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B05253 Laws and acts past in the third session of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly and Bambreith ... / with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Rothes, John Leslie, Earl of, 1630?-1681.; Scotland. Convention of Estates. 1674 (1674) Wing S1278A; ESTC R183991 41,047 48

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shall forfeit the fifth part of their moveables and be uncapable the Merchant of all trading and the Skipper of having any charge of any Ship within this Kingdom in all time coming Provided alwayes that the taking of the Oaths above-mentioned shall be without prejudice of search for or seizure of any exported money And if any Gold or Silver coyned or un-coyned shall after publication hereof be discovered carrying out of the Kingdom by any person who hath taken the said Oath the same not only to be confiscat but the person or persons owners thereof to be proceeded against as perjured persons and further lyable to six moneths imprisonment As also it is hereby Declared that notwithstanding of the said Oaths if it shall at any time thereafter be legally proven money hath been carried out of the Kingdom by the persons takers of the said Oath the saids persons shall be proceeded against as perjured persons and by and attour be fined in the value of the money exported and whatsoever money shall be discovered or seized upon the one half thereof to be for His Majesties use and the other half to the informer And the Lord Thesaurer and Thesaurer-depute are hereby required to appoint sufficient honest men to be found at the respective Ports of this Kingdom or Royal Burghs next adjacent thereto for taking of the saids Oaths And that they take bond with sufficient caution from each of the persons so appointed under the pain of six thousand pounds Scots that they shall not suffer any Merchant or Skipper to use trade or Merchandize with any forraign Kingdom or Nation before they have taken the saids Oaths and shall do their utmost endeavours for discovery and seizure of all money carryed out of the Kingdom And that if it shall be informed to them that any money hath been carryed out of the Kingdom they shall give speedy and timeous notice of their information to the said Lord Thesaurer or Thesaurer-depute the one half of the foresaid sum of six thousand pounds in case of failȝie to be for His Majesties use and the other half to be given to the delator and to be further lyable to six moneths imprisonment for breach of their trust And sicklik the said Lord Thesaurer principal and Thesaurer-depute are hereby required to cause the farmerers and Collectors of the Custom and keepers of the Coquet to take an Oath that the saids Farmerers and Collectors of the Custom shall use their utmost endeavours for the discovery and seizure of all money carrying out of the Kingdom by Sea or Land either by Merchant Skipper or by any person of whatsoever quality or degree except as is above excepted and that they shall not give warrand to any Skipper or receive a Coquet unless they have received both from the Skipper and Merchants in the Ship extracts of the respective Oaths as said is and that the keepers of the Coquets shall give no Coquet unless they have likewise received extracts of the Oaths above-mentioned both from Skipper and Merchants and both Customers and keepers of the Coquet to give bond with sufficient caution under such sums of money as the said Lord Thesaurer principal and Thesaurer-depute shall think fit for fullfilling of the premisses And in case the saids Farmerers Collectors and keepers of the Cocquet or either of them shall refuse to compear or compearing refuse to delay to take the Oath and give their Bond as aforesaid then their Tack Commission Gift or any other Title by which they enjoy their Places and Charges to be void and null and they to be further lyable to such censures as the said Lord Thesaurer principal and Thesaurer-depute shall think fit for their contumacy And if it shall be made appear to the said Lord Thefaurer principal and Thesaurer-depute that any of the Farmerers or Collectors of Custom or keepers of Coquet shall transgress the Oath and Bond above mentioned in any part then their Tack Commission Gift or any other Title by which they enjoy their saids Places to be void and null and they to have incurred the sums and penalties contayned in their respective Bonds the one half thereof to be given to the informer or delator and to be further proceeded against as perjured persons Discharging hereby all granting of Licences for exporting of money except to such persons allanerly as shall make faith in Exchequer or these appointed by the Lord Thesaurer or Thesaurer-depute and give sufficient Bond that the money which they are to carry out is to be bestowed upon Timber in Norway or in order for bringing in of Victual in time of extream dearth and that they shall return in specie what part of the money shall not be