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A08218 Epistolæ HN. The principall epistles of HN, which he hath set-foorth through the holy Spirit of Loue and written and sent them most-cheefly; vnto the Louers of ye trueth and his acquaintance. And are by him newly perused, and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-Almaine.; Epistolæ HN. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed name. 1575 (1575) STC 18552; ESTC S112767 230,883 445

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the holy and godly Knowledg / and so shall feele and s 1. Pet. 2. a taste liueingly in the Spirit / the mostholy Beeing of the supreame God The VI. Chap. MOrouer ⁏ my Beloued Forasmuch as thou doest now desyre to knowe som larger Instruction at our hands / then thatt which we haue alredy spoken vnto thee / to th end thou mayest com to the simple Trueth and so to be partaker of the a 2. Pet ▪ 1. a. godly Beeing / Therfore do not I desyre also to withholde thesame from thee but to figure it foorth vnto thee in Wryting / according to the Gift of the Grace of God / which is chaunced vnto Mee out of his Light of Lyfe and which is profitable vnto thee to Edification For-that-cause beholde and consider and giue eare b Pro. 4. to the holy Vnderstanding 2. First-of-al / submitt thyself to the outflowed gracious Woord of the Lorde wherby to enter obediently into the Requyring of his Seruice of Loue and so in thy Obeying of the Requyring of thesame Woord and Seruice / take-heede to the Wisdom of the Woord / c Iam. 1. c in the Meeknes of the Loue / in thy Spirit and Mynde For thesame Wisdom / in the Meeknes of the Loue / is much humbler / then all Knowledg of the Good and Euell / much better / d Psal. 19 b Pro. 3. b ● b Sap. 7. a then all Golde and Siluer / and much-more of value / then all precious Stones Whosoeuer fyndeth her / he hath a costly Treasure For the Wisdom in the Meeknes of the Loue / is the principall and euerlasting Good and excelleth it all 3. This Wisdom ⁏ seing it is of God e Sap. 7· c Iam. 3. b. is also 〈◊〉 ▪ courteous and freendly For it is the true Christ of God the liueing Woord of the Father and the euerlasting Lyfe 4. Beholde this is the Lyfe that was with God the Father / from the Begining f Gen 1 a. Psal 33. a Pro 8. c Sap. 1. b Iohn 1. a. thorough the which / God hath made all Things and without thesame / God hath made nothing / that is any-what 5. This Lyfe g Iohn 1. d. is for a Light of Men / to th end that the Man shoulde liue the Lyfe / that proceedeth h Rom. 6. a 1 Pet 4. a out of God And this Lyfe is in Vs i Iohn 1. a and we are made through thesame and grounded or sett ther-vppon / as vppon a liueing Woord k Esa. 40. b 1. Pet. 1. c that continueth for euer And to thesame Woord in his Seruice / we be all called and bidden / because that we shoulde euenso through his Seruice / beleeue theron 6. Thissame was in the Worlde also l Iohn 1. b Heb. 1. a and the Worlde was made by thesame but the Worlde knew it not 7. Thissame Woord or Lyfe / doth likewyse beare euery-thing / m Heb 1. a with the Beeing of his Power and maketh the n Ephe. 1. a. Cleansing of our Sinnes / through Himself 8. Beholde by thatsame hath o Gen. 1. ● God made all Things well / in the Begining and ther was nothing made in the Begining / of all that God had made / but it was all good And God did also beholde it all for good 9. And so from the Begining / ther was no euell nor d●mnable Thing / with the Lyfe that is of God and this Lyfe was vniforme ⁏ as one like Beeing p Gen 1. c Sap. 2. c Eccli 17. a with the Godhead And in Beholding it / ther was no Difference For it was in euery-poynt / godded with God and so in the Begining / ther was nothing-els but one God one Light and one Lyfe 10. Out of this Lyfe / did God bring-foorth the Memory or Vnderstanding q Gen. 1. b ● to be an Help to the Lyfe / to th end that euery-thing shoulde be handled and gouerned well and orderly / by the Memory or Vnderstanding· and by the Lyfe / wher-out God had brought the Memory Therfore did likewyse the Lyfe / inclyne to the Vnderstanding and cleaue vnto her for she was a Light / of his Light and a Lyfe / of his Lyfe Therfore was she also the Most-beawtyfull and the Most-delytfulone to the louely Lyfe 11. Thewhiles that this Vnderstanding / turned-not-out or fel-not-away from the Life but did alwayes stand-firme in the Lyfe / for r Gen. ● b ● an Help to the Lyfe / so was-ther Ioye and Peace with God and the Man and ther was no Diuision or Middle-wall / betwixt God and the Man neither had the Vnderstanding any other Knowledg / but that she liued to the Lyfe and stood obedient / to the Seruice and Welfare of the Lyfe and to the Rest and Peace of all Generations of the Earth 12. Beholde this was the former Kingdom of God / full of all pure Beawty / wherin God ⁏ before the Man fel-away from Him was knowen / as a s Iohn 1. b Lorde in his Glory and the t Math. 24. a Act. 1. a Setting-vp of thesame Kingdom agayne / those are the Promyses of God the Father namely to establish thesame / through his Loue and her Seruice / in the last tyme. 13. But when the Memory or Vnderstanding turned-away from the Lyfe taking-vpon-her to knowe somthing / that was not the Lyfe itself nor that stood grounded in the Lyfe neither-yet was for an Help vnto the Lyfe / Then did the Vnderstanding mingle herself with thatt which was nothing or which God had not made and thatt was the Euell / against the Good the Lye / agaynst the Trueth and the Death / against the Lyfe And thus did the Vnderstanding committ Adultry and she was inflamed with the knowing of somthing without the Lyfe And she became subiect to the Vanitee or Thatt which was nothing and then was the Transgression brought-to-pas and the Sinne was in-that-sort brought-forth / v Iohn 6. ● 17 2. Tess. 2. a as a lost Childe of the Deuill and of the Condemnation 14. Beholde euenthus was the Man captiued in his Memory or Vnderstanding / x Rom. 1. c. 2. Cor. 4 a. Ephe. 4. c. with a blynde Knowledg or with an Vnderstanding of the Darknesses which Darknesses are y Iohn 3. ● beloued of the Man· and taken-on for Couerings z Esa 25. a. 2. Cor. ● b. or Aperus to a Couering of the a Gen. 3. a. naked Cleernes of the manly Foorme / which God had created to be b Gen. 1.2 his Image and so ⁏ in the Taking-on of the Couerings God was nomore for a Light of Lyfe vnto the Man nor for a Delyte in his Paradise but for a Dryueing-out c Gen 3. from his Face 15. And now when the Man was estrainged from the Beholding of his God / then was the Lyfe also / nomore for a Light to the
and Blood ؛that earthly Beeing is in his right Ordinance / the h Esa. 66. a Act 7. c. Bench for the Lordes Feete ouer the which / the Kingdom of God beareth his Dominion and Christ / his Glory 9. Of which Glory / the Members of Christ haue spoken in tymes-past when-as the Lyfe of God or Christ was com vnto them / for to possesse them and to be incorporated with them saying and testifying i Iohn 1. b The Woord is incarnated or becom Flesh and dwelt among vs. Wherthrough they sawe his Glory euen a Glory of the only borne Sonne of the Father / full of Grace and Trueth 10. Beholde This Glory of Christ / was the Kingdom k Luk. 17. c. of God inwardly in them the which had inherited them for a Possession / as his Heritage and their Spirit also / thatsame and not / Flesh and Blood 11. Consider well of the Mynde that I wryte vnto thee and vnderstande the Resolution of my Vnderstanding and l Iohn 7. ● iudg with a right Iudgment The X. Chap. THou sayest likewyse / out of the Wryting of Ecclesiastes a Eccle. 12. a how that euery Thing must returne agayne / from whence it is com Thatt which is out of God / shall returne thether agayne and thatt which is of the Earth / shall be Earth agayne 2. Oh ⁏ alas heer-out is much Misunderstanding taken-on and many do runne-on in that sort / with this one Sentence and haue no Discerning nor Consideration / to what ende the Sentence soundeth nor wherto the whole Scripture stretcheth And wil nodout ⁏ out of ther owne Good-thinking include the Mynde of God ⁏ which they vnderstand not in this one Sentence of the Scripture And out of thesame they iudg euenthus Let them liue how they wil liue when they dye / their Spirit shall com agayne to God and th●●r Body to the Earth 3. Heerwithall do the lightmynded Hearts deceaue themselues who haue no Lust to Gods Righteousnes and yet for-al-that do rest perswaded / that their Spirit ⁏ which is vngodded or not of God shall com to God 4. No ⁏ Beloued No. God wil none of the wicked Spirits but He putteth them away and poynteth them from Him / b Math. 25. ● into the Condemnation of the hellish Fyer which is prepared for the Deuill and all wicked Spirits 5. FOr-that-cause ⁏ thou Beloued looke rightly into the Alteration of the Man and in what maner / the Spirit of God which God hath formed in the Man cometh to God 6. For if it were so / that the Spirit of God ⁏ which God hath formed in the Man shoulde alwayes vppon the Earth / remayne estrainged or seperated from God and from the Mans Beeing and that the Man shoulde not ⁏ vppon the Earth be incorporated to thesame / for an euerlasting Assurance c Rom. 8. b of the Inheritance of Christ and of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / in the eternall Lyfe and so ⁏ without Vniting d Eqhe. 4. c. with the Mans Beeing / in Righteousnes shoulde go to the Incorporating vnto his God first / when-as the Creature were passed-thorow the naturall Death / Who coulde then I pray thee / witnes and publish vppon the Earth / the Glory of God and the Powers of his Goodnes / to the Blessing and S●luation of the Man· and be seruiceable to the Man / to an Incorporating to thesame Goodnes of God 7. Therfore haue now in consideration / how and wherin the Fulnes of the Mynde of the Scriptures concisteth and whether that the Vnderstanding of God be wholly declared in the Man / when-as he so taketh vnto him one Sentence out of the Scripture / according to his Good-thinking and so goeth-on therwith / without Discerning of the godly Wisdom and doth not once consider / wherto that one Sentence serueth from whence it proceedeth nor to what ende it stretcheth 8. Euenthus ⁏ thou Beloued let vs consider rightly on the Mynde of the Scriptures Standeth-ther not written also / e Sap. 1. ● that the Wisdom dwelleth not in a Body that is subiect vnto Sinne Therfore cannot likewyse an vngodded Man· nor-yet one that remayneth without the Comunialtee of the Family of Loue / iudg one Sentence of the holy Scripture / rightly according to the Trueth nor-yet out of the Wisdom 9. But wheras Ecclesiastes speaketh f Eccle. 