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A06192 The merchant reall. Preached by VVilliam Loe Doctour of Diuinitie chaplaine to the kings sacred maiestie, and pastour of the Englishe church of merchants adventurers residing at Hamboroughe in Saxonie Loe, William, d. 1645. 1620 (1620) STC 16688; ESTC S119918 69,019 116

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often to say vve haue seized vpon heauen let vs fly hence let vs fly hence Practice 6 Sixtly of Confidence against the terrors of iudgment for blessed is that seruant vvhom the lord shall find vvhensoeuer or hovvsoeuer he commeth thus trading For if god loued vs vvhen vve vvere his enimies did beare vpon vs the image of the diuell hovve much more shall he loue vs novve being reconciled bearing the image of sanctification in Christ Practice Last Lastly of Expostulation together vvith motion Can any one amongst you implead this Learning Is there a vvise man amongst you I hope he is not vviser then Solomon yet he accounted all things in the vvorld vexation vanitie vvhen he had once learned this lesson Is there any amongst you that makes an high accompt of himselfe his let not this stout hart of his stoope to vile vaine things of the vvorld Is there a frugall thrifty man amongst you that vvould enrich himselfe let him trad for this true gold of Ophir not vvith the shippers of king Ochasias trade for peacockes parrats parachitoes popiniayes for soe they may chance to haue their ships broken at Esiongeber all their proud peacokes be they vviues or vvātons all their paultrie popiniays be they giules or practises may suffer a fearfull vvrack vvith them In a vvord all of you are men ciuill men Marchant men that vvhich is more then all Christian men Will you knovve the best of all the only good for you yours then knovve that guiles are noe gaines for you to liue by in a godly conscience Nor noe good ground-worke for your posterity to liue on whē you are gone for the goodnes of god is extended to the thousand generatiō of thē that loue him endevoure to keepe his commandements Thus much of the vvhole text in generall The secōd lesson From the particular passages arise diverse lessons The first is dravven from the Object vvhich is a kingdome For frō hence vve learne That it is the mind of Christ Iesus that all his should be of a Royall mind therefore a kingdome is sett before them as a reward of mercie for their seruice The light of this appeareth forasmuch as gods kingdome is three fold to vvitt of Povver of Grace of Glorie Of Povver for god is not a brasen vvall but a vvall of fire to his chosen to surround encircle them What euer pleaseth him that doth he in heauen Psal 13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in earth in the seas in all deepe places And of him Rom. 11.36 through him to him are all things For the Lord is the Greatnes The Povver The Glory the victorie the maiestie for all are his in heauen in earth his is the Kingdome he is exalted as head ouer all soe preacheth Dauid in the booke of the Chronicles 1. Ch. 29.11 Dan. 6.26 and Darius the king of Babilō proclaymeth in his kingdome that all men should tremble feare before the god of Daniell for he is the liuing god steadfast foreuer his kingdome That vvhich shall not be destroyed And his dominion shal be euē to the end All his vvorkes shevve this for they all speake of his glory of his kingdome talke of his povver Thus you see here is a kingdome of Povver that the vveake may flie vnto it as vnto a city of refuge Secondly a kingdome of Grace soe CHRISTS forerunner saith Repent for the kingdome of god is at hand Matth. 3.2 Christ him selfe tells his Apostles that it is giuen vnto them to knovve the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen Luc. 8.10 Christs follovver sayth the kingdome of heauen Rom. 14.17 is not meat drinke but righteousnes peace ioy in the holy ghost Lastly he hath a kingdome of Glory For it is his pleasure to giue his children a kingdome it vvas prepared for them before the vvorld vvas Luc. 12.32 Mat. 25.34 Mat. 13.43 they shal shine therein as the sunne in the firmament The right of this appeares in reason that Christ vvould haue Christians regally minded because there is an opposition of kingdomes against this kingdome of Christ to vvit that of the kingdome of the beast of the vvhore the kingdome of Sathan the kingdome of this vvorld Apo. 16.20 The kingdome of the beast the Reuelation mentioneth Matth. 