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A17001 A reuelation of the holy Apocalyps. By Hugh Broughton.. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1610 (1610) STC 3884; ESTC S105818 199,417 348

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sin should arise Both be heere in one dragon which the profane Caesares and the Popes can not perceiue They who be of the heauenly state they all do see the Dragon is the Diuill or accusar of God the great is the Diuells power by Rome the ruddy bloodie persecution His seauen heades are seauē states of Rome ouer THE FAITHFVL as the Iewes knew their story full well Pompei by Rome was an Emperour in the East But perished neere in the land of Cham. So in Iudah M. Crassus was after him armed ouer Iudah as a King for Rome who robbed the Temple of Salem of Abrahams house but at Abrahams Charan he and his army had a most famous destruction Iulius Caesar made Cleopatra Lady of Iudah who perished in Capitolio for that Brutus Cassius force after was a King for Rome They by Antoni perish Antoni hath the East and marieth Cleopatra and ruleth Iuda and both perish So fiue diademes of the Dragon perish The 6. state is the wholle power which crucified Christ and his members till our Helenaes sonne left Rome and New Troy to be a pillage to Alaricus Giezerichus Theodoricus Totilas for old persecuting of martyrs The seuenth is the Popes wealth getting landes by S. Peters forged supremacy and setting vp the Empire in the West These be the seauen diademes spoken to the Iewes plaine vnderstanding Heathen stories may fitt Romes 7. other states The more fall out fitt as often many do to one speach the more Rome that crucified Christ is condemned when GOD turneth continuall reuolution to haue Rome called into minde Moreouer the allusion is to Daniels foure beastes which had 7. heades The Lion one the Beare one the Leopard foure the fourth beast one The Roman state winning all those contreyes of the East are fitly noted by their armes And specially by the then hornes The Seleucidae by fiue kinges vexed Iudah by warres against Lagidae and Lagidae by so many againe wasted Iuda So that Greeke beast in one parted Kingdome had 10. hornes From that beast the Roman beast hath also ten Kingdomes at the least and vnder Augustus and vnder the Pope rekoned to that number Strabo 17. Steuch contra Vallum Lib. 2. so these matters be all most plaine Of the tayle The prophane Caesares persecution moued few Christians the starres of heauen to fall But the taile of the Empire the false prophet that speaketh lies he as Antiochus Daniel 8. maketh many fall from heauen praetending religion with much praetense and no substance The combat of the Roman Empire with the Church And the Dragon stood before the woman beeing in trauaile that when she bore her childe he might deuour it And she bare a manly sonne which will rule all nations with a sceptre of yron And the child was taken vp to God and to his throne The allusion is from the dayes of Christ borne in Bethleem when Satan by Herodes swords would haue deuoured him but his mother fled with him to Egypt after that Satā hoped to deuour him in the graue he was taken vp into heauē so when Christians soules trauailed to breed Christ the Emperors stormed to deuour that doctrine as Dauid told Ps 2. But they brought forth into the light of the world the SON would bruse all nation-with an yron sceptre as he did bruse the image in Daniel And shewed that his throne is in heauen being taken vp vnto the aeternall King And the Christians fled into the wildernesse as CHRIST did in the tyme of his preaching or halfe seauen Dan. 9. and often handled in the Gospell in Eusebius handled and of Beda who cited the Apoc. allusions M. Scaliger and others that make mo yeares of our Lordes preaching spent ill good houres All tyme of affliction is sweetly termed by our Lords affliction to be as his of dayes 1260. though it were of 300. yer vnder Caesares resistance and 600. vnder Popes enimies to Iohns Apocalyps The speach is full of comfort calling vs vnto the afflictions of Christ himselfe who reckoned all his owne dayes and will haue all our teares in his bottle and pay all dogges and Doegs for Cerberean barking A Commentary vpon the former vision And there was warre in heauen MICHAEL and his Angells made warre with the Dragon and the Dragon and his Angells made warre but held not strength neither was there place found any more for them in the heauen And the great Dragon the old Serpent called the Diuell and Satan who deceiueth the wholle world he was cast out againe I say he was cast and his Angels were cast with him into the earth The state of the faithfull heere is sweetly called hēauen to shew our certeinty of hope for the propre heauen as the word of Law and Gospell is as sure to vs as if we saw the third heauen that aboue the ayer and aboue the starres as S. Paul did at his first calling to a comfort against all his following afflictions so the holy Daniel that in one image made abridge from the end of the old Testament vnto the beginning of the new called the state after abrogation of Moises the Kingome of heauen Iohn Baptist doth begin with his tongue The kinddome of heauen is come And the aeternall WORLD the essentiall WORDE who spake and all was made he confirmeth the same speach to shew that Daniels Image was ended and the GOD of heauen setteth vp a kingdome that cannot be corrupted The obseruation of this speach had kept Daniel in a cleare meaning and not brought the West Empire of Christians for East Greeke Seleuco-Lagides athean Nor tymes after Christ for stories teaching when he would come The termes of the Bible be pearles still beate vpon the open story for noblest matters So Saint Paul Ebrew XI speaking of the Maccabees martyrs famous in the Talmudiques and after his dayes historied by Greeke Iewes saith from Daniels last speaches of double resurrection That they would not be deliuered because they looked for the better resurrection So he sheweth that Antiochus persequutions were the last mentioned in Daniel The Romans hindred not the Iewes holy religion till by the Pharisees they vexed our Lord himselfe when he opened the kingdom of heauen dayes 1260. They who without knowledge of Daniel would know the Gospel are as men that would goe from one Land to another parted by great waters without a shipp All that care for the kingdome of heauen will care for him And my paines in a third commentary an English a Latin a shorter in English came forth by my care and charges By the third milliones of our simple might haue knowen the Prophets whole heart But that Bargulus Illyricus would cast him into the Lions den If Lions rent not his bones I will commende him to the God of Daniel and the firy flames streaming from his throne for his fighting for the dragon against MICAEL and his Angells Of MICAEL Michael and Gabriel are the only holy