bestowed XI ACT for encouragement of Tillage and Pasturage OUr Soveraign Lord considering how necessar it is for the encouragement of the tillage of this Country which is subject to so much toil and expence though the improvement thereof be most advantagious to the whole Kingdom That liberty be granted for the exportation of Corns after the Natives are sufficiently provided for Therefore the King's Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates in Parliament Statutes and Declares That it shall be lawfull to export Corns of all sorts when they are under the prices following at the Ports or respective places of exportation viz. ilk Boll of Wheat under twelve pounds the Boll Beir and Barley under eight pounds the Boll Oats and Pease under eight merks the Boll notwithstanding of any former Acts Laws or Practice to the contrary they paying the usual Custom and Bullion as formerly with this provision That when the Lords of His Majesties S cret Council shall judge it necessar for the good of the Kingdom and preventing of dearth they may discharge the exportation of Victual of all sorts for so long time as they shall think fit As also for improvement of the Pasturage of this Kingdom and for encouragement of the breeders of the Bestial thereof It is Statute and Ordained with advice and consent foresaid that the exportation by Sea of all sorts of Bestial either Nolt Sheep or Swine and barrelled Fleshes of all sort shall be free of Custom Bullion and all other impositions for the space of nineteen years next after the date thereof XII ACT for anew Imposition upon English Commodities THe Estates of Parliament considering how much it concernes the credit and wealth of the Kingdom that our own native Commodities be manufactured amongst our selves and that the endeavours of such persons as are setting up Manufacturies and Trades have been and are much retarded by the importation of such forraign commodities as may be made within the Kingdom Therefore and for their due encouragement the King's Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Statutes and ordains That from and after the first day of September next twelve pounds Scots upon ilk ell of broad English Cloath six pounds upon ilk ell of York-shire and all
still more and more sensible of this their happiness by the often and renewed expressions of His Majesties grace and favour and of His tenderness and care of their preservation in the peaceable and secure enjoyment of their Religion Laws Liberties and Properties Do find themselves the more oblieged to renew the expressions of their duty and loyalty to His Majesty And therefore the Estates of Parliament of this His Majesties ancient Kingdom of Scotland do in name and behalf of all His Majesties good Subjects within the same by these presents renew the dutifull tender of their lives and fortunes for the promoving of His Majesties Service and the advancement of His Royal Authority And as they do chearfully recognosce His Majesties Royal Prerogative and undoubted Right of the sole power of raising arming and commanding of His Subjects So in a further acknowledgment of their duty they do make humble and hearty offer to His Majestie of twenty thousand Footmon and two thousand Horse-men sufficiently armed and furnished with fourty dayes provision to be raised from the several Shires of the Kingdom according to the proportions following viz. From the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk one thousand three hundred thirty three Foot and one hundred fourty eight Horse From the Shire of Berwick eight hundred Foot and seventy four Horse From the Shire of Edinburgh eight hundred Foot and seventy four Horse From the Shire of Haddingtoun eight hundred Foot and seventy four Horse From the Shire of Peebles two hundred sixty six Foot and twenty nine Horse From the Shire of Linlithgow three hundred thirty three Foot and fourty two Horse From the Burgh of Edinburgh Lieth and Canongate eight hundred Foot From the Shire of Dumfries eight hundred Foot and eighty eight Horse From the Shire of Wigtour eight hundred Foot and eighty eight Horse From the Shires of Air and Renfrew one thousand three hundred thirty three Foot and one hundred seventy six Horse From the Shire hundred fourty eight Horse From the Shires of Stirling and Clackmannan six hundred sixty six Foot and eighty eight Horse From the Shires of Fyfe and Kinross one thousand six hundred Foot and one hundred seventy six Horse From the Shire of Perth one thousand six hundred Foot and one hundred seventy six Horse From the Shire of Forfar one thousand Foot and one hundred and three Horse From the Shire of Kincardin and Marshals part of Aberdeen eight hundred Foot and seventy four Horse From the rest of Aberdeen and Shire of Bamff one thousand sixty six Foot and one hundred seventy six Horse From the Shires of Elgin Nairn and this side of Ness one thousand Foot and eighty eight Horse From the Earl of Seafort and Lord Lovat their division of Innerness six hundred sixty