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A69171 A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danæus.; Tractatus de Antichristo. English Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Swan, John, d. 1617. 1589 (1589) STC 6229; ESTC S111048 137,818 208

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ciuill are stirred vp and so most lawfull it is to persecute the Papistes with fire and sword Now by this that hath been spoken it plainly appeareth vnto all men that those warres of the Papistes which they call b Inquisitions Cruciadas being taken in hand only for the establishing of their religion are damnable and detestable The which Martin Luther did very worthelie obserue and publish That the kingdome of Antichrist shall at the last be quite taken away by the last comming of Christ The 30. Chapter BVt let vs returne vnto Paule and to the ouerthrow he reporteth of the Antichristian kingdome from whence my discourse hath somewhat digressed Paule therefore speaking of the rooting out of that vnhappie state addeth and with the brightnes of his comming that is the comming of Christ What these wordes should signifie diligent search hath been made For some thereby vnderstand the publishing of the Gospel because that then Christ doth notably appeare when his Gospell and doctrine is published In so much as in their opinion the comming of Christ is then sayd to be as often as his kingdome is made knowne and shineth by the preaching of the worde Some again take this appearing and comming of our Lord in such sence as Paule often speaketh namely for that last comming of Christ which is mentioned in the Creede and is meant by Paule 1. Thess 2.19 3.13 So that they vnderstand this place only of the last appearing of Christ and not of the preaching of the Gospell And truely this iudgement seemeth vnto me to be the truer For it is strengthened by an other like place of Paule Tit. 2.13 And agayne it is confirmed and made plaine by that addition and difference which Paule ioyneth to it For here mention is not made of euery comming of Christ vnto vs but only of that which is bright and glorious whereof the Scripture speaketh which shal be then when Christ shall appeare to bee iudge of quicke and dead and to shewe himselfe to bee the true King and Lord of all The which his comming is therefore called bright and glorious And The day of the Lord and his comming from heauen 1. Thess 1.10 1. Cor. 1.8 And lastly it is defended by the very euent of things which is a right expositour of this Prophecie For if we shall say that immediatly vpon the first glimmering and preaching of the Gospell the kingdome of Antichrist should bee ouerthrowne and cleane turned vp-side downe the Prophecie will be found false For it is now somewhat long since the Gospell hath been preached and yet notwithstanding wee see the sayd Antichristian kingdome not cleane taken away nay it standeth in strength and flourisheth vnto this day But if wee shall vnderstand these wordes of the last comming of Christ truely then this Prophecie shall appeare to be most true For then at least the power and tyrannie of Antichrist shall cease be whollie and vtterly abolished And herein Austin lib. 18. De Ciuitate Dei cap. 4. was of the same opinion with vs who saith That euen in the last iudgement Antichrist shal be put to confusion and that in the Lords owne presence And yet I do not doubt or thinke otherwise but that the more sincerely and aboundantly the word of God shall be preached much the sooner shall Antichrist bee diminished and brought from his state But here Paule speaketh of his ful and finall ouerthrow and not of a certaine shaking and weakening of him That the kingdome of Antichrist was to bee broken and brought vnder foote by parts and peece-meale and not at once or in a short time The 31. Chapter OVt of the former discourse these three things are to bee gathered by vs. The first that the kingdome of Antichrist is to bee cast downe by moments or by little and little and not at once and altogether or as they vse to say at a choppe For as the Empyre of Rome whereof this is a resemblaunce was defaced by peece-meale as I haue shewed and as is taught in Dan. 2.44 So also must the Image thereof bee brought lowe by a little at once And for this cause it is that the Lord will haue it so least if it should bee laied in the dust on a sodaine there would too great a feare and astonishment possesse the hearts of men whereby they could not bee able to take due regarde and consideration of so great a worke neither could they so well conceiue that the same was brought to passe by the hand of the Lord and by the power of his worde as now they do when things are wrought by leisure and when themselues do marke and perceiue by what meanes they are brought to passe Thus much for the first That there is no corruption of Christian religion prophecied of which should succeede this kingdome of Antichrist The 32. Chapter SEcondly this is to bee obserued that the kingdome of Antichrist shall stand and continue to the ende of the world although not in so good plight power and flourishing estate as sometimes it was and as yet is yet after a sort it shall holde vp the head For whereas Paule saieth that it shall bee shaken to shiuers at last at the glorious and last comming of Christ surely me thinketh wee may gather and that directly on the contrary parte that GOD hath giuen vnto Antichrist a time to raigne euen vnto that last time of the world Many there are indeede which prognosticate I knowe not of what other kinde of disease and state of religion which should bee in the world and of an other kinde of corruption in Christian religion which should insue but such an one as is diuerse from Poperie For they imagine that Poperie shall faile and that an other kinde of Apostacie or defection but of an other stampe shall succeede But I like not this For although it bee true that this tyrannous state is to bee pluckt downe by parts and as you would say by gobbets and by falling away of seuerall Prouinces yet shall there alway remaine in the worlde some fourme and print of the Papisticall state as it seemeth to me wee easilie may and ought to gather out of this place of Paule And this my censure is confirmed by a plaine proofe taken out of the Reuelation Cap. 19.20 21.10 For there after Iohn had prophecied of the Beast that was taken and cast into the lake of fire and agayne of the false Prophet that was slaine both which do plainlie represent the kingdome of Antichrist there is by and by vppon the same mention made of the last resurrection Wherefore there is neither speach of any Aungell nor of any pestilent annoyance that should bee looked for to remaine in the worlde after that the false Prophet was once slaine that is after the Antichristian kingdome was destroyed but only either life or death eternall that should ensue VVhether besides the fourth and Romane Monarchie there remaine any other a fift to be
indefinitelie or without limitation a false Prophet and Papa a Pope cap. 12. pag. 48. That Antichrist did herein especiallie vsurp the name of God when he caused him-selfe to bee called the vniuersall Bishop of the Christian Church cap. 13. pag. 50. That Anti. did wickedly arrogate to himself the power of God cap. 14. pag. 53 Of the place where Antichrist should sit where it is apparant that neither Mahumet himselfe nor his accomplisses bee the men whome the Scripture termeth Antichristes cap. 15. pag. 56. That Rome which is in Italie is repaired out of the dust ruines of the old ouerthrone Citie is the Seate or Chaire pointed at and painted out by God himself for Antichrist that should come cap. 16. pag. 58 In what respect the assemblies of the Papistes and of Antichrist are called the temple and Church of God wherein answer is made to many of their obiections cap. 17. pag. 67. Of the time of the comming of Anti. and first that it is plainly to be gathered out of the Scriptures that he was not to be reueiled before the Romane Empire should begin to totter and that the kingdome of Christ should by the preaching of the Gospel begin to growe increase cap. 18. pag. 73. Whether Antichrist could come and settle himfelf before the Emperiall regiment of French-men were ended cap. 19. pag. 78. That the time of the comming of Anti. wherein he should seat and settle himself in the Church was by the spirit of God prescicely set downe to be 666. yeres frō the time to this prophecie of Iohn was made known the which terme of time did expire much about the raigne of Constantine Pogonatus the bearded an Emperour of Cōstātinople cap. 20. pag. 80. That those thousand yeres after which it is said Satan should be loosed cannot appertaine to the time of the comming of Antichrist cap. 21. pag. 89. That the practises which were vsed to frame and set vp the kingdome of Antichrist were diuellish and deceiptfull cap. 22. pag. 90. That the Antichristian kingdome was to rise by little little not at a suddaine according to the fore-warning of the spirit of God cap. 23. pag. 93. That these three things were the chiefe and principall grounds of the kingdōe of popery First the diuers heresies that sprang vp in the church touching the natures office of Christ Secondlie the bitter bickerings that were among the Bishops and thirdlie the large bounties of Emperours and certaine other men who both were able and superstitiouslie bent which they bestowed on the Church of Rome cap. 24. pag. 97. By what other degrees and occasions the authoritie of the Romane Bishop and kingdome of Antichrist was either slilie drawne forward or stronglie established cap. 25. pag. 101. That the authoritie and power of Antichrist was at no time receiued without the resistaunce gaine-saying of some good Bishops cap. 26. pag. 104. Of the destruction and ouerthrowe of the kingdome of Antichrist which is to be brought to passe by the only breath of the Lordes mouth and not by any power or strength of a fift sixt or seauenth Monarchie to be raised or looked for cap. 27. pag. 107. What those ten Kings signifie which in the Reuelation are said should deuoure and consume with fire the harlot and her flesh cap. 28. pag. 