great asseueration that if I went to Zwitzerland I should remoue war I went presently to Basil and Zurick and Berne heard and vsed me with all kindnes Mine host of Basil a D. of Law D. Iacobus Henric-petri had occasion to goe to Friburge to D. Pistorius and on a thursday at Supper spake much of me to him Then D. Pistorius sayd The scholers of England be learned in the tongues but it were better they knew the Fathers better On Fryday my Doctor telleth me what he sayd On Saterday I gaue a Greek reply to the Post as Pistorius triumphed in Greek to this summe The Greek Fathers were in eloquence vnmatchable and in handling of the Trinity and Incarnation of Christ and Iustification by faith and of holy soules passage hence to heauen and of wicked to Gehenna they all agreed and none euer of 1400. yeares thought of Purgatory as their oration in the Synode of Basil shewed 160. yeares ago which D. Iacobus Zwinger yet hath And so much learning as their age could vse against eloquent heathen God gaue them But they had no occasion to deale much for text of scripture with such and therefore lesse studied it But for the Lords Supper This was their common opinion that the Bread and Wine were Icones and Symbola Images and Tokens of the body and blood of Christ As Origen spake the consent of his age and Eusebius from his great Librarie the recorder of common graunts And eloquent Nazianzen and others by Typi and Antitypa and as the most sage Theodorite in sad disputation to clear other matters bringeth the same as a graunted common matter to proue douted so Macarius Monachus sheweth his dayes opinion calling the bread Symbolon of the body And none wise could doubt marking vpon what prophecy the Lordes Supper stood The Angell Gabriel told holy Daniel that after 490. yeeres Christ the King by his death would end sacrifice and offrings And the Iewes dated all dayes in common Epistles and conueyances the yeares since the returne from Babel as wee the yeres of our Lord in whose last yeare they By Daniel looked the Kingdome of heauen should appeare Luc. 19. though they knewe not in what manner Nowe when sacrifice was to end at the Supper of the Lambe our Lord to seale the end of sacrificing gaue for beasts flesh and blood which figured his body and blood bread and wine to bee in couenant speach his Body and Blood All Graecians knewe proper speach and civill that hee should bee bad that knew not the place of both In proper speach a Father begetteth his Son in ciuill speach Romulus was ancester to Iulian Apostata Baasa to Achab Iechonias Salomontiades to Salathiel Nathanides So the token of a Kings seale is called his seale This all the Greeke Fathers knewe and tottering Theophylact your onely turneth to this And the taking of the Lords Supper is our oth that wee beleeue hee died in due tyme to bury Moses by his buriall and that by grace his spirit is with vs to sure saluation as mighty as by his word it made the world More is needlesse and cannot bee but is wickedly forged So farr the Fathers were rare not alwayes in commenting vpon the Byble But extremely deceiued almost all in honouring the Apocrypha which Iewes kept to play for Iosephus against Appiones that denyed all the Iewes story Therefore not to plead with them from the Law full of paradoxes they object failes and humane workes to busy them for all And they meant litle further great matter in them The Greeke Fathers sawe not this much though Eusebius told the true law had but 22. bookes Nazianzen agreeth for the number but misseth in regarding one Apocryphon for holy Iudith as I remember and Athanasius casteth out holy Hester So we like of the fathers for learning controverted in their age not aey for comment And these groundes ye shall graunt me or combat The Hebrew text is kept by the Massorites so that nothing can be corrupted to alter one wordes signification The Iewes knew their owne tongue and teach vs the native of it In honour of the two tables of 613. letters they bring all speches of lawes bidding or forbidding into 613. And hold that all which faith or life may think of is in them And the New Testament never goeth further And no one syllable helpeth Rome but Italy is expresly cursed by your owne translation as by all Iewes exposition Numb 24. vpon which all the Apocalyps maketh a reuelation This England holdeth and will not give place to Rome but will dispute with D. Pistorius Protonotary of the Pope at Basil one day in Hebrew an other in Greek with penners of every syllable of our speach Protonotarius is stout in these tongues as he hath written de arte Cabalistica though he hath missed altogether and sayth all Rabbins say Melchisedek sacrificed bread wine where none ever thought so but all hold it offred to Abrahams souldiers to eat and drink as he was a King and blessed Abraham as a sacrificer And for Greek Protonotarius and Pope are yet to learne how to defend the purity of the New Testament and to see Antique Septuagint Thalmudique and Apostolique dialects And no Papist ever could speak or write Ebrew Greek as coūtrey speach Thou knowest if thou dare dispute I may overthrow the Pope Therefore tell thine own hart and write to him that an English man wrote to thee that the chalenger will give over his chalenge or hee bee counted a shamelesse lier To this effect I wrote to him a Greek oration and sent R. Rubens Chananean epistle which honoured England above all nations that he might see he had not to deale with a Thraso Three dayes after he wrote to Zurick great commēdations of my poor studies specially of Greek eloquēce as native Attique And at three monethes end after much combat in all Greek he writeth thus I will not dispute nor have our old Religion to be called into question Then both sides Cantones showted that the feare of war was gone seing the Popes chalenger putteth vp this that the Pope hath not one syllable in the Bible for his defence But is vnvinciblie accused and hath none that dare dispute in the holy tongues for his defence Now he dareth not for stark shame require supremacie being so broken After this what Basil spake to English of me how for one all England should heare better while Basil stood one M r Brand of Londen and M. Ward of Cornewall they told me and belike at home How they told Netherlanders that this combat ended warres and sware so they will never deny it noble Danes know and doubtlesse told their K. how they staying for me at a ferry neare Leopoldus buriall which they had seen and I would see a Zurick hearing my name sayd wee were in great feare of war till the Englander brake Pistorius I would gladly see his countenance which argueth the mind that in
praise our God all his seruants and they that feare him both small and great This short summe of Diuinitie distinguisheth vs from Papists who make Gods of Creatures and giue praise to them where God only will be feared And I heard the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters as the voice of strong thunders saying Halelu-iah for the Lord God of hostes doth reigne let vs reioyce and be glad and let vs giue him glory For the mariage of the Lambe is come and the wife hath praepared her selfe and it was giuen her to put on white linen pure and shining For the linen is the iustice of the sainctes When whole kingdomes call vpon God and fight for the Gospell with successe it is fitted to continual noise of waters as Ezekiel 1. 