six Foot and eighty eight Horse From the Shires of Sutherland and Caithness and the rest of Innerness one thousand sixty six Foot and eighty eight Horse From the Shires of Argyl Dumbartoun and Bute eight hundred Foot From the Shire of Orknay six hundred sixty six Foot Which Forces are to be in readiness as they shall be called for by His Majesty to march to to any part of His Dominions of Scotland England or Ireland for suppressing of any forreign invasion intestine trouble or insurrection or for any other service wherein His Majesties Honour Authority or Greatness may be concerned And for the better prosecution hereof the Estates of Parliament do humbly intreat His Majesty may be graciously pleased to give Commissions to such persons to be general Officers Colonels Lieutenant-colonels Majors and Rute-masters as His Majesty in His Royal judgement shall think fit and for the other Officers or any other thing fitting to be done for perfecting of the Levies and carrying on of this business they do humbly recommend to His Majesty to give His direction therein to His Privy Council who are hereby impowered with Commission and Authority for the ordering disposing and sole managing of this Affair in such a way as this dutifull offer of the Parliament to His Majesty may be made most effectual and according to the instructions and commands they shall receive from His Majesty And the Estates of Parliament do Declare that if His Majesty shall have further use of their service this Kingdom will be ready every man betwixt sixty and sixteen to joyn and hazard their lives and fortunes as they shall be called for by His Majesty for the safety and preservation of His sacred Person Authority and Government XXVI ACT asserting His Majesties Prerogative in the ordering and disposal of Trade with forraigners THe Estates of Parliament considering that during the late tronbles divers invasions were made upon the Royal Prerogatives of the Crown and that in a just abhorrence thereof and in a due sense of the happiness they enjoy under His Majesties Government they are oblieged on all occasions to vindicat and assert the same in the several branches thereof And since the ordering and disposal of Trade with forraign Countries and the laying of restraints and impositions upon forraign imported Merchandizes is by the Law of Nations acknowledged to be proper to and inherent in the persons of all free Princes as an undoubted Prerogative of the Crown They therefore in a dutiful and humble recognizance of His Majesties Prerogative-royal do Deelare That the ordering and disposal of Trade with forraign Nations and the laying of restraints and impositions upon forraign imported Commodities doth belong to His Majesty and His Successors as an undoubted Priviledge and Prerogative of the Crown and that by vertue thereof they may lay such impositions and restraints upon imported forraign Commodities and so order and dispose upon the Trade of them as they shal judge fit for the good of the Kingdom Likeas the King's Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates in Parliament doth hereby rescind and Annull all Acts Statutes Constitutions and Customs to the contrary and Declares the same void and null in all time coming XXVII COMMISSION for Plantation of Kirks and valuation of Teinds THe King 's most Excellent Majesty being desirous to prosecute the work of valuation of Teinds and plantation of Kirks in reference to His own interest for the annuity and the universal good of His people especially for the incouragement of the Ministers of the Gospel Doth with advice and consent of His Estates of Parliament Ratifie and Approve the nineteenth Act of the Parliament holden at Edinburgh by His Royal Father of blessed memory in anno one thousand six hundred and thirty three entituled Commission for valuation of Teinds in the whole heads clauses and conditions thereof except in so far as there hath been alterations made therein by Acts and Commissions made and granted by his Majesty since the date of the said Act or granted by any pretended Parliaments since and which are Ratified Salved or Reserved by this present Parliament and which alterations are not destructive of and contrary to this present Act or
LAWS and ACTS Past in the Third SESSION of the First PARLIAMENT Of our most High and Dread SOVERAIGN CHARLES THE SECOND By the Grace of GOD King of SCOTLAND ENGLAND FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith Holden at Edinburgh from the eighteenth of June 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter on which day the the Parliament was dissolved By a Noble Lord John Earl of Rothes Lord Lesly and Bambreith His MAJESTIES Commissioner for holding the same by vertue of a COMMISSION under His MAJESTIES Great Seal of this Kingdom With the special Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament EDINBURGH Re-printed by Andrew Anderson Printer to the King 's most Excellent MAJESTY Anno DOM. 1674. CUM PRIVILEGIO LAWS and ACTS past in the