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A00481 Certayne Godly exarcises [sic] meditacions and prayers very necessary and profytable for all persons and for all times, set forthe by certayne godly lerned men, to be vsed dayly as you shalbe godly disposed, and shall feele nede thervnto. And also the letany dayly vsed in churches annexed to the ende hereof. 1565 (1565) STC 10617; ESTC S115579 46,741 130

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beseche thee to graunt that we may knowledge truely without hipocrisie bowe miserable a state of perdition we are in by nature and how worthely we procure vnto our selues euerlastinge dampnation● heapinge vp from time to time thy greuous punishmētes towards vs through oure wicked and synfull life to the ende that seing there remayneth no sparke of goodnes in our nature and that ther is nothing in vs as touching our first creation and that which we receaue of our parentes mete to inioye the heritage of gods kingedome we may wholy render by oure selues with all oure hartes and with an assured cōfidēce vnto thy deroly beloued son Iesu Christ our lord our only sauiour redemer to the ende that he dwelling in vs may mortefy our olde man that is to say our sinneful affectiōs and that we may be regenerated into a more godly lyfe wherby thy holy name as it is worthy of all honoure may be aduaunced and magnified through oute the world and in al places so that thou hauing the tuicion and gouernaunce ouer vs we may learne dayely more and more to humble and submyt our selues vnto thy maiestie in such sort that thou maist be counted king and gouernour ouer al guiding thy people with the scepter of thy word and by the vertue of thy holy spirite to the confusion of all thine enemies through the mighte of thy truth righteousnes so that by this meanes all power and heighte which withstandeth thy glory may be continually throwen downe and abolyshed vnto suche time as the full and perfecte face of thy kingdome shall apeare when thou shalt shewe thy selfe in iudgement whereby also we with the reste of thye creatures may render vnto thee perfecte and due obedience euen as thy holy aungells do apply them selues onely to the perfourming of thy commaundementes so that onely thy will may be fulfilled without any cōtradiction that euery man may bend him selfe to serue and please thee renouncing their owne wylles with all the affections and desires of the fleshe Graunte vs also good lorde that wee thus walking in the loue and dreade of thy holye name maye be nouryshed and susteyned through thy goodnesse that we may receue at thy handes all things expediente necessary for vs and so vse thy giftes peaceably and quietly to this ende that when wee see that thou haste care of vs wee maye the more affectuousely knowledge thee to be our father lokinge for all good giftes at thy hand and withdrawynge and pullinge back al our vaine confidence from creatures may set it wholly vpon thee and so rest onely in thy most bountiful mercy And for so moch as whiles we continue here in this transitory life we are so miserable so frayle and so much inclyned vnto synne that we fall continually and swarue from the right way of thy commaundementes we beseche the pardon vs our innumerable offences whereby we are in daunger of thy iudgemente condempnation and forgeue vs so freely that deathe and synne may hereafter haue no title against vs neither lay vnto our charge that wicked rote of sinne whiche dothe euermore remaine in vs but graunt that we may forget and forgeue the wronges whiche other do vnto vs in stede of seking vengeaunce may procure the wealthe of our ennemies And for as muche as of our selues wee are so weake that we ar not able to stād vpright one minute of an houre and again so belaid assaulted euermore with such a multitude of so daūgerous ennemies that the deuyl the world synne our own cōcupicēces do neuer leaue of to fyghte against vs Let it be thy good pleasure to strengthen vs with thy holy spirit to arme vs with thy grace that therby we may be able strongly to with stand al tēptations to endure constātly in this spiritual battaile against syn vntil such time as we shal obteine the ful victory so at length may triūphātly reioyse in thy kingdome with our captain gouernour Iesus christ our lord Amē Who can tel whether the lord wil turne againe and haue compassion vpon vs and leaue a blessinge behynde him Ioel. 2. ¶ A prayer mete