111. Whether it be lawfull for Christians and such as professe the Gospell to wage war with the Papistes in purpose to ouerthrow the kingdome of Antichrist and to roote out his doctrine cap. 29. pag. 117. That the kingdome of Antichrist shall at the last be quite taken away by the last comming of Christ cap. 30. pag. 121. That the kingdome of Antichrist was to be broken and brought vnder foot by parts pece-meale not at once or in a short time cap. 31. pag. 123 That there is no corruption of Christian Relligion prophecied of which should succede this kingdome of Antichrist cap. 32. eadem Whether besides the fourth and Roman Monarchie there remaine any other a fifth to be erected Where a verie hard place of Daniell is expounded cap. 33. pag. 125. That the enlarging of the kingdome of Antichrist was in imitation of Christ to be performed by these two meanes especiallie namelie the publike preaching of a kinde of Doctrine and the vaunting shewe of diuers miracles cap. 34. pag. 137. Who be those three spirits whereof mention is made in the Reuelation and are said to be the chiefe ministers of the Antichristian kingdome cap. 35. pag. 140. Why the miracles that were wrought for the credit of the kingdome of Antichrist are termed by S. Paule Lying wonders cap. 36. pag. 144. That not euerie perticular man which heretofore liued or is yet aliue either did or doth approue of the kindgome of Antichriste no not when it had preuailed and gotten the vpper hand cap. 37. pag. 147. That only the reprobate and such as are forsaken of God haue and shall stiflie and obstinatelie stick to the kingdome of Antic cap. 38. pag. 148. What iust cause the Lord had to punish the world with this plague of blindenes that it should admit of this miserable state of the Antichristian kingdome and further wbat monstrous contempt of Gods word went before this Antichristianitie cap. 39. pag. 149. An aunsweare vnto three certaine principall arguments of the Papists wherewith they would iustifie them-selues and approoue this saide kingdome of Antichrist cap. 40. pag. 153. A proposition and position proouing the Pope to be Antichriste page 157. FINIS To the Reader THis I may protest gentle reader that touching the places of Scripture which I haue cited and interpreted out of Daniel and the Reuelation my purpose was to offer them to the censure of other and that I am not in mine opinion so resolut or perēptory that I wil not admit of other mens iudgments which iump not herewith Prouided alwaies that they containe nothing contrarie to the word of God or disagreing from the accomplishment or issue of things the which in my mind is the best interpretour of prophecies that can be Places of Scripture cited and by the way expounded in this treatise Daniell Chap. 2. verse 34. and 44. cap. 18. pag. 74. Chap. 7. verse 8. and 20. cap. 13. pag. 50. verse 13. cap. 18. pag. 74. Chap. 11. verse 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. cap. 33. pag. 125. 126. 2. Thess Chap. 2. v. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. through out this booke Reuelation Chap. 11. verse 7. cap. 9. pag. 23. Chap. 12. verse 3. cap. 9. pag. 23. verse 18. cap. 7. pag. 13. Chap. 13. verse 1. 2. 3. cap. 9. pag. 27. verse 11. cap. 9. pag. 23. verse 15. cap. 10. pag. 40. verse 18. cap. 20. pag. 88. Chap. 16. verse 13. 14. cap. 35. pag. 140. verse 16. cap. 19. pag. 65. Chap. 17. verse 9. cap. 16. pag. 59. verse 12. and 17. cap. 23. pag. 93. verse 16. cap. 28. pag. 111. Chap. 19. verse 20. cap. 9.
seauenth Monarchie to be raised or looked for The 27. Chapter THE sixt poynt that wee are in this treatise of Antichrist to consider of is directed altogether to the comfort of the Church for it handleth his ouerthrowe and destruction Now it is very requisite and necessarie that this same should bee added least that the godlie should faint and be discouraged while they should bee infourmed of the greatnesse and long continuance of this kingdome of Antichrist But now with ioyfull hearts they heare that it is to bee ouerthrowne and cleane taken away by the same Spirit of God that gaue them intelligence of the other Therefore if question bee made what shall become of this Apostacie and vnhappie kingdome of Antichrist Paule maketh aunswere that it shall be quite defaced And if it be demaunded how or with what weapons he likewise aunswereth By the Spirit of God his mouth Lastly if it bee further inquired when or at what time this shall bee perfourmed Paule likewise aunswereth thereunto saying At the glorious appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ Therefore this one head containeth these three distinct and seuerall braunches And doubtlesse touching the ouerthrowe of this most wicked kingdome of Antichrist at the last both reason it selfe perswadeth no lesse and the authoritie of holie Scriptures which are of reuerend and sacred estimation among vs doth conuince it With reason I say it standeth for that the kingdome of Christ and of Antichrist cannot stand together for they are things repugnant and cleane contrarie one to an other and seeing that GOD hath made promise that the kingdome of Christ should bee both free and last for euer it must needes bee that the kingdome of Antichrist which hindereth the same should bee taken away For otherwise it could neuer come to passe that Christ should freely beare rule ouer all And that a perpetuall and euerlasting kingdome is promised vnto Christ these places prooue Psalme 2.8 Daniell 7.14.27 2.44 Luke 1.33 Now this vniuersall defection whereof I haue spoken is reckoned among the chiefe and principall enemies of Christ and his kingdome which he at the last should subdue 1. Cor. 15.25 Wherefore it must needes bee that the same should be in the ende ouercome and trodden vnder feete And touching the sacred authoritie of holie Scriptures this is most plaine and euident that the most auncient Prophecies of the Lords Prophets haue beate vpon this poynt that the kingdome of Antichrist should bee ouerthrowne Dan. 7.27 Reuelation 19.20 And lastly vnder the type and figure of that renowned and famous Antiochus who is set out vnto vs to represent Antichrist the same matter is layd open vnto vs. Dan. 8.23.24 and in the verses following Therefore let vs comfort our selues and be of good hope and let vs stand stiffe in this our strife for the recouerie of Christes kingdome in as much as from the Lordes owne mouth wee are assured that at last the trueth of the Gospell shall preuaile Christ shall get the victorie and the kingdome of Antichrist bee cleane spoyled Trueth it is that it leaneth vpon many supporters and is maintayned with great force and it seemeth a matter of infinite labour difficultie and doubt to bring to ruine the Romane route But who can resist the will and decree of GOD Who can let that it bee not executed Séeing there are so many plaine prophecies of the ouerthrowe of this kingdome Therefore we are not only to conceiue hope that it shall so come to passe out of that generall rule set downe Esay 60.12 Euery nation and kingdome that will not serue me shall be destroyed but much more are we there-in to be strengthened out of this perticular prophecie of Paule set downe of purpose in this place But withall out of this verie place the doating dreame of the Manichies is confuted wherein they affirmed that that originall power which as check-mate is opposite in all things vnto the true God and to Christ should be of an euerlasting continuance In the second place we are to consider by what meanes this so mightie and large a kingdome of Antichrist shall at last be disanulled Paule aunswereth that it shall be done by the breath of the Lords mouth Therefore it must néedes come to passe that the same shall be brought to nought after an other sort then men thinke or then other kingdomes be ouerthrowne For by this manner of speach or circum-scription Paule setteth out the word of God ioyned with the true sence and power thereof And the reasons that may be yéelded of this so strange a iudgement may be diuers as first that séeing the kingdome of Antichrist which is a meere back-sliding from the Christian faith did at first arise and was afterward vp-heald by disguising and deprauing of the word of God so by the faithfull and sincere publishing of the same it should be brought to ruine Againe seeing that this state and condition of things is a kingdome of darknesse and ignorance it must needes fall by the light and knowledge of the word of God and by vertue of the truth thereof when once it begins to shine For as by the rising of the Sunne darknesse is dispelled and by the dawning of the day the night vanisheth so the bright beames of the Gospell breaking foorth the kingdome and doctrine of Antichrist must needes be descried and wholie destroyed Lastly Daniell 2.44 7.27 11.45 maketh no mention of any other kingdome which should be raised after the preaching of the Gospell For Daniell speaketh but of foure Monarchies after which is promised a kingdome of Saincts holy ones which should continue for euer and so hath he made knowne vnto vs what shall be the state of the world euen vnto the latter day but the Spirit of God mentioneth not any other Monarchie which should succéede and supplant Antichrist and his kingdome therefore it must needes be that this last euen the Monarchie of Christ should last for euer And touching the kingdome of Christ it consisteth and worketh mightely by the preaching of the word of God therefore by these weapons and by this meanes the kingdome of Antichrist is by Christ to be ouerthrowne And as heere the word of God is called the breath of the Lords mouth so in Esay 4.11 by the spirit of his lips is meant the word of God working effectually because the bare sound of the word without the spirit of God is simply and of it-selfe of no force therefore whatsoeuer good is wrought in vs by the preaching of the word is to be ascribed wholie vnto God alone Now the reason why there shall not follow a fift Monarchie after the fourth this in my opinion can not so iustly be alleadged which notwithstanding some make accoumpt of as of a very sound one namely because in this latter and languishing ould age of the world there can no such might and force of mankinde be raised vp as may be thought méete for the establishing of a Monarchy For vnto