26. against both by vvay of disclayme Christ saith directly My kingdome is not of this vvorld The might of this kingdome of Christ appeareth that he should rule ouer the house of Iacob for euer Luc. 1.33 he should raigne till his enemies are put vnder his feete yea his very members by his grace shall raigne 1. Co. 15.23 For if by one mans offence death raigned by one man much more they vvhich receaue abundance of grace Rom. 5.17 of the gifte of righteousnes shall raigne in life by one Iesus Christ he it is that hath made vs vnto our god kings Preests vve shal reigne on the earth by santificatiō Apoc. 5.10 Yea vve shal iudge the collapsed angels Thus much for the probat of the learning hereof 1. Cor. 6.3 Practice 1 The life of this appeares First in the practise of the exaltation of our ovvne Christian spirits for euery one hath euer naturally vvithin himselfe a kingdome vvherein reason is the prince the sences the gard the vpper faculties of the soule the Peares the invvard sēces the commons the passions the rebbells Novve faith by grace ruleth ouer all these obtayneth the kingdome For passion must subiect it self to sence Sence to reason reason to faith faith to the spirit of god Thus is a kingdome sett vp in vs that vvill neuer be cast dovvne either by the plotte of Machiauell vvho imagined that religion did effeminate debase deiect the courages of Christians But the magnanimity of George Castriott prince of Epyrus of Iohannes Zisca Mirmidons of vvarre of Martin Luther of Huldricus Zinglius of such like both Laiques Cleriques vvortheis of the vvord doth vtterly confute that poore conceit of the secretary of Florence Machiauell This exaltation also vvil guide vs that vve be not deceaued by Sathan vvho offereth vs kingdomes to serue him Nor yet to dreame of an earthly kingdome vvith the flattering Herodians Matth. 4.8 misled Chyliasts Origenists or Millinaries for all these last three are one Practice 2 Secondly the life of this learning confuteth those that are of a base abjecte condition that either with the proud man sells their clayme for ayre as did Absolon for honor or vvith the couetous man for earth as did Demas for this present vvorld or vvith the Letcher for puddle as did Ammon for Thamar or else pavvne it as did Dauid Noah Peter or lose their clayme to this kingdome by neglecte contempt or
carelesnes 3. Ioh. 1.9 Lucae 16. or giue it avvay as Diotrephes did for preheminence as the Glutton for delight as the vvanton for pleasure as the envious for nothing but for vexatiō of mind as the desperate only for horror of conscience vvho destroy their bodies that the deuill may haue their soules Practice 3 Thirdly this teacheth vs not to be rebells in this kingdome not to partake vvith the beast vvho disposeth of kingdomes at his pleasure nor vvith the deuill vvho seekes to ruinate the states of kingdoms Rom. 6.12 but that finally vve resolue that sinne may not raigne in our mortal bodies as in a kingdome that vve should obey it in the lust thereof Rom. 5.21 but that as sinne hath raigned vnto death euen soe grace might raigne through righteousnes vnto eternall life by IESUS CHRIST our lord The third lesson The former was a kingdome but novve a kingdome of heauē is sett before vs wherein we may learne That God hath prepared a kingdome of heauen for those that in hope thereof purge themselues in the kingdome of grace By heauen vve vnderstand not that place betvvixt the earth Gen. 1.28 the Moone for that 's the heauen of fovvles for they are called the foules heauen Genes 1. nor yet the firmament vvherein are placed the sunne the moone 2. Cor. 12.2 starres but that third heauen into vvhich Paule vvas taken vp vvhere Christ sitteth at the right hand of god the father vvhere the soules departed are in rest vvhere all the elect in the end of the vvorld shal be as the angels shal shine as the sunne in brightnes glorie of god the father Of vvhich kingdome of heauen if you aske me vvhat it is I ansvvere it is a creature made of god in the begining vvhē he created the earth Gen. 1.1 If you aske me vvhere it is I ansvvere it is aboue these visible heauens If you aske me vvhy god made it I ansvvere for to shevve his glorie vnto his saincts therefore it is called a paradise of all delectable desireable things in the presence of god The house of god vvherein all the elect are gathered A kingdome vvherein god is king Christ is the prince the church the queene the subjects all the angells saincts Luc. 6.38 And it is called the kingdome of glorie vvherein not only vve receaue glory in good measure but pressed dovvne heaped vp running ouer In hope vvhereof all gods children purge prune themselues that they may bring forth much fruite 1. Ioh. 2.3 For vvhat vvill not a Christian soule doe labour striue struggle vvhile he is here that here after he may sitt in heauenly