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A14133 An exposycyon vpon the chapters of Mathewe which thre chapters are the keye and the dore of the scrypture, and the restoring agayne of Moses lawe corrupt by ye scrybes and pharyses. And the exposycyon is the restorynge agayne of Chrystes lawe corrupte by the Papystes. Item before the boke, thou hast a prologe very necessary, conteynynge the whole sum of the couenaunt made betwene God and vs, vpon whiche we be baptysed to kepe it. And after thou haste a table that ledeth the by the notes in the margentes, vnto al that is intreated of in the booke.; Exposicion uppon the chapters of Mathew. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1536 (1536) STC 24441.3; ESTC S104299 120,671 258

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thyne And more ouer yf the worste come God shall yet set suche a tyraunt ouer the that yf thou be meke and canst be content that he poll the properly and euen thou mayste beare shall defende the from al other who is polled intollerably that hys lyfe is better and euen deathe to hym saue he that is impacyent and can not suffer to be polled Ye poll thy selfe and preuent other and gyue the baylly or lyke offycer nowe a capon nowe a pygge nowe a goose and so to thy land lorde lykewyse or yf thou haue a greate ferme nowe a lambe nowe a calfe and let thy wyfe vyset thy lande ladye thre or foure tymes in a yere ▪ with spysed kakes and apples perrs chyrese and suche lyke And be thou redye with thyne oxen or horses thre or foure or halfe a dossen dayes in a yere to set whome theyr woodde or to plowe theyr lande ye and yf thou haue a good horse let thē haue hym good chepe or take a worse for him and they shalbe thy shylde and defende the though they be tyrantes and care not for God that no man els shal dare poll the. And therto thou mayst withwysdome get of them that shal recompence al that thou doyst to them All this I meane if thou be pacyent and wyse and feare God therto and loue thyne neyghbour and do none euell For if thou kepe thy selfe in fauour with hurtynge thy neyghbour thyne ende wyl be euell and at the laste desperacyon in thys worlde and hell after But and yf thou canst not pol thy selfe with wysdome and laugh and bere a good countenaunce as though thou reioysedest whyle suche persones poll the euery man shal poll the and they shal maynteyne them and not defēde the. Let thys the fore be a comen prouerbe be contented to be polled of some man or be polled of euery man Ye must vnderstande that there be two states or degrees in thys worlde the kyngedome of heuen which in the regyment of the gospel And the kyngdome of this worlde which is the temporall regyment In the fyrst state there is nether father mother sonne doughter neyther mayster maystres mayde man seruaunt nor husbande nor wyfe nor lorde or subiecte nor man or woman but Chyrste is all and eche to other is Chryst hym selfe There is none better then other but al lyke good al brethren Christ only is lord ouer al. Nether is there any other thynge to do or other lawe saue to loue one another as Chryst loued vs. In the tēporal regyment is husbande wyfe father mother son doughter mayster maystres mayde man seruant lorde and subiecte Nowe is euery person a double person and vnder bothe the regymentes In the fyrst regyment thou arte a person for thyne owne selfe vnder Christ and his doctrine and mayst nether hate or be angry and moch les fyght or aduēge But muste after the ensample of Chryste vmble thy selfe forsake and denye thy selfe and hate thy selfe and cast thy selfe awaye and bemeke and pacyent and let euery man go ouer the ▪ and treade the vnder fote and do the wronge and yet loue them and pray for them as Christ dyd for his crucyfyers For loue is al and what is not of loue that is damnable and cast out of that kyngedome For that kyngdome is the kyngdome of God and Chryste But he that loueth not knoweth nether God nor Chryst therfore he that loueth not is not of that kyngdome The minor is this wyse proued he that knowith God and Christ seeth lyght for Chryst is lyght But he that hateth hys brother is in darckenes and walketh in darkenes and wotteth not whyther he goeth for darkenes hathe blynded his eyes 1. Ioh. 2 Ergo he that hateth his brother knoweth not what Chryste hath done for hym and therfore hath no true fayth nor is of the spyritual kyngdome of God To hate thy selfe hat shalt thou gete if thou consyder thyne owne synnes and depe dampnacyon that longe therto with due repentaunce And to loue that shalt thou obtayne if thou beholde the great and infinyte mercy of God with stronge fayth There is none so great an enemy to y e in this world But thou shalt lyghtly loue hym if thou loke wel on the loue that God shewed the in Chryste In the temporall regyment thou art a person in respecte of other thou art an husbande father mother mayster maystresse lorde ruler or wyfe son doughter seruaunt subiecte And there thou mayste do accordynge to thyne offyce If thou be a father thou must do the offyce of