subdued by him there was neuer any called an Italian Emperour 5. Theodoricus King of Gothes being sent for into Italie by Zeno the Emperour to assist him against Odoacer held him-selfe the Romane Empire in Italie by the space of fiftie yeares and to the ende he might make it knowne how little he estéemed Rome he kept his Emperiall residence at Ravenna This man was the fift 6. Athalaricus who succéeded his Father Theodoricus vnder Anastasius the Emperoure For nowe the Empire of the Gothes beganne by a continuall succession of their Kings to take rooting and footing in Italie And vnder the gouernment of this Athalaricus the Gothes continued their defacing of the dignity of the Romane Empire in Italie 7. Theodatus was the seauenth and he also was a Gotish King who succéeded Athalaricus in Italie 8. Vitiges the eight King likewise of Gotland after Theodatus who wasted and spoiled almost all Italie He besieged the Citie of Rome it-selfe which had shronke and reuolted from the subiection of the Gotish Kings vpon confidence of assistance from the Lieutenants and Emperours of Constantinople This man therefore as Sabellicus reporteth vtterly defaced and put out all the lawes customes priuiledges records of Antiquities of auncient families of the auncient Romanes which he found remaining in Italie He liued vnder the raigne of Iustine the first 9. Totilas King of Gothes succéeded Vitiges and this is the ninth of those 10. Kings He liued vnder Iustinian the first Emperour of Constātinople This man both besieged sacked and vtterly rased the Citie of Rome and to conclude euen as the Spirit of God had fore-shewed it should come to passe he burnt it with fire and this fire raunged raged by the space of 40. daies without ceasing in so much as the Citie being then so throughly consumed might iustly be iudged to be that Geddon-Harma the ruine of Rome spoken of in the Reuel that is the only shreads sheards vtter ouerthrow of that famous auncient Citie For after this vastation it remained only a ruinous desolate place And this befell in the yeare of our Lord 546. This scourge continued as is fore-shewed Reuel Cap. 13.5 by the space of 42. moneths that is three yeares and a halfe For when the third yeare was expired after this burning and vtter ouerthrow of Rome done by Totilas Belisarius chiefe Captaine vnder Iustinian began first to renewe the same gathering together such scraps and fragments thereof as were left and at last to enuiron with a wall the plot or soile where once the ould Rome stoode which is the verie same where-with euen at this day that part which they call ould Rome is beawtified 10. Teias who also was King of Gothes is the tenth who succéeded Totilas in the Kingdome and vexed or wasted Italie but a short time seeing that little or nothing was left of that auncient Citie neither was there scarce any print or marke left of the ould Romane Empire This man beeing taken prisoner by Belisarius was caried vnto Constantinople Now touching these matters if we begin to reckon the time from Alaricus they were atchieued within the compasse of about 132. yeares but if we begin as others will rather haue it at the time of Odoacer they were 60. yeares and some-what more in doing Which points being thus made plane we now perceiue and see that God would not haue the kingdome of Antichrist ouerthrowne with worldly or carnall weapons as the scripture speaketh but spirituall that he will not cōtend with him with an yron Sword but with the spirit or breath of his mouth Other earthlie and humane Monarches haue vsed earthlie and carnall weapons both to the raising of themselues and razing of others So did the Persians ouer-runne Assyria with weapon and bloudie warre And so againe did the Macedonians subdue the Persians by dint of Sworde And so likewise did the Romanes tame and bring vnder the Macedonians But the Lord who at first made and framed the whole world by vertue of his word who also sustaineth and ruleth the same by the power there-of and will also raigne in his Church by the Preaching of his worde and lastly who hath giuen vnto Christ a spirituall not an earthlie Kingdome will vse a spirituall sword the effectuall preaching of the Gospell for the foiling of his foes euen as it is in Zech. 4.6 and Esay 9.5 For the saying of Lactantius is right famous and most worthie of credite which he hath in his fifth Booke and ninetenth Chapter It standeth with good reason that thou shouldest maynteyne and defende thy religion with pacience or with death whereby keeping thy faith sound and vpright thou makest it acceptable vnto God and gaynest credit and authoritie vnto Religion And heere that maketh no iarre which is sayd Psal 2.9 that Christ should haue an yron Scepter whereby he should crush his enemies in peeces like a potters vessell For indeede that place attributeth vnto Christ such power and might as against which his most obstinate and mightie foes should neuer be able to resist but yet it doth not properlie or litterally mention the meane or instrument where-with the enemies of the Church shall be destroyed For that must rather be brought to passe by the word of God then with weapons for the weapons of Christians and of the Church of God are spirituall as Paule speaketh 2. Cor. 10.4 Reuel 19.15 and not carnall or worldly VVhether it be lawfull for Christians and such as professe the Gospell to wage warre with the Papistes in purpose to ouerthrow the kingdome of Antichrist and to roote out his doctrine The 29. Chapter YEt we are not hereupon to thinke as some haue done that the outward vse of weapons is by the Gospell vtterly condemned as Tertullian lib. De Idolatria Apologetico Lactan. lib. 5. cap. 22. cap. 19. make report Indeede the Marcionites were of that minde and euen at this day some Anabaptistes haue renewed the same error But if so be that the partie be such as may take warre in hand it is not so of it selfe vnlawfull And such a partie is the Magistrate as appeareth Rom. 13.4 Luke 3.14 But here we haue in hand to shewe the difference that should bee betweene Christes kingdome and the kingdomes of this world For as touching the kingdome of Christ as it is of it selfe spirituall so doth it vse spiritual weapons such as are the word of God the power of the Spirit and the light of the truth But as for politicke and earthly kingdomes in as much as they are to regard the commodities and haue consideration of things belonging to this life and are for that ende and purpose established they do maintaine and defend themselues by outward weapons by the Lords permission yea sometimes by his expresse will and commaundement And hence now ariseth and falleth into this poynt that famous and profitable question so often handled and inquired after Whether any man may at any time in defence of
the true Churche of God 69 It can not be gathered which is the true Church by succession of persons 11 There is one Lorde and law-giuer for mens Cōsciences 45 Constantine the great commanded the idolatrous Churches to be shut vp 75 Constantine translated the Empire frō Italy into Thrace 25 The counterfayted donation of Constantine 78 At the last comming of Christ the kingdome of Antichrist is to bee wholie destroyed 121 Christians whether they may make warre against the Papists 117. 118 A place of Chrisostome touching Antichrist 44 D An hard place of Daniell expounded 226 Dioclesian woulde needes bee worshipped as God 20 True doctrine to be tried only by the Word of God 11 Doctrin of the Papists what 24 Comparison betweene theyr doctrine and the Gospels 43. 44 Donatists their errour 73 E Emperors in number 10. mentioned in the Reuel 13. at what time and what Emperour they began 27 Emperours their large bounties on the Church of Rome was a third cause of strengthning Antichrist 97. c. Empire where it was chiefely to be seated 25 Empire idolatrous how reuiued by Antichrist 34. c. F False Prophet why Antichrist so called indefinitly 42 The fore-telling of Antichrist was a famous Prophecie 41 Forme of Romane gouernmēt what it was when the Reuelation was written 35 G Gensericus king of the Vandalles surprized Rome 113 Gothes destroyed it vtterly 63 Gregorie the great refused to be called vniuersall Bishop 52 H Antichrist compared to an Harlot 16 Heresies touching the nature and office of Christ were the first causes that gaue strēgth to the kingdome of Anti. 97 Harma-geddon otherwise to be read Geddon-harma 60 Heads seauen which are attributed to the Romane Empire ●0 Hierome calles Rome Babylon 22 Hilarie his sentence touching Antichrist 20 Hymenaeus denied the resurrection of the flesh 43 J Image of the Beast renewed 34. 35 Idoll-temple shut vp by the cōmaundement of Constantine the great 75 Iohn Bishopp of Constantinople called vniuersall Bishop 52 Iohn Wickliffe opposed him against the Bish of Rome 106 Italica Ecclesia some thinke to bee signified by the number 666. 14 Irenaeus a place of his touching the number of the Beast 14 K Kings in number 10. mentioned Reuelat. 13. when and in whom they began 27 Kings 10. that should eate the flesh of the whore who they are 111. Kingdome of Antichrist to bee ouerthrowne by the breath of the Lords mouth 107. 115 Kingdome of Antichrist planted by deuillish deuises crept on by little and little 90 Kingdome of Antichrist stablished by 3. special meanes 97 Kingdomes the Pope takes vppon him to dispose 53. 54 L Lactantius a place of his touching the crueltie of Antic 18 Lactantius touching the Romane Empire 77 Lateinos containeth the number of 666. 