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A78018 Conformitie's deformity. In a dialogue between conformity, and conscience. Wherein the main head of all the controversies in these times, concerning church-government, is asserted and maintained; as without which, all reformation is headlesse, and all reconciliation hopelesse. Dedicated by Henry Burton, to the honour of Jesus Christ, as the first-fruits of his late recovery from death to life; as a testimony of his humble and thankfull acknowledgement of so great a mercy: and published for the service of all those, that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity ... Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. 1646 (1646) Wing B6160; Thomason E358_20; ESTC R201164 26,532 40

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truth in the glory and excellency of it this being that very Kingdom of which Christ said Woe be to you Soribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men for ye neither go in your selves nor suffer ye them that are entring to go in But my Lord you are a lover of Peace as that part of your Speech upon your Election in the Hall declared and we all believe it when you said That you would endeavour to have Vnity for which you propounded two wayes either by Intreaty or by Force Indeed in such a case and for your place Intreaty is very commendable but if you think by Force to compose the differences that will prove none of Gods wayes nor to lie within your sphere as I dare say you abhorre to be a persecutor of those that are the promoters of Christs honour And being a thing not pertaining to the office especially of a Christian Magistrate I need not tell you what befell Vzzah for stretching out his hand to stay the trembling Ark And now that I have been thus far bold with your Lordship which hath proceeded meerly from a hearty desire that you may not be carried with the strong tide of the times by any malignant spirit filling your sailes through many under-water Rocks and Shelves endangering not only the splitting of your own Vessel but the total ship wrack of this floating State Give me leave further to beseech you that as you love your own self and soul and family and posterity your native Country the Honour of this City and Nation you would improve the whole power of your Office among other evils for the not only suppressing but utter obliterating out of all records of memory or mention that late Remonstrance of London which like the Trojan horse is stuffed with such matter as if the importunity of some might have its desire would unavoidably hale in ruine both to City and Country Nor doth any thing more clearly demonstrate that spiritual Judgement of blindnesse and hardnesse of heart to be upon all those who have their heads and hands in that Remonstrance and wilfully still persist in the prosecution of it now in cold blood Than the unnaturall hating and hunting after the destruction of those very men as our mortal enemies who have with the extreme hazard of their lives been honoured of God to be the Preservers both of Them our City and Country and on the other side the high esteem and honouring of those as our faithfullest friends who are part-takers with Murtherers with Rebels with Traitors Incendiaries Underminers of our Parliaments and consequently of the State of the Kingdom Dividers between the Parliament and City that themselves may reigne whose violent and fraudulent practises proclaim them to be not friends but such as in whom to put the least confidence is to trust in the Reed of Egypt whereon if a man lean it will pierce him through And therefore for these many and weighty considerations both in a due respect to your Lordship and hearty zeal for the honour and safety both of Parliament City Kingdome fuller of dangers and enemies at this day then by reason of that spirit of blindnesse and deep sleep wherein our City hath of late been sweetly lulled by the strong charms of fair false friends flatteries we are aware of I have in the name of Jesus Christ humbly commended this small Book to your Lordship that therein I might discharge the duty of a poor Watchman to awaken you in the first place and consequently all of that Court and Counsel with you to look out and inward too for the speedy preventing of all those imminent dangers which otherwise will suddenly surprise us and take us napping in the deep of our too credulous security For the Spirit of that Ten-horned Beast is now making war with the Lamb which is likely to be his last war Babylons fall following in the next chap. this Spirit warreth under new colours not red but white whose Word is REFORMATION and this under a fair colour of a Covenant by vertue whereof pretending a just title to the War he hopes by the help of the Remonstrance and the prime authors thereof and their adherents to erect a new Bestial tyrannie over souls bodies estates under new names and notions But the issue is The Lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called Chosen and Faithfull And my Lord you shall find in this Book Conformity to be the Mystery of iniquity the mother of all mischief the cause of all our present calamities and the forerunner and hastener of our ruine if we repent not if our Lord Iesus Christ prevent not which certainly he will because himself is the Great and Almighty General whose Cause and Name is mainly engaged in this warre Now the Lord