third SESSION of the first PARLIAMENT of our most High and Dread Soveraign CHARLES the Second by the Grace of GOD King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Begun at Edinburgh upon the eighteenth of June 1663. and continued to the ninth of October thereafter I. ACT against separation and disobedience to Ecclesiastical Authority FOrasmuch as the King's Majesty considering the prejudices which did ensue to the Church and Protestant Religion to the Prerogative of the Crown to the Authority of Parliament to the Liberties of the Subject and to the publick Laws and Peace of the Kingdom by the invasions made upon Episcopal Government during the late troubles and finding that Government to be the Church government most agreeable to the word of God most convenient and effectual for preservation of Truth Order and Unity and most suteable to Monarchy and to the Peace and Quiet of the State Hath therefore with advice and consent of his Estates of Parliament by several Acts past in the second Session of this Parliament restored the Church to it 's ancient and right Government by Archbishops and Bishops and hath redintigrated the estate of Bishops to the exercise of their Episcopal Function and to all the Priviledges Dignities Jurisdictions and Possessions due and formerly belonging thereunto And in further order to the settlement of the Church and bringing the Ministers to a due acknowledgment of and complyance with the Government thereof thus established by Law His Majesty with advice foresaid hath also Statute and Ordained That all these Ministers who entred to the Cure of any Paroch without Right or Presentations from the lawful Patron in and since the year one thousand six hundred and fourty nine and should not betwixt and the twentieth of September last obtain Presentations from their several Patrons and Collation from the Bishop of the Diocess where they lived should have no right to the uplifting the Rents of any Benefice or Stipend for the year one thousand six hundred and sixty two but that their Places Benefices and Kirks should be ipso jure vacand And that whatever Ministers should without a lawfull excuse to be admitted by their ordinary absent themselves from the diocesian Assembly or who should not concur in all the Acts of the Church-discipline as they should be thereunto required by the Archbishop or Bishop of the Diocess should be for the first fault suspended from their Office and Benefice till the next diocesian Meeting and if they amend not should be deprived and the Church and Benefice to be provided as in other cases of vacancies And the King's Majesty having resolved to conserve and maintain the Church in the present State and Government thereof by Archbishops and Bishops and others bearing office therein and not to endure nor give way or connivance to any variation therein in the least Doth therefore with advice and consent of His Estates conveened in this third Session of His Parliament Ratifie and Approve the afore-mentioned Acts and Laws made in the two former Sessions of Parliament in order to the setling of Episcopal Dignity Jurisdiction and Authority within this Kingdom and Ordains them to stand in full force as publick Laws of the Kingdom and to be put to further execution in all points conform to the tenor thereof And in pursuance of His Majesties Royal resolution herein His Majesty with advice aforesaid doth recommend to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council to take speedy and effectual course that these Acts receive ready and due obedience from all His Majesties Subjects And for that end that they call before them all such Ministers who having entred in or since the year one thousand six hundred and fourty nine and have not as yet obtained Presentations and Collations as aforesaid yet dared to preach in contempt of the Law and to punish them as seditious persons and contemners of the Royal Authority As also that they be carefull that such Ministers who keep not the diocesian Meetings and concur not with the Bishops in the Acts of Church-discipline being for the same suspended or deprived as said is be accordingly after deprivation removed from their Benefices Glebs and manses and if any of them shall notwithstanding offer to retain the possession of their Benefices or Manses that they take present course to see them dispossest and if they shall thereafter presume to exercise their Ministry that they be punished as seditious persons and such as contemn the Authority of Church and State And as His Majesty doth expect from all His good and dutifull Subjects a due acknowledgment of and hearty complyance with His Majesties Government Ecclesiasticall and Civil as it is now established by Law within this Kingdom and that in order thereunto they will give their chearfull concurrence countenance and assistance to such Ministers as by publick Authority are or shall be admitted in their several Paroches and attend all the ordinary Meetings for divine Worship in the same So His