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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16863 The lamentacyon of a Christe[n] agai[n]st the citye of London for some certaine greate vyces vsed theri[n]. Brinkelow, Henry, d. 1546. 1548 (1548) STC 3766; ESTC S106581 25,021 94

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knoweth where to be sped Yea if she will not graunt to hym he will not shame to threaten her to open her vice ande so for feare she muste agree to his abhomynable desyre What a blīdnes is it to thīke my sinnes forgeuen me when a Preest of Antychryste as the moste parte be hath wagged two or thre Fyngers ouer my head Dauid sayth I confessed my synne vnto the Lorde ande he harde me ande forgaue me Psal. xxii The Israelites whē they had offēded the lord God and after ernestly repented callynge to the Lorde onelye formercy brynging forth the frutes of Repentaunce Ware in cōtynent deliuered from their Aduersaries as appereth Iudicū viii.ix and in many other places of the Byble This was before anye auriculare confe●●ion was knowē For y t no dout was the inuēciō of Antichryst of Ro. And one chefe cause was to betray prīces and other greate men For what noble mā was it in Christendome that spake agaynste forked cappes many years lōg but the Bysshoppe of Rōe had hys confession with all speade ād sodēly they wold bewitche the Prynce of the Realme and fordge some Matter agaynste hym and so of force he shuld be made a traitour ande so suffre dethe I thinke thys matter be manyfest ynough to many mē as well in Englonde as elles where Well thys vyle thynge was not from the begynnyng neyther shall it contynewe to the ende Euen as youre inordynate Possessyons ware not of your heauēly fathers plantynge nor sowing ād therfore muste be plucked vp by the rotes with youre companyons bretherne in Antychryste Abbottes as is afore sayde Some wyll saye it maye be well vsed which I vtterlye denye It shall nor can neuer be well vsed so longe as prestes maie kepe whores without daunger of dethe whiche burthē maye ryghtfullye be laide vppon them seynge thy abhorre matrimonie instituted of God agaynste whiche synne was no remedy but deth in y e olde law where as thefte was but rendrynge double For this ande soche lyke thyngs be ye lerned ye rulers lest y e Lord be āgrie Psal. secundo Agayne I saye it shall neuer be well vsed of al prestes as lōge as they shall grope our partyculare synnes whyche is not necessarie For why yf I be repentaunt ande ernestelye minded neuer to fall to myne accustomed synnes againe I doubte not but I am forgeuē without the preste for Chrystes sake onelye Ande yf I haue not that repentaunce euen from the bottome of my herte ande beleue not that I am forgeuen for Chrystes sake as is afore sayde all the prestes in Engelonde saye I nor yet the beare wolfe of ROME can forgeue me Thus ye maye se where in consyste the confeffyon for the offence to God warde And as touching thy neighboure thou must reconsyle thy selfe to hym whome thou hast offended and make restytucyon to thy power ande yf thou be not able to make recompēce with goodes thou oughteste to offre hym thy bodye And euen as thou art bounde so to do so is he bounde to shewe the mercy But thou thy dewtye ande thus euerye neyghboure to reconsyle eche to other is the ryght confessyon chaunsinge betwene brethern or neighbors as apereth in Iohan the .vii. chapter ande in Mathew the .vii. chapter Thou Bysshoppe ande thou false Prophete wylt say that it is ordayned of GOD ande wilt bringe in chefely for the that Chryste sent the tēne Lepers to the prestes Whyche serueth asmoche for confession whyche we make to a preste as to laye an onyon to my lytle fynger for the totheache To you blynde guydes y t be ignorantly blynde speke I and not to these that be willfully blīde Let them be still blinde yet I exhorte all christians to praye for them that they maye see But wilt thou knowe y e trewe causes why Chryst sent those Lepers aboue all other whyche he healed and none other to the prestes reade the .xiii. and the .xiiii. chapter of Leui. ande there shalt thou see that it was appoynted of GOD that no parson ones hauynge the lepprie shuld come amonge the congregacyon of the whole tyll he was clensed And for a certaīte that he shulde be fyrst whole the prest had the ouersyght and kept hym certayne dayes for a tryall to be sure that he was whole before he wolde so admitte hym Ande when the prestes founde hym whole in dede then dede