Iesus Christ give you the Spirit of wisdom well to consider and lay to heart these things which that you may do is and shall be the hearty prayer of Your Lordships most humble servant HENRY BURTON A DIALOVGE Between CONFORMITY and CONSCIENCE Conformities Soliloquie Conformity Who is this that comes along Surely by his habit and gate it should be one that according as I have often heard him described by many is called Conscience And to be sure I will be so bold as to salute him and ask his name And if it be indeed that Conscience I mean and that he will afford me so much patience I will enter into further discourse with him Conformity YOu are well met Sir Conscience And you also Conf. Sir I pray you pardon my boldnesse to crave your Name For as I came along I conceived from what I had heard that you should be the man called Conscience Consc My name is Conscience Conf. Now I am glad of this happy opportunity to meet you of whom I have heard so much talk abroad in the world Consc Why what talk hath the world of me Conf. Sir I pray you be not offended and I will tell you The World generally saith of you that you are the only troubler of the State Consc Is it therefore true because the world saith it So Ahab called the Prophet Eliah the Troubler of Israel so the Jewes said of Christ that he was a perverter and stirrer up of the people So when this Lambe of God the King of the Jewes was born Herod and all Jerussilem were troubled at it Why so Was it this King that troubled them or their own guilty consciences in usurping this Kingdom Alas Sir this is no news that where ever the fame of this King and of his kingdom commeth in the powerfull preaching of the Gospel of the kingdom it brings with it trouble and terrom to the world or to any State And as it was with Herod and the Priests at Jerusalem at the birth of this King so at his death they could
not endure to hear of this King of the Jews So the Heathen Emperour Domitian out of jealousie of his Empire sought to root out the whole Race of CHRISTS Kindred until two of them were brought before him that got their living hardly in the husbanding of a few acres of land and understanding of Christs kingdom that it was altogether spirituall and not of this world he dismissed them and ceassed his persecution An example sufficient to shame thousands that glory in the Name of Christians and contrary to this Heathen cannot endure to hear of Christs kingdom to be spirituall but under some fair colourable pretences of Spiritualty and Clergy and I know not what endeavour nothing more then to set up a worldly kingdom which yet they must forsooth call Christs kingdom when in nothing it is spirituall but as it is a Tyranny set over mens consciences souls and spirits But sir before I proceed any further with you let me also crave your name Conf. Sir my name is Conformity Consc Conformity Sir if you be the man I know none more ready to raise slanders upon me then your self and may I not say truly of thee that thou art one of the greatest troublers of Israel For what can more trouble the world then when thou Conformity would'st force all mens consciences to dance after thy Pipe Conf. Why Mr. Conscience do not ye think that I have a conscience as well as you should I therefore be an enemy to Conscience But indeed I confesse my conscience is not so strict or strait-laced or self-willed as obstinately to stand upon mine own singular opinion in opposition to the generall judgement of most meh and those not only learned but pious too so far as I can judge Consc It seems then that every conscience by your verdict must be strait-laced and self-willed that will not follow the multitude seeing you ground your conscience upon men for their number learning piety making them the rule of your conscience and not Gods Word alone Conf. Sir I hold this the safest way for I may misunderstand the Scripture which many learned cannot so easily do Consc This indeed is a good plea for Popery who boast of their Universality Learning Councels Synods and therefore besides the Popes infallible Oracle not easily subject to mis-understand the Scriptures Or you are like those Jewes who would not believe in Christ unlesse the Rulers did know indeed that he was the very Christ Or as the Pharisees said Have any of the Rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him Thus do you not pin your faith and so your souls upon mens sleeves when you will believe as most believe or as the Church or Nation believes Conf. But sir I put a great difference between a Councel of learned Papists or a Synedrion of Jewish Priests and a Synod of learned Protestants Consc Indeed the very names of Papist and Protestant import no small difference although a Papist and a Protestant at large are at no great odds in matter of Faith Conscience Religion only such a Protestant is apter to turn Papist then a Papist Protestant And take your Protestants at the best call a Synod of the learned est and highest esteem in the world yet even such a Synod may in some things and those fundamentall too possibly run into and wrap themselves in foul errours Conf. How sir shew me any one instance hereof that ever any learned Protestant Counsel or Synod hath erred in any fundamentall of faith or much lesse hath maintained such an Error or Heresie and I will not henceforth be so confident in depending and resting upon mens judgements be they never so learned godly or many