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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08707 The ansvvere of the vicechancelour, the doctors, both the proctors, and other the heads of houses in the Vniversitie of Oxford (agreeable, vndoubtedly, to the ioint and vniforme opinion, of all the deanes and chapters, and all other the learned and obedient cleargy, in the Church of England.) To the humble petition of the ministers of the Church of England, desiring reformation of certaine ceremonies and abuses of the Church. University of Oxford. 1603 (1603) STC 19011; ESTC S113819 26,966 50

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knoweth whether you are come to the kingdome for such a time Thus your Maiesty shall do that which we are perswaded shall be acceptable to God honorable to your Maiestie in all succeeding ages profitable to his Church which shall be thereby encreased comfortable to your Ministers which shall be no more suspended silenced disgraced imprisoned for mens Traditiōs preiudiciall to none but to those that seeke their owne quiet credit and profit in the world Thus vvith all dutifull submission referring our selves to your Maiesties pleasure for your gracious answere as God shall direct you wee most humbly recommend your Highnes to the divine Maiesty whome wee beseech for Christ his sake to dispose your royall heart to doe heerein what shal be to his glory the good of his Church and your endles comfort Your Maiesties most humble Subiects The Ministers of the Gospell that desire not a disorderly innovation but a due and godlie Reformation THE ANSWERE OF THE VICE-CHAVNCELOVR THE DOCtors both the Proctors other the Heads of Houses in the Vniversity of Oxford To the Petition of the Ministers of the Church of England desiring Reformation In their Petition there are three principall partes 1 A Preface 2 A Conplaint consisting of fowre speciall pointes In everie of them the desire that certaine Ceremonies and Abuses may bee some of them removed some amended some qualified 3 A Conclusion FOR ANSWERE WHEREVNTO 1 In Generall WEE most humbly beseech his most excellent Maiestie that it may bee considered how inconvenient and vnsufferable it is in Christian policie to permit a long and well setled state of government to be so much as questioned much more to bee a Ipsa mutatio consuetudinis etiam quae adiuvat vtilitate novitate perturbat August ad Ianuar. Ep. 118 cap. 5. altered for a few of his Subiects especially considering the matter pretended to bee the cause of these mens griefe and of their desired Reformation vniustly so called For it is either the Ceremonies of the Church or Abuses in the Church as they alleadge Wherein wee humbly recommende to his Princely remembrance First concerning Ceremonies that they are either superstitious thē no waies to be admitted Of which sort it should seeme by the Petitioners and we are ready to proue that the Ceremonies of our Church are not Because these men cōfesse that in respect of the times they did subscribe vnto them or if they were such with what conscience did they subscribe in respect of the times Or els things in themselues indifferent And then the supreme Christian Magistrate hath lawfull b Melan. in 13. ad Rom. Peccatū mortale est violate edicta Magistrat c. Heming in Syntag ca de Adiaph Qui vi olat Ecclesiasticam politiā peccat multis modis c. Bez. Epist 24. ad artic 7. authoritie to forbid and we must forbeare to commande and wee must obey not only for feare but for conscience sake Of which kinde if these Ceremonies be as wee will iustifie and they cannot deny where is then their pretended obedience Where is their applause of his Maiesties peaceable government Why doe they trouble both Church Common wealth in respect of matters which in duty and conscience they may wel and ought willingly to submit themselues vnto Secondly concerning Abuses be it considered first of what qualitie they are secondly of what degree 1 Touching the nature or quality of them whether they are in the very Constitutions of our Church or rather in the Execution of the said Constitutions If not in the Constitutions themselues as when we descende to the particulars it wil appeare there is no cause why the government should be changed or these men suffered thus to calumniate the State wherein there is nothing Positiue that is worthy of blame If in the Execution which as we wil not absolutely deny so these men cannot easily proue that may be remedied by amending or removing of some certaine offendors without alteration of the state 2 Touching the degree or grievousnes of these abuses whether in the Constitution as they suppose we deny or in the Execution vvhich simply and in every particular c Calv. adv