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A18688 The Ordenarye for all faythfull Chrystiãs to leade a vertuous and Godly lyfe here in this vale of miserie / translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Anthony Scoloker. A Right goodly rule howe all faithfull Christians shall occupie and exercise them selves in their daily prayers Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 5199.7; ESTC S3070 33,919 114

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of our selues / we of our selues are not able to thinke a good thought It is thou onlie that dost worke in vs both the will ād the dede We are but earth and naturally the children of wrath We of our selues are but vaine / yea / lighter then vanitie it self / We cā do nothing without the. There is not one of vs whole / we are all vncleane / and al our rightuousnes is but as a fylthy cloth We haue no more power to do good of our self / thē a blacke Mor●ā or mā of Inde hath powr to chaūge his skin / or the Leopard hir spottes Now acordīg to this euil ād corrupte in●●ination of our nature so haue we liued I thought / word / and dede Denie ix We haue synned / we haue offēded / we haue gon● backe from thy lawe / and haue not harkened vnto thy word we haue no● loued the O lorde our god with all our herte with all our soule / with all our strength and with all our power We haue bene fore trāsgressours of thy cōmaundemēts We haue nor put our whole trust and confydence only in the. We haue in our troubles ād nede / not sought for helpe onely in the. We haue not called onely vpon thy name / but with false confidēce / with vain supersticion / and vnlaufull othes haue we blasphemed thy name We haue praid ād made intercessyō vnto stockes and stones / and made thy creatures our aduocates ande mediators contrarye to thy word We haue reposed our trust and affiance in our owne dedes and in suche workes as haue bene deuised by mens fantasyes besydes thy scripture We haue wandered on vaine pylgr●mages / offering vp money / candels ande tapers to ymages and relikes with suche like supersticion We haue bene slothfull in our busynes We haue not bene feruent ād diligent in doing of our dutye Specially on such dayes as be appointed for the preaching of thy worde / we haue not plied our selues wholly to lerne it / nor occupied our tyme in praier ād geuīg thankes vnto the. And as touchīg the loue that we ought to haue vnto al mē and womē for thy sake we haue not beē earnest in at al times We haue not loued our neyghbours as our selues / we haue not done / as we would be done vnto / we haue bene vngētle / vnpacient / vncurteous froward / āgry ād displeased We haue reioysed in our neyghbours hurt and bene sory of his welfare We haue dene ledde with false doctrine ād errours frō the way of thy truth / We haue sinned with our fathers / we haue done amisse / we haue dealt wykedly Psal xvj Therfore our most deare father which arte in heauen / for as muche as we haue blasphemed the / ād not sought alway the glory of thy name / graunt now that from henseforth thy name maye be sanctified ande hallowed in vs / Graunte nowe that thy kingdome maye come / and that in steade of sinne ād errour / thou one To praye Grace a fore meate Rom. xiii● I knowe saieth the Apostle and am full certyfied in the lorde Iesu / that ther is nothinge vncleane of it self fe / but vnto him that iudgeth it to be vncleane / to him it is vncleane But if thy brother be greued ouer thy meate / thē walkest thou not now after charite Destroye not with thy meate / him for whome Christ dyed O oure father which art in etc. Grace a fore meate Let not oure treasure therfore be euell spokē of Rom. xliij For the kingdom of God is not meate and drinke / but righteousnesse and peace / and ioye in the holy Goost O oure Father which are in etc. Grace a fore meate Meate doth not further vs vnto God i. Cor. vij If we eate / we shal not therfore be the better / If we eate not we shall not therfore be the worse But take hede that this youre libertie be not an occasyon of fallinge to the weake Grace a fore meate