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A34145 The original papers and letters, relating to the Scots Company, trading to Africa and the Indies from the memorial given in against their taking subscriptions at Hamburgh, by Paul Ricaut, His Majesty's resident there, to their last address sent up to His Majesty in December, 1699 : faithfully extracted from the Companies books. Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies.; Rycaut, Paul, Sir, 1628-1700. 1700 (1700) Wing C5598A; ESTC R4714 23,387 56

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Company in particular do make our most humble and earnest Request to Your Majesty That You would be graciously pleased to grant us such a Declaration as in Your Royal Wisdom You shall think fit to render the Senate and Inhabitants of the said City of Hamburg and all others that are or may be concerned secure from the Treatnings and other Suggestions contained in the said Memorial as well as to render us secure under Your Majesty's Protection in the full prosecution of our Trade and free enjoyment of our Lawful Rights Privileges and Immunities contained in Your Majesty's said Acts of Parliament and Letters Patent above-mention'd Sign'd at Edinburgh the 28th Day of June 1697 in Name Presence and by Order of the said Council General by May it please Your Majesty Your Majesty's most Faithful most Dutiful most Humble and most Obedient Subject and Servant Sic subscribitur Yester P. His Majesty's Answer to the said Address By the Right Honourable John Earl of Tullibardin c. and Sir James Ogilvie Knight Secretaries of State My Lords and Gentlemen WE are impowered by the King to signifie unto you That as soon as His Majesty shall return to England he will take into Consideration what you have presented unto him And that in the mean time His Majesty will give Orders to the Envoy at the Courts of Lunenburg and his Resident at Hamburg not to make use of His Majesty's Name or Authority for obstructing your Company in the Prosecution of your Trade with the Inhabitants of that City Sign'd at Edinburgh the Second Day of August 1697. Sic subscribitur Tullibardine Ja. Ogilvie To the Council-General of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies THE Company 's Letter TO THE Right Honourable the Earl of Tullibardin Secretary of State Edinburgh Sept. 28. 1697. May it please your Lordship IT is not unknown to Your Lordship in what Humour the Council General of our Company and most Part of the Nation were in with Relation to the Memorial given in to the Senate of Hamburg against our Company by the English Ministers there upon which ensued the Council-Generals late Address transmitted to His Majesty by your Lordship And your Lordship very well knows that at your Request and Desire only upon Premises of using your best Endeavours to procure a speedy and satisfactory Answer from his Majesty the said Council-General was prevail'd upon to suspend representing that Matter further to the Government till the second Day of August last past On which Day your Lordship did signifie his Majesty's Answer to the said Address Upon Receipt whereof the said Council General did resolve to supersede any further Proceeding therein till His Majesty's arrival in England as not in the least doubting but His Majesty would have in the mean time pursuant to his Answer given Orders to His Resident at Hamburg with Relation to the Subject Matter of the said Memorial But we are extreamly surprized to find by Letters of the 31st ultimo from our Company 's Agent in that City that he had according to our Order been to wait on the English Resident there and with all the Respect due to his Character intimated to him the Contents of the said Address and Answer Upon which the Resident declared That he was ready and willing to obey His Master's Orders but that as yet he had got none in that Matter We cannot imagine what should be the Occasion of this new Disappointment since we cannot suffer our selves to believe but that His Majesty has according to his Letter to your Lordship given Orders as aforesaid which makes us admire the more where the Neglect of that Matter doth now stand Yet we must needs say We are in some Measure afraid to acquaint the said Council-General with it lest they be more uneasie thereupon than we would wish till first we have your Lordship's Answer For which Cause we the several under-subscribing Directors of the said Company who are now in Town have thought fit in as quiet a Manner as possible to give your Lordship an Account thereof to the end you may in your Wisdom and Prudence advise His Majesty with Relation thereunto and doubt not but your Lordship will take such Care herein as may prevent our Calling another Council-General with Relation to the Premises which we are bound un avoidably to do if we have not your Lordship's timely Answer We are May it please Your Lordship Your Lordships most Obedient Humble Servants Sic Subscribitur Ad. Cockburn Fran. Montgomery Archb. Mure Geo. Clark Robert Blackwood James Balfour William Paterson To the Right Honourable the Earl of Tullibardin Principal Secretary of State for the Kingdom of Scotland Memorandum The Duplicate hereof was likewise sent at the same time to the Right Honourrable Sir James Ogilvie Knight c. To the King 's Most Excellent Majesty The Humble Address of the Council-General of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies May it please Your Majesty