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A16999 A replie vpon the R.R.P.Th. VVinton. for heads of his divinity in his sermon and survey Hovv he taught a perfect truth, that our Lord vvent he[n]ce to Paradise: but adding that he vvent thence to Hades, & striving to prove that, he iniureth all learning & christianitie. To the most honorable henry prince of Great Britany. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1605 (1605) STC 3881; ESTC S113850 11,782 50

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before Sadducees the comon multitude of the vvorld never any vsed Death for the secōd death in spech of the Godly And to say that our Lords soules tasted the second death that is the highest degree of blasphemy against our Lord. The fourth vse of heathen Grek cometh in this king Rabinique schole spech in vse though the tetmes come from heathen Chalcedon Apoc. 21. for Nophec the Carbuncle Ex. 28. is Greke in sound but not as Pliny taketh the Chalcedon but as Thargum Ierusalemy doth vpon Ex. 28. So Take the beame out of thyne eye Barbmel vpon Hoseas and Mat. 7.80 for a Camel or Elephant to goe through the ey of a neddle that is a Ievvish proverb for promising a thing vnpossible as in this Are you from Phumbadita a tovvne of Ievves vpon Euphrates called also aelgaber vvher an Elephāt is trust thtough the vvole of a nedle And the Gospell hath that for the impossibility for a rich man to goe into the kingdome of heaven So these speches the vvorld to come Paradise Gehenna eating drinking in the kingdome of of heauen the kingdome of the Messias these be Thalmudiqs in meaning vsed in the N T. So S. Paul 2. Thes citeth Esa 11. in the Rabbines meaning vpon Es ther extant yet in Ionathan Ben Vziel That the spirit of Christ his mouth shall kill the vvicked Romulus or Romane The Greek fathers as Chrisostome vpon 2. Thes 2. and Oecumenius vpon Apoc. 18. savv that from Rome the povver should arise that by learning should be over●hrovven Arias savv the blovv and left out RomuIus So vvhē by S. Paul Abraham is in heaven Heb. 11. vvith the people of God and in eternall ioy and equall to Angels by the Greek Philo. in Abels offring fol. 88. by Rabbi Azarias translating him to Ebrevv in Maor Einaim fol. 34. to shevv the Perpetuall iudgement of the Ievves the same in Paradise as all the iust by all Rabbines and in Hades by S. Luke Ch. 16. These three Heaven Paradise and Hades in the Godly differ not one vvhit Iustine Martyr is cited by D. Bilson Question 75. to make Paradise out of Hades but Iustine in Monarchia shevveth fol 167. in Steph. edition that he is sophistically cited And so any not partiall vvold iudge from the vvordes cited In the same kind is the terme of the Second death vsed only by Thalmudiques as I touched and by them it must be expounded Onkelos hath it Deut. 33. and Ionathan Es 22. Rabbines infinitly vsed in Ap. tvvise and in theyr sense for a miserie to the soule in the perpetuall hatred of God And by Rabbinnes this phrase should be expounded and a reason rendred vvhy the Rabbines invēted nevv termes for the place of soules In all these kindes D. Bilson shevveth him self most vnlearned Heathen Greeke he casteth of Because the Poetes vvere vvicked as though onely they vsed Hades not all sortes of Greekes and as though all the vvorld vvas not Godlesse vvhen the Apostles first called them vvith speaches from Homer Hesiode Epimerides Aratus Menander Aeschylus Pindarus Sophocles Euripides Aristophanes Hypocrates Plato Demosthenes Aristotle and all noble Greekes in some noble vvord Of this I have compiled a Dictionary for all the vvordes of the N. Testamēt for your G. vvhich I left at Francfurt goe to print it yf I can find any Printer of Characters pleasant in Ebrvv Greeke and at leasure for this vvorke And as he despised heathen Greeke so the Greeke tongue gaue him such a blovv as vvill make him ridiculous to all Greekes vvhile the vvorld standeth in sayng that our Lord vvent from Paradis to Hades as from England or Scotland to great Britany frō VVinchester to England from Paules to London vvhile there be men in the vvorld that knovv Greek his vvordes they vvill think him a simple Graecian And vvher he forgeth nevv Greeke for the Apostles he doth them litle honour They vvere sent to teach the vvicked vvorld of necessity must speak in termes meaning as others before spake and the heathen vvold haue othervvise held them vvicked sophisters and not holy teachers So Doctor Bilsons Doctrine beseemeth not a Bishop and a Christian The despising of Rabbines because they be vvicked is no vvittier The