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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06719 Dauids harpe ful of moost delectable armony, newely strynged and set in tune by Theadore Basille Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1717; ESTC S110422 64,503 192

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hym in all his godly and vertuous enterpryses also lead hym into all trueth kno ledge of Gods moost holy wyll To make an ende come ther lyfe or cōmeth ther death Dauid is fully determned to stycke by Gods word to seke his glory aboue all thynges yea and that not in corners and secret places but openly that all the worlde maye euidently se that Dauid is an earneste setter forthe and an vnfayned promotoure of Goddes glorye and by that meanes be occasioned also wyth Dauid to honoure worshyppe magnify laude and prayse GOD wyth one mynd and voyce for euermore as Christe saythe Let your lyght so shyne before menne that they maye se your good workes and glorifye your father which is in heauen to whome wythe his onlye begotten s●…nne oure LORDE and omnisufficient sauiour Iesus Christ the holy Ghoste that moost swete confor toure be all honoure prayse and glory for euer and euer Am̄ ¶ Gyue the glory to God alone ¶ The. Cxlv. Psalme I Wyll magnifye the O God my kyng I wyl prayse thy name for euer and euer Euery day wyll I gyue thākes vnto the and prayse thy name for euer and euer Great is y ● Lord and maruelous worthy to be praysed ther is no ende of his greatnes One generacion shall prayse thy workes vnto another and declare thy power As for me I wyll be talkynge of thy worshyp thy glory thy prayse and wonderous workes So that men shall speake of the myghte of thy maruelous actes tell of thy greatnes The memoriall of thyne abundant kyndenes shall be shewed and mē shall synge of thy righteousnes The LORDE is gracious mercifull longe sufferynge and of great goodnes The LORDE is louynge to euery man and his mercye is ouer all his worckes All thy worckes prayse the O LORD and all thy Saynctesgyue thanckes vnto the. They shew the glory of thy kingdome and talke of thy power That thy power thy glorye and myghtynes of thy kyngdom might be knowen vnto men Thy kingdome is an euerlastyng kyngedome thy dominion endureth thorowe oute all ages The LORDE vpholdethe all suche as shoulde fall and lyfteth vppe all those that be downe The eyes of all wayte vpon the and thou gyuest them theyr meate in due season Thou openest thyne hande and fyllest all thynges lyuyng with plē teousnes The LORDE is ryghteous in all his wayes holy in all his workes The LORDE is nye vnto them y ● call vpon hym yea all suche as call vpon hym faythfully He fulfylleth the desyre of them that feare him he heareth theyr cry and helpeth them The LORDE preserueth all them y ● loue hym but scatterethe abroad all the vngodly My mouth shal●… speake y ● prays●… of the LORDE and let all fleshe gyue thanckes vnto his holy name for euer and euer Prayse the euerlastynge ¶ Imprynted at London in Botulph lane at the sygne of the whyte Beare by Iohn̄ Mayler for Iohn̄ Gough Anno Dn̄i 1542. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Per Septenn●…m The excellency of the Psalme whych here after shalbe expounded Dauid excelleth all musicions The fanta sies of y ● old Poetes con cernīg their musiciōs What the shakyng of the Okes toppes signifye Pro. rri Esa. viii Matth. xxi What the daun●…ynge of the beastes signify Luke i. Luke ii A christen mans ioy what it is Oz●… 〈◊〉 i. Cor. xv Heb 〈◊〉 i. Ioan. v. What the mouyng of the mountaynes signifye What the stondynge styll of the swyft floudes signyfye What the fetchyng of Soules out of hel mene Psal. xviii Ioan. xi Phil. ii Note howe many godly goodly thynges are entreated of in thys Psalme Beholde what Dauid doth Not●… The greate vertue of Dauids harpe i. Reg. xvi The excellē cy of Dauids songes Luke xxiiii Ephe. v. The Psalmody of Dauid is 〈◊〉 tresure house of the holy Scripture Agood lessō for all men of honoure Beholde followe Why thys Psalme is called Dauids Harpe Psa. xxxii Psal. cxii●… Phil. ii Ioan. viii Psal. xviii Iacob i. Sette hand to it o ye y ● be lerned ii Cor. iiii Math. ix Luke x. ●…ayth is y ● fyrst string of Dauids Harpe and y ● foundacion of y ● chri sten religiō Rom. xiiii ●…eb