Aab art a. V●ique sc Ca●ari Donastae in eodē rrore fuerūt Quo isti somiatores Ec●lesiā quaerē●s in qua ni●il posset desi●rari c. no Church in Christendome is able to iustifie and yet none so much as this of ours we vndertake to proue against the Thousād that maske vnknowne vnder that generalitie that they are not such nor so heynous as deserue this their bitter reprehension much lesse such an alteration in the Church and Common-wealth as would ensue if these Petitioners might haue their desire 2. In Particular Concerning the Preface VVe doe but note 1 WHAT reckoning in truth these men doe make of iust titles vnto kingdomes vvho favour them d De lur reg apud Scot. De lur Magist in subd Vind cont tyr Hotto Frācog to much that were wont to subiect all kings titles vnto popular election and approbation 2 What comfort in deede the Petitioners take in the peace of his Maiesties government who in the very entrance thereof by seeking this and the like daungerous alterations doe disquiet disturbe the same Were other men as litle inured to peace subiection it might occasion some inconvenience 3 Howsoever in wordes they decline the imputation of factious men affecting popular parity in the Church of Schismatikes ayming at the dissolution of the State Ecclesiasticall yet it is to well knowen in this kingdome and by experience it hath bin felte in that of e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pag. 39 40 41 c. Scotland what manner of men they be as also what haue bin the lamentable effects of their reformations there would haue bin likewise heere had not the prudent fore-sight and constant resolution of our late gracious Soveraigne continually repressed their attemptes 4 These men might haue performed better Their obedience to God their service to his Maiestie their love to his Church as in the particulars will appeare if they had forborne to trouble his Maiesty the church of God this common-wealth with these their causeles griefs and discontentments They haue thereby made such a breach as will not easily without much wisedome patience bee cured For what are these men that they should assume so much for what are the whole Cleargy of England besides that they should bee so abased and contemned 5 That which they alleage out of his Highnes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a childish fallacie absurdly taking that for granted which is the maine question They must proue and not assume that these are the peccant humours of this Church which in trueth is the f Iuel Apo. 170. Accessimus quantū maximè potuimus ad Ecclesiā Apost c. Et 46. Ea omnia quae aut luperst●●ola c. Aut cum lacris literis pugnātia aut
vel quocunque modo in Academia Cantabrigiensi publicè oppugnaverit ab omni gradu suscipiendo excludatur à suscepto suspendatur ipso facto Quod quidem Decretum concensu propè vnanimi comprobatum tabulis publicis Iunij * * Our private instructiō was as if it had bin decreed the 4. of Iune 9. 1603. consignatum nunc demum testatum cupimus vniversis vt intelligant omnes de Disciplina nostra non imposita sed suscepta liberè retenta quid existiment non in angulis Opiniastri nonnulli sed in aperto Senatu Cantabrigienses propè vniversi Quorum consensus cum tam fraternè concinat conspiret cum Apologia Oxoniensi cum Scripturis Patribus Concilijs Principum nostrorum Decretis Legibus Parliamentis eant nunc mille Isti libris nostris fere mille in hunc finem editis conscriptis cum erit otium facultas respondeant prius quàm Cramben toties decoctam Regitam prudenti tam literato tam impudenter obtrudant Aut si numerari malint quam ponderari suffragia cogitent homunciones miseri ab Academijs Musisque relicti quam nullius numeri sint quam planè nihili Valete fratres in Christo Charissimi nos nostramque Academiam summa vobis studiorum morum similitudine coniunctissimā vt facitis amate Cantab. Octob. 7. 1603. SVBSCRIBED By the Vice chancelour and others the Heades of the Vniversity of Cambridge THE HVMBLE PETITION OF THE MJNJSTERS OF THE Church of England desiring Reformation of certaine Ceremonies and abuses of the Church To the most Christian and excellent PRINCE our Gracious and dread Soveraigne IAMES by the grace of God c. Wee the Ministers of the Church of England that desire Reformation vvish a long prosperous and happie Raigne over vs in this life and in the next everlasting salvation MOST gracious dread Soveraigne seeing it hath pleased the devine Maiestie to the great comfort of all good Christians to advaunce your Highnes according to your iust title to the peaceable goverment of this Church and Common wealth of England we the Ministers of the Gospell in this land neither as factious men affecting a popular Paritie in the Church nor as Schismatikes