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A31952 Evidence for heaven containing infallible signs and reall demonstrations of our union with Christ and assurance of salvation : with an appendix of laying down certain rules to be observed for preserving our assurance once obtained / published by Ed. Calamy ... Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1657 (1657) Wing C240; ESTC R3864 140,854 252

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man pray frequently and pray fervently Seek the Lord early and seek him earnestly wrestle with God in prayer witnesse Iacob and the Prodigall 6. Chastisements sanctified beget and increase love in the chastised towards the chastiser Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee saith Solomon Pro. 9.8 Chastisements sanctified increase love to God 7. Chastisements sanctified meeken the heart and moderate anger mortifie in man hatred and malice which generate thoughts and desires of revenge against the instruments in Gods hand They beget patience under all strokes I have sinned therefore I will beare the indignation of the Lord saith the soul whose Chastisement is sanctified and justifiesGod in all his dealings 8. Chastisements sanctified soften the heart and make it pliable to the will of God they subject a man unto Christs yoke 9. They fit a man for any condition that God cals him unto prosperity or adversity they fit him to abound and fit him to want fit him to live to Christ and fit to him to dye for Christ they fit a man to live to Christ here and to live with Christ heareafter in Heaven 10. They make a man long to be dissolved to be with Christ yet patiently to wait on God all the daies of his appointed time untill his change come Rom. 5. ● Job 14.14 11. Sanctified Chastisements indeare to a man his Fathers house his house of grace and his house of glory they did thus operate in David Psa. 42. and in Israel in captivity Psal. 137.1 6. and in the Prodigall Luk. 15. When his Chastisement was sanctified unto him it indeared his fathers house 12. Sanctified Chastisements will make a man labour to excell in grace There is no man so covetous after grace as he to whom Gods chastising hand is sanctified There is none so sensible of the want of grace nor of the worth of grace as this soul is therefore such an one usually labours above all others to excell in grace 13. Finally Sanctified Chastisements leave impression behind them when they are gone they do not only make impression while they are present as unsanctified Chastisements many times do but they leave impression behind them when they are removed impression of holy feare of love of humility of watchfulnesse of holinesse of compassion towards others under Gods Chastising hand They yield the peaceable fruit of righteousnesse to them that have been exercised thereby and the like they do not barely produce good purposes and promises but resolve them into performances according to ability and opportunity By some one or other of these every one may perceive whether Gods Chastisements be sanctified to him or no and so consequently whether Gods rod upon himself be a sign and pledg of Gods speciall Love towards him or not Object But God Chastises in wrath and displeasure as well as in love In my wrath I smote thee saith God of his own People Isa. 60.10 In a little wrath I hid my face from thee c. Isai. 54.8 How shall I then know whether God chastise me in love or in displeasure Sol. To find out this Consider 1. That those which the Lord here speaks of though they were the Lords own People by profession yet they were not all such by true conversion they were not all beloved after a speciall manner 2. Know That God may and often times doth Chastise in wrath and yet in love too When God Chastiseth his own Adopted Child he many times doth it in wrath and displeasure towards his sin but alwayes in love to his person Wouldest thou then know whether thou art Chastised of God in love or not Consider whether thou art an Adopted Child of God or not Try thy selfe by what hath been formerly said and if thou findest that thou art truely such conclude thou mayest certainly That all thy Chastisements do spring from love for whatsoever stroks God smites such an one with he doth it in Love to his person this is a sure rule though God speak bitter things against thee as Iob complains he did against him and do bitter things unto thee yet all springs from his love though he bide his face from thee for a while and chastise thee with s●ourging he doth it in love to thy person all Gods dealings with thee spring from his love his love is the efficient whatsoever be the meritorious or immediate cause of thy Chastisement When God is angry with thee and smites thee for thy sinne it is in love to thy person he loves thee still Is Ephraim my deare sonne is he a pleasant Child for since I spake against him I do earnestly rem●ember him still c. Ier. 31.20 All Gods Children even the best of them all here have faults many faults and God will not suffer them to go unchastised Children are sure of chaftisement however servants speed legitimate sonnes are sure of chastisement when they offend however bastards escape God hath no time to chastise his Children but here therefore they are sure of Chastisement here it will not stand with Gods Love to passe by them and wink at their faults the nearer in