Meate hath God created to be receaued with thākes of them which beleue ād knowe the trueth ij Tim. iiij For euery creature of God is good / ande nothinge to be refused that is receaued with thankesgeuing / for it is sanctifyed by the worde of God and prayer O oure Father which art in heauen etc. Receaue youre meate without grudgīge / Take hede ye neuer abuse the same / Geue thankes to God for euery thinge / And all waye prayse his holy name Who so doth not / is sore to blame / No euell ensample se that ye gyue / Thus doth Goddes worde teache yow to lyue Cori. iij. Whatsoeuer ye do in worde or dede / do all in the name of oure Lord Iesu Christ / giuinge thankes vnto God / the Father by hym Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the O lord God almyghtie moost deare Father of heauen for geuinge vs oure foode in due season / for openinge thy mercifull hande / ande for fyllynge vs with thy plētefull blessinge And we beseche the for thy sonnes sake Iesu Christ / not onely to preserue vs alwaye from abusynge of the same / but also to lende vs thy grace / that we may euer be thankefull vnto the therfore Amen Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the O lord God almightie moost deare father of heauen for certifyeng vs by thy blessed word / that all kindes of meates are cleane And we besech the lende vs thy grace / that we may alwaye thankefully receaue the same / not onely without supersticion or scrupulosité of conscience / but also without greuinge or offendinge our brethren / And so to walke in the waye of godly loue and charite / that with oure meate we neuer destroye him / for whome thy Sonne Iesus Christ dyed as well as for vs. Grace after meate Thākes be vnto the O God almightie moost deare father of heauen for openynge vnto vs thy blessed worde / whiche is oure treasure / oure pearle / yee and oure riches / more precious then eyther golde or precious stone And we beseche the / though corporall meate and drinke be no parte of thy kyngdome / yet ordre thou vs so in receauinge the same / that we neuer geue occasyon of slaundringe thy worde / or offendinge the weake Amen Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the O lorde God almightie moost deare father of heauē for layenge vp oure saluacion onely in thy selfe / ād not in anie kinde of meate And we beseche the / gide vs so in the vse therof / that we may followe such thinges as make for peace / and wherby we may edifie one an other And neuer to geue vnto the weake anye occasion of fallinge from thy worde Amen Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the O lorde God almightie moost deare Father of heauen for ordeininge thy creatures to be meate / foode and sustenaunce vnto oure bodies / ād hast sanctified thē by thy blessed word / etc We beseche the / make vs so to increace in stedfastnesse of thy faith / in perfecte knowledge of thy trueth / and in continuance of feruent praier vnto the that to vs also they may be sancryfyed and holy / and that we may euer both thāckfully receaue them / and vertuously vse thē / to the good ensample of other amen Eccl. 50. d. Blessed is he that exerciseth him selfe in these thinges And who so taketh soch to hart shal be wyse If he do these thinges / he shal be strong in all For the light of the lorde leadeth him Iohn 13. b. Yf ye knowe these thinges / blessed are ye if ye do them Luke 12. e. Iacob 4. b The seruaunt that knoweth his Lordes wyll ande doth it not / shal be beaten with manie stripes 1. Iohn 2. c But he that fulfylleth the worde of God / abideth for euer Iohn 20. d These thinges are written to the intēt that we shuld beleue / that Iesus christ is the sonne of God / and that we thorowe hym / might haue life euerlasting Which the chefest goodnes voutchsafe to geue vnto all them that shall eyther heare / see or rede this present lytle booke AMEN Finis