for this present tyme that god woulde turne away his plagues hanging ouer vs for our sinnes OH lorde God strong and mighty great and fearfull whiche dwellest in the heauens and workest great wonders we thy myserable chyldren here vpō earth do most humbly beseche thee to be mercifull vnto vs to pardon our offences forgers vs all our sinnes O Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruauntes for if thou do there shall no fleshe be saued in thy sight O Lord we confesse and acknowledge that it is our syns that hath caused thee to be moued vnto wrathe to shewe suche tokens of thy displeasure towardes vs in these our dayes fyrfte with fire from heauen whiche did betoken thy hotte burning indignation and wrathfull displeasure for synne whiche aboundeth at this day then with such horrible and monstruous shapes against nature as was neuer sene in our daies nor in no time before vs in this miserable countrey of oures whiche all do betoken to vs none other thinge but thye plagues to come vppon vs for our degenerate and monstrous lyfe and conuersation and our wonderfull and terryble destruction and desolation vnlesse we spedely repent and turne to thee because we haue ben so longe taught oute of thy most holy and sacred worde and yet no fruites of repentaunce or christyan life will appere Woe and alas to these our daies that neyther preachinge by worde most comfortable nor preaching by fyre most terrible nor preaching by monsters moste ougly horrible wil flyrre vp our stony hartes and awake vs from our sinnes We feare oh Lorde that the turkes with all the rest of the vnbeleuing will condempne vs in the last day whiche if they had ben so longe instructed by the comfortable preaching of thy word and sweete promises of thy gospell or seene the wonders whiche we haue seene no doubt their righteousenes woulde haue shined at this day to our greate shame and confusion Thou hast no lesse warned vs oh Lord of thy feareful displeasure heauie plagues at hande for our great wickednes then thou dyddest the Israelites of that horryble destructyon which came vpon them whō thou first in mercy diddest call to repentaunce by the preachinge of thy worde but when no warnynge wolde serue thou diddest send them monstrus and feareful signes and tokens to declare that thy visitation was not farre of But they like vnto vs at this daye dyd alwaies interprete these thinges after the imagination of their owne vaine hartes promysynge to them selues peace when destruction was ouer their heades Whiche thinges when we do call to minde for as muche as they are writtē for our learnynge exaumple and warnynge it maketh vs to tremble quake for feare of thy iust iudgementes For if thou hast thus dealt with thine owne dears chosen
do call vpon thee 11 If then thy fatherly prouidence and tender care O lorde vpon all thy creatures be so great that the very beastes foules haue this experiēce of thy goodnes in their necessities that their roringes and criynges haue the strengthe of earnest callinges and besechinges how muche rather do these syghinges groninges and desperate heuines of men but chiefely of all those whiche beleue in thee crye call loude in thine eares though they speake neuer a word at all 12 Shulde I then nowe dispeire of thy fatherly mercy whiles presently I feele thee stirre vp my soule harte to craue helpe at thy hande Psal 77. shulde I thinke that thou wilt absent thy selfe for euer that thou wylte be noo more intreated that thy mercy is cleane gone and thy promise come vtterly to an ende and that thou wilt now shut vp thy louing kindnes in displeasure 13 Nay god forbydde for all alterations are of thy right hande and turne away to the best to them that feare thee All this is no more but myne owne infirmitie Psal 77. for god is euer one his promises be vnfallible and his loue towardes his euerlastingly duringe 14 I wyll therfore in this my present temptation and greuous assault powre out my heuines of hart before thee dere father yea I will with gronynges lifte vp my soule vnto thee from whence I assuredly knowe my helpe is comming I will also for my present comforte Psal 77. cal to remembraunce O lorde my god thy tender mercies towardes me alredy shewed the multitude of thy benefites the greatnes of the same the longe continuaunce of theim euen from my conception vntyll this instante and fynally thy continuall lust and desyre to powre them vpon me 15. And moreouer sith thy