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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68446 An humble supplicacion vnto God for the restoring of hys holye woorde, vnto the churche of Englande, mooste mete to be sayde in these oure dayes, euen with teares of euery true [and] faythfull English harte. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1554 (1554) STC 1730; ESTC S110450 34,239 76

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conforte Heretofore we were taughte / that the Lordes soupper / or breaking of the bread / as The Lordes supper is a memorial of Christes deathe the Apostles terme it / is a memorial of the body breaking bloud sheading of our sauiou● Christ / that as we outwardly fede of the breade wyne / so we inwardly thorow fayth fede of the blessed bodye precious bloude of Iesus Christ our Lord / vnto the greate and vnspeakable conforte bothe of soule and bodye But nowe the disciples of Antichrist knowing that the whole glory of their kyngdome lygheth in the sals opinion abuse of this Sacramēt / in all their sermons priuate talke / labour / swyncke / sweate and seke all meanes possible with tothe and nayle / with hande foote / wyth tunge and pēne / with fyre and faggot / with swerde and halter to perswade the people / that after they haue whyspered a fewe Latin wordes / with one breath ouer the bread and wyne / and haue blessed / crossed / coniured and handled them after their ghostely manner / there remayneth nomore breadde and wyne / althoughe we bothese / fele / and taste ve●y bread and very wyne / yea / although the holy scripture / after the wordes of consecraciō / called the Sacramēt / bread and wyne / but saye they / the bread thorowe the vertue of the wordes / whiche we holye annoynted reherse / is turned into the naturall substaunce of Christes bodye / and the wyne is chaunged into the naturall bloude O ●uglers of Christe / onely the accident●s of breadde and wyne remayninge / whan notwithstāding the holy scriptures teach vs in diuers places / that thy Christ is ascended into heauen / and sytteth on thy right hande / there shall remayne / concer●ing hys humanite / tyll he come too iudge the quicke and the dead Marc. 16. Luc. 24 Act. 1. Rom. 8. Ephe. 4. Colos 3. Philip. 3. Heb. 10. And after these Capernaites haue ●●bored to perswade the people / that the Sacramentall breade is the very true / naturall / corporall / substanciall / reall / and sensible bodye of Christe / euen the selfsame that was borne of Mary the virgine / lyued vpō the earthe / was hanged vppon the crosse / dyed for vs / than exhorte they the people with all reuerence and humilite to knowledge and beleue it too be their Lorde God / theyr maker and redemer / their Sauiour and defender / and so too falle doune before it to honoure and worshippe it / to prayse call vpon it / to fle vnto it for soccoure / and to looke for all good thinges of it / as of the very true and euerlastinge God O abhom● nacion By these means o heauenly father they bring away thy people thorow they● vayne / fleshly and sophisticall reasons / from the honoringe of the thalone true / Imortal / muisible euerlasting God / vnto the worshippig of a pece of b●cad / yea / of a very idol / where as thou alone oughtest to haue al the honor glory 1. Timo. 1 Psal 98. O Lorde aryse / and lette thyne enemies be scattered / let thē also that hate the / flee before the / like a● the smok vanisheth / so driu● thou them awaye / lyke as waxe melteth at the fyre / so let the vugodly papis●es perish and be confoūded that thy people be no le●ger seduced / ledde frō the way of trueth / by their subtile and carnall imaginacions / but that thei beynge truely taughte / may know the too be the alone true God / and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ Ioan. 17. Heretofore we had in the temples whan we came together to praye and to geue thākes vnto the / all our prayers thankee geuing in the tūge that we v●derstode / wherby we receaued great cōforte / were much edified Common ●raier ought to be in that ●●ge that all the people vnderstande But now the papistes which with thy people to be more rude thā asses / more biynde than be●les / more ignorant than dastardes / that they mighte make them there ryding fooles and lauggyng stockes cōtrary too the vsage and practise of the primatiue Churche / yea / contrary to thy commaundemēt geuen by thyne Apostle / which willeth all thinges in the congregacion too be vttered in suche a speache as all might vnderstande and be edified / or els silence to be kept / haue brought the matter to this po●t / that all English seruice dryuen oute of the Churches / thei haue stablished their popish 1. Cor. 4. latin seruice / which the moste parte of thy people vnderstand nothinge at all O 〈◊〉 A●d yet so cruell malicious are the papistes / that they enforce and with violence compel thy people to come vnto their Romish / super●●icious / blasphemous / and idolatrous Latin seruice / to heare it / to reuerence honoure it with their presence / and too call it Gods seruice / whan they vnderstād no● / whither Baals priestes that there bleate mūble / do blesse or curse / prayse or blaspheme Moste certeyn is this / that thy people are altogether without edifienge / spende theyr time in vayn / return hom agaī / as vnlearned ignoraunte / as they came thyther Heretofore we had redde in oure temples euery sonday / and at diuers other tymes a godly and learned homely or sermō / and certayn chapters oute of the holy Bible in the Englishe tunge / that all the people mighte vnderstande what was done or sayde / whiche gaue them occasiō to forsake ●ice / and to embrace vertue / to lyue in thy fayre / and diligently to call vpō thy blessed name Homilies in Englishe chapter● of the Bible But now bothe those godly homiles and confortable chapters haue thyne enemies the papistes bānished out of the tēples vnto the great discomfort of al such as vnfaynedly ●oue the / and thy blessed worde / in the stead of thē / they haue set vp blasphe mous collaciōs / synging / rynging / pyping / sensynge / holy water castinge / holy breade ●ealing / palmes and candles bearing / crosse kneling / bread worshipping / as●hes ●odding fyre and rapers halowing / with an infinite number of such lyke Heathen ceremonies / that the people beyng occupied with suche chyldishe trifles / lousye tradicious and beggarly Popis● bag●ag● ceremonies / myghte forget the wholsome foode of theyr soules / whiche is thy holy and blessed worde Math. 4. Heretofore / vpon the Sondayes certayne other dayes in the weke / we had the Letanye rehersed amonge vs in oure Engly●hetūg / euery one of vs kneling deuoutly and 〈◊〉 callynge on the for mercy and grace The Letan●●●n Englissh● O heauēly father / this was setforth in the tyme of thy seruaunte kynge Henry the eygh●e / and continued among vs / vntyl the
was thy godly pleasure too call hym frō this vale of misery / vnto thy heauēly kingdome / thou gauest vnto vs his sonne to be Kyng Edvvarde the sixte oure Kynge / a Prince / althoughe yonge in yeares / tender in age / yet auncieut in the knowledge of the / of thy sonne Christ / of thy holy worde / as another Iosias / altogether bent vtterly to wedeout al fals religion / supersticiō / hypocrisye / papistrie / c. after a moste perfect manner / to set vp thy holy religion / to auaūce the har●y fauourers of thesame / vnto the great wōderful exāple of all Christen princes But alas for sorow / this most goodly godly Impe / this moste Christē kyng / this noble yōge Iosias was for oure vnthankefulnes wicked lyuing taken awaye from vs / before the tyme vnto our great sorow vnspeakable hartes disease Whose death was the beginning / is now still the cōtinuaūce of all our sorowes / griefes miseries For in the steade of that verteous prince / thou haste set to rule ouer vs an womā / whom nature hath formed 1. Tim. 2. to be in subiecciō vnto mā / whō thou by thyne holy Apostle cōmaundest to kepe silēce / not to speake in the cōgregaciō Ah Lord / to take away the empire frō a mā / to gyue it vnto a womā / semeth to be an euidēt tokē of thyne āger toward vs Englishmen Esa ● For by the Prophet● / thou beyng displeased with thy people / threatnest to sette womē to rule ouer thē / as people vnworthy to haue lawful / natural mete gouernors to reign ouer thē And verely though we fynd / that womē somtime bare rule amōg thy people / yet do we rede / that suche as ruled were quenes / were for the moste part wicked / vngodly / supersticious / geuē to idolatry / to al filthy abhominaciō / as we may se in the histories of quene Iesabel / 3. Reg. 19. 