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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00333 Seven dialogues both pithie and profitable The 1 is of the right vse of things indifferent. 2 sheweth what comfort poperie affordeth in time of daunger. 3 is betweene a good woman and a shrew. 4 is of the conversion of a harlot. 5 is of putting forth children to nurse. 6 is of a popish pilgrimage. 7 is of a popish funerall. By W.B.; Colloquia. English. Selections Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Burton, William, d. 1616. 1606 (1606) STC 10457; ESTC S121852 117,991 172

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against but alwayes without sedition but whence is it that the Butcher is such a Questionist and sifter of matters let Carpenters 〈◊〉 of their building and Eutchers of Butchers matters But. We are oftentimes troubled with such questions at feasts and s●…metimes the heate is so great that it groweth to fighting Fish Let them fight that list I thinke that the lawes of our Emperours ought to be reuerently embraced and religiously obserued euen as procéeding from God neither d●…e I holde it safe or sauouring of godlinesse 〈◊〉 ●…o conceiue or suspitiously to speake of publique authoritie And if there ●…e any thing that may séeme to sauour of tyranny which yet dooth not compell men to impietie I do holde it better to suffer it patiently than to resist it seditiously But. By this meanes I confesse you prouide well for them that excell in dignitie and I am of your minde neyther do I enuie them but I would willingly heare what course might be taken for the liberty and good of the people Fish God will not leaue his people destitute But. But in the meane time where is that libertie of the spirite which the Apostles promise out of the Gospel and which Paul so often beateth vpon crying out that the kingdome of God is not meat and drinke and that we that are the children of God are not vnder a Schoolemaister and that we shoulde be no longer in bondage to the rudiments of this world and a number of things moe if Christians be burdened with so many constitutions more than the Iewes were Fish I wil tell you Butcher christian libertie doth not consist in this that it may be lawful for men to doe what they list being set frée from humane constitutions but that from the aboun●…ance and feruencie of the spirite they being prepared for all weathers as they vse to speake doe those things willingly and chéerefully which are prescribed them that is to say like sonnes and not like vnto seruants But. Uery wel but vnder Moses law there were sons and vnder the Gospell there be seruants And more than that I feare lest the greatest parte o●… men are of the nature of seruants which are compelled by lawe to doe their duetie what difference is there then betweene the old Testament and the new Fish In my opinion great di●…ference That which the olde Testament taught vnder vailes the new Testament layeth before our eies That which the olde foretolde by figures and shadowes the new sheweth more cleerely What that promised very obscurely and afarre off this hath exhibited for a great part thereof That was offered to one nation onely this dooth exhibite saluation indifferently to all That made a few Prophets and woorthie men partakers of that excellent and spirituall grace this hath plentifully powred out all maner of gifts as namely of tongues of healing diseases of working myracles of prophecyings c. and that vpon men of all ages sexes and nations But What is then become of all these things now Fish They are not dead but asléepe not perished but ceased either because there is no need of them the doctrine of the Gospèl being now published ouer the worlde or because many being but christians onely in name want that faith whereby myracles were wrought But. If myracles be néedefull for those that be vnbeléeuers and distrustfull then now are they néedefull for now the world swarmeth with such Fishm. There are vnbeléeuers that erre of simplicitie such were the Jewes which mu●…mured against Peter for receiuing Cornelius and his housholde vnto the grace of the Gospel And such were the Gentiles who supposed that the religion of their forefathers would saue them and as for the doctrine of the Apostles they accounted it strange superstition These at the sight of myracles were conuerted They which now distrust the Gospel a●…ter so great light of knowledge so long shining in all partes of the worlde doe not erre of simpli●…itie but being blind●…d with euill affections they li●…t not to vnderstand