14 Lawes imposed vpon mens cōsciences by the Pope 54 Leo the 12. his ambition 20 Luke a place of his touching Antichrist 8 M Magistrates of Rome were of two sorts 36 Man of sinne the Pope 12 Masse when first it began 84 Mahumet sitteth not in the temple of God neither is properly Antichrist 43.57 The beginning of Mahumetisme 88 Mahuzim what it meaneth in Daniel 47 A place of Mathew touching Antichrist 8.13 Mauritius the Emperor would haue John of Constantinople called vniuersall Bishop 52 Myracles vsed to credite Antichrist 144. c. Monarchie none to succeede the Romane 125 A mysterie written in the forehead of the Harlot 47 N Name of God vsurped by the Pope 53 Nicholas of Clemingis wrote against the Papacie 22 The number of the Beast 666. expounded 14 Where other words are named that containe the like number 81 O Odoacer surprising Rome called himselfe King of Jtalie 114 P True Pastors are to bee measured by the word of God 12 Parthians hauing Arsaces for their Captaine infranchized themselues into libertie 132 The Empire of Parthians translated to the Persians 132 A place of Paule touching Antichrist 1 Pelagius Bishop of Rome by petition pacified the Tirant Totilas 102 Peter the Apostle prophecied of his owne death 4 A place of Peter touching the Popish Cleargie 18 Papa what it signifieth why Antichrist so called 48 In what sence the assemblies of the Papistes and of Antichrist are called the Church of God 67 The Papistes arguments for themselues the kingdome of Antichrist 153 Comparison betweene Poperie and the Gospell 40. c. The gouernment of Poperie what it is 35 Philetus an Heretike 43 Phocas an Emperour murderer of Mauritius 85. He caused the Pope to be called vniuersall Bishop 52 Priesthoode confounded with the kingdome at Rome 35 Promises of God belong only to the true Church of God 71 Peter Paule and Iohn had the guift of prophecie 4 Sonne of perdition 16 Power of God vsurped by the Pope 52 R Reuelation many places thereof expounded 8. 14. 21. 23 Resurrectiō of the flesh denied by Hymenaeus Philetus 43 Rhadagesius king of Gothes 102 Rome the seate of Antichrist 40 Rome how often surprised 62 At Rome no place for godlines 65 Rome poynted out to bee the seate of Antichrist 58. c. At Rome the kingdome ioyned with the Priesthood 35 Romane Magistrates of two sorts 36 Romane maners detestable 65 Forme of Romane gouernmēt what it was when Iohn wrot 35 Romane Empire when first it was translated from Italie to Constantinople 26 The two horns of the Romane Empire 25 S Saluation to be freely giuen vs of God the Papists deny 46 Sarazens their first beginning 131 Schoole-men denie Mahumet to be Antichrist 57 Schoole-men their opinion of Antichrist 93 Seruant of seruāts Gregorie the great first called himselfe 54 Simon denied Christ to become in the flesh 43 The three spirits mentioned in the Reuelation as ministers of Antichrist what they be 140 Siluerius Bishop of Rome suspected of treason was deposed by Belisarius 105 Symachus Bishop of Rome accused for that he deemed himselfe not to bee iudged of anie 104 Sonne of perdition the Pope 16 T Teias king of Gothes wasted Italie 115 Teitan supposed by Irenaeus to be the name of Antichrist 15 Temple of God where Antichrist should sit what it is 56 How the congregations of Poperie can bee called the temple of God 67 Theodatus king of Gothes 114 Theodoricus king of Gothes surprised Rome 114 Totilas forbad the fiering of Rome 102 Totilas quite defaced Rome 114. 115 V Viguerus his conceipt touching Antichrist 58 Vitiges wasted Italie 114 W Weapons whether forbidden Christiās by the Gospel 117 Whether Antichrist bee to bee subdued by warre 117. 118 Wickliefe 106 Why Antichrist is compared to a woman 16 Worship of GOD what it was while Italie was Idolatrous 33 Y Yeares 666. expounded 80. 81 Yeares 1000. examined 89 FINIS
propertie or else they agree but in part or in some respect This may be perceiued in the state of man-kinde For although all that beare the name of men are so called for that they are creatures indued with reason yet among them some there are who but in respect only may seeme iustly to be so called as namely fooles and monstrously misshapen creatures which rather resemble beasts then men But on the other side some there are who in full measure and absolute manner deserue to be so tearmed in regard of the perfect vse they haue of reason Againe it may be perceiued in the condition of an house for where-as to speake properly that is to be tearmed an house which consisteth of a roofe walles and foundation framed and compact together to with-stand the violence and annoyance of the weather yet some houses there are which performe not thus much in good and perfect sort as being faultie in the roofe or decayed in the walles and some againe there are that perfourme it fully Therefore the former are tearmed houses but in part which Logicians call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in some respect and these latter simplie good as they speake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 absolute Now the cause why these things which be not so absolute and perfect are notwithstanding tearmed as the other are is this for that these imperfect things haue a kinde of nature and similitude in a sort aunswerable vnto the other perfect things whereof they beare the name For there are moe things in the world then seuerall names whereby to tearme them neither is euerie thing called with a proper or peculiar worde belonging to it whereby it commeth to passe that one and the selfe-same name is attributed vnto seuerall things and yet not altogether in the verie same sence Therefore this kinde of naming is not single or simple as the Schoole-men speake but double and doubtfull And euen so it falleth out in the word Church which is indifferently giuen both to the true and false Church For if we haue an eye to the true proper definition of a Church we shall find that it will agree only with the true Church the definition whereof may be this A companie of the faithfull which serue God sincerely and retaine among them the publike markes of their adoption which himselfe did institute as the sacred word the Sacraments and discipline whereby it falleth out that by these three notes as being her true and proper badges the true Church of God doth consist is marked out and seuered from the erronious and false Church to wit by the true worship of God which is framed as himselfe hath ordained in his holie word Ioh. 10.25 My sheepe heare my voyce by the sincere vse of the Sacraments which God himselfe appoynted and lastly by due discipline and correction of manners Looke therefore what societie and companie of men haue not these markes among them I meane none of them at all it cannot bee called the Church of God but if it haue but one of those notes then is it called a Church but only in some respect But looke what congregation retaineth moe of these markes the same may with better right be called a Church than that which hath fewer Now if we shall make search after these markes in the state of Poperie wee shall finde that the same may be called a Church but only in respect because it obserueth and retaineth but a very dead and darke print of the former notes namely the vse and marke of one Sacrament to wit Baptisme the which by the speciall prouidence of God remayned touching the substance of it vncorrupt euen in the darkest time of Poperie but touching the accidents or circumstances vsed in the administration of it it was altogether defiled corrupt and prophaned Therefore the kingdome of Poperie and of Antichrist is the Church of God but depending as it were by one poore marke and a sielie slender thread But as for the congregations of the Gospell they are rightly and simply tearmed the true Church of God which is by al these marks to be discerned by the world and resorted vnto by the faithfull The like difference was once betweene the kingdome of Judah and Israel in the last whereof was retained Circumcision onely least that the marke of their adoption by God should be cleane put out among them Agayne the same discrepance is to bee seene betweene that house which we vse for our daylie mansion where we haue our houshold and all things necessarie about vs and betweene an olde tottering Cottage wherein sometime wee dwelt but after left it and let it lye desolate for we vse to call them both our houses but to speake properly that only is to be accompted our house which presently we inhabite and not that which we haue in such sort giuen ouer But hereunto obiection is made in this sort if Poperie be the Church of God then is it the Spouse of Christ and if his Spouse then is there none other assemblies that may be taken for the Church of God For no man either may or can haue two wiues therefore it is meete ye should adioyne your selues vnto the congregations of the Papistes Whereunto I aunswere that there is but one Church namely that only which is the true Church of God which is to bee reputed for the Spouse of Christ as for the other assemblies they are to be compted but Harlots And as Austin speaketh lib. 1. contra Donat. cap. 10. Whatsoeuer the assemblies euen of the very Heretikes and Scismatikes haue among them agreeing with the word of God that the true Church of God acknowledgeth and challengeth as properly belonging vnto her for all other congregations are so farre foorth to bee approued as they do consent with the true Church and so much to be disproued as they disagree from the same Therefore the state of Poperie in as much as it swarueth from the true Church and is flat Papisme may as iustly be tearmed the Spouse of Christ as that woman that was maried long ago but afterwards put from her husband for adulterie by her committed may be called his wife who although she receiued long since the bill of Diuorcement that all dueties of mariage ceased betweene him her yet in regard of some Rings which it pleaseth her still to weare which were once pledges betweene thē of former mariage is tearmed sometime by the name of a wife Therefore we acknowledge that to be most true which is written Math. 24.28 Where the dead bodies are thither will the Eagles resort So euery man ought to adioyne himselfe to that congregation which is the Church of God But this I say that this must be vnderstood of the true not of the false Church And that that is the true Church of God wherein either al the former markes or at least the principall chiefe of thē are to be found apparant But looke in what assemblies the traditions