Eccll. iij. Happie is the riche that is foūde without faute / ād he that turneth not frō the right waye for golde / neither putteth his trust in money or treasure Go to nowe ye ryche menne / wepe / ād howle on your wredchednes that shall come vppō you 1. Timo. 6. Your riches are corrupt / your garmentes are moath eaten Your golde and your siluer are cancred / and the rust of them shal be a witnes against you and shall eate your flesh as it were fyre / ye haue heaped treasure to gether in your last dayes Leu. ix c Deut. 24. c Toby iiij c Beholde the hyer of the labourers whiche haue reped your owne feldes which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude crieth / ād the cries of them which haue reaped / are entred into the eares of the lorde Sobaoth Luke xv c Ye haue lyued in pleasure on the aerth and in wantonnes / ye haue condempned and haue killed the iuste / and he hath not resysted you ●ccle x. b There is nothing worse them a couetuous man What pridest thou the / O thou asshes There is not a more wicked thing then to loue moneye And why soche one hath his soule to selle / yet is he but a fylthy dounge while he liueth Although the Phisitian shewe his helpe neuer so longe / yet in cōclusion it goeth after this manner / to daye a king / to morrowe dead For whan a man dieth he is the heyre of beastes / serpentes ande wormes Wo be vnto the proude welthy in Siō / to soche as thinke thē selues so sure vppō the mount of Samaria Amos vi● Luke vi c Which hold / thē selues for the best of the world / ād rule thē house of Israell euen as they lift / beholde / is the border of the land of the philistines wider then yours Ye are taken oute for the euell daye euen that sitte in the stole of wilfulnes / ye that ligh vppon beddes of yuorie / and vse your wantonnes vppon your couches / ye that eate the best lambes of the flocke / and the fattest calues of the droaue / ye that synge to the lute / ād in playinge of instrumentes compare your selues vnto Dauid / ye that drinke wine out of gobblettes / ande anointe your selues with the best oyle / but no man is sory for Ioseps hurte Iob. xxi b E●ay v. b i. Reg. xvj d Who so trusteth in his riches / shal perish Prouer. xj Psal xl a Blessed is he that considereth the pore for the lorde shall deliuer him in the tyme of trouble See that ye gather you not treasure vppon earth / where rust and mothes corrupte / and where theues breake through and steale Math. vj c Luke xij d Eccl. 39. b But gather you treasure together in heauen / where nether rust nor mothes corrupt / ande where theues nether breake vp nor yet steale Pro. xxiij a Luke xij c For where youre treasure is / there is your harte also / ye can not serue God and Mammon Luke xv a Make you frendes with the vnrightuous Mammon / that whan ye shall haue nede / they maye receaue you into the eeuerlasting tabernacles i. Tim. vi b Prou. 23. a All they that wil be riche / fall into temtacion and snare / and into many folysh ād noysome lustes / whiche drowne men in destruccion and dampnation For couetuosnes is the roote of all euell / which whyle some lusted after / they erred from the fayth / and tangled them selues wyth many sorrowes Exhortacyon to the pooresycke and impotent Parsones Blessed are the poore in spirite / for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Math. ●5 a Luke vj. c All the dayes of the poore are miserable / but a quiet harte is as a continuall feast Prouer. 15 Psal xxxvj Better is a litle with the feare of the lorde / then great treasure Better is the poore that liueth Godly / then the blasphemer that is but a foole Pro xix a A poore man leading a Godly lyfe / is Pro. xxvij a better then the riche that goeth in frowarde wayes Psal xxxvj Pro. xv b Eccl. xxix d 1. Tim. vj. b A small thinge that the rightuous hath is better then great riches of the vngodlie The lorde knoweth the dayes of the Godlie / and their inheritaunce shall endure for euer Psal ix The lorde is a defence for the poore / a defēce in the time of trouble For the lord forgetteth not the complainte of the pore The lord shall deliuer the poore from the mightie / and the wretched and miserable pore sely people / which haue no helpe The lord will not forget the poore / the paciente abiding of soche as be in trouble shall not perish for euer Psal xxj b He shal be