places vvith Christ Iesus Eph. 2.6 The right of this learning the reason of scripture shevves Apoc. 21.8 For noe vncleane thing entereth into this holy city nor any abhomination The meanes is therefore offered 1. Ioh. 1.7 euen the bloud of Iesus Christ vvhereby vve may be purged frō all our sinnes that vve may be cleane And gratious is the conversation of all gods children for their conuersation is in heauen allbeit they be in earth Phil. 1.20 First by liuing in christian charity For he that liueth in charity liueth in god Matt. 6.21 Secondly in affection for their hart is in heauen vvhere their treasure is Thirdly by right of inheritance for vvhere the head is there must the members be Christ our head is in heauen christians the members clayme their interest in him Gorranus in locum Or as our contryman sayth the conuersation of Christians on earth is in heauen 1. By meditation in the strength vvhereof they fly daily into heauen 2. By daily conference for they speake continually of those things that belong to the kingdome of heauen 3. By holy admiration for vvho knovveth the order of the visible heauens therefore much lesse can vve vnderstand the glory of the invisible 4. By speaking to our soules in holy soliloquies saying Who is or vvhat is there in heauen or in earth that vve desire but thee o lord god Lastly by attending gods leasure as the Patriarches did Gen. 49.18 soe doe they daily vvaite for their saluation The life of this learning consists in practise Practice 1 First of greuance for it is a thousand greeuances to see the madnes of the vvorld that vvhen as god hath prepared vs a kingdome this kingdome is preached daiely vnto vs yet it is sleigthed neglected as if vve told thē tales of Virginia Iob. 4.19 2. Pet. 1.14 1. Pet. 2.11 or of the Bermuthaes vvhere they neuer meane to goe And for asmuch as vve knovve that vve dvvel here in houses of clay in tabernacles of earth are but strangers pilgrimes yet that vve should haue noe more desire to goe to our mansions to repaire to our tabernacle made vvithout hands to reside in our ovvne country is a straine of extreame madnes Practice 2 Secondly of contentation in vvhat estate or condition soeuer vve are either vvith Abraham dvvelling in tents Heb. 9.10 yet still to haue an eie to the land of promise or vvith Paule not to looke on the things that are seene 2. Co. 5.1.2 but to knovve that if this earthly tabernacle be destroyed vve shal be sure of a better made vvithout hands Practice 3 Thirdly of confutation of those hellish spirits that make hast vnto the kingdome of darknes For say preach vvhat the lord Iesus vvill in his holy Testamēt that they should purge and purifie themselues for the hope of this kingdome Hosh. 5.4 yea if Hoshea preach neuer soe earnestly yet the Spirit of vvhordome vvilbe in the middest of some Exod. 16.5 If Moses Aarō preach of this kingdome shevve Signes vvonders 2. Ti. 4.10 yet the spirit of gluttony vvill desire the flesh potts of Egipte if Paule preach neuer soe povverfully yet the spirit of coueteousnes vvill cause Demas to forsake him Matt. 5.22 imbrace this present vvorld the spirit of vvrath vvill call his brother Racha though he be in dainger of a counsell Eph. 4.29.30 the spirit of enuie vvill sell innocent Ioseph the spirit of lying of peruersnes peeuishnes vvill greeue the spirit of god vvith rebellion vvhat soeuer can be sayd to the cōtrary Practise 4 The fourth is of purgation vvhich directeth vs hovve vve may be cleansed laying dovvne this first as a ground that noe man shall see god vvithout a purgatory but this is noe popish foolish cōceite of purging after this life vvithout ground or vvarrant of the vvord but our invvard effectuall purging by baptisme the lavacre of regēeratiō the vvashing of the nevve birth by Christs passiō where in he hath vvashed vs in his bloud by the vvord vvhich maketh vs cleane Aquinas by grace vvhich purgeth vs from all our sinne by
may driue a vvay disasters diseases tempests mortall sinnes Moreouer vvhat 's a gentelman but his pleasure For this shopp of profitt vvere nothing vvorth vnlesse they had a shopp of pleasure vvithall For profitt vvithout pleasure is sordid base Therefore these cunning marchants haue deuises to make their greatnes merry Their shopp of pleasure For first they take great pleasure in the peoples ignorance And to this purpose they sett it dovvne positiuely for an haynous offence to haue a bible or leturgie praiers in a knovven tongue And noemareuell vvhen they haue a professed sort of friers vvho tearme themselues Foliain or friers ignorant And vvhen Bellarmine their Attlas shall euidently affirme that the faith of