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A19716 The care of a Christian conscience Ten sermons on the 25 psalme, preached in Tewkesburie in the countie of Gloucester, By Richard Curtis. Curteys, Richard, 1532?-1582. 1600 (1600) STC 6134; ESTC S111010 79,468 216

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For they cast downe euery man his rodde they were turned into serpents but Aarons rodde deuoured their rodde Exod. 8.7 And the sorcerers also did likewise with their sorceries and brought frogs vpon the land of Egypt And of this sort was Simon Magus of Samaria of whome Luke in the 8. chapter of the Acts recordeth And of this sort are all Enchanters Coniurers which vse the seruice and worke of the Deuil to bring their matters to passe and as many as vnder the pretence of Religiō with false doctrine deceyue the mindes of men that the truth they cannot sée nor discerne or that by vnlawfull meanes apply and minister their medicines and Phisicke whyle they vse Exorcismes or do hang about the necks of the sicke enchaunted hearbes or rootes or any other thing of the like sort August de Doctrina Christiana lib. 2. cap. 20. This beastly superstition the wisest of the heathen did as it appéereth greatly dislike and abhorre Theophrastus as Plutarch writeth noted Pericles who being sicke shewed vnto a friend of his who came to visite him certaine enchantments which by certaine women were tied about his necke and by that he iudged him to be of as badde a mind as a man could be seing that such madnesse he regarded Yet at this day such as vse manifest impiety and such as abuse the sacred name of God in their deuilish sorceries among Christians O lamentable are suffered vnpunished The other sort are called Megnonenim whom we call Diuiners The Etimon of the word is of diuers significations among the Hebrues Some deriue the word of Gnanah to answere to speake to testifie Isa Deuter. 19.18 And this they thinke they are called because beyng asked they giue answeres as Apollos Interpreters vsed to do Some deduce the roote thereof of Gnanan a clowde Ezech. 1.4 who are so called because they prophesie of things to come by the celestiall influences or by the positions or situations of the Starres Some called them so of the roote Gnanah which signifieth a determinate appointed time Wherupon they are called Gnonemin which make computations of tymes and houres and of certaine signes do gather what at sometime can be begunne when euent of things as they say shall be Notwithstanding herein they all agrée that the Prophet speaketh of Diuiners which curiously enquire to know things both secret and to come by exercising curious and vnlawfull Artes. Vayne curiositie and heady rashnesse haue found out many artes of prophecyings whose names argue the vanity and incredible boldnesse of mans witte Of which sort are Necromātia Necromantia which is Diuination by calling of Spirites Hydromantia Hydromantia Diuination by calling Spirites out of the waters Pyromāiia Pyromantia Diuination by fire Coscinomantia Coscinomantia Diuination made by a siue Geomantia Geomantia working in sorcery by circles and prickes in the earth Cataptromantia Cataptromantia Diuination which is made by a glasse and diuers others which are so called by the instruments that they vse Aruspices Of this sort are Bowelgazers to foretell things to come Exorcists whom the Deuill doth easily draw to be ministers of his impiety whereby he may the more easily draw men away from God and his holy word And although these Artes were in a manner odious among the wise and studious yet they gaue themselues many of them to the studie of Astrologie whereby they by the starres foretelling things to come got vnto themselues a great name to be accompted wisemen But let vs obserue and marke that these artes are of that sort that if wée vse them they will hinder vs for entering into the kingdome of heauen Leuiticus 20.6 If any turne after such as worke with Spirites and after soothsayers to goe a whoring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people Leuit. 19.26 You shall not vse witchcraft nor obserue times Leuit. 