BY a former Address of the 28th of June last we have humbly represented to Your Majesty how that Your Majesty's Envoy to the Courts of Lunenburg and Resident at Hamburgh did under Pretence of Special Warrant from Your Majesty give in a Memorial to the Senate of the said City of Humburgh contrary to the Law of Nations and expresly invading the Privileges contained in the Acts of Parliament and Letters Patent by which our Company is established Copies of which Address and Memorial we have for Your Majesty's better Information hereto annexed In answer to which Your MAJESTY was then graciously pleased to signifie by Your Royal Letter That upon Your MAJESTY's arrival in England You would take the Contents of our said Address into Consideration And that in the mean time You would give Orders to Your said Ministers not to make use of your Majesty's Name or Authority for obstructing our Company in the Prosecution of our Trade with the InhaDitants of the said City of Humburg In the full Assurance of which we rested secure and took our Measures accordingly till to our further Surprize and great Disappointment we find by repeated Advices from Hamburg That Your Majesty 's said Resident continues still Contumacious and is so far from giving due Obedience to Your Majesty's said Order that upon Application made to him for that Effect with all the Respect due to his Character he pretended that he had never as yet got any such Order on our Behalf which we thought fit in all Duty and Humility to lay before Your Majesty renewing withal our most humble and earnest Request That Your Majesty would be now graciously pleased to take the Contents of This and our said former Address into Consideration and in your Royal Wisdom order some speedy and effectual Redress of our Grievances therein mentioned and a just Reparation of the manifest Damages which our Company has already sustained by reason of the said Memorial And grant us a Declaration under Your Royal Hand
to render the Senate and Inhabitants of the said City of Hamburg and all others with whom we have occasion to enter in Commerce secure from the Threatnings and other false Suggestions mentioned in the said Memorial as well as to render us secure under Your Majesty's Protection in the free Enjoyment of our Lawful Rights and Privileges contained in Your Majesty's Acts of Parliament and Letters Patent above mentioned Sign'd at Edinburgh the 22d Day of Decemb. 1697 in Name Presence and by Order of the said Council General by May it please Your Majesty Your Majesty's most Faithful most Dutiful most Humble and most Obedient Subject and Servant Sic subscribitur Fran. Scott Pr. To the Right Houourable the Lord High Chancellor and remanent Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy-Council The humble Representation of the Council-General of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies May it please your Lordships 'T Is not unknown to your Lordships how that in several successive Sessions of this current Parliament His Majesty's Instructions to His respective High Commissioners and their several Speeches pursuant thereunto have been full of repeated Assurances of His Majesty's good Inclinations for encouraging the Trade and Manufactures of this Nation And whereas accordingly by the 32d Act of the 4th Session and the 8th Act of the 5th Session of the said Parliament together with His Majesty's Letters Patent under the great Seal of this Kingdom our Company is establish'd with such ample Privileges and Immunities as were thought most proper for encouraging both Natives and Foreigners to joyn in the carrying on supporting and advancement of our Trade We have in pursuance and upon publick Faith thereof not only contributed at home a far more considerable Joint-Stock than ever was raised before in this Nation for any publick Undertaking or Project of Trade whatsoever but have also had all the promising Hopes and Prospect of Foreign Aid that our Hearts could wish till to our great surprize the English Ministers at Hamburgh have under pretence of Special Warrant from His Majesty put a stop thereto by giving in a Memorial to the Senate of that City threatning both Senate and Inhabitants with the King 's utmost Displeasure if they should countenance or joyn with us in any Treaty of Trade and Commerce As by the annexed Copy thereof may appear Upon due Consideration whereof we have in all Duty and Humility address'd His Majesty in June last for redress thereof In answer to which Address His Majesty was then graciously pleased to signifie by His Royal Letter That upon His return into England He would take into Consideration the Contents of our said Address And that in the mean time He would give Orders to His said Ministers at Hamburgh not to make use of His Royal Name or Authority for obstructing the Trade of our Company with the Inhabitants of that City In the full assurance of which we rested secure and took our Measures accordingly till to our further Surprize and unspeakable Prejudice we found by repeated Advices from Hamburgh that the said Resident continues still Contumacious and is so far from due Obedience to His Majesty's said Order that upon Application made to him by our Agent in that City with all the Respect due to his Character he declared That as yet he had got no such Order on our behalf Which by a further Address we are now to lay before His Majesty But whereas we humbly concelve your Lordships to be more