relation the surer of correction the dearer in affection the surer of chastisement Whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth and scourgeth every sonne whom he receiveth Wouldest thou then get a true evidence of the speciall Love of God towards thee and of this Adoption by Jesus Christ Consider well of two things First Whether thou hast been Chastised of the Lord yea or nay Secondly Whether thy Chastisiments are sanctified to thee or not and if thou canst truely conclude on the affirmative thou hast good ground to beleeve that thou art one beloved of God after a speciall manner that thou art an Adopted Child of God and an heir of Heaven But if thou hast been altogether free from or unprofitable under Gods Chaftisement thou hast just cause to feare whether thou art an Adopted Child of God or not at least that thou art not yet brought home to thy Heavenly Father For whom the Lord loveth he certainly sooner or later chastiseth as the Text tels us Whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth Gospell Sufferings OR Suffering as a Christian. 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer we shall also reign with him IN these words the Apostle briefly layes before us another and a higher Evidence of our Salvation to wit suffering Heaven the Kingdom of glory where Jesus Christ reigns is here promised to sufferers But to find out what kind of sufferers they are to whom this great reward is promised we must consult with other Scriptures for it is not to all kind of sufferers that this promise is made Before I speak of the kind of suffering here spoken of I shall here note foure or five things First That suffering is a lesson very hard to flesh and blood to learn which the Apostle knowing as a wise scholemaster sets before us his schoolers that
sorrow it consumes the body of death it brings a consumption on sinne it weakeneth the power of naturall corruption and warreth succesfully against the most Giant-like corruption it comes from the heart of a sinner and it goes to the heart of sinne 16. Finally Evangelical sorrow is a reforming sorrow it makes a man truly turn from sinne from all sinne unto the Lord and this is indeed the great distinguishing Character of it and that which demonstrates the truth of it contrition without conversion is not Repentance unto life He that sorrows for his sinne and turns not from his finne unto the Lord his sorrow is but a sorry one Humiliation without Reformation saith one is but a foundation without a building and reformation without humiliation is but a building without a foundation a building which will not stand Humiliation and Reformation God hath coupled together in his Gospel-Promises wherein Repentance is fully described Therefore Repentance unto life must needs consist of both these Evangelical Contrition and true Conversion are so coupled together that they cannot be sundered wheresoever sorrow for sinne is found it is attended with true turning from sinne unto the Lord. And this is the second essential part of true Repentance And this the Scripture cals conversion Repent and be converted saith the Apostle in the forecited place Act. 3.19 it is as if he had said mourn for sinne and turn from sinne if ever you would have your sinnes to be done away He that truly turns from sinne turns from all sinne He that turns not from all sinne doth not truely turn from any sinne God requires a sinner to turn from all his transgressions and he that truly turns from sinne doth this He turns from all sinne in affection in purpose and resolution he allows not himself in any known sinne he loaths all sinne and conscionably indeavours to forsake all sinne and get every corruption mortified therefore saith the Apostle Godly sorrow worketh Repentance unto salvation his meaning is it produceth Reformation to wit a true turning from all sin unto the Lord. He that truly turns to the Lord doth it not feignedly as Hypocrites do but unfeignedly cordially with his whole heart as the Prophet speaks with full purpose of heart to walk in all the wayes of God This the Apostle cals Repentance unto Salvation and this is attended with carefulnesse and circumspection for time to come cleering of our selves or apologie for our selves of our detestation of our fact indignation or exceeding anger with our selves for our offences Feare to wit feare of relapsing into our former sinnes again vehement desire to wit after strength and assistance from Christ for the present and future time Zeal to wit in the performing of all good duties contrary to our former special sinnes Revenge to wit a holy revenge on our selves subduing of the body and keeping it under lest it should hereafter be an instrument of sinne as it hath formerly been All this is evident by the language of the Apostle in the forecited place 2 Corinth 7.11 Wouldest thou then know whether thy Repentance be Repentance unto Life or no whether it be such as truly demonstrates the holy Spirits saving habitation in thy soul and the truth of thy faith yea or nay thou must then have recourse to both the parts of true Repentance fore-mentioned to wit contrition and conversion and if by what hath been said it appears to be truly such know that it is a sure argument of thy eternal happinesse bless God for it and labour to grow in it OBEDIENCE ANother work of the holy Spirit of God on man demonstrating