12. a. of the Earth and of God as that each-one that is Earthly and of God / goeth to his owne Incorporating / Therof I wil aske thee somwhat 10. When now this Alteration cometh-to-pas with the Man shall then the Nature of the Iniquite haue his Possession with the Man or be mingled with him as an Heyre Or shall he be thrust-out with the Vnfreeone g Gen. 21. b Gal. 4. ● I do veryly suppose / Yea according to the Promyses For beholde 11. Wil not God inhabite his Tabernacle h 2. Cor. 6. b or Temple alone and dryue-out of it / all i Esa. 35.52 a. Apoc. 21. c. that is vncleane or that defyleth the Howse of the Lorde Is not the Heauen also / his Seate and k Esa 66 ● Act. 7. c. the Earth / the Bench for his Feete 12. BEholde to this Glory of God and for that thesame shoulde raigne ouer the Man / is the Man chosen and likewyse in his Fall / called and bidden therunto agayne / by Christ / Because that he shoulde serue and liue-vnto his God only / in all l Luk. 1.8 Righteousnes and not cleaue-vnto the wicked Spirit ▪ nor-yet iudg thesame for the Spirit of God through the which / he keepeth God as also his good Spirit / out of his Dwelling 13. And whosoeuer then / through his Good-thinking and through his wicked Spirit or vngodly Beeing / keepeth the God of Lyfe out of his Dwelling and with a false Opinion● or with an Enuyousnes towards any Man / doth comfort or quyet himself therin / Hee doth willingly giue-ouer himself to the Curssing and perpetuall Condemnation 14. For what other Dwelling for God / wil anyman imagine I pray thee or what other Tabernacle or Temple of God / wil anyman make m 2. Pa● 6. d Esa. 66. a Act. 7. e. ⁏ wherin God wil dwell but the Man / n Iob. 14. b. Psal. 138. a. that Worke of his Hande For thatt is the Lordes Lust o Pro. 8. d. Iohn 14. d. for to dwell therin / with his vpright Beeing or Christ. But most-tymes when the Lorde mooueth the Man ther-to / by his Ministers the Man remayneth captiued vnto his owne Knowledg and so denyeth to yeelde himself p Ier. 7. c 16 b 27.29 b ● Act 7. c. 17 c to thesame Grace of the Lorde so that most-tymes / ther-are Feawe that suffer themselues to be prepared for an Habitation of God the which is greatly to be lamented 15. THerfore I saye vnto thee veryly like as all Gods
Sinne and Death / through his Death of the Crosse / and hath made himself manifest vnto his Freendes / that loued Him and were his Disciples and renewing them in the Woord of his Doctrine / He q Luk. 24 c shewed them ⁏ through his Suffering and Death of the Crosse the Victory r 1 Cor. 15 g. against the Sinne Death Deuill and Hell 5. Now when-as these his Disciples were renewed and established in the Woord of his Doctrine· and armed s 1 Pet 4 a with thesame Mynde of the Suffering of Iesu Christ / t Mar 16. b Luk 24 f Act 1. a then was He taken-vp from them to the Right-hande of God his Father / in the heauenly Beeing From thence hath He comforted his Disciples and comprysed his Shape in them / out of the heauenly Beeing powring-foorth v Act. 1 ● 2 ● his holy Spirit into them as a newe and true x Apo. 21 a Ierusalem which is not prepared by Men / but by God like a garnished Bryde for her Husbande And euenthus became God the Father / thorough his only-borne Sonne ؛ Christ of one-substance agayne y Act ● with the manly Creatures And to that ende also because that all manly Creatures / shoulde ⁏ through Christ be z Iohn 17 c one-substance with God the Father / is Christ preached And in such a State doth God requyre to haue his People or the Congregation of Iesu Christ. 6. BEholde These Disciples of Iesu Christ ⁏ who through Christ / were sealed with the holy a Act. 2. a Rom 8 b 2 Cor 5 a Spirit of Christ / from the Right-hande of God· b Math. 13. f taught to the Kingdom of the God of Heauens· and established in God the Father and in the Lorde Iesu Christ were the right Christians / not out of the Letter or Flesh / c Math. 26. c. Luk. 22 c Iohn 6. f. 1 Cor. 11. c wherwith they had bin serued till vnto the Coming of thesame Clernes of Christ but out of the Power of God / d Luk 24. c Act 1. a. 2. a 1 Cor. 2 a b in the Spirit and did beare euenthus e 2. Cor. 4. a a costly Treasure / in earthen Vessels namely the very-like Beeing of God the Almighty 7. Which Beeing of God / f 2. Cor. 4. a. Phil. 2. a. Col. 1. b. Heb 1. a is the true Christ himself / according to the Spirit with whom they had their Fellowship And through Him ⁏ seing He was One with God their g 1. Iohn 1. a. Fellowship was also with God the Father Wherby they vsed that Woord God our Father and the Lorde؛his Sonne Iesu Christ. The which also Many nodout / do speake or witnes in-that-maner / out of the Letter and out of the Imagination of the good-thinking Knowledg but they are wyde of it / according to the Trueth But These ⁏ who h Act 2.3 1 Cor 2 a b 1 Iohn 1. a. witnessed that Woord / out of the Spirit and Trueth haue witnessed the Grace from God the Father and from the Lorde Iesu Christ / in the Trueth of God And yet notwithstanding / haue confessed nomore but one God but haue witnessed the Wonderful-acts of God / shewed on them through Iesus Christ. And i Ioel 2. d. Act. 2 ▪ b. it shall com-to-pas ⁏ sayeth God in the last Dayes 8. THis Grace of Saluation / that was k Luk. 1. f. g 2. a b. c Act. 2.3.4 c. apeered to the Iewes ⁏ which Many of them in that tyme refused is published to the Heathen / l Math. 3. a. Luk. 2. d Act. 13. c to a Repentance for their Sinnes / to th end that they shoulde m Iohn 1. c. beleeue on the like Beeing of God the Almighty / that was appeered vnto them· and so becom partakers likewyse of the Gifts of the holy Gost ⁏ through Iesus Christ out of the fatherly Grace and that their Fellowship mought be one n 1. Iohn 1. a. with God the Father and his Sonne Iesu Christ / in one-maner of Fayth 9. And to that ende was the Seruice of Christ ministred o 2 Cor. 10. a vnder y e Obedience of Fayth ⁏ by the Apostles of Christ to the vnbeleeueing Heathen namely in the Woord of the Preaching of the Disciples and Apostles of Christ / To the intent that thesame Lyfe of Righteousnes ⁏ that was refused p Act. 3. c. by the Iewes shoulde be set-vpp among y e Heathen / through Fayth and so they sought to confirme y e Lawe among y e Heathen / through Fayth and to bring forth the Righteousnes ther-by / q Rom. 3. c. Gal. 2 b. 3 b Phil. 3. b. that is requyred by y e Lawe The V. Chap. BEholde euenthus / for a a Luk. 2. ● Light and Saluation of the Heathen / is thissame ⁏ only out of Grace / vndeserued published vnto the Heathen / for a Gospel / to a Mortifying of their vayne Vnderstanding b Rom 1.6.8 1 Cor 5.6 Gal. 5 6. and of the corrupt vngodly Beeing and to an Incorporating to the newe Man whom the Apostles of Christ did publish namely Christ؛the Like-beeing of God c Luk. 1. g. Ephe. 4. c. in vpright Righteousnes and Holynes In whom ⁏ and in none Other standeth d Act. 4.10 c the Forgiuenes of Sinnes 2. These Publishers of the holy Woord or Gospel of the Kingdom of God seing now that Iesus Christ had a Shape in them / as a verytrue Light and Lyfe of God and that Gods Shape / was in Christ wher-thorough they lykewyse were in Christ ▪ and God in them haue published that Woord ؛ Grace and Peace from ●od our Father and y e Lorde Iesu Christ in the Trueth 3. But although the Apostles did publih this after-this-maner / yet haue they notwithstanding / spoken no otherwyse then of One God / who had shewed his Procreation or Generation in them / as a e Iohn 1. c Glory of the only-borne Sonne of y e Father / full of Grace and Trueth namely that God the Father had begotten and declared in them / his like f Iohn 1. a 1. Iohn 1. a Lyfe of God / out of his Lyfe and his like Light / out of his Light 4. Seing then that they did beare this like Beeing of the Godhead / in them / therfore haue they ⁏ through thesame knowen the liueing God / who was their Saluation namely through the Lyfe of God / Iesu Christ being appeered vnto them g Ephe. 3. ● in the Spirit Wherthrough they also published the Lyfe that is euerlasting and so witnessed likewyse that Those which had h ● Iohn 5. b. not the Sonne of God / coulde not also haue the Father / and that they were without i Ephe. 2 b. God / in this Worlde For the like Lyfe of God / k Iohn 1. a 1 Iohn 1. a 5
