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A55474 Theologia mystica, or, The mystic divinitie of the aeternal invisibles, viz., the archetypous globe, or the original globe, or world of all globes, worlds, essences, centers, elements, principles and creations whatsoever by a person of qualitie, J.P., M.D. Pordage, John, 1607-1681.; Lead, Jane, 1623-1704.; Hooker, Edward. 1683 (1683) Wing P2968; ESTC R8838 181,392 278

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in some Part of his Writings he giveth an hint of and so from what he in the still Eternitie saw and heard he wrote behold who can the Copy and then but not be●ore compare the Writings therewith and the Springs in him did daily sill Of this I was Witness being conversant then with him and making Remarks and taking Observations with all Exactness possible of those wonderful Transportations he had or rather they had him for the space of three Weeks together insomuch as I can do no less than bear my Testimony concerning his Spirit 's Height whilst his outward Bodie lay in passive Stillness in this visible Orb. Surely we may conclude he was as another Moses in som sort taken up into the Mount with God as a Friend and Favourite of the most High where he did see hear and learn these so deep and excellent things which are by great Care and no less Conscience brought forth to Light Therefore pious Reader be satisfied that here is a true and real Draught or Copie taken from the Original yea drawn by the blessed A●thor out of the Original of all Worlds where he saw what he saw in pure Abstraction of Spirit The Publication of which the Author intended before his Dissolution being incouraged thereunto by the above-named Doctor his true hearted and right worthy Friend who well understood his Worth Writings and Spirit as well if no● better than any Man living as also readily promoted by another Person who therefore is in the Prefatori Epistle very honourably mentioned and most worthily and nobly decyphered and described if not perfectly delineated Both of them jointly rejoicing that they had found out such an one so abundantly filled with God's blessed Spirit of Love Wisdom Holiness and Meekness and influenced so extraordinarily by the same sufficiently apparent in the Gifts and Graces he was endued and adorned with Whereupon they could not choose but freely offer both of them their Assistance the one his Head and Pen the other his Hand and Purse to go thorow with and carry on the Work for the easily-foreseen universal Benefit Nor can I doubt but both of them will receive no small Reward from the hands of Him who will not suffer only a little cold Liquid or as we reade in our English Bible a Cup of cold Water given to any of the little ones in the Name of a Disciple to drink to be unregarded nai not him whosoever he should be that gave to such an one thereof to go unrewarded for our Lord expresly declareth his Mind therein and that with this Asseveration Verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his Reward Yea I have good Ground moreover to believe that the same good Spirit of Grace and Glory that lived in and rested on the Author may multiply on them both also even so and Amen O Lord God And let the Residue of the Spirit to all the just and faithful ones come for the perfiting what this Author had so clear a Prospect of in his enlightned Eye Now give me leave good Reader to conclude with this holy Challenge to all that are Lovers of heavenly Truths mystical or plain if any be of that high Evangelical Order he was of come forth bear your living Witness and go on and forward valiantly to the furthering and strengthning and finishing the great Work which this Author was daily labouring in Let us speak and write love and work fast and pray for a continual flowing down of that pure and holy Unction for the consummating in and amongst us that which this holy and heavenly Man left to be fulfilled and accomplished which verily will be Ioy Praise and Glory even to him who according to the Flesh died but now liveth among the perfect in Spirit who also waiteth for the bringing up those that shall make up the Number of the Church of the First-born who are enrolled in Heaven of the Number of which let us strive press and pursue to be that the Love-Hallelujahs may in our Day be sung to him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb who is crown●d King in Love's Kingdome where only I would be known and found also truly Yours in that pure Fellowship Into which the Lord himself vouchsafe to lead you So heartily prays I. L. THE PRAEFATORI EPISTL By one Who is studiously ambitious and earnestly contentious as wel if not more to promote the common Salvation as these o● ani other uncommon Mysteries the most abstracted whereof is never without Moralitie moving upon the Affections Christian Reader FOR so in nature unfeignedly as in Name professedly I wold have you to be Miscalled you I hope I have not in this Compellation If I have then are you utterly incapacified as to the Concerns of these Mysteries and Sublimities So bold am I to tell you and such and Anointed one am I whatsoever Iudgment mai pass upon mee or if I be not yet do ●prai resolv endevour or purpose or at les●'st desire or wish to be No mo at all of this yet