19.31 Yee shall not regard them that worke with Spirites neyther Soothsayers yee shall not seeke to them to be defiled by thē I am the Lord your God Deut. 18.9 When thou shalt come into the land which the Lord thy GOD giueth thee thou shalt not learne to do after the abominations of those nations verse 10. Let none bee found among you that maketh his sonne or his daughters to goe through the fire or that vseth witchcraft or a regarder of times or a marker of the flying of fowles or a Sorcerer verse 11. Or a charmer or that counselleth with spirits or a soothsayer or that asketh counsell at the dead verse 12. For all that doe such things are abomination to the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth cast them out before thee The causes of Gods seuerity against such great and gréeuous sinners are waighty For first it is an inexcusable rashnes and presumption to search out the knowledge of those things which the Lord will not haue to be knowen This rash presumption is condemned by our Sauiour Christ himselfe in the Acts 1.7 when he answered to his Disciples asking him Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdome to Israel And hee said vnto them It is not for you to know the time or the seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power Secondly it derogateth from the goodnesse and glorie of God as though that the Lord had not faithfully taught all things in the sacred Scriptures which were necessarie to be knowne of vs. Thirdly it taketh from Christ that honour which is due to him which of God is giuen a Doctor and teacher vnto vs and in whome all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge are hidde as Paul teacheth To conclude therefore this poynt let vs not séeke vnto them but vnto our God in our afflictions then will he help vs and deliuer vs out of our miseries for hee is a God of power and therefore is able a God of mercie and therefore is willing to deliuer vs out of trouble for as a father hath pitie vpon his children so is the Lord merciful to those that trust in him The ninth Sermon vpon the 25. Psalme verses 19 20. 19. Behold mine enemies for they are many and they hate mee with cruell hatred The sence is O Lord my God although I haue bin thy seruant yet sathan hath raised vp many aduersaries mortall enemies against mee who deadly cruelly and most tyrannously detest and hate mee so that except thou be good and gratious vnto mee to protect and defend me I shall surely perish Doct. 1 1. Doct. God is accustomed to whip his childrē for their sinnes by the multitude of Infidels that hate the truth Isai 10.5 O Asshur saith the Lord by the Prophet the rod of my wrath and the staffe in their hands is mine indignation verse 6. I will send him to a dissembling nation and I will giue him a charge against
a father he is to his children Therefore Iudgement and way signifie none other thing then the gouernment whereby he sheweth himselfe as an excellent good father to his children Doct. 1 The 1. Doct. The poore in Spirite onely are directed by the Lord to haue a right iudgement in all things that concerne the glory of God the saluatiō of their soules The Reason is God resisteth the proud 1. Pet. 5.5 such as are wise in their owne conceit Decke your selues inwardly in lowlinesse of mind for God resisteth the proude and giueth grace to the humble Math. 13.11 And he answered said Because it is giuē to you to know the secrets of the kingdome of God The vse is That we pray to God to giue vs his spirit of iudgement of the workes of the Lord. And first of his word Let vs consider how gratious the Lord is to them that are méeke to them he will open his iudgements which to the prowde are secrete vnknowen as to the Papistes many others A foolishnes of self estimation of self-wéening of our selues that wée are of some value is so rooted in man possessed with the spirit of pride that it is very hard to bring thē euen vs regenerate to a right vnderstāding of our owne wāts so as we might be cléere from all pryde presumption Concerning the doctrine of Election Reprobation Wheras the Apostle knew that flesh blood would dispute Why should God elect some refuse other some Rom. 9.20 he answereth But O man what art thou which pleadest against God Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it Why hast thou made me thus vers 21. Hath not the potter power of the clay to make of the same lūpe one vessell to honour and another to dishonour And this he setteth downe after that he had alledged the obiections wherein men thinke thēselues to haue a faire colour to dispute against God and to demaund why hée should destroy those whom he hath created why he should put difference betweene one and another without knowing any causes so that the one should be loued the other refused Therfore whēsoeuer any such temptation hath taken hold on vs let vs pray vnto GOD to make vs lowly and poore in Spirite then shall we haue a right iudgement of his secrete mysteries and wonderfull workes When we treat of Gods word euery man almost falleth to it at aduenture and euery one shootes out his verdit as though they reasoned but of moon-shine in the water so vnreuerently wée speake thereof The things therein contayned be such as passe all mans vnderstanding and yet notwithstanding it is manifest that some are bold to treat of Gods high mysteries without