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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09176 Royall exchange to suche worshipfull citezins, marchants, gentlemen and other occupiers of the contrey as resorte therevnto. Try to retaine, or send back agayne. The contents ys after the preface. Sene and allowed here. Payne, John, fl. 1597. 1597 (1597) STC 19489; ESTC S102533 39,869 52

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he fast in his goode lyfe thoughe he saw few so affected to gether wth righteouse Lott nothing returned from his holy conversation notwthstanding the multitude of wycked Sodomites on every side but the one and the other proceded and parsisted in there pietie In lyke sorte stand you fast quite you lyke men procede as spirituall souldiers and so to finishe as true Christians and then the garland to come ys yours wth the present peace of consciens wch in this lyfe vs the cheyfe reward of true Godlynes The other part of gentlemen so naked of the weddinge garment as they be voyde of oyle in there lampes lovinge better to follow the crye of there hownds then eyther to heare the voyce of the preacher or to imitate your Godly example I wyshe vs all to pittie and pray for theme that make so small accowmpt of religion and good lyfe otherwyse then of there belly God and ladie pleasure who therby as they seme to be flatt Atheysts and therefore in most wofull case so the papisticall gentlemen as fauls harted to gospell and Prynce as they be addicted to romishe Idolls be as vnfitt for civill office and auctoritie as by want of faythe they are yet for the Kingdom of glorie whervnto the Lord frame and convert theme in the tyme of his yourpose and pleasure But you good gentlemē must think on the dignitie of your profession of the servant knowing moch to do his maysters will on the brevitie of your dayes of the best exercises to be had therein and in tyme of your recreations to glorifie God and to beware of prophanations takinge greate delight in your graciouse God not alone for your welthe health leysure and libertie but cheyfly for his illumininge spirit the feare of the Lorde and for that by grace you discearne your selves to stand the contreyes in steade and your good examples to be as glasses for theme to looke in Then may that circuit be cownted happie conteyninge so vertuouse an examplar as the congregation most blessed to have before theme a Godly and learned teacher Therfore for the better approbatiō of your state and degrees to be a warrantable caullings from God so myghtelie denyed of sum fyrst as you are curteouse and gentle vp the guyde of your names so in other things to be fownde wthin rule and good order ofte wthin the lords how 's as a sure recorde you be of the same lyvinge stones and helpinge members lovers of the Prynce proctors for her good causes but more specially for Gods and that in good sort wth whome you must lyve beyond the tyme of all Prynces helpinge gentlemen but not hurtinge neyghbors of the poore in the cōtreys Lykewise you worshipful of ●yne acquayntans both discrete and of good carriage of your selues I pray you preferr the holynes of religion by being found truly religiouse that so your fellowe gentlemen may be ashamed to speake evill of your good profession whē they shall se you hate vice love vertu releyve the poore to bringe vp your familie in the knowlege and reverens of God as I have knowen you to have donn sum in the cittie and more in the contrey of wch nomber there be to few and theme over basely estemed though of great price before the Lorde and his people redemed In the meane tyme my worshipfull freynds I humblie crave the helpe of your prayers in this farr distans occasioned partly by sum doctorly frownes partly by my daughters letters and by greate boasts to se suche en Englishe churche here as nompareille and so yt ys par derrriere and finally throughe rashe trust in sum not so trustie wherby the oulde man was hether transported to be of his God iustly and gently corrected And further to premonishe bothe you and the worshipfull in the exchange I wijshe you beware of the dangerouse opinions of suche Englyshe Anabaptists bred here as whose parsons in part wth more store of there letters dothe creps and spreade amongest you in cittie and contrey The wch perilouse herysies wherewth they be so lately infected dyd not only procede of obstinacie in error but of pryde and singularitie wth the want of love and humilitie to kepe vnitie and peace amonge theme selves when they came over And as by my privat letters I have forewarned sum particuler frepuds so by this symple and forrayne