a Christian may better be defined by ignorance then by knovveldge Secondly they take great pleasure in traducing the scriptures For they render the vvord Repent that is say they vvhip your selues or goe a pilgrimage to Loretto in Italy or to Sickem Hallas in Flandres To beare the crosse of Christ is as they tell the people to carry a siluer or golden crosse in their capes You are the lighte of the vvorld saith the scripture that is say they vve must light tapers in churches in the day time And PATER NOSTER in popery is latine for a paire of beades And because Christ sayd Be like vnto children Therefore say they our friers doe vveare covvles like vnto childrens first biggins Thirdly they sport themselues to see hovve they can serue all commers all customers and please euery humour If they be stately minded vvhat is more pompous then the papacie If they be of a base humor vvhat is more sordid then the Capucini Foliani If they be melancholly vvho more retyred then the Hermits Anachorits If they be Epicures Abbots shall entertayne them If they be vvanton some fevve dayes before the Carniuall it is lavvfull in Rome for a man to vse his pleasure any vvay vvithout controule And that vvhich I admire aboue all the mixe composition of their doings And for the Pope to take vpon him to vvash the feete of the poore in humility yet to cause the kings of the earth to kisse his feete in extreame arrogancie vvith one the same bull to giue take avvay kingdomes And to call himselfe the seruant of seruants yet to suffer bookes to come out vvith this title to gods viceroy Paule the fist that novve is pope And adde to these the povver that they challenge to remitt sinnes the opinion of Transubstantiation vvhereof Bessaeus the French kings Almoner sayd vnto the Prince of Condie thus Ioshua comanded the creature to stand still in the firmament but the popish preests command the creator in the sacrament As also adde herevnto auricular confession vvith the punishment and absolutiō thereof espetially that of Robert the Normād duke surpasseth all ciuillty humanity Lastly the vvorkes of supererogatiō or rather the vvorkes of superarrogation vvhere in they say the Ethnickes meritt of congruity The faithfull Layiques of condignity but the Cleriques are of an extrordinary straine for they meritt for themselus their neighbours A thing not hard of of the patriarchies Prophets Apostels O the vvit of man among popelings Papists Iesuits Tell me novve deare _____ contrymen masters _____ mortalls Is it not a lamentable thing for vs in this glorious suneshine of the vvord to see the spirit of god so greeued the pure light of the gospell so obscured may not vve cry out vvith Dauid It is tyme for thee lord to sett to thy hand for they haue destroyed thy lavve But leaving these antichristiā Marchants I returne to you vvith a charge euen to euery one of you that if any of you haue a robe a diamōd a horse acknowledge it to be the kings as Mordicai did Est 6.8 that is the king of kings not yours And let nōe of you enquire curiouslie as did the Israelits of the Manna saying Man hu vvhat is this Neither let any of you sacrifice to your owne nett Habac. 1.16 1. Reg. 3.26 or burne in cense to your ovvne yearne or be of a vvhorish disposition as the harlot spake to Solomon let it be deuided meaning the liue child so you must take care not to share vvith god in your vvealth as partly attributing the encrease thereof to gods blessing your paines taking But learne to speake as the man after gods ovvne hart doth absolutly disclayming your ovvne selues say Not vnto vs lord not vnto vs but to thee thy name be rendred the praise the honor the glory for euer The fift lesson For this kingdome of heauen is not resembled to euery marchant but to a marchāt Ievveller so sayth my text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a marchant mā that sought goodly pearles The learning vvhereof is this That Marchandizing for pretious vvares is lawfull he that seeketh the kingdome of heauen is rightly resembled to such a Marchāt that seeketh pretious not vile things that indeede is a Marchant Ieweller The light of this appeares from paradise For there vvas the Bdelium Gen. 2.12 the onix stone for mans delight before his fall euen in his inocency In the breastplate of Aron there vvas sixe pretious stōes on the one side Exo. 28.10 sixe on the other God shevving herein the pretious accōpte he made of his people And for the fabrique of the Temple Dauid prepared vvith all his povver for the house of god gold for vessels of gold 1. Chr. 29.2 siluer for vessels of siluer brasse for things of brasse yron for things of yorn vvood for