fauourable to the simple and poore / he shall preserue the soules of soche as be in aduersite He shall deliuer their soules from extorcion and wronge / and deare shall their bloude be in his sight Eccl. 21. a Exod. v. b The prayer of the poore goeth out of the mouth and commeth vnto the eares / and his vengeaunce or defence shall come and that hastelie A symple man which laboureth ād worketh / is better then one that is gorgious and wanteth breade Pro. xij b Eccl. 10. d Thou arte the poore mās helpe o lorde a strength for the nedeful in his necessyté Esay xxv a Thou art vnto him a defence against euell wether / ande a shadowe against the heate The poore shall not alwaye be oute of remembraunce / the pacient abiding of soche as be in trouble shall not perish for euer Psal ix The lord shall kepe the simple folke by theyr right / defende the children of the pore / and punish the wrongeous doers Psal lxxj a The poore fely people couet water / ād they can get none / ād their tōgue is waxē drie for thrust Esaye xij I the lord shal heare thē I the God of Israell will not forsake thē Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde / which are riche in faith ād heires of the kingdome which he promised to thē that loue hym Iacob ij a The poore that wanteth strength / ād hath great pouerte / Eccl. xj the eye of GOD loketh vppō him to good / setteth him vp frō his low / estate and lifteth vp his h ade Exhortation to the artificer or handycraftes man Genes iij In the sweate of thy face shalt thou rate thy breade / tyll thou be turned agayne vnto aerth whence thou arte taken Iob. v. a Man is borne to labour / like as the byrde for to flye An ydle hande maketh pore / but a quicke labouring hand maketh riche Prouer. x. a Who so gathereth in Sommer / ys wise / but he that is slougysh in haruest / bringeth hym self to confusyon In all thy workes be
that vsury maye be vsed withall / that the lorde thy God maye blesse them all that thou takest in hande Deu. xxiij Exod. xxij Leu. xxv Whan one of thy brotheren is waxed poore / in anye citie within thy lande / whiche the lorde thy God shall geue the / thou shalt not harden thine harte / nor withdrawe thyne hande from thy poore brother but shalt open thine hande vnto hym and sende him / according as he hath nede Deut. xv a 1 Ioh. vij c Beware that there be not a pointe of beliall in thine harte / that is / thinke not that he shall not geue it the againe Rom. x. ● For if thou lokest not frendly vppon thy brother / and giuest him nothing then shal he crye ouer the vnto the lorde / ande is shal be counted synne vnto the. But thou shalt giue him For because of it / shall the lorde thy God blesse the in all thy workes / and in all that thou puttest thy hāde vnto The lād shall neuer be without poore / therfore cōmaūd I the and saye / that thou open thine hande vnto thy brother / whiche is nedy ande poore in thy lande Deut. xxiiij If thou lende a poore bodie saith god thou shalt not lye downe to slepe with his pledge / but shalt delyuer hym his pledge againe whan the Sonne goeth downe / that he maye slepe in hys owne raiment / and blesse the / so shall the same be rekened vnto rightuousnes / before the lorde thy God Psal xiiij a Lord saith Dauid who shall dwel in thy tabernacle Who shall reste vppon thy holy hyll He that sweareth vnto his neighbour and disapointeth him not He that geueth not his money vpon vsurie / and taketh no rewarde against the innocent Ezec. xviij If a man be Godly ande do the thinge that is equall and right / he greueth no bodie / he geueth his detter his pledge again / he parteth his meate with the hungrie / he clotheth the naked / he lēdeth nothing vppon vsurie / he withdraweth his hand frō doyng wronge / he handleth faithfully betwixt man ād man Math. xxv Psal xiiij a This is a rightuous man / he shall surely lyue / sayth the Lorde God E●●●h xxij Thou haste receaued gyftes to shed bloude Thou hast taken vsurie ād increase Thou hast oppressed thy neighbours by extorcion / ande forgotten me / sayth the lorde God He that hath pitie vppon the pore / lendeth vnto the