reuerēce which ought to rauish our wits to wonder at them which with al feare trembling we ought to honour I say we are bolder to babble of them then if a man spake of a matter but of 5. shillings value or of some trifle I know not what And what is the cause thereof but that men haue not cōsidered how God hideth ouercasteth his owne secrete determinatiōs hath in his holy Scriptures vttered vnto vs his wil whereunto it behoueth vs to be subiect We sée on the one side how the Papistes blaspheme God wresting falsifying marring corrupting the whole holy Scripture so that they spare not to scorne God his word And why They neuer knew what it is to haue a right iudgement in Gods will word they are possessed with the spirit of pride the spirite of sound iudgement is farre from thē they scorne at our answere when to their demand Who shal iudge of the true meaning sence of the Scriptures we say The holy spirit shal doth lead not onely the whole Church but euery particular singular member of the Church into all truth Campianan ratione Sophismat Also there are drunkards which could find in their harts to subdue God in their fantastical mind Yf they were the wisest men in the world the best séene in the holy Scriptures yet shall they be faine to stowpe to this point that Gods purposes are aboue our reach But they are vtterly dull brutish there is neither skill nor reason in them the wine ouer-mastereth thē they are worse then swine yet will néeds be Diuines and wil controll things in such sort that if a man should now beléeue them he should be driuen to forge and frame a new Gospell Let vs alwaies know that whensoeuer wée speake of God of his workes or of his word they are high matters On the other side what is it that we cā bring forth of our selues except wee be truly humbled what is that little that wee can conceiue in our vnderstanding Euen wordes without knowledge Let men put themselues into the balance and they shal be found lighter then vanitie it selfe as it is said in the Psalme Psal 62.10 So much the more it behooueth vs to marke this doctrine that there is neither skill aptnesse nor iudgement in vs to entreat of Gods workes or his word except he vouchsafe by his blessed Spirite to direct vs. Let vs therfore pray vnto his diuine Maiesty to vouchsafe of his vnspeakeable mercy and goodnesse to powre downe his holy Spirite into our hearts that whereas by the fall of our first parents our Iudgements concerning Gods mysteries his workes and word are corrupted and therefore haue néed of direction that by the same Spirite of truth and iudgement wée may be ledde into all truth and iudgement so shall wée iudge according to his holy will Let vs also mislike our selues to the end wée may resort vnto him to find the goodnesse there which wanteth in our selues that thereupon it may please him so to gouerne vs by his holy Spirite that beyng replenished with his glory wée may haue wherewith to glory not in our selues but onely in him And teach the humble his way Text. Doct. 2 2. Doct. The Lord will surely teach the humble the way of his gratious fauour The Reason is Vnto him that hath it shal be giuen by him As the Lord hath giuen him humility which is a spirituall gift and grace bestowed vpon the elect onely whom he especially loueth as a father Psalm 103. much more will he cause him to tast of his prouidēce which extendeth it selfe in respect of sustentatiō not onely to the wicked but to euery liuing creature be it neuer so base Vse The Vse is That wee magnifie the glorious name of our good and gratious Father who so mercifully causeth vs the childrē of wrath to become his children by adoption and assureth vs without all doubting of the continuance of his fauour towards vs. This doctrine of Gods fauour towardes the humble his children is comfortable to our conscience and therefore the longer to be vrged and taught Euery man naturally séeketh to comfort himselfe some by voluptuousnesse some by worldly wealth some by
men to relieue them And therfore when the Angels came to him in the forme of men hee is noted by the holy Ghost to haue entreated them yea to haue as it were compelled them to eate meate in his house Good Lot folowed his steps wayting in his doores or gates to harbour poore straungers and therefore when the Angels came into Sodom Gen. 19.1 2 3. like straungers and pilgrimes hee compelled them in some sort to enter into his house and to take such lodging and entertainment as his state was able to afforde And hereby some as the Apostle noteth haue receiued Angels into their houses vnwares Heb. 13.1 But nowadayes there are many that are so farre off from this liberalitie that they will shut vp their gates euen in this great time of scarcitie The like hath not as I