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A03354 Christs prayer expounded, a Christian directed, and a communicant prepared The first teaching to pray, the second to liue, the third to receiue the sacrament of Christs body. To which is added, a preface of prayer, a pithie prayer for Christian families. A thankes giuing for our deliuerance from treason by gunpowder, and learned Latin verses of that argument. By Robert Hill, preacher at Saint Martins in the fields. Hill, Robert, d. 1623. 1606 (1606) STC 13472; ESTC S119055 60,477 208

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Thirdly to pray against and lastly to giue thankes Phi. Because confession petition deprecatiō and thankes giuing being the speciall parts of praier 1 Tim. 2.1 I must vnderstand them all to be in euerie petition of this absolute forme of praier Euch. Which is the second petition Phil. Thy kingdome come Thy kingdom come Euch. Why doth it next follow Hallowed be thy name k Math. 5.31 Phil. 1. Because it is the first meanes by which Gods name is hallowed 2. Because next to the hallowing of his name we ought cheifely to pray that Gods Kingdome may come Euch. Why is it set before Thy will be done Phil. Because no man can euer doe Gods will in any thing till such time as Gods kingdome bée erected in his heart Euch. How proue you this Phil. By these reasons 1. Because no man can doe Gods wil that is not Gods subiect l Ioh. 1.24 2. No man can kéepe Gods lawe but by Gods grace m Psal 119.32 3. Because without faith we cannot please God a Hebr. 11.6 4. Because the end of the commandement is Loue out of a pure heart good conscience and faith vnfained b 1 Tim. 1.5 Euch. But may not a bad man doe that which is good Phil. Hée may doe that which is good in it selfe but because hée is out of Christ c Ioh. 15.5 or béeing in Christ doeth it to a bad end it shall not bée good to him d 1. Cor. 13 3. So to giue almes is a good thing but if our persons bée not iustified béefore God and this action be not to the glorie of God it will neuer proue good to vs. Euch. Howe many sortes of kingdomes are there Phil. 3. The kingdome of Satan The kingdomes of men and the kingdome of God e Eph. 6.12 Euch. What is the kingdome of God Phil. It is that spirituall rule which God through Christ doeth by grace béeginne in vs in this life and by glorie will accomplish in the life to come f Dan. 2.37 g math 25.37 6.31 Rom. 14.17 Euch. Howe many things may wée obserue in this kingdome Phil. Twelue 1. That Christ is king 2. The subiects are Christians 3. The lawes are the word 4. The enemies are satan sin death hell damnation the flesh the wicked 5. The rewards are the good things of this life and eternall happinesse in the life to come 6. The Chasticementes are afflictions 7. The weapons are faith hope loue the word and praier 8. The time of it is to the worldes end 9. The place is this world and the world to come 10. The officers are preachers 11. The vice-gerents are gouernors 12. It is exercised vpon the conscience of man Euch. How is the kingdome of God said to come Phil. 1. When it is erected where it was not before 2. When it is increased where it was 3. When it is repaired from former decaies 4. When it is perfected and fully accomplished Euch. What are the wants you doe here bewaile Phil. 1. I bewaile mine owne and others bondage vnto sin that the best of vs do but weakely yeeld to Christ scepter 2. I bewaile the want of the word and Sacraments by which this kingdome is erected in mens hearts 3. I bewaile that there be so many hinderers of this Kingdome as namely the flesh to infect the world to allure the deuill to seduce Antichrist to with-drawe the Turke to withstand and the wicked to trouble men that should bee subiectes of this Kingdome Euch. What doe you praie for in this petition Phil. 1. For Godly Magistrates that they may erect establish and repaire this Kingdome 2. For Godly Ministers that by life Doctrine they may bring many Subiectes to this Kingdome 3. That both Magistrates and Ministers may bée preserued for the good of this Kingdome 4. That by politicke Lawes and powerfull Preaching abuses may bée reformed and they without conuerted to liue in this Kingdome consisting in righteousnesse peace and ioye in the holie Ghost a Rom. 14.15 5. That in mine and many others hearts this Kingdome may bée erected that wée may growe in grace and in the sauing