That is / Theirs which be plāted into Him with the like Death i Rom. 6. a. Col 2. b. and so are baptised or washed in his Death and not Theirs / that remayne without thesame 3. In which Daye of the Gloryfication k Luk. 17. 2. Tess. 1. a. of Christ / in his Coming wee likewyse namely which are incorporated vnto Him / euen as the Scripture sayth shall obtayne the Gloryfication of Christ· and liue and raigne with Him l 1. Cor. 15. 1. Tess. 4. b Apo. 21. a. in Ioye / for euermore It is verytrue 4. IF-so-be now ⁏ thou Beloued that the Lust of thy Heart be sett to liue euerlastingly with Christ and his Holyones / in the louely Being of God the Father ●nd to raigne m Apo. 5. b. vppon the Earth with Righteousnes and if thou wouldest gladly haue thy Fellowship with Christ and his Communialtee of Saincts / with perfect Ioye / So let not then the Crosse of Christ wherin all the Saincts of Christ do follow-after Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue be any Stumbling-block or Offence vnto thee n 1. Cor. 1. c. as it is vnto the Worlde and her Wyse and Scripture-learnedones But take-vp o Math. 10. d. 16 c. Math. 8. d. Luk. 9.14 c. thy Crosse That is / Forsake thyself and all Honour and Ritches of this Worlde / for Christ-his sake Beare thou in-that-sort / all Shame Contempt and Blaspheamy / as One that is reiected for an Vnchristian / by those Men that knowe not Christ and therin p 1. Cor. 4. b. 10. d. Phil. 3. b. 1. Tess. 1. a. follow-after Mee euen as I therin do follow-after Christ. 5. If thou now followest-after Christ heerin / with mee and seekest no other Waye vnto thyself ⁏ according to thyne owne Pleasure nor desyerest to go into any other / Then shall wee accorde well with eachother and reioyce vs rightly in the christian Ioye and in the vpright louely Beeing of the Loue. 6. But beware in-any-wyse ⁏ thou Beloued that thou takest no Lyfe on thee / er-euer thou art first q Rom 6. a. 2 Cor. ● b. 2. Timo. 2. b deadd with Christ and that euenso thy Flesh r Gal. 5. c. be crucifyed and killed as also his Lusts and Desyres 7. Take likewyse no Ioye on thee / er-euer thou hast first suffered s Luk. 6. c. Iohn 16. c. Iam. 4. a. Sorrow and Wofulnes or Distresse in y e Flesh of Sinne / for thy Sinnes cause and so in the Obeying of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / hast s Rom 6. a. Col 2. c. layd-away and buryed the Sinne in the Flesh. 8. Take also no Freedom on thee / er-euer thou hast first ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Seruice of Loue continued t Math. 10. a. 24. b. stedfast in the Seruice of the holy Woord of the Spirit of the Loue of Christ ⁏ in all Obedience like a faythfull u Iam. 1. c. Disciple of the Woord and Louer of the Trueth / euen x Math. 19. d. Rom. 6. till vnto the seconde Birth from the Death and so in-that-maner / knowest the Trueth in Christ / So shalt thou then likewyse / be rightly made-free y Iohn 8. d. by the Trueth For thatt Freedom / a Rom. 6. b. 8. a. is the vpright Freedom of all the Children of God and Saincts of Christ. 9. And what Freedoms soeuer be taken-on set-forth and vsed / without this vpright Freedom / are all false Freedoms and do proceede out of the Deuill / b Ioh. 8. ● the Father of Lyes and out of the deuiled fleshly Lusts and Desyres c Rom. 1. ● according to the Imagination of the Knowledg / that false Light 10. Take also no Honour or Dignitee nor Inheritance of the Saincts / on thee as to inherit and to vse anything with the Saincts of God ⁏ much-les / for thyself er-euer thou hast first borne all Dishonour Shame and Contempt Wherin thou art euenso go●-out-of or dead-from / all Dignitee Self-honour and all Takeing-on and fyndest thyself wholly submitted / in the d Math. 19. c. forsakeing of al-things and wel content or satisfyed therin and so in all other things like vnto these 11. O Thou Beloued If-so-be that thou dost wholly giue-ouer thyself heerunto in Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue / then shalt thou be wel contented with mee· and likewyse in all what cometh-vppon me and meeteth me by myne Enemyes· or with what Iudgment soeuer Men e Iohn 8. b. 1. Cor. 4. a. do iudg me and our Hearts shall also in one Mynde / with eachother and with all those that loue the Trueth in Christ / becom incorporated to the only and true Beeing of Iesu Christ / euen to be one f Ephe. 2. b. Man of God O Yea That com-to-pas euenso The IIII. Chap. MY Beloued I haue written and sent-ouer thissame vnto thee / out of Good-will to thy Edifying and out of the hearty Loue of my God / wherwith I do loue thee / To th end that it may be a Memoriall vnto thee / of the Suffering Sorrowfulnes and Dispiseing / which all the Electedones of God and Saincts of Christ do passe-thorow / a Act. 14. c. to the Kingdom of God their Father 2. If now therfore thou loue the Wayes of our Lorde Iesu Christ wherin Hee ⁏ in suffering-maner is gon b Luk 24 f. 1. Pet. 2. c. Heb. 6. c. 12 a. before vs and euenso ⁏ preparing c Iohn 14. a. vs the Waye is com into the Kingdom of the God of Heauēs / to his Father / So keepe thou then thissame in thy Remembrance and indeauour thyfelf also / to passe-thorow d Luk. .13 these narrow Wayes / which leade to the Lyfe 3. I hope likewyse to doo euenso and in my Tribulation Sorrow and Affliction / alwayes to think vpon the Goodnes of y e Lorde / and to laude and thanke Him / for y t He is gracious vnto me / in my Weaknes and in my Sinnes 4. HEer-vnto let vs be of e Rom. 12. b. 15. a. 1 Cor. 1. a. Phil. 2.3 b. one-mynde with eachother / and not looke-vpon conceaue nor construe or report anything to the worst / that hapneth vnto me / to th end that we f Num. 11. d. Psal. 106. c. 1. Cor. 10. b. murmur not against the Lorde nor his Ministers nor-yet blaspheame his Holyones / whom He leadeth wonderfully but may liue peaceably and vprightly / in his Grace· and stande g Gen 21. a. Act. 9. b. submitted vnto Him ⁏ so-much as we may to an Obeying of his Will or Requyring 5. But if we be weake and as-yet / altogether feeble or vnable for to accomplish the Righteousnes of God as that we do yet dayly stumble much and fall still often-tymes into Sinne / Yet let vs not h Ier ● a. lye-still in the Sinne nor in-any-wyse
and Thoughts / from the earthly fleshly and corruptible Beeing / and incorporate or ymplant them to y e heauenly and spirituall vncorruptible Beeing / for to bring-foorth l Iohn 15. b. Fruits of Lyfe / like m Psal. 144. c Esa. 17.60 louely Plants of Righteousnes 7. Heer-vnto exhort one-another in-anywyse and let all your Myndes and Thoughts stand alwayes submitted to the heauenly Trueth and n Col. 3 a. taste euenso in the Spirit of your Mynde / the spirituall heauenly and euerlasting Good and take therin your Ioye among each-other The VI. Chap. THe Lorde which is the a Iohn 1 8 b 1 Iohn 1 a. Iam. 1 b. Light of the euerlasting Vncorruptiblenes giue vnto you all / Eyes of Cleernes / that ye may see and perceaue b Math. 13 b. Lu● 8 10 c and Hearts of Vnderstanding / that ye may vnderstande and comprehend the great Acts and wonderfull Workes of God which God worketh in these last Dayes 2. For now ⁏ out of the Power of God the c 4. E●● 6. ● Apo 5 a Prophecies ⁏ which haue bin shutt d Esa 29 b Dan 22 b or sealed-too a long tyme becom opened / through the Seruice of his holy Spirit of Loue and their Secretnes / playnly declared e Rom. 16 c. Ephe 1 3. a Col. 1. c 2. Timo. 1. b. also nakedly seene into and knowen in the Trueth and euenso published likewyse 3 The Booke of the Lambe ⁏ that is written within and without is also seene and read and his seauē Seales ⁏ f Apo. 5.6 ● b wherwith it was shutt or sealed-too opened Through which Opening of his seauen Seales / g Apo. 14. a. the Iudgment of God is appeered and com ouer the Worlde / for to iudg thesame with h Act. 17. b. Righteousnes 4. And after the Opening of the seauē Seales / the seauen Angels of God namely from the First Angeel foorth / till vnto the Seauenth haue all likewyse sounded with i Apo. 8 9.1● their Trumpets And wee haue heard with our Eares / that the seauenth Angell hath sounded the seauenth Trumpet 5. For after the Sounde of the seauen Trumpets / the greate Voyces in Heauen became saying k Apo. 12. ● The Kingdoms of this Worlde / are becom our Lordes and his Christs and they shall raigne for euer and euer 6. Haue a good regard theron and Vnderstand the righteous Iudgment of God / l Iohn 12. c. which now in thissame last Daye goeth ouer the Worlde 7. HEer-with ⁏ ye Beloued I salute you eueryone / with a Salutation of the Loue. Imbrace and kisse you likewyse one-another to all m 1. Pet. 5. b. Concord and Peace / in thesame Loue n Col. 3. b. forbeare also one-another in the Loue haue Compassion likewyse with o Rom. 13.14 1. Cor. 9. c. Gal 6. a. eueryones Ignorance and informe eueryone also p Rom. 12. b. with Reuerence and that altogether / in the Loue. 8. And when any speciall Matters com before you / wherthrough ye are burthened or wherwith ye are combered / then be bolde therin in-anywyse / to wryte-ouer thosame vnto mee I proffer my self alwayes to doo you seruice 9. Also when ye haue attayned vnto the Tyme that it is needfull that the Seruice of Loue be more-lardgly declared vnto you / then