things of vvood onix stones stones to be set carbuncle stones of diuers colours all pretious stones marble stones in abundance 2. Chro. 32.27 The right of this appeares from a regall state Hezekiah also had exceding much riches honour he gate him treasures of siluer of gold of pretious stones From a regall banquet The hangings vvere of vvhite Est 1.6 greene blevv clothes fastened vvith cords of fine linnen purple in siluer rings pillars of marble The beds vvere of gold of siluer vpon a pauement of porphyre marble alabaster blevv colour And frō a patriarchall marriage Gen. 24.53 Then the seruant of Abraham tooke forth siluer ievvels of gold raiment gaue to Rebekah Moreouer the kingdome of heauen is rightly resembled to a Ievveller seing god himselfe vvill haue is ovvne those things that he haue prepared for his ovvne to be signified by pretious stones His ovvne in the breastplate of iugdment Exo. 28.17 There must be fovver rovves consisting of threes In the first rovve a sardius a topaze a carbuncle in the second an em●raud a saphir a diamond in the third a ligure an achate an hematite in the fourth a Chrisolite
idle companion but one that Seeketh goodly pearles So then the learning of this is That The life of a reall christian Marchandizing soule that trads for heauen is not secure sluggish but full of dillegence search seruice The light of this appeares from gods lampe First in seeking him by the contemplation of his vvorkes The invisible things of him that is Rom. 1.20 his eternall povver godhead are seene by the creation of the vvorld being considered in his vvorkes to the intent that they should be vvithout excuse In the mirror of his vvord for soe vve are enioyned Io. 5.39.40 Search the scriptures for in them yea thinke ye haue eternall life they are they vvhich testifie of me And yee vvill not come to me that ye might haue life yea in this life to seeke a glimpse of his glory that is to seeke his face Psal 24.6 This is the generatiō of them that seeke him euen of them that seeke thy face o Jacob. Secondly by questioning hovve vvhat vve may doe to find him as did the young prince in the gosple Good master vvhat good thing shall I doe Matt. 19.16 that I may haue eternall life As the people publica● ●ouldiers did The people asked him saying vvhat shall vve doe then The publicans came sayd vvhat shall vve doe Luc. 3.10 ibid. 12. ibid. 14. The souldiers likevvise demaunded of him saying vvhat shall vve doe As the Ievves did What shall vve doe that vve might vvorke the vvorkes of god Io. 6.28 Act 16.30 And as the Iaylor did Sirs vvhat must I doe to be saued Thirdly in requiring Christ Iesus the prince of this kingdome of heauen if vve haue lost him at any tyme by our negligence euill We must seeke him in our beds in the streets vve must aske after him of the vvatchmen yea of all rather then not find him as the spouse did Gant 3.1.2 3.4 For a liuely conscience vvill not be at quiett vntill it hath found her beloued Therefore the godlie vvill Seeke him in the first place according to the direction of Christ Seeke ye first the kingdome of god his righteousnes all things shal be added vnto you Seeke him vvith sorrovve if need be as Ioseph the virgen did Christ Mat. 6 3● Seeke him in the graue vvith Mary Magdalen Seeke him aboue as Paule exhorteth Seeke him in distresses as Dauid Luc. 2.48 Ioh. 20.15 Col. Psal 32.3 Psal 38.8 Rom. 8.36 Seeke him in faintings sighings roarings Yea in vtmost extremities and torments though vve are killed all the day long Yea albeit shame cover vs albeit vve turne our backes vpon our enimies become as sheepe for the slaughter are made a byvvord of them that are round about vs Psal 44.10 yea albeit vve are smittē into the place of dragons into the shadovve of death yet vve vvill neuer forgett to seeke after thee o god sayth Dauid Psal 119.25 In a vvord albeit our bovvells cleane euē vnto the graue our vearie soules vnto the dust as Dauid speakes that vve vvere made the filth ofscouring of all things 1. C● 4.9 〈◊〉 become a galing stocke to men angells as Paule sayth Yet a reall Christian soule hath resolued vvith Iob to Seeke god in trust though god kill him And a reall christian soule hath reason for it First from gods promise Matth. 