this beleev wee all of us that it is a most rare Thing in it self were there neither Rewards nor Punishments to be realy and truly Religious in the Old waie which is the Good waie out of which there is no Rest. But you mai sai who cometh here whence you what Religion are you of you are I beleev a pure one Wel for me if I be However to the Quaestion not asking you who made you an Examiner and in Meekness and Fear as I ought I answer and that in the Words of a Servant of God and of the Lord Iesus Christ viz. I am of that Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father which is to visit the Orphans and Widows in their Tribulation and to keep mi self unspotted of the World Of which Faith or Persuasion Iudgment or Mind was blessed Paul in whom alone were evn the Apostles All who further acquainteth you that Christ Iesus his Master and Lord was of the same as to the whol Church which Hee loved and gave himself for that He mought sanctifi it c. not having spot or wrinkl or aught of such but that it shold be holi and without blemish or rather Amomous so the Word is that is irrepre●ensibl safeguarded from the bitings of Momus one of the feined Gods among the Gentils who wold be ever carping such was the suarl of his goodli Godhood at everi thing and who is I fear worshipped evn among our own selvs So Idolatrous or superstitious are wee all almost becom But more particularly if that mai be more for your Satisfaction and to let you know by the waie that neither the insinuating Iesuit hath deceived mee nor perilous Books poisoned mee nor fantastic Teachers seduced mee nor corrupt Church-men carried mee away with everi Wind of Doctrine I here publicly to the Interrogatorie about mi Religion repli Sir I am of that
more for the introducing and setting up that Kingdom which cannot be shaken and the things that shal remane according as is Prophecied O when shal the sounding of the Seventh Angel be heard as the great voices in Heaven all the world over sai-ing The Kingdoms of this World are becom the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and hee shal reign for ever or into the Ages of the Ages And how long O Lord holi and tru shal the good old Promisses to be renewed in these later daies rest unaccomplished Oh when shal the Saviours com upon Mount Zion to judg the Mount of Esau and the Kingdoms be the Lord's and the Lord rais up Carpenters to break the Horns that scatter Iudah so that no man can lift up his Head and put the Honor upon his Saincts to expedite the Iudgment as it is written with a two-edged Sword in their hands and the high praises of God in their mouths to giv Blood to drink to the Woman who is drunken with their Blood and the Martyrs of Iesus and destroi that great Citie which reigneth over the Kings of the Earth and overcom all his and their Inimies in the Blood of the Lamb that so at last the loftiness and haughtiness of men beeing bowed down and made low The Lord alone mai be exalted in his Daie Here permitt mee kind Reader to speak a word or two or mo as to the parts and pietie meekness and humilitie conscience and judgment of this illuminated Autor specialy as to Forms and Ceremonies and Controversies Hee was then as far above all kinds of Church-divisions differences or indifferences yet stil keeping the unitie of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace as the Light of the Sun at middaie is above that of the Glow-worm at midnight For Hee lived specialy in his later years wholey givn up to God If at ani time hee discoursed it was Love Life Spirit and if hee proponed ani Quaestions to ani those were to the best of mi information and when by him of mi memorie alwaies heart-serching to tincture and quicken them in lieu of heart-separating Quaeries to turmoil or deaden them Hee walked with the best Charitie at this daie ever when abroad to provoac perpetuously to lov ' and good works and to visit som very sick Souls who lai languishing under spiritual Consumptions in the Name of the Lord. Nor could hee be found without a bright purely discerning Eie and a brave chois heart not barely enlightned but blessedly inflamed beeing and living such a Luminarie as moved in a much higher and diviner Orb than to mee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 men haply wil giv credit tho' the Powers of the World to com fell somtimes wonderfully on him and wrought in Him prai peruse and profoundly ponder His beloved 2 of Cor. v. to the 14. to such an Elevation and clarification of his veri mortal Bodie when hee was fervent in the Spirit of Praier that I fear and therefore forbear to express least it shold be reputed by som those principaly who despeir of atteining such perfections or arriving at ani such Hights theirselvs so consequently are more readi to beleev it a Sp●ritual Romance tho' I mi self have more than once been thereof an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Testis oculatus Eie-Witness All this while now where is the wonder To mee there is no more in it than the Bubbling up in a Quick-spring It is true where there is no stirring up of the Grace of Christ in ani there the Grace of Christ wil never stirr up ani Fire that lieth covered under Embers wil not rise without beeing blown into a flame There is never ani Exsultation