ye haue yet heard / then shal-ther nothing be with-heald from you but be all brought vnto you / out of Loue. 10. Fare-well and be you valyant The Loue of God the Father keepe the q Phil. 4. b. Col. 3. b. Victory in all your Hearts Amen The ende of the Tenth Epistle The Eleuenth Epistle A Rebuke and Exhortacion out of harty Loue / serueing to a Reformation vnder the Obedience of the Loue and to a Repentance for their Sinnes / vnto al those that think themselues to be wyse and do therfore blaspheame our Seruice and our Comunialtee in the Loue and iudg vs falsly Also for a Warning vnto all simple Hearts / that submitt them obediently with vs / vnder the Loue and her Seruice An open Rebuke / is better then secret Loue. Prou. 27. Curssed be hee that smyteth his Neighbour priuily or trayterously and all the People shall saye / Amen Deut. 27. e. A Backbyter / bewrayeth all what he knoweth in secret but who so is of a faythfull Heart / hee hydeth thesame Pro. 11. The Woordes of the Backbyter are lyke vnto Strypes and they enter into the innermost-part of the Heart A venomous Mouth and a wicked Heart / is lyke vnto an Earthen-pott / couered-ouer with Siluer-drosse Psal. 101. Pro. 26. Iam. 4. Health and Saluation / be vnto all those that submitt them with vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. The First Chapter WHERfore do the People rage or a Psal 2.59 a. Act 4. ● murmur why do they constreu our Woordes to y e worst / wherwith they be exhorted to the b 2 Pet 1. b. Entraunce into the good Lyfe Why do they think c Math. ● a. Euell of vs in their Hearts Why do they d Deut 27 ● Ier 18. c. smyte vs priuily / with their Backbyting Why shoote they out their venemous e Psal. 11.57 a Arrowes after vs / behynde our backs And wherfore do many mock at Vs as though the God of Israel / were not our God· and the Lorde Iesus Christ / our Sauiour 2. O ye Backbyters with your false Tonges and ye Declyners from the true Doctrine of the Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ as also ye ignorant People / which do now make-vp yourselues against Vs and against our Loue shewed on you / f Ioel. 2. b. Act. 3. c. Turne you about and repent and torment not yourselues so-much I aduise you / with your Ignorrance least ye g Gal. 5. b. consume your owne Hearts Keepe your venemous Arrowes in your Quyuers hardly and your false Seede / in your Basketts 3. For doutles ther are more then too-many of the venemous Arrowes shott-foorth an● ther is more then enough of the contencious euell h 4. Esd. 4. c. Seede sowen Let it once suffy●e I pray you / to spit-out your Venom and naughty Seede / against God and his holy Maiestee / the Howse of his Loue. 4. Wherfore ⁏ I praye you wil ye murmur against God and his Holyones· dispyse Gods Maiestee ؛the Habitacion of his Loue and ⁏ through the Wickednes or Enuye of your Hearts i Rom. 8. d. blame his chosen Ministers seing y t ther is no euell happened vnto you by them 5. Looke into yourselues I beseeche you Is-it not your owne Euell y t seperateth you from vs and from our Loue which we beare towards you and which falleth vppon you / thorough your owne Opinions or Good-thinking and which likewyse bringeth all Trouble Sorrow Payne k Sap. 11.12 ● and Greefe vppon you· and all peruerse Opinions or euell Imaginations
towards vs But wee for our parts / haue neither don Harme nor l 2. Cor. 7. a. Wrong vnto you nor-yet vnto anyman-els Also / God hath not iniured you But yee for your parts / wil seeme to raigne aboue God and his Requyring· and aboue the Testimonyes of his holy Spirit of Loue / with your m Ma●h 15. b 23. c. vncleane Hearts and earthly Spirit· and with your Imagination of y e Knowledg and so wil iudg Gods Trueth and his Holyones / with your owne corrupt Wisdoms and taken-on Knowledges Yea / ye wil also in your disobedient Knowledg ⁏ which is the euell n Gen. 3 b. 4 Esd. 4. c. d Math. 13. c Seede and false Light of the olde Serpent seeme to vnderstande Gods Workes and his Perfection But ye wil not enter into the Begining o Math. 3· ● Heb 6. a. of the good Lyfe / that reacheth to the Perfection nor accomplish his Requyring 6. O Thou olde corrupt Adam ⁏ which art almost consumed to Dust and Earth wilt thou yet ⁏ in thissame Daye of the Loue p Dan. 8. c. Math. 25. a Iude 1. b. and of the righteous Iudgment of God and Christ make-vp thyself against God and his Saincts Thatt shall not prosper with thee Thou art of Dust and Earth / and thou shalt now in thissame Daye of the Glory of God / becom Dust and q Gen 3. b. Eccli 12. a Earth agayne according to the Woord of our Lorde and God 7. Therfore ⁏ O all ye People which haue your Course-of-lyfe / in the olde corrupt Beeing of Adam turne-awaye your Hearts Myndes and Thoughts betymes / from all what is vayne and destroying and repent and r Eccli 7. b. 1 Pet. 5. a. Iam. 4. a. submitt you vnder the Obedience of the Loue of Iesu Christ and vnder the Aucthoritee or Seruice of his Holyones and so lay-downe yourselues as a s Psal. 110. a. Esa 66. a. Math. 5. c. Bench for the Lordes Feete / er-euer ye be vtterly swallowed-vpp by the Euell· and by your owne Self-seeking For doutles ye shall not benefite yourselues anything nor-yet keepe any Victory / against God and his Holyones nor against our mostholy Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ. For the highest God is our t Deut. 10. b. Psal. 7. g. 75. a. Iudg Hee is our v Psal. 47.96 King our Arme or x Psal. a Strength 8. Why wil ye then murmur backbyte mock deryde and enuy so much I pray you / and ⁏ for to excuse yourselues and your owne Opinions to be good and vpright / before Men to report and wryte so many Lyes of vs / O ye Dust and Earth and ye y Math. 23. c. paynted Walles Ye can surely do nothing against our God For Hee is the Lorde and the Mighty-one ouer all Flesh and without Him ther-is no God more 9. Ther is also none other God / neither in Heauen nor vppon Earth / but the God of the Family of Loue / the true God of Israel which is our God / who hath a 2. Cor. 4. a. declared himself vnto vs / as an euerlasting light and hath likewyse ⁏ in the true Light of his heauenly Cleernes gloryfyed vs in b 2. Cor. 3. b. Him / to be his Saincts and hath moreouer chosen vs / for to c Psal. 9 96. b Act. 17. d. iudg with vs and all his Saincts / in this mostholy Daye of Loue as a righteous Iudgment vppon the Earth the vniuersall Earth / with Righteousnes 10. Ther is also none other Christ nor any Christ more / that is true / but the only-borne d Iohn 1. b. Sonne of God the Father / our Lorde and Sauiour who ⁏ as a Sauiour of People is com vnto vs from the e Act. 1. b. Right-hande of God his Father / in the Obeying of the Seruice of his Loue / and so hath declared f Iohn 12.13 b 17. a. himself vnto vs / out-of and with g Iohn 17 c. thesame Cleernes of his Father / the God of Israel / for to make his Saluation h Ephe. 3. a. manifest through Vs / vnto all Generations of the Earth / in these last and perillous Tymes according to the Promyses and so ⁏ in this his Coming to possesse the Kingdoms of this Worlde / as the right Heyre and to performe his Worke agaynst all his Enemyes / which haue not i Math. 25 b. Luk 19 b ▪ lyked of Him nor of the Seruice of his Loue / that they mought be saued 11. In which Preuayling agaynst all his Enemyes / in the Coming of his Glory / Hee shall giue-ouer k 1 Cor. 15. c. the Kingdom as likewyse all Aucthoritee and Lordshipp / vnto his Father that God may be all in all according to the Promyses 21. Ther is also non other holy Gost nor any holy Gost more / but y e l Iohn 14.15.16 b. Only holy Gost of the Loue of God and Christ who hath declared himself vnto vs / out of the Cleernes of the Father / the God of Israel and out of the Cleernes of y e Sonne of God / our Lorde and Sauiour Which holy Gost / is the euerlasting Lyfe also the Loue and the true Beeing of God and Christ itself and is lykewyse the assured m 2. Cor. 2. c. 5. a. Ephe 1.4 d Pawne of our godly Inheritance With whom / wee haue our fellowshipp in the spirituall and heauenly Beeing in-suchsort / that wee do also with him / inherite the n Math 13. b. Apo. 21. a. Treasures or Ritches of all spiriuall and heauēly Goods and ther-too / the euerlasting Lyfe The II. Chap. FOrasmuch now as this gloryous Maiestee of God / is reuealed vnto vs / in the heauenly Beeing / as an euerlasting Light a Esa 60. c. Apo. 21. a. or vnchaingable Daye of Cleernes / Therfore cannot I also endure to hyde the Goodnes and louely Glory of our God but must / out of the good Nature of God ⁏ which is manned with mee witnes his Righteousnes euerywhear alow of his Wisdom and declare his b Dan 3. c. Wayes ⁏ as the Wayes of the Righteous or Godly against all Self-wyseones according to the Flesh and agaynst all good-thinking and ignorant People / which turne them awaye from vs and dispise or contemne this gloryous Daye of y e Cleernes of the liueing God / which is reuealed vnto vs out of Grace according to the Promyses of God the Father also take no heede to the true Light c Psal. 35 41. a mock at Vs shoote-out their Derydeing towards vs with a priuye Hatrid and so do smyte vs d Deut. 27. c. priuyly / cleane against the Lawe and the gracious Woord of y e Lorde not considering of Gods Light / that giueth his Cleernes in vs / ouer the Darknesses nor of Gods Wisdom / which floweth-foorth so aboundantly in vs / ouer the
