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A09942 Praiers of holi fathers, patryarches, prophetes, iudges, kynges, and renowmed men and wemen of eyther testamente; Bible. English. Selections. Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534. Precationes Biblicae. 1544 (1544) STC 20200; ESTC S105486 67,253 226

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destroye hym This shall get the an euerlastyng memoryall yf the hande of a womanne ouerthrowe hym for thy power O Lord standeth not in the powir of men nether hast thou any pleasure in the strength of horses There was neuer proud persone that pleased thee but in the prayer of the humble and meke hathe thy pleasure been euermore O thou God of heauens thou maker of waters and Lorde of all creatures heare me poore woman callyng vpon thee and puttynge my truste in thy mercy Remembre thy couenaunt O Lorde and minister wordes in my mouthe and stablyshe this deuice in my hearte that thy house may contynue styll in holinesse and that al the heathen may knowe vnderstand that thou arte God and that there is none other but thou ¶ An other prayer of Iudith whiles she went about to slee the enemy Holofernes Iudith 13. STrengthen me God of Israel and haue respect vnto the woorkes of my handes in this houre lyke as thou haste promised graunted that by thee I may perfourme the thyng which I haue deuised thorowe the belefe that I haue in thee Oh strenthen me I beseche thee at this houre ¶ The prayer of Mardocheus in the pursure of Haman for all the Iewes nacion Aester 13. O Lord thou valyaunt and mightye kyng for all thynges are in thy power yf thou wylte helpe and delyuer Israel there is no manne can withstande thee for thou haste made both heauen and earth thou art Lord of all and there is none can resist thee O Lord. Thou knowest all thou wotest Lord it was neither of malice nor of presumption neither for any desire of glori that I would not how doune myselfe and worshyp the moste proude Ha nā for I would gladly if it might haue tourned Israell to good haue kyste euen his footsteps but I feared least I should haue geuen Gods glori vnto a man because I would worshyp none but only thee And therfore O Lord thou God and king haue mercy vpon thy people for they ymagē how to bryng vs to naught yee their desire is ful set to destroy and ouerthrowe the people that hath euer been thyne Oh despise not thyne owne good which thou haste delyuered and brought forth of Egypte euen for thyne owne cause Heare my prayer bee mercyful to thy people whom thou hast chosen for an heritage to thyselfe Tourne our cōplaint sorow into ioy so as we may line O Lord and prayse thy name O Lord suffer not the mouthes of theim that prayse thee to bee destroyed ¶ The prayer of quene Hester for her selfe and all her countrye menne Hester 13. O My Lorde thou onely arte our Kyng helpe me a desolate woman which haue no helper but thee for my miserie and destruccion is harde at myne hande of a chylde I learned of my father that thou tokest vp Israel out of all peoples and oure fathers out of all theyr progenitours that they shuld bee thy perpetuall enheritaunce and loke what thou dyddest promyse theim thou hast made it good vnto thē Now Lorde wee haue synned before thee therfore hast thou geuen vs into the handes of our enemyes because wee worshypped theyr goddes Lorde thou are ryghteous neuerthelesse they are not satisfied that they oppresse vs with moste heuy thraldome but also imputing the strength of theyr handes vnto the power of their ydols they wyll chaunge thy promises and destroye thyne enherytaunce and stoppe the mouthes of theim that prayse thee and quenche the glorie of thyne house and thyne aulter to open the mouthes of the heathen that they may prayse the power of ydols magnifie the fleshly kyng for euer Lorde geue not thy scepter vnto theim that bee nothyng worthy least they laugh at our fall but tourne theyr deuyce vpon theimselues and punyshe hym that hath begoon to rage vpō vs. Thinke vpon vs O Lord and shewe thy selfe in the tyme of our distresse Strengthen me O thou king of goddes thou Lorde of all power geue me pleasaunt speche in my mouth before the Lyon Tourne his heart to hate our enemy to destroye hym all suche as consent to hym But delyuer vs with thy hande and helpe the forsaken woman which haue no helpe nor defence but onely the Lorde thou knowest all thou wotest I loue not the glori of the vnrighteous and hate the bed of the vncircūcysed and of all heathen Thou knowest my necessitie that I abhorre the token of my preeminence and worshyp whiche I beare vpon my heade what tyme I muste shewe myselfe bee seen and that I abhorre it as an vncleane clothe Thou knowest also that I thy hande mayden haue not eaten at Hamans table and that I haue had no pleasure in the Kynges feaste that I haue not dronke the drynke offrynges and that I thy handemayde haue had no ioye sythens the day I was broughte hyther vnto this daye but onely in thee O Lorde O thou God of Abraham O thou myghty God aboue all heare the voyce of theim whiche haue none other hope and delyuer vs oute of the hande of the wycked and ryd me out of my feare Amen ¶ The oracion and blessynge of Iob in his moste greuouse aduersytie and losse of his goodes Iob. 1. IOb shaued his head fell doune vpon the grounde worshypped God and saied Naked came I oute of my mothers wombe naked shall I retourne agayne The Lorde gaue and the Lorde hathe taken awaye as it hathe pleased the Lorde so it is dooen Nowe blessed bee the name of the Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer that wee maye bee delyuered frome oure aduersaries Esai 37. O Lorde of Hoostes thou God of Israel which syttest vpon Cherubin Thou art the God alone of all the kyngdomes of the worlde thou onely haste