suppose of so long continuaunce béene in this Realme of England in many ages when many hundreds are ready through want of foode a lamentable case to bee considered which for our sinnes for which GOD is so highly displeased with this land especially our contempt of the holy Religion the breach of the Sabboth the blaspheming of the holy name of God vncharitablenes with infinite more the Lord doth inflict vpon them and vs in the time of refection And which is more detestable so hard are the hearts of many that they haue not onely not relieued them but rated them Is that the worst No. They haue which will make a good heart euen to melt and as the Prophet Ieremie saith Lam. 2. his eyes faile with teares his bowels swell his lyuer to bee powred foorth vpon the earth to thinke of their crueltie euen to whip them away from their gates Againe other some of great reuenewes because they will not kéepe hospitalitie nor relieue the poore at home they giue vp house and either soiourne and table with some friends or els take a chamber in some Citie or Towne where they will kéepe no house at all but with a man and a boy and that seldome liue both meanely basely and obscurely to the blemishing and slayning of their credite and worship for euer Euen they whose lands and possessions are worth peraduenture fiue hundred pound yea it may be a thousand pound yéerely whose parents and auncestors kept twentie or fortie men I allow not of Idlenesse but I commend maintaining them in a Liuerie maintained great hospitalitie to the great reliefe of al the poore Country about them euen they I say doe so And yet will al their reuenewes scarce serue to maintaine their small port withall notwithstanding that they so racke their lands raise their rents and exact such fines and incomes as they make two fold so much more of their liuings now as their forefathers did in times past Now it may profitably be demanded how they carrying so lowe a saile can spend so great reuenewes which before times maintained so many score and relieued so many thousands of poore I answere first Gods curse is vpon all they haue and then how can it be otherwise Secondly they spend it for the most part either in sumptuous apparell gorgeous buildings both which are too rife at this day in England or els in feasting and banqueting in ryoting and gurmandizing besides other chamber-workes which I blush to name For as the Apostle saith It is a shame once to name those things which are done of them in secrete God turne their hearts and giue them grace to containe themselues within themselues to maintaine hospitalitie for the reliefe of the poore and to vphold that porte worship and credite which their forefathers did Our Sauiour Christ saith Mat. 10.42 That a cup of cold water giuen in his name shall not bee left vnrewarded And the Apostle Paul calleth it Phil. 4.18 an Odour that smelleth sweete a sacrifice acceptable and pleasant to God Alas consider wherfore did God giue you such great store of riches and large possessions in this life aboue your brethren was it not to doe good with them and to helpe them that haue néede Know you they were not lent you to spend in ryot and excesse in pride or gluttonie drunkennesse or chambering no nor in hawking nor hunting nor in any such kind of vanitie No No it will not at the great day of accompt the day of iudgement goe for payment when it shal be said Luk. 16. Giue an accompt of thy stewardship for thou must no longer bee steward I counsel you therefore to learn of the vniust steward to make you friends of the wicked Mammon And to bend my speach to all generally I counsell you to study to bee more carefull in relieuing the poore distressed members of Iesus Christ euery one according to that portion which the Lord hath bestowed vpon you that so you may be counted the Lords faithfull stewards meete to inherite that kingdome which the Lord hath purchased for all them that walke in his pathes kéepe his couenant and testimonies verse 10. All the pathes of the Lord are mercy and truth to them that keepe his couenant and his testimonies Text. The Exposition By pathes in this place the Prophet vnderstandeth the whole regiment of God wherewith hee ruleth all thinges that he hath created The sence is Whatsoeuer the Lord doth towards them that kéepe his couenant and testimonies whether it be that he afflict them or whether he suffer them to fal into sin he therby sheweth mercy kéepeth the truth of his promise towards them Temptations wherwith Sathan assaulteth vs are not the least afflictions which God as with a salue doth eure our soules with When God giueth him power to wound the children of GOD he permitteth it to humble them to the end that when they be so grieuously tormented and do yet