if we consider aduisedly of the matter For both of them came to passe before the kingdome of Antichrist wherof now we speake was setled established I meane both the ouerthrow of the Romane Empire the propagation of the Gospel ouer al the world This reconcilement of these two opinions and this exposition of mine is confirmed by a very plaine place of Daniel cap. 2.34 44 7.13 The words whereof are these cap. 2.34 verse 34 Thou didst behould it so till a stone was cut out of the mountaine without hands which smote the Image vpon his feete that were of yron and clay and brake them to peeces verse 44 And in the daies of those Kings shall that God of heauen set vp a kingdome which shall neuer bee destroyed and this people shall not bee giuen to an other people but it shall breake and destroy al these kingdomes and it shall stand for euer Cap. 7.13 I beheld in visions by night and loe one like the sonne of man came in the clowdes of heauen and that this one speach and assertion is sufficient to shewe that Austin was neuer the author of that booke seeing that in his time neither were the French Kings so famously knowne neither was the Empire sustained by the French-men which began long after in the dayes of the Emperour Valence Now out of all these things which haue bin spoken that is gathered and concluded which I haue affirmed namely that both the Gospell was first to be preached and the Romane Empire to be deminished before that the Kingdome of Antichrist could plainely be descryed or established And touching this ouerthrowe of the Romane Empire Paule hath indeede made some signification of it but some-what obscurely and that he seemeth to haue done in two respects first for that he spake vnto Christians and those that were not ignorant of this prophecie and of this peece of worke for they had heard the Apostles in their publike preachings in the Churches often handling that matter as it appeareth by their writings Secondly to the end that none should thereby take displeasure or that any daunger should thereby growe vnto the Church from the Romane Emperours for that some of the Christians should seeme to prognosticate and hartily wishe their destruction But although Paule had vtterly concealed this point yet it might sufficiently be vnderstoode out of Daniell the 2. and 7. that such a thing should come to passe Yet that place of Iohn 1. Iohn 2. seemeth to make against both this mine assertion and also this place of Paule wherein Iohn affirmeth that in his dayes Antichrist was alreadie come But vnto this place of Iohn an aunswere may be easily made namely that the foundations and ground-works of this kingdome and Apostacie were indeede long agoe framed by meanes of heresies and heretikes but yet the whole frame and building of the said state and kingdome was then at last reared aloft in stature and strength to the viewe and open sight of all men after that the kingdome of Christ began to be proclaimed and the Romane Empire to be reuersed That the time of the comming of Antichrist wherein he should seate and settle him-selfe in the Church was by the Spirit of God prescicely set downe to be 666. yeares from the time that this prophecie of Iohn was made knowne the which tearme of time did expire much about the raigne of Constantine Pogonatus the bearded an Emperour of Constantinople The twenteth Chapter BVt in this point concerning the time of the comming of Antichrist this question which conteineth indéede much more difficultie in it is moued whether the time within the compasse whereof the kingdome of Antichrist was to be erected be to be found in any place of Scripture certainly set downe and determined wherein it is verie certaine men are of diuers iudgements Some denie it flatly And therefore Austin lib. 18. De Ciuitate Dei Cap. 25. 53. saith that that time is altogether hidden and vnknowne and is verie earnest héerein that neither the moneth nor the yeare nor the time of his comming and of his kingdome can be learned But they that are of that opinion seeme to be deceiued and heerein they erre for that they vnskillfully and falsely do attribute those things vnto one man as I haue declared whom they take should be the only Antichrist which are to be vnderstoode of the whole state and bodie of Antichrist But that which the Scripture doth in plentifull manner deliuer touching the kingdome of Antichrist is to be taken of a whole bead-rowle of men and of a long succession of matters and times Some therefore are of another iudgement namely that the time is expressely set downe and determined wherein the said kingdome of Antichrist should begin and yet euen heerein also some dissent from others For some thinke that the yeare 1000. is the prefixed time some 500. others 400. after the birth of Christ but séeing that all these because for their assertions they ground vpon no certaine and direct place of the holie Scriptures but rest only vpon doubtfull coniectures of their owne framing we will take an other and that a more sure course grounding our selues except I be deceiued vpon a more firme foundation For if we marke well what the Spirit of God in the Reuelation hath deliuered we shall finde that the time wherein the state of this Apostacie was to be established is expressely set downe And that time in verie truth is not so much to be reckoned from the time of Christes passion or birth as from the time wherein this point of prophecie was reueiled vnto Iohn which falleth out in the yeare 666. as appeareth out of the Reuelation Cap. 13.18 although Irenaeus doth write Lib. 5. cap. 25. that this place of Scripture hath bin notably corrupted the words whereof are these verse 18 Heere is wisedome Let him that hath vnderstanding coumpt the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is sixe hundreth threescore and sixe I haue sayd alreadie * Chap. 7. that these words The number of a man are not to be vnderstoode of any magicall or misticall word which by the arithmeticall computation of the letters therein comprised would yeeld the iust number of 666. For this manner of noting out a time is altogether strange and vnknowne in the holy Scriptures And to be short it is more méete and agréeing with the brain-sicke Cabalists then proper to the Spirit of God In the which odde facultie although Irenaeus sometime tooke some painefull study yet he derided the same in Valentinian Lib. 2. cap. 40. Againe those that haue waded therein as did Irenaeus and others we sée how vncertayne they are in themselues and how repugnant the one to the other for looke how many heads there are among them so many seuerall iudgements shall we finde Now the cause why they all stumble especially vpon this stone is for that they do not attentiuely
in no case of Paule or of Iohn who was most beloued of Christ or of their successours affirming that they are the true and proper successours of Peter vnto whom alone this power doth appertaine Wherevpon it began that Peter was tearmed the Prince of Apostles and the Bishopps of Rome which boast themselues to be his successours make challenge of this priuiledge as tied so straight vnto this seate Citie of Rome as looke whosoeuer shall bee thereunto installed are without all controuersie indued with the like power But what saith Bernard vnto Eugenius Bishoppe of Rome touching this matter Epist 237. Surely in great disdaine he writeth thus A true successour of Paule will say with Paule not as being Lords ouer your faith but furtherers of your ioy And he that is an heire of Peter will giue eare vnto Peter speaking thus not as bearing rule ouer the Cleargie but as patternes vnto your flocke Who will perfourme this vnto me that I may see before I dye the Church of God as it was in olde time when the Apostles let downe their nets not to catch siluer or golde but to catch soules Whereby it sufficiently appeareth that he thought nothing lesse then that the Bishops of that Sea were to be reputed the true and lawfull successours of Peter or Paule These therefore were the beginnings proceedings degrees and supporters whereby the kingdome of Antichrist was strengthened and at Rome especially established That the authoritie and power of Antichrist was at no time receiued without the resistance and gain-saying of some good Bishops The 26. Chapter ANd yet this power and Empyre neither came to perfection at last neither was vsurped at first without the great grutching and resistance of manie For at all times yea after the Apostacie was once begun there were euer one or other either good men or Bishoppes which openly gain-sayd it and condemned it as wicked opposing also themselues agaynst it franklie and to their vtmost indeuour by whose meanes the Lord did sufficiently fore-warne his Church if it could bee wise to beware of this yoke of bondage And truely in the yeare 600. what time as yet it was in the swadling cloutes and beginnings all the Greeke Churches and especially that of Constantinople and which was dispersed ouer Dacia Illiricum or Slavonia stood stoutly and cried out agaynst that vsurped power Those Bishoppes which accused Symmachus Bishoppe of Rome before Theodoricus King of the Gothes among other crimes which they layd to his charge this was the principall for that he reputed himselfe as a lawles man without the checke or comptroulement of any that is not subiect to the censure of any man or Magistrate whatsoeuer as appeareth in Canon Nullus distinct 99. Dinoth an Abbot in Britaine that is in England did likewise lustely oppose himselfe agaynst the same Gildas in his treatise De castigatione Ecclesiastici ordinis of the correction of the Ecclesiasticall state teacheth that this pertaineth to all Bishops and not vnto any one where it is sayd Whatsoeurr thou shalt loose c. Agayne some of the chiefe and best learned Bishoppes of Germanie and Fraunce as appeareth out of the storie of Aventine in his Epistle to Anastasius resisted both the beginnings and goings forward of that kingdome For I will not speake of the Counsell of Carthage where when as the Romane Bishop would haue brought in this tyrannie he was openly by the whole assemblie accused and conuinced of forgerie The which treacherous tricke Marke Bishop of Ephesus obiected likewise publikelie agaynst him in the Counsell of Florence Anno 1439. Lastly Belisatius Captaine of the guard vnder Iustinian did of himselfe