of Spirit where there is no Actuation of the Graces of the Spirit O the incredibl intern exercitations and extern exertions of the veri visibl form of som Persons thei are so divinely transformed O that I had the Wings of a Dove that I mought flee away c. cried St. David a man after God's own Heart and most like him when hee was lifting up his all to God in hearti Praiers and high Praises Doth not the veri Creature wait with an outstretched neck or rather with the Head put forth or thrust out for the manifestation of the Sons of God And shal the Sons of God theirselvs whom the world knoweth not and whose Life is hid with Christ in God neither have nor doo ani thing extraordinari in themselvs nor in the work the Lord is carrieing on in the World which is high and heavenli much above the World It is very observabl in the Dove that it casteth its Head this waie and that before it taketh its flight But that which is reported by the Humanists of Oryx a kind of Goat in AEgypt is most remarquabl that it is so affected with the fear of scorching heat at the rising of Sirius i. e. the Dog-star that it standeth with tears in the Eies as if it seemed to deprecate the intolerabl heat thereof and to thirst with an unquenchabl desire for som humiditie and refreshing moisture from heaven What is there nothing wil make a man excellent above his Nighbor yea sure and that visibly too if hee be righteous or els Solomon's sight was not right Not so much as a gaietie in the looks of a godli man above another not a littl Wisdom to make a Sainct's Face to shine a littl more than ordinarily is discerned Wisdom doth somtimes as it were magicly transfigure a man as hath been found in experience Hence not unlikely that Topic Proverb among the Spaniards There are two Magicians in Segura the one Experience the other Wisdom tho' I wel know Italie is the School of Prudence for it is said that whereas the French is wife after the fact the Dutch and English in the fact the Italian is wise before but an Englishman Italionat is a Devil incarnat Tru it is yet it doth not appear what the Sons of God shal be shal it therefore at no time appear that such Sons of God there be Never acknowledgedly acting in the Demonstration of the Spirit and Power What are becom of all the Promises and Prophecies concerning the later Daie-Glorie Where is the shining forth of your good Works that men mai see those and glorifi your Father who is in Heavn Is it not dreadfull for children of the Daie to walk as dark Lanterns nai wors to put out their lights within likewise that thei mai not see themselvs Wil not the Lord God serch such as with Candles O arise yee Sons and Daughters of Tzion rows up your selvs and lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh A Christian must be so alltogether or not at all Hee must be throughly pure the veri Name of Christ taken upon him obligeth him against a depraved conversation hee must depart from iniquitie Up then and be dooing and let
these a Great Divine's were but now Thine Thei 're great too Greater than I can divine These to translate in t ' English I 've a mind But the translated left'em so behind So I 'l be just to Him to mee prai you be kind Allow mee to be a smal Critic I dare not aim at beeing an Observator on the Word translated Evn til hee was not So temperate was Hee in all things that I have heard him sai Hee was never sick in all His Life and from this World in soundnes of Mind Memorie and Senses like another Moses Hee went away tho' by the waie discoursing all along Divinely to his very last minute and then this mighti man and as greatly meek did not di shold I sai that shold I not li but fall asleep in Iesus Tibi Domine qui velociter venis Amen Nae veni Domine O com and feed all thi Supplicants with the perpetuous influence of thi purest Divinitie Let thi Heavenli Highness sublime them to the Zenith of thi dearest and nearest Societie and here evn now not only raie beam and warm them with thi Ardors Flames and Powers but likewise ensoul-spirit-Heaven them in Thiself This all thi longing and humbl Petitioners at thi Throne of Grace crave beg prai beseeching that Thou who dwellest in Love and art Love wold condesscend and caus vehement-divine Love thorowly to penetrate transmute and transfigure them into it s●lf yea further convince and convert if it mai consist with the good pleaceur of thi holi Will all the Rational Powers of humane Nature into a Lov of that Lov which fullfilleth all thi Commandments as in heavn evn so on earth In the inter let all Thine wheresoever dispersed or howsoever distressed understand and beleev that it is their Strength not to make haste but to sit still and see the Salvation of God and that it is no more in their power to ●hange Kingdoms and Governments than the cours of the Luminaries which are set in the blu visibl firm Expans the Out-spread or to unhinge the Positure of the whol created World It is Thou and Thou onely who art Lord of Lords and King of Kings the Great and Mighti One who must doo these great and mighti things It is Iehovah AElohim the most high God who reigneth in the Kingdoms of men and who soley is Hee who giveth these to whom soever Hee pleaceth and who wil make all Adam know that all bold rashnes carrieth certen ruine within it self