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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20148 No parliament powder But shot and powder for the Pope. And for all his Cardinalles, Bishops, Abbots, Fryers, Monkes; the maisters and great doctours of Sorbonne. Sent to his vn-holynesse, and them all, for a newe-yeares gift. 1609.; Sac & pieces pour le pape de Romme, ses cardinaux & evesques. English Denakol.; Philagathus, fl. 1609. 1609 (1609) STC 6582; ESTC S118652 52,903 98

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breaking downe an infinite number of Idols and Images as very manfully in Gods cause hee did in the Cittie of Bethell According as himselfe writeth in an Epistle to Iohn Bishop of Ierusalem his words are these And when I entred to pray I found there a sayle or great cloth hanging at the doore figured and painted hauing an Image as of Iesus Christ or some other Saint for I could not bethinke me well whose Image it should bee But when I beheld in the Church of Iesus Christ an Image of a man hanging against the authoritie of the sacred Scriptures Trent it in pieces and gaue councell to the keepers of the place rather to bestow the same cloth on some poore dead body for buriall then to let it so offend the consciences of any What now can your pontificall high Priest of Rome alleadge against so many excellent persons as flourished in those dayes in the Church of God S. Augustine did not forbeare to affirme it constantly that it was an execrable herefie to giue any honour to the Images of Iesus Christ or of the Saints For as hee himselfe sayth In looking vppon Images no man can pray or worshippe as hee ought to doe but hee will bee touched as if his thoughts were carryed thence where his hope is to bee heard and his sute granted All these things beeing duely and religiously considered to the ouerture of your Romane Priests pride wee doe and will conclude with the whole Church of God That according to his commādement we ought to honour and worship him in spirit and trueth and not by any inuented visible things commanded without authoritie of his holy word the which wee know and beleeue shall remaine for euer And wee hope shortly to see that thereby the great man of sinne shall be smitten and ouerthrowne euen hee that exalteth himself against God in his Temple Which wee humbly desire for the honour and great glory of his name to the end it may be sanctified and his Kingdome come that so all men on earth may learne the way to life euerlasting which is by knowing and confessing one onely God and him whom hee hath sent his onely Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde and Sauiour And concerning that false couerture alleadged by our aduersaries that Christ reuealed not all things needfull for our saluation to his Apostles This was true before they had receiued the sanctified Spirit on the day of Pentecost But after they were filled with the holy Ghost and instructed of him the promise of Iesus Christ was accomplished that the holy Spirite should reueale vnto them whatsoeuer hee had sayd and should leade them into all trueth This being done and accomplished they wrote the word of God and haue left the same vnto vs cleane holy and pure sufficient to guide and direct vs to euerlasting life We are not bound then to heare any other but the Apostles For all men else whatsoeuer bee they holy wise or very Angels of heauen they may not declare or command vs any other Gospell but that which is diuinely written in the authenticall Bookes of the holy Prophets and Apostles And no man how wise or learned soeuer he be hath any authoritie after the Apostles as Saint Hierome saith Moreouer albeit wee should bee vniustly reprooued persecuted condemned yea and murdered of men in the quarrell of God yet notwithstanding hauing our onely hope in him who hath called vs to that honour We are to reioyce and be glad when wee are persecuted and hated for his Names sake Not doubting but in his good time and when hee pleaseth his strong and powerfull arme shall free and deliuer vs from all seruitude of our aduersaries As alwayes hitherto hee hath done in fulfilling his promise to his holy Prophets and Apostles Therefore to that euerliuing Lord God bee giuen all honour and glory praise and power world without end Amen Si hoc consilium out opus ex hominibus est dissoluentur Si vero ex Deo est non poteritis dissoluere If this counsell or this worke be of men it will come to nought But if it be of God you cannot destroy it The Pope and his Church Now we haue good and great occasion to render thankes to God who hath made vs victorious ouer our aduersaries whom we doe excommunicate and curse as pernitious and damnable Heretiques because they will not be obedient to our holy ordinances but doe fondly cleaue to and stand vpon the Gospels and the doctrine of the Apostles who are not able to be vnderstood of any man without our holy Glosses and expositions For the rest let vs not forget to speake somewhat in the behalfe of our holy Masse That looke how much our hereticall aduersaries doe labour to confound and ouerthrowit So much the more powerfully will we striue to defend and maintaine it euen vnto blood and death For which cause we haue commanded to publish abroad the great graces vertues and properties of the most holy Masse According to the testimonie of that reuerende man Master Iaques of Spaine solemne Doctour in diuinitie The Copie whereof we will haue exhibited and giuen to euery one that shall continually haue good deuotion to the most holy Masse and shall liue and die in the true faith thereof Amen M. IAQVES OF SPAINE A Copie containing the great graces vertues and properties of the most holy Masse which being well contemplated and considered on are more worthie to be esteemed then an vnualuable treasure MAster Iaques of Spaine solemne doctor in Diuinitie recounteth in his workes that Saint Augustine and other Doctors doe hold this conclusion That if he which heareth Masse deuoutly hath either bought or taken money for so much land as may be walked on during the time a Masse is saying and shall giue that money to the poore yet hee shall not merit so much thereby as by his deuout hearing of that Masse Secondly he that as this day heareth Masse deuoutly and hopeth to heare another to morrow with the same deuotion looke what sinnes hee committeth betweene those two Masses are pardoned him by true confession which our Lord will graunt him before his death Thirdly after a man hath heard Masse his feeding yeeldeth the greater benefit to his bodie nor can he want ought all that whole day but shall be filled with all things needfull to nature Fourthly All veniall sinnes newly committed and false oathes sworne in haste or thorow ignorance hauing a purpose to confesse them they are blotted quite out by the merit of hearing a Masse deuoutly Fiftly euery pace or steppe a man takes in going to heare a Masse are counted and numbred by his good Angell to be rewarded before God Saint Bernard saith that our chiefest Christian vertue is to heare Masse deuoutly For it is of such great efficacie and dignitie as the verie hearing of a Masse is much more worth