x●… Thre thyn ges to be no ted Antichrist turneth the rootes of trees vp ward Rom. xiiii Heb. xi Mark wel G●…n iii. Roma v. Heb. xi Iaco. ii Marc. i. Ephe. ii mat iii. xvii Marc. i. xi ii Pet. i. Ioan. iii. Rom. viii Heb. ix x. Psal. cix Rom. x. Ioan. i. Gala. iii. Rom. viii Gala. iiii Oze ii Roma v. Roma xiiii Searche the Christmas Ban●…ket in y e thyrd dysh the Pathewaye vnto Prayer in y e xvi Chap. and y e Nosegaye in the Seconde floure c. Faith brin geth forth good Wor kes Gala. v. Fayth is y e cause of all goodnes Roma x. Mark wel Behold the nature of true christen fayth Math. xi●… Luke vi Act. iiii Math. x●…vi Mar. xiiii Luke xxii Ioan. xviii Act. iiii Math. xvi Act. v. Gene. xxvi Exo. xv Deu. xi xxx Actum v. Note An admoni cion for Fayth Ia●…ob it Galla. v. Rulare Byshop or Preste Father or Mother Master or Mastres Maryed man Maryed wo man Subiecte or seruaunte A general admonicion for al estates Behold●… what 〈◊〉 true fay●… worketh●… Christ●…n ●…an Rom viii Psal. ●…iii Act. xxi Persecuciō followeth y ● confession of Gods worde i. Cor. i. Note Gene. iiii i. Ioan. iii. The good the euell can 〈◊〉 agree Note thys well Ioan. xiiii Exo. xvi and. xvii Math. v. Luke xiii iiii Esd. i. Mat. xxiii Heb. xi ii P●… xxiiii 〈◊〉 Ma●… vii Exo xii Ioan. i. i. Petre. ii ●…say liii i. Ioan. iii. ii Cor. v Math. xi Luke vii Ioan. viii x Mat. xvii Marke xv Luke ●…xii Ioan. ix Mat ix xii Marc. i. Phil. ii Mark Act. iiii v. xiii xiiii Act. xii Act. vii Ac. xvi xvii Martyrs Persecuciō maketh Gods word the chyrch of Christ to floryshe Beholde ☞ We ought to reiose in the tyme of persecution Rom. viii Act. xiiii Luke xiiii Math. x. Luke vi Ioan. xiii xv Ioan. xvi Math. v. i. Pet. iiii ii Tim. ii Persecuciō is a token of Gods loue toward vs. Phil. i. Math. x. Marc. viii Luke ix and. xii ii Tim. ii What the occasion was y t Dauid was so foretroubled The chefe poynte of a Mynstrel of a syn gynge man is to lye flatter Gala i. Math. iii. Luke iii. Math. xxiii Act. xxiii AMEN good Lorde ii Cor. xii What Dauids tra●…s signyfye i. Cor. ii Math. xii Lnke vi Iacob iii. Ioan. iii. Ioan. viii The nature of flesh Rom. iii. What we are of ou●… selues Gen. vi Note Gene. iii. Searche the Newes out of heauen Psal. ●…xv Rom. iii. ii Cor. iii Phil. ii Ioan. vi Esay ●…iii iii Iere. xxxi Ioan. xv Math. xvi Ioan. vi Cant. i. Howe euery
rytche man lyued all in plesure had al thinges according to his hartes desyre But beholde y ● ende He was cruell merciles vnpiteful to the poore Therfore whē he dyed the Scripture sayth that he was caried downe ito hel where he was tormented wyth suche greuous flames of fyre intollerable burnynges that he desyred Abraham to send downe Lazarus vnto hym that he myght dyp the typpe of hys fynger in the water coole his tonge for he was greuously tor mented in that flame But Abrahā sayd remember sonne that y u haste receaued thy pleasures in thy lyfe cōtrary wyse Lazarus receaued paynes and troubles Therfore is he nowe cōforted and thou arte tor mented As for y ● poore man his lyfe was so wretched beggerly miserable y ● no man woulde scasely wonchesafe once to cast theyr eye to looke towarde hym he was such an abiecte so vile so rēt so torne so Lazarlyke ful of greuous sores Only y e dog ges lycked his sores But beholde y e ende This poore man dyed was caried of the Aūgels into Abrahās bosome This Hystory declareth playnely howe precious the deathe of the Saynctes that is of the faythfull is in the syght of the Lord appeare theyr lyfe neuer so miserable before the deynty worldlynges Agayne howe vile detestable the death of the wicked is in Gods syght haue they spēt theyr lyfe ī neuer so much ioye pleasure felicite were they recounted before the worlde neuer so blyssed happye fortunate and brought to the ground with neuer so great pompe and solemnite And here se we that to be true whiche is written Wo be to you rytche men which haue your●… consolacion Wo be to you that are fylled for ye shall honger Wo be to you that laughe nowe for ye shall lament and wepe Wo be to you whan all menne shall prayse you for accordynge to these thynges dyd theyr fathers to the false Prophetes But blyssed are ye that honger now for ye shall be fylled Blyssed are ye y ● wepe now for ye shall laugh The deynte worldeliges receaue payne after this life but the