No myracles would euer reclaime such persons to a better minde And now is the time of healing hereafter wil be a time of vengeance vpon all such as will not be healed of their errour But to let these things passe tell mee in good earnest is it true that you saide that there is libertie giuen for eating of flesh who list and when they will But. I did but ieast to stirre you a little And if such an Edict were made the Company of the Fishmonger●… would be seditious Againe the worlde is full of Pharisaicall persons who can no way else get themselues an opinion of holinesse but by such obseruations And they would neyther loose one iote of that glorie which they had gotten nor endure that their inferiours should haue more libertie than themselues Neither woulde this be for our commodities that are Butchers to haue a frée vse of all things graunted for then our gaines would be very vncertaine whereas now our gaine is more certaine and lesse subiect to chaunce and labour Fish You saide most truely and the same discommoditie would redownd vnto vs. But. I am glad yet that at the last there is somewhat found wherein the Fishmongers and the Butchers do agrée Now that I may beginne to speake in good earnest it were better as I take it for the christian people to bée lesse clogged with constitutions and humane ordinances especially such as doe not tend much to godlinesse but rather doe hurt yet on the other side I wil not defend them which reiect all and care not a strawe for any constit●…tions of any man Yea so péeuish are they some of them that therefore they wil doe such and such things onely because they are forbidden But yet I cannot maruaile enough at the preposterous iudgement of mortall men Fish No more can I. But. If we suspect any daunger of loosing any ioate of weight from the constitutions and authoritie of the Clergie we kéepe a stirre as if heauen and earth should goe togither but although there be so much giuen to humane authoritie that Gods authoritie is not so much regarded as it ought to be yet we sléepe soundly and thinke there is no daunger at hand And thus while we labour to shunne one rocke wée runne vpon another more deadly and that without any feare at all The ●…ishops and cleargy are to haue that honor which is due vnto them who denyeth it especially if they doe according to their names but it is a wicked thing to transferre that honour vnto men which is due and proper vnto God and while we are precise in reuerencing of men to do little or none at all vnto God The Lorde is to be honoured and reuerenced in our neighbour but in the meane time we must beware that God by this meanes be not defrauded of his honour Fish In like manner wée sée many ●…o put so much confidence in outward ceremonies that they altogether neglect
may you wel be called Fabulla for you are neuer without a fable But as I was thus musing at the matter in good time I met with him that hath had so many wiues Fab. What he that s●… lately buried his tenth wife Eutr The very same but I le tel you that which perhaps you are ignorant of he goeth a wooing againe as prowdly and lustily as if he had neuer bin married And I asked of him the reason of this white crowe There is quoth he in this house a woman cut in two or diuided by the middle what hainous offence saide I hath she committed And if it be true quoth he is bruited by the common rumour of the people the good wife of the house hath flead her husband and with that went laughing away Fab. He is a pleasant companion after his rude manner Eutr I came forthwith in to gratulate or reioyce with you for your happy birth Fab. So you may if you wil Eutrapilus but then you wil reioyce for my happy birth when you shall sée in that which I haue brought foorth a token of a good man Eutr Thou speakest both godly and truly my Fabulla Fab. No sir I am no mans Fabulla but Petronius onely Eut. To Petronius only you bring forth but I suppose you do not liue to him alone But for this also am I glad and do reioyce with you that you haue brought foorth a man childe Fab. But whie doe you thinke mée more happie for hauing a man childe than a woman child●… Eutr Nay rather Fabulla let me learne that of you whie you women are gladder when you beare a sonne than when you beare a daughter Fab. What oth●…rs thinke is vnknowne to me but at this time I am glad of a sonne because it séemed good vnto God to haue it so if his wil were to giue me a daughter I should be as well pleased as I am Eutr Do you thinke that God is at leisure to looke to thos●… that beare children Fa. What can his maiestie