still resist the assaults that are made vpon them they should vnderstand Simil. that that commeth not of themselues but that they bee vpheld otherwise that is to wit by the grace of GOD and by the power of his holy spirite To this purpose it is that the Apostle Paul in the 8. Chapter to the Rom. 28. verse saith Also we know that al things worke for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose So then when God giueth Sathan leaue to tempt the faithfull ordinarily it is to serue thē as it were with a * Euen as an holesome medicine although biting grieuous to the flesh doth cure the diseases of the bodie euen so temptations of Gods children doe cure their soules medicine And heerein we sée the vnspeakable and wonderfull mercy and goodnesse of our gracious God in turning euill into good For what can Sathan and sinne bring but rancke poyson and venim Yea hee hath nothing but death for he is called the Prince of death So then whatsoeuer Sathan can effect it turneth altogether to mans destruction and to the drowning of them in endlesse damnation And yet
tokens of the horrible vengeance that is prepared for them at the latter day You sée then that many men are touched with Gods hand which notwithstanding are accursed For they begin their hell in this world as we haue examples of all them that amend not their wicked life when God sendeth afflictions vpon them but a man shal sée them take a corner and stand barking like dogges although they can do no more yet they cease not to shew continuall madnesse or else they are like horse and mule like restie Iades or finally Psal 32.9 they are altogether ouer-sotted so that they know not their owne harme or miserie I meane as to consider the hand that striketh they will crie out Alas and they féele the blowes yet they thinke neuer the more vpon Gods hand neither know they how it is hée that visiteth them Wée sée then before our eyes that many men are the more vnhappy for being chastised at Gods hand because they profite not in his schoole nor yet take any good by his corrections Let vs assure our selues that when God maketh vs to féele his hand so as wée are humbled vnder it he giueth vs a speciall benefit and it is a priuiledge that he giueth to none but to his owne children When we féele the corrections which hée sendeth vs and also are thereby taught to mislike of our selues for our offences to sigh and grone for them before him and to flie to his mercy for refuge it is a token that he hath wrought in our hearts by his holy Spirite For it is too high a point of wisedome to grow in the mind of man it must procéed of the frée goodnes of our God the holy Ghost must first haue softened that cursed hardnes and stubbornes whereunto wée are enclined of nature euer since the transgression of our first parents Adam and Eue. Let vs marke then out of this branch of Dauids prayer In his great afflictions and trauell vexations both of bodie and Spirit which inward griefes procéeded from the remorse of sinne wherewith he was gréeued and tormented that Gods children are not stubborne vnder his hand but are ouermastered and tamed by the working of the holy Ghost to the intent they should not striue against the afflictions which hée sent vnto them But yet wil this saying séeme strāge after the opinion of the flesh for whatsoeuer afflictions or tribulations fal out otherwise then we would haue them wée terme them aduersities When we suffer any hunger thirst cold or heate wée say that euery one of these is an aduersitie Why so The reason is because wée would willingly haue our owne appetites and desires fulfilled in all things And in good sooth this manner of speach to say that the afflictions and tribulations that GOD sendeth vpon vs are aduersities that is to say things against vs is not without reason Neuerthelesse we must vnderstand the end of them namely that Gods scourging of vs is because of our sinnes And therefore by flattering our selues let vs not beguile our selues Furthermore I haue already preached vnto you not onely that it is requisite for vs to consider that Gods scourging of vs is because he hateth sinne and that his summoning of vs before him is to make vs to feele him to be our Iudge but also that we had néede of him to reach out his armes vnto vs and to shew vs that he is ready to be at one with vs whensoeuer wee shall come to him by true repentance So then we perceiue that they whom God chasteneth are happie notwithstanding that we shunne aduersitie as much as we possibly can Also we shall neuer consent to this doctrine to receyue it with our hearts vntill that faith hath made vs to behold the goodnesse of God which hee vseth towards his seruants when hee draweth them backe to himselfe And that we may the better