created Heauen and earth Encline thyne eare Lorde and consyder open thyne eyes and see delyuer vs frome the hande of oure aduersaries that all the kyngdomes of the earthe maye knowe that thou onely art the Lorde Amen ¶ The prayer of Esaye when the people were fore plaged Esaye 63.64 LOoke downe from heauen beholde the dwellyng place of thy sanctuari and thy glory howe is it that thy gelousye thy strengthe the multytude of thy mercyes and thy louyng kyndnesse wyll not be entreated of vs yet art thou oure father Abraham knoweth vs not neither was Israell acquaynted with vs. But thou Lord art our father and redemer thy name is euerlasting O lord wherfore haste thou led vs out of thy waye wherfore hast thou hardened our heartes that wee feare thee not Bee at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake that are of the generacion of thyne herytage Thy people hath had but lytle of thy sanctuarie in possessiō for our enemies haue takē it in And we are become euen as wee were in the beginning what time wee wer not vnder thy dominiō nor called not vpō thy name O that thou wouldest cleaue the heauen in sondre and come doune that the moūtaines
watch Oh Lorde before my mouth yea a watche at the dore of my lyppes Oh lette not myne heart bee enclined to any euyll thyng to bee mynded as the vngodly or wycked menne leaste I eate of such thinges as please theim Lette the ryghtuouse rather smyte me frendlye and reproue me so wyll I take it as though he had poured oyle vpon my heade it shall not hurte my heade but I wyll praye yet for theyr wyckednesse Theyr Iudges stumble at the stone yet heare they my woordes that they bee ioyfull Oure bones lye scatered before the pytte lyke as when one graueth and dyggeth vp the grounde But myne eyes looke vnto thee Oh Lorde God in thee is my truste caste not out my soule kepe me frome the snare which they haue laid for me and frome the trappes of the wycked dooers Lette the vngodlye falle into theyr owne nettes together vntyll I bee gooen by theim ¶ That wee maye bee led forthe of the pryson of distresse of synnes of death vnto the prayse and glorie of God that wee bee no longer pressed vpon earth Psal 146. I Crye vnto the Lorde with my voyce yea euen vnto the Lorde dooe I make my supplicacion I poure oute my complaynte beefore hym and shewe hym of my trouble When my spirite is in heuynesse for thou knowest my pathe in the waye wherin I walke haue thei priuely laid a snare for me I tooke vp my ryghte hand and se there is no man that wil know me I haue no place to flee vnto no man careth for my soule Therfore doo I cry vnto thee Oh Lord and say thou arte my hope and my porcion in the lande of the lyuyng Consider my cōplaint for I am brought very low oh delyuer me frome my persecuters for they are to stronge for me Bryng my soule out of pryson that I maye geue thankes vnto thy name Whiche thing yf thou wilt graunt me then shal the ryghteouse resorte vnto my company ¶ When wee fynde no merites in vs no ryghteousnes of oure owne but all thynges desperate And again remembre howe God frome the begynnyng of the worlde hathe wrought wonders in his sainctes and hathe neuer forsaken suche as call vpon hym thus may wee praye Psal 143. HEare my prayer Oh Lorde consyder my desyre answere me for thy trouth and r●hteousnes sake and entre not into iudgement with thy seruaunte for in thy syghte shall no man lyuing bee iustified For the enemye persecuteth my soule he smyteth my lyfe downe to the grounde he layeth me in the darknesse as the dead men of the world Therfore is my spirite vexed within me my hearte within me is desolate Yet dooe I remembre the times past I muse vpon all thy woorkes Yea I exercise my selfe in the woorkes of thy handes I stretche forthe myne handes vnto thee my soule cryeth vnto thee out of the thyrsty lande Heare me Oh Lorde and that ryghte sone for my spirite waxeth faint hide not thy face from me least I bee lyke vnto theim that gooe downe into the graue Oh lette me heare thy louyng kyndnesse bee tymes in the mornyng for in that is my truste shewe thou me the waye that I shoulde walke in for I lyfte vp my soule vnto thre Delyuer me Oh Lorde frome myne enemyes for I resorte vnto thee Teache me to dooe the thynge that pleaseth thee for thou arte my God lette thy louyng spirite leade me forth vnto the lande of ryghtuousnesse Quycken me Oh Lorde for thy names sake and for thy ryghtuousnes sake bryng my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnesse scatter myne enemyes abroade and destroye all theim that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunte ¶ A thankesgeuing that albeit wee be vile yet by the vertue of God wee bee stronge againste all straunge chyldren that is to saye suche as bee not chosen ●o the inheritaunce of God Psal 144. BLessed bee the Lorde my refuge whiche teacheth my handes to warre and my fingers to fyght My hope and my castle my defence and my delyuerer my shylde in whom I trust whiche gouerneth the people that is vnder my power Lorde what is māne that thou hast suche respecte vnto hym or the soonne of manne that thou so regardest hym Māne is like a thyng of naught his tyme passeth awaie like a shadowe Bow thy heauens oh Lorde come doune touche the moūtaines that thei maie smoke again Sende forth lightenyng scater theim shote oute thyne arowes consume theim Sende doune thyne hande from aboue deliuer me take me out of the great waters from the hande of straunge children Whose mouth talkyeth of vanitie and their righte hande is all falshed That I maie syng a newe song vnto thee oh God and syng prayses vnto thee vpon a ten strynged lute Thou that geuest victorie vnto kynges and hast deliuered Dauid thy seruaunt from the perill of the swerde Saue me and deliuer me from the hande of straūge children