knowledge of Christ Iesus 6. That both by the hower of death and by the comming of Christ to Iudgment this Kingdome in me all and Godes chosen may be accomplished Euch. What doe you here praie against Phil. I praie against all thinges that doe or may hinder this kingdome as want of gouernors bloudy Lawes tolleration of Idolatrie idle and euil Ministers false and erronious doctrine infidelitie impenitencie all raigning sinnes both in me and others and lastly against all wicked both men and angels or whatsoeuer may hinder the kingdome of Christ Euch. What doe you giue thanks for Phil. I giue thankes for all Godly gouernours good Lawes painefull preachers sound doctrine and that measure of grace which is bestowed on me many others that God suffereth not Satan to take away gouernement to enact euil lawes to set vp euil ministers but that both I and others liuing in the Church may yéeld obedience to Christs scepter and doe grow vp in the graces of Gods spirit Euch. Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Which is the third petition Phil. Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Euch. Why doeth this follow Thy kingdom come Phil. To teach me first to trie my selfe secōdly to iudge of others whether as yet we be in the state of grace or not for as many as truly be in Gods kingdōe cānot but immediatly do gods wil for obedience to gods wil is an effectual signe that the kingdō of God is in vs. a 1. Ioh. 3.3 Euch. But what if you sée that men ●o not Gods wil may you say that such are not in the state of grace Phil. That such persōs as yet are not in the state of grace I may say for as fire is known by heat the sun by light a trée by fruite so is faith knowen by workes Shew me thy faith by thy works saith S. Iames Yet must I leaue such to God and pray for their conuersion in their due time Euch. What must you iudge of an hypocrite who seemeth to do Gods will b 1. Chro. 28.11 Phil. I must iuge of such a one that he is in the state of grace till such time as he manifest his hypocrisie for that sin being inward except it be by special reuelation is onely knowen to God I must iudge of each trée by the fruits c math 7.20 Euch. What doe you here meane by Gods will Ph. b Deut. 29.29 Gods will is either secret or reueled his secret wil is known only to himself as who are elect who reprobates when the day of iudgement shal be his reueled wil is set down in the booke of god c The same verse in such works as dayly god doth discouer to man Euch. What is it to doe Gods
neither Satan nor the world nor my flesh hath so subdued me but that I am able to rise againe Euch. Which is the 3. part of this petition The 3. part of the lords prayer Phil. For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer euer Which words are a reason of all the former by which wee are mooued to craue all the former blessings at the hands of our God Euch. Why doth Luke leaue out this clause Phil. Either because the Euangelists did not bind themselues to a precise forme of words or because this prayer was vttered at 2. seuerall times by Christ in a seuerall manner leauing out not onely this clause but the third petition wholly the explanation of the sixt and changing some words which are in Mathew But we haue no warrant to do the like as the Rhemists do euen in the Gospell of saint Mathew being bold to mangle the Lords praier as they are to leaue out the second cōmandement Euch. Why is this conclusion added Phil. To teach 1. To pray vnto him who is able to heare vs. 2. To pray in faith to him that will helpe vs. 3. To pray in feruency as desirous to be holpen 4. To pray in humilitie because al is of God 3. To pray in thankefulnesse because all is from God 6. That in euerie petition we must haue this conclusion in our mindes Euch. What do you meane by these words thine is the kingdome Phil. Euen that which Dauid meant when he said 1. Cor. 29.11 Thine O Lord is greatnesse power and victorie and praise and all that is in heauen and in earth is thine thine is the kingdome thou excellest ouer all Euch. Why is the kingdom said to be Gods Phil. 1. Because he made all 2. Because he possesseth all 3. Because he commandeth all 4. Because he disposeth al. Euch. What doe you learne out of this Phil. That I may with confidence pray vnto him because as kings will prouide for the bodies and soules of al their subiects so God my king will prouide for me Euch. But haue