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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A66762 The modern states-man. By G.W. Esq Wither, George, 1588-1667. 1653 (1653) Wing W3172; ESTC R218029 60,150 275

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we conceive or know to be false and yet what cruelty in this kind hath been practized by the Papists What by the Prelates What by some that succeeded them and yet de-cryed it in them yea what by some of those who will cry out for Liberty of conscience too CHAP. XIII Religion not to be made a stalking-Horse to Ambition or Avarice IF any shall but question in the least these mens jus divinum presently they are Hereticks Schismaticks Sectaries c. If any man shall not have the same whirligiggs in their pates as the other or will not assent in an instant to what ever Chymaera their rambling fancies produce let them be what they will Parliament or City Magistrates or private persons Teachers or Hearers presently pray them down purge them they are self-seekers Tyrants Enemies to the Saints Antichristian and Baals Priests and what not yea such as are to be destroyed Yet by yout leave furious Saint you must excuse our diffidence of your tenents yea and of your Saint-ship too until we perceive more ground for thē and find a better temper in you our Lord and Master I am sure hath given us ground to doubt you and I hope the servant is not above the Lord it will be best for us then to observe him When his disciples would have had fire commanded from heaven He tels them ye know not what manner of Spirit you are of for the Son of Man is not come to destroy souls but to save them we know who is Abaddon {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the Destroyer and it is his badg to be spitting of fire why is it not as lawfull for us to question an opinion though it have your stamp and superscription upon it as it was for the Bereans to bring even Apostolical words to the touch-stone Yet were they rewarded by Saint Paul with the title of {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} more noble an Epithite we canot find in your Catalogue But you will say they believed they did indeed but not hand over head and so may we when we find the same Spirit bearing witnesse to your doctrine which did to the Apostles But through all your cantinglanguage we do discover your aimes indeed out of the abundance of the heart your tongues tell us you would be popular great and powerfull and injoy the fat things of the earth these only belong to you and your tribe you are to rule the Nations to bind their kings in chains and their nobles with fetters of iron the old itch of temporal Lordship is wretchedly broke out upon you your hands are the hands of Esau though your voice be the voice of Jacob your practices are unchristian though yout profession be sanctity Christ he promises to make his disciples fishers of men but you fish for honour worldly power and riches for your followers a bewitching bait to catch poor mortals we read of the devil tempting our head with the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them but from whom have you Commission thus to tempt his members Who gave you authority to dispose of worldly powers Is your Masters kingdom of this world If it be we must rank you with those antichristian usurpers who arrogate to themselves a power above all that is called God What more doth that man of Rome whom we find bestowing the kingdoms of the world on those that will bow down and worship him but cursing deposing and turning out of office all that refuse to subscribe to his fopperies Thus we see Mahomet not with this loadstone drawing men but with his Sword conquering them he drawes his Sword bids them deliver up their Souls and upon this condition he will spare their lives Signailla quae Tyrannis et latronibus non desunt what more do Tyrants and Thieves But sure the Christian Religion stands not in need of such helps whose principles in themselves are attractive and magnetical enamouring souls and leading them captive in the silken bonds of love with the cords of a man CHAP. XIV The benefit of Humane Learning with an answer to some objections made against it ANother sort there is wriggled in amongst us who even in print and pulpits publickly bray against learning endeavouring to seduce people into a belief that humane learning as they call it is in no measure to be tolerated in a Gospel-Teacher most wretchedly wresting Scripture to apply those texts against preaching themselves to overthrow it a fallacie so base that they had need to cry up ignorance lest the cheat should be descried as if learning and preaching themselves were termini convertibiles the one necessarily implying the other whereas it is commonly quite contrary it is your Sciolist your fellow that hath scarce wet his lips in that sacred fountain who will be dabling and patching that he may be thought a Scholer when as the most learned men who are conscious of their own sufficiency seldome or never unless upon just and necessary occasions make the least shew of it in their publick teaching The truth of this is verified dayly in our eyes by the continual practice of many learned men amongst us Where shall we find more powerfull plainness than in the works of the learned Bolton to omit the names of the rest which are so well known to all thus shall we see your coward the common Braggadochio and those the greatest boasters who have the least in them for such being conscious off their own baseness endeavour to make others believe them to be brave Fellows which they know themselves not to be and to make up in shew what they want in reality whereas your valiant man is still silent and lets his acts speak for him knowing according to the proverb that Good Wine needs no Bush and that worth will be taken notice of without proclaiming it at the Market Cross 2. But the Apostles were poor Fishrmen and the like altogether unlearned and therefore the Gospel Ministers ought to be so too O Horrid Jesuitical nay Diabolical Sophistry We acknowledge that the only wise God in the carrying on of his great and glorious works usually makes use of such instruments as seem despicable and contemptible in the eyes of men yea such as are altogether unable and unfit to hatch and carry on defigns of their own the more to manifest that it is his work and to shew his strength in their weakness which unless supported by Omnipotency would sink under it as also to leave the obstinate without excuse but though these may seem weak yet are they made mighty through the power of God that strengthens them and are abundantly supplyed from above with what gifts and graces soever are necessary for them Thus the Apostles being poor unlearned Fishermen and the like once called and invested with the Apostleship were endued from above had the gift of Tongues immediately were taught by the Holy Ghost and who dares affirm them unlearned then or deny skill