goodnes is so great O lord that thou doest not only pitty misery but also callest the heuy harted and afflicted vnto the promising that thou wilt ease their misery and for as muche as Mat. 11. by the motion of thy good spirite I loth abhorre my sines I felt the greuousenes of them and thy heauy wrath towardes me for the same and finally what nede I haue of thy gracious aide and succoure therfore Lord father in thy sonne Christes name wyth sure confidence and truste in thine infallible promise in this mine anguish and trouble I come vnto thee at thy mercyfull calling and craue comfort at thy hand For this I know wel that when I loth my sinnes thou doest vtterly forget thē whē I fele the greuous burden of them thy mercy swalloweth them vp when I fele what I wante thou wylt assuredly graunt it me For sith thou mouest my harte to desire helpe how should I mistrust but thou wilt for thy truthes sake geue me mine askinge 16. Yea where I knowe not howe or what to desire as I ought thy holy spirite graciously workinge in me maketh intercession mightely for me Rom. 8. with gronings which can not be expressed ther withal certifieth my spirite that by adoption through thy great mercy and goodnes I am become thy childe and heire 17. Why should I not then be of good cōfort ioyfull in thee my God For if thou be on my side who can be againste me Rom. 8. who diddeste not spare thine owne sonne but gauest him for me euen whē I was thine enemy how shalt thou not with him nowe that by his deathe I am broughte into thy fauoure geue me all thinges with him and for his sake who shal lay any thing to the charge of thine elects it is thou lord that iustifiest me who then shall condempne me It is Christe that hath died for me yea rather that is risen againe for me who also is set on thy right hande and hathe taken possession yea and perpetually maketh there intercession for me vntil that ioyfull day be come when I shall haue full fruition of the most glorious presence of thy diuyne maiestie in that kingedome whych thou hast prepared before the beginning of the world Ephe. 1. but in time to thy gracious goodnes thoughte beste made knowen to me by geuinge thy holy spyrite into my hart wherby when I fyrste Lorde beleued thy holy worde whych is thine own power to saue al that beleue I was sealed Rom. 1. confyrmed and stablyshed in certaynty of that thyne euerlastynge kingdome and inheritaunce For the which inestimable benefite of thy rich grace Oh Lorde my God I beseche thee euen for the loue thou barest to Christ Iesu thy sonne and the mercy thou haddeste on him when he cryed on the Crosse Mat. 27. my God my God why haste thou forsaken me helpe help I say and inflame my hart with loue so plenteously towardes thee againe that I may be euē swallowed vp in the ioyful feling of the same in such sort that I may of very thankfulnesse loue thee my God alone thee I say my deare God and nothinge but thee and for thy sake Oh holy spirite whose worke this is in me increase this thy worke of thyne infinite mercy preserue me that I neuer become vnthankfull vnto thee therefore Amen deare god Amen ¶ Remedies against synfull motions and voluptuous tēptations 1. FIrst remember that sinne is so heynous a thing that god by his iustice might worthely dampne the for the same and is therfore to be abhorred as a swete poison a flattering death destruction of thy sowle which wold cutte thee of from god thy fauiour and make thee bonde slaue to Sathan thye deadly enemie 2 Auoyde therfore euen at the first the occasions thereof and betymes quashe out the braines of the children of Babylon against the hard stones Psal 137. whiles they be yet younge weake least when they be growne elder stronger they dashe thee to peeces 3 And for remedy against the same flee vnto god who cōmaundeth thee to call vpō hym in thy troubles and promiseth to delyuer thee and will not suffer thee to be further tempted then he wil make awaye out wherby thou shalte escape 1. Cor. 10. doubte not but he that causeth thee to hate the synne whiche thy nature is to loue wyl deliuer thee also frō the daunger therof and make thee to triumphe ouer Sathan to his confusion to gods glory and to thy great comforte which are the causes that our tender louynge father sendeth tēptations vnto vs and he that is not tempted what is he 1. 〈◊〉 1 4 Nowe after thou hast obteyned the victory remembre two thinges first to geue most harty thanckes to god for his grace and assistance wherby thou haste ouercome and he not vnthanckefull in any wyse and then that he who continually goeth about lyke a roaryng lyon seekyng whom he may deuoure will not be long or farre away from the but wyll attempte agayne the same or as euyll wayes to ouercome thee Watche therfore and praye ¶ A prayer for presente helpe in temptation **
