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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00935 The diamond of deuotion cut and squared into sixe seuerall points: namelie, 1 The footpath to felicitie. 1 2 A guide to godlines. 81 3 The schoole of skill. 181 4 A swarme of bees. 209 5 A plant of pleasure. 245 6 A groue of graces. 283 Full of manie fruitfull lessons, auaileable to the leading of a godlie and reformed life: by Abraham Fleming. Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. Footepath of faith, leading the highwaie to heaven. Selections. 1581 (1581) STC 11041; ESTC S102282 82,454 300

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out of his reckoning booke Why then should I hang downe my head as though confusion were the portion of mine inheritance To them that loue God all things turne to good This his visitation is but a preparatiue to further felicitie which in due time he will reueale to me his seruant when he hath taken sufficient proofe and experience of my patience which I beséech him to establish and confirme that the possession of eternitie may be the reward of my sufferance Wherefore O most mercifull father if it be thine appointment as thy determinations are secret and hidden from the heart of man that this my sicknes and trouble be vnto death O then gratiouslie heare my supplication and let the voice of my crie enter into thine cares Giue me not ouer in my distresse and weakenesse when Sathan is most busie to spoile me but stand thou like an inuincible Giant on my right hand let the wings of thine almightines ouershadowe me euen vntill my last gaspe Moreouer graunt most mercifull father that at the separation and dissolution of my soule and bodie I may still continue thine my bodie turning into dust whence it tooke first substance and my soule possessing heauen whence it receiued bring O Lord send me a toifull resurrection at the date of iudgement and let me be numbred among the lambes whome thou hast chosen to be ioint-heires with thée of thine owne happines in heauenlie ioies O Lord heare my praier and let my crie come vnto thee Lord haue mercie vpon me Christ haue mercie vpon me O holie Ghost be my comforter O blessed Trinitie receiue my soule into the place of glorie Amen The twelfe Blossome conteining A petition to be said at the houre of death ouer the partie visited and lieng speechlesse O Eternall God the welspring of life and the treasure of true and euerlasting riches thou God of the quicke and the dead thou which hast appointed euerie man a mansion in this earthlie pilgrimage and placed vs here as tenants at thy pleasure to remoue and depart when it is thy will to call vs. thou euen thou which ridest vpon the wings of the winde whose seate is the heauen of heauens whose footstoole is the earth whose messengers are the Angels and celestiall hoast O bow downe thine cies of pitie looke vpon vs. O thou glorie of Sion thou beautie of Hierusalem thou Alpha and Omega thou which art incomprehensible the first person of the holie Trinitie open thy gratious eares and heare the petitions of vs thy seruants O heare vs and that betimes thou sauer of soules whiles breath is in the nostrels of this thy diseased and sicke creature for after this life it is too late to make intercession Thou hast chastened him O Lord inwardlie and outwardlie his strength is turned into weakenes his health into sicknes his flesh consumeth his limines are lame his eiesight waxeth dimme his spéech is stopped all his senses are numined his hart panteth life and death struggle within him and wrestle for superioritie He lieth in pangs he is past hope of recouerie to our iudgement he refuseth sustenance he can take no rest O looke vpon him thou comfort of Israell and deliuer Ioseph out of this prison O Lord haue mercie vpon him O God make him strong to endure this sharpe and bitter conflict Let not the terrour of death the torinent of his sicknes the losse of life or departing from anie transitorie pleasure withdrawe his heart from thée but as thou didst create it and powredst it into his bodie so vouchsafe to reserue it for thy selfe that thou maist be glorifiedin it both now and héereafter when it shall please thee to raise it vp with the rest of the bodie in the last resurrection Behold Lord he is not able to praie for himselfe thy hand is so heauie vpon him at this present he can not so much as lift vp a limme thou hast whipped him so sore he is past hope of health in the eies of man thou hast made such déepe furrowes vpon his backe he is spéechlesse