosperitie so aduersitie also doth happen vnto mee by the mercifull determination of God and that to my great profit and I also thinke that these men doe
holy And the priestes answered and said No. 14 Then saide Haggeus If one that is polluted because of the dead carcas of a man shall touch any of these thinges shall it bee vncleane And the priestes answered and saide It shall be vncleane 15 Therefore Haggai beganne to say thus So is this people and so is this nation before me saith the Lorde and so is all the worke of their handes and whatsoeuer they offer here it is vncleane 16 Nowe therefore set your hartes I pray you from this day and vpwarde before the workemen did lay one stone vpon another in the temple of the Lorde 17 Before they were in that worke the husbandman did come vnto an heape of twentie bushels and it was ten bushels when the dresser of the vineyard came vnto the winepresse that hee might drawe out fiftie hogsheades of wine out of the wine-presse there was but twentie 18 I haue smitten you with drought and meldewe and with haile all the workes of your handes and yee did not turne vnto mee saith the Lorde 19 Set nowe your heartes from this daye and vpwarde I say from the fower and twentith day of the ninth moneth that is frō the day wherein the foundaiion of the temple of the Lord was laid set your heart 20 Is there as yet seede in the barne Furthermore the vine and figgetree and pomgranate and the olyue tree hath not as yet brought foorth fruite I will blesse you from this daye 21 And the Worde of the Lorde was vnto Haggai the seconde time in the fower and twentith day of the same moneth that hee should say 22 Speake vnto Zerubabel the captayne of Iehuda saying I am about to shake the heauen and earth 23 And I will ouerthrowe the throne of kingdomes and I will destroye the strength of the kingdomes of the heathen and I will ouerthrowe their chariots and those which ride in them and the horses and they which shall ride vppon them shall come downe euery one with the sworde of his fellow 24 In that day saith the Lorde of hostes will I take vp thee Zerubabel thou sonne of Sealthiel my seruaunt saith the Lorde and I will set thee as my signet because I haue chosen thee saith the Lorde God of hostes The ende of the prophesie of Haggeus THE LECTVRES OF Iohn Iames Gryneus vpon the booke of Haggeus the Prophet BEcause in the notes vpō Haggeus wee haue touched those 1. Lect. 19. Oct. 1579 things which were to bee spoken of his booke in stéede of a preface it séemeth good to mée in this first lecture first of all to speake in generall of the Prophets that we may know what we ought to thinke generally concerning them and what accompt wée ought to make of them Secondly if time permit I will speake by name of Haggeus and of his authoritie Lastly I wil briefly note to you the causes for which I tooke in hande the interpretation of the same Prophet A methode concerning the Prophets according to certaine places of inuention 1 The selfe same men were called in times Notation past both Seers and Prophets In times past in Israel euery one said on this wise when he went to aske an answere of God Come let vs goe vnto the Seer because he which is called a Prophet at this day was in times past called a Seer They were called Seers in respect of the cause and also of the effect I call the vision shewed vnto them by the Lorde the cause which did instruct the Prophets in great matters The heauens Paul calleth it Reuelation by the general name were opened and I sawe the visions of God* But Daniel vnderstoode all the vision and the dreames I call the light of the minde and the excellent knowledge of the oracles Ezech. 1. 1. Dan. 1. 17. of God the Effect wherein the Prophets did excell all other men And it seemeth they were called Prophets for this cause because they were interpreters of the will of God according to the commaundement of God which Paul calleth Interpretation* 1. Cor. 14. Aaron thy brother shall be thy Prophet that is thine interpreter* Wee reade that Exo. 7. 1. some men haue attained vnto this gift by vse as Iesaias and that other some receyued the same at the handes of God forasmuch as they were called vnto the office of prophesying farre contrarie Ier. 1. 6. 7. to their expectation as Ieremie* and Amos* Amos. 7. 14. 15. This words Prophet is not affirmed of diuers sortes of men in one and the same respect in the holy Scriptures For it is attributed The diuers significations of this word Prophet Tit. 1. 