ye shall finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you to preuent and drawe my will to all goodnes for none can come to thee 13. Iho. 3. ● 6 except he be drawne 13. againe excepte we be borne from aboue we cannot see the kingdome of god assiste therfore and gyde me also with thy holy spirite from time to time drawe me there fore and I shall runne after thee geue me strength and ablenes through christe our lorde to accomplyshe and fulfill the same Canti 1. lorde make me to become poore in spirite vile and lowe in my owne sight that I lift not vp my self aboue my bretherne Ihon. 1. but that I esteme my selfe to be as a seruaunt to al men to do thē good after the example of christe which came not to be ministred vnto but to minister for he hathe sayde 14. Math 5. Iames. 4. 14. Blessed are the pore in spirite againe thou resistest the 14. proud but geuest grace to the humble geue mee therefore thy grace that when so euer I be ouer taken wyth any kinde of synne and wickednes eyther in thought word or dede or that I fele my owne infirmitie or weakenesse I maye immediatly with harty repentaunce 15. 2. Timo. 2 15 which is also thy gyfte returne to thee againe and not to lie stil in the security of sin Take from me my stony vnbeleuing blynd doubtfull vnfaithfull vnthankeful hart and. 16. repose in me an hart of fleshe to bowe and encline to thy wil my carnall idle secure impenitent hart take away from me geue me an hart to feare thee to loue thee to truste in thee for euer write thy lawe in my harte graue it in my mynde that I may beleue trust and liue in thee sor euere Deliuer me frō the spirite of pryde and vaine glory all hautines of minde presumption selfe loue and selfe trust that I stand not to hye in my owne conceyt but that I may be willing rather to learne then to teach Lake from me that wicked spirite of suspicion and enuy euil gelousy vaine surmisings murmuring and grudging whispering or backbiting of any especially such as be in auctority and ministers of thy word O lord kepe me from al wrath malice and hastynesse all respecte of personnes in the faith all lying euill wordes contention flatteryng dissimulation I potresy blasphemy and vaine swering by that name of god his works or creatures from all lightnes idle wordes and all vnstablenes of hart O lord deliuer thou my hart from all filthynesse both of the flesh and spirite as heresy and errours from al vncleane thoughtes and vnlaufull desires euil concupisence and lustes of the body Lake frō me also couetousnes and mordinate care of riches all deceit and guile in my callinge and office all idlenes and slouth and geue me not ouer vnto an vnshamefast and obstinate mende Make me able and contented to beare occasions with pactence whē they be offred or geuen me and not to recompence euyll for euyll neyther to swell nor to murmure nor to be solemne nor angry Good lord make me very loth to geue occasions of euil to any man if I chaunce to geue any make me willyng to cōfesse my fault to amēd it Graunt me grace that I may be wylling and fre to geue but loth to take receaue because it is more blessed to geue thē to receiue Geue me thy grace that I neuer enuye any good mans loue or womās because they do either loue god his peple more thē I or els that they be beloued of him or his more thē I. make me to reioice in other mens gyftes not to enuy them because they be better then mine but rather to geue thankes for thē with al my hart desiring that they may be incresed in thē in me Oh lord take fro me a careful hart in al worldly thinges graunt the neyther pouerty opresse me driue me to dispatre or falsehod nether riches lift me vp to forget thee or my self but that in prosperitie I may be thankefull in aduersitie pacient humble Lord make me mery without lightnes sad without mistruste sober wythoute dulnes true withoute doublenes fearing thee with out desperation trusting in the without presumption geue me also the spirite of humblenes simplicitie mekenes gentlenes goodnes faithfulues and truth Braunt me O god the bowels of mercy and louing kindnes