/ To th end that thosame Disciples / mought also attayne to the Dayes of their Agednes· and so be nourished-vp ▪ in the godly Wisdom of the Loue to the full Age of the Man Christ. 11. Therfore it is sayde to the Elders / that they shall execute the Iudgment / according to the Trueth p Exo. 21. c. Leuit. 24. b. Deut. 19 c. Math. 5 b. Eye / for Eye Tooth / for Tooth But to the Disciples it is sayde q Math. 7. a. Lu● 6. d. Iudg not and resist r Math. 5. d. Mom 12. b. 1. Tess. 5. b. not also the Wicked 12. Therfore sayth the Age of the Man Christ / to the Disciples s Math. 11. c. Learne of Mee for I am humble and meeke of Heart The V. Chap. TAke this effectually to heart all yee that perswade yourselues / that ye are com to the Age of the Man Christ / by meanes of the Knowledg and looke well into yourselues / whether that yee likewyse / haue in maner as is before sayde bin a Luk. 14. c. Iam. 1. c. Disciples of Christ and are in that sort / com to y e humble and meeke Hearts in Iesu Christ and to his holy Vnderstanding 2. But if it haue not gon so with you / then take not vpon you also / to iudg any godly Matters nor to defende Gods Honour nor-yet to teache anyman but be content to be taught and enformed first yourselues and submitt you euenso b Eccli 6. c. Math 11. c. 1. Pet 5. a. to all Humilitee / vnder the Obedience of y e Loue / for to be rightly taught and so learne of the Loue / the holy Vnderstanding of Iesu Christ. 3. And let not him likewyse that is yet young in this Doctrine of the godly Wisdom / iudg nor reprooue but let him aske and suffer himself to be taught and so c Ephe. 4. b. Col. 1. b. 1. pet 2. a. growe-vpp in the godly Age of Christ to all Strengthening and Increasing of the Peaceable-kingdom in the Loue / So shall he then becom vnderstanding in all godly Things and the Kingdom of Peace shall increase and spread-foorth itself into farr Countryes 4. If wee now do in that maner / growe-vp peaceably in all Loue and Righteousnes / then shall the contencious and deuided d Esa. 21. a. Ier 51. a ▪ Apo. 14.18 a. Kingdom of Babel / be shutt without our Hearts and without our Comunialtee of Loue and we shall beholde the Howse or the Temple of the Lorde / in Heauen / perfectly buylt in all poynts e Amos. 9 d. Mich. 7 b. Agg. 1 a. 2 b Apo. 21. a. and furnished with all his Garnishing and that the Glory or Dignitee and the Teaching-office in the Seruice of Loue / is only the Lords according to the Promyses and not the Mans. 5. HEer-with I do heartely salute you all / yee good-willing Hearts and Louers of the Trueth / with a Salutacion of the Loue and I beseech you take this to heart which I wryte vnto you and therin haue respect to the Loue. For ther-is nothing wyser nor more prudent / then the Loue. 6. Therfore is the Loue in her Follishnes / much godlyer to heare and to beleeue / then all the Wisdom of this Worlde 7. For-that-cause it hath likewyse so pleased God / to bring-foorth his Wisdom / 1. Cor. 1. b. like Foolishnes his holy Vnderstanding like Ignorance and the Foremost / as if it were the Hindmost / before the Worlde and before all her Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones / wherby to confounde the prudent Wyseones and so the out-flowing Woord of the Lorde together with his Seruice of Loue and Gods holy Vnderstanding / to be a g Esa. ● a. 1. Pet. 2. a. Stumbling-stone vnto them wherthrough all Self-wyseones like as in the h Cen. 11. a. Buylding of Babel do intangle and scatter themselues For in-that-sort wil God now in the last tyme / bring his Kingdom vnto his Saints and Electedones and they shall raigne i Apo. 21. b. vppon the Earth 8. But all Self-wyseones and all those that growe offended at the out-flowing Woord of the Lorde and at his Seruice of Loue and wil therfore out of their euell Hearts / contende or dispute against thesame· and make k Rom. 16. c. Deuision together with all those that set-vp themselues against the Loue and her vpright Seruice / God wil shutt without his Kingdom and vtterly roote them out / to th end that the Vniuersal-earth and all what is therin / may be i Esa. 66. c. 2 Pet. 3. b. inhabited vprightly for euermore 9. Farewell and be alwayes of good-cheere in the Loue. The Loue of God the Father / keepe the Victory in all your Hearts Amen Take it to heart The Ende of the Fiftenth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Sixtenth Epistle An instructionable Exhortacion vnto the Good-willingones / which do wholly giue-ouer themselues to the Obedience of the Loue Wherin the vpright Obedience to the Loue and the godly and vngodly Beeing / is distincted Beloued Breth●ren reioyce you be perfect be of good comfort be of one Mynde and Intent and be peaceable So shall the God of Loue and Peace / be with you 2. Cor. 13. Health and Saluacion be vnto the Comunialtee in the Loue to whom I wish much Happynes in the Lorde The First Chapter TO your Seruice / ye Deerly-beloued I do alwayes ⁏ euen one of harty Loue fynde my self very willingly bent / in all what I maye out of the Power of my God and to wryte often vnto you / greeueth me not / to th end if God vouchsafe thesame / y t ye mought ⁏ through my Seruice vnderstand the Ground of the Loue / to the vpright Saluacion and that God mought establish his holy Name in vs. O Yea / that com-to-pas euenso to the Laude and Prayse of the godly Glory Amen 2. O how happy is hee / that hath the Lorde a Psal. 33. b. 144. b. to be his God or which seeketh and loueth Him with b Ier. 29. b. all his Heart and which desyreth with all his Soule / to cleaue vnto the Vertue / hee shall knowe / that the Wayes of the Lorde / are pure and cleere For the Lorde is Psal. 34. a. freendly vnto all those that loue Him also faythfull and true vnto all those that haue a Delyte and Pleasure in the Wayes of his Loue. 3. But to the Dispisers of his Loue / which do arrogantly contemne blaspheame and resist his Will / He is as Indignacion d Eccli 5. a. and Wrath. For whosoeuer disdayneth the Lorde and his e 2. Cor. 6. a ▪ Grace as also shutteth God and his Woord / f Tob. 6. b. without his Heart
most-perfect Cleernes / b Ephe. 3. d. 2. Pet. 1. b. in the Inwardnes of your Hearts / To th end that ye may ⁏ through thesame Cleernes see knowe and vnderstand / to what a Noblenes and Kingdom of God of concordable Louelynes / God hath c Gen 1. c. Sap. 2. c. Eccli 17. a created the Man· and chosen and loued thesame Generation like-as our Wrytings ⁏ set-foorth by vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue do sufficiently ⁏ with full Instruction shewe the Cleernes of thatt Matter / were it rightly vnderstoode 2. Although ⁏ ye Beloued that ye haue often hearde of this Matter by vs or readd therof in our Wrytings and do also partly see-into and knowe thesame / yet am I forced notwithstanding / out of the Heart of Loue ⁏ that standeth affected towards all your Hearts / to an Vnitee in the Loue to wryte a little-more vnto you / of the vpright Beeing / wherin the Man was created wher-from he is d Gen. 3. ● Sap. 2. c. falne and wher-vnto he is called agayne / by Christ / to th end to stirr-vp the desyre of your Spirit the-more and to procure all your Will the-more towards the vpright Beeing of the true Light and to the Incorporating e Iohn 15. ● 17. b. to one concordable Man of God / in whom / God with his Christ and with all his Saintes Spirits Prophets and Angels / dwelleth liueeth and tryumpheth with Glory and all Delytfulnes / as a f Rom 14. b. peaceable and g Heb. 12 b. vndisturbable Kingdom To him thesame God / h Ephe 1. b. to the Laude and Prayse of his Glory and to him thesame godded Man / to his perfect Ioye Amen 3. BEholde and consider / ye Beloued In the Begining / i Gen 1. c when God had made al-things well / then was the Lorde / a Lorde of his Kingdom and a God of his Workes Ther was not also in his Kingdom nor-yet in all his Workes / any-more then one God and one Man and they were One and had in all respects / one Kynde Beeing and Nature And so ⁏ at thatt tyme God was all what the Man was and the Man all what God was 4. And when God looked vpon the Man / k Gen 1. c. Sap 2 c. Eccli 17. a. whom He had created according to the like Being of his Godhead and with whom He was manned / then looked He vpon himself as thesame Cleernes of his liueing Godhead / vniforme with the Manhod 5. Beholde thus vniforme with the true Beeing of God / was the Man in the Begining and this was all one Beeing / the Man and God And so God behealde l Gen. 1 d. his Worke which He had made / that it was Good 6. And when the Man likewyse behealde his God / with whom he was godded / then sawe he ⁏ in thesame Cleernes of his God the noble and pure Cleernes of his Manhod / vniforme with the Godhead and perfect in all Vertues and Beawty ▪ namely according to all the Frome and Beeing of thesame Godhead Lo this was likewyse all One / m Iohn 17 c. Ephe 2 b God and the Man 7. Seing now that These ⁏ God and the Man were One / so was-ther likewyse nomore but one Kingdom / in Heauen nor vppon Earth and thatt was the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and the euerlasting Lyfe / which had his perfect Beawty and Cleernes both vppon the Earth and in Heauen / with the Man and in the Man And ther-was nowheare any n Sap. 1. c. Kingdom of Hell nor Death nor-yet any Vnrighteousnes / neither in Heauen nor vppon Earth For God had made all Things good and well / which He had made and also created him nomore but one Man who was as God himself And God blessed this Man and hath sayde vnto him / that he shoulde growe or increase him replenish o Gen. 1. c. the Earth and bring it vnder him 8. Also God gaue no other Customs Rytes Lawes nor Commaundements vnto the Man / in the Begining / but to liue with Ioye and an p Gen. 2. b vncouered Heart / in the naked or vncouered Cleernes of his God and likewyse to walke alwayes naked or vncouered / before Him and that he shoulde euenso beholde all the Workes of God / for good / and not for euell· knowe nothing but Good / and not any Euell· and taste or feele nothing-els but Lyfe / and not any Death· Saluation / and not any Condemnacion The II. Chap. BEholde Thatt woulde God and that thesame shoulde continue in that maner and euerlastingly with the Man / to th end that his Kingdom namely the Man / with the Godhead shoulde ⁏ as one only peaceable Kingdom / in all Louelynes beare a ●en ● c. d the Dominion ouer the vniuersall Earth / to the Welfare of all Creatures 2. But as-soone as the Man turned-away the Sight of his Eyes / from his God and looked vppon himself and so turned-vnto and loued himself / thē perceaued he that he was not altogether the highest Godhead himself· but with the Godhead / a Man also b Gen 3 a. and became tempted to the Knowledg of Good and Euell for to bee ther-through in euery-respect / as God himself 3. When the Man had geeuen-ouer himself ther-vnto· and taken-on such a Fruit / of the Knowledg of Good and Euell / then came Blyndnes ouer him c Gen. 3. a. and he estrainged or seperated himself from the louely Cleernes of his God By meanes wherof / he coulde not endure the Woord or the Voyce of his God· nor appeere before Him / with his naked Manhod but was d Gen. 3. b. ashamed before God / of his naked Manhod 4. He coulde not also beholde nor conceaue any other Light or Cleernes / but thatt which he framed to himself / out of the Knowledg of Good and Euell or euen-as thesame Knowledg imagined it in him The which was all Ignorance and Darknes and was alwayes to a more Leading-awaye or Estrainging of the Man from his God who is the c Iohn 1. a 8. b. 9. ● 12. ● euerlasting Light and the true Wisdom 5. He fealt likewyse no other Lyfe of Righteousnes nor Peace or Rest in his Conscience / but thatt which he himself forged and tooke-on out of the Knowledg of Good and Euell The which was all wrong and nothing but Sinne Death and Vnrestfulnes 6. He knew not also any other God Kingdom of Heauens nor Saluacion / but such as he prefigured vnto himself / through thesame forenamed Knowledg / which the Man himself had taken-on The which was nothing-els / but the Deuill himself· the Kingdom of Hell· and the euerlasting Condemnacion f Sap. 1. ● whom / God woulde not that they shoulde bee vppon the Earth 7. And euenthus did the Darknes and the Deuill ؛ g Iohn ● c. the Father of Lyes as also
Ephe. 1.4 b Renewing of our Lyfe and Mynde and to an euerlasting x 2. Pet. 3. b. Righteousnes vppon Earth euen-as is written of Him The II. Chap. FOrasmuch now ⁏ O ye beloued Heartes as this pure and spirituall· and this heauenly and true louely Beeing / is a Eph. 3 a. 2. Timo. 1. b appeered vnto vs Poore and Littleones / among so many Thowsandes in this Worlde and is ⁏ out of Gods Mercy and his Loue administred and presented vnto vs / by Christ؛the true Minister b Heb. 8.9 b. of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes in his Coming / Therfore let vs take-heede with all our Heartes / to the Seruice of thesame Grace / to our Amendment and to the c Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. Renewing of our Hearts and Myndes and euenso therthrough / lay-away d 2. Cor. 7. a. Ephe. 4. c. Col. 3. a. 1. Pet 2.4 a. Heb. 12. a. all earthly and fleshly Pollution and all vncleane Thoughts / which in tymes-past ⁏ when we walked yet in Ignorance haue drawen and leadd our Hearts to the Flesh and Blood of Sinne and to many-maner of Errours and also to many-sorts of Bewitching with visible and corruptible Things 2. From all these and from all what is not agreeable to the Woord of Trueth and his Requyring / let our Hearts be e E●e 36. c. cleansed / thorough the Seruices Doctrines or f Iohn 4.7 b Waters of Lyfe / which do now flowe from the Body of Christ and his holy Spirit of Loue / To th end that we may with pure Hearts / cleaue to the Loue and her louely Beeing· becom incorporated therunto· and so may be heauenly and spiritually mynded / with all our Myndes and Thoughts 3. THerfore submitt yourselues eueryone / g 1. Pet. 5 b. Iam. 4. a. vnder the mighty Hande of God and indeuour you moreouer / for h Heb. 3. b. to heare ⁏ with meeke Hearts now in this present Daye / the Voyce of the holy Spirit of Loue which doth now giue-foorth her Sounde and speaketh vnto you / out of Heauen / with a spirituall Tongue and which likewyse despereth to drawe you all with your inward Man / to the spirituall heauenly and true Being / for that yee mought in like-maner / haue your fellowshipp with our Comunialtee For our Comunialtee is vniforme i 1. Iohn 1. a. with the spirituall Comunialtee of the Saints of God namely with the louely heauenly Company / which walke with vs in all Loue and so wee do all one-with another / eate the true k Iohn 6. e. heauenly Breade with Christ ؛our Headd and King in the l Luk 22. d. Kingdom of God our Father and so drinking with Ioye / of the new Fruit of the true Vyne / we are ioyfull in the euerlasting Lyfe To which louely Beeing ⁏ for to liue all therin / with one Heart Mynd and Delyte we are eueryone created· and called therunto ⁏ out of Grace by m Rom. 10. b 1. Pet. 1. b. the Preaching of the holy Gospel of Christ. 4. If yee now ⁏ O ye Beloued do see into thissame / according to the Trueth and that ye do consider / to what an excellent Maiestee ye be called and bidden now in thissame last Daye / through the Seruice of Loue wherby to n 1. Esd. ●0 3. Esd. 9 renew you eueryone / through the Woord of Lyfe and to confirme you in your Calling wherunto ye are chosen by Iesu Christ / So consider then likewyse / how o 2. Pet 3. b. pure or cleane your Heartes ought to bee from all earthly and corruptible Things / wherin p Leuit. 26. b. Apo. 21. a. the liueing God of Heauen will dwell liue and walke / with such a Glory of God and heauenly Kingdom of Christ euen-as is witnessed vnto you by the Seruice of Loue and as is now heald-foorth before you / with this loueing Exhortacion 5. When-as we now do consider and perceaue thissame / how pure and cleere our Heart or inward Mynde ought to bee and that we contrary therunto / do fynde ourselues still defyled and that we likewyse for-that-cause / do not yet for the present tyme / fynde thesame Cleernes· nor the vpright Being of the louely Beawty of God / perfectly in vs but that the vncleane Being and the q 2. Tess. 2. a Contrary-nature vnto God / doth yet generally dwell in vs and doth yet dayly r Rom. 7. c. Gal. 5. b. mooue our Myndes and Thoughts / with euell Inclynacions / So let vs then ⁏ to y e Purifying of our Hearts and mynds submitt ourselues with all our Hearts / before s Eze. 43. a Heb. 5. a. the Seate of the Maiestee of God and before the Tabernacle t Apo. 21. a of his holy Dwelling / out of the which / He doth now let his Woord of Trueth and his holy Will / be hearde vppon the Earth and so in Humilite ⁏ with the t Math. 1● ● Lu● 14. c Forsaking of all our Selfnes and Self-wisdom let vs take-heede ⁏ with Beleefe and firme Confidence to the Seruice of y e holy Spirit of Loue and his Requyring / proceeding out of thesame and giue-eaxe and with whole Heart v 1. Pet. 1. e. be obedient to the Woord of Trueth / that is administred ther-out x Act. ● c 1 Cor. 9. breake destribut and feed-vpon thesame Woord ⁏ the which is y Iohn 6 c the heauenly Breade among eachother / for a Foode of our Soules and as often as we doo this / let vs publish the Death z 1 Cor. 11. c of Christ namely of thissame holy Beeing of God or Woord of the heauenly Father / that ought to liue and to raigne or gouerne in our Inwardnes and yet notwithstāding / is as deadd or killed with the Death of the Crosse / For our Sinnes cause and a Math. 3 a. Luk 3. c. confesse our Sinnes till that our sinfull Members together with ther euell Lusts and Desyres / be b Rom. 6. a Gal 6. a Phil. 3. b Col. 3. a. crucifyed and killed with thesame or the lyke Death of the Crosse of Christ and that we be in that sort / planted into Christ / with the lyke Death c Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. and buryed with Him passe-ouer and suffer-out thesame Passe-ouer of his Crosse Death and Buryall / in that maner with Him / till that the heauenly Beeing of God or Christ according to the Spirit / do com vnto vs ⁏ liueingly and mightely to the d Rom. 16. c. Treading-downe and Rooting-out of all vngodly Beeing and that we do euen so through the second Birth from the Death / e Rom. 6. ● 1. Cor. 15. c f. Col. 3. ● ryse with Him in a new Lyfe / out of our Buryall ▪ to be an holy f Iohn 14. ● Apo. 21. ● Dwelling of God and Christ the which is