not other Princes their kingdomes Phil. Yes they haue and in them do rule and for conscience sake must euer be obeyed yet they rule by and in and through this king a Pro. 8.15 Dan. ● 37 Reuel 20. Euch. Howe manie properties are there of this kingdome Phil. There it is a powerfull kingdome Thine is power a glorious kingdome Thine is glorie and an euerlasting kingdom it is For euer and euer Euch. Why are these thrée properties added Phil. That when wee pray for or against any thing in the former petitions we may be strengthened in the hope of obtaining them by the consideration of the Power Glory and Eternitie of Gods kingdom Euch. Why is power attributed to the kingdome of God 1. To distinguish it from the kingdomes of the world in which many Princes are heads of people but haue not power to subdue their enemies 2. To teach vs to giue all power vnto God 3. That we must submitte our selues vnto him 4. That he being a powerfull kings we may in faith pray vnto him Euch. How great is the power of God See my booke life euerlasting of gods prouidence Phil. It is not only of it owne nature in it selfe and of it selfe but also in respect of the obiect vpon which it can worke and effectes which it can produce and of the action by which it can and doth worke both infinit and vnmeasurable Euch. Can it be communicated to any creature Phileu No not to the humanity of Christ for whatsoeuer is omnipotent is God Euchedida Why then doth Christ saye all power is giuen vnto me Phil. 1. He speaketh of that power which wee call Authority not of that which is called omnipotencie 2. He saith not all power is giuen to my humanity but to me GOD and Man 3. If it be meant of the humanity by this power is to bee vnderstood as much as the creature is capable of 4. In that word the humanity may be said to be omnipotent as the word is said to suffer not in it selfe but in the the flesh Euch. What doe you meane by thine is the glory Phil. 1. That god hath made al things for his glory 2. Whatsoeuer wee aske they are meanes of thy glory 3. The things which we aske shal be referred to thy glory And therefore O Lord graunt these things vnto vs because thy glory is most deare to thy selfe which will be also performed of vs if we sanctifie thy name aduaunce thy kingdome doe thy will haue our dayly Bread the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and hee able to resist all euill temptations Euch. What is the third property of Christs kingdome For euer and euer Which is an excellent inducement to strengthen vs in praying Euch. Why is Gods kingdome power glory said to be euerlasting Phil. 1. Because in themselues they are euerlasting 2. Of vs they should neuer be forgotten Euch. To what purpose are all these arguments added here Phil. Not to perswade God who knoweth our wants before we aske but to perswade vs that he who is a king of such power glory and eternitie he will heare our praiers and grant our requests Euch. What vse doe you make of this conclusion Phil. 1. That in our prayers we euer debase our selues and ascribe all glory to this King of Kings 2. In our prayers to be euer perswaded of the power of God that he can helpe vs and the promise of God that he will helpe vs. a 2. Cor. 1.20 3. That prayer and giuing of thanks must goe together because this is a doxologie giuen to God 4. Whatsoeuer we aske we must in purpose before and practise after referre the same to Gods glory For the Alpha of this prayer is Halowed be thy name and the Omega is Thine is the glory 5. That all gouernours must remember that they holde al in caepite vnder this head 6. That if we be able to do any thing all that power commeth from God Euch. Which is the last part of this petition Phil. The seale thereof in the worde Amen Euch. How is this worde Amen The fourth part of the Lords Prayer taken in the Scriptures Phil. Thrée maner of wayes sometimes as a Nowne signifying Christ himselfe Reuel 1. These things saith Amen Sometimes as an Aduerbe as Iohn 3. Amen Amen that is Verily verily I say vnto you And sometimes as a Verbe as in this place signifying So be it or it shall be so Euch. What then doth this worde Amen import at the end of this petition and euery prayer Phil. More a great deale then man thinks for it is as much as if we should say thus Wee haue begged many things at thy hands and we doe desire thee to heare and are perswaded thou wilt heare all our requests Euch. What are we taught by this seale Amen Phil. We are taught 1. To desire earnestly that we