they admitte him after he had offred y e oblaciō cōmaunded in Moises law to go abrod amōg y e whole ād for bicause Chryst wold not breke y e law but was the fulfiller of the lawe sent he them to the Prestes not to shewe theyr sīnes for they shewed none during the hole time of Moyses lawe but for y e cause afore sayde An other cause y t he sent thē was that y e Prestes sclaūdred Christe saying that he Blasphemed Math. ix Luc. v. Iohā v. Therfor Christ bad them offre the Oblacyon commaunded in Moyses lawe for a wytnesse agaynst theyr infydelytie For they of force must confesse that Chryst healed thē For why they admitted them for cleane ād receyued the Oblacion and yet sclaundred they Chryst so settinge them selues wythout all Excuse of theyre mooste worthye ande wilfull Dampnacyon Chryste ded not onely sende y e tēne Lepres but also other Lepres that he healed But let them fynde that euer Chyriste sēt any other that he healed to the prestes as y e sycke of y e palseye the diseased of the blouddy flyxe the possessed w t deuels ād soche other lyke which not w tstondynge ware sīners as well as the lepers and had neade of remyssiō of their synne as well as they Then let me die for it O ye Antychristes ye your selues maye see how lytle thys text of the Lepers serueth for aurycular cōfession Woo be to youe ye wresters ād wrythers of Gods holy worde I coulde bryng in as good auctoryte agaynste the rest of your wicked decrees but I wyll defer it to the makyng of an other worke which shalbe shortly if the lord lende me lyfe Yf not I doubte not but he shal rayse other that shall accomplysh that which I haue begon For doubte nott but Godes chosē will with the scrypture fyght agaynste your wycked decrees yea although their bloud be shedde therfore Yea asmoche Ioie haue they to set forthe the glorye of God ād to bryng theyr brethern to the knowledge of your blynde errours ande to teache them the waye to avoyde them callinge them to Chryst Euen asmoche Ioye I saie and with as free a hert as ye haue to rob Chryst of hys honoure geuing part to hym parte to the creatures by hī created yea ād moche more then ye haue in mayntaynyge of your kingdome in pompe ād pride in shedīg of the bloude of innocentes For we knowe that y e Lord hath promised vs none other rewarde ī thys life And ye haue made wonderous goode prouysyon for the same FOR who soeuer shall preach Chryst
reade their workes maye beare recorde with thē against your lyes Who teacheth so moche the obedyēce towardes the hygher powers as God onely in them doth whych preache or wryte the gospell yea hath not GOD through theyr preachīges brought your kyngedome vnder the temporalle powers whyche many yeares hath vsurped ouer them Ande bycause ye wolde not be vnder the obedyence whych the scrypture teached hath coste manye a thousande mens lyues ande som prestes amonge And thys poynte I wyshe vnto all kynges that wyll not willfully be blinde to beware of you crafty ād wilye Bishoppes Although they will not considre the iniuries y t they haue done to Christes churche or congregacyon in persecutynge them vnto deth for trulye preachynge ande wrytynge Godes glorye ande minyshynge the glorie of Antychryst althogh I saye that the Kynges of the earth and other high powers will not considre Christes cause yet let them cōsidre their owne what howe tirānously y e Bisshoppes Kingdome hath vsed their progenitours Kynges of Englōde Agaynst whome they ware euer the heades and the beginners the foundacyon ande the very origynall of all mischeue Reade the storye of Wylliam Rufus and of Kynge Henry the seconnde howe he was vsed by Thomas Becket Kynge Iohā how he was vsed of ād by Stephen Lanckton Bysshoppe of Cantorbury whyche wyll pytye any Chrysten herte to heare aswell for the wicked vsinge of the goode Kynge anoynted of GOD as of the bondage ād thrauldome that he brought y e whole realme in But suche is the Charitye of Bisshoppes as well in all other realmes where they maye beare rule as In Englond And though it appere that some of y e trobles which chaunsed to the Kynges of Englonde ī tymes past came by Abbotes of these fyllthye Monasteryes ryghtfully deposed nowe of late yet came the grounde from the forked merchauntes For be thow sure neuer came any dyspleasure to anye Prynce in Englonde or elles where for sekynge any Godly redresse ande Goddes glorie but y e originall maintayners of y e same ware these forked cappes Aboue all y e mēbres of Antichryst I saie beware of them all you y