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kingdom_n glory_n know_v lord_n 2,445 5 3.6014 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12284 A censure upon the dialogue of the Anabaptists intituled, A description of what God hath predestinated concerning man ... By Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1623 (1623) STC 226; ESTC S100100 65,025 70

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were not Gods people shall be his people c. if they seeke righteousnesse by faith and these are the elect according to the election of grace Election they say is not of particular person but of qualitie all persons are Gods generation and those persons in whom hee findeth faith and obedience of his meere mercy those persons hee electeth to salvation for the quality he findeth in them whi●h hee himselfe hath wrought by his word and Spirit which they might haue resisted but did not but submitted to the righteousnesse of God and this is Gods purpose of election before the world was and these are they whom God knew or acknowledged before And for Gods decree they feigne it to be thus I will cause all Nations to be taught by Christ and so many of them being all called as doe not behaue themselues as they ought I will cause to be punished and the rest I will blesse and make happie This is the doctrine of blind Odegos the Guide and ignorant Ereunetes the Searcher answereth I doe thinke it so to haue bene Answ. Very ignorantly and erroneously haue they propounded their opinion with some truth mixing much errour that the blind may lead the blind into the ditch It is true that such men as they describe are Gods elect it is also true that God hath wrought these good things in them by his Word and Spirit But false it is that our election dependeth upon this condition False that election is not of particular persons but of quality False it is and thwarting their former speech that God electeth those persons in whom he findeth faith and obedience For before election no such persons are to be found among all the sonnes of Adam False it is and an abusing of the Scripture to say that God chooseth to himselfe a righteous man False it is to say in this matter of Election that all persons are Gods generation Briefly the whole tenour of their description of Gods election is perverse and erroneous For 1 No scripture telleth them that our election to life dependeth on this condition of our faith and obedience Faith and obedience are the effects not the cause of our election and are conditions following election not going before it as it is written As many as were ordained to eternall life beleeved Act. 13.48 teaching that Gods ordaining to life that is his election went before their beleeving but these men invert the order of God and would teach that so many as beleeved beforehand were ordeined to life 2 The Apostle teacheth us that whom God foreknew he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Sonne Rom. 8.29 so that our conformity to the image of Christ our faith obedience bearing of his crosse c. is that whereunto not that wherefore God predestined or chose us This is most apparant by the words following Whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them hee also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified Rom. 8.30 So then glorifying commeth after justifying justifying after calling calling after predestinating or choosing unto life and these graces are not before predestination or causes of it as these adversaries would perswade 3 It is written that God hath chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and hee predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Iesus Christ Eph. 1.4.5 so that our holinesse and our adoption are things that we are chosen unto and doe follow election but are not the things going before and which we are chosen for because God findeth them in us 4 Paul teacheth us that God justifyeth the ungodly that beleeue in him Rom. 4 5 now those whom he justifieth he did choose and predestinate before Rom. 8.30 therefore he chose the ungodly the unrighteous that they may be made godly righteous and holy through his grace But these men say God chooseth a righteous man whereas the Scripture saith There is none righteous no not one there is none that understandeth none that seeketh after God Rom. 3.10.11 so that if God should chuse the righteous onely none at all should be chosen They say it is according to the Scripture but they shew no Scripture that accordeth to their saying If they intend Psal 4.3 the Lord hath set apart or separated him that is godly for himselfe for I know not else what Scripture they should meane they are deceived and would deceiue for David speaketh not there of his election to life but of his being set apart to the glory of the kingdome of Israel vvhich his enemies would haue turned to ignominy neither useth he the vvord of election but of setting-apart or separating after a marvellous sort vvhich vvord is used for Gods administration tovvards his people after they are elected and called as appeareth in Ex. 33.16 11.7 yea and it is applyed to bruit beasts vvhich are not partakers of the Election that vve treat of Ex. 9.4 5 Moses teacheth Israel that God gaue them not inheritance in the earthly Canaan much lesse in the Kingdome of Christ for their righteousnesse or uprightnesse of their hearts Deut. 9 4.5.6 he telleth them Because God loved their fathers therefore hee choose their seed after them Deut. 4.37 But these men vvould persvvade that because men deny themselues take up the crosse follovv Christ that is because they are righteous and holy therefore God chooseth them to inherite heaven 6 Because all men are by nature or creation the off-spring or generation of God Act. 17.28 these men vvould conclude that election to eternall life is not of particular persons but of quality as if our first naturall birth and our second supernaturall birth vvere all one or because all persons are of God by creation therefore no persons or all persons are of God by regeneration and by election But it is palpable error to confound things so different They proceed in their error and say All men to whom the Gospel is preached were elected to salvation in Christ not actually for they could not be actually chosen before they had actually any being but in the eternall purpose of God upon the condition afore spoken Answ. Their first assertion is against truth against reason It is not true that all to whom the Gospell is preached were elected to salvation in Christ no scripture sayth so We are taught the contrary by Act. 13.46.48 where the Gospell was preached to many but all that heard it were not elected to salvation for as many as were ordained that is elected to eternall life beleeved But all beleeved not therefore all were not ordained or elected to life Against reason it is to say All are elected for election implieth a leaving or refusing of some Where all ar taken no choyse is made Their second saying is all were elected not actually because they had no being but in Gods eternall purpose The action is in God not in