7. ● Matt. 18 11. that he that thus Seekes god in Christ shal assuredly find him Secondly vvhen vve seeke him in vveakenes he seeketh saueth vs in povver And hovve should not a religious soule Seeke him vvho vvipes avvay all teares from our eies vvho putts an end to all our troubles Hovve can vve chose but seeke him vvhose face fauour turneth all sorrovves of this vvorld to solace Yea vvhom to seeke is to liue saith Amos. Amos. 5.4 Practice 1 The life of this learning is first of direction that he vvho seeketh god must first forsake him selfe as they that are indebted being not able of themselues to pay seeke helpe assistance from others Secondly he that seeketh god must thirst after righteousnes in gods mercie in Christ his merritts the desirable viands of a Christian soule Thirdly he must goe the right vvay vvhich is traced out vnto him in the bloud of Christ For if vve seeke him othervvise by pilgrimages to Loretto Compostella Shichim Hallas and the like or by trust in our ovvne vvorkes vvhich are but markes not causes of our saluation the vvay to this kingdome not the cause of our raigning vve faile fall in our seeking For in all such vnvvarrantable courses it is impossible to find him because vve seeke him not in faith Practice 2 The second is of Encouragment For great revvards are promised vnto all diligent seekers for first he gratiously offers himselfe vnto all such for their exceding great revvard beholdeth them coming tovvards him a farre off meets them by his preventing grace as the tender harted father did his prodigall sonne So gratious is not the fauour of princes or great ones in the vvorld Luc. 15.20 For gods maiesty stoopeth dovvne herein to our misery Secondly heshevves them exeding fauours For his eies are vpon the righteous to doe them good his eares are open to their prayers Thirdly he blesseth them vvith the testimonies of his loue vvith the principalls Psal 34.15 of paradise the appurtenances of happines vvith the testimonies of his loue in quieting their consciences vvith assurances of remission of their sinnes in this life as the pledge earnest of his spirit vvith the assured rest of glory in the vvorld to tome With principalles or paradise as namely vvith the continuall banquet of a good conscience vvith the ioy of the spirit Lastly vvith the appurtenances of happines as hauing a proportion of estate or contentment in this life as a parcell of that eternall portion in the other life Practice 3 The Third is of Caution First to remoue all impediments that hinder vs in seeking after our god as Mockery contempt of the vvord such like vvhich commonlie doe accompanie them that looke tovvards heauen But god vvill reuenge himselfe on them that hate him ye he vvil lift vp his hand to heauen sayth he vvill liue for euer If he vvhets his glittering sword his hand take hold on iudgmēt he vvil render vengance to his enemies vvil revvard them that hate him He vvil make his arrovves drunke vvith bloud Deu. his svvord shall deuoure flesh that vvith the bloud of the slaine of the captiues from the begining of the reuenges vpon the enemie Nay saith the Psalmist he hath bent his bovve vvhet his svvord made it ready against the faces of them that seeke him not Take heed therefore that in noe case you giue sell your selues over as Ahab did to
vvho by his povver sends forth the prophetts Math. 17.5 Deu. 18. Mat. 23.34 Apo. 19.10 Psal 24.10 Psal 45.6 vvhose testimony is the spirit of prophecie A king of regall dignity euen the king of glory vvhose scepter is only righteousnes the extent vvhereof is ouer the vvhole vvorld the continuance beyond all tyme vvho after all tyme shall deliuer vp a kingdome purchased vvith his bloud that god 1. Cor. 15. may be all in all The right of reason thevves this also vnto vs. For there is valuation in pearle vvherein consisteth their dignity their lustre povver What valuation is comperable to Christs dignity vvhich surpasseth that of gold siluer Ye vvere not redeemed vvith corruptible things as gold siluer from your vaine conuersation receiued by the traditions of the fathers 1. Pet. 1.28.29 But vvith the pretious bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled vvithout spot That of beasts cattle For thou desirest noe sacrifice Psal 51.16 though I vvould giue it thou delightest not in burnt offering That of angells Vnto vvhich of the angels sayd he at any time sit at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footestoole Heb. 1.13 Ps 116.11 That of men for all men are liars Farre aboue the value of the offence For if through the offence of one many are dead much more the grace of god Ro. 5.15.16 the gift by grace vvich is by one man Iesus Christ hath abounded vnto many For if by the offence of one death raigned through one much more Shall they which receiue the abundāce of grace the gift of righteousnesse raigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ Secondly there is lustre in pearle but in our Christ in his light vve shall see light Yea the deuils the reprobate see so much to make them vnexcusable Thirdly