Majesty doth Declare That He will and doth account a with-drawing from and not keeping and joyning in these Meetings to be seditious and of dangerous example and consequence And therefore and for preventing the same for the future His Majesty with advice and consent of His Estates in Parliament doth hereby Statute Ordain and Declare That all and every such person or persons who shall hereafter ordinarily and willfully withdraw and absent themselves from the ordinary Meetings of divine Worship in their own Paroch Church on the Lords day whether upon account of Popery or other disaffection to the present Government of the Church shall thereby incur the pains and penalties under-writren viz. Each Nobleman Gentleman and Heretor the loss of a fourth part of ilk years Rent in which they shall be accused and convicted and every Yeoman Tennent or Farmer the loss of such a proportion of their free moveables after the payment of their Rents due to their Master and Landlord as His Maejesties Council shall think fit not exceeding a fourth part thereof and every Burgess to lose the libertie of Merchandizing Trading and all other Priviledges within Burgh and fourth part of their moveables And His Majesty with advice foresaid doth hereby
ordering and disposal of the external Government of the Church and the nomination of the persons by whose advice matters relating to the same are to be setled doth belong to His Majesty as an inherent right of the Crown by vertue of His Prerogative-royal and supream Authority in causes Ecclesiastical And in prosecution of this Trust His Majesty considering how fit and necessary it is for the honour and service of Almighty God the good and quiet of the Church and the better Government thereof in unity and order that there be a National Synod and Assembly duly constitute within this Kingdom Hath therefore Appointed and Declared and by these presents Appoints and Declares that there shall be a National Synod of the Church of Scotland And that this Synod for the lawfull Members thereof shall consist and be constitute of the Archbishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow and the remanent Bishops of these two Provinces of all Deans of Cathedral Churches Arch-deacons of all the Moderators of Meetings for exercise allowed by the Bishops of the respective Diocesse and of one Presbyter or Minister of each Meeting to be chosen and elected by the Moderator and plurality of Presbyters of the same and of one or two from the University of St. Andrews one from Glasgow one from the King's Colledge one from Marshals Colledge of Aberdeen and one from the Colledge of Edinburgh And this Synod thus constitute is to meet at such times and places as His Majestie by His Proclamation shall appoint and is to debate treat consider consult conclude and determine upon such pious matters causes and things concerning the Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government of this Church as His Majesty shall from time to time under His Royal hand deliver or cause be delivered to the Archbishop of St. Andrews President of the said National Assembly to be by him offered to their consideration The Estates of Parliament do humbly recognosce and acknowledge His Majesties Royal Power and Prerogative aforesaid with the piety justice and prudence of His Majesties resolution herein Likeas His Majesty with their advice and consent doth hereby Establish Ratifie and Confirm this constitution of a National Assembly as the lawfull constitution of the National Synods and Assemblies of this Church His Majesty or His Commissioner without whose presence no National Synod can be kept being alwayes present And Declares That no Act Canon Order or Ordinance shall be owned as an Act of the National Synod of the Church of Scotland so as to be of any effect force or validity in Law to be observed and keeped by the Archbishops and Bishops the inferiour Clergy and all other persons within this Realm as far as lawfully being Members of this National Church it may concern them but that which shall be considered consulted and agreed upon by the President and major part of the Members above-specified It is alwayes hereby provided that nothing be enacted or put in execution by authority of a National Synod within this Kingdom which shall be contrary to His Majesties Royal Prerogative or the Laws of the Kingdom And that no Act Mater or Cause be debated consulted and concluded upon but what shall be allowed approven and confirmed by His Majesty or His Commissior present at the said National Synod V. ACT anent ruinous houses in Royal Burghs OUr Soveraign Lord being informed that upon the high Streets of several of His Majesties Burghs-royal and in the vennels and other passages within the same there be many houses in the publick view of all people resorting thereto very ruinous and not inhabited these divers years by gone nor likely to be repaired by any to the great opprobry of the said Burghs and common scandal of the Kingdom as being altogether