ayming at the dissolution of the state Ecclesiasticall but as the faithfull servants of Christ and loyall subiectes to your Maiesty desiring and longing for the redresse of diverse abuses of the Church could doe no lesse in our obedience to God service to your Maiestie love to his Church then acquainte your Princely Maiestie vvith our particular griefes For as your Princely penne writeth The King as a good Physition must first know what peccant humors his pacient naturally is most subiect vnto before he can begin his cure And although divers of vs that sue for Reformation have formerly in respect of the times subscribed to the booke some vpon Protestatiō some vpon expositions given them some with condition rather then the Church shoulde haue beene deprived of theie labour and Ministery yet now we to the number of more then a thousand of your Maiesties subiectes and Ministers all groaning as vnder a common burden of humane Rites and Ceremonies do with one ioint consent humble our selues at your Maiesties feete to be cased and relieved in this behalfe Our humble suite then vnto your Maiestie is that these offences following some may be removed some amended some qualified 1 In the Church service That the Crosse in Baptisme interrogatories ministred to Infants Cōfirmation as superfluous may bee taken away Baptisme not to bee ministred by VVomen and so explaned The Cap and Surplice not vrged That examination may goe before the Communion That it bee ministred with a Sermon That diverse termes of Priests and Absolution and some other vsed with the Ring in mariage other such like in the booke may be corrected The long somenes of service abridged Church songs and Musicke moderated to better edification That the Lords day be not prophaned The rest vpon Holy-daies not so strictly vrged That there may bee an vniformity of doctrine prescribed No popish opinion to be any more taught or defended No Ministers Charged to teach their people to bow at the name of Iesus That the Canonicall Scriptures onely be read in the Church 2 Concerning Church Ministers That none hereafter be admitted into the Ministery but able and sufficient men and those to preach diligently and especially vpon the Lords day That such as bee already entred and cannot preach may either be removed and some charitable course taken with them for their reliefe or else to be forced according to the valew of their livings to mainetaine preachers That Non-residencie be not permitted That King Edwards statute for the lawfulnes of Ministers mariage be revived That Ministers be not vrged to subscribe but according to the Law to the Articles of Religion and the Kings supremacy onely 3 For Church livings and maintenance That Bishops leave their Cōmendams some holding Prebends some Parsonages some Vicarages with their Bishoprickes That double beneficed men be not suffered to hold some two some three benefices with cure and some two three or foure dignities besides That Impropriatiōs annexed to Bishoprickes and Colledges be demised only to the Preachers Incumbēts for the old Rent That the Impropriations of Lay mens fee may be charged with a sixt or seaventh part of the worth to the maintenance of the preaching Minister 4 For Church Discipline That the Discipline and Excommunicatiō may be administred according to Christs ovvne institution Or at the least that enormities may bee redressed As namelie That Excommunication come not forth vnder the name of Lay persons Chauncellours Officials c. That men be not excommunicated for trifles and twelue-penny matters That none be excōmunicated without consent of his Pastor That the officers be not suffered to extort vnreasonable fees That none having iurisdiction or Register places put out the same to farme That diverse Popish Canons as for restraint of marriage at certeine times be reversed That the Long-somnes of suites in Ecclesiasticall courts which hang sometime two three foure five sixe or seaven yeares may be restrained That the Oth ex officio wherby men are forced to accuse themselues bee more sparingly vsed That Licenses for mariage without Banes asked be more cautiously granted These with such other Abuses yet remaining practised in the Church of England we are able to shew not to be agreeable to the Scriptures if it shall please your Highnes farther to heare vs or more at large by writing to be enformed or by cōference among the learned to be resolved And yet we doubt not but that vvithout anie farther processe your Maiesty of whose Christian iudgement we have received so good a tast alreadie is able of your selfe to iudge of the equity of this cause God we trust hath appointed your Highnes our Physition to heale these diseases And we say with Mordecai to Hester who