depose the Bishoppe of Rome being suspected of trayterous dealing agaynst the Citie In the yeare of our Lord 700. when as this throane of power and Apostacie was somewhat setled and that by the good liking and consent of a great many yet Paulus Bishoppe of Creta gain-sayd it and at no hand would graunt lisence vnto Iohn Bishop of the Citie Lampio to make an appeale vnto the Sea of Rome The Church of Ravenna admitted of no other head than her selfe neither would she although she were in Jtalie bee subiect vnto the Church of Rome as touching Maister Pope Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica did likewise write a verie learned booke agaynst the primacie of the Pope And as yet Greece made open resistance agaynst this power and tyrannie of the Romane Bishop and alwaies disclaymed the same and that in such wise as when Iohn Palaeologe Emperour of Constantinople and Ioseph the Patriarch of that Citie and certaine other Bishoppes of Greece among whome Bessario was one had in the Florentine Counsell Anno Domini 1439. approued of this power of the Romane Bishoppe ouer all Churches they were for so doing reproued and excommunicated by the other Churches of Greece and the Easterne parts of the worlde Nay which is more the Pope himselfe doth yearely by couenant giue a peece of golde vnto as many Greeke Bishops as will vouchsafe in the celebrating of their Masses to call him chiefe Priest In the yeare of our Lord 1140. at what time Bernardus Abbas Clarevallensis liued Arnolde Brixianus an eloquent man and a Monke declaimed lustelie all his life time agaynst this Primacie and tyrannie of the Pope as Sigonius writeth lib. 11. de Regno Italico of whō also mention is made by Bernard himselfe in his 195. Epistle whome therefore Innocentius the second Bishop of Rome condemned for an Heretike when now all the worlde began to allowe of this Romish crueltie Therefore wee see that in all ages there were some which openly euen in the assemblies of Synods cryed out agaynst this vsurped power vntill at last as was fore-tould by the Spirit of God Antichrist and his doctrine preuailed and bare rule for so it pleased God to reuenge the contempt of his worde while in the meane time euery man held his peace and submitted himselfe thereunto in most miserable and slauish manner which continued to the wonderfull great hurt of all Christendome vntill such time as Iohn Wickliefe was raysed and stirred vp by God in England who opposed himselfe manfully agaynst it and was the first man that with great valour cut the very sinnewes of it a sunder After whom by the great goodnesse of GOD Iohn Husse and Ierom of Prage were giuen vs the verie two Oliue braunches spoken of Reuelation 11.4 After them succeeded Luther and after him Iohn Caluin and others valiant and couragious Souldiers armed with the Spirit of GOD who with great courage set themselues agaynst this doctrine and tyrannie the which for the most parte they haue by the grace of GOD shaken and brought to nought although notwithstanding it supporte it selfe as well as it maie with Figge-tree boughes Of the destruction and ouerthrowe of the kingdome of Antichrist which is to be brought to passe by the only breath of the Lords mouth and not by any power or strength of a fifth sixth or
the Gospell put on armour and bend the sword agaynst the Papistes who vndoubtedly are the state stay and kingdome of Antichrist and vse such weapons as are called carnall as wee reade to haue been done in Germanie England Scotland Flaunders and Fraunce yea and so practised at this day And this doubt may seeme the deeper and increase the more for that Constantine the great being now become a true and perfect Christian did notwithstanding and that by the counsaile and consent of al the Christian Bishoppes take warre in hand agaynst Licinius his fellowe and companion in the quarrell of religions namely to the end he might giue ayd and release vnto the Christians whom the other did deadly persecute For they were compelled by Licinius to sacrifice vnto Idolles agaynst their consciences Now I do not herein make question touching the persons or the men themselues whether Constantinus might lawfully in any respect wage warre agaynst Licinius or no who was his fellowe-mate in the Empyre For there is none I thinke that doubteth but he might seeing he was a chiefe and high Magistrate as well as Licinius and equals are not subiect the one to the other But now I consider reason of the cause of warre whether to deliuer and set free the Christian profession from persecution and to remoue Idolatrie Constantine might iustly moue and wage warre This question is somewhat intricate and doubtfull for it often troubleth mens consciences and especially by meanes of this place of Paule The Lord shall destroy Antichrist by the breath of his mouth For the better vnderstanding whereof I must first make this distinction The endes or occasions of matters for which such enterprizes are taken in hand are not all of one force nature and degree For some are proper some accidentall I call that a proper cause or occasion whereunto the drift of our purposed determination and indeuour tendeth and that in such sort as we seeme to respect it only as though there were thereto adioyned no other reasons or inducements that might leade vs thereunto as when a pined man eateth the direct cause of his eating is the slaking of his hunger Accidentall I call that which concurreth and falleth out together with the proper and principall occasion but not directly or of necessitie therefore wee do not at the first in our aduisement ayme especially thereat For though that occasion were wanting yet would we notwithstanding in hand with the action as though delicate dressing were not added to the meat yet would an hungrie man fall to eating Now by this distinction if we hold and make vse of it it will bee no hard matter to fit an aunswere vnto the former scruple or doubt For he that maketh warre agaynst the Papistes or other Idolaters or els agaynst the Turkes or Heretikes either he doth it chiefly and only to take away their error and superstition or else not but whereas other occasions and those iust ones of waging warre went before the which he being a Magistrate had an eye vnto it falleth out withall that those agaynst whom he is to proceede bee Papistes Idolaters Turkes or Heretikes Truely reformation of error and heresies is not well sought for by force of armes neither should the certaintie of Christian doctrine seeme to depend vpon the vncertaine yssue and euent of warre Therefore neither Christ himselfe nor his Apostles do at any time teach that force is to bee vsed agaynst such as are not well affected to the Christian faith as if that were a lawfull and readie way to take away their error For looke what religion is embraced vpon feare and dispersed by compulsarie meanes the same is to be compted rather Mahumetisme then Christian profession But when as they that are enemies to religion shall haue offered other iust occasions of warre as if either the Papists or Turkes shall breake truce and violate the conditions of publike peace then it falleth out that the defence and maintenaunce of Christian religion is ioyned with the quarrell of publike right and iustice and so inforced against the Papists or Turkes being aliaunts and straungers from the profession of Christ and Christianitie but not in this respect for that they differ from vs in religion but for that they are perturbers and breakers of the publike quiet And so it commeth to passe that then and vpon such an occasion weapons are iustly taken in hand agaynst such as are dissenting from vs in profession of the faith but that is not in regard that they are Heretikes Idolatours or Papistes but in asmuch as they are seditious disturbers of auncient rite and open enemies to publike peace And this distinction and censure is certainlie most true And touching that of Constantinus Magnus and of the warre that he had with Licinius it is most certaine that there had passed betweene Constantine a Christian and Licinius an Heathen certaine couenaunts and leagues for the maintenaunce of the peace of the Common wealth and those solemnely ratified by the consent of both parties as Eusebius reporteth in the life of Constantine the great The which conditions seeing Licinius was the first that brake when agaynst expresse couenaunt he fell to persecuting the Christians wee cannot make doubt but that vpon very iust occasion warre was waged agaynst him For among those conditions this was a principall one that the Christians might freely make profession of their religion throughout the whole Empyre of Rome that their meetings should be approued as lawfull assemblies and that neither Constantine nor Licinius himselfe should stirre vp persecution agaynst the Christians in regard of their faith in Christ Seeing therefore that this first and chiefe poynt of their league and common agreement was afterward treacherouslie violated and broken by Licinius Constantine did iustly and vpon good ground moue warre agaynst him but not as being an Idolatrous King or to the ende to redresse his error which he heald of Christ but to the ende that those publike couenaunts and knowne lawes of the Empyre and perticular conditions agreed vpon betweene them should bee kept in force being it was not lawfull for either of them to violate the same Other people and Nations haue done the like who in that respect are sayd to haue waged warre for the Gospels sake For there were at first certaine couenaunts drawne and publike lawes made and after proclaimed by consent of both parties for the peace and safetie of the whole kingdome wherein among other things it was expressely prouided for that the Christian religion should not be disturbed put out of place or stopt and that no man should by any be molested or sustaine wrong for that quarrell The which poynt of truce and league in as much as afterwards it was not kept by the a Who hould for a principle that Fides non est seruanda cum haereticis by heretikes vnderstanding true Christiās Papistes but openly violated by them hereupon those greeuous warres which are called deadlie and