a father and rule or els thou dampnest thy selfe Thou muste brynge all vnder obedyence whether by fayre meanes or foule Thou muste haue obedyence of thy wyfe of thy seruauntes and of thy subiectes and the other muste obeye If they wyll not obey with loue thou must chyde and fyght as farre as the lawe of God and the lawe of the lande wyll suffer the. And when thou canste not rule them thou art boūde in many cases to delyuer them vnto the hyer offycer of whome thou dydest take the charge ouer them Nowe to our purpose whether a man may resyste vyolence and defende or aduenge hym selfe I saye naye in the fyrste state where thou art a persone for thy selfe alone and Chrystes dycyple There thou must loue and of loue do studye and enforce ye and suffer all thynge as Chryst dyd to make peace that the blessyng of God maye come vpon the which sayth Blessed be the peace makers for they shalbe the chyldren of God If thou suffer and kepest peas in thy selfe onely the blessynge is the possessyon of this worlde But if thou so loue the peas of thy brethren that thou leaue nothynge vndone or vnsuffred to forther it thy blessynge is thou shalt be Goddes sonne and consequently possesse heuen But in the worldly state where thou art no pryuate man but a person in respecte of other ▪ thou not onely mayste but also muste and 〈◊〉 bound vnder payne of dampnacyon to execute thyne offyce where thou art a father thou must haue obedyence by fayre meanes or by fowle and to whom thou art an husband of her thou must requyre obedyence and chastyte and that to gete tempte all that the lawe of the lande commaundeth and wyll And of thy seruauntes thou must exacte obedyence and feare mayst not suffer thy selfe to be dyspysed And where thou arte a ruler therto appoynted thou muste take pryson and slee to not of malyce and hate to aduenge thy selfe but to defende thy subiectes and to maynteyne thyne offyce Concernyng thy selfe oppresse not thy subiectes with rent fynes or custome at all neyther pylle them with taxes and suche lyke to maynteyne thyne owne lustes But be louynge and kynde to them as Chryste was to the for they be hys and the pryce of hys bloude But those that be euell doers amonge them and vexe theyr brethren and wyll not knowe the for
teche and what my lernynge is concernynge the lawe ye shall shortly here and that in fewe wordes Who so euer breaketh one of these leaste comaundementes and teache men so shalbe called the leaste in the kyngedome of heauen But he that dothe them and teacheth them the same shalbe great in the kyngdome of heuen who so euer studye to destroy one of the commaundementes folowynge whiche are yet the leaste and but chyldyshe thynges in respecte of the perfecte doctryne that shall here after be shewed and of the mysteryes yet hyde in Chryste and teache other men euen so in worde or ensample whether openly or vnder a coloure and thoroughe false gloses of ypocresye that same doctoure shall all they of the kyngedome of heuen abhorre and despyce and caste hym out of of theyr companye as a sethynge potte dothe caste vp her fome and skome purge her selfe So faste shall they of the kyngedome of heauen cleaue vnto the pure lawe of God without all mennes gloses But who so euer shall fyrste fulfyl them hym selfe and then teache other and sette all hys studye to the furtheraunce and mayntenyng of them that doctoure shall all they of the kyngedome of heuen haue in pryce and folowe him and seke hym out as dothe the Egle her praye and cleaue to hym as burres For these commaundementes are but the verye lawe of Moyses the draffe of the phareses gloses clensed out interpreted accordynge to the pure worde of God and as the open text compelleth to vnderstande them yf he loke dylygently theron The kyngdome of heuen take for the congregacyon or churche of Chryste And to be of the kyngedome of heuen is to knowe God for our father and Chryste for our lorde and sauyoure from all synne And to enter in to thys kyngedome it is impossyble excepte the harte of man be to kepe the commaundementes of God pure lye as it is wrytten Iohan. 7. yf any man wyll obaye hys wyll that is to saye the wyl of the father that sent me saythe Chryste he shall knowe of the doctryne whether it be of God or whether I speke of myne owne hede For yf thyne harte be to do the wyll of God whiche is his commaundementes he wyl gyue the a pure eye both to dyscerne the true doctryne from the false and the true doctryne from the howlyng ypocryte And therfore he saythe For I say vnto you except your ryghtwysnes excede y e ryghtwysnes of the scrybes and pharyseys ye can not enter into the kyngdome of heuen The ryghtwysnes of the scrybes and pharyseys can not enter into the kyngdome of heuen the kyngdome of heuen is the true knowledge of God and Chryste ergo the ryghtwysnes of the Scrybes and Pharyseys neyther knowethe God nor Chryste He that is wyllynge to obay the wyll of God vnderstandeth the doctryne of Chryste as it is proued aboue the scrybes and the phariseys vnderstand not the doctryne of Chryste ergo they haue