will Phil. The reuealed will of God is done by voluntary f 1. Thes 5.3 obeying or patient suffering that which God commaundeth g Math. 26.39 The secret will is done of vs by praying that Christ Iesus may come to Iudgement h Col. 22.20 that Antichrist may more and more bee reuealed and that wee may patiently beare all future afflictions Euch. What meane you by Earth and heauen in this petition Phil. I doe not meane by Earth my bodie and Heauen my soule as Tertullian thought nor by earth earthly men and heauen heauenly men as others thought but in these words I praie that as the angelles in heauen are readie to doe Gods will so men on earth may be ready to doe it Euch. Howe doe Angells the will of God Phil. They doe it chearefully without murmuring spéedily without delaying generally without omitting sincerely without dissembling constantly without forbearing and perfectly without halting Euch. But is it possible for man to doe perfectly Gods wil Phil. It will be possible in the life to come it is impossible whilest we liue in this world for the good which was would doe we do not and the euill that we would not that doe we Rom. 7. Euch. How many kindes then of perfections are there Phil. There is first a perfection of sincerity which was in Hezekias obedience a Esay 38.3 Secondly a perfection of all partes which was in Zacharie and Elizabeths obedience b Luk. 1.6 Thirdly a perfection of degrees which was onely in the first and second Adam and is now only in the holy Angels who only can perfectly obeie Gods will Euch. If this obedience be impossible to be performed why then doe we pray for it Phil. Because I must with Paul striue for this perfection c phil 3. and pray vnto GOD d 1. Thes 5 25. that I may come to this perfection without whose will I shall neuer bée able to doe his will Ioh. 15.5 Euch. What wants doe you heere bewaile Phil. 1. I bewaile mine owne and others rebellious natures in that we are as prone to receiue sin as a match or tinder is to receiue fire 2. I bewaile the sinnes of the world as ignorance schismes hypocrisie pride ambition couetousnesse and all contempt and all disobedience to the word of God 3. Our impacience that when God layeth any crosses vpon vs we cannot as wee ought endure them patiently 4. Our slacke and imperfect obedience yea priuie pride proud presumption deadnes of spirit secret hypocrisie and all other weaknes which breaketh either in or out vpon vs in our best seruice to our heauenlye Father Euch. What things doe you pray for in this petition Phil. 1. I pray that I and all people may in true humiliation and hatred of sinne be conuerted to GOD by putting off the old man and putting on the new that wee may obey his commaundements in our generall and particular callings and in all afflictions submit our selues to the wil of god 2. That with a speedy resolution a willing minde chearefull heart and cōstant purpose wee may euer doe that which we are commanded Euch. What things do you pray against in this petition Phil. I pray against all impiety towardes God vnrighteousnesse towards man and disobedience in my selfe In a word against all rebellious withstanding Gods reuealed wil vnfaithfulnesse in mens callings all discontented murmuring at Gods doeings and all either backwardnesse or wearines in the seruice of God and ●astly against all hypocrisie which is contrary to an honest and a sincere heart Euch. What things doe you héere thanke God for Phil. 1. Here I blesse God for mine owne and others conuersion 2. For our obedience to Gods will 3. For our pacience in all trialls 4. That with some chearefulnesse we may serue god 5. That our seruice is not full of hypocrisie and that profanenes vnrighteousnes disobedience rebellion vnthankfulnes murmuring discontentement backwardnes wearines and hypocrisie are so mortified in vs that in some weake measure wee desire to please God Euch. Why are these thrée petitions in the first place Phil. Because when we do beginne to aduance Gods glory set vp Gods kingdome and do Gods will then our dayly bread the forgiuenes of sinnes and al other blessings will be giuen vnto vs. As on the contrary if we dishonor God hinder his kingdome and do our own willes we cannot looke for any blessing of this or a better life for godlines onely hath a promise of this life and