because thou hast taken awaie the vse of his tongue lo Lord he lifteth vp his eies vnto heauen notwithstanding all these infirmities weakenesses O remember him forgiue him his sins remit and blot out of thy reckoning booke the ten thousand talents which he oweth thée He is not able to testifie the inward sorowe of his heart conceiued for sinne so sharpe and seueare is thy present visitation which iustlie and deseruedlie thou hast laid vpon him and surelie though thou didst punish him more rigorouslie yet thou art not accusable of iniustice For iust art thou O Lord in all thy workes and righteous in all thy iudgements But yet Lord we beséech thée to asswage the heate of thy wrath which if it burne still and continue vnquenched alas who shall be able to abide it Behold Lord how lowe he is brought all his bones are out of course which waie so euer he is turned he féeleth nothing but anguish no rest no ease no quietnes can he take such is the weight of thine anger against him for the instruction of vs that are aliue and here present at his visitation that we may learne thereby to detest sinne which is the cause of thy displeasure and to amend least a worse thing happen vnto vs. O Lord we beséech thée to consider our supplications and to accept the praiers which we powre out in thy presence in the behalfe of this our diseased brother And louing Lord if it be thy will to take him hence O then we beséech thee to shorten his time to end his lingering sicknes and so to deliuer him from all earthlie trouble But if it be thy pleasure to raise him vp being thus cast downe and to quicken strengthen him whome thy hand hath driuen almost to deathes dore then at the intercession of vs thy seruants hasten his time of recouerie and restore him vnto health and soundnes We praie for him O Lord not knowing the secrets of thy counsell which is vnchangeable deale with him as it pleaseth thée thine he is to order and dispose For thou art the potter and he but a lumpe of claie vnto thée we commit his soule and bodie thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen for thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen The thirteenth Blossome conteining 1 Gods vniuersall gouernement 2 That he annointeth Kings and Queenes and why 3 A petition vnto him in the behalfe of our gratious Queene Elizabeth 4 His mercie in preseruing her in time of tribulation 5 A praier for the continuance of her good estate 6 Against the enimies of the truth either to be conuerted or confounded 7 The Church of God and the Commonwealth two sisters 8 The death of Christ a full ransome for all our sinnes 9 Requestes to be dailie made of euerie true Christian. 1 O Gratious Lord and most mercifull father we acknowledge
torment no losse no damage no wrong no iniurie no anguish no not death it selfe were it neuer so terrible For if the merchant man for lucres sake and increase of commoditie aduentureth life and goods vpon the sea enduring all tempests that arise and suffering euen the woorst lucke that maie light vpon him with a contented mind in hope to obteine the fruite and profit of his trauell if the husbandman repineth not to tarie the time of the yeare after his painful plowing his diligent sowing and other his necessarie labours with sweating browes and bedewed lims susteined then gathereth into his barnes the pleatifull crop of his ground shall we thinke much to suffer for Christs sake for the truths sake for safe conscience sake for our souls sake temporall paines and momentanie troubles knowing that these are preparatiues to life euerlasting that we can not walke in Gods waie vnlesse we yeeld our neckes to beare his yoke 14 Fondlie plaid Nichodemus that great lawier and ruler among the Iewes his part in comming to seeke the waie of the Lord by night For hée preferring his worldlie reputation and countenance before the knowledge of Gods kingdome and being ashamed to be seene in the day time to haue recourfe vnto so contemned a person as Christ prooued himselfe to be as he was euen a louer of himselfe a popular fellowe that is such a one as esteemed more of his worship and credit than of the doctrine of truth Wherein he declared his infancie and grosse ignorance touching regeneration his great learning knowledge and experience in other points naught auailing Thus weé seé that for one furtherance and help to leade vs to the waie of the Lord and to bring vs to the footepath of felicitie there are twentie yea and twice twentie hinderances and lets which lie like blockes ouer which there is no leaping vnlesse the