lord / and loke what he laieth oute / it shal be paide him againe Pro. xix c Exhortacion to Whooremongers and Fornicatours Prouerb v. Prou. vij a The lyppes of an harlotte are a dropping honycombe / and her throte is softer than oyle But at the last she is as bitter as wormewoode / ād as sharpe as a two-edged swerde Her fete go downe vnto death / and her steppes pearse thorowe vnto hell She regardeth not the path of life / so vnstedfast are her wayes that thou cāst not knowe them Heare me therfore O my sonne ād departe not from the wordes of my mouth Kepe thy waye farre from her / ande come not nygh the doores of her house That thou moorne not at the last when thou hast spent thy bodye and goodes and then saye Alas / why hated I nurtoure Why did my harte despise correccion Wherfore was not I obedient vnto the voyce of my teachers / ande harkened not vnto them that enfourmed me Prou. v c Iob. 31. a My sonne / why wylt thou haue pleasure in an harlot and embrace the bosome of an other woman For euerye mannes wayes are open in the sight of the lorde / ād he pondereth all their goinges Prou. 23. c The mouth of an hariot / is a depe pit / wherin he falleth that the lorde is angrie wythall A folish restlesse woman / full of woordes / and soche one as hath no knowledge / sytteth in the doores of her house vppon a stoole aboue in the citie / to call soche as go by / and walke strayght in their wayes Prou. ix ● Who so is ignoraūt saith she set hī come hither / and to the vnwyse / she saith stolen waters are swete / ande the breade that is priuelie eaten / hath a good taste But they cōsyder not that death is there and that her gestes go downe to hell He that loueth harlottes / spendeth awaye that he hath Pro. xxix a Turne awaye thy face from a beautyfull woman and loke not vppon the fayrenes of other Eccl. ix a Mat. v. c Many a man hath perisshed thorowe the beautie of women / for thorowe it / the desyre is kindled as it were a fyre A whoore is a depe graue / and a harlot is a narrowe pytte Prou. xxiij Proue xx●● She lurketh lyke a thefe / and those that be not a ware she brīgeth vnto her Let vs not committe whooredme as some of them did / and fell in one day thre and twentie thousand i. Cor. x. a i. Tess iiij Ephes iiij Toby vj. d Rom. i. e The will of God is / that ye shulde abstaine from whooredome / that euery one of you shuld knowe howe to possesse hys vessell in holines and honour / and not in the lust of concupiscence / as the heathen / which knowe not God Ephe. i ●● c Math. xij d Let no fylthie communication proceade oute of your mouth / but that which is good / to edify withall And greue not the spyrite of God / wherwith ye are sealed vnto the daye of redemption 1 Cor. 6. ● Flee whoordome All sinnes that a mā doth / are without the bodie But he that committeth whooredome / synneth agaīst his owne bodie Knowe ye not that your bodie is the Temple of the holighoost Whome ye haue of GOD / ande are not your owne Gal. d. c i. Cor. vj. b Aduouterers / whooremongers / fornicatours ād vnclene parsons / shall not inheret the kingdome of God Ierem. v. d Shulde I then saith the lorde for all this haue mercy vppon the Thy childrē haue forsaken me / ande sworne by them that are no Gods And albeit they were bounde to me in mariage / yet they fell to aduourrie / and haunted harlots houses In the desyre of vnclenly luste / they are become lyke the stoned horse / euery mā neieth at his neighbours wife Ezech. xxi Ierem. ix Shulde I not correct this / saith the lorde And shuld I not be auenged of euery people that is lyke vnto this Exhortation vnto dronckardes Iob. xxj ● Wo be vnto them that ryse vp earlye to vse them in dronkēnes / ād yet at night are more supperfluous in wine In whose companies are harpes and lutes / ●abrettes and pipes But they regarde not the worke of the lorde / and consyder not the operation of his handes Prou. iij. a Wo be vnto them that are conning mē to suppe oute