erected where a verie hard place of Daniell is expounded The 33. Chapter THirdly and lastly that which out of the former discourse is to be gathered is this that héere-after there remaineth no other Monarchie to be erected in the world after time that of Rome and this Image thereof that is the Romane Antichrist is decayed and so we may sée that what-so-euer was to come and fall out from the first beginning of Monarchies vnto the ende of the world was made knowne before-hand vnto Daniell Cap. 11. Therefore vpon the ende and accomplishment of those things which are spoken of in that Chapter immediatly the last resurrection is not only mentioned but also the estate and condition thereof to the great comfort of the godly is described Cap. 12. And yet should not the faithfull in regard héereof be the more slack in assaulting the kingdome of Antichrist as though their labour should be frustrate and to no purpose Nay assuredly their indeauours shall take good successe and by little and little they shall cast downe that which God would not haue to fall at a moment or without one blow Therfore they that do either sincerely preach or faithfully embrace the Gospell do dayly grinde waste knap off and to be short they alwayes diminishe some-what of the Antichristian kingdome But against this our third and last collection that seemeth to be obiected which is in Daniell Cap. 11. vers 40. and those that follow which are these verse 40 And at the ende of time shall the King of the South push at him and the King of the North shall come against him like a whirle-winde with Chariots and with horse-men and with many Ships and he shall enter into the Countries and shall ouer-flowe and passe through verse 41 He shall enter also into the pleasant land and many countries shall be ouerthrowen but these shall escape out of his hands Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Amon. verse 42 He shall stretch forth his hand also vppon the countries and the land of Aegipt shall not escape verse 43 But he shall haue power ouer the treasures of Gold and Siluer and ouer all precious things of Aegipt and of the Lybians and of the Black-Moores where hee shall passe verse 44 But the tidings out of the East and the North shall trouble him therefore hee shall go foorth with great wrath to destroy and roote out manie verse 45 And hee shall plant the tabernacles of his palace betweene the Seas in the glorious and holie mountaine yet hee shal come to his ende and none shal helpe him This place of Daniell if any other be is doubtles verie intricate and obscure Wherby it hath happened that the iudgements of expositours haue bin discrepant and diuers among them-selues For some expounde it so as that they refer it vnto Tigrenes and Mithridatis who made inuasion vpon the Romane Empire Some againe had rather refer it vnto Antiochus And againe some vnto Pompey the great and Iulius Caesar But there bee many thinges which will not admit of anie of these interpretations The latter writers refer it onlie to the Kinges of Asia and Aegipt who are spoken of in al that chapter The which iudgement and interpretation as I doe not surelie reiect so am I withall resolute in this that those two Empires are tipes and figures to the Churche of such thinges as shoulde befall euen after the comming of Christ Therefore this is mine opinion First that those two Kingdomes whereof Daniell speaketh in the last place are neither said should be Monarchies neither are they so called but onlie kingdomes the which two shall ouerturne al whatsoeuer shall bee left remaining of the Romane Empire in the South and East And of these two Kingdomes or Kings the one saith Daniell shall come out of the South the other from the North. And this Northerne fellowe shall strike the greater terrour into this said Monarchie Yet both these Kings or Kingdomes shall with shippes Chariots and Horsemen that is by sea and land assaulte the fourth Monarchie and the remnaunts thereof And againe either of these Kings shall successiuelie one after an other lay hould vpon Aegipt that is subdue the same and thereof possesse great treasures of Gould and Siluer Lastlie they shall possesse Lybia that is the Region of Cyren and Aethiopia which is Arabia These pointes therefore I take to be vttered by Daniell as indifferentlie touching and concerning both the said Kingdomes but not respecting the fourth Monarchie and Kingdome of the Romans Afterward in the 44 verse these two kingdomes are compared together and that of the South is saide should be disturbed by that of the North which lieth Easternlie So that the Southerne Kingdome should be in time the first and that of the North the latter And as for both of them they shoulde pitch their tents betweene two Seas and the holie hill that is towards Iudaea but in the ende they shall come to their ende and finall destruction and none shall yeald them succour These things are thus set downe in Daniell the which if we doe vnderstand as some do expound them of Pompey and Caesar they are then most obscure and darke and nothing agreeing with the course of thinges that haue happened But being vnderstood as I haue directed then are they most plaine and agréeing with the issue of things that are done And to begin withall these thinges can at no hand bee referred to the Romans because they were first made possessours of Lybia and Affricke before they set foote in the holie Lande that is Judaea for so doeth Daniell according to the manner of his time call that Region as also their Neighbours and people bordering vppon them by their peculiar names such as were well knowne in those dayes the Ammonites and Moabites although his prophecie tendeth vnto those times and those things which he fore-sheweth should then be accomplished when as neither Iudaea should be called the pleasant land nor the Ammonites and Moabites should be tearmed by those names which point we are to obserue least otherwise these titles do trouble vs and least we thinke that those things where-of Daniell speaketh were to be taken and then only to be fullfilled while both Iudaea had as yet the promises of God and the Moabites were knowne by that name or title He speaketh therefore of those Regions but in that manner and with such names as where-by in those dayes they were knowne to the Iewes to whome he writeth But yet the things which he fore-telleth were then to come to passe when as neither Iudaea was any more the place of Gods rest nor the house that contained the people of God the which at the last fell out and came to passe after the Gospell was once published and Christ had suffered death This mine opinion is heereby confirmed for that he speaketh of such things as should fall out in the latter daies that is in the last age of the world after
poynted at and fore-shewed should take place in the Church For wee are not to imagine that the whole power of Antichrist is included in that Bishop only but that pontificall kingdome which is opposite and contrary vnto the kingdome of Christ is in truth to be tearmed Antichrist And seeing the Bishop of Rome is the head of this kingdome I call him Antichrist being but a part of the whole Wherein I whollie followe the manner and direction of the Scripture which when it speaketh of that Antichrist it mentioneth sometime a whole kingdome and bodie as it were as when Paule sayth Except there first come a defection or falling away and Now the mysterie of iniquitie worketh And sometime agayne it specifieth but some one being chiefe and principall in this kingdome of whom dependeth the whole bodie of this wickednesse as when he sayth Setting and aduauncing himselfe agaynst whatsoeuer is called God or is worshipped and bearing it out as if he were at God These two poynts cannot bee vnderstoode of the whole bodie but of the head the Bishop of Rome himselfe Thus then seeing it appeareth what I meane by the name of Antichrist let vs come to the matter and thing it selfe and examine what we finde in the Scripture concerning Antichrist whereby all men which are not alreadie infected with the dregges of Antichristianisme may acknowledge and confesse that the Romane Bishop is as I say this Antichrist And herein of purpose I will affect breuitie indeuouring to comprize many thinges in a fewe words and much matter in a small compasse All the auncient Fathers almost and many of the late writers and those very learned Diuines doe affirme that Daniell in his 11. Chapter about the ende did speake of Antichrist For the things that are there spoken by him are to be referred to Antiochus only figuratiuely but are properly and in truth to be vnderstood of Antichrist There are none of the Popes Proctours themselues to my knowledge that make doubt but that the Prophet in that place doth speake of Antichrist Which if it be so we may euen out of this place learne who and what manner of fellowe this Antichrist should be For in that treatise of Daniell we may behold not a sleight counterfeit but a liuely picture of the Bishoppe of Rome For first sayth the Prophet He shall doe what him list And indeede the Pope hath now these many yeares done euen what he pleased in many matters as well Ciuill as Ecclesiasticall For he takes vpon him to create translate and put downe Kings to discharge subiects from their oath of obedience and to haue the like authoritie ouer al Empires and Kingdomes to roote out pull downe bring to ruine and destroy agayne to build and plant them at his pleasure And this power he hath put in practise not only heretofore against many Kings and Keysers but of late he itched as ye knowe to exercize vpon our gracious Soueraigne And as for Ecclesiasticall matters he therein challenged to himselfe much more licentious libertie For therein al his sayings placards and degrees were to bee accompted as Oracles proceeding from the Spirit of God whatsoeuer liked him must be taken for Catholike and whatsoeuer displeased him was to bee reputed hereticall Though he should drawe with him infinite soules of men into hell yet it were impietie for any man to say What do you dist 40. Si Papa And it is an olde principle among Papistes which none of them dare denie that the bare Will