but overcoming Patience it is which perfecteth both God's and Man's Works Amen Now I exspect mi Reader to sai let mee prai to wit that you wold no longer Tantalize mee but giv mee the favor of the Great Person 's Name who was so translated Doubtless I am not worthi him to name But shold be counted worthi of great blame To bring this Person here to mee while I Chius ad Coum venture to stand by This needs must be a grand indignitie But seeing for all this need there is to get ou● of this lurking hole and to com abroad with hi● name for his Honor which shold be sacred to everi serious Soul as not beeing possibl to be spred abroad so much as his merits mai chalenge mo●● righteously Therfore it wold be injustice to withhold Him from you ani longer to conceal hi● Name by not answering to your Quaerie and Complieing with your Request It was then the truly Honor and and it wil be as tru and right if I sai rebus sic stantibus caeterisque non paribus which I judg none wil gain-sai the most Reverend Father in God or if that offend ani with God that is most sure ● ani be the most humbl Lord and meek Lord Bishop Sanderson of happi memorie more happi Iudgment and most happi Life and Death latel● put sorth by the elegant Penn of an excellent English Writer who modestly acknowledgeth the bold undertaking as beeing very unworthily inferior to the Merits of that Apostl of a Bishop certenly so hee was if ani such have been without ani Adulation I speak the truth before God and I not mi Conscience likewise bearing mee witness in the Holi Spirit Now seeing I have put mi Conscience so to it let mee put too this to Conscience and be so far his Abetter for want of a better therein as to conclude a better Resolver thereof in all cases England never saw never knew Whereupon I further venture and with all safetie to vouch that hee was the Non-such Casuist in all Christendom nemine certè Anglorum contradicente So great a Master of right Reason and sound Iudgment was hee which rendred him without dispute as inimitably judicious so incomparably pretious to all Posteritie nor wil his Works di while Worth shal liv Of which I mean his written Works that I mai speak som few words I humbly beg in regard of our miserably and uncharitably divided and subdivided Principles aud Practices but more particularly of Ceremonial Controversies which are so bandied about like a Ball to and agen and make such a nois and racket in our Nation O the sad circumstances sans ceremonèe that wee are now in How strangely tho' are wee converted into Wolvs which are far wors than Sheep or yet Dogs and that about the veri Worship of God! Monstrum horrendum O the Metamorphosis of our Manners O the Metempschosis of our Souls It is not a mere Acatastasis of our minds that marreth all the Beutie and Glorie of our Religion and Nation Mai wee not lamentably fear an Ichabod Mai I proov I prai God a Pseudoprophet But yee best of Professors tell mee truly what you think is not God going about to take away his Glorie Grace Euangelie Spirit and all with Him What said Herbert long agoe Religion stood on its Tiptoe Hee did mistake mai I do so O yee Professors can I have ani hopes that yee wil hinder his departure from our Land Mai hee not go fast and far away for all you Why Who or what staieth him sai yee save yourselvs I tell you truly his dear hidden littl ones who cri greatly after him daie and night An handfull it is as it were of wrastling Saincts who have been so spiritualy cunning that thei have got within Him and hold him with reverence and humilitie be it spoken upon the In-turn and wil not let him go but there keep him Els were hee got loos wo to you and us all How wold hee lai about and what a deal hand the living Lord hath where hee striketh let Heaven Earth and Hell trembl to think But blessed be God there are som few to whom hee hath said concerning the work of mi hands co●mand yee mee and these hold him to his word an● that so til Hee is readi to cri out as of old to Israel quondam Iacob Let me go As if hee shold have said I never met
Son being the co-essential Son of the Father must also be all Light all Life and all Love Thus the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father Neither is the Nature of the Father and Son distinguishable in the still Eternity the Nature of the Father is not severe and wrathfull and that of the Son sweet milde and gentle for this is no way consistent with the one simple nature of the Deity The Father is all Light Life and Love in the Son's Nature and the Son is all Light Life and Love in the Father's Nature the Nature of the Father flows from himself ar the Fountain-head and spring into the Son and from the Son again into the Father and therefore the Son is called the Heart of the Father because he is the fixed Seat of the Father's Light Life and Love Thus we see that neither Angels nor Saints are in this degree codeisied and consubstantiated with the Father for he filleth the still Eternity with the Light Life and Love of his Essentiall Deity in co-equality with the Father Fourthly this Son is the well beloved Son of the Father the Son of his Loves in whom he is fully well pleased satisfied and delighted And indeed how can it be otherwise since he is one being and one nature with the Father the very