The ordenaRye for all faythfull Chrystiās to leade a vertuous and Godly lyfe here in this vale of miserie ¶ Translated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Anthony Scoloker ¶ i. Cor. vij ¶ Let euerie one abyde in the calling wherin he is called IMPRINTED at Ippeswych / by Anthony Scoloker Dwellyng in S. Nycholas Parryshe Anno. 1548. ¶ Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ¶ To the christen Reader PAule good Christen reader the fyrst to Timothe the seconde chapter / speaking of our great graundmother Eue / who after that she was deceaued and subdued vnto the transgressyon / brought forth death vppon all her posterite declareth / that to heale so great a wounde / and to appeare beautifully in the eyes of the mightie Lorde whose dere sonne Iesus Christ sayde 2. Timo. 2. Iohn 27. Father those that thou hast geuen vnto me I will that where I am they be also with me / that they maye see my glorie After the first rudiment of a Chrstian the which is faith iij waytyng virgins / ought to be attendaunt ande seruiceable vnto him / that in this vale of miserie intēdeth to leade a parfect life / Loue holines and discretion Vnder the which discretion as it maye be gathered by the properte of the Greke terme ī that place are comprised chastite / temperaunce / modesté and decēt shame fastnes / because all these vertues are alwayes coherent ande Ioined to gether sophroline And holines / like as she requireth to flie frō all vice / so doth she require the exercise of all vertuous workes and doinges that procede effectually frō faith / thorowe loue That the name of him maye be sanctified who sayde vnto his father I haue declared vnto thē / thy name And will declare it / that the loue wherwith thou hast loued me / maye be in them and I in them Ioan. 15. Wherfore that by loue / the duetie of all men from the lowest to the highest maye be knowen from the one to the other / reade ouer this lytle booke / that walkinge in the daungerous patthes of this exile thou mayest knowe howe to be trained vnto the mansyon place / prepared vnto the rightuous that neuer shall haue ende Howe the spirituall Prelates ought to vse thē selues towardes the Comune People BEholde / I sende you forth as shepe amonge wolues Math. 10. b Go ye your waye ande teach all nations and baptyse them in the name of the father / and of the sonne / ād of the holighoost Math. 27. c And teache them to kepe all thinges / what soeuer I haue commaunded you Iohn 15. b. Col. 1. a. Yea haue not chosen me / but I haue chosen you / and ordeined you / that ye go / and bringe forth frute Iohn 25. c. Act. 1 ● and 2. ● And ye shall beare me witnes / not onelie at Ierusalē / but also through oute the lande of Iury / and Samaria / and to the vttermust coastes of the earth Ioan. 20. c. Receyue the holyghoost Whose synnes soeuer ye remit / they are remitted vnto them ande whose synnes soeuer ye retaine / they are retained Mat. 18. b. Math. 16. c. Verely I saye vnto you what soeuer ye shall binde vppon earth / shal be bounde also in heauen / and what soeuer ye lowse vppon earth / shal be lowsed also in heauē Act. 20. d. Take hede vnto your selues / and to all the flocke / amonge the whiche the holyghoost hath set you to be Bysshoppes / to fede the congregation of God / whiche he hath purchased with his owne bloude Ephes 4. a. Iesus christ which came downe from heauen / ande is gone vp againe aboue all heauens to fulfyll all / hath set some to be Apostles / some to be Prophetes / some to 1. Cor. 12. c. be Euangelistes / some to be shepheardes and teachers / wherby the saintes might be coupled together / thorowe comē seruice to the edefying of the body of Christ A Bisshoppe must be blamelesse 1. Tim. 3. a. Leuit. 