24. the kingdomes that made Gods iudgements knowen are likened to much water the thunder of Gods power is well expressed by thunder of the ayer Psalm 29. All tendeth to Aleluiah Praise God in whom wee breath for rescuing vs from Satan with manifestation of his kingdome And let not England forget the goodnesse of the Lord but acy remember it and not hide it from their children but to the generation to come to shewe the prayses of the Eternall his power also his wonderfull workes that he hath done The light of the Gospell now these hundred yea hath bene exceeding great to greater knowledge then euer since the Apostles tymes the Church had And all reformed Countreies flow with learned men And sage cariage is heere laid out to the eye in white linen This short rule must alwayes hold God will make known who bee his and all must depart from sinne that call vpon the name of God And he saith vnto mee write Blessed are they that are called to the supper of the mariage of the Lambe This should be written in all hearts that they only be happie which in the Lords Supper protest the aboundance of grace of the gift of iustice The bread bare wine bare taken in the sage vse that our soules feed vpon his incarnation and redemptiō is as strong as the frame of the world to stay vs in Christ The auctority of the speaker who made the world by his word must be looked vnto and as our eyes iudge of the frame of the world and our minde to what inuisible vse all was made subiect to a man so our eyes must iudge of bread wine our minds that Christ suffring for vs ended sacrifice offring By seale of things without life by bread and blood of the grape by the terme supper the whole tenor of Christianity is meant but the acceptation of the seale is an open action to distinguish vs frō others The Pope corrupted from the playnesse that is in Christ and making Priest sacrifice hath missed wholy of the trueth in Christ as Iannes ●nd Iambres resisted Moses Papists would make fooles belieue that Calvin bread this symbolum corporis and in other matters if Calvin hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a rash word they vrge that vpon whole Churches Their eyes might tell that the ancient Grecians neuer made question heere neither had combat with haeretiques heere Eusebius after Origen recorder of the whole Churches opinion in praep calleth Bread and Wine Icones symbola Neither did any after him striue against that but full many followed him God is light and all the Bible is so plaine to a sound student that none can moue doubt but to his plague The Papists cary in a siluer chest a wafer of meale as the bodie of Christ making themselues a scoffe to God and his Angels and the barbarous thinke by vnlearned prating to make their cause good They come 40. yer short of learning to defende the common groundes against a subtill Iew or Turke as to this syllogisme of Machmad If the scripture be corrupted another iudge must be had The Pope not only granteth but vrgeth also this this But the scripture is corrupted Therefore another iudge must be had I will ioyne with Turke Iew and Pope to grant the Preposition But against Turke Iew and Pope our side I deny the assumption and hold the text pure This no Romist yet euer saw Therefore their studies must bee holden vnfitt to rule in Diuinity And he saith to mee these words of God be true By reason that the carnall man cannot see the glorie of the wisedome which is in the couenant of CHRIST in plaine simplicitie full of heauenly trueth The Angell stayeth vpon this doctrine as opposite to Rome working Romes fall handled chap. 18. And I fell downe at his feete to haue worshipped him he saith to me do not For I am fellow seruant to thee to thy brethren which haue the testimonie of IESVS Worship God for the spirite of prophecie is the testimonie of IESVS Heere Iohn sheweth mans weaknesse to Idol-seruice in his transe ready to worship the Angel And telleth that Angells be ministring spirites for our saluation God only must bee worshipped The spirites that teach teach of Christ that he only must bee worshipped In the old Testament Christ is called an Angel and is worshipped but no created Angel is worshipped The warres of Christ and Christians against the Empire and Pope And I saw the heauen opened and behold a white horse and hee that sate vpon him was called faithfull and true and in Iustice doth he iudge war And his eyes were like a flame of fire he had vpon his head many Diademes hauing a name written which none knew but himselfe and clothed in a garment dipped in blood and his name is called the WORD OF GOD. The heauen opened sheweth what shall be opened in the Church the white horse is sincere might the Ryder is called faithfull and true to assure vs of victory against mighty states and he iudgeth warreth in righteousnesse vnable to abide sinne still to reigne his eyes bee a flame of fire searching in iustice to the bottome as Daniel 10. for the ouerthrowe of Xerxes armie and Apo. 1. and 2. And his many Diademes sheweth that he will rule Kinges in many Countreyes And the name written which none knoweth but himselfe signifieth the Godhead dwelling in light that none can come to His garment dipped in blood is expounded Esai 63. shewing that the enemies blood shall make him known as vnder old Assur and Cittim And his name is the WORD OF GOD as in Iohn the first and infinitely in Onkelos Iehouah is the WORD of IEHOVAH These mightie titles comfort the Church that they shall bee sure of a victorie Reigne still O King MESSIAS for we rest on thee reigne still O King of Sainctes and wee will folow after thee And the armies in the heauen folow him vpon white horses clothed in linen white and cleane The valiant Christians with speed and courage folow Christ and in synceritie of truth though Lutherans
Now this false Prophet forging himself taught by the Angel Gabriel taketh Daniels terme in the highest sense Machmad delite it self Rashi telleth that because he humbled himself before GOD in fasting and prayer he was so called But Turk and Pope will have the holynes of Apollo past repentance CHAP. X. Now commeth a most lively description of Christ opening himself from Esa 19. and 54. and Genes 9. and Apoc. 4. Daniel 10. and Exod. 14. and Dan. 12. and Es 31. and Iob for the thunder of his power which is past vnderstanding and shall not be perceived of the Pope till the next trumpetter or common place teacher soundeth and endeth the world Now the Angel biddeth Iohn take from Christ the litle book of the Gospell and to eat it which was sweet in his mouth in preaching but bitter in affliction and to the enemy also as Ezekiels book CHAP. XI Iohn sheweth that the Church shall be built as Ierusalem freed from Babel vnder Zorobabel and Iesus when Zachary seeth an Angel with a reed meating the length breadth So Iohn hath a reed to meat the tēple and altar that is from the litle book to shew the breadth and length and depth and height of the love of God in Christ Christ himself is the temple Therefore to check Thalmudiques which to this day look for a third temple as sheweth Rambam whom vpon Koheleth Salomon the oratour I have cited and translated to check them he sheweth court of sacrificing is geven to the heathen and Ezekiels goodly citie is a city of affliction as Christ was afflicted 42. monethes Zacharies olive trees Zorobabel with Israel and IESVS with Levi and candelstick of Gods fauour Churches Chapter 1. revived Here is a new Elias a new Moyses to call fyer from heaven and to stay all dew of grace and successe and to turne their waters of armies into blood to plague their enemies with all kind of plague The experience followeth The combat of the King of Locusts with the Martyrs When the Martyrs begin to revive the Gospell the city which is called for spiritual vncleannes of religion spiritually Sodoma for cruelty against Israel Aegypt setteth fourth the King of Locustes who commeth with his Locustes winges of chariots and warre horses and fighteth in all nations with these two captaynes of Martyrs and killeth them and their case is playne how they are murthered as if a Crowners quest went