Lord put vnder his hand and lift vs ouer them 15 Now therefore for somuch as there is but one waie vnto life euerlasting but manie waies vnto death and condemnation requisite it is that we which are placed in this world as in a wildernesse and haue a pilgrimage to walke should first and principallie haue as they saie an eie to the maine chance that is should haue a singular regard to the safetie of our soules the pretiousnesse wherof Christ commended vnto vs when he said what will it profit a man to gaine all the world and to lose his soule Meaning indeéd thereby that all the pompe the riches the treasure the pleasure and whatsoeuer belongeth to this life are nothing counteruailable or equiualent to the soule the excellencie whereof if there were none other proofe to confirme it is sufficientlie set forth by the rich ransome that was paid for it to redeéme it out of captiuitie and thraldome I meane the pretious bloud of Iesus Christ. 16 Setting aside therfore all by-waies which leade vnto death it standeth vs vpon if we tender our saluation to seéke the waie of the Lord whiles it may be found The maner how is declared before at large euen by denieng our selues and forsaking the world with whom whosoeuer doth acquaint himselfe vnpossible it is that heé should once set foote in the waie of the Lord. For the waies of the Lord are good and righteous altogither as saith the Psalmewriter the whole world is set vpon mischiefe and villanie saith the Apostle So that betwene the waies of the Lord and the waies of the world there is no affinitie no likenesse no equalitie naie there is a flat opposition and contrarietie 17 Is it possible that the lambe and the woolfe the spider and the flie the falcon and the feasant the hound and the hare the peacocke and the snake the cat and the mouse the owle and the nightingale the iuie and the oke the vinetreé and the colewort or what else is of contrarie inclination should agreé together the one not spoile the other The waies of the Lord the waies of the world are much more at variance For fire being hot and drie is not a greater enimie vnto water that is cold and moist life being sensible quickening and pleasant is not a more mortal foe vnto death that is senslesse ouglie and dreadfull blacke being darke and dim is not more contrarie vnto white that is lightsome and bright Christ being perfection it selfe is not more contrarie vnto Antichrist the child of perdition heauen aboue is not more vnlike to hell belowe finallie the triumphs of celestiall Sion are not more differing from the torments of the infernall lake than the waies of the Lord which are pure and cleane and the waies of the world which are filthie and lothsome 18 We seé that euerie thing coueteth a place to liue in agreéable to their nature The fish in the riuer the beast in the medowe the bird in the aire the worme in the earth Experience teacheth vs no lesse and reason proueth it to be true Wherevpon it is recorded in monuments of memorie that the Salamander and the Hydra two mortall enimies and creatures of contrarie qualitie encountring vpon the land did so wound one another that they were well nigh destroied The Salamander desirous to recouer himselfe left off fighting and flew into the fire which restored vnto him his former strength the Hydra séeing this retired in like maner and lept into the water where he recouered all the force that he had lost and thus they both by betaking themselues to their naturall places preserued their liues which otherwise had béene in hazard 19 These creatures and diuerse other maie teach vs wit For séeing that we haue no continuing citie here but looke for one to come is it not our partes to direct our steps thitherward considering that we are not like vnto beasts birds fishes worines serpents or anie vnreasonable thing but immortall like our maker whose image we beare about vs It were vantage for vs to meditate herevpon and to haue our minds aboue not raking like dunghill cocks for a barlie corne in mucke but like eagles lifting our selues aloft with the wings of faith 20 And thus much touching the waie of all flesh which is death the waies of the world which are sinfull and lead vnto hell the waies of the Lord which conduct vs vnto the footepath of felicitie and so to life euerlasting In which waie being the right waie the true waie the perfect waie the certaine waie the pure waie the cleane waie the vndefiled waie the Lord giue vs grace to walke whiles we liue and drawe breath in this our earthlie tabernacle that we maie when we are called out of the same treade the footepath to felicitie enter in at the glorious gate of heauenlie Hierusalem and there enioie our appointed mansions not made with hands but established by the word of eternitie to whome be all dominion power and maiestie Amen A looking glasse for the Christian Reader conteining summarilie the substance of all the doctrines