toward my bretheren longe suffering pacience to beare al things well that thy prouidēce shal se metee to lave vpon mee regenerate my hart with the spirit of grace dayly more and more geue me an inward taste and feling of thy fauoure mercy towardes me in Christ Iesu our lorde that I may know thee to be my god and father and my selfe to be thy chylde for euer more Lorde merease this my faith in thee and in christ thy sonne my redemer encrease and confyrine my hope in thy promyses touchinge my saluation Oh god make perfecte my loue toward thee and to my reademer and iustifier geue me a trewe and vnfamed loue to al vertue godlines and to all thy chosen people where so euer they be dispersed throughout all the worlde encrease in me strength and victory against all temptations and assaultes of the fleshe the worlde and the deuill 18. 1. corin 1 that accordinge to thy promise I be neuer further proued or tempted then thou wilt geue me strēgth to ouercome Geue me grace to kepe a good cōsciēce geue me a pure hart and minde and renue a right spirite within me geue me also the true vnderstandinge of thy holy worde that I maye neuer swarue from the true sense and meaning thereof and that my chefe felicitie may be in the same in hearing reading talking watching praying fasting mortifyinge and subduinge mine owne wyll and membres O gracious lord Iesus Christ sonne of the liuing god which wast 16. crucified and raysed againe for vs 10. Act. 2. 3 20. Act. 2. 7 21. Psal 68. Ephe. 4.22 1. Timo. 2 1. Ihon. 2 which now sit test and raignest on 20. the right hande of the father that thou mayste 21. gyue giftes vnto men and art apointed to be the onely 22. mediatoure and aduocate for vs vnto god haue mercy vpon me praye for me to thy eternall father and sanctify me with thy holy ghost as thou hast promised sayinge I will not leaue you 23. comfortlesse but will sende you the spiryte of truthe whyche shall abyde with you for euer 23. Ihon. 14. Kindle my mind and hart with thy holye spirite that I maye truely beleue in thee acknowledge and call vpon thee geue thankes and obeye thee for I feele my selfe so clothed and cloyed with infirmities and synne that I know not what to do but euen to offer vp my selfe wholy wyth all my croked and corrupte nature so muche as it is in wyll and workes vnto thy mercy to
and life Io. 8. Gal. 5. Ro. 8. 1. Pet. 1. Ephe. 5. Ephe. 2. Heb. 4. Ro. 3. Mat. 25. Iohn 14. Luke 12. Luke 22. Apo. 2. Phil. 3. Ephe. 2. Ephe 1. Apo. 13. that by hym alone thou doest acknowledge vs to be thy chyldren and heires that by hym alone we haue entrance to the throne of thy grace that by him alone we are possessed in our spirituall kingdome to eate and drinke at his table with whom we haue our conuersation presentely in heauen and by whom our bodies shal be raysed vppe agayne from the dust and shal be placed with him in that endeles ioye whiche thou O father of mercie hast prepared for thine elect before the foūdatiō of the worlde was layed And these most inestimable benefites we acknowledge and confesse to haue receiued of thy fre mercie and grace Ro. 3. Ephe. 2. Tit. 3. by thine only beloued son Iesus Christe For the whiche therfore we thy congregation moued by thy holy spiryte Ro. 8. render to thee all thanckes prayse and glory for euer and euer ¶ A Thankesgeuinge after the receauiuge of the communyon * MOste mercyfull Father we render vnto thee all prayse thankes honour and glory for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies to graūt vnto vs miserable sinners so ercellent a gift and treasure as to receaue vs into the felowship and company of thy deare sonne Iesus christ our lord 1. Cor. 10. whom thou hast deliuered to death for vs and haste geuen him vnto vs as a necessary fode nourishment vnto euerlasting life Rom. 4. Io. 6. And nowe wee besech thee also O heauenly father to graunt vs this request the thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind as to forget so worthy benefites but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hartes that we may growe increase dayly more and more in true faythe Luke 17. whych continually is exercised in all maner of good workes Gala. 5. and so muche the rather O Lorde confirme vs in these perilous dayes and rages of Sathan 1. Tim. 4. Ephe. 5. 2. Pet. 3. Mat. 5. 