his saving habitation in man and a mans eternal salvation by Christ is Obedience to wit sincere and Cordial Evangelical Obedience to the revealed Will of God This Obedience and this onely God requires and accepts of his Elect in and through Jesus Christ. That this Obedience is a work of the Spirit of God in man appears both by Argument and by Scripture 1. By Argument thus Naturally the heart of man is obstinate stubborne and disobedient to the Will of the Lord deceitfull above all things and Hypocritical in all its wayes doting on Legal and never minding Evangelical Obedience and nothing can make such a change in the heart and soul of a man as of stubborne and disobedient of Hypocritical and deceitfull to become sincere and Cordial in Obedience and of a doter on Legal to become an Evangelical obeyer of the Will of the Lord But the Almighty Spirit of God whose proper office it is to renew the Image of God in fallen man Therefore this Obedience must needs be the work of the Spirit of God in whomsoever it is By Scripture this is evident likewise I will put my Spirit within you saith the Lord and cause you to walk in my statutes and keep my Iudgments and do them Ezek. 36.27 Hence it is evident That it is the Spirit of God which works the heart of man to Obedience That this Obedience is a work of the Spirit of God in man demonstrating his saving habitation and sanctifying operation in man is evident by the language of the Apostles We are his witnesses of these things and so is also the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to wit savingly to them that obey him to wit Cordially and Evangelically Act. 5.32 And by that of Peter We are Elect according to the fore-knowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience 1 Pet. 1.2 That this Obedience is such a work of the Spirit of God in man as demonstrates his eternall salvation by Christ is farther evident by these Scriptures following Christ being made perfect became the Author of eternall salvation unto all them that obey him Heb. 5.9 Obey my voyce saith the Lord and I will be your God and ye shall be my people Jer. 7.23 If ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my Covenant then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people and ye shall be unto me a kingdome of Priests and an holy Nation Exod. 19.5 6. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of Heaven but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven Mat. 7.21 He that doth the Will of God abideth for ever 1 Joh. 2.17 By these Texts it is evident That th●s Obedience is such a work of the Spirit of God in man as lively demonstrates his eternal happiness Quest. But what is this Obedience you speake of How may it be defined Sol. It is a special work of the Spirit of God in man whereby he is inabled to apply Christ unto himself according unto all his promises and himself unto Christ according unto all his Precepts Under these two general heads the whole work of Obedience is comprehended as is evident from the words of the new Covenant I saith the Lord will be your God
her Beloved inquire of the watchmen the Ministers of the Gospel where and how to find what he seeketh and followeth Christ by earnest prayer as the woman of Canaan did untill he obtaine his suit and he must not rest satisfied with the beginnings thereof but still labour for increase The Scripture speaks of assurance and full assurance of hope of assurance and sull assuranc● of faith of the riches of full assurance of understanding and of great boldnesse in the faith to be attained in this life and this the Apostle prayed for for the Ephesians and laboured to beget in the Colossians as appears by the forecited place and this the Scripture exhorts all Christians to labour for and saith That he that doth these things shall never fall but an entrance shall be ministred unto him abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ which one would think were argument enough to perswade any Immortall soul to seek after it Thus of the second rule propounded for the getting of assurance The third is this He that would get assurance of the Love of God must work by the help of the Spirit of God who searcheth all things yea the deep things of God as the Scripture saith And beareth witness with our Spirits that we are the Children of God the Word cannot without the Spirit the Spirit will not without the Word assure us o● eternall happinesse therefore he that would get assurance must work by the help of the Spirit he must try himself and his graces by the Word through the help of the Spirit In the fourth place He that would get assurance must carefully avoid all the hinderances thereof in the generall he must shun and avoid all sinne more especially these sinnes Ignorance Atheisme Prophannesse and Hypocrisie Vnbelief and Impenitency Erronious Opinions Presumption and Desperation neglect of the meanes of Grace formall Vse of them and Rebellion against them strangnesse with God and Iesus Christ. Fifthly He that would get assurance must labour for all those qualifications and graces which may render him capable ●f it and which God usually imparts this blessing to First he must become a new Bottle I mean a new Creature for assurance is new wine and Christ will not put it into an old Bottle for it would burst the Bottle Labour therefore for grace trush of grace every renewing