Heart of the Father and his expresse Image when he is the Beauty Brightness and Excellence of his Father's Glory and exalted to an equality of honour and dominion with the Father as sitting in the same Throne with the Father and possessing the kingdome with him This is the Son whom the Father will have honoured and worshiped as himself and to whom the Father hath committed all Iudgment neither can the one be worshiped without the other they subsisting in each other This is the Son who is exalted by the Father to be Heir of all things In the fifth place this Son is the Essential Christ of God I would not have you stumble at this Expression I might indeed haue omitted it but for the matters sake for you must take notice that I speak here of the Holy Trinity as they exist without Nature and in this state the Son of God cannot properly be called the Christ that is the Anointed because thus considered he is not Anointed to any office for it is after his entring into the properties of Nature that he is Anointed to be the Mediator yet bear with me for using this word improperly because I do it only for this end to give you a more clear and distinct knowledge of what the Son of God is as he exists before Nature as well as what he is in the properties of Eternal Nature But you 'l ask of me why I speak of the Holy Trinity out of and before Nature and particularly why I speak of the Essential Christ of God as existing before Nature I answer that my speaking of the Holy Trinity and particularly of the second person who is the Christ of God as he exists before Nature is only in order to give you a more distinct knowledge of the Son and Christ of God in Nature and to enable you to distinguish between his being out of Nature and his exstence in the properties of Nature This Essentiall Christ is one with the Father it is who is the same yesterday to day and forever even before all time and before Eternal Nature and he is the Co-creation with the Father He is the Word Wisdome Power the Light Life Love the Heart Reighteousness Purity Brigtness Excellency and Glory of the Father in the Father for we must not conceive of him as a distinct Person from the Father because that would destroy the High Unity and Simplicity of Divine Nature which admits of no composition or division nor on the other side must we conceive the Son of God to be only a distinct denomination for we see that in the still Eternity there is a distinct repersentation of the Son from that of the Father and the Holy Ghost For the Son is represented in the Image of an Heart the Father of an Eye and the Holy Spirit in the stream or emanation which issueth from both But you will say is then this Christ the Son of God the Redeemer Saviour Iustifier and Reconciler of Mankind I answer that to speak properly the Son of God as he exists out of and before Eternal Nature is not a Redeemer Saviour c. and that because in this state he hath no relation to any Creature whatsoever and therefore as long as there was nothing for to be redeemed or saved he could not properly be called a Redeemer or Saviour But you 'l say this essentiall Christ the Eternal Son of the Father is not the Christian 's Christ in whom they trust for Redemption Salvation and Glorification 1. I grant that properly he is not first because the object of the ●aith of Christians is a God-man a Christ clothed with Humanity in whom two natures pure Deity and pure Humanity are hypostatically united so that according to his Deity he is true God and according to his Humanity pure man whereas● the Essentiall Christ is not made up of two Natures but is whole Deity Unity and Simplicity being co-essentiall and co-equall with the Father which he could not be if the Humane Nature was joyned with him for then he could not be one Eternall Unity and Simplicity with the Father 2. The Christ of the Christians is born in time even in the fulness of time of the blessed Virgin Mary but the Essential Christ is Co-eternall with the Father and exists from all Eternity with the Father before all time 3. The Christ of the Christians is a personal Christ found and brought forth in flesh in the figure of man being made like unto us in all things sin only excepted but the Essentiall Christ of the Father hath no human figure or organical personality and conseqneutly ●t was impossible for him as such to shed his blood ●pon the Cross for the Redemption of sinners which was the great work of the Christian Christ. 4. The Christ of the Christians arose from the Dead the third day and ascending on high is sat down on the ●ight hand of the Father being made the Head and King over all Angels on mount Sion and over all his Saints and members within the walls of the New Ierusalem but the Essential Christ of God reigns and rules on the same Throne with the Father in the Globe of Eternity over all World ●nd over the Person of Christ in his glorified Corporeity 6. The Christ of the Christian was before promised to be the seed of the Woman and the treader down of the Serpent and it was with reference to this Christ that the Covenant was made with Abraham that all Nations should be blessed in his seed Isack being a type of him and his Birth Life Death Resurrection Ascention and Glorification were shadowed out by the dark types and