vpon the policy that crucified Christ after his preaching 42. moneths or dayes 1260. or yeares three and an half Now as Beda and Carthusianus well note in three yeares and an half all time of preaching Christ in memorie of his preaching so long so the time of their noted death while their ashes may be seen and they are not put in grave is in a proportion called three dayes and an half Now that all may know that two yeare is not proper twise one but as all the returned from Chaldea Babylon be two Zach. Ch. 4. and 5. So the witnesses of truth that leave spirituall Babel all are in that sense called two and the citie which killeth them in peoples tribes tongues and nations is not a building of houses but a building of policie So the two be not two men but two companies and the dwellers in earth would not reioyce and send giftes one to another as Iewes against Haman in Ester for two but for the companies of two sorts rare wightes full of eyes 24. Bishops and the troupes that give glorie to God and the Lambe and pray onely to the Lambe the great God and Saviour these in all nations where the king of Locustes tyranny reacheth are the two Prophets who vexe them whose mindes dwell on earth and cannot see the heavenly policy of Christ In that sense after three dayes an half spirit of life from God entred into them and they stood vp and feare fel vpon their enemies and they heard a great voice from heavē saying vnto them come vp hither and they ascēded vnto heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw it Iohns vision went vpon two and vpon one city one beast But Romes policy the king of pit keyes with his Locustes and the states that write and fight against them must be meant of whom when one is dead an other is alive iump in the same veine as though it were the same man and their enemies see they goe vp to heaven and the beast which is ascended out of Abyssos that is all his corporatiō millions of millions these visions represent corporations and vnder one millions of men be told all Papistes goe from their Abyssos of black ignorance vnto Abyssos Luke 8. and Zohar vpon Genes 1. 2. whither the Divels shall come in their time but are yet in this world to be tormented for ever and ever After this teaching and fighting a great earthquake shaketh a tenth part of the king of Locusts city which crucified Christ and prayeth to the virgin Mary to commaund her sonne the Eternall God by the right of a mother as though she were mother to the godhead because shee was mother to the Person one of two natures And they are very wise who thinke the mother of God in schoole phrase can finde no better speculation in heaven then to listen to the Citie that crucified the Lord of glory Iscariot the traitour confessed his fault yet Christ gave him over to hang him selfe Rome that kild Christ after justifying him sinning so against the holy Ghost and sinning more then if they had kild all the men in the world yet is worse then Iscariot and wil not cōfesse sin but clayme right to rule the world because once they durst crucifie the maker of the world and pray to the Virgin Marie to forgive the Popes holynes the Vicar of Pilate In Elias 7000. bowed not the knee to Baal and live In this Citie 7000. that bow the knee to Baal dye are kild in vision 7000. in storie seaventie millions of thousandes with this 120. yeares of the Gospell revived And full many give glory to God and leave the virgin Mary alone to be happy as other faithfull Bathshebagh Ruth Thamar and Sarah al her mothers and who more in sin yet stayed vpō her sonne who was then in their loynes Thus the second woe is past The Popes fall the seaventh trumpet of common place Since Kingdomes match the Pope in strength and have brought him that he dare not queck but be content to hold his owne An open voice is in kingdomes that whereas the Pope hath been once cast out and now God reigneth wee looke for no chaunge till the resurrection at 6000. by old guesse Hence at 463. For our Lord was borne at 3927. adde 1610. then now Adams soule and dust hath 55 37. at 463. the gesse will shew it self At 3000. the Arke was brought into Salomons Temple at 4000. exactly the Romanes destroyed Zerobabels temple And as the Pope falleth by steppes as he
of incense and in his golden Mediation receyuing the prayers of the holy that with his incense they come before God so he sitteth a sacrificer for euer figured in Sem described as God without father without mother without beginning of dayes without ende of life witnessed in Moses description that he liueth for euer a King of Iustice and a King of peace so S. Paul to Scribes after their owne manner yet extant in Zohar and Menachem and others describeth his Vicar Sem the great as Rabbins terme him to haue figured the Redeemer to the world now of Noahs house The SON thus knowen in our Sonne How the old Testament came turned into wormewood Of the age before the flood God said I repent me that I made man therefore water tooke their bodies prison aeternall their spirits The tower-masons making Gods of starrs in contempt of SEM the high sacrificer and prating daylie against his faith were cut off frō Sems tongue to let it alone and in Babels captiuitie ended it from commune vse and soone after Daniels age from speach of all but schole learned But Moses by Sabbath reading was some what knowen to the people Besides God made Sems tongue so hard that a mans whole life will hardly catch it and left no authors of it but Sems prophets to make vs search how rare wordes in them open themselues and they vsed but once by the argument So Sems tongue is an hid pearle of it Iob cost me more paines alone then all Greeks who now cōmeth to open iudgemēt Churches had no Hebrew Rabbins for grāmer of yer neare 1000. nor grāmars or dictionaries Origen did put forth Ebrew in Ebrew letters and spell'd in Greeke much cited in Epiphanius with six Greeke translations The 70. hid their minde much specially in 3600. yeres alteration of liues from Moses truth as thus Adam liued 230. yeares and begate Seth. And afterwardes 700. for 130. in Moses and 800. our notes say Moses omitted 100. y. before Seths birth they may as well say he gaue 100. too many afterwardes and so in 3600. yeres Yet though Arabique were neare Hebrew and Aethiopian they translate the 70. And not the Ebrew and Greekes with Muscouia follow them But if Princes had allowed in euery land so big as Canaan 42. great Cities for Hebricians only they had beene Ezdrae for readinesse in the Law and had beene Atlantes to beare vp heauen God saw that his justice could chose but few and of eternitie did set many to anger and therefore gaue not Princes that iudgement nor to scholars one of a thousand millions a minde to such hard paines but to be such monachos as Nazianzenus taunteth giuen all to feed them selues and to enuie all paines and Athanasius Gregorie and his deare brother Basil felt for the holy Trinitie And West Monachos rested in Ierome for text and in S. Augustin for explication Of the New Testament The New Testament penned in Greeke by the H. Spirit is to be esteemed in Greeke better then all the world can euer conceiue Part I hope to vtter but conceiue more The preparation to bring Greeke ouer the world must heere be knowen To Iapheths Iauan God left it and spread his race from Cilicia ouer the West that Bardi Caesar Cō in France and our Cambria kept Greeke Philosophi And when God meant in open action to end by Babel Sems tongue which he kept in Canaan 500. yeares that Babilons cōfusion hurt not the Kings house but the Chananean dialects twelue came neare his when God would end this tongue in holy Daniels age when hee had shewed the strict yeare and Pascha day of Christ his Pascha who being the first from the dead would shew light vnto the world And Aggei Zacharie and Esdras Malachi had commented vpon holy Gabriels oration when God would haue no more Diuinitie written all being spoken that could bee told he sheweth a miraculous prouidence to fi●t the Greeke tongue to the Gospell by Athenes and all Grecia Pisistratus of holy Iosiahs time brought noble Homers wit into more reuerence then Monkes the holy Gospell that children should learne him euery whit without booke and parted him twice in Iliade Odissea into Alpha Beta c. As the vnknowen God dealt Psal 25. 