4. Reg. 11 quene Athalla / quene Herodias / such like Ah Lorde God / we dare not take vpon vs Math. 14 to iudge anye creature / for vnto the alone are the secretes of all hartes knowne / but of this are we sure / that synce she ruled / whyther of her owne disposicton / or of the prouocacion of a certayne wylde bore / successor Psal 80. Acto 23. too Ananias that whygh●ie daubed waulle / we know not / thy vineyarde is vtterly rooted vp and layde waste / thy true religion is bannished / and popishe supersticion The clo●e of papistes too deceaue the simple hath preuayled / yea / that vnder the coloure of the catholicke churche / and the olde auncient fayth / whan notwithstanding darkenes is not more contrary to light / nor colde vnto heate / than their procedinges are cōtrary to the trueth of thy holy worde if the practise and doctrine of the true catholicke churche / we speake of the Patriarches and Prophetes / of Christe and hys Apostles / and of so many godly people / as lyued from Adam vnto the tyme that Antichrist / the bisshop of Rome set vp his kyngdome 2 Thes 2. / and auaūced hym self aboue all that is called God might be the iudge / go for payment For besydes the geuinge of the kyngdome / vnto the rule of a woman / O Lorde / we mos●e humbly beseche the / to cōsider that outragious floudes of moste greuous enormities / haue braste in and ouerflowed the realme of Englād / vnto the vtter subuersion of thesame / except thy merciful goodnes do the shortly helpe Ah Lord God / heretofore vnder the rule Psal 50 Rom. 10. of that moste Christen kinge Edwarde the ●yxte / we were ●aught accordīg to thy word to fle with oure prayers vnto the alone / in all our troubles and necessities / as a Lorde plētefully ryche for so many as call on the. God alone is to be called on But nowe the Antichristiane Preachers teache / that we muste also praye to creatures that are dead / that they maye pray for vs / or els we praye vnto the invayne / and oure prayers shal neuer be hearde Heretofore we were taught / that Christ 1. Tim. 2. 1. Ioan. 8. Roma 2. Christalene is oure mediator aduocate and intercessour God and man is oure alone mediatoure / aduocate and intercessore But now the priestes of Baal teach / that Mary / Iames Peter / Ihon / Paule / Andrew / we know not who / are also oure mediators / aduocates and Intercessoures / and that we muste call vppon them in oure troubles and aduersities / whan soeuer we will haue to do with the / namely if we will haue our matter go forwarde Heretofore we were taughte / that the 1. Ioan. 1. Apoc. 1. Christes bloud is the alo●e Purgatory off the faithful precious bloude of oure sauioure Christe is the alone and sufficient Purgatory for the synnes of all them that repēt beleue But now the papistes teache / that there is a purging place after this lyfe / where the soules of the faithful shal be mise●ably tormented with fyrye f●ames / tyll eyther they them selfes haue made satis●accion for all their synnes / by suffering dew punishment or els other in this world haue made amēdes for them / by prayeng / by synging of trē talles / by goyng on ●ylgrimage / by dealeng monye / by ●yenge the pepes pardons for their redempcion / and suche lyke / whan the holy scripture contrariwise teacheth / that Sap. 3. Apoc. 14 the faythful so sone as they departe frome this lyfe / go streyghtwayes vnto glorye / ●he vnfaythful vnto euerlastinge payne damnacion / as we maye se in the historie of the ryche glotton / and of the poore man Lazarus Luc. 16 Heretofore we were taught / that Christ Christis one and alone sacrifice sufficith foreuer and euer Esa 53. Heb. 7. 9. 10. 1. Pet. 2. Apoc. 1. thy sonne and oure alone Sauiour / made vpon the aultare of the crosse / whan he suffered and dyed for vs / so sufficient / perfect / absolute and consummate oblacion / and sacrifice for the synnes of the people / that by that one / and alone sacrifice / grace / fauour / mercy / forgeuenes of synnes euerlastinge lyfe / is for euer and euer plentefully obtayned of the / for so many as repent beleue But now a dayes / those Baali●e massemongers are not ashamed to reproue that swete smelling sacrifice of Christe / and too saye / that it is not so perfect / but that they also muste offer Christ vp againe dayly in their masses for the synnes of the people / that their oblacion is a propiciatory sacrifice / and of no les vertue / strength / efficaci● might and power / than the pashon death of Christ