comprehend this let vs marke what becommeth of men when God leaueth them to themselues maketh none accompt of clensing them from their sinnes Looke vpon a man that is giuen to al euill for example a despiser of God If God permit him and chastise him not you shall see him harden himselfe the Deuill shall cary him still farther and farther and therefore it had béene much better for him that he had béene chastised sooner And so the greatest hurt that can light vpon vs is God to suffer vs to welter in our owne wickednes for then must we néeds rotte away in it in the end Looke vpon mine afflictions Text. Doct. 2 2. Doctr. This example of Dauids teacheth vs that in all our miseries we must séeke reliefe onely at Gods hands The Reason is Because first hée hath so commaunded Psal 50.15 Secondly all power to help is onely in his hands 2. Chron. 20.6 And Iehoshaphat said O Lord God of our fathers art not thou God in heauen and raignest not thou ouer all the kingdoms of the heathē in thine hād is power might none is able to withstand thee The vse is first In all our distresses to séeke only to the Lord and that alone by such lawful meanes as he hath warranted in his word Secondly to reproue them that séeke to be relieued by Saincts Angels or any other in heauen then God alone Also them that séeme to séeke only to the true God but vse vnlawfull meanes to haue his helpe as by Coniurers Witches or such like The holy Scriptures forbid all séeking to Sorcerers Witches Astrologers Enchanters Wisards Fortune-tellers such like All which each séekers vnto them al that any thing trust in thē are abominable before the Lord. These vnlawfull artes hinder the kingdome of heauen They are of diuers sortes all which may most fitly be referred to two heads The first are soothsaiers diuiners wizzards iuglers gessers before what shall come after witches by which all vnlawful artes are forbidden Michah 5.2 And I will cut off thine enchaunters out of thine hand and thou shalt haue no more soothsayers In the Hebrue they are called Ceschaphim and Megnonemin They are called Ceschaphim Iuglers or Couzeners such as with Legerdemain deceiue delude the eie-sight but principally in this place the Prophet meaneth such which by witchcraft that is by Magical artes do hold bewitch the sights of mē that they séeme to do those things which in déed they do not or if they be done by the workings of Sathan they are wrought Of this sort were the sorcerers of Egypt Exod. 7.10 Then went Moses and Aaron vnto Pharaoh did as the Lord commaunded and Aaron cast forth his rod before Pharaoh and before his seruants and it was turned into a Serpent vers 11. Then Pharaoh called for the wisemē It seemeth that these were Iannes and Iambres 2. Tim. 3 8. So euer the wicked maliciously resist the truth of God sorcerers those charmers also of Egypt did in like manner with their enchantments vers 12.
our selues that GOD doth it not without cause and therefore wee ought to glorifie him in all his iudgements although they bee incomprehensible to vs. Psalme 25.20 Keepe my soule deliuer me let me not be confounded for I trust in thee The second part of the ninth Sermon The sence is FOrasmuch O Lord my God as all my whole trust and confidence I repose in thy mercie and none in flesh bloud nor any other meanes whatsoeuer to be deliuered from perill and danger which mine enemies to the losse of my life yea to my vtter confusion doe lie in waite to inflict vpon mée and forasmuch as thou art a God of power and therefore art able to deliuer a God of compassion and therefore regardest the afflictions of thy déere children trusting and calling vpon thée in their afflictions and aduersities I humbly beséech thée for Iesus Christs sake the Messiah to come to kéepe and preserue my foule from destruction and my bodie from the tortures which mine enemies would lay vpon it so shall I glorifie thy name among thy Saints in the great congregation and after this life sing prayses with the Saints and Angels in thy kingdome to thy glorious name for euer Doct. 1 1. Doct. Whoso trusteth in the Lord in the time of persecution by his enemies will flie to him to preserue his soule and his body by prayer The Reason is Where hope in God is there is also prayer to God seeing it springeth necessarily from it as the fruit doth from the trée The vse is That as we would be assured that we hope in God so also that wee exercise prayer séeing that wee cannot assure our selues of the cause without the effect Lette vs therefore according to his commandement in our afflictions and necessities seeke to GOD in the name of Iesus Christ for succour by continuall prayer and calling vpon his name Let vs call vpon him in the day time and in the night season lette vs powre