Consc Seeing you thus put me to it what think ye of Jesus Christ Is not he a prime fundamentall Conf. No doubt for he is the only foundation For other foundation can no man lay Consc Is not Christ then as well in his three Offices as he is King Priest and Prophet as in his two natures united in one Person of the Eternal Son of God a fundamentall of faith so as as well he that denieth any one of his three Offices as * he that denieth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is an Antichrist and grand Heretick as overthrowing a principall foundation of faith Conf. I conceive this cannot well be denyed Consc Nay of necessity it must be believed For the Papists in joyning their Traditions with the Scripture deny Christs Propheticall office and in equalling their Satisfactions with Christs merits they deny his Priestly Office and in exalting their Hierarchy call it Papall or Prelaticall or Sacerdotall * over the Temple of God mens consciences they deny Christs Kingly Office All which Offices together or any one of them being denied is * with Antichrist to deny that Jesus is the Christ seeing the Christ is he that is anointed King Priest and Prophet of which to deny any one is to deny that Jesus is the Christ Do ye not believe this Mr. Conformity Conf. I confesse there appears to me a truth to be in all this But yet Mr. Conscience I hope you do not go about to ensnare me with mine own confessions Consc Why Master Conformity are you conscious to your selfe that while you confesse the truth the truth should ensnare you Certainly the bonds of * truth willingly taken upon us become the robes and livery of our true freedome Conf. Sir take me not at the worst I would not willingly utter words to my prejudice Consc Speak the words of truth then and fear nothing Conf. Well sir proceed then to what you have more to say Consc I say then that to deny any one of Christs Offices as afore is to overthrow a Foundation of faith Conf. I grant it Consc Hereupon I inferre that it is possible for a learned Synod of Protestant Divines to deny one of these three Offices and so to overthrow a foundation of faith Conf. Though it be possible yet it is not probable But sir remember what ye undertook namely to prove by instance that a Protestant Synod of Orthodox Divines hath thus erred Consc Nay stay Mr. Conformity remember your self well Did I say a Protestant Synod of Orthodox Divines For how Orthodox if they overthrow a foundation of faith then they cease to be Orthodox Conf. Well however yet they might in other fundamentals be Orthodox Consc But in any one fundamentall to be Heterodox is to cease to be Orthodox and obstinately persisting is hereticall Conf. I confesse that any one Heresie maintained makes a man a Heretick hold he otherwise never so many truths and so he overthrows the faith as those did who * denyed the Resurrection though all other truths they held But sir all this while I expect your proof or instance that a Synod of Protestant Divines should fall into any such foul errour or heresie as should overthrow the foundation Consc Mr. Conformity for
CONFORMITIES DEFORMJTY In a Dialogue between CONFORMITY and CONSCIENCE Wherein the main Head of all the Controversies in these times concerning Church-Government is asserted and maintained as without which all Reformation is headlesse and all Reconciliation hopelesse Dedicated by HENRY BURTON to the honour of Jesus Christ as the first-fruits of his late recovery from death to life as a testimony of his humble and thankfull acknowledgement of so great a mercy And published for the service of all those that love the Lord Iesus Christ in sincerity Scripture-Warnings for England if not too late ESA. 1. 5. Why should you be stricken any more Ye will revolt more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint ESA. 29. 9 10. Stay your selves and wonder Cry ye out and cry They are drunken but not with wine they stagger but not with strong drink For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep and hath closed your eyes the Prophets and your Rulers the Seers hath he covered EZICH 22. 23 c. Son of man say unto her Thou art the land that is not cleansed nor rained upon in the day of indignation There is a conspiracie of her Prophets in the midst thereof like a roaring Lyon ravening the prey Her Priests have violated my law and put no difference between the holy and profane Her Princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey to shed blood and to destroy souls to get dishonest gain And her Prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar seeing vanity and divining lies saying Thus saith the Lord when the Lord hath not spoken The people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery And I sought for a man to stand in the gap that I should not destroy the land but I found none HOS. 7. 11. Ephraim so England London is like a silly Dove without heart they call to Egypt they go to Assyria ESA. 1. 