vvicked enemies testimonie is the strongest of all humane And for many partes of the nevv Testament in speeches stories plain to them but strongue to heathen they are our best assistance As for this Remember thou me vvhen thou comest to they kingdome this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise The Rabines vvould all svveare that these vvordes vvere plain that they held the soules of the iust to goe hence to Gods ioy Paradise to be the name of it and not then first opened but opened first to Abel the iust they vvold never turne our Lords vvordes to Sophistrie that the sad thief seeking grace vvhen the humane soule of Christ should be in his kingdome our Lord should say nothing to that but preach of his Godhead vpon the crosse vvher he most hid it and should leaue the thief and his mother S. Iohn all the troupes vncerten vvhat should become of his most holy soule specially vvhen the night before he told them I DOE GOE VNTO THE FATHER The deadliest enemy most impudent vvold be ashamed so to vvrest vvordes Though shifters vvho knevv not Paradise to haue receaued all the iust hence tooke strange licence a Doctour a Bishop borne in the light of all learning should blush to follovv them VVhosoeuer vttereth a diuelish fansy though he can cite an auctour should pay for it as the principall auctour God forbiddeth errours And in the truth the enemies testimony as Epimenides Aratus Menander haue Gods vvarrant All the Scribes Pharisees beleeved that every iust soule vvent hence to Paradise as vvas touched the sage Doctours euen in the first chapter of the Elder Thalmud begin the kingdome of Messias in the vvorld to come as S. Paul Fb. 2. speaketh of it after the comon agreement of the Doctours thē aliue And if Christ his ovvne soule should not be the noblest in that iourney all the Nevv Testament speaches vvere disturbed And many most sure rules for the iust are in the Lavv that they goe hence into Gods ioy or heavenly city Enoch vvas taken vp Gen. 6. into Paradise Eb 11. in the Arabiq trāslation Sem Abraham Moses Iosuah David Daniel vvere of equall piety therfore theyr soules vvere taken vp hence to glory And this standeth sure for all that keepe Gods covenant I vvill vvalke amōgest you Leu. 26. vvherof a Rabbin or Ebrevv Doctour R. B●chay vvritteth thus you must not vnderstand that of promises corporall but of the promises touching the soule in the vvorld to come And our Doctours gather this hēce THE BLESSED GOD VVIL CARY THE IVST PEOPLE INTO PARADISE AND HIS GLORY SHALL BE AMONGEST THEM This diuinity is oftē confirmed
A REPLIE VPON THER R. F. TH. VVINTON FOR HEADS OF HIS DIVINITY IN HIS SERMON AND SVRVEY Hovv he taught a perfect truth that our Lord vvent hēce to Paradise But adding that he vvent thence to Hades striving to prove that he injurieth all learning Christianitie TO THE MOST NOBLE HENRY PRINCE OF GREAT BRITANY 1605. TO THE MOST NOBLE HENRY PRINCE OF GREAT BRITANIE Grace truth IN handling the LORds prayer most noble Prince at O●landes August 13. 1603. VVhen I came to speake of the Kingdome to come the matter called me to handle these vvordes Lord remember thou me when thou comest to thy Kingdome these This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise From vvhich both I affirmed that the thefe beleved rightly as all the Scribes Pharisees that the soules of the just of Abel and all that died since vvent hence to that place vvich Diuines call Heauē And I affirmed from Eccles 3. from the 12. 2. Cor. 10. that the soules of all men ascend vnto God vnto judgement to receaue according to the actions done by the body good or euell And this I added from Apoc. 14 That the wicked are tormented afore the throne of God the Lambe This belonging directly to the doctrine of the Kingdome I vvas to shevv hovv the Crede stroue not vvith this yf the English had rightly expressed the Greke he went vnto the soules departed as this he arose from the dead or from Hades makes the former vvordes plain About this doctrine D. Bilson B. of Vv. hath dealt not vvell A survey of vvhose dealings your G. shall see that knovving hovv he is damned of himselfe you may vvish him to recant First he agreeth vvith the truth in most stronge sort that we have no warrant by scripture to deny that our Lord went hence to Paradise His vvordes are printed in Copies about ten thousand that all may knovv hovv D. Bilson in his further paynes confuteth the Bishop of vvinchester He that vvill do any thing in Diuinity vvithout vvarrant of Scripture shall anger God Therfor D. Bilson is vnexcusable vvhen he goeth against that An other