whose mouth talketh of vanitie and their right hande is a righ hande of falshed that oure soonnes maie growe vp like young plantes a that oure daughters maie bee as the polished corners of the temple That our garmentes maie bee full and plēteouse with all maner of store that our shepe maie bryng forth thousandes and hundreth thousa●des in our vilages That our oxē maie bee strōg to laboure that there bee no mischaunce ne decaie and no complainyng in our stretes Happy are the people that bee in suche a case Yea blessed are the people whiche haue the lorde for their god ¶ A praisyng of God for his meruaylous mercy the eternal raigne of his clemencie whiche prouideth for al his creatures and in especiall for suche as feare hym Psal 145. I Will magnifie thee Oh God my kynge I will prayse thy name for euer and euer Euery daie will I geue th●nkes vnto thee and prayse thy name for euer and euer Greate is the LORDE and meruelouse worthy to bee praysed there is no ende of his greatnes One generacion shall prayse thy woorkes to a nother and declare thy power As for me I shall bee talkyng of thy worshippe thy glory thy prayse thy wounderous woorkes So that men shall speake of the mighte of thy merueylouse actes and tell of thy greatenesse The memoriall of thyne aboundaunt kyndenesse shall bee shewed and menne shal syng of thy righteousnesse The LORDE is gracious and mercifull long sufferynge and of greate goodnes The Lorde is louyng vnto euery manne his mercy is ouer all his workes All thy workes praise thee oh Lord thy saintes geue thankes vnto thee Thei shewe the glory of thy kyngdome and talke of thy power That thy power thy glorie mightines of thy kyngdome mighty bee knowē vnto menne Thy kyngdome is an euerlastyng kyngdō and thy dominion endureth through oute all ages The Lorde vpholdeth all suche as should fal and lifteth vp all those that bee doune The iyes of all waite vpon thee and thou geuest thei
kyng shewyng mercy vnto thyne annoynted euen vnto Dauid and his sede for euer ¶ A blessynge of Tobias the elder wherewith he blessed the Lorde in the ende of his lyfe Tobi. 13. GReate arte thou O Lorde for euermore and thy kyngedome worlde without ende For thou scourgest and healest thou leadest vnto hell and bryngest out agayne And there is none that maye escape thyne hande O ye chyldren of Israel geue thankes vnto the Lorde and prayse hym in the syghte of the heathen For among the heathen which know hym not hath he scatered you that ye should shewe forth his meruelous workes cause theim to knowe there is none other GOD almyghtie but he He hath chastened vs for our mysdedes and for his owne mercyes sake shall he saue vs. Consyder then howe he hath dealt with you and prayse hym with feare and drede and magnifie the euerlasting kyng in your wordes Certes I wyll prayse hym euen in the place of my captiuitie for he hathe shewed his maiestie vnto a synfull people Tourne you therfore O ye synners doo ye ryghteousnes before God trustyng verely he wyll shewe his mercy vpon you Certes I and my soule wyl reioyce in God prayse the Lorde all ye his chosen holde the dayes of gladnes and bee thankeful vnto hym Oh my soule blesse thou the Lorde Amen ¶ The thankesgeuing and songe of Iudith for the victory for the delyuery of the countrey from theyr enemies Iudith 16. BEgyn vnto the Lorde vpon the tabrettes synge vnto the Lorde vpon the Cymbales synge vnto hym a newe songe of thankesgeuyng bee ioyful and call vpon his name It is the Lorde that destroyeth warres euen the Lorde is his name whiche hath pytched his tentes in the mydst of his people that he myghte delyuer vs from the hande of all our enemyes Assur came out of the mountaynes in the multitutde of his strength his people stopped the water brookes theyr horses couered the valleyes He purposed to haue brent vp my lande and to sley my yong men with the sweard He would haue caried away my chyldren and virgines into captiuitie but the almyghtye Lorde anneyed hym and delyuered hym into the handes of a womanne whiche broughte hym to confusyō For theyr myghty was not destroyed of the yong menne It was not the sonnes of Tiran that slewe hym neyther haue the greate gyauntes sette theim selues agaynste hym but Iudith the doughter of Merari with her fayre beawtye discomfyted hym and broughte hym to naughte She layde downe her wydowes apparell and decked herselfe with the tyre of myrthe in the reioysyng of the chyldren of Israell She annoynted her face she bounde vp her heare to begyle hym her slyppers rauysshed his eyes her beawtye raptiuated his mynde with the swearde smote she of his necke The Persyans were astonyed at her stedfastnesse and the Medes at her boldnesse Lette vs syng a songe of thankesgeuyng vnto the Lord A new songe of prayse wyll wee syng vnto our God Lorde Lorde thou art a greate God myghtye in power whome no manne may ouercome All thy creatures shoulde serue thee for thou speakest but a woorde and they were made thou sentest thy spirite and they were created and no manne can withstande thy voyce The mountaynes shall moue frome the foundacyons with the waters the stony rocke shal melte before thee lyke waxe But they that feare thee shall bee great with thee in all thynges woo vnto the people that ryse vp agaynste my generacion For the almyghty Lorde wyll auenge hymselfe of theim and in the day of iudgement wyll he vyset theim ¶ The blessyng of Seraphin Esay 9. HOly arte thou holy arte thou holy art thou thou art the Lord God of Hoostes all the earth is full of thy glorie ¶ Thankynges Esay 25. O Lorde thou art my God I wyll prayse thee magnifie thy name for thou bryngest meruelouse thinges to passe a cordyng to thine olde counsayles truly and stedfastly ¶ An other of the same Esay 26. O Lorde geue vs peace for thou workest in vs all oure woorkes O Lorde our God thoughe suche lordes haue dominacion vpon vs as knowe not thee yet graunte that wee maye hope onely in thee and kepe thy name in remembraunce ¶ A blessing with an admiracion of the meruelouse counsayles of God Iere. 32. O Lorde God it is thou that haste made heauen earthe with thy great power and hygh arme and there is nothyng to hard for ye. Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes thou dooest recompense the wickednes of the fathers into the bosome of the children that come after theim Thou arte the great mighty God whose name is the Lorde of hoostes great in councel and infinite in thought Thyne eyes looke vpon all the wayes of mens chyldren to reward euery one after his waye and accordyng to the fructes of his inuencions Thou hast dooen great tokens and wonders in the lande of Egipt vpon the people of Israel to make thy name great as it is come to passe this day Thou hast brought thy people of Israel out of the land of Egipt with tokens with wonders with a myghtye hande with a stretched oute arme and with great terriblenes and haste geuen theim this lande lyke as thou haddest promysed vnto theyr fathers Namely that thou wouldest geue theim a lande that floweth with mylke and honey Nowe when they came therin and possessed it they folowed not thy voyce and walked not in thy lawe but all that thou commaundest theim to doo that haue not they dooen And therfore come all these plag●s vpon theim Beholde there are bulwarkes now againste the citee to take it and it is wonne of the Caldes that besege it with swearde with honger and deathe and what soeuer thou hast spoken that same is come vpon theim ¶ The songe and thankesgyuyng of Mary the virgyne Luke 1. MI soule magnifieth the Lorde my spirite reioyseth in God my sauiour For he hath loked vpon the poore degre of his handemaide Behold now from henseforth shall all generacions call me blessed for he that is mightie hath dooen to me greate thynges and holy in his name And his mercie is on theim that feare hym throughout al generaciōs He sheweth strengthe with his arme he scatereth theim that are proude in the imaginacion of their heartes He putteth doune the mighty from their seates he exalteth theim of lowe degree He fillith the hungry with good thynges and sendeth a waie the riche emptie He remembreth mercye and helpeth his seruaunt Israell Euen as he promised to our fathers Abraham and to his sede for euer ¶ The prophesie and gyuyng of thankes of Zachary Luke 1. BLessed bee the Lorde God of Israell for he hath visited redemed his people And hath raised vp an horne of saluacion vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euē as he promised by the mouth of his holy prophetes whiche were sythens the worlde begonne that wee should bee saued from oure enemies and from the
bee oure captain the Lorde shall bee our lawe geuer The Lorde shall bee oure Kyng and he hymselfe shall bee oure sauyoure Esay 45. I Am he I am he sayth the Lorde that for mine owneselues sake dooe away thyne offences and forget thy synnes so that I wyll neuer thynke vpon theim Put me now in remembraunce for wee wyl reason together and shewe what thou haste for thee to make thee quyte Esay 45. TOurne vnto me all ye coastes of the earthe sayeth the Lorde so shall ye bee saued I am the God and there is els none I sweare by my selfe out of my mouth cometh the woorde of ryghteousnesse that may no man tourne but all knees shal bowe vnto me and all tongues shall sweare vnto me saiyng Verely in the Lorde is my righteousnesse strength To hym shal men come but all they that thynke scorne of hym shal bee confoūded And the hole sede of Israel shall bee iustified and praysed in the Lorde Esay 53. SEke the Lorde whyle he maye bee founde And call vpon hym while he is nigh Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes and the vnryghtuouse his ymaginacyons and tourne agayne vnto the Lorde so shal he bee mercyful vnto hym and to our God for he is redy to forgeue Hie. 10. THere is none lyke vnto thee oh Lorde Great arte thou great is the name of thy power Who woulde not feare the Or what kyng of the Gentiles woulde not obey thee For among all the wyse men of the gentyles in all theyr kyngdomes there is none that maye bee lykened vnto thee Hie. 10. NOwe I knowe oh Lorde that it is not in mannes power to order his owne wayes or to rule his owne steppes and gooynges Therfore chasten thou vs oh Lorde but with fauour not in thy wrathe bryng vs not vtterly to naught Hie. 14. WE knowlage Oh Lorde all oure misdedes the sinnes of our fathers for wee haue offended thee Bee not displeased oh LORDE for thy names sake forgette not thy louyng kindnesse Remembre the trone of thy glorie breake not thy couenaūt that thou haste made with vs. Are there any amonge the goddes of the Heathen that sendeth rayn or geueth the showers of heauen Dooest not thou it oh Lorde God in whom wee trust Yea Lorde thou dooest all these thinges Hie. 16. OH Lorde my strength my power and refuge in tyme of trouble Hie. 31. I Wyll plant my lawe sayth the Lorde in the inwarde partes of theim and write it in their heartes and wyll bee theyr God and they shall bee my people And frome thence forth shall no manne teache his neighboure or his brother and saye knowe the Lorde But they shall all know me frome the loweste vnto the hygheste sayeth the Lorde For I wyll forgeue theyr misdedes and wyl neuer remember theyr synnes any more Thus saieth the Lorde whiche gaue the sonne to bee a lyghte for the daye and the mone starres to shyne in the nyghte Whiche moueth the sea so that the floudes therof waxe fearce the Lorde almyghty is his name Eze. 33. AS truely as I lyue sayeth the Lorde I haue no pleasur in the death of the wycked but muche rather that the wycked tourne frome his