34. 37. 111. 112. 119. 8 tymes 145. Pro. 31. Lamen 6. tymes And Aristarchus made a commētarie vpon his hard wordes so that S. Peter by Gods reuelatiō vseth his noble phrase and him not Eustathius I cited though Bil. and Bar. would win spurres to prick their owne sides Didimus elder then S. Peter kept Aristarchus remnants and frō Didimos not from Eustathius I brought Aristarchus and Homer whom I am sure S. Peter neuer read but the holy Ghost read him and led Peter This honor to Homer set on Solon to write sentēces and Theognes Phocillides Minermus that ciuill groundes were made pleasant in braue Greeke to make all eloquent in speach Then arise tragiques Aeschylus an Heroique equall to Homer or old Corinnos of Troyes age and P Alamedes scholar who in other warres gaue Homer his timber Euripides the painter of mans lot and Lyriques rare and Commediques as witty Aristophanes Phisitians Historiques from Hesters age Hellanicus and Herodotus and Plato and Aristotle and tenn Oratores and Theopompus innumerable of all sortes while Iuda was in Babilon and vnder Persian taught Dan. 10. that soone they should bee vnder Grecia till Christ came in some parte and therefore they taught their children Greek that the 70. flaunted in store setting 80. seuerall Greek sometime to one Hebrew tree as to Shub 70. 60. 50. 40. 30. 20. 10. and so to very many Now Macedonians of Selleucus Nicatores people being in 72. Kingdomes East and North were forced to knowe Greeke and by the Ptolomies South learned Greek and the Iewes scattred by them brought the 70. ouer all and mention of Moses So before our Lordes redemption tyme all nations as Tully for Archi saith knew Greek when Latin was kept in a narrow compasse And thus a fundation was laid for elegant timber to the N. Testament The Iewes note in Ierusalemi Megila that Noah prophecied how Sems house should bring Iapheth to faith in the tongue of Iauan the Greeke And Midras Rabba citeth the same and in Megilah theysay that no tongue but Greeke can giue Hebrew fitt termes Christians should vrge their owne testimonie that as a Tribe failed not from Iuda till Messiah came so all nations then spake Greek but not many ages after that And as Abben Ezra confesseth vpon Dan. 9. that the 70. seauens are 490. yeres from Daniels prayer to sealing of Messias the holy of holy wherein not one of a hundreth thousand millions speaketh so truely for our victorie as the sharpest enimy doth So Ierusalemi should haue confessed that the fishers of Gallile were to write in Greeke from Ierusalem after 490. yeres And before it should be destroyed as we see Actor 15. Of the
locusts if they might haue good maintenance to hold vp better truth and liberall artes that serue trueths honor Of the third woe and last Trumpet The second woe is past behold the third woe commeth And the seuenth Angell sounded the Trumpet and there were great voices in the heauen saying the Kingdomes of the world are now of our God and his Christ And he shall reigne for euer and euer Where the kingdome of the beast Abyssigena bred from the Pit is gone all the Church proclame that CHRIST will haue no more alterations vntill he shew heauen to all his So the speach passeth to the worlds end The Prophets communely passe ouer matters of cōmon state as needlesse to be handled specially and stepp from one thing of plague presently to Messiahs kingdome as notably in Hosea after mention of Israels scattring the kingdom of Messias is ioyned So wen Esay had spoken of Babels fall after Sanecheribs then he steppeth thence to CHRIST his preaching By the voice of a crier in the wildernesse So Daniel telleth of his kingdomes their comming vp their vrging of Idolatrie their chastisement their ouerthrow omitting matters of ordinarie course where the present age would looke to it selfe So Apoca. 6. handleth the prophane Caesares and thence omitteth the Churches sliding away till it come to an absolute fall And then telleth of tyranny and after tyrannies end steppeth to the worldes end The third woe is the plague of the enimies by Kings of good religion continually vnto the end The summe of the Bible Great voices expresse the voice of whole nations and the Kingdome of God Christ the matter of all the Bible Adam had that theme to preach 930. yeares Sem the great by S. Paul and Gamalies likened to the eternal author of iustice peace figured this matter and confirmed Abraham in this 75. year reioyced in Elam troden downe by Abraham And all the large writings breathed by the holy Trinitie teach no other matter but this and punishments for contempt of this and nothing should be suffred in the Church but to this summe In the prayer which our Lord prescribed for a cōmon forme to the whole Congregation this conteyneth all Thy Kingdome come thy will be done on earth as it is in heauen So when Iohn Baptist opened the kingdome of Christ when the Leuiticall policie was to cease and all nations should serue God by Lawes writtē in the heart Rom. 2. Ier. 31. Then the kingdome of heauen is said to come when men humble themselues to receiue the iustice of Christ and to be clothed with the SVN The fulnesse of kingdome cōmeth when the holy soule 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 leaueth this world goeth to God and there reigneth for euer and seeth the Locusts pitt-bred in Haides torment fryed in fire for euer and euer The pitt-bred beasts had sunne and aire much darkened when they knew not whether mans soule ascendeth or descendeth and whither the holy goeth to heauen or to hell This saying Caterchesthaeis haidon is neither more nor lesse then to goe to God when the godly haue a light place of ioye and the godlesse a darke place of torment And this exposition cutteth off at the least fifteene bad opinions direct bad for this article by consequents fifteene score The Kingdome heere spoken off is termed Haides in the Creede and wee may not put Hell for Heauen nor descending for going to God Purgatorie falleth when Haides hath but two partes Heauen and Hell and with it all Poperie Satan entred into many vnthankefull Caytifes that could not suffer the holy soules going into the kingdome to be most eloquentlie spoken in the Greeke Creede if they descend not to Hell as our Lord did in the Creede they shall ascend vp and before Gods throne haue an hell for euer and euer And the 24. Elders which sate on their thrones before God fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying Wee praise thee O Eternall who is and who was and who will bee that thou takest vpon thee thy great power and doest reigne As the Nations haue kept a stirre thine anger is come and the tyme of the dead to be