grace But more especially these graces Knowledg Faith Sincerity Heart-humility Contritition accompanied with Convertion and new Obedience Assurance will not dwell in an Ignorant Vnbelieving Hypocriticall Heart therefore he that would attain it must labour for those graces which are contrary to these vices God dwels as a reviver in the heart of the humble and contrite sinner He revives the spirit of the humble and the heart of the contrite ones Iesus Christ puts the strongest wine in broken Bottles I do not say into old but into broken Bottles he binds up the broken hearted He therefore that would get assurance must labour for an humble and broken heart A wise father will not assure a prodigall and disobedient Child of his inheritance while he continueth such no more will our Heavenly Father He therefore that would get assurance of inheritance with the Saints in light must come home to his Heavenly Father with a submissive and obedient heart with a heart obedient unto all his Heavenly Fathers Will. It is not every one that hath truth of grace that attains assurance but he that hat● truth of grace and strength of grace true faith and strong faith Therefore in the second place labour for strength of grace strength of faith and every other grace It is not every one that hath truth of grace and strength of grace that attains to assurance but he that hath grace and knows that he hath it Therefore if thou wouldest attain assurance labour to know the grace of God in thee In the third place Labour to know that thou ha●● grace that thou hast a true justifying faith that thou hast sincerity c. Grace in Gods Children is many times hidden from themselves and that is the reason why they reap so little comfort of it so little evidence by i● they do not know that they have received an earnest penny of God they do not know Gods ingagements of himself unto them Therefore if thou wouldest get assurance try and prove all thy graces whether they be true and reall Evangelical and renewing yea or nay especially these graces Faith Lov● Repentance Obedience Poverty of Spirit Sincerity c. that thou maist know thou hast truth of saving grace such grace as is crowned with glory and pray to God for sens● of grace Fourthly Get Righteousnesse Evangelicall Righteousnesse Righteousnesse of Iustification and Righteousnesse of Sanctification Assurance is an effect of Righteousnesse though not an inseparable concomitant of it The work of Righteousnesse shall be peace and the effect of Rrighteousnesse quietnesse and assurance for ever Labour therefore to get Christs Merit for thy Iustification and Christs Spirit for thy Sanctification Fifthly Labour to beleeve as if there were no law to condemn thee and to live as if there were no Christ to save the● Labour to beleeve stedfastly and walk exactly with God and Man When Stephen beheld the glory of God The Text saith He looked up stedfastly into Heaven and it 's certain that though a weak faith may bring a man to Heaven and glory yet it will not bring a man to behold the glory of God whilst he is here below it will not bring him to the riches of full assurance therefore if thou wouldest attain this labour for a strong and stedfast Faith joyned with a holy life These qualifications he must labour for that desires assurance Sixtly he that would get assurance must deny himself in point of finne and in point of righteousnesse First he must deny himself in point of sinne he must not spare a right hand nor a right eye but if it offend cut it off pluck it out as Christ speaks he must deny himself in his darling finne he must not allow himself in any one known finne nor in the omission of any one known duty towards God or towards man want in this is that which Satan usually makes his great battering Ingen to overthrow if it were possible the Faith and Hope of Gods Elect and that whereby he hinders them from getting or keeping this rich jewell of Evidence Allowance of sinne and assurance cannot stand together they are as contrary as fire and water the one will out the other Therefore he that would get assurance must deny himself in point of sinne Secondly He must deny himself in point of righteousnesse he must renounce all his own righteousnesse in point of justification before God and count them all losse and drosse and dung and build upon a sure Foundation viz. the Rock Christ. He
it is true and reall the work is begun within in the heart and spirit that is made new first although perfect●d last words and actions which are but the effects of these causes appear before them and give demonstration of them but these as the cause must needs preceed the effect A man by a common work of the Spirit of God on him may be made another man then formerly he was and yet not be a new Creature He may have another heart then formerly he had and yet not have a new heart He may be qualified with moral grace in a high degree and inabled to do much for God and yet not be a new Creature as appears in Saul and Iudas when God brought Saul to the Kingdom of Israel according to Samuels prop●esie The Spirit of the Lord came upon him and ●e became another man and the Text saies God gave him another heart 1 Sam. 10. ver 6 9. A he●rt other wayes qualified then formerly And Saul was valiant and prosperous in his enterprises against the Philistins and gifted for ruling yet Saul never was a new Creature he