12. vnto the heathenish Poetes improperly A certaine man of them being their own Prophet said the Cretians are alwayes lyers euill beastes slowe bellies* 2 Secondly this worde Prophet is affirmed Which is whe● diuers thinges are called by one name Isa 9. 15. Is 28. 7. of the false Prophets Equiuocè The Prophet which teacheth lies hee is the taile* The Priest and the Prophet haue erred because of stronge drinke they are swallowed vppe because of wine they haue gone astray through drinke they haue erred in the vision they haue stumbled in iudgement 3 Thirdly this worde Prophete is taken by transsumption somtimes for the doctrine of the Prophets somtimes for their bookes Think not that I am come to destroye the lawe or Mat. 5. 17. the Prophets * that is their doctrine It is written in the Prophets And they shall bee Iohn 6. 45 all taught of God * 4 Fourthly it is taken properly as in these sayinges Wee see not our signes neither is their a prophet any more neither is there with vs any that vnderstandeth any more * Psal 74. 9. And againe I haue made thee the prophet of Ier. 1. 5. the Gentiles * 5 Fiftly according to the most principall signification Iohn 1. 4. Deut. 18. Christ is saide to bee that Prophet which should come I thought good to note thus much concerning the diuers significations of the worde Euerie Prophete is the seruaunt of God 3. Genus but not on the contrary Synce the day that your fathers went out of the lande of Egypt vntill this daye haue I sent vnto you all my seruauntes the Prophets rising day by daye early in the morning and sending them Ob. Your sōnes your daughters shal prophesie Ioel. 2. 28. * Therefore all the seruauntes of God are Prophets An. I answere that there is a fallacie which is called * Fallacia Aequiuocationis in this word Which is when a worde hath diuers significations Prophesie because in the saying of Ioel it is taken generally for the general confession of those which doe with the heart beléeue vnto righteousnesse But we doe nowe speake of the degrée of that good order and discipline which God hath appointed in his Church namely of the propheticall office in speciall All the Prophets were
vnstable as of things made with hāds that Heb. 12. 27. the things which are stable may remaine By vnstable thinges hee meaneth the Tabernacle made with hands the whole Leuiticall administration which was to bee abrogated Theod. Beza thinketh that the heauen and earth are taken allegorically so that the shakinge of the heauens doth signifie that both the Idolatrie of the Gentiles and also the Ceremonies of the Iewes should be abrogated and by the shaking of the earth is ment the renewinge of the men which are called to bee partakers of the estate of the saintes in the light The proposition is this When Christ shall begin to raigne then shall all the worship of the Leuiticall sacrifice also the superstition of the Gentiles be abolished and the empires and kingdomes of the worlde shall come to an ende Here-by it appeereth that all things which are made are vn-stable and that only the kingedome of Christ can-not be abolished by shaking Heb. 12. 20. Mat. 6. 33. therefore must wee choose the same alone and séeke it before all thinges Aphorismes concerning the shaking of the heauen and the earth 1 It is God alone who is able to shake the reasonable creatures and others 2 This shaking hath two endes the remoouing of things which are made with hands and the confirmation of things which are stable 3 The remoouinge may bee gathered not only by the for-bidding of the Idolatrie of the Gentiles but also by the abrogating of the ceremonies of the law which ought to haue serued for the instruction of the infancie of the Church of Israell as exercises of discipline 4 The confirmation appéereth by the stability of the kingdome of Christ and of the reasonable worship 5 Therefore this remoouing serueth to the calling of the Gentiles and the reiecting of thos● which were no true Israclites 6 The ende of this remoouing is the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God a new heauen say 66. 22. ●o 8. 20. 21. 22. and a new earth and the deliuerance of the creatures from the bondage of corruption For it is méete that all thinges serue to the euerlastinge kingdome of Christ 56. Lect. 29. Iune 1580. Verse 23. And I will ouerthrowe the throne of kingdomes and I will destroy the strength of the kingdomes of the Gentiles and I will ouerthrow the charyots those that ride in thē and the horses they that ride on them shall come downe euery man with the sworde of his fellowe THere is the like saying Dan. 2. 