21. b. Ezec. 44. d. Tet. 3. b. The husband of one wife sober / discrete / manerlie / harberous / apte to teache / not geuē to moche wine / no fyghter / not geuen to fylthy lucre / but gentle abhorring stryfe / abhorring conuetuousnes / and one that ruleth his owne house honestlie / hauing obediēt children with all honestie For yf he can not rule his owne house / howe shall he care for the congregation of God The seruaunt of the lorde ought not to striue / but to be gentle vnto euerye mā / apte to teache / one that can forbeare the euell / one that can with mekenes enforme them that resyst / if God at any tyme wyll giue them repentaunce for to knowe the trueth / and to turne againe from the snare of the deuell / which are holden in pryson of hym / at his wyll 2. Tim. 2. c. Gal. 6. a Preach the woorde / be feruent be yt in 2. Tim. 4. a season or oute of seasō / Improue / rebuke / exhorte wyth all longe sufferynge ād doctrine For the tyme wyll come / whan they shall not suffere wholsome doctrine / but after theyr owne lustes shall they whose eares ytche get thē an heape of teachers / and shall turne theyr eares from the trueth / and shal be geuen vnto fables But watch thou in all thinges / suffer aduersytie / do the worke of a preacher of the Gospell / fullfyll thyne offyce vnto the vttermust Pro. 27. c. Ioh. 10. a See that thou knowe the nombre of thy cattell / and loke well to thy flokes Tito 1. b A Bysshoppe must cleaue faste vnto the true woorde of doctrine / that he maye be able to exhorte with wholsome learning / and to improue them that saye against it 1. Pet. 5. c. Act. 5. c. Act. 20. d. The Elders which are among you I exhorte / whiche am also an Elder / ande a witnes of the affliction in Christe / ande partaker of the glory that shal be opened Fede Christes flocke which is amōg you / ande take the ouersyght of them / not as though ye were cōpelled therto / but willinglie / not for the desyre of fylthy sucre / but of a good minde / not as though ye were lordes ouer the parysshens / but that ye Tit. 2. a. be an ensample to the flocke Who soeuer wil be great amonge you / let hym be your minister / and who soeuer wil be chefe let hi be your seruaunt Mat. 20. a. Euen like as the sonne of man came / not to be serued but to do seruice / and to gyue hys life to a redemption for many Mat. 10. a. Go and preache the Gospell / sayinge The kingdom of heauē is at hande Heale the sycke / clense the lepers raise the deade / cast out the deuelles Frelie ye haue receiued / frely giue againe
Who is nowe a faithfull seruaūt / whome his Lorde hath made ruler ouer his housholde / that he maye geue them meate in due season Mat. 24. a. Mat. 25. b. Blessed is that seruaunt / whome his lorde whā he commeth shall fynde so doinge / verelye I saye vnto you / he shall sect him ouer all his goodes Apoc. 16. c. But and if the euell seruaunt shall saye in hys harte Tush it wil be longe or my lord come / ād beginne to smite his fellowes / yea / and to eate and drinke with the dronkē / the same seruaūtes lord shal come in a daye / whan he looketh not for him / ād in an houre that he is not ware of / ād shall heawe him in peces / and giue him his rewarde with ypocrites / where shal be waiting and gnasshing of tethe Ezech. 33. b I haue made the a watchman vnto the house of Israell / that where as thou headest any thinge oute of my mouthe / thou maist warne them on my behalfe ij Para. xix See that ye do thus in the feare of the lorde / and faithfully in a parfet harte / In all causes that come vnto you from your bretheren whiche dwell in their Cities betwene bloude and bloude / betwene lawe and commaundemēt / betwene statutes and ordenaunces ye shall enforme thē that they synne not against the lorde / and so the wrath to come vppō you and youre bretheren Luk. 10. Possesse neyther golde nor siluer For the labourer is worthy of his rewarde Go not from house to house And into what soeuer citie you entre / and they receaue you eate soche thinges as are set before you Howe the Comen People ough● to ●se and behaue them selues towardes the spyrituall Prelates Let euery man this wyse esteme vs / euen for the ministers of Christe / and stewardes of the secretes of God 1. Cor. 4. a 2 Cor. 6 a Deu. x ix Iere. xx● c Nowe is there no more required of the stewardes then that they be founde faithfull Humble thy soule vnto the elder / and bowe downe thy heade to a man of worshyppe 〈…〉 iiij a Eccli 7. d. Deut. 12. c. Num 1● d. and c. Feare the lorde with all thy soule / and honoure his ministers / loue thy maker with all thy strength / and forsake not his