article the right reverend father hath for Christianity the ground of our redemptiō more ridiculous then any thing in Machmads Alkoran vvorthy to be vvritten in great letters that any rūning by may see to vvhat strange cōceites he vvold dravv the holy Prophetes Apostles Fathers all Britanie In his Sermon thus the right reverend father vvritteth fol. 154. The sence of the Crede may must be ●s●at Chri H●f●er his body was buried in soule descended into that place which the Scripture proprely calleth Hades hell This fevv vvordes are enough to shame all our nation for euer touching judgment in Diuinitie since Publiq auctoritie hath commended his vvorke Homer that expresseth all the Heathen vanities durst neuer bring this Diuinitie but only in a dreame In him and in Iliade or story of Ilion called also Troy book 23. v. 71. the soule of Patrocles killed sayth to Achilles his Prince in a dreame requesting to to be buried because the soules in Hades vvold not suffre his soule till then to come to Hades Oh bury me that I may quickly passe through the gates of Hades They vvho svveat to make the Gospell of saluation in sadnes more ridiculous then Heathen fables should look for the extraordinary hand of God to send them to Hades quickly What man that vvere not brainsik vvold think that the Cred should tell hovv our Lord in body crucified dead buryed should in soule be vnrecorded vvhither the soule vvent or vvher it should be till the body vvas buried A Defender in title a betrayer in truth of our religion in Britanie should b● told that better lerning vvold beseme a man a D. in D. a R. R. F. All Ievves vvold by this vvel might hold vs the vilest that euer vvere since Cains birth yf they could convict vs to be of such a religion all Christendome vvold hate vs as traytours to the Christian faith He that taketh vpon him to defend the cōmon opiniō once graunteth all that the disputation required inventeth of his ovvne braine that vvhich none hold injurieth all the state and giving a Patroclean dreame for the marravv of salvatiō should have vpon stuburne continuance in errour the heavy Anathema maran Atha The curse Our Lord himself cometh to revenge him pronounced against him God commaundeth that 1 Cor. 16. And every commādement of God should be of as great reverence as his vvord in sayng Let light be it vvas An other condemnation of himself the right reverēd father hath in his survey fol. 543. Thus he sayth That Christ after death went to the place where the faithfull were the fa●h●rs affirme Thē yf Abrahams Bosom be the place vvhere the faithfull vvere they vveare in Hades by the Grek fathers infinitely vsing the phrase of the Crede The Hades of the Crede Abrahams bosom is all one It is strange that a reasonable creature should make a book against himself A further condemnatiō of himself he findeth from Luc. 16. The holy Evangelist most eloquent in the Greek tongue vvriting to an heathen Prince Theophilus Asiarches one of the Lords of Asia bringeth Abraham talking vvith the Epicure in Hades Novv heathen place all soules in Hades and Theophilus vvould so vnderstand S. Luke that Abraham should be there And disputers together be allvvayes holden to be in the same vvorld The right re●erend father vvold prove that Hades is Hell from this place vvhich most mightily proueth the cleane contrary that the faithfull Abraham vvho vvent hence to heaven Eb. 11. there abideth till the resurrection vvas in Hades So the terme is generall for the vvorld of Soules And auctours vvhom he citeth vvould haue taught him so much Chrisostome in a Greke Homilie not yet printed of Lazarus the Epicure Theophylact citing manie Diuines vpon Luc. 16. Tertullian Ambrose Chrisologus cited by him self on that place Iosephus cited also by himself expresly placeth Abrahams bosom in Hades And that vvork is so agreable to the common judgement of Graecia that the vvork is fathered vpon Irenaeus the ancient Bishop nere the Apostles and vpon sundry others of fame And vvheras the Doctour vvold haue Hell lovv in the earth and must graunt that Abraham is in Heauen so the spech should be ridiculous that in a Dialoge one should talke vvith one aboue his head of such infinite millions of miles distāce And the spech of lifting vp the eyes argueth equall height So Lot lifted vp his eyes saw the Land about fayre Gen. 13.10 So God sayd to Abraham lift vp thy●e ey●s behold the place wher thou art Gen. 13.14 The third day Abraham lifted vp his eies beho●d the p●a●e ●f whi●h God spake to him c. So Abraham l●fted vp h●s eyes saw three men Gen. 18. So Abraham l●fted vp his eies behold