faythful in y e Lorde which be oppressed w t miserye troubled for Gods trueth shall receaue ioye glory So that as Dauid sayth Precious in the syght of the Lorde is the death of his Sayntes Hereto agreeth the sayenge of S. Iohn̄ in his reuelacion Blyssed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde The death of Saynctes muste nedes be precious in the syght of the Lorde they which dye in the Lorde must nedes be blyssed seyng that bothe y ● glory of God is sette forth by theyr death the Saynctes them selues set in a perpetual ioye euerlastig quietnes without ony more care or trouble For after y t they haue offered vp this theyr lyfe vnto god the soules of the righteous are streight wayes in the hand of God and the payne of deth shall not towche thē In the syght of the vnwyse they ap peare to dye theyr ende is taken for very destruccion The waye of y ● righteous is iudged to be vtter destruccion but they are in reste And thogh they suffer payne before mē yet is theyr hope full of immortalite They are ponysshed but in fewe thynges neuertheles in many thin ges shall they be wel rewarded For God proueth them lyndeth them mete for himselfe yea as golde in y e fornace doth he trye them receaueth them as a burnte offerynge whan the tyme commeth they shall be looked vpon They ryghteous shall shyne as the sparkes that run thorowe the rede bushe They shall iudge the nacions and haue dominion ouer the people theyr Lord shall reygne for euer They y t putte theyr trust in him shal vnderstand the trueth suche as be faythefull wyll agre vnto hym in loue for his chosen shall haue gyftes and peace But the vngodly shall be punyshed accordyng to theyr owne imaginacions for they haue despised y e righ teous and forsaken the Lorde Moreouer the ryghteous shall stonde in great stedfastnes agaynst suche as haue dealte extremely w t them taken away theyr labours Whan they se it they shall be vexed with horrible feare shall wonder at the hastines of theyr soden helth gronyng for very distresse of mynd shall saye within them selues hauyng inward sorowe mournyng for very anguyshe of mynde These are they whome we sometyme had in derision iested vpon We fooles thought theyr lyues very madnes theyr end to be w tout honour But ●…o how they are coūted amōg the chyldren of God theyr porciō is amonge the Sayntes Therfore haue we erred frō y ● way of trueth The lyghte of ryghteousnes hathe not shyned vnto vs the sonne of vnderstondynge rose not vpon vs. we haue weryed our selues ī y e way of wickednes destrucciō Tedious wayes haue we gone but as for the waye of y e Lorde we haue not knowen it What good hath our pryde done vnto vs or what profyt hath the pompe of rytches brought vs All these thynges are passed awaye as a shadowe c. These and suche other wordes shall they that haue synned speake in hell But y e ryghteoꝰ shall lyue for euermore Theyr reward also is w t y e Lord theyr re membraunce with the hyghest Therfore shall they receaue a glori ous kyngedome and a beautyfull crowne of the Lordes hand For w t his ryght hande shall he couer thē withe his owne arme shall he de fende them c. Thus se we how dere precious in the syght of the Lorde the death of his Saynctesis S. Paule hauyng experience of this thing whē he was yet alyue sayd on this man ner I desyre to be dissolued losoned oute of this mortall bodye to be with Christ. Also kynge Dauid Wo is me that I tary ī this world so longe Therfore howe so euer the wycked worldlynges recount the death of the Sayntes whyther it chaun ceth to thē by famyn hōger swerde water fyre halter or ony otherwise vndoubtedlye it is precious in the sight of the Lord appeare it before the world of neuer so great ignomi ny reproche infamy shame and re buke Happy therfore is he that dy eth this death how so euer it chaūseth vnto hym Blyssed is y e Crosse which bryngeth this glory But let vs se how it commeth to passe that the deth of Sayntes is so precious in the syght of the Lorde It followeth ¶ The syxte verse O Lord I am thy seruāt yea thy seruaunt ī dede the son of thy handmayde thou hast broken my bon des ¶ The nynte strynge BEcause no man be he neuer so holy good and perfecte should thyncke that thorowe his owne holynes goodnes perfeccion he had deserued that his deathe shoulde be dere precious and of great valour in