the life to come 1. Tim. 6.6 Euch. Hauing spoken thus much of the thrée first petitions wee are nowe come to the latter three how do you deuide those three last petitions Phil. One of them is for things concerning mans body the other two are concerning his soule Euch. But why are you here taught to pray for things corporall and after to pray for things spirituall doth not this crosse that commaundement of Christ Seeke first the kingdome of God Math. 6.32 Phil. No it doth not but by this order I am taught 1. To sée the corruption of mans nature which ought in the first place to séeke thinges spirituall but because we liue rather by sense then faith wee doe principally desire things corporall Secondly I am taught Christs mercie vnto man in that by this order hee descendeth to our infirmity who rather depend vpon him for the pardon of our sinnes then we can trust him for our prouision in this life which argueth that wee are of little faith Thirdly I am taught by this to depend vpō him for the forgiuenes of my sinnes for when I see that he is heere so careful for my bodie he will doubtles be more careful to prouide for my soule Rom. 8.32 Euch. What vse can you make of this order Phil. 1. That I must principally seeke the good of my soule which will bring all goodnesse and goods to my body a mat 16.26 Psal 4.6 2. That I must haue care also of my body for the preseruation whereof God hath prouided foode apparell phisicke and other meanes b 1. Tim. 5.23 3. That from the blessings on my body I must ascend by degrees to bee perswaded for my soule that he who is so prouident for the one will be much more prouident for the other c Eccl. 11.30.31 4. I must acknowledge mine owne corruption that I am so carefull for earthly things d math 6. 5. I see that I may vse gods creatures in that he will haue me to praye for them 6. I must acknowledge the mercy of god to me in that he yeeldeth so much to mine infirmity as to permit mee to aske these corporall things before such things as are spiritual and of greatest good for the saluation of my soule Euch. Which is the fourth petition and the first of the three latter giue vs this day our daily bread Phil. Giue vs this day our daily bread Euch. Do you not by bread here vnderstand
any time assēbled but they are redy to praye for vs therfor it is our duty to pray for thē We therfore cōmend to thee thy whole church each mēber of the same be good gracius to these churches of Englād Scotland Frāce Irelād giue the Gospel a free passage euery wh●… put on the meanes by which it may be publisht wher it is n●t or maintained wher it is Deuid not O thou indiuisible go●… deuid not Ephraim against Manasses nor Manasses against Ephraim nor both of them against Iudah The coat of thy son was wtout seam let the church of thy son be without seame Our aduersaries get ground and work vpon our diuision knit vs so together that there worke may be as the cōfusion of Babel Ar there any means to hinder the currāt of thy gospell stop them in the head poyson them in the stream stay thē in the time let their labor he like his that wold repair Iericho To this end bee good to the light of our eies the breathe of our nostrils the procurer of our happines thy Salomon our King preserue his bodie in health his soule in soundnes his hart in thy trueth his life in honor his honor from vnder miners his ears from flatterers the haue of each kingdome Keep him that he may euer maintain thy truth Defend him against the insinuation of practising papists who will neuer wish wel vnto him vnlesse they see we do wish wel vnto thee Let thy good spirite hee with Io●… do●… prince season his young yeares with the knowledge of thy will that as hee groweth in yeares so he may grow in sta●… fauor both with god and men Be good vnto them that haue the ●…ition of him make them instruments of much good that may be done by him Preserue with these our gratious Queene let vs see her as a fruitfull vine about the Kings house and her children like to oliue plantes round about his table And because wher many counsellors are there is peace O Lorde blesse his honorable counsail in al things let them take counsail at thy word and in euerie consultation aime at thy glorie The peeres of our land the pillars of our kingdome wee commend vnto thee make them contented with their present honors and to continue loyall to their vndoubted soueraigne And because the preachers