starres in the skies yet I beleéue that thy mercie which is aboue all thy workes is able to dispense with the multitude of my sinnes and throughlie to cleanse and wash me from the blots and spots of mine iniquities And therfore O gratious God with vnfeined repentance I prostrate my selfe before theé crieng and calling vnto theé to deale with me in the measure of thy mercie and not in the weight of thy furie though my transgressions exceede number For if thou shouldest reckon with me in rigour I should be found more light than vanitie it would fare with me as with chaffe before the winde or as with bauen in a scorching fornace mine end would be death my reward confusion O heare me therefore O louing Lord faithfullie calling vpon thee with him that said O sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me and with her that said If I might but touch the hemme of his garment I shall be whole and with him that said Lord I beleéue oh helpe mine vnbeleéfe and with him that said Father I haue sinned against heauen and against theé and with him that said O Lord be mercifull vnto me a sinner Cast downe thy louing lookes vpon me lamenting Lazarus lieng in wofull case visited by thy hand and groning vnder the rod of thy correction spare me O God spare me O good Lord and be not angrie with me for euer I take it for an vndoubted truth that all manner of punishments proceéde from theé as accustomed meanes and wonted waies which thou vfest to call thy best children home and therfore I am in so much the more comfort that this thy visitation and chastisement is no signe of thine endles anger against me though sicknes and all kind of annoiances sprang and issued from sinne but a token and argument of thy fauour and louing kindnes Yea Lord though it tend to temporall death whereby my bodie is wounded yet I am reposed in this hope and affiance that my soule shall not seé corruption but shall be receiued into heauen to rest in the bosome of faithfull Abraham till the time be come of the generall iudgment glorious resurrection I knowe and it is the duetie of all true Christians to confesse no lesse that from the beginning thou visitedst thy children yea on them whome thou most tenderlie louedst thou diddest laie some portion of thy correction partlie to trie them in tribulation and to confirme their faith by patience in aduersitie but speciallie to assure their spirit that they are thy children and thou their father they thy shéepe and thou their shepheard they thy people and thou their gouernour they thy souldiours and thou their captaine they thy chosen and thou their glorie Thou calledst to the inheritance of thy kingdome after the daies of his pilgrimage were spent Abraham the father of the faithfull Thou calledst vnto the ioies of heauen Iacob and Ioseph when they had runne their appointed race Thou calledst vnto endlesse blessednesse that mild minded man the mirrour of méekenes Moses I meane thy righteous seruant when he had fulfilled his course Thou calledst vnto the place of eternitie Iosua and Caleb and other gratious Iudges of thy people when the houreglasse of their life was run out Thou calledst vnto the fort of felicitie Samuell and Dauid prophets of thine owne appointment when their full yeares were expired Thou calledst vnto the Paradise of perfect pleasure Ezechias Iosias other vertuous Kings when their earthlie tabernacle was torne and rent in sunder Thou calledst vnto euerlasting happinesse Esaie Ieremie and the rest of thy seruants the Prophets when they had liued their full time in this world Thou calledst vnto thy kingdome Iames Iohn Paule Peter and other thine Apostles when they had discharged their dutie in fulfilling their commission And to conclude thou calledst vnto the throne of triumph and victorie Iesus Christ thy son that immaculate and vnblemished lambe that innocent shéepe that swéete Samaritan and surgion of our soules when he had finished the spirituall building whereof he himselfe was the foundation and chéefe corner stone when I saie he had accomplished thy will and vanquished sinne Sathan death and hell In bringing which things about thou didest vse ordinarie meanes euen death the waie of all flesh that by their example