defective of that policy and good order which is and ever hath been so earnestly intended in the many wholsom and laudable Laws already made by His Majesty and His Royal Progenitors of most worthy memory And finding the Burroughs very desirous to have these many dangers and inconveniences prevented and remeeded which the inhabitants of these Burghs and the rest of the Lieges frequenting the same do continually fear from such ruinous buildings Doth therefore with advice of His Estates of Parliament Ordain the Provost and Bailies of the Burgh where such ruinous houses are to cause warn and charge all persons that have or pretends right to the property of such Lands and Buildings or any Annual-rents forth thereof to cause build and repair in a decent way within year and day such Houses and Buildings as have been wast and not inhabited three years before the date of this present Act or shall be wast and not inhabited thereafter by the foresaid space of three years or else to sell the same to others to be builded within the same space of year and day And to charge all known persons personally or at their dwelling places and by open Proclamation at the Paroch-kirk or Mercat-cross of the Burgh and all others by open Proclamation at the said Mercat-cross and Paroch-kirk And in case of their absence out of this Realm at the Cross of Edinburgh and Peer and Shoar of Leith upon threescore dayes with certification to them if they failȝie the said Provost and Bailies shall cause the said Lands and Tenement to be valued by certain persons to be chosen and sworn by them for that effect and sell the same to any person that will buy them and pay the price of the same to these owners if they be known and if they be not known to consign the prices thereof in the hands of the Provost one of the Bailies or Dean of Gild of the said Burgh to be forth-coming to these who have interest thereto And if no man will buy them it shall be lawfull to the said Provost and Bailies after apprising thereof as said is and payment or consignation of the prices of the same to cast down the said ruinous Houses and cause build the same of new And His Majesty with advice foresaid Declares That it shall not be lawfull in time coming to any maner of person to pursue them nor their successors therefore nor pretend any right or interest thereto but that the said right shall be a perfect security to the builders thereof and their successors VI. Act discharging the importation of Strong-waters c. OUr Soveraign Lord and Estates of Parliament understanding that there are divers Strong-waters Mum-beer and other Beer for drinking brought into this Kingdom from forraign places which might be more conveniently made within the Kingdom to the benefit of the natives thereof Therefore His Majesty with consent of the saids Estates Discharges all in bringing of Aqua vitae or strong-waters Mum beer and other Beer for drinking except Black beer called Spruce-beer within this Kingdom under the pain of escheat thereof VII ACT discharging the mixing of Tin with Lead OUr Soveraign Lord and Estates of this present Parliament considering the great
their diets of meeting from time to time and the Committee to take care that the sums thus alloted shal be put into a Stock and setled upon Land or otherwayes by advice of the respective Bishops who are Chancellors of the saids Universities and Ordains the Annual-rent of the said Stock to be proportioned to the Masters and Professors of each Universitie as the Visitors thereof shall appoint And further His Majesty and Estates foresaid do Ordain that Stipends and all Benefices of Kirks that shall vaik after the first day of February in this following year of God one thousand six hundred and sixty four for the space of seven years next thereafter shall be up-lifted by Collector thereof and imployed by him in the maner and according to the proportions above-specified for increasing of the Stock of each Universitie Declaring that the fifty two Act of the first Session of this Parliament Concerning the disposal of vacand stipends shall be of no force during the space of the years foresaid and Ordains Letters of Horning and Poinding and all other execution necessary to be directed at the instance of the saids Bishops or any to be appointed by them and at the instance of the said Collector for the more speedy in-bringing of the sums respective above-mentioned Further His Majesty and the Estates of Parliament do recommend to the Lords of the Privy Council to entertain and promote any voluntary offer or contribution for the ends aforesaid to be made by Noble-men or Gentlemen for a work so worthy of the publick wisdom piety and honour of this Kingdom It is alwayes Declared that this Act shall be without prejudice of Acts past in this Parliament for allowing the vacand Stipends of the Diocess of Isles and Argyl for breeding of young Schollars the sum being regulate by the Committee above-named and that this Act shall be no preparative for laying on any