no wyll nor luste to obaye the wyll of God To obaye the wyll of God is to seke the glory of God for the glorye of a mayster is the meke obedyence of hys seruauntes the glorye of a Prynce is the vmble obedyence of hys subiectes the glory of a husbande is the chaste obedyence of hys wyfe the glorye of a father is the louynge obedyence of hys chyldren the scrybes and the pharyseys haue no lust to obay the wyl of God ergo they seke not the glorye of God Furthermore the scrybes and pharyseys seke theyr owne glory they that seke theyr owne glory preache theyr owne doctryne ergo the scrybes and pharyses preache theyr owne doctryne The maior thou hast Math. xxiii the scrybes and pharyseys do all theyr workes to be sene of men they loue to sytte vppermoste at feastes and to haue the chefe seates in the Synagoges and salutacions in the open markettes and to be called Raby And the mynor foloweth the texte aboue rehersed Iho. vii he that speketh of hym selfe or of hys owne heed seketh hys owne glorye that is to saye he that preacheth hys owne doctryne is euer knowen by sekynge hys owne glory so that it is a generall rule to knowe that a man preacheth hys owne doctryne yf he seke hys owne glorye Some man wyll happely say the scrybes and pharyseys had no other lawe then Moses and the prophetes nor any other scrypture and groūded theyr sayenges theron That is truthe howe then preached they theyr owne doctryne verely it foloweth in the sayd vii of Iho. He that seketh tbe glorye of hym that sent him y e same is true and there is no vnryghtwysnes ī him that is to say he wyl do his maysters message truly and not alter it where contraryewyse he y t seketh his owne glory wyl be false when he is sēt and wyl after his masters message to turne his maysters glory vnto his owne selfe Euen so dyd the scrybes and pharyseys alter the word of God for theyr owne profyte and glorye And when Godes word is altered with false gloses it is no more Gods word As when God sayth loue thy neyghbour and thou puttest to thy leūe and sayest yf my neyghbour do me no hurte nor saye me anye I am bound● to loue hym but not to gyue hym at hys nead● my gooddes whiche I haue gotten with my sore labour Nowe is thys thy lawe and not Goddes Goddes lawe is pure and single loue thy neyghboure whether he be good or bad And by loue God meanethe to helpe at neade Nowe when God byddeth the to gette thy lyuynge and some what ouer to helpe hym that can not or at atyme hathe not wherwith to helpe hym selfe yf thou and .xxx. or .xl. with the gette you to wyldernesse and not onelye helpe not youre neyghboures but also robbe a greate number of two or thre thousande pounde verelye howe loue ye your neyghboures Suche men helpe the worlde with prayer thou wylte saye to me Thou were better to saye they robbe the worlde with theyr ypocresye saye I to the ▪ and it is truthe in dede that they so do For yf I stycke vppe to the myddle in the myer lyke to peryshe with out present helpe and thou stonde by and wylt not socoure me but knel●ste downe and prayeste wyll God here the prayers of suche an ypocryte God byddeth the so to loue me that thou put thy selfe in ioperdye to helpe me and that thyne hart● whyle the bodye labourethe do praye and trust● in God that he wyll assyste the. and throughe th● to saue me An ypocryte that wyll put neyther bodye nor goddes in parell for to helpe me 〈◊〉 my neade louethe me not nether hathe compassyon on me and therfore his harte can not praye thoughe he wagge hys lyppes neuer so muche It is wryten Iohan. ix If a man be a worshypper of God and do hys wyll whiche is the true worshype hym God herethe Nowe the wyl of God is that we
is spirituall and iudgeth al thynges and is iudged of no man Nat all that say to me lord lorde shall entre in to the kyngdome of heuen but he that fulfylleth the wyll of my father whiche is in heuen Many wyll say vnto me at that daye lorde lorde dyd we not prophelye in thy name and in thy name cast out deuelles and dyd we not in thy name many myracles Then wyll I confesse vnto them I neuer knewe you departe from me ye workers of iniquite This doublynge of lorde hath vehemensy betokeneth that they whiche shalbe excluded are suche as thynke them selues better perfitter then other men to deserue heuen with theyr holy workes nat for them selues onely but also for other And by that they prophesyed by whiche thou mayst vnderstande the enterpretynge of scripture and by that they cast out deuelles and dyd myracles in Christes name and for all that they are yet workers of wykednesse and do nat the wyll of the father which is ī heuen it is playne that they be false prophetes and euen the same of which Christe warned before ❧ ❀ ❀ ❧ ❀ And nowe for as muche as Christe and his apostles warne vs that suche shall come and descrybe vs the fassiōs of their vysures Christꝭ name holy churche holy fathers and fyftene hundred yeres with scripture and myracles and cōmaunde vs to turne our eyes from their visures and consider their frutes and cut them vp and loke within whether they be sounde