44. 45. Furthermore in the daies of these kinges shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome which shall neuer be destroyed and this kingdome shall not bee giuen to an-other people but it shall breake destroy all these kingdomes it shall stand for-euer Like-as thou sawest a stone cut of from the mountaine which was not cut of with hands did breake in pieces the yron brasse clay siluer and golde c. The causes of the endes of the kingdomes of the worlde Further-more it is certaine that the chiefest empires of this worlde haue their endes that only the kingdome of Iesus Christ is perpetual according to y● saying He shall raigne ouer the house of Iacob for-euer of his kingdome there shal be no ende Luke 1. 33. 1 The principall efficient cause is God for 1 Why it is as hee is the author of ciuill and priuate good order so by his mighty arme hee bringeth mighty things to passe he scattereth abroade the proude in the imagination of their hearts he plucketh the mighty out of their thrones setteth vp the Luk. 1. 51. 52. humble And againe God chaungeth the times and seasons hee taketh away kings setteth vp kings he giueth wisedome to the wise and Dan. 2. 21. vnder-standing to those which vnder-stand 2 The helpers are the authors of tumults warres amongst men as it is said in this place Euery man shal be slaine with the sword of his companion Here-of haue wee an example Iud. 9. 23. And God sent an euill spirit betwene Abimalech and the men of Shechem and the men of Shechem brake their promise made to Abimalech Ob. Are not then will some man say the men blamelesse which are the authors of ciuill warres tumults amongst men séeing they are the instruments of Gods wrath and vengeance An. I answere that they are blame worthy séeing that they doo these thinges not for any desire they haue to execute Gods iudgments but that they may obey their blinde affections Ob. But thou wilt say séeing they worke together with GOD who worketh alwaies that which is good they doo that which is good and therefore are they blamelesse An. I answere God doth alwaies that which is good but these corrupt instruments doo offend séeing that God who is the best and most wise doth one thing in one and the same worke and the world and the bond-slaues thereof an-other 3 For-asmuch as ciuill discipline consisteth 3 The meane first vpon order and glorie secondlie vpon ayde against the vniust when these thinges are taken away then must the state of the commonwealthe néedes fall to the grounde Therefore if at any time it séeme good to God to ouerthrow and alter the estates of common-wealthes hee powreth out first of all contempt of princes and he maketh them wander in y● wildernes wherein there is no way And this is to ouerthrow the Psalm 107. 40. thrones of kingdomes to take from the princes their authoritie and grace where-of it is said in Diodorus The dignity of princes is preserued by fauour and good-will and by the hatred of their subiects are their thrones ouerthrowen After that hée taketh away their force by taking from their armies their strength where-of it is said I will destroy the strength of the kingdomes of the heathen and I will ouerthrow the charyots and those that ride in them and the horses with their rider shall come downe Thus did the Lord spoile Darius the last Monarche of the Persians of his kingdome strength ayde of armies and of life being thrise ouer-come in battell by Alexander 4 The finall causes are first the remoouing 4 The finall causes of the kingdomes things of this world whereof it is said The fashion of this world passeth away Secondly the punishment of the resisting of God whereof mention is made Psal 2. Thirdly the euerlasting glory of the kingdome of Christ For although Christ doth raigne in the middest of his enimies whilest the Church is yet militaunt yet must Satan with all his beetroden vnder his féete Ob. Hee which shall deliuer vp his kingdome to an-other shall not raigne for-euer but Christ shall deliuer vp his kingdome to God euen the father when hée hath put downe all rule all authority all powre c. Therefore the kingdome of Christ shall not continue for-euer An. I answere vnto the minor where-in there is an equiuocation in the woord kingdome