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kingdom_n gospel_n heaven_n lord_n 2,159 5 3.5651 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09662 The burnynge of Paules church in London in the yeare of oure Lord 1561. and the iiii. day of Iune by lyghtnynge, at three of the clocke, at after noone, which continued terrible and helplesse vnto nyght Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1563 (1563) STC 19931; ESTC S114665 123,832 280

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might be fytter to godlynes but for abhomination forgettynge that all that God hais made is good and that he made both male and female lette him be correct or deposed The thirde Councell of Cartage sayes thus Let not Pryestes children make anye playes and gammes If any says the Popes canon law shuld teache that a Pryest for religyon sake should despise his wife accursed be he Distinct. xxviii Againe the next cha folowinge If any make a difference of a maried Priest as though he should not minister by occasiō of his mariage and therfore forbeare from his ministration accursed be he Whan this foolysh vnlearned Papiste hais scraped these and such like sayinges out of the Popes testament commonly called his decrees than he may say the Popes lawe hais vtterly condemned mariage of Priestes in the Latin Church But what nedes these proofes whan Saint Paule saies playne a Byshop must be the husbande of one wife and Ambrose writinge on the same place sais that he is not forbidden to haue a seconde Pope Pius ii wrytes that there were great causes why Priests were forbidden wiues but there were greater causes why they shoulde be restored Ierom grauntes that in his time manye Priestes were maried cōtr Ioui And on the vi cha of the Epistle He writes thus Let Bysshoppes and Priestes reade these which teache their children worldly learning and make them to reade Comedes and singe bawdy songes of ministrelles c. Nauclerus part vii generat xxxvii wri tes thus Gregorye vii decreed in the yeare M. lxxiii that from thencefoorth Priestes shoulde not haue wyues and they that had shoulde leaue them or be deposed He wrote to the Byshops of France and Germany that they should procure it so to be with them The hole clergy cried out against this decree callinge him hereticke who hadde forgotten the worde of the Lord who said al receiue not this sayinge and he that can not refrayne let him mary and it is better to marye than to burne Howe violent a thinge is this to compell that menne shoulde liue like Aungelles and whan he denyes the accustomed course of nature he shoulde giue lybertye to horedome If he continued to confirme this decree they had rather leaue their Priesthode than mariage Gregory not withstandinge was instaunt and rebukes the Byshops of slouthfulnesse that these thynges were not done amonge theim Tharchbyshop of Mentz perceyninge howe harde a thynge it was to breake so longe a rooted custome and to reforme the worlde in his olde age appointed his Priestes vi monethes to do that in which they must necessarily doe they purposed than to laye violent handes on the Byshoppe except he chaunged his purpose The yeare folowinge Gregorye attempted that diuorcinge of them by his legate which he coulde not bringe to passe by the Byshoppe The Priestes were so moued against the legate that they had almost torne him in peces except he had gone away and left the matter vndone A horrible plage he sais further did folow this contention of the west Churche in so much that lay men didde christen and minister sacramentes because the Priestes had rather forsake their Priesthode than their wines and would not minister c. thus far the history Marke whan thys was done the trouble in doynge it the plague that folowed and that mariage as he says was longe used afore him To the Lorde and father Nycholas the dyligent prouyder for the holye Romysh church Huldrich Bishop of Angsburgh in name only wyshes loue as a sun and scare as a seruaunt WHere I founde O father and lord your decrees for the cōtinentie of clerks which ye send me of late to be without discretion a certaine feare and heauines both troubled me fear because the iudgement of the shepeherd whither it be right or wrong is to be feared for I was afraid lest the weake hearers of the scripture whiche wil scarce obey a righteous iudgement not regarding this of yours as wrongful should boldly break this so heauy a cōmandement of the sheperd that it may not be borne Sorow or rather pity troubled me whā I douted by what meanes the members myght escape wher their head was so sore sick What can be more greuous or more to be pitied of the hole church thā that you y ● bishop of the chefest see shuld swarue but a litle from a holy discretion Thou swarued muche from thys whan thou would that clerkes whom thou shoulde warne for the continentie of mariage shoulde be compelled to it by a certaine imperious violence Is not this worthily to be coūted a violence by the cōmen iudgment of al wise men whā any man is cōpelled to execute priuat decrees cōtrarye to the doctrine of the gospel and decree of the holy gost Therfore where there be many examples of the old testament new teachinge discretion as ye know I besech your fatherhode be content y ● some few amōg many may be put in this writing Our lord apoynted mariage to priestes in the old law which is not redde to be forbydden theym afterwarde But he sais in the Gospel there be Euunches whiche haue geldet themselues for the kyngdome of heauen but all men receiue not this worde he that can take it let him take it Therefore Thappostle sais for Uirgins I haue no Commaundement of the Lorde but I geue counsell Ye see that al men can not take this counsell accordinge to the sayinge of the Lord. And ye see also manye flatterers of the same counsell willing to please menne and not god with this false shewe of continentie to doe more haynous thinges as to prouoke their fathers wiues not abhore to lye by beastes and menne But least the state of the whole churche should be decayed by the great mischeues of this filthines he said For fornication let euerye man haue his owne wife Yet these hipocrites falsy saye that this same belonges speciallye to laye menne whiche hipocrites althoughe they be in a moste holy order yet they doubt not to misuse other mens wyues These men vnderstode not the scripture rightlye and because they wrunge the pappe to soore they souked bloude in stede of milke For that saynge of Thapostle Let euely manne haue his owne wife exceptes no man in dede but him that professes conrotinentye or him that determines to continue his virginitye in the Lord. c. And that ye may know that they which haue not made this vowe ought not to be compelled Here Thappostle to Timothe saying It becomes a Byshoppe to be blameles the husband of one wife and least anye manne should turne this sayinge to the Churche onely he addes he that canne not rule his owne house howe can he rule the Churche of God Likewise he sais Diacons muste be the husbande of one wife whiche can well rule their children and houses I know that ye haue taught by the decrees of holye Syluester Pope that this