burdens on the Clergy hereafter without their own consent XXIV ACT regulating the proportions of Excise in the several Shires and Burghs THe Estates of Parliament taking to their consideration the grievances represented to them by several Shires and Burghs anent the excessive proportions of Excise laid upon them by the late Act of Parliament and what great burthen the Land-rent of the said Shires and Burghs lyesunder for making up the saids proportions and the great ease which several other Shires have in their proportions And it being just and reasonable that all publick impositions of that nature should be equally distributed upon those lyable in payment thereof Therefore the King's Majesty with advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains that the several Shires and Burghs of this Kingdom shall for the moneths of November and December next one thousand six hundred and sixty three and January one thousand six hundred and sixty four years and in all time thereafter be lyable in the monethly paiment of the respective proportions under-written viz. The Shire of Edinburgh principal in the sum of two thousand one hundred and fourty pounds Scots money The Town of Edinburgh in the sum of two thousand nine hundred thirty two pounds The Shire of Haddingtoun in the sum of one thousand two hundred fourscore and eleven pounds The Shire of Berwick in the sum of six hundred and ten pounds sixteen shillings The Shire of Raxburgh in the sum of seven hundred threescore twelve pounds sixteen shillings The Shire of Selkirk in the sum of one hundred fourty seven pounds ten shillings The Shire of Peebles in the sum of one hundred thirty seven pounds ten shillings The Shire of Lanerick in the sum of nine hundred threescore eight pounds eight shillings The Town of Glasgow in the sum of one thousand threescore sixteen pounds four shillings The Shire of Dumfriese in the sum of six hundred fifty six pounds The Shire of Wigtoun Kircudburgh in the sum of seven hundred thirty two pounds twelve shillings whereof the Stewartry of Kircudburgh is to pay the sum of four hundred threescore one pounds and the Shire of Wigtoun the sum of two hundred threescore eleven pounds twelve shillings The Shire of Air in the sum of one thousand six hundred thirtie nine pounds sixteen shillings the Shire of Dumbartoun in the sum of two hundred fifty four pounds The Shire of Bute in the sum of fifty seven pounds The Shire of Renfrew in the sum of four hundred fifty seven pounds four shillings The Shire of Stirling in the sum of nine hundred and threescore pounds eight shillings The Shire of Linlithgow in the sum of seven hundred fourescore nineteen pounds four shillings The Shire of Perth in the sum of two thousand three hundred threescore fourteen pounds sixteen shillings The Shire of Kincardin in the sum of three hundred threescore three pounds twelve shillings the Shire of Aberdeen in the sum two thousand four hundred and eighteen pounds nineteen shillings The Shire of Bamff in the sum of four hundred fourty seven pounds three shillings The Shire of Innerness in the sum of seven hundred fourscore fourteen pounds eight shillings The Shires of Elgin and Nairn in the sum of five hundred fourscore sixteen pounds four shillings The Shire of Cromarty in the sum of twenty four pounds The Shire of Argyl in the sum of four hundred fourty three pounds sixteen shillings The Shire of Fyfe and Kinross in the sum of three thousand six hundred and eight pounds eight shillings The Shire of Forfar in the sum of one thousand twenty four pounds four shillings The Town of Dundee in the sum of seven hundred and eighteen pounds four shillings The Shire of Sutherland in the sum of threescore twelve pounds twelve shillings The Shire of Caithness in the sum of one hundred fifty three pounds four shillings The Shire of Orknay and Zetland in the sum of two hundred fourty three pounds sixteen shillings The Shire of Clackmannan in the sum of two hundred and six pounds two shillings And the Shire of Ross in the sum of two hundred and four pounds money foresaid Any thing in the said Act of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding which is hereby Declared to be of no force or effect as to the proportions of the said Excise after the said first day of November next XXV An humble Tender to His Sacred Majesty of the duty and loyalty of His ancient Kingdom of Scotland FOrasmuch as the Estates of Parliament upon consideration of the great blessings this Kingdom enjoyeth under the protection of His Majesties Authority and the administrations of His Royal Government being thereby not only delivered from their former troubles and all the evils which attend such usurpations but being fully restored to and possest of all the liberties and priviledges of a free people Have by their several addresses to His Saored Majesty made offer of their lives and fortunes and all that is dearest to them for the advancement of His Royal Honour Authority and Greatness And this Kingdom being