thy seruants might be comforted in sicknes that as thy kindnes was plentifullie declared vnto them in deliuering them out of this wildernes and translating them to eternall happinesse so to me no lesse than vnto them though for a time thou laiest thy hand vpon me and scour gest me with thy rod thy fatherlie loue and affection is manifest For whome thou louest him thou chastenest and whippest euerie child thou adoptest and choosest that the consolation of their spirit may be the more increased Wo were I if thou shouldst not visit me O Lord wretched were my state and condition it thou shouldest not trie me with the fire of afflictions Sicknes is thy messenger pouertie is thy messenger yea death is thy messenger whome thou incessantlie sendest vnto thy seruants to call them vnto thée and thy kingdome In consideration whereof I thy child as I faithfullie beléeue adopted in Christ visited at this present by thy hand and patientlie abiding the sharpenesse of thy scourge am erected and incouraged with a certaine and infallible hope that at thy good pleasure thou wilt worke all in me for the best to my soule saluation and to thy selfe glorification Why should I murmur against thée though I am griped with anguish Why should I mistrust thy mercie though my paines be somewhat extreame Why should I despaire as though thou wert not mercifull No no so long Lord as there remaineth breath in my nostrels and so long as mine eies are open and so long as my tong hath the power of speach thy spirit being present with me and comforting me I will thus thinke with my selfe The Lords will be fulfilled when he séeth best time he will make an end of my tribulation He doth not punish me as a reprobate to my condemnation but he correcteth me as a child to my saluation I am the worke of his hands he created me and made me of nothing to the honour of himselfe did he make me and therefore I hope he will not destroie his owne workemanship though it resteth in his will and pleasure to dispose all things as séemeth best to his diuine Maiestie His child I am adopted in the bloud of his sonne Iesus Christ inheritour of the kingdome of heauen through the spirit of sanctification a member of his mysticall bodie a grape of his vine a sheafe of his haruest a shéepe of his flocke and therefore I trust he will be my gratious God This is my comfort that thus thou doest chastise me not in iudgement to desperation but in mercie to consolation and this is my ioie that hereby I am assured that my name is written in his register and as for my faults he hath raced them
dutie to do him reuerence A. 1 ALl glorie vnto God the guider of the iust Blest be his name in heauen earth whereto the righteous trust 2 Repaire his temples to him worship and adore Alleluiah sing and saie to him for euermore 3 He is the God of grace whose kingdom knows none end A mightie God from all annoies that can his flocke defend Most mercifull is he to such as do repent Forgiuing them which for their sins are sorie and lament Laud we his holie name as dutie doth command Each tongue sound out his maiestie adore him sea and land 4 My heart my tongue and voice shall plaie the organ pipes In praising him out of the skore our desperate debts which wipes No time will I let slip if God do giue me grace Great thanks to render to his name which filleth euerie place The fift Flowre called a holie Hymne conteining 1 The reward of the proud and impenitent 2 An admonition not to be high minded 3 To be touched with compassion towards the afflicted 4 To be mindfull of Gods mercies in tribulation 5 A declaration of his omnipotencie and power 6 A petition that the word of God might be the rule of our life H. 1 AN humble heart is a sacrifice vnto the Lord a contrite spirit he will not despise as for the proud and impenitent he casteth them out of his fauour in the heate of his indignation 2 Be not high minded neither puft vp with a vaine opinion of thy selfe but consider that thou art but dust and ashes and that thou hast nothing but naughtinesse by nature 3 Relent at the aduersities and afflictions of thy neighbour and in the bowels of compassion mitigate his miserie for nothing falleth vpon him but the same may in time chance to thée Arme thy selfe with patience to endure all tribulations if God chastise thée with anie kind of punishment acknowledge thine owne transgressions in that behalfe and be penitent 4 Haue in thy mind the greatnes of Gods mercies which are aboue all his workes put thy trust in him in the time of trouble he will deliuer thée and set thée at