hath raised vp in our time many liuely figures of those auncient friends to his Gospell I will not compare you to any of the Apostles although it cannot be denied But that God hath giuen vs vessels of honour into whose mouthes he hath put his sword that cuts on both-sides Concerning the excellencie of your selues I dare boldly say that one of you doth liuely represent the good king Abgarus who being desirous to expresse his loue to Iesus Christ offered him all assistance and fauour when so graciously he inuited him into his house The second hath done the dutie and office of good Gamaliell a Prince and Doctor of the Law also a secret disciple of Iesus Christ euermore fauouring and furthering his cause The third is nothing inferiour to prince Iayrus on whom euen as Iesus bestowed the raysing of his daughter from death to life so hath hee raysed vp you most miraculously preseruing your life from the blood-thirstie throates of wolues Now most renowned and worthy personages altogether hauing collected a briefe disputation of the faith touching the principall Articles thereof the more gladly I vndertooke this Argument to the ende that thereby might clearely be discerned the difference on both sides and which of them holds the iustest cause before God who craues no approbation by mens inuentions let them be shadowed and coloured by whatsoeuer shewes of sanctitie and good intention For his word will not endure addition change or diminution nay the very Angels of heauen are to bee suspected in that cause Wherefore according to the example of S. Luke writing his Gospell to to the beloued Theophilus I dedicate and present vnto you this small Christian resolution most humbly beseeching you that you would embrace and defend the same as already you haue most religiously begun to doe For the Lord God hath chosen you as his vessels of honour and principall members of his Church to be serued by you to his honour and glory to the end that his name may be sanctified and his kingdome euery where to come as we pray dayly it may bee increased and we to liue vnder obedience and protection thereof I likewise pray from the bottome of my heart that you all may prosper in felicitic and most happy contentment From Egypt neere the red Sea in expectation of the yeere 666. against Babilon Your very meanest most humble and obedient Seruant for euer Dena Kol borne blind but recouering sight by Iesus To the most magnanimous Lord and Christian Knight his most humble and obedient Seruant wisheth grace peace and all blessednesse in our Lord Iesus Christ. HAuing a long time considred the contentious difference betweene the true eternal light and the foule horrid darknesse of Beliall by grace and assistance of him that giueth wisedome to the simplest I boldly vndertooke summarily to gather a Christian warlike encounter with the proud Romane Praelate that so audaciously lifts vp himselfe against Iesus Christ. Which when I had accomplished after I had imparted the same to diuers of good knowledge and learning to whom I am vnworthy to be tearmed a Scholler their aduise ouer-ruled me not to hide or burie this poore tallent in the earth Vpon further consideration to decorate and adorne the labour with some honorable title and fauour I dedicated and presented it to three most illustrious Personages very great and excellent vessels of honour and endeared seruants to our Lord Iesus Now because I am not ignorant that you are to them all a most auncient loyall firme friend my humble supplication to you is to receiue likewise this poore penny into your protection to note with what coyne it is stamped on both sides and to try which of them is false or counterfeit and whether of them is pure mettall and acceptable in the sight of God On whose part I pray you may long continue as his Champion and I to remaine in your fauour and good regard according as the Apostle requireth in good seruants toward their masters From Egypt neere to the red Sea expecting the yeere 666. against Babylon Your most humble and obedient Seruant for euer Dena Kol borne blind but illumined by Iesus An aduertisement to the Christian Reader how to make vse of these defensiue Armes against Poperie how to imploy this Powder and Shot against the Pope his Cardinals Byshops Abbots Monkes and Masters of Sorbone c. FRiendly Reader although wee may to our griefe behold that in many places of Christendom the buildings and labours of the Apostles are much demolished and ruined yet to comfort vs againe our Lord God hath raised many good Masons and excellent worke-men to reestablish the same in the former forme and estate Whose paines God bee praysed therefore we may dayly see by the plentie of good bookes and learned endeuours that shew themselues in this cleare light of the Gospell each man labouring about the building according to the gift and measure he hath receiued of our Lorde I am not ignorant likewise that diuers men of great reading and experience haue very amply discoursed on the difference betweene the Pope of Rome and our Lord Iesus Christ deliuering the true title and right of the one and as apparantly reproouing the shamefull insolence of the other wherefore my paines imployed in the same argument may appeare but as a repetition of their former actions But when this small trauaile of mine with iugement and aduise shall be considered on those former labours perhaps may be found not so apt and commodious for diuers Neophytes yong Schollers newly instructed in matters of faith that as children feeding on milke most vsually can cry but Pa Pa. As much to say as that they will defend themselues alwayes by the faith of their Fathers and Predecessors not hauing any other warant or buckler But thus did our fathers being vtterly ignorant both how they were instructed and who were their true Fathers and guiders in the faith In regard whereof as the weakest and most vnworthe labourer to trauile in the businesse of Gods building I haue collected this little Volume principally applying the same to such as are not for strong meates but as children are to be fed with spirituall milke for their better digesting the word of God hereafter But if they will not forget their childish custome or cease from Infants behauiour crying yet Pa Pa why then they shall finde their true fathers and lawfull Seniors not only the Apostles themselues but likewise the auncient Fathers and Doctours of Gods Church from whom their bad Nurses had good hope to hide and hood-wincke them still in their old Popish wolues skinnes but that God bee thanked the truth in them hath clearely appeared euen to beate these pretenders with their owne staues and weapons as wee vse it for a common Prouerbe And this is the maine reason of publishing