21. How is the faithful City become an harlot It was full of Judgement Righteousnesse lodged therein but now ●●●●●erers Thy silver is become drosse thy wine mixt with water thy Princes are rebellious and companions of theeves O homines ad servitutem parati Tacitus O men fitted for slavery said Tiberius of the Roman Senate so yielding he found their degenerate spirits to become slaves to his tyranny As Rome was in Livies time of which he said That neither the Maladies nor Remedies could be endured So is England now London Printed for Giles Calvert at the Black Spread-Eagle neer the West end of Pauls 1646. To the Right Honourable The LORD MAIOR of the City of LONDON Right Honourable THis Title salutes you as Lord Major in relation to your Place Office which being Honourable then much more when true worth and vertue makes the Person Right Honourable as in title so in reality Otherwise such usual Titles are but empty founds being but Civil complements and not of any Moral notion As it was the custome of the Heathen to style those their Benefactors who were their Oppressors Christians should not use such flattery For my part I have taken this boldnesse to salute your New Lordship without giving flattering titles lest as Elih● said my Maker should soon take me away And in truth such Places and Titles of Honour as these being well weighed do somewhat resemble the Crown which Henry the 7. of this Realm finding at Bosworth field to be flung in a Thorn-bush said He that knew the weight and cares of a Crown would not stoop to take it up And though your Cap of Maintenance come short of a Crown yet into such times are we fallen as may make your Cap to your self at least being truly sensible of it as heavy as a Crown And if I may speak plainly my apprehensions the well-being and safety not only of this City but even of our fair England claimeth and loudly cals for of you an honourable wise and faithfull execution of your Majoralty this very year all mens expectations being erect some with hope and some with fear according to their severall interests But with what minds soever and for what ends Men made choice of you at this time this we are sure of That Jesus Christ the Lord of heaven and earth who hath all power in his hands as King of Kings and Lord of Lords who raiseth up and throweth down again hath in his wisdome called you to this place at this time to do his will and not your own And therefore in this high and important office and this juncture of time what need have you of another heart and another spirit then your own it being dangerous especially in steep and slippery places to be led by Mens spirits and of new principles from heaven to be put into you as we read of Saul who had another heart given unto him so as he was turned into another man so soon as he was annointed King and all to furnish you with such qualifications of wisdome understanding and the fear of God as may in the due execution and faithfull discharge of your office declare to all the world that your main aimes and ends are more for Gods glory then your own and more for the publike good then for your own private and more to gratifie good men then others though never so high or great and whose designs drive at nothing more then ruine confusion For we are not ignorant what diabolical plots are on foot and how ripe for execution and what kind of Counsellers and active Spirits your Chair and Table yea and Bedchamber too will be haunted withall if experience deceive us not And you shall find their ordinary counsels to drive at two main things yet both reduced under one head to wit Tyranny the one Tyranny over our Bodies Estates Freeholds Liberties Lawes and Birth-rights of all English free-born Subjects the other Tyranny over our Soules and Consciences which are CHRIST's peculiar freeholds and purchase and subject to no other Law Lordship or Kingdome but Christs alone And in truth my Lord in this respect you are in a hard condition in case you should by any importunity be perswaded to interpose as a Judge in the matter of Religion and especially in the point of Church-Government the main controversie of these times as wherein you have been little versed considering how few there be that come to preach before you who set themselves to open unto you this great mysterie of Christs Kingly office and government over Consciences and Churches But on the contrary such as Ignorants most admire and adore as gods upon earth do withhold this truth of God concerning his Sons Kingly government from you nay though under other terms do publikely in your solemn assemblies exclaim against it shut it out of their churches will not suffer others to preach or print it with their good wils but do exasperate and incense you against all those that hold forth this
instance we need not go beyond the seas or over our English bounds to fetch it What if the generality of the Ministers and people in England be found to be wrapped in such a destructive Heresie I call it destructive using the * Apostles word where he saith That there shall be false teachers among Gods people who shall cunningly bring in destr●ying Heresies And what are these Even denying the Lord that bought them bringing upon themselves * swift destruction And many shall follow their destructive wayes or their destructions by whom the way of truth shall be * evill spoken of or blas●hemed A Prophesie by the way which if well weighed and rightly applyed may be found to be in a great measure fulfilled in these our times For here is first a destructive or as our common Translation damnable Heresie Secondly this Heresie * is in deaying the Lord Jesus Christ Thirdly here is a many followers Fourthly among this many there be some at least who have their mouthes open in Pulpits Streets Tables and their Quils in Presses in Pamphlets blaspheming speaking all manner of evill against the way of truth even that