waye and lyue Micheas 7. WHere is there O Lorde suche a God as thou that pardonest wyckednesse and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne herytage He kepeth not his wrathe for euer And why his delyght is to haue compassion he shall tourne again and bee mercyfull vnto vs. He shall putte doune our wickednes and cast all our sinnes into the botome of the sea Thou shalt kepe thy truste with Iacob and thy mercy for Abraham as thou haste sworne vnto our fathers longe agoo Ecclesi 36. HAue mercye vpon vs oh Lorde thou God of all haue respecte vnto vs shewe vs the lyght of thy mercyes sende thy feare among the Heathen and straungers whiche seke not after thee that they may know there is no God but thou that they may shewe thy wonderous woorkes Lyfte vp thyne hande ouer the outlandyshe heathen that they maye learne to know thy myght and power Lyke as thou arte halowed in vs before theim so bryng to passe that thou mayst bee magnified in theim also before vs that they maye knowe thee lyke as wee knowe thee For there is none other God but thou onely oh Lorde renew the tokens and chaunge the wonderouse woorkes Shewe thy hand and thy ryghte arme gloriously Rayse vp thy indignacion and powre oute thy wrathe Take awaye the aduersarie and the ennemye Make the tyme shorte remembre thy couenaunte that thy wonderouse woorkes maye bee praysed Lette the fyer of the wrathe consume theim that lyue so carelesse and lette theim peryshe that dooe thy people hurte Smyte in sunder the heades of the Prynces that bee oure enemyes and saye there is none other but wee Gather thy lytle flocke together agayne that they maye knowe there is none other God but onely thou that they may shewe thy wonderous woorkes and bee thy people and heritage lyke as from the begynnyng Oh Lorde haue mercye vpon the people that hath thy name vpon Israel whome thou hast likened to a fyrst borne sōne Oh bee mercyfull vnto Israel the cytie of thy sanctificacion the citie of thy reste Fyll Syon with thy vnspeakable vertues and thy people with thy glorie Geue wytnesse vnto thy creature whom thou madest from the begynnyng and raise vp the prophecies that haue been shewed in thy name Reward thou theim that wayte for the that thy Prophetes maye bee founde faythful Oh Lorlde heare the prayer of thy seruauntes a cordyng to the blessyng of Aaron ouer thy people that all they whiche dwell vpon the earthe maye knowe that thou art the Lorde the eternall GOD whiche is from euerlastyng Ecclesi 41. OH death howe bytter is the remembraunce of thee to a man that seketh reste and comfort in his substaunce and richesse vnto the man that hath nothing to vere hym that hath prosperitie in all thynges yea to hym that yet is able for to receyue meate oh death how acceptable good is thy iudgement vnto the nedefull and vnto hym whose strengthe fayleth and that is nowe in his laste age and that in all thynges is full of care and fearfulnesse vnto hym also that is in dispayer and hath no hope nor pacyence Bee not thou afrayde of deathe remember theim that haue been afore thee and that come after thee for this is the iudgement of the Lorde ouer al fleshe And why wouldest thou bee agaynste this pleasure of the hyghest Whether it bee ten an hundreth or a thousande yeares deathe asketh not howe longe one hathe lyued PSALMES OF DAVID against tirauntes and persecutours of Goddes woorde ¶ That all such as lyue in Satans bōdage may come to the knowlage of the faythe in Iesus Christe LORD helpe for there is not one saincte more very fewe faithful are there amonges the chyldren
handes of all that hate vs. To fulfill the mercie promised to our fathers and to remembre his holye couenaunte And to performe the othe whiche he sware to oure father Abraham to geue vs that wee delyuered out of the handes of our enemies mighte serue hym without feare all the daies of our life in suche holynes and righteousnes as is accepte before hym And thou childe shalt bee called the prophete of the highest and thou shalte goo before the face of the Lorde to prepare his waies And to geue knowelage of saluacion vnto his people for the forgeuenes of synnes Throughe the tendre mercie of our God wherby the daye spryngeth from an highe hath visited vs. To geue light to theim that satte in darkenesse and in shadowe of death and to guyde oure fete into the waye of peace ¶ The prayses of the angelles at the birth of Christe Luke 2. GLORI vnto God on highe and peace on the earthe vnto menne reioysyng ¶ Gyuyng of thankes of Symeon Luke 1. LORDE now letteste thou thy seruaunt departe in peace acordyng to thy promise for myne iyes haue sene the sauiour sent from thee whiche thou hast prepared before the race of all people A lighte to lighten the Gentyles and the glorie of thy people Israell ¶ Thankes of Paull for his conuersion vnto Christe 1. Timothi 1. VNto GOD kyng euerlastyng immortall inuisible and wyse onely but honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen ¶ A song of the triumphers ouer the beaste Apoca. 