t wyll not willfully be blīd They be the verye right chefe wolues y t Chryst speaketh of Mat. vii callyng them wolues in shepes clothynge What is that shepes clothīge No doubt y e worde of God vnder the pretence of the whych worde they come to confounde the worde as moche as lyeth in them Theyr actes appere to thē that will not wyll fullye be blynded Full well knowe they yf they shulde not come vnder a pretēce of holynes ād speciallie w t a pretēce of the worde of God of the churche of GOD of the doctrine of Christ of the olde true lernīg of seauen or eyght hōdreth yeares olde ce That no mā wold beleue them Yet for all theyr outward meakenes ande holines they be withyn rauening wolues accordinge to Christs saīge in the place aboue rehersed as their actes and charitye hath appered of late yeres vppon the seruauntes of GOD. And Christ here sheweth vs howe we should knowe thē Read the places ād ye shall see them descrybed as appereth .i Timo i. and .ii. and .ii. Timot. iii. ande i. Ioan. ii ād .iiii. And yf ye will geue no credite to it your own bloude vppon your heades accordinge to the sayenge of the Prophete Ezechiell in the .iii. Chapter How is thys to be lamented seynge the Kynges grace hath set out Iniunccions y t all Uycars Persons Curates shal purely ād syncerely preache y e Gospell and leaue their owne dreames and yet not with stōdyng these Iniuncciōs whosoeuer preacheth the Gospell aright but euen the very Text whych the Holye Ghost wrote ande cryeth againste the callīg vppō any sauīg helth through the wayes and workes of mās inuēcions agaīst y e which all y e Prophetes crie as is afore saide he I saie y t so truly labourethe in the vineyarde of the Lorde ye Bysshoppes will either hange him or bourne him or pryuelie murther hym And vppon the contrarye parte let them neuer so openly preache their owne dreames yet maye no man trouble them nor saye black is their eie And no maruell for Chryste had promysed them no trouble or crosse ī this worlde which preache not but persecute hys worde Thus be ye theues and robbers of all Chrystyanytye stealynge from vs the spyrytuall fode of our soules Yea a thousande tymes worse be ye then the thefe that robbe the vppon the hyghe waye for neade And yet so bewitche you the higher powers ād the riche of y e worlde y t they can not escape your robberye and no maruell for y e worlde wyll loue his owne as Christ sayth Iohan. xv O ye deuelles ye blinde guides and seducers of the people howe of late bewitched you y e Parlamēt house Euē by your inuencions ād deuelishe studie haue ye caused actes decrees to be made so cleane contrarye to the lawes of y e lyuinge God that I saye vnto you the verie bearewolfe that abhominable whore of Rome neuer made so cruell actes He neuer made it dethe for a preste to marye a wyfe But ye shame not onelye to seperate them that be maryed so contrarye to GODDES worde whyche saythe let no man seperate that wich GOD hath couplede Mathewe .xix. but haue also made it deathe Oh generacyon worse then the Uyper Dothe not saynte Paul saye let euerye man that hath not the gyfte of chastytye take hys wife .i. Cor. vii Here is no parsō excepted And that the Apostels had wyues y e scripture is playne As saynt Peter wyth other Mat. viiii Ye will saye ye haue the gifte of chastitye Well the chastytye of the moste part of you that procured those wicked actes is meately well knowen and therfore make ye it no abhominacion to kepe whores Ye abhorre y e remedy ordayned of God ande maītayne the remedy of sathā as appereth by wīchesters gardyn Well ye Bysshoppes ande ye Chanons of the churche of beell ye shutters vp of Godes worde accordynge to hys owne Prophetie Mat. xxiii Luc. xi To you I can saye no more but though y e worlde or worldlye people laugh vppō you yet will y e vengeaūce of God lyght vppon your forked cappes ād cathedrall churches of Beel one daye and that shortelye excepte ye amende betymes Ys not your aurycular confessyon also abhominable Yes ād that one of the moste fylthyest thynges vsed vppon earth as hath playnlye appered by the feates of your chaplaynes in dyuerse places of Englonde of late ād some withyn thys two yeares I coulde name the prestes and y e places also but I will passe it ouer with scylence trustyng in the Lord y e hygher powers shall ones se the myschefe that cōmeth therof and redresse it What an abhomynacyon is it that I shuld go poure oute my vyces in the eare of an vnlearned buzarde ād specyally for a woman whereby Syr Iohan