immediately under His Majejesty the Guardians of the Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom we think it our Duty to represent to Your Lordships the Consequences of the said Memorial both with relation to our Company in particular and the Privileges Interest Honour Dignity and Reputation of the Nation in general Your Lordships very well know of what Concern the Success of this Company is to the whole Kingdom and that scarce any particular Society or Corporation within the same can justly boast of so unanimous a Suffrage or Sanction as the Acts of Parliament by which this Company is established So that if effectual means be not taken for putting an early stop to such an open and violent Infringement of and Encroachment upon the Privileges of so solemn a Constitution 't is hard to guess how far it may in after Ages be made use of as a Precedent for invading and overturning even the very Fundamental Rights Natural Liberties and indisputable Independency of this Kingdom which by the now open and frequent Practises of our unkind Neighbours seem to be too shreudly pointed at And should this Company wherein the most considerable of the Nobility Gentry Merchants and whole Body of the Royal Boroughs are concern'd be so unhappy which God forbid as to have its Designs rendred unsuccessful through the unaccountable evil Treatments of our said Neighbours most certain it is that no Consideration whatever can thereafter induce this Nation to join in any such other Publick tho' never so advantageous Undertaking as not doubting but to meet with the like or greater Discouragements from those who give such frequent and manifest Indications of their Designs to wrest our Right and Freedom of Trade out of our Hands For which cause we humbly offer tbe Premises to your Lordship's Consideration not doubting but you will in your profound Wisdom and Prudence take such effectual Measures for redress thereof at present and to prevent the like Encroachments for the future as may be capable to remove those Apprehensions and Jealousies which the bare-faced and avowed Methods of the English do now suggest not only to our Company in particular but even to the whole Body of this Nation in general Sign'd at Edinburgh the 22d Day of December 1697 in Name Presence and by Order of the said Council-General by May it please Your Lordships Your Lordship 's most Obedient and most humble Servant Sic Subscribitur Fran. Scott Pr. The Answer by the two Secretaries of State to the President of the Company Kensington Jan. 17. 1697 8. SIR WE presented this Day to the King the Address of the African Company We could not have Opportunity to do it sooner His Majesty being so much taken up at this time The King said That he had already given Orders to his Resident at Hamburg in that Matter conform to his Letter he wrote from Flanders in July last which was Communicated to the Company We are SIR Your Humble Servants Sic subscribitur Tullibardin Ja. Ogilvie To Sir FRANCIS SCOTT of Thirlestane To his Grace His Majesty's High Commissioner and the Right Honourable the States of Parliament The Humble Petition of the Council-General of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies Sheweth THat whereas the Wisdom of the King and this present Parliament has thought fit by two several solemn Acts and Letters Patent under the Great Seal of this Kingdom to establish our Company with such Powers Privileges and Immunities as were thought needful
thereon depending and Vice-Admiral of the same A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS his most Excellent Majesty having received Advice that several Ships of Force fitted out in Scotland were arrived at the Island of St. Thomas with an Intention as they declared to settle themselves in some parts of America Least the same should derogate from the Treaties his Majesty has entred into with the Crown of Spain or be otherwise prejudicial to any of his Majesty's Colonies in the West-Indies his Majesty has been pleased to signify his Royal Pleasure to me That I should strictly forbid all his Majesty's Subjects or others inhabiting within the Districts of my Government holding any Corespondence with or giving any Assistance to any of the said Persons while they are engaged in the foresaid Enterprize and that no Provision Arms Ammunition or other Necessaries whatsoever be carried to them from thence nor be carried either in their own Vessels or any other Ships or Vessels for their use In observance therefore of his Majesty 's said Royal Will and Pleasure I have thought fit by and with the Advice of his Majesty's Council of this Province to charge and command and do hereby charge and command all and every of his Majesty's Subjects and others within this Province and Territories thereon depending that they forbear holding any Corespondence with or giving any Assistance to any Person or Persons who have been fitted out of Scotland in manner aforesaid and are said to have settled in a certain place in the West-Indies by 'em call'd Caledonia or to enter into any Trafsick or Commerce with them or any of them And that no Provisions Arms Ammunition or other necessaries whatsoever be transported or carried unto them from this Province or any part thereof either in their own Vessels or any other Ship or Vessel for their Use. Of which all his Majesty's Subjects and others within this Province are hereby required to take due notice and conform themselves accordingly