libertie Aske after succour where it is to be found the Lord is all sufficient he hath treasures of good things for them that loue him as for the wicked of this world they are out of his fauour Much mightier is the mercie of the Lord than the heart of man can conceiue of his power there is no end all the world is replenished with his greatnes most excellent and glorious 5 Fall downe ye hils before his presence tremble ye deepes at the sight of his maiestie for the whole compasse of the world he holdeth in his hand to dispose the same at his pleasure Lord God of Iacob who is like vnto thée Heauen and earth are witnesses of thine excellencie the Sunne and the Moone declare the greatnesse of thy glorie to all nations Euerie creature telleth abroade that thou art omnipotent for at thy becke all things obeie yea heauen it selfe which is thine owne habitation trembleth and quaketh at thy thundering voice 6 Make me O Lord God obedientlie to leade my life direct thou my footesteps by the rule of thy lawe and let thy holie word be a lanthorne before me that I go not astraie If I haue at anie time swarued and done amisse it hath come to passe through the want of thy word which I beséech thée let lighten my goings like a bright burning lampe Notwithstanding O Lord I deserue no such fauour and loue at thy hands yet for thine owne sake which art the founteine of mercie vouchsafe to shew thy selfe gratious Glorie honour and praise be ascribed vnto thée which hast béene from beginning of beginnings and shalt continue in power and maiestie when all things vanish and decaie The sixt Flowre called a spirituall Song conteining 1 A petition for humilitie and assistance against our enimies 2 For mercie and loue of Gods lawe 3 For the leading of a good life A. 1 AN humble heart O God vnto thy seruants giue Be thou to them a louing Lord whiles in this world they liue Regard thy little flocke be thou to them a sheeld And thē defend frō greedie Wolues least ouercome they yeeld 2 Haue mercie on vs all whose waies most wicked are And to the path of Paradise our speedie steps prepare Make vs to loue thy lawe and therein to delight For that is an oblation most pleasant in thy sight 3 Let me so leade my life that what I thinke or saie Extend vnto the laud and praise of thee my God alwaie Make me an instrument thine excellence to sound In faith and in good works O God vouchsafe I may abound Nothing though high of price and glorious to the eie Grant mightie God frō thy precepts may drawe my feete awrie The seuenth Flowre called a holie Hymne conteining 1 An inuocation to God for succour in affliction 2 For restitution of perfection lost by sinne 3 For the fortifieng of faith in time of triall 4 For prosperous successe of our enterprises 5. For protection and strength in persecution of the Gospell 6 A deprecation against Gods enimies and the aduersaries of his Word M. 1 AT euening and at morning I praise thée O God earlie do I call vpon thée yea before the rising of the Sunne do I direct my voice to thee my King and my God Be not far from me in the time of mine affliction but when troubles assault me be thou present and at hand to defend me so shall I féele comfort in my soule and glorifie thy most excellent name 2 Restore to me the fulnesse of thy grace which mine owne sins and the transgressions of my progenitours haue diminished that by the restitution of the same I may the more vprightlie leade my life before thy face 3 And though the world be full of wickednesse and thy glorie dailie derogated by the diuelish deuises of lewd liuers yet so fortifie my faith that I fall not awaie from thee Helpe me O God to withstand the subtile suggestions of Sathan and all Sathanicall souldiours such I meane as set shoulder against thée thy son Christ. 4 Accept me among thy chosen children and ouershadowe me with the shield of thine omnipotencie that whatsoeuer I take in hand may haue happie successe to my profit and to thy glorie 5 Mightilie protect me in all perils and dangers speciallie in the time of persecution when thy Gospell is called in question among false Heretikes superstitious Papists and cauilling Scismatikes Fortific my spirit with the armour of thy word that I may powre it out plentifullie in the presence of thine enimies to their shame and confusion and to the aduancement of thy name Let not their sophisticall assertions intangle or intrap me but let thy sacred Scripture so flourish and fructifie in my heart that by thy gratious gift of vnderstanding I may controll them in their errours Enter thou with me O