iudged and to giue rewardes to thy seruants the Prophetes and to the holy and to such as feare thy name The Elders be the Gouernors of Gods people in all offices specially in sage vsage of Scripture on assembly dayes all learned in the scriptures and able to giue faithfull exhortatiō out of it and all borne in wealth are brought vp amisse that are not gronuded in yong yeares to read with delite in the holy Booke Albion seeth who hath opened that way and faithlesse Iewes cōfesse though Atheā pāches for enuy burst These haue thrones before God not Buyshops and Archbuyshops of Papists But chosen of the holy congregation to teach what God telleth but as Moses gaue no commandement of his owne head nor Christ in the flesh but as he taught in Moses so these speake all frō scripture few wordes by old playne warrant and yet in few lines shake of all poperie all errores In number they be 24. as knowing the XII tribes story how the tribe should not depart from Iudah till his childe came and how the XII Apostles gathered the XII tribes to make them the foundation of the heauenly Ierusalem These are not many but 24. yet a resonable good number Many nobles in Albion and others that liue by their owne reuenues studie the Bible with as good dexterity as any feed-men and know it better then some after 42000. Brabant Gilders charges againe 40000 crownes charges such be humble and know Iehouah who is who was who will bee still the same to rule all ages to one summe of saluation in Christ how in him GOD was manifested in the flesh and taken vp in glory and the saluation of all ages Enosh age the flood Babel Ieroboam felt the price of despising this life And after the great saluation begun by the Lord himselfe to be spoken and confirmed by his hearers with all guiftes of the spirit for contempt the world was soone giuen ouer to Arius Pope and Turke yet God sealed a few and at length placeth them in open kingdomes to be seene though stil the greater part in open policy careth but for this life as in Salomons dayes all were of great shew but soone after his death Ephraim turned all but Iuda to worship calues not God So great Constantinus holpe Christians but few of his men cared for God So heere Popes Idols murder of the saincts cause God to shake him to dust as he shoke the Macedonians after Antiochus Epiphanes persequution That the Iewes receiued their owne kingdome vnder the Maccabees and that meanes the psalmes 97. and 99. and others about them howe the power of Christ breaketh Idoll kingdomes that God should take the protection of all into his owne handes So heere Elders shewe Popes strength cast of that others be so
of God If they had grace and to helpe many landes so to doe that in the Pope as in Elies sonnes a fall extreeme shall be Of Samuel c. When God hastening to shewe CHRIST from Iuda gaue Israel a minde to choose a King hee would giue one of Beniamin that Rachel should be aequall to Leah but soone remoue him then commeth DAVID of Iuda Dauid rare for faith and all humanitie whose Psalmes tell of Christ all that can be known from Stories past and in Prophecies for the state following That all men high and low rich and poore should still sing his psalmes And to him is promised an aeternall throne in Christ Now to prooue that this throne is not for this World Salomon hath all wisedome prosperitie and pleasure and writeth a song of songes that is all in continued allegories of true soules following Christ and Prouerbes to warne Ephraim from Idolls and Ecclesistes to tell that all vnder the sunne was vanitie To the same effect the historie of poore Ruth of Lot leauing Countrey kins folke and fathers house conteineth a sage hope in the songe for the Lambe And Salomons Temple is soone cast off to be despysed and the Kings of his seede in 1. and 2. of the Kings to shew that a King of Nathan Salomons brother should be the true King when Salomons Kings should cause captiuity to Babel and ouerthrow of all The Books of Kings and Chronicles shew that in euent Then Daniel sheweth 7. tymes ouer how vnder Kings Iuda shall bee in affliction till the King of Kings commeth In Prophecie Hosea telleth of his saluation how he shall be called from Egypt and destroy death and aryse the third day which matter Ionas in figure experienced before This saluation Osee teacheth and how Lo-Ammi should be Ammi and Lo-Ruchamah should be Ruchamach Ioel sheweth Gods fauor for the spirite vpon all flesh to speake of the resurrection chapter 2. and sharpe iudgement cited in this Chapter And Amos of erecting Dauids Tabernacle Isaiah is an Euangelist from chapter 40. specially chapter 53. and where not and who is like to Michah telling Herod of Bethlechem where the sonne of Dauid should be borne Nahum comforteth the true Iew with the faire feete of them that shew peace and sayth Aggie Aggeicha festiue thy festiuities though Niniueh scattred Israel yet Iuda should be built The name of Aggei the Prophet calleth that into minde Abbakuk embraceth the people with comfort against Babel and leaueth a messe of potage for Daniel and all good that the iust shall liue by faith Ieremie 40. year telleth Iudah their Ceremonies cannot turne their heartes from strange Gods But Babell shal bee their dwelling to consume the wicked to shew Gods glorie where the Towre brought shame to all nations built to worship Creatures and to forget the Creator Tzephain telleth that Tze-phan Iah the aeternall hath sealed vp iudgement for despysing the Redeemer taught by the Passouer in Iosiahs dayes therefore he will visite the Kings Children for close Idolatry the rulers for cruelty the false Prophets for lying vanities ouerthrow the state cary them to Babell but after confession of their sin he will leaue a poore and humble people that shall trust in Messiah the Lord. Obadiah telleth Edom that for helping Babell to destroy Ierusalem by Babell they should be destroyd yet in tyme Sauiours that is Apostles shall come from Syon to conquer and iudge them Luc. 22. 30. that is to bring them to the faith and that of that Kingdome Christ shall be King Ezechiel sheweth the sonne of man glorious aboue the Cherub Chap. 1. and from 40. a new Ierusalem and chap. 38. sheweth to the eye the resurrection touching his Ierusalem S. Peter tuneth the Harpe on Mount Sion that euery prophecie of scripture is not to bee expouded properly because the holy men of God spake caried by the holy Ghost Daniel expoundeth him that the death of Christ shall bring all nations to be an heauenly Ierusalem Of Daniel I haue written more then any since Daniel wrote how his holy Gospell sheweth Christ vnto Children The Copies of my last edition hee that vseth as the Persians the Prophete shall be commended of mee to the God of Daniel whom hee knoweth not For if he had knowen him he would not so haue crucified againe the Lord of glory So described king of the Iewes and first named CHRIST meere properly in Daniel Ages folowing shall enquire how God will deale with the men Aggei answering in name as was shewed to Nahums words sheweth that of Zorobabel the SIGNET shall come who shall shake the heauen of the Iewes policie and the profane earth Zachary and Malachy with him shewe what Zachary Malachy Luc. 1. should learne to begin the New Testament by the Angell Gabriel on whom they comment Ezra and Nehemias also record his trueth and celebrate the names of the chiefe returned and the number of all And Mordecai in Esther telleth how by faith in Christ they escaped the edge of the sword Thus vpon Mount Sion of old they tuned their harps in the strang land of this world knowing that God would receiue them hence into his Ourano polin yet they were not perfected in their musique heere to see and feele as 1. Ioh. 1. the word of life S. Peter writing to poore Iewes 2 Pet. 1. commendeth the reading of the old harpes as a light shining in a darke place till the morning starre Psal 22. Apo. 2. 