labor I intended a more generall sithens I heard that one of this companie in Norwich intendeth to indure shortly an execution against hym By wch premonishement I would gladly make you more carefull and watchefull to prevent the invisible sower of darnell a monge the good wheate And so no leff to seke the right armure of prouffe and shilde of defens for our devine causes wherby to foyle theme that intend to defyle others then they seke fauls armure by wrest of scripture wth wyle weapons to make vnlawfull resistans against the most holy and auncient fayth of the vniuersall churche the wch not to manteyne and defend in sum measure by the O Christian reader and every true member of the same were suche threason to the Catholyke faythe and to her obiect Iesus Christ as the Turcks Iews and Papists should be farr better then theye bp reason in there blynde zeale they studie and labor all they can to support there fauls religions and to gaynesay the contrarie And darest thow of what condision so ever tushe and make light of this as thoughe yt appartayned not to the God forbid Gentlemen warned of the opinions of the Anabaptists Fyrst our Englishe and Outche here howld that Christ toke not his pure fleshe of the Virgin Mary and do denie her to be his naturall mother Secondly that the Godheade was subiect to passions and to deathe wch ys Impassible Thyrdly that the infants of the faythfull ought not to be baptysed Fourthly that the soules do slepe in grave wth the bodies vntill the resurrectiō Fyfthly that Maicstrates ought not to put malefactors to deathe Sixtly they condemne all warrs and Subiects in armure in the feyld Seventhly they denyt the article of predestinatiō they denye the L. day And finally they savour moch of the opinions of fre wyll and the merit of works You se now how nedefull yt ys for men to be armed and to be strong in the fayth so wastinge and wthstode in these latter dayes to be more otenpied in prayer and scripture then of custome seinge Sathan now whettens his hornes by Gods parmission to goore the more dyrefully for our further exercise and tryall And in charitie foresee as you may that suche smothe parsons and papers do not infect the poore symple so vnable to wthstand there subtill and and paynted reasons For once stayned therewth they shall as hardly be delyvered as the intangled byrd from the lyme bushe because yt ys as a rustie cancker eatinge throw wthout recoverie by eyther gentle ople or the hard stele no nor by the flaminge fyer no more then there
for our punishements and that no suche afflictions can come into the cittie wthout the Lords sendinge The Anabaptists are outrageouse by there rashe sensures to condemne warrs and warrlyke affaires or the souldiers obediens to Princes therein whether offensive or defensive and that vnder collor that we in the gospell should not warr as the Isralites dyd wherin they neyther respect the providens and ordinans of God in this nor the greate desert of there sinnes wth ours procuringe the swerde Besydes that they do greatly abuse these words law and gospell seperatinge theme further a sunder then they ought forasmoche as the gospell was in the law and the law in the gospell seinge the gospell was from Abam Secondly they deceyve theme selves in this vse of warrs by a fauls understandinge of Christ his reprehencion to Peter drawinge forthe his swerde whervpon they conclude that Maiestrates ought neyther to warr nor to punishe malefactors wth deathe Surely Princes and all Estates are smally behowldē to suche fauls teachers and erroniouse people for maynteyninge those dangerouse opinions agaynst Maiestracie in these spanishe warrs aswell as notoriouse herisies agaynst the articles of the Christian faythe Princes and States spendinge there threasures and people in the defens of theme and there goods aswell as in ours otherwyse bothe clamerouse Anabaptists and Papists should no less be swallowed vp of the enemie then vs the professors of Christ his religion God make theme less contemptible and more thankfull wth vs for the Lords Leyvetenants vpon yerthe Now to the spirituall warr wherein we must be all exercised souldiers if we looke to be partakers of Gods Kingdom wherof our savior Christ the Lord of true peace speaketh sayenge I came not to send peace in to the yerthe but warr Spirituall warr in wch kynd of warr he appoynted none other weapons then thus he that taketh not vp his cross and follow me ys not worthie to be my disciple ordayninge the chefest poynt of this warr to consist in suffringe iniuries and not in doinge theme Well we must become spirituall warriors and fight vnder Christ his ensigne wth the complete armure mentioned by his worthie warrior S. Paul sayenge put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to refist in the evell day remember that in baytysme we bownd our selves so to become Christian souldiers as continually to fight agaynst suche mightie enemis as never cease the crafty assaults but ever seke to scale the walls of our poore soules wth whome to take peace is to breake the truce and covenant betwene vs and our heavenly Captayne to our vtter destruction Let vs not then snarle and intangle our selves wth over moche toyle and care of the world that so we may the more easily please him that hathe chosen vs to be fyghtinge souldiers Christian reader note well this seinge by slender footing in the Lords feylde many on every syde do take suche foyles and deadly wownds as they depart from there souldierly ranck by necglect of armure and by faynines of fight in the tyme of assault but let vs be ready to say wth the Apostle at the surrēdrie of our last gaspe I have fought a good fyght I have finished my course kept the fayth and then the crowne of glory shal be ours Musers on Gods provides There vs another sorte walkinge there betwene the ordinary howers of the Exchange who be greate musers on Gods longs suffringe and on his highe providens by weakenes of fayth and knowlege being racked and troubled to be howld sum egregious wycked men to have the fayrest shew and greatest florishe and therfore do marvell on Gods longe suffringe At wth common block many weakelings do stumble when they se the Lord one while to delaye his punishements another while hastily to execute the same and next in that he putts of the fuccouringe of his churche or sum distressed member thereof not consideringe the words in Tim. 5. sum mens sinnes are open before hand and go before vnto iudgement and sum sinnes follow after We must beare wth that wch the Lord thinks not good by and by to correct nor to geve the remedie or succor when we lyft but when he hym self will Agayne sum mens enormities are discouvered and come vnto iudgement soner then men loked for and others be revealed and punished alonge tyme after as though yt slept But albeit Gods gentle chasticements or heavie iudgements do not hasten theme selves yet they come on thoughe sayre and softlie after Symon the sorcerer his sinnes came before hande whyle Saul Iudas and other hypocrites there finnes came after and were detected at length thoughe for a tyme they deceyved many evenso Godlynes holynes and vertu have there tymes limited of commendation and fame and although it be long fyrst by reason of sum clowde obscuringe theme for the tyme yet in comminge they come and bring the greater ioye therfore standfast and faint not And further to answere fuche weake parsons so ready to stumble at this poynt the 13. of Esaye speakethe of the destruction of the Babylonpans as though it were presently to be donn when in dede yt fell out more then 200. yeres after sayenge the day of the Lorde is at hand meaninge the tyme of the Babylonicall extermination vy Eprus so long tyme ere it came the wch scripturely phrases of present speches for things to come ys to be vnderstand fyrst that the events and decrees of the Lorde do not pass beyonde the tyme of hym prefixed and limited but shall as certainely come to pass as of they were already For that wch was don from Adam almoste 5600. yeres a go and that wch shal be from hence to the worlds end yt ys present before God because S. Peter sayeth one day before the Lord ys as a thowsand peres and Abacut 2. sayeth the vision is yet differred to a cectayne tyme speakinge of that wch he wyll finish wthout any fayle sapenge thoughe yt tarry wayte for yt shall come and not staye Wth ys bothe a compforth and a terror to dyvers sorts of parsons quayle not brother vnd thy cross for the 8. of No. sayeth I esteme that the afflictions of this tyme are not worthie of the glorie that shal be shewed on vs and 4. of the Cor. for our light affliction wch is but for a moment causethe vnto vs a farr more excellent and aneternall wayght of glorie Wherfore cease thy admirations on Gods louge suffrings and providens neyther mervell any more why God delayeth his help or succor sum tymes from his people for in Esaye his tyme the faythefull behowldinge Senacharib to be victoriouse over dyvers people in Iudea and parceyvinge the churche of God vpon the poynt of vtter ruym they in lyke weakenes thought thus in effect Esay hathe promised vs ease and deliverans but when shall this come to pass the Prophet intendinge to remidie suche a temptacion in the 18. Chap. dothe consent