rather do then to preserue that by propagation which he hath created Eutr What can he rather ●…oe good woman yea if God were not God indéede I doe not thinke that hée could sufficiently prouide for so many businesses as he dooth There is the king of Denmarke a godly fauourer of the Gospel hée liueth in banishment There is Francis the French king he liueth as a ghest or stranger amongest the Spaniardes I knowe not whether it be with his wil or against his will but surely hée is a man worthie of better fortune Charles hée goeth about to make a new Monarchie of the whole worlde Fe●…dinandus hath as much to do in Germany about his own matters as he can All Courtiers are gnawne with an insatiable hunger of money the countrymen they raise very daungerous commotions neither can they be terrified from their atempts by so many slaughters and ruines as they haue suffered al the people thinkes of nothing but an Anarchie or confusion of all things the house of the Church is shaken with daungerous factions this way and that way is the seamelesse coate of Christ tor●…e in péeces The Lordes Uineyarde is now wasted not by one boare alone the authoritie also of Priestes and the dignitie of Diuines together wi●…h their tithes and maintenance is going to wracke the constitutions of the Bishops doe ●…aint and languish the Eucharist or Sacrament of Chr●…sts bo●…y and blood is called in qu●…stion antichrist is exspect●…d and the whole worlde doth trauell of I knowe not what some great ●…ischiefe In the meane time the Turkes 〈◊〉 a●…d dominéere and wil make hauocke of all if they go●… on as they beginne And doost thou aske what God can doe b●…tter than to haue a care of women in Childebed yea I thinke it high time for him to looke to his own kingdome and that in time too Fab. Peraduenture that which séem●…th great vnto men is vnto God a matt●…r of no moment But if you will let vs from this talke ●…clude the person of God and tell in good earn●…st what mooueth you to thinke me more happie for hauing alo●…ne than a daughter Eutr It is the parte of a godly mind to iudge that the best which our good God shall giue without al doubt But if God should giue you a cristall cup would you not giue him great thankes ●…ab ●… would indéede ●…utra But what if he should giue you but a glasse potte wo●…ld you giue him the like thankes But while I stand disput●…g of these matters I feare me that I am not comfortabl●… but troublesome vnto you ●…ab Not so Fabulla cannot now take any harme by talking this is the fourth wéeke since I lay downe and nowe I am strong enough eu●…n to wrastle Eut. Why then do you not flie abroad from your neast Fab. ●…he King hath forbidden it Eut. What King Fab. A tyrant Eut. Wh●… I pray you Fab. I wil tel you in one sillable Custome Eut. Sée how many things this King exacteth beside all right and reason let vs then goe on with our discourse of cristall and glasse Fab. The man as I coniecture you iudge to be of a more excellent and firme nature than the woman Eutr So I thinke indéede Fab. Forsooth if men may be Iudges whether then are men longer liu●…d then women or whether are they frée from diseases Eu. Not so but in their kind they are stronger than womē Fab. But therein a camell goes beyond a man Eut. Yea but the man was first created Fab. S●… was ●…dam cr●…ated before Christ is he therefor●… more excellent And workemen are woont in their last works to ●…xcell thems●…lues Eutr But God hath made the woman subiect to the man Fab. He is not by and by the bett●…r which commaundeth another And God hath not subiected the woman but th●… married woman ●…nd againe he hath so subiected the married woman v●…to her hus●…and that whereas each hath power ouer o●…hers body he would haue the woman to yéelde obedience v●…to her husband not as vnto the more excellent but as vnto the more ●…ierce and vnruely Speake Eutrapilus whether is the weaker hee that yéeld●…th vnto an other or hee to whome the way is yéelded Eutr Truly heere I wil yéeld vnto you if you wil declare vnto me what was saint Pauls meaning when he saith That Christ is the head of the man and that the man is the head of the woman And againe when he saieth That the man is the image and glory of God and the woman is the glorie of the man Fa●… That I shal soone resolue you of if you wil but shew me whether it be granted v●…to men only to be the members of Christ. Eut. God forbid that is giuen to all both men and women by faith Fab. How commeth it then to passe that when the head is but one it may not be counted common to all the members Againe when God made man to