21. and Dauid Kimchi vpon Psal 22. arise in our hearts The Popes contrarietie S. Peters most deadly enimie the Pope which would make him the Rock or God and will not learne how he expoundeth Rock to be the Creator 1. Pet. 4. from 2. Sam. 22. will not suffre the people to read the Law a Pope or Daemon openly bent against the goodnesse of God Of the New Testaments musique The Gospell The holy Publican maketh in his first Chapter a stately porch to the new Temple shewing from Abraham to Dauid that the Fathers of Christ were all afflicted in this world and knew the holy Trinitie and foresaw Christ and his kingdom which ariseth from David by Nathan not from Salomon whose house would not be vpright with God 2. Sam. 23. All be faltie but Ioakim so wicked that because hee ouerthrew the state the Iewes enacted not to name him in their narrations and so S. Matthew left him out Now when Nathans house commeth in for whom all Daniels Visions speake in them wee see heauen opened and howe God sate vpon a Throne as if he were like Iasper and Rubi with the Rainebow like Moses Smaragd about the Throne and his harpe hath all tunes of Law till Christ be taken vp So Marke playeth vpon Gabriels harpe Dan. 9. till CHRIST is King in heauen Luke playeth first
the Pope be sitting vpon the Empire by litle and litle And England at 1200. yer would not grant him supremacy Sigibert And good father WICKLIFE now 200. yeares ago preached that if the commune lawes of England might stand the Pope should haue no stroke in England And good Lady Margareth a pearle for a woman the mother to K. Henry the seauenth when she built Christs Colledge S. Iohns in both which I was fellow and owe them this dutie she in those dayes made lawes to aduance knowledge to ruinate the Pope And the valiant Henry VIII trust him out from being head or taile in our Church so the Empire ridden by the Pope stood but a litle while in sundrie places And all the while of the arising the Grecians as Chrysostome Andreas Oecumenius taught that the Romane Empire would be reuiued though in Greek stories Sysimus and the ecclesiasticall Alaricus Giezerichus wrought much harme and there Antichrist should reigne And if the Greeke old Doctores had bene well known the Pope had neuer gotten peny by his Masse Areopagita taketh the worde in the Law sense the token of the body so Eusebius the Image and Symbolon and so elder Origene and later Nazianzene Antitypes and later Theodorit in a full disputation and Macarius the Greeke Monke calleth it Symbolum and full many moo Then the Pope had no auctoritie for turning bread into the body of Christ to make him haue 1000. bodies and to make Religion a stage to Angels and men This long warning of the Popes arising was a warning to all ages that they should not suffer the starr falling to make bitter the waters of the Law nor darken the starrs and in all ages he had gainesayers And both Princes and People who contemned the warning of this book were worthie to be giuen ouer to all force of error And the Beast which was and is not the same is also the eight and one of the seauenth The Pope shall be the eight chaleng place aboue all follow all heathen superstitiō in name staffe apparel of Caesares and Temples setting but a face of Christianity vpon them A plaine description of the Popes comming vp And the tenne hornes which thou sawest are tenne Kings which haue not yet receiued the kingdome but receiue auctoritie as kings one houre with the beast These haue one minde and shall part their power and auctoritie to the Beast These shall make warre with the Lambe and the Lambe shall ouercome them for he is Lord of Lordes and King of Kings and they which are with him are called and chosen and faithfull Steuchus against Valla reckoning the Countries which held of the Pope bringeth them to ten But we must know that ten vsually is a great number about ten fewer or moo These kingdoms vnder the first Caesares were not so parted as when Iulian the Apostata kept at Paris who neuer heard that his Fathers brother the great Emperor Constantine gaue the West to the Pope and if any such matter had bene it could neuer be hid from him But when the Pope of Rome by long begging for S. Peter and so for Monasteries in many Countreies had gotten much wealth and ready good wills in Rome and the West to set vp againe the Empire at Rome He picketh quarrels with the Patriarch of Constantinople for procession of the holy Ghost and Pascha day and supremacy still of old labored to extinguish the Greek tongue and puritie of Latin and weakneth the East Empire that barbarous Gothes reigned whom to ouerthrow Princes gladly ioyne with him and he with them still for great Countreyes that in the end they sweare to helpe him to hold Constantinus donation and to bring the East the Greeke to agree with Rome And after 1000. yea the king of Locustes hath Satans throne in such power that his winges bee chariots and horses to cause kinges to doe what hee will As for Ierusalem warrs to ouerthrow all their kingdomes And in these tymes Satan bare sway that scant any learned were in the West But Monasteries and Collegies were built to fortifie haeresie that Greeke was vnknowen till our age and Ebrew to this houre for skill in the tongue able to hold water and to make a translation of good warrant to all learned iudgements In this blindnesse still some Abates and such fought well by pen and at the last by Martyrs whom the Pope damned and the secular power put to death But in the end Christ by his martyrs roareth like a Lion and seauen thunders tell his anger seauen Angels poure it out and men eate the little booke of Scripture and preach to nations and kinges to bethinke them how they did set vp Rome And hee saith to mee The waters which thou sawest where the Where sitteth are people and folke and nations and tongues The phrase is from Babel Ierem. 51. O thou which sittest vpon many waters and from Dan. 3. These phrases teach the simple how plaine Gods Law is lightning the eyes to call old matters into minde and to teach by old euents howe other matters will fall out Moreouer this open speach of manie waters to meane people and nations would making a commentarie in the margin vpon many places of the old Testament inlighten much Of the Popes fall And the tenne hornes which thou sawest vpon the Beast these shall hate the Whoore and make her desolate and naked and eate her flesh and shall burne her in the fire The same kingdomes which cleaued to the Pope for profite or deceipt when they see all profit gone and how he by terror of forged purgatorie gate Princes great lands wil alter their minde to hate the Pope Many millions in England hate his keies in Canterburies armes as a mockage to the true keies of knowledge so they hate the title grace in Scotland as doth the learned M. Meluin others hate Leuies Linen Cope Priest and Kneeling at receiuing bread which should bee receiued with most holy iudgement not in the Popes gesture others hate the Leprosie of the Apocrypha books the writers of which shew no more faith in Christ then did Flauius Iosephus nor so much Others hate the Popes forme of prayer patched vp for his vse to content the people not to spend that tyme in requiring of them opening of the Bible And many would haue our Bishops caught in praemunire to loose all Others make great sute to haue their lands Now if in England most reuerend right reuerend fathers so learned as they take vpon them to bee bee so hated for remnant of Papistrie what hatred shall open Popery haue where the Pope dareth excommunicate kinges Thal. Ierusal noteth that the King might not be excommunicated nor any chiefe Ruler But be sagely warned to keepe his house for a time and to saue his honor But the high Sacrificer was whipped with as many stripes as any other for his faultes Ierus in Sanedrin But our Pope will bee excommunicating