out our complaints before him daylie and hourely let vs make our prayers vnto him although wee feele our selues nothing released but oftētimes worse worse which maketh vs oftentimes almost to doubt of his goodnes Psa 77. that he doth reiect and giueth no heede vnto them whereby we almost thinke it in vaine to pray séeing that we finde no release But this is our weakenesse and frailtie of our flesh which will not willingly bee subdued to the spirite Which lette vs beséech the Lord to forgiue vs for hee séeth our conflicts and looketh vpon our continuall sighes and petitions but hee deferreth and prolongeth his helpe the longer and doth not at the first helpe vs to this ende that wee may sée fully our owne weaknesse learne by little and little to subdue our rebellions to his gratious will who knoweth better what is meete for vs then we for our selues Therefore lette vs beseech him to strengthen vs by his holie spirite that wee may still perseuere and continue in prayer and with longing desires patiently waite for him being fully assured that although it presently appeare not yet hee is alwaies present with vs and heareth our sighes and complaints and will when hee seeth his time declare himselfe manifestly in kéeping our soules and deliuering our bodies in preseruing vs from confusion and in renuing our harts with spirituall ioy Lette vs earnestly entreate him to stirre vp our dull and sluggish nature to call vpon him continually appoynting him neither the time nor the meanes of our deliuerance but leauing al to his good will and pleasure we may in the meane time neuer cease by continuall prayer to call for his merciful helpe and assistance vntil such time it shal please his goodnesse to send vs full deliuerance Although wee féele our selues through the malice of Sathan verie vnwilling to prayer seeing that wee doe not fully perceiue them to bee heard but goe on still languishing in our sorrowes as though GOD had no care of vs. Yet this our dulnesse let vs entreate our mercifull father to pardon in vs and grant that wee may bee raised vp and pray for aide and reliefe of him continually and although we should sée no signe of fauour yet that we may continue still with the faithfull woman of Canaan and neuer cease in heart mind and mouth till he graunt our requests at his appoynted time when he knoweth it shall be most méete for our behoofe and his glorie And that when the Lord shall mercifully looke vpon vs we then fully with our whole hearts acknowledge his goodnesse towards vs and let it neuer slippe out of our hearts but continue thankfull for the same all the dayes of our liues whereby his glorie in vs may be declared and our soules relieued The tenth Sermon vpon the 25. Psalme verses 21.22 21. Let mine vprightnes and equitie preserue me for my hope is in thee The sence is O Lord my God whereas mine aduersaries persecute me thou knowest that they haue no iust cause so to doe séeing that thou hast giuen me integritie vprightnesse and iustice and seeing that it is not sufficient to bee of a sound and vpright conscience to bee deliuered from dangers but to trust to thy swéete promises therfore my safetie O Lord I committe to thy protection 1. Doct. The best way to stay vs in the time of our trouble to kéep our patience inuiolable is to look in for a good conscience sée that we be falsly accused which if we find thē al goeth well we are ioyfull at home howsoeuer the world shall say or doe abroad for wee may say with Salomon See the root therof Leu. 16.17 Prou. 28.1 Euerie wicked man flyeth when none pursueth but the iust are like a yong Lyon which is couragious This holy Prouerbe teacheth that wickednesse maketh the wicked verie fearefull and that righteousnesse maketh the innocent secure and bold In it first the wicked man is resembled to a bird or some such timorous creature which betaketh it selfe to flight when no cause is offered For the guiltie person after he hath committed some abominable act as theft or murther imagineth that some lie in waite for him doubteth he shal be taken the reason is for the although none is néere to pursue him yet the sound of terrour is in his eares as the Aramites are for example who cāping about Samaria 2. Kin. 6.7 The Lord had caused the campe of the Aramites to heare a noyse of chariots and a noyse of horses and a noyse of a great armie so that they sayd one to another Behold the kind of Israel hath hired against vs the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come vpon vs. vers 7. Wherfore they arose and fled in the twylight and left their tents and their horses and their asses euen the campe as it was and fled for their liues The sting of conscience will not suffer him to be quiet in any place But the iust as