pearles are povverfull in their effects Gen. 49.8 Christ hath excellency aboue Juda preheminence ouer diseases povver of the influence of the sunne moone starrs yea ouer the graue death hell Practice 1 The vse of this is diuerse First of Accession Come ye Marchant Ievvellers that a●● faithfull soules see vvhat Ievvells your Sauiour hath prepared for you 1. Cor. 12. Ioh. 14. Can. 1. they are such that cannot be expressed by vvords Yet is he gone to prepare them for you Jt remaines that you haue an affection to seeke runne after this your ievvell that you may at the last attaine him Come blessed soules that haue hope in CHRIST though your sinnes be as red as scarlet he hath made them of a pearle colour Let euery religious soule see his sauiour this pretious pearle hovve vile he hath accompted of himselfe being sold for thirty peeces of siluer hovve pretious he hath esteemed of vs that shed his pretious bloud for vs one drop vvhereof vvas vvorth ten thousand vvorlds And let the languishing soule come hither see hovve god hath giuen vs his only ievvell to be our JESUS What then vvill he deny vs vvith him For he made him of noe reputation vile in the sight of the vvorld that vve might be pretious pearles in the sight of god Practice 2 The second vse is of Expostulatiō vvhat price is there that you can desire that is not to be found in this pearle of great price The price of your redemption is in his passion of absolution in his condemnation of remission of sinnes in his crosse of satisfaction in his sacrifice of n●vvnes of life in his resurrection of immortallity in the kingdome prepared for you of purgation in his bloud For he that vvas a diamond hath made himselfe a ruby all red in his ovvne bloud that vve might be diamond● in the sight of his father What vvould you haue One pearle vvithout pea●e He is this one For he is One god in the essence of the diety Ioh. 11. One creator that made heauen earth One man vvho died for vs. One lord paramount vvho hath the preheminence Matt. 23. Ioh. 10. Hebr. 10. One master not many One father One sheephard One sacrifice for our sinnes Practice 3 The third vse is of caution that vve bevvare howe vve become vile in gods sight for then vve become svvine Mat. 7.6 pearls must not be cast before svvine the deuill desireth to goe into such kind of creatures Matt 8 31. Ibidem hath permission so to doe But our case is as the case of Aaron vvhich had a robe bells a tunacle an Ephod the Vrim Thumim blevv silke fine linnen yet all these vvere none of his ovvne but ornaments ordayned by god to be put vpon him So vve haue noe pretiousnes in our selues but all our lustre commeth from this pearle Eph. 5.8 Ie. 14. Ecc. 1.2 Matt. 7. Matt. 25. Gen. 8.21 For vve are in ourselues darknes in the abstract Folly Vanity doggs hogs death damned If you vvill not beleeue me Moses vvill tell you that the imagination of mans hart is euill from his youth Iob vvill assertaine you for sayth he If I vvash my selfe vvith snovve vvater Iob. 9.30.31 make my hands neuer so cleane yet thou shalt plung me in the ditch mine ovvne cloths shall abhorre me Practice 4 The fourth vse is of feare trembling For S. Paul sayth if any man loue not the lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha 1. Cor. 16.22 that is accursed vvhen the lord shall come Yea surely they shal be accursed in their goods as the cursed things of Iericho their specious mansiōs made a iakes their possessiō a bloudy Dan. 3.19 Acheldama their gaines as the cursed guiles of Corban their name as branded as Ieroboams their fame rotten Jf they be honerable god vvill lay their honor in the dust if noble they shal be vile base in his sight if learned their learning shal be a byvvord a hissing If he be a king he shal be made a beast vvith Nebuchadnezzer If a minion or fauorite he shal be hanged as vvicked Haman that loues not the lord Practice 5 The last vse is of petition vvherein I become an humble sutor vnto all that are here present that there may not be amongst vs a prophane person of a svvinish boorish condition that vvill tread this pearle vnder his feete For if there be any such most fearfull fatall is the expectation of his vvoe For saith the apostle vvhat punishment suppose yee shall he be vvorthy of vvhich treadeth vnder foote the sonne of god Heb. 10.29 counteth the bloud of the nevve Testament as an vnholy thing doth despite the spirit of grace But let euery one of vs be of Paules resolution to accompt all things doung dresse that vve may obtaine this pearle Ephes 3.14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 And for this cause I bovve my knees for you all vnto god the father