Touchstones to convince the world of the purity of thy metal and on their own shoulders advancing thee above an ordinary height that the World might take notice of thy growth and stature and as with thee so hath she done with others even with all all those whom she intended to advance examples of which both divine and humane histories abundantly offer to our veiw Thus was it with Israel in their conquering the promised land Sihon king of the Amorites first sets upon them then Og king of Baashan came out against them c. thus we find it with divers others in other Authors which to avoid prolixity I shall passe by instancing in one and that so well known that few if any therebe but have heard thereof and that the Common-wealth of Rome which from a small beginning grew up into so vast a body that her Eagles-wings spread over the greatest part of the then known world CHAP. VI The beginning of the Common-wealth of Rome and the causes of its growth THis City or rather Town of Rome being founded by Romulus and inhabitants gathered together from divers places was no sooner built but it was threatned with ruin in its very infancy and the best it could expect was but an ages duration for the greatest part of the inhabitants being single all hope of issue was cut off which onely could afford it a longer life Wives thus wanting and none to be obtained by consent so contemptible were they in the eyes of their neighbours they attempt what craft and force would do and their Plot succeeded to their minds for having proclaimed publick plays and invited their neighbours they suddenly provided themselves wives of the Sabine Virgins which came with their Parents to be spectators Yet this remedy seemed as dangerous as the disease for the Sabines were a great and war-like nation and a Colony of the Spartans after whose manner they lived in Towns without walls reputing themselves safe in their own valour and the Romans could not but expect they would resent the affront But see how fortune which we Christians truly tearm Providence gave them assistance by giving let to the conjunction of their enemies though of one nation and alike interessed in the quarrell First the Caeninenses come against them whose King being slain by Romulus in fight hand to hand and their Army defeated were compelled to leave their old habitations and go and dwell at Rome by the Conqueror who by this means encreased his strength as well as reputation and became the better able to deal with the rest This war done the Fidenates Crustimini and Antenates begin another and run the same fortune and likewise being incorporated with the Victors still encrease the Roman Stock The rest grown wise by these examples unite and put the Romans to such a plunge that it was easie to conjecture what have would have been the issue had they taken this course at first but by the intercession of the women running in between the armies a peace was made and both Nations joyned in one the City keeping its old name of Rome from Romulus the people being called Quirites from the chief Tribe of the Sabines the Roman and Sabine Kings jointly reigning Now could the wisest among the sons of mē have judged that a rape should have begot an union but there is an hand above disposes of things above our suppositions which continued its favour till Rome grew of perfect strength This was he that withdrew Porsenna and changed his enmity into love and admiration that restrained any warlike Marcian or Lucan any Mulius Silo or Telesinus with the joint forces of Italy from falling upon her untill she was able to bear the storm that out supplies off from Hannibal when he had almost born down all before him and made the envy of his own Citizens instrumental to their own ruin that made Antiochus sit still until Philip was brought under and Tigranes look on until Mithridates was beaten out of his kingdom yea that provided work by the Sarmatians for Mithridates till the Marsian war was over that divided the Cimbri and Teutones so that Marius when he had overthrown one party had time to joyn with the other Consull to help destroy the other and suffered not three hundred thousand fighting men in one body to attempt Italy and in like manner the slaves and fencers giving Crassus opportunity to defeat them who had ranged Italy and oft put the Roman Armies to rout that by a few Geese saved the Capitol and caused the unjust banishment of Camillus to be a means to preserve Rome CHAP. VII A Parallel ANd hath not Providence in the same manner dealt with this Common-wealth which was no sooner established in England but it was threatned from Ireland where Dublin Derry and a few forces under Generall Monk were onely left us two being besieged and the third in an incapacity to afford them relief when things were thus desperate God divided the Rebels and made O Neal instrumental in the relief of Derry neither could they be pieced untill Ormond was totally broke and the other party under the Popish Bishop of Clogher fought and routed The Irish cloud almost dissolved a Scotch storm threatens us which yet came not on so suddenly but that we had time to provide shelter Providence causing them to trifle away much time in their treaties and other mockeries insomuch that the greatest part of it fell in their own Nation the tayl only besprinkling some parts of this where it totally vanished And here we can never sufficiently admire Gods goodnesse to this Common-wealth who when the enemy had given our Army the slip and left them so far behind them suffered them not to march up to London but to empound themselves at Worcester and so over-ruled the hearts of this Nation that notwithstanding the malice and hatred of many to the present Government yet not any considerable person or number joyned with the enemy even marching through the most discontented and disaffected Counties The North being cleared the Dutch jealous of our encrease who have found the sweetnesse of a State Government endeavour to clip our wings and to usurp our long held soveraignty of the seas having undermined our Trading a long while before but they may put what they have got by it in their eyes without any danger unlesse of making themselves weep notwithstanding their treacherous and base attempt upon a small squadron with one of our Generals in the time of Ttreaty and before denouncing a war and that even upon our own coast whilst we besides the honour and repute gained abroad are grown more potent at sea in one year than we had like to have been in many ages had they let us been at quiet and even thus the Carthaginians compell'd the Romans to become Masters at sea by their injuries provoking that stout nation to adventure a sea fight though so ignorant that the Consull taught them to row by sitting