15. GReate and meruelouse are thy woorkes Lorde God almightie iust and true are thy waies kyng of sainctes Who shall not fear O Lorde and glorifie thy name For thou onely art holy and all Gentiles shall come and worshippe before thee for thy iudgemētes are made manifest ¶ A blessyng of the people by kyng Salomon 3. Kynges 8. BLessed bee the Lorde that hath gyuen rest vnto his people Israell accordyng to all that he promised so that there is not one worde escaped of all the good promises whiche he promised by the hande of Moses his seruaunt And the Lorde oure God bee with vs as he was with our fathers and forsake vs not neyther leue vs but he may bowe our heartes vnto hym to walke in al his waies to kepe his commaundementes ordinaunces and customes whiche he cōmaunded our fathers And these my woordes whiche I haue prayed before the Lorde bee nighe vnto the Lorde our God daie and nighte that he defende the quarell of his seruaunt and of his people Israell euermore that all nacions of the earth maie knowe that the Lorde he is God and none other but he and I praye God that youre heartes maie bee founde with the Lorde oure God to walke in his ordinaunces and to kepe his lawes as wee dooe this daie ¶ The blessyng and prayses of saincte Ambrose and Augustyne Te Deum laudamus WE prayse thee Oh Lorde wee knowelage thee to bee the Lorde All the earth mought worship thee whiche art the father euerlastyng To thee crieth forth all angelles the heauens and all the powers therin To thee thus crieth Cherubin and Seraphin continually holy art thou holy art thou holy art thou Thou art the Lorde God of hoostes Heauen and earthe are fulfilled with the glory of thy maiesti The glorious compaigne of the Apostles praise thee The goodly feloshippe of the propheies praise thee The fayre felo●shippe of Matters prayse thee The holy congregacion of the faithefull throughout all the world magnifie thee Thei knowlage thy honorable and verie onelye soonne The knowelage the holye ghoste to bee a conforter Thou arte the kyng of glorie O Christe Thou arte the euerlastyng soonne of the father Thou whē thou shouldest take vpon thee oure nature to delyuer manne diddest not abhorre the virgins wombe whē thou haddest ouer come the sharpenes of deathe thou openeddest the kyngdome of heauens to theim that beleued in thee Thou sittest on the righte hande of God in the glorie of the father Wee beleue thou shalt come to bee our iudge wherefore wee praye thee help thy seruauntes whō thou hast redemed with thy precious bloud Make thē to bee nōbred with thy saintes in ioy euerlasting O Lord saue thy people blesse thine heritage Gouerne and also lift theim vp into blesse euerlastyng wee praise thee euery daie and wee worshippe thy name euer worlde without ende O Lorde lette it bee thy pleasure to kepe vs this daie without synne O Lorde haue mercie vpon vs euē as mee trust in thee In thee O lorde dooe I trust let me not bee confounded for euer Amen ❧ PRAIERS FOR SVCcours and reliefes of life for wysedome for humylitie and for other naturall giftes ¶ The request of Iacob for sustentaciō and reliefe of this present life Genesis 28. IF THE LORDE will bee with me and will kepe me in the waie that I shall walke in will geue me breade to eate and clothe to weare and that I maie returne again vnto my fathers house in sauerie thē shall the Lorde bee my God and this stone whiche I haue sette vp an ende shal bee godes house and of all that thou shalte geue me will I geue the tenth vnto thee ¶ Thus prayed Anna vnto the Lorde that she might obtein a childe 1. Kynges 1. LORDE of hoostes if thou wilt looke on the wretchednes of thyne handmaide and shalt remembre me and not forgette thyne handmaide and shall geue thyne hād maide a māne childe I will geue him vnto the Lorde all the daies of his life ¶ The prayer of Salomon for wysedome well to gouerne his people daiely to bee prayed of all princes other rulers 3. Kynges 3. THou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father great mercy acording as he walked before thee in trouth in righteousnes and in playnesse of hearte with thee And thou haste kepte for hym this greate mercie that thou haste geuen hym a soonne to sit on his seate And now Lorde my God it is thou that haste made thy seruaunte kyng in the rou●e of Dauid my father and I am a young lad and wote not how to ordre myself And thy seruaunte is in the middest of thy people whiche thou hast chosen a people that are so many that thei cannot bee nombred for multitude geue therefore thy seruaunte an vnderstandyng hearte to iudge thy people to deserue betwne good and bad for who is able to iudge this thyne so greate a people ¶ A prayer of Salomon for a competency of life Prouerbes 30. TWo thynges I require of thee that thou wilt not denie me before I die Remoue frō me vnnitie and lies geue me nether pouertie nor riche onely graunt me a necessarye liuyng least if I bee to full I mought happely denie thee and saie what feloe is the Lorde or constrayned through pouertie I mought fall vnto stealyng forsweare the name of my God Amen ¶ A prayer for obteinyng of Wisedome Sapiense 9. GOD of my fathers and Lorde of mercies
thou hast made all thynges with thy woorde and ordained manne throught thy wysedome that he should haue dominion ouer the creature whiche thou haste made that he should ordre the worlde acordyng to equitie and righteousnes and execute iudgemente with a true hearte geue me wysedome whiche is euer aboute thy seate and put me not out from emong thy children For I thy seruaunte and soonne of thy handemayde am a feble persone of a short tyme and to young to the vnderstandyng of iudgement and of thy lawes And thoughe a manne hee neuer so perfect emong the childrē of menne yet if thy wysedome bee not with hym he shal bee nothyng worth Oh sende her out of thy holy heauēs and from the trone of thy maiestie that she maie bee with me laboure with me that I maie knowe what is acceptable in thy sighte For she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thynges and she shall conducte me sobrely in my woorkes and preserue me in her power So shall my woorkes bee acceptable AMEN ¶ A prayer for mekenes and the obteinyng of chastitie Eccle. 