as they will answer their acting hereunto under the utmost Pains Penalties and Forfeitures as are by Law in such cases provided And the Officers of his Majesty's Customs and all other his Majesty's Officers are hereby also required to take effectual care that his Majesty 's said Royal Will and Pleasure in all and every of the Premises be duly observed and kept as they will answer the contrary at their Peril Given at the Council Chamber in Boston the third day of June 1699. in the eleventh year of his Majesty's Reign By Order of his Excellency and Council I. Addington Secr. BELLONONT God save the King Boston Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen Printers to his Excellency the Governour and Council Edinburgh Reprinted exactly according to the Originals Anno 1699. A second Proclamation published in Barbadoes against the Scots Company and Colony Barbadoes By his EXCELLENCY WHEREAS his Majesty has been pleased to signify his Pleasure to me by Mr. Secretary Vernon That he hath been advised that several Ships of Force are arrived at the Island of Cairat near Darien from Scotland with an intentention to settle themselves their Design being unknown to his Majesty and least the same should derogate from the Treaties his Majesty hath entred into with the Crown of Spain or be otherwise prejudicial to any of his Majesty's Colonies in the West-Indies These are therefore in his Majesty's Name by and with the Advice and Consent of the Council strictly to command all his Majesty's Subjects inhabiting within this Island that they forbear holding any Correspondence with or giving any Assistance to the said Persons and that no Provision Arms Ammunition or other Necessaries whatsoever be carried to them as they shall answer the same at their peril Given under my hand the 5th day of September 1699. and in the eleventh year of his Majesty's Reign R. Gray Reprinted at Edinburgh exactly according to the Originals 1699. The Council-General of the Indian and African Company 's Petition to his Majesty May it please Your Majesty WE your Majesty's most dutiful Subjects The Council General of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies do in all humble duty beg leave to lay before your Majesty the present Condition of your our Affairs Your Majesty from an earnest desire of the flourishing of your Antient Kingdom having been graciously pleased by the 32d Act of the 4th Session and by the 8th Act of the 5th Session of this current Parliament and your Majesty's Letters Patent under the Great Seal of this Kingdom following thereupon to authorize the setling of Plantations and Colonies in Asia Africa or America by the Natives of this Kingdom and such others as should joyn with them as in the said Acts of Parliament and Letters Patent is more part cularly express'd We and our Constituents Your Majesty's most Loyal Subjects did upon the faith and encouragement of the said Acts and Letters Patent enter into a Society erect a Company of Trade and with great Charge and after many Difficulties settled a Plantation on the Northside of the Isthmus of Darien a place precisely in the terms of the said Acts of Parliament and Letters Patent And being sensible That as our Company had its Birth from your Majestys most Gracious Favour so it could not subsist but by your Royal Protection We did therefore in all humble manner petition your Majesty's High Commissioner and the Estates of Parliament assembled the 19th of July 1698. Upon which the Estates of Parliament did with great unanimity Address Your Majesty That you would in your Royal Wisdom be pleased to take such Measures as might effectually vindicate the undoubted Rights and Privileges of the said Company and support the Credit and Interest thereof That Session of Parliament ending before any Return could be had from your Majesty Reports have been spread by the Enemies of our Settlement as if our Company had not your Majesty's Protection And as an evidence thereof That Proclamations have been issued out in your Majesty's Name by your Governours in all the American Plantations not only to deprive our said Company and Colony of the friendly Assistance that might reasonably have been expected from our Neighbour Nation but also strictly forbiding all your Majesty's Subjects or others within these Plantations to enter into any Traffick or Commerce with the said Colony and that no Provisions Arms Ammunition or other Necessaries whatsoever should be transported or carried to them either in their own Vessels or any other Ship or Vessel for their use and that under the utmost Pains Penalties and Forfeitures mentioned in the said Proclamations Which Proceedings we have but too much reason to believe have been of fatal consequence to our Company and Colony and consequently to the Interest of all your Majesty's good Subjects in this Kingdom And we being fully persuaded that nothing could be so conducible for the support of our said Company and Colony in our present Circumstances as some special Testimonies and Evidences of your Royal