and the second death Chrysologus missed grossly for Gehenna that Abraham should bee there whom expresly S. Paul Ebr. XI after the Gospell Mat. 8. and Luc. 13. and all Talmudiques from Leui. 26. placeth in heauen N. N. and his commenders missed most atheanly more then anyeuer since the Diuel deceiued Adam to say that our Lord was in the second death The Diuells trembled till their time to speak so blasphemously he may brag he at the last hath made them next himselfe and more open Of forgiuenesse in this world what Talmudiques meane Maymonides cited by me in poenit Perek 6. saith there be sinnes whereof iudgement determineth that punishment shall bee taken for a man in this world in his body or in his wealth or in his yong children which are his possession and there is a sinne whereof punishment is taken in the world to come And there is a sinne which is punished in this world in the world to come This was an old Ebrew speach and to the Scribes our Lord speaketh in their owne phrase that they sinning against the Holy Ghost should not bee forgiuen in this world nor in the world to come Old and late who hence breed Purgatorie shew that from Babel not from Salem they speak The same sin is said in sinning wilfully 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Core Dathan Abiram did whom the earth swalowed and heat of fire consumed their remnant That punishment haue the Iewes to this day for sinning against the holy Ghost in betraying of Christ and now a dayes many resist the trueth as Iannes and lambres resisted Moyses Such neuer knew him who is O MEGA bringer of all things to passe Of the Apostles pecular Greeke The Apostles peculiar Greeke is wonderfull as in the Lords prayer Giue vs this day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bread neither in superfluitie nor wanting The terme was made by the holy Ghost by the frame of Greekes to Pro. 30. in Agur the sonne of Iakeh Giue me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bread fitlie measured for me Of Saint Paulls most eloquent expressing of Moses to shew a short way to expound the new Test S. Paul saith that he differeth in nothing from the Iewes generallie but in not doubting of the incarnation and resurrection In his speach he foloweth Deut. 30. and doubteth not what minde can goe to heauen to bring Christ downe or what mind can descende to the deepe of the earth Psal 71 to bring Christ from the dead But he confessed with his tongue that Iesus was the Eternall and beleeued in his heart that God raised him from death and assured him selfe and others of a sound way to truth by this Of Thalmudiques agreement with the new Testament Neither the holy Gospell nor holy Epistles teach any thing for Ecclesiasticall gouernement but as the holy Synagogues did many superfluities of ambition the Scribes and Pharisees had as they had in right sort al that the Apostles held taught of old by them and godlier sitting in Moses chaire So that by olde grantes all Diuinitie questions might bee soone ended And this doth Paul in his imitation of Ebrew speak Gamaliels scholar at Ierusalem and the Greeke orator bred in Tarsus free in Rome that none other Apostle should be Papas of Rome but he so called rarely of God and tendered by Coronel Iulius Sergius Paulus and the Proconsull of Melita and the barbarians for a prosperous iourney to Rome to which and of which he wrote more from God then anie sauing Saint Luke Act. 23. and 28. And if Saint Peter had bene there hee knowing the state to come would haue left monumēts of his being there would haue cōmented vpō S. Paul 2. Thes 2. as he cōmented vpon all his Epist 2. Pet. 3. And thus Christ by taking the name from Alpha and O Mega requireth knowledge in the tongues wherein hee speaketh The direct and proper vse calleth vs to an higher matter The beginning and the end He created all thinges and they were very good And created Angells that when man should bee created they should take care of him misliked mans superioritie were condemned to Tartarus are kept in chaines in the blacke aire vnto the iudgement of the great day he hath an end for them that although they sinned of infinite pride and vnthankfulnesse and euery whit from their owne motion yet they ouer raught not the decree of Christ who told the day of their fall and Adams fall that in humanitie he would bee a litle inferior to Angells by suffring of death but would haue all things subdued vnto him In Adams fall all were to be borne dead in sin that all should for euer perish but for further mercie All hee inuiteth to seeke vnto God that they might feele him but al being dead in sinne only they whom he quickneth belieue in him hee still inuiteth the wicked to goodnesse but they rebell against his spirit thinking his wisedom foolishnesse yet hee ruleth them that their sinne shall not haue the rayne to open mischiefe but as he wil. And one open iudgement he shewed in Noës dayes an other he will shew in fire Apoca. 20. And all whom he hath not chosen of eternitie called in due time and quickned from dead and sanctified by his spirit he condemneth for their wicked works and this helpeth them nothing that they doe his decree they did not that which hee telleth plainlie by doing they should liue and their owne conscience damneth them that they iustly perish for euer And in their stubburnesse after long patiēce he sheweth his power And these his wayes bee vnsearcheable But as the letters from Aleph to Tau haue all their forme and sound in speciall vse order and not two the same So from the beginning to the end he ruleth the world in a most wise course to shew his iudgement and mercie wherein this last booke calling old speaches to new matter goeth through the Alphabet of all ages and sheweth how Iapheth hath fellowship with Sems house and Cittim or Italie shall bee perishing when they afflict Heber that he may be seene to ioyne first last in wise order The Concent which is in Moyses and the Prophets and New Test is wonderfull in places tymes and families I wishe all Preachers to follow the holy mens veine but the tongues and stories require much tyme that for Diuinitie the most vse commoration of plaine Ethiques known naturally and litle studie how the Prophetes comment vpon Moses S. Paul vpon the Gospell and how all foure haue their harmonie And if Daniel and Iohns Apoc. should bee made plaine ouer a kingdome that paynes would kill millions of papists The one I haue made plaine in my last edition by which since it was printed many might haue seene light But the God of this world darkened some mindes to hinder that not regarding the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone To him that is a