way of truth which holdeth forth confesseth professeth maintaineth against all the worlds reproaches Jesus Christ in that very particular wherein he is at this day so mightily decried and denied by false Teachers and their followers Nor can any Age as touching this one particular be paralleld with this of ours for Pens and Tongues of blasphemy lashing out and running over all the bounds and banks not only of Christianity but even of common modesty and humanity as men bereaft of their wits and all this against the assertors and maintainers of the Kingly Office of Jesus Christ And lastly a destructive Heresie in that not only it destroyes soules but is in a precipice to destroy Kingdoms to such a height of rage it is now grown Conf. But Mr. Conscience what means all this What In that your generality do you charge as all Synod Sion City Countrey as lying under the guilt of such an Heresie What All denying the Lord Jesus Christ Consc Mr. Conformity cannot a man speak of a generality but he must needs name particulars And you know that generals have their exceptions And when a generality is mentioned let all particulars look to it But what if there be a generality and that of Protestants so called in the land which will be found to overthrow Christs Kingly Office Conf. What if say you what if the sky fall Nay I dare say yea and swear too that not any one of this generality you mean doth or dare deny Christs Kingly office and prerogative I have often heard them in publick to give Christ the title of King and to speak of his kingdom and they every where confesse and professe him to be King of his Church So as such a charge would argue as much malice as untruth Consc And I have heard them say as much as you say But is saying sufficient Yea I have heard them say That all Church-members must be Saints that all Churches be equal none have jurisdiction over other that Gods Word is the only rule of Reformation and many such principles about Churches they confesse in words So Christ to be King But if this be all it may prove little better then the Jews putting a purple robe upon Christ with a crown of thorns on his head and a reed for a scepter in his hand with Hail King of the Jewes but for all this crucified him so that you confesse Christ to be King and crucifie his true subjects Again you know the Pharisees said many things well but they did them not And doth not the Scripture speak of such as * professe they know God but in works deny him Whence we observe a twofold deniall of God one in words another in deeds Now I do not say that the generality doth in words deny Christs Kingly office but this I affirm that in works they deny him Conf. Sir how do you prove that or how doth that Scripture reach to those you speak of Consc A question opportunely put And therefore if you turn to the 14 15 verses immediately foregoing you may observe what manner of persons those were whom the Apostle there speaks of and upon what occasion For that Chapter being to set forth the office of a Bishop or Pastor of a particular Church or Congregation and how he should be qualified and gifted and the Church governed the Apostle willeth Titus to warn the Christians Not to give heed to Iewish fables and commandements of men that turn from the truth Where he ranks the commandements of men in Church-matters manners and government with Iewish fables as which do turn men away from the truth and so from Christ as he also sheweth at large Col. 2 8. 20. 22. and throughout the whole Chapter So as to set up the Commandements of men in formes of worship or of Church-government being Christs spirituall kingdom is to separate men from Christ Col. 2. 19. and to make them unbelieving Tit. 1. 14. and impure in minde and conscience V. 15. yea abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate Vers 16. All which I commend to your more sad and serious consideration Master Conformity Conf. I confesse this is a terrible Scripture to those that lye under the condemnation of it But I hope those whom you mean are no such men for first you confesse they deny not in words Christs Kingly office and for any deniall in works you have not yet proved nor I hope can Consc I have nothing to do with your hope But whereas you would make it my confession that they deny not in words Christs Kingly office neither doe I absolutely confesse so much For though I confesse I have heard them upon occasion being put to it in words to confesse Christ to be King of his Church yet I have heard them again say and have read it in their books and they maintain it tooth and nail that Christ hath left the forms of worship and Church government unto men to be so framed as is most suitable to the conditions of the people or the laws of each State binding all the subjects thereof and that under severe penalties to an universall conformity or uniformity Conf. Why sir hath not Christ left that power and liberty to those that are in authority as Synods to frame and compose forms of worship and Church-government such as they judge fittest having an eye to the Scripture and the civill Magistrate to confirm the same by law Consc The Pope indeed arrogating to himself all power in Heaven and Earth over Churches and Kingdoms makes his claim from Scripture As * Thou art Peter c. Therefore his successor the Pope is the Rock whereon the Church is built So here are two swords therefore the Pope hath power of both the swords So