Protection We do therefore in all humility and earnestness beg of your Majesty's fartherly Care of our said Company in particular and of the Nation in general That your Majesty would be graciously pleased to take off the force and effect of these Proclamations which have been so prejudicial to us and to signify your Royal Pleasure to the Governours of these your Plantations that we may be supply'd in the common and ordinary way of Commerce As also That your Majesty may allow your Parliament to meet at the day appointed in November next or as soon as possibly can be that your Majesty may have the Advice and Assistance of the Great Council of this Nation in such a weighty and general Concern which we hope God will bless with an happy issue to his Glory the Honour of your Majesty the Credit of your Parliament the Interest of the Nation and the Good of our Company and Colony Sign'd at Edinburgh the 19th day of October 1699. in Name Presence and by Order of the said Council General by May it please your Majesty Your Majesty's most Faithful most Dutiful most Humble and most Obedient Subject and Servant Sic Subscribitur Belhaven I. P. C. G. To which his Majesty was pleased to give the following Answer WILLIAM R. RIght Trusty and Well-beloved We greet you well Your Petition has been presented to us by our Secretaries and we do very much regret the Loss which that our antient Kingdom and the Company has lately sustained We will upon all Occasions protect and encourage the Trade of the Nation And we will also take care that the Subjects of our Kingdom shall have the same freedom of Trade and Commerce with our English Plantations as ever they had formerly Our current Parliament is adjourn'd to the 5th day of March next and we will order that the Parliament shall meet when we judge that the Good of the Nation does require it And so we bid you heartily farewel Given at our Court at Kensington the 2d day of November 1699. and of our Reign the 11th Year By his Majesty's Command Sic Subscribitur Seafield To our Right Trusty and well-beloved The Council General of the Company of our Antient Kingdom of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies To the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor and remanent Lords of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council The humble Address of the Conncil-General of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies May it please your Lordships WE think it needless to trouble your Lordships with a repetition of the many Steps Difficulties and Discouragements that we met with all along both abroad and at home since the beginning of this Undertaking the most considerable of them being already particularly known to your Lordships But maugre all those Difficulties we have with a great deal of Trouble and vast Expences settled a Plantation in one of the most valuable and impregnable Places in all America situated on the North-side of the Isthmus of Darien called by us Caledonia As no Nation in Europe ever begun any such Settlement with so considerable a Strength of Men Ships and other Necessaries as we did so no instance can be given of any Settlement ever heretofore made that had so hopeful an Aspect in so short a time as our Plantation aforesaid But to our and the Nation 's inestimable Loss we have very surprizing Advices of our Peoples having deserted the said Settlement by reason of Proclamations issued forth in all his Majesty's Plantations of America strictly forbidding all his Majesty's Subjects to hold any manner of Correspondence with our said Colony and that no manner of Provisions Arms Ammunition or other necessaries whatsoever should be transported or carried to them either in their own Vessels or any other Ship or Vessel for their use and that under the utmost Pains Penalties and Forfeitures mentioned in the said Proclamations The certain Nature whereof could not but have put them in a desperate Condition especially none of our Advices having come to their hands tho we wrote to them at several times by the several ways of Jamaica Barbadoes Antegoa New-England c. And sent them likewise an illimited Credit for buying of Provisions till our own Ships and Recruits should come up to them We have taken such further measures as seem'd most reasonable to us upon this unexpected Emergency but have too good ground to fear that not only what we have already done but even all that we are able to do must prove ineffectual if the King and his Parliament of this Kingdom do not give some encouraging Mark of their Favour and Protection to our said Company and Colony Wherefore we have in all humble Duty petitioned his Majesty that he would be graciously pleased to take off the Force of the said Proclamations and allow his said Parliament to meet at the day appointed in November next or as soon as possibly may be to give their Advice and Assistance in such a weighty and general Concern Your Lordships very well know the great Losses both of Men and Treasure that we have already suffered by the unaccountable Proceedings of the Enemies of our Company and Colony Nor can gainst us unless his Majesty and the Great Council of the Nation fall upon proper and effectual Measures for supporting so valuable an Undertaking May it therefore please your Lordships to take the whole Premises into your most serious consideration and do us all the good Offices with his Majesty that in your profound Wisdoms you shall think most expedient for supporting our Company and Colony's Interest and give him an account of our present hard Circumstances and how much the Honour and Interest of Nation stands concern'd Sign'd at Edinburgh the 20th day of October 1699 in Name Presence and by Order of the said Council-General By > May it please your Lordships Your Lordships most humble Servant Sic subscribitur Basil Hamilton J. P. C. G. FINIS