never had a new heart Iudas when called to the Apostleship by Christ was by the Spirit of Chrift gifted for the work whereunto Christ called him he was made another man then he was before yet was he not made a new Creature he never had a new heart He was gifted for the Church but not for his own salvation There is a vast difference between being made another man and being made a new man as these instances declare Neither Saul nor Iudas ever were new Creatures nor ever had a new heart nor any renewing grace wrought by the Spirit of God in them A new heart is proper and peculiar to a new Creature fit and but fit to give the appearance of a new Creature The Creature therefore is to be accounted new only as it can derive newnes from within newnes from the heart and spirit all without may be new all the apparel new and yet the person old that weares it so all without may be new in appearance profession words and actions all new and yet the Creature old still the newness of the Creature consists chiefly in the renovation of the inward man I say chiefly not only A new Creature is one all glorious within one that hath the root of the matter within him as Iob speaks to wit integrity in his inward parts a new heart and spirit He therefore that will judg aright of his own spiritual estate must needs begin where God begins at the heart and spirit he must confider whether he have a new heart or not Quest. But you will say What is a new heart And how may I discern whether I have a new heart yea or nay Ans. A new heart considered according to its formality is a heart wherein Christ is formed a heart indued with renewing grace and acted by it a heart made one with the Lord a heart wherein Christ is resident and president And it may be discerned by divers appearances Take this discription of a new heart in which expression you like best it comes all to one it is not my work nor purpose to speak of the terms of this description therefore I passe from it to the appearances of a new heart 1. A new heart is a heart washed from wickednesse this is intimated by the Language of the Lord to Ierusalem Jer. 4 14. O Ierusalem wash thy heart from wickednesse that thou maist be saved c. Quest. But you will say How shall I know whether my heart be washed from wickedness or not Ans. I will mention only one Character of a heart washed from wickednesse which is this In a heart washed from wickedness vain thoughts do not lodg as welcome guests and if not vain thoughts then much lesse wicked thoughts this is plainly hinted in this Text wash thy heart from wickedness that thou maist be saved how long shall vain thoughts lodg within thee it is as if the Lord had said Thy willing lodging of vain thoughts within thee plainly demonstrates thy heart is not washed from wickednesse for were thy heart washed from wickednesse vain thoughts would not nay they could not lodg within thee as welcom guests Vain thoughts may and oftentimes do arise in the best and most holy man or woman alive but they do not lodg with such a person as welcome guests Object But may some say I cannot from this conclude that my heart is washed from wickedness but rather that it is not washed from wickedness for I find that vain thoughts do not only arise in me but lodg with me abide with me long and many times with delight I do not only think vain thoughts but many times bid them welcome Ans. This know that every one whose heart is washed from wickednesse beares the Image of a double person he beares the Image of a person washed and of a person unwashed of the old man and of the new and so farre forth as he is washed and clensed he doth decline and hate vain thoughts but so farre forth as unwashed and unregenerate they are welcome and pleasing to him The heart that is washed from wickednesse is not perfectly but imperctfely washed hence it comes to pass that there is in it both a detesting of and a delighting in the same thing at the same time vain thoughts lodg not with the regenerate part of the man as welcome guests whatever they may do with the unregenerate part Vain thoughts as Satans souldiers may quarter upon a man whose heart is washed from wickednesse will he nill he but they are not welcome guests but wearysome guests to him so farre forth as washed Whosoever therefore can find that he doth truly hate and decline vain thoughts ought not hence to conclude that his heart is not washed from wickednesse nor that he hath not a new heart but rather to conclude with the Apostle Rom. 7.17 It is no more I that do it but sinne that dwelleth in me it is no more I as washed and sanctified that welcome these guests but it is sin that dwelleth in me that doth it 2. Secondly Another appearance of a new heart is purity a new heart is a pure and simple heart That which is in Ezekiel called a new heart is by Christ called a pure heart Mat. 5.8 and a blessed heart which plainly declares that a new heart is a pure heart A pure heart is of all other the most sensible of its impurity it still finds more impurity then purity in its self and therefore goes to Christ for more cleansing stills to the Blood of Christ to the Spirit of Christ to the Ordinances of Christ with the desire and language of David Create in me a cleane heart O Lord and puts that promise in suit Ezek. 36.25 A pure heart will not mix with any impure thing but is still purging it out it is like