23. O LORDE thou father and God of my life lette me not haue a proud loke But tourne a waie all volupteousnes from me Take from me the lustes of the body lett not the desyres of vnclennes take holde vpon me and geue me not ouer into an vnshamefaste and obstinate mynde Amen ¶ The prayer of Iesus the soonne of Syrache in necessitie for wisedome Eccle. the laste I Thanke thee O Lorde kyng and praise thee O God my sauiour I will yelde prayses vnto thy name for thou art my defender and helper from the snare of traitours toūgues and from theim that are occupied in lies Thou haste been my helper from suche as stode vp againste me and haste deliuered me acordyng to the multitude of thy mercie for thy holy names sake Thou haste deliuered me from the roaryng of theim that prepared theimselues to deuoure me out of thy handes of suche as soughte after my life from the multitude of theim that troubled me and wente aboute to sette fyre vpon me on euery syde so that I was not brente in the middes of the fyre From the depe of hell frō an vnclene toungue from liyng woordes from the wicked kyng and frō vnrighteouse toungue My soule shall prayse the Lorde vnto deathe for my life drewenie vnto hell Thei cōpassed me roūde aboute on euery syde and there was no manne to help me I looked about me if there were any manne that would succoure me but ther was none Thē thought I vpon thy mercie O Lorde and vpon thy actes that thou haste dooen euer of olde namely that thou deliueredest suche as putte their trust in thee riddest theim out of the handes of the Heathen Thus lifted I vp my prayer from the earth and praied for deliueraunce from deathe I called vpon the Lorde my father that he would not leaue me without help in the daie of my trouble and in the tyme of the proude I praysed thy name cōtinually yeldyng honoure and thankes vnto it and so my prayer was harde Thou sauedest me from destruction and deliueredest me from the vnrighteouse tyme. Therefore will I acknowelage and prayse thee and magnifie the name of the LORDE When I was yet but young or cun I went a straye I desired wysedome openly in my prayer I came therfore before the temple and I soughte her verie busyly The● florished she vnto me as a grape that is sone rype My hearte reioysed in her then went my fote the right waie yea frō my youth soughte I after her I bowed doune myne eare receiued her I tounde in my self muche wysedome and prospered greately in her Therefore will I ascribe the glorye vnto hym that geueth me wysedome for I am aduised to dooe therafter I will bee gelouse to cleue vnto the thyng that is good so shall I not bee confounded My soule hath wresstled with her and I haue been di●igent to bee occupied in her I lifte vp myne handes on highe thē was my soule lightened through wysedome that I knowelaged my foolishnes I ordred my soule after her she and I were one hearte from the begynnyng and I founde her in clennesse and therfore shall I not bee forsaken My hearte longed after her and I gat a good treasure Thorowe her the Lorde hathe geuen me a newe tongue wherwith I wyll prayse hym Oh come vnto me ye vnlearned and dwell in the house of wysdome withdrawe not youreselues from her but talke and comen of these thynges for your soules are very thurstye I opened my mouthe and spake Oh come and bye wysdome withoute money bowe downe youre necke vnder her yoke and your soule shal receiue wisdome she is hard at hande and is content to bee found Beholde with your eyes howe I haue had but lytle laboure and yet haue founde much rest Oh receyue wysdom and ye shal haue plenty of syluer and golde in possession Lette youre mynde reioyse in his mercye and bee not ashamed of his prayse woorke his woorke by tymes and he shall geue you youre rewarde in due tyme. ¶ The prayer of Abacuc Prophete for ignorauncy Abacuc 3. O Lorde when I heard speake of thee then I was afrayed The woorke that thou hast taken in hande shalte thou perfourme in his tyme. Oh Lorde when thy tyme commeth thou shalt declare it In thy very wrathe thou thynkest vpon mercy The Lorde God is my strengthe he shall make my feate as the feete of hartes and he whiche geueth the victorie shall bryng me to my hye places syngyng vpon my psalmes Amen ¶ The prayer of our Lord Iesus which he taughte his discyples Math. 6. OVr father whiche art in heauen halowed bee thy name Thy kyngdome come Thy wyll bee doen in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs this day our dayly bread And forgeue vs our trespaces as we forgeue theim that trespace againste vs. And lette vs not bee led into temptacion But delyuer vs from euell for thyne is the kyngdome and the power and the glorie for euer Amen ¶ A prayer of the faythfull congregacion that they maye speake the woorde of God boldly Actes 4. LOrd thou art God which hast made heauen earthe the sea all that in theim is which by the mouth of thy seruaunte Dauid haste saied why dyd the heathen rage the people ymagyne vayne thynges The kynges of the earth stoode vp the rulers came together agaynst the Lorde and agaynst Christe For of a truthe agaynst this holy chyld Iesus whom thou hast anoynted both Herode and also Pontius Pylate with the Gentyles the people of Israel gathered theim selues together to dooe euen what soeuer thyne handes and thy counsayle determined before to bee dooen And nowe Lorde beholde theyr threatenynges and graunte vnto thy seruauntes with al confidence to speake thy woorde and that thou stretche forthe thyne hande to the intente that healyng signes wonders maye bee dooen
perchaūce their enemies would waxe proude and saie Our hande is puyssante and mightie and not the Lorde hath dooen all these thinges The people is without counsail and without prudence would God thei were wise and vnderstode and foresawe the endes How one hath persecuted a thousande and twoo hath put to flighte ten thousāde It is not bycause their God hath solde theim and the Lorde hath enclosed theim for our God is not as their goddes and our enemies bee iudges Of the vineyarde of the Sodomes is their vine and of the suburbes of Gomorra Their grape is the grape of Galle and the clustre is moste sower The gall of dragons is their wyne and venim of aspes insanable Bee not these thynges laied vp with me sealed among my treasures Myne is the vengeaunce and I will paie theim in tyme that their fore maie slide The daie of perdiciō is at hande and the tymes hasten to bee presente The Lorde shall iudge his people and in his seruauntes he will haue pitie He shall see that their hande is enfeabled and thei also that were kepte in fainted and the reste were consumed he shall saie Wher bee their goddes in whom thei had confidence Of whose sacrefices thei did eate the fate dranke Libamine wine Let them rise helpe you and in your necessitie protecte you Beholde that I am alone and there is none other God but I. I shall kyll and I shall make aliue I shall strike and I shall heale and there is none that can pluke oute of my hande I will lifte vp my hande to heauen and saie I liue for euermore If I make sharpe as the lightenyng my swearde and my hande take iudgemente I wyll take vengeaunce vpon mine enemies and I wil acquite them that hate me I will make myne arowes dronken with their blode my swearde shall deuoure their fleshe Of the blode of the slain and of the captiuite of the barchedde of his enemies Commēde ye Gentiles his people for the blode of his seruauntes he will reueng and he will yelde vengeaunce vpon their enemies and he will bee mercifull to the lande of his people ¶ The prayer of the Centuriō Matth. 9. LOrde I am not worthy that thou shouldest entre vnder the roofe of my house but onelye speake with a woorde of thy mouth and I shall bee healed ¶ The praier of the thefe on the crosse Luke .xxiii. LORDE remembre me whē thou commest into thy kyngdome ❧ A TABLE OF ❧ the contens of this booke ¶ Praiers for the synnes of the people ¶ The prayer of Moses to the Lorde for the synnes of the people 1. ¶ An other prayer of Moses to the same 1. ¶ For the synne of the people what tyme thei murmured a praier of Moses 1. ¶ An other of Moses and Aarō for the people 1. ¶ For the stubbernes of the people the true preacher on this wise as Moses did maie make his prayer vnto God 2. ¶ The prayer of Salomon in the dedicacion of the temple of Hierusalē 2 ¶ A prayer of Esdras for the synnes of the people 3. ¶ The prayer of Nehemias for the synnes of the people before the lorde 4 ¶ A confession and solemne prayer of the Leuites and of the churche for synnes with a rehersall of the benefites of God 5. ¶ A prayer of the churche for synnes 9 ¶ Another for synnes 9 ¶ The lamentacion of Hieremy for the synnes of the people 10. ¶ The prayer that Baruche prescrybed vnto the captiues in Babilon for their synnes 11. ¶ The prayer of Daniel the prophete for his owne synnes and for the synnes of the whole nacion 14. ¶ Prayers in tyme of aduersitie and for a mannes owne synnes ¶ The prayer of Iacob to bee deliuered from his brother Esau 16. ¶ The prayer of Iosua that tyme the people fled in the battaill 16. ¶ A prayer and an open confession of the people of Israell to bee deliuered from their enemie 17. ¶ The prayer of Samson vnto god that he might reuenge hym againste the Philistines 17. ¶ In warres against Turkes inuadoures the prayer of kyng Asa 17 ¶ An other of kyng Iosaphat 17. ¶ The prayer of Nehemias what tyme the Heathen defied hym 18. ¶ If God sende thee trouble either for a punishemente of thy synnes or to proue thy pacience therwith praye thus 18. ¶ The prayer of Manasses kyng of Iuda when he was in prisone for remission of synnes and for goddes fauoure and deliueraunce 19 ¶ The prayer of Iudith for the deliueraunce of her countree frome the tyraunte 20. ¶ An other praier of Iudith whiles she wente aboute to fle the enemie Holofernes 21. ¶ The prayer of Mardocheus in the pursute of Haman for all the Iewes nacion 21. ¶ The prayer of quine Hester for her and all her countree menne 22. ¶ The oracion and blessyng of Iob in his moste greuous aduersitie and losse of goodes 24. ¶ A prayer that wee maie bee deliuered from our aduersaries 24. ¶ The prayer of Esaye whē the people were sore plaged 24. ¶ An other prayer of Hieremie 26. ¶ An other of Hieremie 26. ¶ A prayer of Hieremie vnder the persone of Chryste whiche euerye Chrysten maie saie in tyme of aduersitie 26. ¶ A prayer of Hieremie in the daye of trouble and in the destruction of Hierusalem 27. ¶ The praier of Susanna when she was in daunger to be rauished of the twoo elders 28 ¶ An other prayer that she made when she should haue been ledde to death 28. ¶ The praier of Ionas whē he was as yet in the fishes bely 28. ¶ The prayer of Iudas Machabeus when he should encountre with his enemies 29. ¶ The praier of the preestes against the tiraunt that he might not prospere against the holynes of God 29. ¶ The prayer of Nehemias and the préestes for the people oppressed of the Heathen 30. ¶ The prayer of Eleazar when he was drawen to execucion and redye to dye 30. ¶ Thākesgeuinges and prayses vnto GOD of the Fathers ¶ The song of Moses and the children of Israell for their deliueraunce from Pharao 31. ¶ The forme of blessyng the childrē of Israell 32. ¶ Anna thankyng the LORDE of his benefite on this maner singeth to God 32. ¶ For the benefites receiued at gods hande the prayer of Dauid 33. ¶ A song that Dauid song vnto the Lorde in the daie that the Lorde deliuered hym oute of the hande of his enemies 35. ¶ A blessyng of Tobias the elder wherewith he blessed the Lorde in the ende of his life 37. ¶ The thankesgeuyng and song of Iudith for victorie and for the deliuery of the countree from their enemyes 38. ¶ The blessyng of Seraphin 39. ¶ Thankynges 39. ¶ An other of the same 40. ¶ A blessyng with an admiracion of the meruelous counsailles of god 40 ¶ The songe of thankesgeuynge of Mary the virgyn 41. ¶ The prophesie and geuyng of thākes of Zatharie 41.