of thy worde are the pillars of thy church blesse them all from the highest to the lowest that both by life and doctrine they may set out thy most holie word Take from the great the spirit of ambition and from the meane the spirit of contention that both may labor as much as they may to oppose themselues against the common aduersarie and not to aduantage him by intestine diuision Blesse the people of this lād such as are called confirme them such as are not conuert them to that purpose send faithfull pastor into each congregation who may speake a word in due season vnto thē Couch all our hearts from the highest to the lowest with true repentance that thy iudgementes present imminent may be preuented remoued thy mercies stil continued to vs our posterity after vs especially in the true ministery of the word and sacraments that such as suruiue vs may praise thy name Bee mercifull to all thine afflicted ones be they sick in bed distressed in conscience pinched with pouerty disgraced for thy truth or kepte in prison and deliuered to death releeue them in theyr necessity strengthen them in their weaknes comforte them in ther distresse mitigate their sorrows turne al their troubles to thy glory and theire good To this end giue thy seruāts cōfort by thy word sufficiency of things needful for them bles the fruits of the earth disappoint both Turk Pope from incroching vpon thine inheritance let all such prosper as sight thy battails and let thy gospel be preached from the one end of the worlde vnto the other In thy good time let the sun of thy gospel shine vpon Iews Turks Infidels Atheists and papists belonging to thee Be good to our kinsfolkes in the flesh our friendes in the spirite and them to whome wee are any wise bounden or desire to bee commended to thee in these our praiers and supplications Haue mercy vpon vs nowe calling vpon thy name forgiue our sins and manifolde deffects in this holye duty accepting at our handes this our obedience in Christ And because thou hast bin good vnto vs many wayes make vs thankfull vnto thee for all thy mercies as our election in thy loue our redemption in thy sonne our sanctification by thy spirit our preseruation by thy prouidence our health in body peace of conscience our life in thy church our gratious Gouernours our painfull Preachers our christian friends our desire to please thee and that wee haue the ministration of thy word and sacraments and can shew loue euen to our enimies We thanke thee O Lord for all graces of thy spirit as faith in thy promises hope of eternall life feare of thy name loue to thy maiesty zeale to thy glory affection to our bretheren patience vnder the crosse strength against our seuerall temptations humility gentlenesse méekenes forbearing with many other giftes and graces of thy spirit all which wee acknowledge haue procéeded from thy méere mercie O let vs not hee negligent in the vse of all good meanes by which thy grace may dayly growe vp in vs. We do also with all thankfulnesse remember all the blessings of this life our deliuerance from our enimies in 88. our preseruation from the pestilence in 93. our protection from Gunpowder in 95. as all other fauors which we do enioye vnder the blessed gouernment of our gratious Prince and for all thy goodnes vnder our lase noble Queene We thanke thee that thou hast sustained vs in great weaknes releiued vs in much necessity cōforted vs in much distresse resolued vs in many doubts deliuered vs from many dangers preserued vs from many sinnes made vs willing to desire to do thy will and bestowed vpon vs such a larges of thy good creatures that we are more fit to giue then receiue Blesse vs nowe and euer hereafter keepe vs and all ours and all that are nere about vs from all dangers whatsoeuer and grant vs all such a portion of thy grace that whether we stay at home or goe abroad watch or sléepe rate or drinke buy or sell bee in labour or recreation we may euer labour to glorifie thy high and great name in the workes of such callings as thou shalt cal vs vnto and fit vs for through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour in whose name and in whose wordes wee further call vpon thée saying Our Father which art c. O LOrd blesse vs and kéepe vs O Lord make thy face shine vpon vs O Lord graunt vnto vs thy sweete and euerlasting peace especially that peace of conscience which the world cannot giue with the