of the Pope is reason ynough Further the Prophet sayth He shal exalt and magnifie himselfe aboue all that is God The which also Paule very flatly affirmeth of Antichrist Now how the Pope perfourmeth this I shall afterward shewe when I shall come to handle that place of Paule Thirdly the Prophet addeth And he shall prosper vntill by the wrath of God he bee brought to nought Who is ignorant how wonderfullie the kingdome of Poperie increased vntill such time as the Lord reueiled Antichrist vnto his people Fourthly it followeth neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers And sure the Romanistes haue deuised vs a newe God which is not the true God of the Christians They haue a counterfaict God and a straunge Christ a newe heauen and such a religion as our Fathers the Apostles neuer knewe but such an one as themselues could inuent and frame for their owne turnes the which I will after make manifest Fifthly the Prophet writeth He shall not care for the desires of women The Papistes although they bee not the least effeminate men that euer were yet they condemne mariage as vtterly vnlawfull among them in all their orders and professions in so much as they preferre abhominable Sodomitrie and filthie raging lust before honest and holie Matrimonie Sixtly He shall worship God with golde and siluer and precious stones Among the Catholikes the spirituall and true worship of God is cleane decayed and all their religion standeth in outwarde shewe and stately furniture of their Churches and Images and masking pompe in celebrating their Masses Lastly he addeth He shall increase his glorie and shall make his accomplisses to rule ouer many and shall deuide the land among them What riot what glorie what magnificence what power what riches and treasure can be greater thē that the Papists possessed Whatsoeuer was pleasant in al Christendome whatsoeuer was gainfull delightsome fatt and to be desired was whollie not long since in the Popes fauourers Wherefore I thinke assuredly that no man doubteth but that these things do so touch the Bishop of Rome that they do not agree so fitly with any other whosoeuer But seeing there be some that be not as yet resolued that Daniell in this place spake of Antichrist or if he did yet that he there spake but figuratiuely as vnder the person of an other let vs come to the newe Testament wherein this Antichristian monster is plainlie and clearely set out vnto vs. And yet I will not prosecute euery place but make instaunce onlie of such proofes as are most plaine and pregnant There was neuer any Christian that as yet made doubt that in the second Epistle to the Thess cap. 2. mention is made of Antichrist Wherefore let vs aduisedly consider and make search into that place and let vs compare the Bishop of Rome with that Antichrist of the Apostle who must needes bee the verie Antichrist that by his true and proper marks we may learne to acknowledge the very truth of the thing The Thessalonians had wronglie perswaded themselues that the comming of Christ and the end of the world drewe neere The Apostle endeuoureth to rid them of that errour and withall deliuereth doctrine most necessarie for all Christians The simple and plaine proposition whereof is this Antichrist shall come before the comming of Christ This Antichrist he diuerslie describeth that euery Church and Congregation might knowe what a manner of one he should bee Let vs seuerally consider of each
alreadie worke he giueth vs to vnderstand that euen in his time the foundations were layde of that pontificall defection And further he plainely testifieth that this Antichrist should continue euen to the comming of Christ when he saith that the Lorde shall consume him with the spirit of his mouth and shall abolish him with the brightnes of his comming Antichrist may be appaired some-what and diminished by the preaching of the Gospell but he cannot be wholie dispatcht before the comming of Christ Now how Antichrist was to get a kingdome and obtaine a tyrannie Paule doth herein declare when he saith His comming shall be by the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders and with all deceiueablenes of vnrighteousnes among them that perish It were impossible to vtter any thing more fitly agreeing with the kingdome of Poperie for except the Bishop had a mightie power-full and diuelish force in working he could neuer haue so preuailed by his couzonages deceipts tricks of legierdimaine and false miracles Hitherto we haue heard Paule preaching of Antichrist and if Paule were a true Prophet as we doubt not but he was a most true one it is necessarie that the Bishop of Rome should be Antichrist I do but point at the heads of verie weightie matters for I may not now make long discourses Let vs come to the Apocalypse where-in are most certaine euidences and plaine testimonies of this our Antichrist these what they are let vs consider In the 13. Chapter after that Iohn had made mention of a Beast which had seauen heads one head where-of being grieuouslie wounded was afterward made whole againe which Beast can not but be vnderstoode of the Romane Empire then it followeth in the 11. verse And I sawe an other Beast comming vp out of the earth and it had two hornes like vnto the hornes of the Lambe but it spake like vnto the Dragon The Papists them-selues make no doubt but that this Beast is Antichrist and I will prooue that it is the Bishop of Rome himselfe who professeth him-selfe to be the Lambs Vicar and to be like vnto the Lambe but yet if we marke well his speach we shall acknowledge him for a Dragon and the verie Deuill For who euer did vomit out more horrible blasphemies against God then this Beast hath done goe ouer the rest that followeth vnto the ende of the Chapter ye shall sée all thinges fall out iust by the prouidence of God Who is it that put life into the dead image of the Beast but only the Bishop who in his newe erected kingdome hath liuely expressed and represented the ould Romane and Idolatrous Empire For looke what crueltie couetousnes lust riot Idolatrie was long agoe found rife among the auncient Emperours the Bishops haue restored all that vnto the world againe And it is most certaine and apparant that he compelleth all men that will liue at all and deale in his busines and affaires to beare his marke in their fore-heads right hands For except they giue vp their names vnto him and esteeme him to be reuerenced both in word and deede they can not liue in safetie Kings Emperours Bishops ritch poore the common people learned vnlearned and all must serue him kisse his feete and worship this Beast And as touching the number of 666 Irenaeus a verie auncient Father and one that liued neere vnto the time of the Apostles hath opened the same If we must needes make accoumpt of Apostolike traditions why may we not thinke that this was a tradition of the Apostle Truly the Pope is a Latine by nation faith publike liturgie yea and all his adherents he will needs haue to be Latines he that is not a Latinist they cry out that he is a Grecian a Scismaticke and Heretike If it seemed probable vnto Irenaeus that this should be the name of Antichrist 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Latinus it ought to seeme much more probable vnto vs who haue had perfect proofe and experience of this Antichristian Latine Notwithstanding if any had rather referre it vnto the time of his reueiling I will not greatly disagree For if vnto the yeare 79 where-in Iohn liued and wrote his Reuelation we adde the number 666. and consider the estate of the Church what it was in the yeare 763. we shall see that Antichrist was then growne to yeares ruling in Rome terrible with two swords and worshipped by Christian men as a God What neede we seeke more or what could be more plainely fore-tolde haue we need also of a toarch-light And yet there are more euident proofes then these which are mo● forceible to perswade although we were disposed to oppose our selues against them The Spirit of God did fore-see that question and doubt might arise touching the place where this Antichrist should raigne and therefore he would also fore-warne all Christians of the place and so pointed out the Citie wherein Antichrist should sit And that is Rome which Iohn both calleth Babylon and the woman that sitteth vpon seauen hilles and the Citie that beareth rule ouer the kingdomes of the world He that doubteth that Rome is this same I can not tell whether he haue any wit at all the auncient Fathers vnderstood the misterie Tertullian contra Iudaeos saith Babylon representeth in Iohn our Prophet the figure of the Citie of Rome Ierome vpon the 47. Chap. of Esay in his Epist vnto Asella in the ende of his second booke against Iovinian and in the prologue of his booke de spiritu sancto testifieth the Rome is Babylon calleth her the purple coloured Harlot Austine in his 18. Booke De Ciuitate Dei Cap. 22. affirmeth that Rome is an other Babylon and a daughter of the first Babylon Orosius lib. 2. cap. 3. sheweth by many reasons that Rome is in all points correspondent vnto Babylon But why do we seeke after the testimonies of men and why do we require further proofes seeing Iohn him-selfe declareth that this Citie is that which is founded vpon seauen hilles Let them name me if they can any one Citie in the whole world in Europa in Asia or Affricke in the Indies or new-found America where-in are to be found seauen hilles besides this our Citie of Rome the which all men knowe to be built vpon seauen hilles the brauest towne of all that doth inclose seauen seuerall hilles in compasse of a wall The names of which hilles are as yet well knowne Capitolinus Palatinus Aventinus Caelius Exquilinus Viminalis Quirinalis And although it were so that there could be found such an other yet this Citie only was ruler ouer all Kings and Nations Therefore it is out of all controuersie that it is Rome whereof Iohn speaketh yea and Rome not only as it was in times past while her Emperours were Tyrants which the verie Papists acknowledge because they can by no meanes auoide it but that needes they must graunt that Rome is there meant but as it was afterwards when the Pope bare rule