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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30201 Scriptural poems being several portions of Scripture digested into English verse / by John Bunyan. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1700 (1700) Wing B5591; ESTC R25312 44,776 103

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Old did testifie That Men should not commit Adultery But I pronounce him an Adulterer Who views a Woman to lust after her And if thy Right Eye shall offensive be Pluck thou it out and cast the same from thee For it is better lose one than that all Thy Members shou'd into Hell Torments fall And if thy Right Hand doth offend cut off it And cast it from thee for it will thee profit Much rather that one of thy Members fell Than that they should be all condemn'd to Hell It hath been said whoso away shall force His Wife shall give her a Bill of Divorce But whosoe'er shall put his Wife away Except for Fornication's sake I say Makes her Adult'ress and who Marries her So put away is an Adulterer Again Ye've heard Thou shalt not be forsworn Was ancient Doctrine but thou shalt perform Unto the Lord thine Oaths But I declare That you shall not at all presume to Swear Neither by Heaven for it is Gods Throne Nor by the Earth for his Foot stands thereon Neither Swear by Jerusalem for why It is the City of the King Most High Nor Swear thou by thine Head for thou canst make No Hair thereof to be or white or black But let Yea yea Nay nay in Speech suffice For what is more from Evil doth arise Ye've heard it hath been said Eye for an Eye And Tooth for Tooth But I do testifie That you shall not resist but let him smite Thy left Cheek also who assaults thy right And if that any by a Law Suit shall Demand thy Coat let them have Cloak and all And whosoe'er compelleth thee to go A Mile refuse not to go with him two Give him that asketh and from him that may Have need to borrow turn not thou away Ye've heard 't was said that thou shalt love thy Friend And hate thy Foe But let your love extend Unto your Enemies Thus I declare Bless them that Curse do good to them that bear Ill will and for your Persecutors pray And them that do reproach you that you may Be Children of your Father that 's in Heaven For he on good and bad alike hath given His Sun to rise and in like manner doth Send Rain upon the Just and Unjust both For what is your Reward if you love them That love you Do not Publicans the same And if your Brethren only you salute What more than they do ye They also do 't I will therefore that you be perfect ev'n As is your Father perfect that 's in Heav'n CHAP. VI. TAke heed you do not your Alms-deeds bestow Before Men purposely to make a show For then there will no recompence be given Unto you of your Father that 's in Heaven With sound of Trumpet do not thou therefore Proclaim what thou art giving to the Poor As is the manner of the Hypocrites To do i' th' Synagogues and in the Streets That Men may give them Praises Verily They have their Recompence I testifie But when thou dost Alms let thy left hand know Not what thy right hand is about to do That giving secretly thy Father may Who sees in secret openly repay And when thou Pray'st be not as Hypocrites For they love in the corners of the Streets And in the Synagogues to stand and Pray There to be seen They 've their Reward I say But thou when thou dost make thy Pray'r go thee Into thy Closet shut thy Door unto thee And there in secret to thy Father cry Who se'ing thee shall reward thee openly But when ye Pray use not vain Repetitions As Heathens do for they think their Petitions Prevail when they the same do multiply Be ye not like to them therefore for why Your Father knows what things you need before You ask him on this wise pray ye therefore ' Our Father which art in Heav'n thy Name alone ' Be hallowed Thy glorious Kingdom come Thy Will be done on Earth as 't is in Heav'n Give us this day our daily Bread And ev'n As we remit our Debtors grant Remission To us And lead us not into Temptation ' But from all Evil do thou us deliver ' For th' Kingdom Pow'r and Glory 's thine for ever Amen For if you do forgive Men that offend Your Heavenly Father will to you extend Forgiveness but if not nor will he spare At any time when you Offenders are Moreover when you Fast beware lest you Look sad as Hypocrites are wont to do For they disguise their Faces that they may Appear to Fast They 've their reward I say But thou when thou dost Fast anoint thine Head And wash thy Face that undiscovered Thy Fasting may be unto Men but rather That thou be seen in secret of thy Father And then thy Father who in secrecy Beholds thee shall reward thee openly Lay not up Treasure for your selves in store Upon the Earth where Moth and Rust devour And where by Thieves you may be quite bereaven But lay up Treasure for your Selves in Heav'n Where neither Moth nor Rust nor Thieves can enter For where 's your Treasure there your Hearts will center The Eye 's the light o' th' Body which if right Then thy whole Body will be full of Light But if thine Eye be evil then there will A total Darkness thy whole Body fill If therefore all the Light that is in thee Be Darkness How great must that Darkness be No Man can serve Two Masters either he Will hate one and love t'other or will be Faithful to one and t'other will forego Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon too Take no thought therefore for your Life I say What you shall eat or drink or how you may Your Bodies cloath Is not the life much more Than meat is not the Body far before The cloaths thereof behold the fowls o' th' air Nor sow nor reap nor take they any care How they provision into barns may gather Yet they are nourish'd by your Heavenly Father Are ye not worth much more Which of you can By taking thought add to his height one span And why for raiment are ye taking thought See how the Lilies grow they labour not Nor do they spin yet Solomon I say In all his Pomp had no such gay Array If in the Field God so doth cloath the Grass Which is to Day and doth to Morrow pass Into the Oven shall he not therefore O ye of little Faith cloath you much more Take no thought therefore saying What shall we eat Or drink or where shall we our Raiment get For thus the Heathen People use to do For that you need them doth your Father know But seek God's Kingdom and his Righteousness First and then all these things you shall possess Be not then exercis'd with Care and Sorrow In making Preparation for the Morrow The Morrow shall things for it self prepare Sufficient to the Day is each Day 's Care CHAP. VII JUdge not that you may not be judg'd for even As you pass Judgment