1. Pet. 2. that wee maye constantly stande and continue in the confessiō of the same to the aduancement of thy glory which art God ouer all thinges blessed for euer So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayde before meate ** O Eternall god Ebre 13. the very god of peace all consolation whych broughtest againe from death our lorde Iesus the great shep herde of the shepe throughe the bloud of the euerlastinge couenante make vs frutefull in all good workes to do thy will worke in vs that which is acceptable in thy sighte sanctify vs throughout and kepe our whole spyrite soule and bodye fautlesse vnto the comming of thy deare sonne our lord Iesus Christ Thou art faythfull O father who haste promysed this who also shall bringe it to passe to thee therfore be geuē euerlasting praise honour and glory Amen ¶ A Thankesgeuing after meate MOste bountifull gracious god which feedest all fleshe and haste promised that asking of thee we shall not lacke if we first seke thy kingdome and the righteousenes therof we felinge presently the benefite of this thy gracious promise in feeding our bodies with these corporall benefites do render vnto the most harty thaks for the same besechīg the likewise to fede our soules with that heuenly fode which perisheth not Ihon. 6. but abideth into euerlasting life so that we being noryshed by thy goodnes both in body and soule may be apte and redy to doe all good workes which thou hast prepared for vs to walk in through Iesus Christ our Lorde Vnto hym that loued vs wasshed vs from our sinnes in his bloud and made vs kinges priestes vnto God his father 1. Pet. 5. be all glory power and dominion for euermore Amen ¶ A prayer for true mortification O God my creatour preseruer euerlastinge defendour where fyrst in my creatiō I was made lyke vnto thyne owne likenesse the deuyll alas hath synce by Adams faule made me oughlye monstruous and lyke euyll fauoured to hym selfe For what are now lord mine earthly mēbres Colo. 3. but as is written in the .iii. to the Colloss adulterie whoredome vncleannes vnnatural lustes euyl cōcupiscence couetousnes which is the worshippynge of Idoles and suche other for the whiche thy wrath is wōt to come vpon the children of vnbelefe Neuerthelesse lorde of thy gret mercie and goodnes against this very great mischiefe a much greater remedy thy fatherly prouidence hath ordeined 1. Io. 3. For thou hast sent Iesus christ thy deere and onely naturall sonne into this worlde the vale of miseries to lose the workes of the deuyll and to take away my sinnes Therfore Sathan hath now nothing to bragge of for through Christ all that beleue in thee and so become thy children 1. Ihon. 5. do ouercome the world the fleshe and the deuyl 1. Ihon. 5. And this is the victorie whiche ouercommeth them all euen our Fayth Io. 3. That Faith I meane which is perswaden that who so euer be leueth in christ shal not perishe but haue euerlasting life 1. Iohn 5. That fayth whiche beloueth the testimonie to be true whiche thou God the Father doeste testifie of thy sonne so making thee no lyer and this is that testimonie that thou haste geuen vs eternall life Ro. 8. That faith wheche beleueth that thou father who raysedst vp Christ frō death shalt also quicken our mortall bodies through thy holy spirite dwellig in vs. Io. 14. That faith whiche beleueth it to be true which thy son Christe affirmed with a double othe saying Verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth in mee the workes that I do the same shall he do and greatter workes then these shall he do because I go vnto my father Iohn 12. And fynally that fayth whiche beleueth that now Christ hath ben lifte vppe on the crosse he shal draw all thinges vnto hym this fayth I say is the victory whicke ouercommeth our ennemies the deuyll the worlde and our fleshe Iohn 14. Thou therfore lorde father whiche hast promised to geue what so euer I shall aske in thy deere Sonne Iesus name for thy great mercy and infallible truethes sake do nowe in mee the thynge that he came for lose in me the workes of the deuyl 1. Iho. 3. and take away my synnes I beseche thee make stedfast my Faithe confidence in thy promised mercies merciful promises Iohn 3. so that I assuredly beleuīg in thee may haue as thou promisest euerlasting lyfe makynge thee deere God no lyar maye beleue feele and knowe in my hart and conscience the the same euerlastyng lyfe is thy mere free gift vnto me yea already of thy great goodnesse vndoubtedly geuen mee beinge now translated frō death to life Of a thanckefulnes wherof Lorde cause me now dayly