seruauntes Feare the lorde with all thy soule / and honoure his priestes 2. Tim. 5. c. The Elders that rule well / are worthy of double honoure / moost specyally they which labour in the worde ād in teachinge Deut. 25. a. 2. Cor. 9. b. Mat. 10. a. For the scripture sayeth Thou shalt not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth oute the corne And the labourer is worthy of his rewarde 1. Thes 5. b Gal. 5. a. 2. Tim. 5. b We beseke you brethrē / that ye knowe them whiche laboure amōge you / and haue the ouersyght of you in the lorde / ande geue you exhortacion / that ye haue them the more in loue / for theyr woordes sake / and be at peace with them Hebr. 13. a. Remembre them which haue the ouersyght of you / whiche haue declared vnto you the worde of God The ende of whose conuersacion / see that ye loke vppon / ād followe their faith Obey them / and submit your selues vnto thē / for they watch for your soules / euen as they that must giue accountes therfore Who goeth a warrefare at any time / vppon his owne wages 2. Cor. 9. Who planteth a vinyarde / and eateth not of the frute therof Who fedeth a flocke / and eateth not of the milk of the flock Rom. 15. d. Gal. ● a. If we haue sowē vnto you spiritual thīges / is it a great thīg if we reape your bodelie thynges But if other be partakers of this power on you / wherfore are not we rather Knowe ye not that they which labour in the temple / haue theyr liuing of the temple And they that waite at the aulter / enioie the aulter Euen thus also hath the lorde ordeined / that they which preach the Gospell / shuld liue of the Gospell Mat. 10. a. Ezechias commaūded the people that dwelt at Ierusalem / that they shulde giue porcions of theyr goodes vnto the priestes / that they might the more stedfastlye endure in the lawe of the lorde 2. P●● 3● ● If a matter be to harde for the in iudgement / betwene bloude ande bloude / betwene plee ande plee / betwene stroke and stroke Deut. 17. Thou shalt ryse / and go to the priestes / the leuites / and to the Iudge which shal be at that time / and shalt axe of them / and they sha●l shewe the howe to iudge / and thou shalte doo therafter / as they saye vnto the. And if any man deale presumptuouslie / so that he harkeneth not vnto the priest which standeth to do seruice vnto the lord thy god or to the Iudge / the same shall die Howe the Wordlie and superiour powers / as Emperour / Kinges / Princes / Iudges and Rulers ought to liue with theyr subiectes Heare Oye Kinges and vnderstand Sapi. vj. ● O learne ye that be Iudges of the endes of the earth / giue care / ye that rule the multitudes / and delite in moche people Rom. xiij ● For the power is geuen you of the lorde / and the strength from the highest / which shall trye your workes / ande search oute your Imaginacions / howe that ye / being offycers of his kingdome / haue not executed true iudgement / haue not kepte the lawe of ryghtuousnes / nor walked after the wyll of God A Kynge shall not haue many horses / neither shall he haue many wiues / neither shall he gather him siluer ande Golde to moche Deut. xvij He shall not lift vp his harte aboue his bretheren / and shall not turne a syde from the commaundementes of God / neither to the right hand nor to the lifte hande Mercy and faithfulnes preserue the Kinge / ande with louinge kindenes his seate is holden vp Pro. xx ● The seate of the kinge that faithfullye iudgeth the poore / shall continue sure for euermore Pro. xxix ● Like as a roaringe lion and an hungrie beare / euen so is an vngodlie prince ouer the poore people Where the prince is without vnderstanding / ther is great oppressyon and wronge But if he be soche one as hateth couuetuousnes / he shall longe raigne M●c●e 2. a. Deut. 17. d. Ierem. 5. a. Psal 132. a. Heare o ye heades of the house of Iacob / ād ye leaders of the house of Israell Shulde not ye knowe what were laufull and right But ye hate the good / ande loue the euell / ye plucke of mens skinnes / ād the flesh from their bones Iere. 22. a. and 21. d. Zachar 7. b and 8. c. Kepe equitie and rightuousnes / deliuer the