in the corē and kernell or no and gyue vs a rule to trye them by is it excuse good ynough to say God wyl nat let so great a multitude erre I wyll folowe the most parte and beleue as my fathers dyd and as the preachers teache and wyll nat busy my selfe chose them the faute is theirs and nat oures God shal nat laye it to our charge yf we erre ☜ ❀ ☞ ❀ where suche wordes be there are the false prophetes all redy for where no loue to the truthe is there are the false prophetes and where suche wordes be there to be no loue to the truthe is playne Ergo where suche wordes be there be the false prophetes in theyr full swynge by Paules rule .2 Thessa 2. Another cōclusion where no loue to the truthe is the be false prophetes The greatest of y e worlde haue least loue to the truth Ergo the false prophetes be the chapelanes of the greatest which may with the swerde compell the rest As the kynges of Israell compelled to worshype the golden calues And by false prophetes vnder stande false teachers as Peter calleth them wycked expounders of the scripture Who so euer hereth these wordes of me dothe them I wyll lyken hym vnto a wyse man that buylte his house vpon a rocke and there fell a rayne and the floudes came and the wyndes blew bete vpon that house but it fel nat for it was grounded vpon a rocke And all that heare of me these wordes and do them nat shalbe lykened vnto a folyshe man that buylt his house vpon the sande there fell a rayne and the floudes came and the wyndes blewe and dasshed vpon that house and it fell and the fall therof was great ❀ Christ hath two fortes of hearers of whiche nether nother do there after The one wyll be saued by fayth of their owne makyng without workes The other with workes of their owne makynge without fayth The first are those volupteouse which haue yelde them selues vnto synne sayenge tushe God is mercyfull and Christ dyed for vs that must saue vs only for we can nat but synne without resistence The secōde are the ypocrites which wyl deserue al with theyr owne ymagyned workes only And of fayth they haue no nother experience saue that it is a lytle meritoriouse where it is paynfull to be beleued As that Christ was borne of a virgyne and that he came nat out the waye that other chyldren do fye no that ware a great inconuenience but aboue vnder her arme and yet made no hole though he had a verye naturall bodye as other men haue and that there is no breade in the sacrament nor wyne though the fyue wyttes saye all ye And the merytoriouse payne of this belefe is so heauye to them that excepte they had fayned them a thousande wyse similitudes and lowsye lykenesses and as manye madde reasons to steye them with all and to helpe to captiuate theyr vnderstandynge they were lyke to cast all of their backes And the onely refuge of a greate many to kepe in that faythe is to cast out of theyr myndes and nat to thynke vpon it As though they forgyue nat yet yf they put the displeasure out of their mindes thynke nat of it tyll a good occasion be geuen to aduenge it they thynke they loue theyr neyboure well ynough all the whyle and be in good charite And the fayth of the best of them is but lyke theyr fayth in other worldlye storyes But the fayth which ls trust and cōfydence to be saued and to haue theyr synnes forgeuen by Christe whiche was so borne haue they nat at al That fayth haue they in theyr owne workes onely But the true hearers vnderstande the lawe as Christe interpreteth it here and fele therbye theyr ryghtwyse dampnacion and runne to Christe for succoure and for remyssyon of all theyr synnes that are past and for al the synne whiche chaunce thorowe infirmite shall compell them to do and for remysson of that the lawe is to stronge for theyr weake nature And vpon that they consent to the lawe loue it and professe it to fulfyll it to the vttermost of theyr power and then go to and worke Fayth or cōfidence in Christe bloude without helpe and before the workes of the law bryngeth al maner of remission of synnes and satisfaccion Fayth is mother of loue Fayth accōpayneth loue in all her workes to fulfyll as muche as there lacketh in our doynge the lawe of that perfayte loue whiche Christe had to his father and vs in his fulfyllynge of the lawe for vs. Nowe whan we be reconcyled than is loue and fayth to gether our ryghtwysnesse our kepynge the lawe our contynuynge our proceadynge forwarde in the grace whiche we stande in and our bryngynge to the euerlastynge sauynge and euerlastynge lyfe And the workes be estymed of God accordynge to the loue of the harte If the workes be great and loue lytle colde then the workes be regarded therafter of God If the workes be small and loue muche and feruent the workes be taken frr great of God ❧ And it came to passe that whan Iesus had ended these sayenges the people were astonied at his doctrine For he taught them as one hauyng power nat as y e scribes ❀ The Scribes Phariseyes had thrust vp the swerde of the word of god into a scabarde or shethe of gloses and therin had knytte it fast that it coulde nether