therunto / to th end that he shoulde euenso haue all his Ioye Delyte and Lyfe / in thesame Godhead· and remayne incorporated to the d Sap. 1. b. Immortalitee of the euerlasting Lyfe 9. To liue in thissame godly Nature and Kynde / is the vpright Nature and Kynde of the Man as is sayde And thatt is the Commaundement of God and the Lawe of the Lorde / which is geeuen or appoynted Him and it is likewyse Gods e Math. 3. ● 17. a. 2. Pet. 1. b. Pleasure that the Man shoulde liue therin for euer 10. This Commaundement Lawe Will Nature and Kynde / can noman ⁏ of his Natures-part breake but he may I graunt ⁏ according to the Lusts of his owne Thoughtes and according to the Lusts of his Transgression of the Ordinance of the Lorde stepp out of f Gen. 3. a it and fall from thesame or estrainge himself ther-from euen-as we now do euidently or apparantly fynde that it is so com-to-pas with the Man / and that he perisheth therin / if he repent not 11. For he hath forsaken the g Ier. 2. b. Fountayne of his Lyfe and is becom subiect to the deadly Things and so hath mingled himself with the corruptible Mortalitee By which meanes / all Destruction raigneth ouer the vnrepentant Man and the vnmeasurable lying Beeing hath corrupted his Vnderstanding / with the Knowledg and so hath stolen from him the vpright Mynde of his God in such-sort that hee for-that-cause knoweth or vnderstandeth too-to-little of his godly Nature and Kynde Thissame is the Mans Fall and his Deepe-sinking vnder the Sinne and thatt is the vngodly Nature / against Gods Loue and Nature and agaynst the Loue and Nature of the Man 12. In which vngodly Nature and corrupt Beeing / the Man cannot h 1. Cor. 2. b taste the Ioye of the euerlasting Lyfe / which is godly heauenly and spirituall For in the vngodly Nature / he is generally i Iohn 8. e nothing but deuilish and fleshly k Rom. 8. a. mynded and euenso tasteth only the Earthly and not the Heauenly / and so ⁏ out of his Good-thinking taketh on Him thatt which is one with his l Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b owne Sensualitee and not thatt which is one with the Outflowing of the Trueth of God / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. The VIII Chap. BVt according as thou wrytest / thou knowest not what thou shalt saye of y e outward Man But it seemeth / y t thou demaunding of mee / sayest Is not hee likewyse a seruiceable Instrumēt to his God / in thatt Nature wherunto he is created 2. It is true Hee is likewyse a seruiceable Instrument to his God ▪ namely in thatt Nature ⁏ whether it be then the godly or the vngodly to the which he is subiect like-as thesame is sufficiently rehearsed and distincted vnto thee before 3. Therfore haue regarde vnto the Woord and vse a Difference betwixt the inwarde and the outward Man and in what an vpright Estate / the outward Man is likewyse a seruiceable Instrument to his God namely in his vpright Foorme or Estate / as is sayde 4. But without his vpright Foorme or Estate / the Man ⁏ for his Sinnes cause is like vnto a marred Instrument a Sap. 2. c. Iohn ● c which is subiect and seruiceable to the Deuill or to the Enimite towards God 5. Thissame hath the kingly Prophet Dauid rightly looked-into / when he saw-into the Mans Fall b Psal. 51. a and acknowledged his Sinnes or Transgression wher-through he lamented his Sinnes and Corruption / in many Afflictions and Sorrowes and that he was like vnto a marred Instrument 6. Euenso haue likewyse the Prophets and Men of God / lamented thissame eueryone / c Esa. 33.59 a Ier 10 a 14 c Dan. 9. a. b when they saw-into the Fall of Men. namely the Fall from their God The IX Chap. FArdermore thou wrytest vnto mee / that thy Vnderstanding or Con●eaueing is / that Christ is the Headd of vs all and so must haue many Members and that euery Member is seruiceable to his Headd / in his Kynde 2. Erre not heerin in-any-wyse / thou Beloued Many do saye indeede / out of a lying and vngodly Beeing / Christ is our Headd wheras doutles the deuilish Nature ؛that Antichrist or Childe of the Deuill is their Headd and they / his Members but not / out of the Creation of God but out of the false Beeing a Iohn 8. Ephe ● a. of the Deuill the which they haue take-on willingly ⁏ according to their owne Pleasure as a Contrary-beeing vnto God and do carry or beare thesame / as a Contrary-nature to their vpright Nature or Kynde 3. Veryly such are swallowed-vpp by the earthly Corruptiblenes in whom all Blyndnes and Vnbeleef b Ephe. 2. ● hath is Worke. 4. Therfore also / they are all mynded according to the comon Course of the wicked Worlde and not according to the Nature of the Loue / the heauenly Trueth of God 5. NOw seemeth it likewyse ⁏ according to thy wryting that thou wilt not excuse the Flesh of his Sinne / Because that much innocent Blood is sheadd ⁏ through thesame with his Knowledg and misunderstanding Wisdom 6. Ah looke-into the matter of fellowship / according to the Trueth How shoulde I pray thee / the innocent Blood be sheadd and liue so wholly in all Wrong and Contrarynes / thorough the Flesh and his Wisdom Vnles that it were estrainged from his right Headd· subiect to the Contrary-nature vnto God / wherof the Deuill is the Headd· and incorporated and seruiceable to thesame / as a Fellow-member of Antichrist / the Deuils Childe and that euenso the Deuill gouerned ouer him who vseth the Flesh ⁏ as his seruiceable Instrument to the Iniquitee / according to his Will 7. So long then as any Flesh / is ⁏ with his Will inclyned to the Iniquitee and doth not beleeue to be iustif●ed or released c Rom. 3 8. a Gal. 2. b. from the Sinne / through Christ / So hath it not Christ to be his Headd nor he is not in all his Nature Beeing and Kynde / natured nor mynded d Rom. ● a according to Gods Beeing and Nature vnles it were so that the Man had ⁏ with Good willingnes turned him to God and his Righteousnes and did vpright e Math. 3. a. Luk. 3.13 a Fruits of Repentance / in the Obedience of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and that Christ did in that maner / get f Cal. 4. c. his Foorme in Him / wherby to vse the Creature ⁏ as his Instrument to all good and profitable Workes / according to his vpright Nature 8. BVt / that Flesh and Blood may not possesse g 1. Cor. 25. f. the Kingdom of God as thou wrytest thatt is right nodout Flesh and Blood hath no Inheritance nor Dominion or Lordshipp in the Kingdom of God For Flesh
for Light and the Light / for Darknes / and grounded all thier Vnderstanding / vppon their Knowledg / in the Darknes and so haue intangled themselues in many-maner of Prudencies / through their owne Knowledg and brought the whole Worlde euery-wheare / into so many erring Blyndnesses in-such-sort that for-that-●au●e / all Vnderstanding of Men / hath corrupted g Gen. 6. ● his Waye euen-like as all Flesh did / in the tyme of Noe. Therfore is also their Destruction com hard-by 5. And seing now that we haue founde-out in the Deede and Trueth / that all manly Vnderstanding hath corrupted his Waye in the Knowledg / So do we likewyse ⁏ through the Light of the eternall Trueth beholde a great Wo and Greefe among Many h Ez● 7. b Luk 19. ●● ● the which is coming euerywhear ouer the Children of Men. And thatt is the great Destruction ouer the manly Generacion / in the Last tyme. 6. For the Destruction hath taken-holde of them and shall make-vp itself to a Destruction among them and fall vppon them all speedely namely because that their noble Vnderstanding / hath forsaken De●t 32. ● the liueing Beeing of God· and intangled itself with so many-kyndes of ignorant Knowledg or Good-thinking so that the Children of Men haue therthrough / plucked k I●● 23. f. g a heauy Burden vppon their owne Necks / to their Destruction Which Burden also / they shall not be able to beare nor accomplish but must perish therin 7. Heerwithal goeth the Man burthened combered and greeued / and cannot fynde the l Math. 11. d Refreshing of his Soule / in the Knowledg of his corrupt Vnderstanding although he notwithstanding seeketh it therin He thinketh to fynde the Lyfe / in the Knowledg of his corrupt Vnderstanding but thesame Knowledg / m Gen 3. a is nothing-els but to a Death and Condemnation vnto him But the Lyfe in the Loue / is the Saluation and Peace 8. Seing now that the Worlde standeth comprehended n 1. Iohn 5. c. in the Destruction of the ignorant Knowledg the which she doth neither see nor marke / so is therfore the Affection of our Heart / ouer all tho●e and vnto all those / which do see or knowe the Destruction ouer themselues and which desyre our Seruice / to theobtayning of a godly Knowledg / wherby to be partakers o 2. Pet ▪ 1. ● of the godly Beeing of the Loue and which seeke their Preseruation with vs / in the Loue. 9. For vnto those afflicted Hearts / do we shewe our Seruice p 2. Cor. ● ● ▪ Tit. 3. a courteously / witnessing vnto them / the Passage to the Lyfe Wherwith we do meete or com-before them with a good Conscience against their corrupt Vnderstanding or euell Conscience and so do reacheout the Hande vnto them / to a Guyding of them into our Comunialtee of Loue and of the good Vnderstanding / To th end that they mought therby / be drawen out of the damnabl● q Esa 47. ● Apo 1● b Plagues of the vnbeleeueing and insensible Worlde· and to an Health in their Soules / wherby to serue and to liue-vnto our r Luk. 1. g God ⁏ with Them concordably / vnder the Obedience of the Loue ⁏ with a cleane or vndefyled Conscience in all Loue / as being free or vnbounde from all Diuisions or Schysmes and vnbewitched from all chosen and counterfeyt God-seruices and false Holynesses The III. Chap. BEholde ⁏ my Beloued this haue I written for the Answering of thy Letter / as meeting with thee and giueing thee to vnderstande therwithal / how erring-blynde the Children of Men are growne in these last Tymes Not only the Worlde / that liueth in Wyldnes and in Bruitish-sort but cheefly / those that haue chosen them som God-seruices Righteousnesses and Holynesses / through the Knowledg of their ●wne corrupt Vnderstanding or haue counterfeited them according to the Prefiguration of the Letter wherthrough Many of them haue made vnto themselues / a wicked and naughty Conscience by the which / they suffer themselues to be iudged / out of the Darknes and so do a Isa. 2. a I●r ● b feare and serue those Gods which they themselues haue made 2. And although they be somtymes rebuked by their euell and darke Conscience / yet be not the Darknesses made-manifest in them for-al-that neither becom they also any Light For they cannot / because that their euell and darke Conscience although it be esteemed for Light and Trueth is Darknes and Lyes itself Therfore it is a certayne Testi●ony / that such a Conscience is vntrue / and doth neither iudg right nor rebuke to Amendment 3. But God b Iohn 1. a. 5. c. 14. a which is the Light and Lyfe itself / is much greater c 1. Iohn 3. c in Power / then the darke Conscience For He himself / doth ⁏ thorough his Light and Seruice of Loue seperate in vs / the Light / d 2. Cor. 4. a from the Darknesses and so e Iohn 17 c. sainctifyeth his Name / in vs and sheweth that He himself / is the Lorde and the right f 2. Tim. 4. b A●● ▪ 10. f and true Iudg / in our Consciences 4. Therfore shoulde not the Man take any Iudgment vpon him / out of his darke Vnderstanding or euell Conscience although the euell Conscience wil seeme to execute the Iudgment / out of the Darknesses But alwayes to long after som better thing and to sett the Comfort of his Hope g Rom. 15. a. vppon thatt which God hath promysed namely vppon the Light of Lyfe / administred in the Seruice of Loue / for that he mought euen so by the God of Lyfe ⁏ h Ephe. 1. a whose Hand-worke he is be accepted and receaued in the Seruice of Loue / to a Nourtering with Righteousnes and so mought ⁏ to his Saluation take-heede to the Rebuke and to the nourterable Information / ministred by the Light namely through the Seruice of the holy Woord / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. For in that sort doth God rebuke and i Pro. 3. b Heb. 12. a nourter euery Sonne / whom He accepteth or receaueth 5. Whatsoeuer then is so rebuked by the k Iohn 3. c Ephe 5. b Light thatt is manifest and whatsoeuer is manifest thatt is Light and we vnderstande or knowe / that the Rebuke by the Day-light of the Righteousnes of God / is very profitable and good for vs / to Amendment and to Saluation 6. For God l Deut 32. d 1. Reg. 2. a Sap. 16 b Tob. 13 a killeth and maketh alyue agayne / because He woulde euenso by his Killing / depryue the m 1 Cor. 15. f 2. Timo 1. b Heb. 2 b Death of her Power 7. He leadeth into Hell n 1. Reg. 2. a Tob. 1● ● and leadeth therout agayne / because He woulde euenso / rende the Kingdom of Hell· and depryue the Hell of
her Victory shewing that Hee only is the Lorde and hath the Power ouer the Death and Hell 8. Beholde thatt is the Iudgment of the Righteousnes of God and the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ / to our Preseruation and to the Saluation of vs / which hope vpon God and Christ / for that the Death and the Hell / shoulde nomore haue any Dominion ouer vs but that the Lorde only / mought ⁏ as our God and King raigne ouer vs· and wee ⁏ as his People to serue Him o Luk. 1. g in Righteousnes and Holynes / to his Prayse and Glory and to our Ioye 9. Whersoeuer then / God doth ⁏ through his Light and Seruice of Loue execute the Iudgment namely as a Death to the Death / p Oze 13. b ● Cor. 15. f and as a Sting to the Hell / to a Conquering both of the Death and of the Hell euen-theare is put-on the Incorruption / the Lyfe of the euerlasting Immortalitee / to th end that the Scripture shoulde be fulfilled in the Woord of Lyfe / which God hath spoken in tymes-past by Ozeas / his holy Prophet O q Oze· 13. b 1. Cor 15. f Death I was thy Death O Hell I was thy Sting 10. Heerin haue we to prayse our God for that Hee ⁏ through his Light and Seruice of Loue prepareth vs the Victory against the Death and Hell For those are r 1. Cor. 15 a the last Enemyes of the Lyfe / from the which / God wil cleanse vs / according to his Promyses 11. For the Daye or Light of the Lorde / in his Seruice of Loue and righteous Iudgmēt / is like vnto the Gold-smithes Furnace and like the Sope of a Laundresse Beholde the Furnace of the Gold-smith / s Mal. 3. a purifyeth the Golde in the Fyre The Sope of a Laundresse / cleanseth the Clothes in the Water Euenso is the Man cleansed also in the t Pro. 17.27 ● Sap. 3. a Eccli 2. ● Furnace of Humiliation / in the Daye or Light of the Lorde 12. NOw this passed-ouer I reioyce me for thy Thankes for y t thou ⁏ as thou wrytest art not a-little taught and informed / by the little Booke that we haue sent vnto thee Of the which thou wrytest-ouer vnto mee / that thou vnderstandest som of the Sentences which thou hast read therin 13. But ⁏ my Beloued learne to haue a consideration / betwixt a godded and an vngodded Man and iudg thou accordingly For in that Pl●ace whear a godded Man standeth in such a State of thesame Beeing / ●an no vngodded Man holde himself nor-yet be so And though that he woulde so or if that anyone shoulde mooue him thertoo hee did vnwysely For an vngodded Man hath no Substance / wherwith he can stand submitted vnto God He hath v Rom. 7. b. the Will I graunt but ther-is neither the Power nor ●he Accomplishment / with him The IIII. Chap. THerfore ought not the Man to take-on any-thing / neither Submission nor Vnsubmission If he be estrainged in the Absent-beeing from God and that he knoweth his Estrainging / yet doth not the Knowledg bring with-it any Submission vnto him / in the Beeing of the Estrainging from his God 2. Yea how submitted soeuer he wil seeme to behaue himself / yet is it doutles no Submission but an Vnsubmission For the Longing resteth not / a Psa 42· a. for to com to the Beholding of God and thesame Vnsubmission is vpright and good And now when the Man is com to the Beeing of his God / by the Obedience to the Seruice of Loue and knoweth that same in his Beholding / as a Light of Lyfe / Then doth that Beeing / bring-forth the Submission itself For God is with him and b Psal. 16. b is alwayes in his Beholding 3. If he be in the Kingdom of Heauen / then is God thear also with him If he be in the Hell / then is he thear well and safe For God is c Psa. 139. a thear likewyse with him If he go-about to-and-fro with the Creatures / then is God thear in like-maner with him And in such an Estate / the Man is euerywhear and in all poynts / submitted vnto his God 4. For God is alwayes with him d Psal. 16. b at his Right-hand and his euer-liueing Beeing / is also a Light still / in his Beholding Therfore he feareth not And euenso in the true Beeing / the Submission is vpright and good And whosoeuer taketh-on another Submission or if that anyman shoulde think to content himself with another Submission / without the true Beeing and so hunteth-after the Submission / he shall not fynde the right Submission 5. Wherfore because that we shoulde not comfort ourselues with the Vanitee nor with any foolish Submission / the Scripture teacheth vs thus e Esa. 55· a. Seeke the Lorde / whylst He is to be founde Call to Him / whyles He is neer-by I wil be founde sayth the Lorde / by the Prophet Ieremy when ye f Ier. 29. b seeke me with all your Hearts 6. To thesame doth Peter also exhort the Bretheren of Fayth g 2. Pet. 1. b. We haue sayth he a sure propheticall Woord and ye do well that ye haue regarde ther-vnto / as vnto a Light / which shyneth in a darke Corner / till the Daye breake and the Morning-light ryse-vp in your Hearts 7. BEholde These Doctrines and more such like / do all teache the Vnsubmission / thewhyles one is yet in the Absent-beeing from God / because that the Longing towards our God ⁏ in Longsufferance shoulde not ceasse Therfore noman hath the right Submission neither is also the Submission promysed to anyman / in the Estrainging from his God but only in Gods Beeing / the Light of Lyfe 8. But thewhyles we do yet walke vppon the Earth in the Absent-beeing from God / like Geasts h 1. Par 29 d Psal. 39 c. 1. Pet. 2. b. Heb. 11. c. and Pilgrimes / so haue we our Comfort ⁏ i Rom. 15. a in a firme Hope vpon the Promyses of God / through his gracious Woord and do credite God / that He is true in his Woord and Promyses and do k Rom. 8. c Tit. 2. waight euenso with Patience / vpon the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ. Whose Coming / cometh with Light and Cleernes and with the Fulnes of Lyfe And so in an assured Hope on the Appeering of Christ ⁏ who is coming vnto vs in the Spirit we haue our Consolation l 1. Tess. 4. b. Heb. 10. ● with each-other / thewhyles the deadly Things haue yet captiued vs and so we m 1. Cor. 11. c. confesse the Suffering and Death of Christ / for our Sinnes cause And euenthus through Fayth / we becom armed likewyse with thesame n 1. Pet. 4. a Mynde of the Suffering and Death of Christ for to be planted into o Rom. 6. a Him with the like